Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, March 27, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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; V,
ppO.-it .,.-
ers Maga
cr's Weir
'tier's Y
it r Y..r
r 7 o u i
e-'i Jj)hc at(
A Short;i i-i i t Our Ji b
- i luting Department.
TlIK PlaTTSMOUTII Hl.HAl D prints!
everything in tli-- line of litter ir sh
printing, fn m a visiting card to a tlinr
jtlici t p isti r, u milk ticket "or Bible, in
competitoii witli any orli in N b-.skii,
Iowu or 1 1st wlurv, as rcgaids quality
or price.
Oi i-v'tv dzf and style, and the
work i tli- v ry b-st.
A I) VI K IT ivo Cuius
Uii'ii' mill stiiking in make-up
ami ill ways arl istic.
Liottkii IIkads
Tie greatest assortment of styles to
select from.
Notk IIkaiih
Ol tin; I itc-st nn .l the must artistic
Bit.t, IIkmis
Ti -suit t li mst fastidious, in s-Z'-,
length, width, quility and finish.
J In -v rv '. known to the art mid
' lit tin lowest living r;ites.
Jl i-Vi'iy SI-,'- tMIM 1 I ' 'iin wi
without till- government stamp.
WiIDI'INO CaIIIis. HaI.I. l'ltWittAMS
Unique ami artistic; an unlimited
assm timnt of designs.
Tie- p-iiding of I ri fs is made a
upeci ilt ; n 'itness and accuracy al
ways assured.
Cat i.; i i s. Pampui.kts
Pi ic lists, I gal or other blanks,
etc. etc.
of Out dpi w is organiz d in 184. and has
done a I irge and successful buimss. hiv
ing wrnt n over sj47." Ouo.00 in pr. miunis
and p tid ov. r EIGHT HUNDHLT) LOS
SES to tho p. opl" id IS'. Ii iivk.i. The
Company's success has been i-1 tn i t f I , ami
its liouoi i'ie r cord in f iir ami couitemis
d'-'aliliii willi i L -i patroiis, and prompt pay
nii'Ut lit honest loss s, has ni iilc it .ill
and l'avoi'iilly known I hronuhont the
Stite. Til- UOdK FIUK now hasn arly
LARS iu arfsets, and is tin; largest, stn-n-est
and Si ate Company in N braska.
writing more Dweilinj; and Fa: in insi
ntss th:in any other Company doinn lns
ill' ss iu tli.- Stale, and leading ALL ot her
Slate Comoanics in vdunn- of Inbimsa
written itii 1 in aiiii uut of ass s.
Our clou List.
The folio iv log list oi Ucwsp.ipcrs and !
periodicals will be clui'hcd with tlr
2'iatt-u.o .lii Wei kly t th.- pi ici
fad i'pjo.-il. i ni Ii:
II irpt-r's M ig izine .... ....
u . . kn 4 so
i l ii oi r n.'z u ....
4 0
o 10
i v
2 ::.o
- 4U
2 -r,
-2 4
' (!()
' 'Jo
. 1 To
U iriiei'.- Y"Unu F. o
New Yoik Foi um .
( 'llh n-o 1 li ! 1' )i'eM 11
N.-.v York Woi Id . .
Lincoln Call
Tob-dii Bl-nl"
Cott ,.ji- lb ril-h
Oni hi t ll public ui . .
II mi M i- iz:i"-
D'ni ''s Mi o'zhie .. : do
Tex t- Si i!.iii rs . .
All oi h- r p iln'i
2 oil
I proporii'niat' iy low
l' ,M mi r.s iielole old. till".
t:3!tn Jetcjr Tn .n wjnlt'n. j
Til. iiliov- dviee npp-als to id' per
Sons, esi-.-ci dly to those who to ail Old-
Mr-.' d appi a: iilil i s Bee.U il de .111.1 ll .iity,
hut on vviioiu lli-j ini'C'-si n is niy
made tiiat their licaltii IS uut w lial it
hhoiiid I.e. I
Mauj aiiim iils til it may bu ivlicVul
for a -holt (.eilo.!, oul) I iiaili
nr.- iisi'i-:ii.iii i.i ti.ue to u.i.t iniiii tn
h- iota, hi i Or. ii la IU" b'Vee ol liu Mis
tiss live , wi.lcn i.-lianlly - ii al Ii-.-',
d.dlv i-iilarif ! witli Hie prissuiv- of tlie
w it e s. and al Iviiiin lets in u racing j
11 o.l. I
To -u -d against or :o remove dis. ase
is t lie mi- ami most import. ml tiling to
rcnieinbi r in lieillli in su knes. !
To know Wliolll to Willi should
be, our lor. -'Host outy, 111 my do ,lut tile ,
puldieat 1 ii iie should ileiiiaiid ami re -
Ceive rood medical advice for the pres
et vatioii of liraii ll.
The Arakoff M died Co., with its
world wide icjiutatioil in necking to fol
low out the principles mill al llS of til" j
1. ni'nent Hiisso.u physii ian. Dr. Ar koiT, '
of M-iscw. and Ins c h -bra ted Uusdiin I
H'.spital tri'Mtim nt, ha-si ci.ri d tin- ser- j
vices of mi I'm -ii at and X 'i n' 'I
med ie d corps, w ho will upor ippU',itioii
give -n'vic - by h-tt- r fr. e of charge to
p rs ms sulf ring from a' form of dis--i'Se.
Writ" an 1 d seri!: your complaint j
and its -V ptoii.s. also .ive ymir full ,
nnm m 1 a l.ln-ss on a st linked envchip", i
and liv ri-timi mill ii-e-ive advice f-r '
treattn'at free of -xp use. Address :ill j
Coinm't'iieatiorw to
The Akakoff Mkkicai. (',
lio t..n. Mas.
A Lidy's erfjc; jCompinion-
Oar n-.-w bo -k by I),-..Jo!i:i II. Dye, . ne, :
of New York's most skillful physici-ms.
6hows ih it p iin is ii"t nec ssMry in child- j
Dirin, iui r-niii- imiii nu-i-- dsn! un-i!er-t
'd and oveic-uiie. Iti b-arly pro
vos th it nnv W'im iii m iv conii a in til
er with cat siiiTering any whatever.
It mI-ii tells !riw to ov rrouie and prevent ',
morningsickiu ss mid th" m my otiirevi!s I
alt n ling pr. on It is l.i ihly ni
rl.irseil Iiy phvsici -ins rvervwhere as tti i
wifs triT- priv itf romp'tnion. Cut this
out: ir will mv vmi rred pain, and po j
niblv vonlif'. S-nrl'wo rent Ptanip for
fcri ot'A'" rirrul ip. t--s imoninl"', nnd
ronfi ler.ti il 1 ittur R- n in "'ibd -nv lopf
Add' s F' M'k ThoniHSiSzO ., PnMis1 ts.
Rdti.nor.', Md. -V2 l3t
Shrrwin Willinli'S'. 'M.d II )lth AT
Millitrans' mi' ' titiiut"; the U. bt in tin;
atli, at y Q.Tiivav tfc CV snf i
His MHitary Career Mainly
Guard House Service.
T!:'(;::Y oi i;r.vxix tkaix.
rpn: n'iiT A ni'sN-cI at ?!rit:ma
U '. I.'m i-'.u ' l'..l iri l! I iif's - Tv i.ty
e;i i -. !'.; Jiunler -Tili d t. Ciii ry OH' a
'. "!iif ai. March ",M. Ill t' e 81 !
Cfuit i. : i a I ( iii 1 1 Cior!. r Kpiun
in tin. x, i c ii i tl' i cim.'iit on i Ju.' c!iit.
Ti is v:t.i (!: ri-e r i of 1'iiitu Wild
w :i I;!"im!k-i- i f lin i) F, Iv,!iili c;iv
i iiy. Jt '. t. i.i'i -.1 ove r a c i -iod ci ' s-.ix-tc
n liii-iii::-. iu; ii,'i v.ldii tin :(. hi
. t I'. j i!a;.s in :lic miid h i's had
e r. i,i;r in :. it i a h 1 six tiu.i's, impris-
ni. isl i-hro (or di. li i in :: ' of oi tiers,
.i. oilier lint for i id tin;; I, is post of
dui., ami iiiiir ot'm-r tjiiies foi i iii" ri nt
IV 11 l-:. The lecoi-'! ot l.ii eoi:li ct ion
A i. li t iie 1 it'll en I U i: !'..!! i iy t (.' 1 ; in hi s,
0. , lrom whiih )m was liii.ihv ilis-
1, !i;ir' '1 ior . )i :-i :.l cii :il i,i' . :ioVeil
ill t i.i t e p Tl'nl of i-i 'hi'i'i liioiiths
h h: e.i t o. iiie i elevi n liiiie.s in the! holla' A llilrd e.o:;l showed
I Vk il.l I . n I'l.uil n; irl;;i't il at
Ji i-on i Mine! s. ?..o. . Vihi e aw.: it in;.;
a ;'"l!it' it to in y at ti.e r. i u tin.
6'. it ell. 'll'.i' jii-.:.c :o oe;it fillnady
o'ltc.-d to liie i !ini:-si not this
! '.-.t'!M( . 1 1 v . ;.,,ii 1 .lent. Cnw-
ii r r 'h i!i d: " 1 1 i inan Wild
h.i ; ! ( i n la ; i!'. d ;dl ver ch s cm idr v as
ft it i ! r :i !i'.l lie i inn i t ;;n oliiei-i s
iiin.i i' v ly t vl ivi iiiiy. Ij-oiii ii-e hih-e.-
t i. idtai v a in r ly to the ii;inu
n.i! ill!', 'the ; ) m;. im i d on hv ne-n
! the .: -fa- n ... '. i d. h.m! d ill
; s l.nii' m I 'I'M ii I is ii in: dry. an 1
the .-Mire :;r; i.l -. i i L -d'.ll. .Sle.-i c
as a ii in r of : ; i . ; y ma fit for l':o
cirj.ii v ol ii. i" i nun oi- v.- injn.
'I ! ! ;. e i h hi !i c'i ry t liii:j; r
i ;i i ; i ! ' : ; to ',i:ds !: i.;i;:.'v in url .-iioLill
i;,. !:!,..'-! t l li-
i v a;, i 1 1 i H e i . ;. if
a''b'i' iie .'ii ti e iji t ie'i decid' d
mi i i:'; u iy to c.i i'.ii ihf ) irdi. ; ev--i:d
ii en i i r.-i o l.iiit. Steele's o:n
paii ic- ,:ia d i ; : i'-'A 'he l;t.'iis
;:: i t. oils I.i ai ii'tr : o ,i :o : t ;n 1 1 hiiiuaue
!u-i i I li e i :.-!- ! m-i'. Anoirer
li-irj' pa.:.- to i . j ; ; tv.iity wi:
IK' .-iS i-ti !i,e -:."r' e; int. tile judge a J-
(. .- !'. ( I'.ei! to ; iiiit ih'o j.eiiils urged
with'.. i:l linilitv i i :i 1 .1 -o e; sy.
Tfi.-.l t-. ... M:V:i ??:ii!r.iu-l.
Vii.'::irv. iv.-.:i.. M irs h vi. Horace
K f. i . ;: con. mi..: i: u i ruk: r of Kansas
City, ?'Io., I'fi' : ed Mime i-xeiti niein. lieiv
bv e :i .:; io larrv iiT a motor
,!! tvii-ive :rii;.i in l.-iigiii. iiinuing
i r. -.: I; i- i 1 ii - I.- . C. n U r Keei'i-r tet
: 1 I e i.: i i c . s 1 1 ' i 'ii I lo.ii to work
li;.!':' i i ii, n. ' !:. lie had got well
all t- !i ii; v.i.r'i : i' I ling d i -covet
e :. .i m in: ei i :i was prom tiy
t i . i)i l n e I . v ill i.n liie.-lme:it
.i . w: ri i i.i". :s t i he iiie owner
J i i. iie I-.!- -I'll i'.- i ipiipment
.. 1 ; I : i' 'i.i' a -o'l- : iv months
-.. . i! : . .i i:.ts 1 ,i:n to have
o : h .1 i.i : i il: ; :; lin.-er.
y H :. Ai .. Mi. vii CI. E. 1 5. Mc
( ':;; :;. c u a : or ; i' i.-.ij I.oiii i !o ;.i:d
I- - i- : ;i . i' : ! -;:n:i. was :di d an-1
s- n ti-:.! o- --.".d: i re-ar l ay zi:e-it,
.'. i.i . i-i a i e ;; ; . ; n -I Jak-.- l'.iiiie't.,
-.i;', '. io :: i-i-l ;;i: ;' ! e ;;'' i' Hi i o.i
l ! : ; .. ! ! i' i .. . ; -i :t '.!-.-. d.-i 'Ufli '.',
nil ! :; .. . ., : ! . i. . ; s at
li:.' 1-.-. :i : 1. ': '... i li.ll ' "i .1
i i ii i : : .i i i ! -n ' . 1 1 i . j i U nit'e.
1 : i." : i.le . ..'' .-! i i ill 'V. I'ne i-o i-
i ni'i i i '-. f:. ,i:.i ureast.
-.,as I..., ;,!.! io ;; i- - i-y.
M ?z:r:;1'!. Ti-en.. ,M :-,( ir Ci. Sam
II. o I. not;' ! hor.-e th e: and i forger,
i.a! o R,:t. ie.::- o..s. was hrotiiit to
iii- 1 ;-ii ; e ;(.ii. Ai'r., wle re ho
v. us ,;i t .-.ii- 1 ior . 'o . in;: : ','n. ra! lior-e.-
in .Mei!i'liii il i: w.-.- r.o cd here, and
is a ut get:.-!-: t s-.:ii ;i ! a good lam Iy.
lie was leii.iS'd irom the A rk.i usas
leni ii li iy in l ie.- nrier h;l, came
lite, vj-i ed I i-. r L-li . is. buie tliree
h' and s-kipi eii.
lav '; . w .i i.u.l fli-'.ts.
E.-ri-A:... Ma--.- ; "J 1 . J. V. Woodruff
cx-i ivn'.dent cf tin' I.i - i n 1 Fes tvo Ia
suri in -.-.' i o lipn:: y. m io hive 1 ft
tow a aral his .- -rs are ail to !, in a
very inv. le-l t i.n l'ii -n. i",:-; eo n;ii y
is l ii! e.if'eit i i .! . ;' by iV o irtl 's
i a i ions, v. i.j : (.;:.-; d in private
i-piculall'.'l! i:l : I e I
1 !!- Kra'l- iii :!.
Coi.vm: : s. O.. 2L-8ebastinn
Miih-r. i in- drin rii-iliiiMii wi i ,s t !e'-. i ii his
p; ei im iua i y x;i oiti i: ; '. b'fre tlie
inryor lo;- ;i i-i i-'i -.a! ..a.r.i e on Am -lia.
Lu .. a i ; y-. ai-' ' i : ni. w:i . li n .d ver
tn liu i'i ii.i.i' i; i- i s e.i. it 'tt .'''.):. iii oi" whli.'ii j:.- w r-.i-oia nil ted to
i'jines. !: r:"'i fs Arii'-l!':!.
V.l-'X TLA. A on , ?;a -h 21. -VT. S
liy: e and (' S.-'-r-es, f.-rm r einp'ores
of ihe Nor;: em i'.iciiie E:.:p;es otli' e at
1'i. iii i l. M.i n., were arte 'Vd here for
Iiiti ::.) .ii.i .ny of .S .t.itii i ,.b ut a
year. !. i .. : n ve -..L--n living
'are uu.ii.? .-ax mo:r in.
To:r l;i ' i- i "iie:. ' s li:t :o-iii-il.
I'llI-.Ii.Zi.i T'-is'. it'i. Vi., Maicil Vl.
Foer indict re-d.- e.g-.i-..-1 il.u i i-on Wag-n-rwero
fiu.. : b. t gr;;n i j irv at
the Mtiic id ..;! i-y c urt ia ase. Tliey
charge for.g ry io co'VictI.i i with the
paj". r-in the tiit agauist tlie Adams
ExpiCi-s ci.iop
Tut n!i Villi itr .li iinlt-i'.
Milaai ki V.'i.-.. Mi-reii 21. -Edwin
Ccopt-r. iro u -u o :h ; ; vr, o. Green
f.eid. j Ita ;e ! g.ii:y : la.iidtr in the
s-iocd c'egHi' and Avas en:ellCld to
twir.iy vi'..r-i :n the state prison. lie
ki.lcd hi.- brother IVur r.-t November.
".irs. Ilire.ii' ! liets
Wov.isroc:;. Cit . March 21. Mrs.
Birched arrive I io, was takpa befora
Judge Fin'ile an 1 a,- haled inSliOOO.
JShe le.uiue 1 to '.Niaejara.
Thf l l.u-k ( au.
New YcitK, March 21. The testimony
of lira Flack liefon - he grand jury was
read to the jury. '1 pm-ccution thop
Misissirri rrooi3.
Tlio Vatf KUlii, tlio Crerattf W"i.len
Inc, a. ml the Ilumuge la Great.
VicicsiitRO. Misa., March irl. lha
llalcirh an 1 OlTut crevassi-a are making
had v. oi U the lailKiads. The Mis-M.-.S
' ji Vallev railroad in under water
i t Lowmout, and the tiack is being
Kaked ilovn and wired to trees to pre
vent it heii'g washed nwRy. TlidSlireve
j ort i!i i-ion of t he Que 'ii & Crescent
route is in ah ut the name condiiion.
I he water is rii-in bcvcii niched a day.
The ci evas.-e.i are widening. No loas of
iie i; r. p it ted. The dan age to the
i-oi idrv. however, is great. 1 he Nita
ere v.i to is now 431) fert wide and the
wni r h;is t-piead over plantations for a
tiita ice of tweiitv-five mi'es.
It.-lul IZslter'it Trial.
Ri ADrco. March 21. Iu the trid of
i ii-hop lishor of Chic igo the niomin;
as occupied in reading the correspond
nee Lelw en the lishop and the iuvesti
:di;,g c oimnitiee. Thu Lidiop having
ei n iuxiied hy too conii'iitiea to comr-
lie niing a;id i e exiiininc-d, -urtly r.
isse.l. ,s.i n;: "Of tue a i kuianes9 .
.ie i h.ues. I will sjjeak in my owi
nre. ll Cod sparry my life, that tinn
id come." Later the bishop wrole
In t I he i orrcsponih'iice must i taa-, a
e l:a I air ady Ih-imi ex-unined and ex
m r li i m accord mi e with church dis
ijiliiie. lie returned tho copy of tin
ii li'i;es a i 1 relumed to submit to H KOC- ei-.minaiioii.
C'uiiKrt'ssiiiiiii (ilnver Surtl.
St. LjLIS March 2). John F. Shep
ey, a lininistrator of th p:irtuer.ihip es-
atc or lh late S. T. Movers Tid John Ii.
!u'i '; y. cominencetl a suit against ex-
i ' i ie sn i'ii John M. tiiover, tlie for
er in.ln iais'.r.iti r, and J. B. Johnson,
ihnnasl'. Uaydeu and F. A. (ilover,
i-i in.!: !s::w n, to ri cover i'Gti.UMO, which,
t i-. ;. ! eed. Mr. (dover has rolV ted
mi,! h e- l.iiiid to pay oe' Clovt-r was
iiiox e l as exe.- ii'i r of the os-'ale by the
. oi ii .'cou t, anl the plaintilf appoint
d in his siead.
IllUit 1 1 of; I ll If Vl'H.
i!.Lr )vV.N. Ia., JI irch 21. It
..i A
as though thf organised baud oi
e. who have infected this
;, would b' broken up. William
;!. who was recently arrested, has
co fi--;ion implicating Wash
. r. ihi owner ;'M acres of land and
eet oi this city, and number of
Ohm f Ivn i-er'ti confederates
l;::;n'd the cou try and the others
; -ii t'lae d under bonds so appear
Til.'d l T.
'I hi" lierin.-t.i i riuL.
i,! r vi,n, N. Y., March CI. In the
ii riimn elevator trial a motion to dis
i the romfdaint against Sherman was
.it il and tho begun. Em-
! he eleviitors were c:
lied ami
-i i-i. a i the manner of doing bnsine s.
!-.::t ! V. Loveri ige, assistant man
r o: th- Asociated elevatoia, was
i e 1 and testified to the legitimacy of
e c'.er.i ions therein.
Mr.liilin'x :-.
N.K'.v Yim::, Mar.-li 21. Jack McAul
;;1e the champion lieht-weight pugilist.
rh'vnph-s from San Eraiu-isoo that, win
. r ios: Carroll, he will
i':;ht Fdiy 3'yrr lor any sum, from
no to .- lO.O 'O a :-ide. the l'olice Ga-
!:e c iampiou i e.t and the champion--i
ip oi tiie wor d. but not for any less
s-.i i. .Vi-Au iHe says he is iu good cou-
:ii. and expeits to win.
i 1 it-ke t Ii llles.
! it:i.Aiii:r.i!T,, .March 2 . The local
i rii .tiers adopted the new rules pro
:-i -.! i y the Jierion Critki t cluba.
i i e e nib's radieaFy change die manner
I p!:;yi:i'.:. the iiii-st imp riant change
. "!-: that ih- new ru es provide that a
:ao: l.a i e.o .-.i t of six turns at th'i bat
f i-iii it . e.ich turn" io end ut the
.ii lt toe . liird wicket.
.A t'rii?c- nii-ies.
Si. cub, Minn., Mari.-h 21 Peter
i i; r-.-iu. printer f- r tiie Ye.f Fub isli
i;:: company, janiped I'loin the Ho!ert
-u' "i i ri ! o. lifry f .-i't. i' totiie r.!issis.-ip-i-i
r. . iii brains were dsdi .1 out
. g in-! a piT and he was dead when
: i-.-ard up He had suffereJ front an at
lii' i-. o: r'-ver, which leit him in a state
jl di-ni. nti.i.
. IJilt Fir' ill dati;,!.-ivillp.
J u : soNVii.Lr., Fla , March 21. Two
biock of buildings and th Elgin hou-e
.n Ii . i ilia, a sul.uro of this city, wre
destroyed by ii e. Loss, slo.Ooi). Tiie
i iiriu-.i t u.hdngs inclu Ie iaenthal's im
ineiinestoio and warehiiuse, J. E. Row
den's luiiii.-.h bath etalii.slinleut and
:-ight cott iges, besides the notel.
Di-Ktli iii Alai'liimTV.
Franklin", Pa., March 2:. Joseph J.
it ck. a weil known oil man, Avas in
tautly kide.l at Iieno while assisting to
Jraw the tools irom one of his driliing
-veils. IF slippi'il and fell and was
.scght lie. ween the bull wheel and the
l.ior. His n"ck was broken and head
ind breast ciushed in.
Its I ayii Are Xumbfrcil.
Nnw Yor.K, March 21. The special
o:;:mitte of tiie Spanish-American
Ci i; rot nial union, cliarged with the
thiiy of solving the iue-tiou of AAdiether
1 1 e ii'-iou slioul i lie uissolved, met and
.1. ei led that the organization be limited
to May 1.
IiuUruiapiiUu Not I i It,
New Yi-r-v, .'vLirch 21. A special dia
,.ii! ii liom Indianapolis says: "It is re
ported and liclievcd hero ihat the Indian
e. pi 'lis L'.a -e bad franchise and players
have I eel; sold to eAV "1 ork for .z'i7,'X)0.
ihi-i .s semi-odiiiai a:.d not denied.-'
1 i.l liiit aiii.
IIurcLEV, Wis., March 21. Smoke is
slid jxur ng from No. 2 shaft at Ger
m ibia mine. ?ho.v;ng it to bu on tiie be
low. M makers liope the flames wdl not
enter rooms and drifts, but will smother
out ia alia f is.
T re well ,o IImi 1?h Emory Smith.
Pn:LHii..PtH v, March 21. A fare
well dinner waa given by the Clover
club to its fellow member, Hon. Charles
Emory Smith, rixeiitly appointed
mixiL-ur to P usia.
A iVVII Known .Miuitn-I Pie.
B- 'STOX, March 21. Ben Collins, the
well known nzi lotrel. dig i in this city
of i neumaaia. aged '60 years.
John G. C i kreil of Lincoln county.
New MoxiiM, a son of Senator CVKikreli
oi Ji: -.?,. . .ri. is Mulei U froiu divm-n-ti.
aid ha i.e.J takoa uaat hJr txja
I '
His Pet Educational Bill De
feated in the Senate.
Mudil Placed In Mr. Com ptoo'a Seat Ite
clproolty with Canaila Uutterworth'
M-H.ur; tor Kupiirmiilng "Future"
Mi lilulrj'a TarllT Hill.
AVakhiniiton, March 21. In the ten
ate, after Mr. Cock i ell presented the
1 rotest ol the Fork Packers' association of
fit. Louis against the bill for the inspec
tion of meats, which vas referred, the
educational bill was taken up. Alter
brief leinarks by Mr. Bate, Senator Blair
lose to close the debate. He said that
he looked ujon the education cf the col
red people as the solution of the race
question But the white people consti
tuted the g-eat mass of tlu nat on; and
hi their condiiion depended the future
if the United States, and on the iuture
oi the United fc-tat s the future of the
I he senate then proceeded to vote on
the bid, and arniid nent . I '' first
vote was on three ai:. ii- t u... . . .,
by Mr. Jlinxly of S .uth Dakota to tiie
eifect that the illiterates among Indians
hall be included in the calculations.
Senator Flair said that there was no
onjection o the amendments.
Air. Moody s amendments were
agreed to.
the senate then proceeded to vote on
(he third reading and engrossment of
the lull lien the vote was concluded
and it was known that it bad resulted
against the Lid, Senator Blair changed
ins vote from yea to nay. so as to make
a motion to reconsider. The result w s
then announced us yeas 31, nays o7, as
I 111 WCrt.
.'ie Alll.un,
I -. i annuls.
.in. h. II.
1 euer,
ui liiitt.
I'UJU- lit.
Mamlei son.
Mm riil,
hli.-v. art.
Ktoi ki.ridye.
A'i ijsim (Iowa) iiirtxiur,
Joai'ii (.ev.)
Vv'oiee! t,
lilHikbui n.
Kt ana,
Aldri: h.
lax. 11,
in. a Is,
isi'Ol. HIT,
i.'o r; il,
; JorTiiaa.
!oiie-i (Alk.)
I no,
ii.-on (Md.)
'I'm iiiu,
1 he following pairs were announced:
Mes-rs. Vance, Butler, Paddock, Casey,
(iii son. Brown and (.all, who were for
the bill, with Monrs. (ti;ay, McPherson.
Eu.-tis, ltansom. S a-sliburn. Feck and
Cameron, w ho were opposed to it. Mr.
Blair ctered a motion to reconsider the
v le, and then on motion of Mr. Ya
mu nds the senate proceeded to consider
executive bu.-iness. and soon after, . t
4:f) p. m. , uujourued.
The senate bill was passed (with a-j
amenduient etrikii g out ihe appropria
tion clause) for a public building at Bur
lington, Ia., ai a bin it of cost of &duo,
10 i. On motion of Mr Maish (Pcnnsyl
vani ii a I ill a. as ptiM.ctl lor a public
building at ii-ik. 1 a., at a limit of cost
Of Sv'.OOf).
'Use hous3 then resumexl consideration
of the Mudd Compton election case, and
was addressed by Mr. Compton. the sit
i ng, in his own i-ehalf. After
reviewing the tesiimony in the case, he
said, in conc!ii-:io:i: "I only want io
say tiiat 1 t-uppiise the guiilotiu is ready
and t he ax biia: i cned. If this is so. the
vu lim is ready, and while he f ills with
the la t bre dh of earnest prote-t on his
iis. v. id lad without a jui-er. I am
made. I hope to God. cf that kind of
stair that does not know how to
(.'r ink th rrc-fjnuQt hinges of tlie knee
'l liiit tinifi miy I'i'lio v faivaing.
At t .e close of the debate Mr. Moore
of Fexas. on behalf of the minority of
the comuiittte on elections, oltered a
res ih. I ion de laimg Compton entitled to
tiie seat. 'I TiL wao Jt!feaioi o.i.i, 14o;
nay.s, I .j-7.
ihe majority resoludon deel irina:
Mudd emitted to seat was adopted
yeas, la;); n;iys, lio.
31 r. Mudd then appeared and to k the
oath of dice; amid much applause from
tiie galleries.
Mr. Morrow of Cai fornix moved that
the hou e go into committee of the
whole for the further consideration of
theea -ion appropriation bill, pe.i ling
which Hooker of -Mississippi moved an
adjournment. Lost -yeas." 12; nays,
iod. Mr. 3iorrow'd motion was then
agreed to yea 16S; nays, 59. Tne
committee immediately rose and the
housa at 5:lo adjourned.
Making "rulurcs" Unlawful.
W.ASKlMiTox, March 2 L Mr. Butter
worth made an argument before the ag
ricultural committee iu favor of his bill
to make it unl iwful to deal in "futures '
on agricultural products. At the con
clusion of his rgu nent Le said he had
some amendments to suggo t to the bill
and iisked that tiie committer postpone
action until h couhi formulate them,
it is understood t ; t as boou as these
amendments aie con idcred the commit
tee vill take f .vorablo action on the bill.
Want Hank t'ha rter.
VrTA?niNGTON, March 21. The follow
ing replications for authority to organ
ize national banks haA-e been filed with
the comptroller of tiie currency: The
First National bank or Pierce, at Pieice,
Neb., by G. V. Wattles cf Carroll, la.,
and his associates; the First National
bank of Tekamah, at Tekaniab, Neb., by
J. 1". Lata of Tekamah, Neb., and his
TunneliiiR l-troIt River.
YAMiiNiiio-, March 21. The senate
committee on commerce considered fa
vorable reports to be raade upon a num
ber of measures, inv Fading the house
joint resolution directing tiie secretary
of war to appoint a board of engineer
officers to invej.igate and report upon
tlie expeuieucy of tunneling Detroit
IloinI Purchase.
Washington. March 21. Tha ireasurv
dzjurtrnont purchusvi ?1W,.0') i'j per'c,,sof incorporation with secretary of
cunt, bonds at 51.03V, aad VUHiJW i per
(Teat Uvrii aSUW.
The K. of P. Social.
Tlll'B DAY.
The progressive hiyh fiv party at th
K. of P. ball Inst evening wn tin- Bocin
event of the sonsnn. The incmbers ui
the' K. P. lodge li2re concluded it woub
be a ph astir. t innovation to turn th
third lodge night ol the month into i
"social" Avh'Tu the iin mln rH miyht b. ini
thiir wives or last girls, become Im It i
acquainted and spend an enjoyable even
ing. Last n:ght was their find tntcitnii
mmt and to all priMiit about forty
couples, nolhing but Avoids of hitthi-s'
coinniendutioii were heard. Mmiy of tl i
lust people o' tin- fit j avi re n unt mu
aver that a more fociid, good tint
they had never experienced . The f rd
tables for those who cured to play w i
arranged, fifteen in number, along tl.
center of the pari us hall, av icn th
gime of progressive high five wa
played in the us' al manner until about
leven o'clock. The priz a w. re tln i
awarded; A. N. Sullivan and Fnd Cur
ruth wi r- ti d for the booby prize for
gentlemen having lost twelve games
out of fifteen, on cutting the cards Mr
Sullivan nun the prize which whs h
niinal ure set of cards. The ladies booby
prize Avas won by Miss Georgia Olivir
w"M n lit-" urorr ; 't consisted of n vi r'
handsome ihck of cauls iu a plusii case.
The ladies king priz, a handpom c
perfume case was won by Mrs. Houpc
worth and Miss WoodroAv, in decidiny
the tie Mis wood row wss the winner.
The gentlemei s king priz, a deck ol
cards in a line case, Avas won by O. A
Brown, who had the record s th
ladies, haA'ing won tAvelve gami-s out ol
After the distribution of the prizi H
the tables were cleared and a most de
lightful lunch was served.
Chas. Spencer, H. N. Dovey, Dr. Cook.
Dr. Iluniphrey, Will Streighi., Van Hmk
Jii8per do ners, M. Giiffith, F. A. Murphy,
and Elmer Cole fairly outdid tlicms lyi (
in caring for and entertaining thf crowd
which they did in a most hospitable
Not until nearly one o' h ck did tin
crowd begin to disperse in most excel
lent humor; wishing the K. P. folks sue
cess in their future entertainments.
At the family residence in Cedai
Creek, at 10 o'clock today, John
Inledder of old age.
Grandpa Inhtlder, as he was generally
known, was a mogt estimable iiizen and
will he greatly missed. He avs born ii.
Switzerland in ISO". The funerd scr-
vici s will take place tomorrow from Ids
formi r home in Cedar Creek, at 2:.'0 p.
m. Th-remains will be intern d in tin
Wolrailt cemetery.
A very pleasant wedding took place
hist eveuing at the Christian church, tin
contracting parties, being Mr. Sol. Kig
Ctns a popular young man of this city
and Miss Mattie Rounds, one of Platts
niouMi's faircst belles.
The church was well filled with friends
of the happy couple. Miss Blanch-
TraA-er played the wedding march as the
bride, leaning upon the arm of Mrs. L.
Ilolton, and the groom, accoinp nied by
Mr. L-ster Ilidton, entered tie church;
they passed down the separate msb s
until thy reached the altar where Elder
Reid was standing, when in the UMial
impresf-iA-e form of the church they AVere
unite'! in marriage.
After the cerem ny. Mr. and Mrs.
Rigidns repaired to the home already
fitted out for them 'it the corner of S v-
cnth and Granit, wher.- they were joined
by several friendi, who rememheri d them
with m:ny presents of value and utility
The Herald extends congratulations
and best Avishes.
The following licenses Avere granted
yesterday and "one dont publish."
SulliA"anG. Riggins age2S o Mattie D.
Rounds ag19. Charles H. Crew, age 30
toRossetta ilullen age 22.
James S. Mathews rec-iiA'ed a letter this
morning addressing him as "ettorney at
law." He probably meant eternally at
Frank Bates, the "Norvin Green" of
the telegraph company, went out with
his gun this miming for a car 1 aad of
geese .
"W. B. Shryock has been down with
la grippe and neuralgia, but Avas able to
shake bauds with his Plattsmouth frit-Dds
''Uncle "Fred Gorder expects to be a
member of the nextcitv council from the
first ward; look out for him, he wi l lead
the processioD.
Old probalrlities s:vs foiay, indica
tions for Nebrnskn: Light rains; wester
ly winds; warmer Thursday morning;
colder Fndy morning.
The flyer west this morning in charge
of conductor Frank Hall, was a heavy
tram with coaches full to running over.
The spriuir rxodus for the west ha
evidently brun.
The Om iha & Council Bluffs Rpilway
and Bridge company filed a opuded arti-
State yeserday. increisi-g capitul
Mr Ivnott, the former editor of i
1 1 Kit t.i in unable to decide whj
"houhl have half pay for county wc
while the Elinwond Echo Hnd the Wet
ing Water Republican get the f
O. II. Balloii, In order to krep ahr
of i he processi n, went to St. Louis tl
morning where he is negotiating wi
parties to statt an Important industry
this city. May success utitind 1
R. R. Love, a forme- resident
Platts'iioiith, having been braking on
pissengiT train for conductor Btrron, h
le en promoted and will hereafter ri
'rieght train No ;M und SI on tl
Schuyler branch.
W. H. Ilaruris. of Miryville, Kansi.
agent of the M.P. at Lmisville, - is
th- city today. Mr. Harg:a informed t
of the recent lo-n of his wife, a most c.v
elleiit lady, greatly beloved by all ait
cpiaintanc b at Louisville.
General Manager Stone, of the "Q.j
with General Manager Holdrege, of tl
R fc M.. in company with other oflirial
started out yesterday in .Mr. 8:ne
private car on a tour of inspection. Tlir:
train is in charge of Conductor Berry.
H 'Irr ihv, the genial grocer frci
the third, ia being highly spoken of f.
Mayor. Mike would be more popula
as his energy is unbounded; but the boy
way he gets eve-y'liing iu sight for th
'bird ward. Asa third warder he's i
blooming success. f
The Kearney & Denver railroad coni
pany were incorporated yesterday. Th ;
object is to construct a line between th
tw places mentioned The incornora.
tors an- Syl vi sti r, S. St John, Willis
Hand, E. M. Judd, II G. Wiley,.!. E
Mider. N A. Baker and V. J. Scott. ;
The fire hoys are leaving nothing no
lone that ill tend toward the succesa o
the coming: tournament. IJ -tter organi
zation and more cctive work is btiii
performed than was done to make tho re
union a success , which means that th
tournament will be a great card fo
P attsmouth ia 1800.
Mr. Lindon got fourteen ducks tint
one goose Tuesday, Ahile Alf Whiti
who is usually a crack hhot, (so the boy
sav) couldn't shoe t a lame duck sixt'
paces away, and in company with J. P
Antill, returned from the field v ithou
nny game. Lindon must divide wit!
the hoys or
he will bo considered i
PK' SONAl,. d
Dr. Bundle, Murray's physician, is ii
the (iiy today.
Dr Cook is a widower just now whih
his wife visits relatives in .Burlington.
C. D. Jones, after spending a day h
the ci'y, left for Atlantic, Iowa, thi
L. P. Sine, of the Weeping Watc
R -publican made the Hkhald a pleafean
call today.
J. M. Patterson, ir.. mid wife, go tc
Cedar Cn ek tonight to A'isit with F. A
Murphy and family. '
R. J. Minford, a prominent farmer ir
Mt. Pleasant precinct, made tho IlKRALl
a pleasant call today.
Col. J. N. Drake, the rotund ministe
rial looking editor of the Louisville Ad -veitiser,
is in tlie city.
C. A. Manker. J. P Ellis, Lute Boedi
ker, Chus. II issinueier and Dr. Robinson
ire here from L Tiuville today.
II. C. McMaken, w-nt to South Omaha
lii- morning to s-e G ne May field w ho is
r--ported to be dngeroii6ly ill.
Miss Anna Amison, a firmer resident
of Plattsmouth but now residing ic
Grand Island is here visiting relatives.
Ol. Butts and wife, old time Platts
nioutldans, are visiting relatives in the
city. "Ol. made a flying trip to Omaha''
H. C. N 'tt, jr , of the B. & M. en
gineering department, has been appointed
trainmaster on the Wyoming diyision.
west of Alliance.
Mr. and 3Irs. W. II. Hoye, and Mr.
Lester Ilolton, of Omaha are in the cityy
having been in attendance at theRiggin-
Rounds wedding last evening.
Night Yard master M. J. Shitta jJ.a!
ing oif, and the boys say Fie is going tc
be married. Charley Johnson is in charge
during the absence of Mr. Shotts.
On a recent "visit to Iowa, Mr. K. Btl
ton, of Luray, Co., Kansas, called at the
laboratoiy of Chamberlain & Co., D6
Moiii's, to show them his six year old
boy. w hose life had been saA'ed by Cham
berlain s Cough Remedy; it haying cured
him of a very severe attack of croup.
Mr. Dalton is certain that it 6aved hia
boy's life and is enthusiastic in his praFe
of the Remedy. He says it lias an ecrl
lent reputation in his vicinity; that farm
ers come fifteen miles to his store for it
and that many of them, like himself, are
never without it in their homes. For
salo by F. G. Fiicke & Co.
If you suffer pricking pains on raoying
the eyes, or cannot bear bright light, and
find your sight weak and failing, yot
thould pr mptly us Dr. J. H. Mr
Stct-Djbt1.11 Dye S4vc, 2o r '
lino i
! 1. !- fc
be a 'Ti
.... lit