V WEEKLY HERALD ; PIATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, MARCH 27, 1800. 1U IV )diCH tsmouth VVt ppostte cacln .. r's MiiUHiin' I " ...II- .tr'i liiizr.' V , York Fc I "rtfio I liter, st ' York ' Mi I C tf .r..mV Pi J-.lic at b' I. i est oi , HUR L3. yi P Cat IE I, M.Jil NOBIS! lAW' 'f it " ti''"- ii. ini'ii ' - II .1 I ' .1 I'!' t :l l l I . f rr . I . - I v '.h I .' n 1 ; fi Ii .. i iimiim! l''tit I u h i'i : r , : 1 . v .: il i - . ' !n' i n . -1 . I " 1 1 . 111.! it.- t I .. ; ! : ' i l i . i ci''- l-lt-iiii.' t''i-.'.i : i'i .i: im:'.i. , I liu A i ti . :.!.n v iiii-.m -. I'll rK ii iht.xi rnvvDr.lt o. KXVTY"Hk I" 'iCA'io ST. I. -fid. High School Notes. Fttll) AY. Tin 9 is ;iiy titty ami u is a plciisiii'. sight to view the ladies, with MniltB on their fu. e!, ctnue to the fiout ami riis-j) tli ir orders, n hich hnye been well Mint doubly eurned. Tomorrow morning will tind a di tion of teacln rs ready to board the train for til's metropolis, for yesterday we ot our cash. What was the matter with the janitor Wednesday? School wa3 not dismissed until it wa3 almost a half hour late. Tne next time ht goes to sleep, we suggest he leave a substitute; us teachers are tir il of such tricks. We intend to give a synopsis of the several rooms, and this week will give a report of rooms 2 and 3. Itoom 2. is presided over by Miss .Maggie Berry, who has made a record for herself that she need not be ashamed, of. She has fort pupils enrolled with an average attend ance of thirty-five; she has a bright school, but for some reason their pictures, as a group, were slow sale. Miss Gertie Iverney has charge of room 3 which, by the way, is the primary room. She is entitled to the banner u. the best primary teaciier in the city and it is indeed a mo lei room, enrollment forty-three; average httendance the past "vnionth twenty-nine. "Masses Ethel and Bi-ssie Hummel hav returned from their visit and have oc cupied their respective rooms the past week. And, oh say! the principal of the high school is gathering a collection of ink bottles; probably he is about to establish a curiosity shop. Why not? Ilev. Buckner was a pleasant caller or. Wednesday. Come again, we teacher desire parents and citizens to visit us. One of the greatest drawbacks to oui schools is the non-assistance and co operation of parents. In my txpciience as a teacher, I never saw a place wher. there wa9 as little encouragement given a teacher from parents, as there is in this city. You go out mi the t-treet ai d h ai a party tiii.tiiijj fault with something that has b en ilout ; ni-k him tor his au thority, nd he will invariably saj '"Why, .loi imy Oi 'lorn m Sut-ie e-aid hu and s-t." tie t 'k s Hi-.- pupils wind loi it nil-1 ll li-ty LIU 1 1 ill S iUt of one tlllll-drt-i tie m-V-.'i vv.is ill the Scho 1 :u his MtL- III 111- s-t IlisUllit't S vlul! tall it t.iu -i i, it is "y in in wiio ut-yer nu-i a I J. i. l th !-(llitt 1, has IloUe to t,o and if iie :i .s it i- .-jur iity tound iu tli j rini gr i.le.--. Uid p-opU- are oftm luistttiM. n. c hihlrcii much mole so. ThtL whv itim't you Virjit ami ascertain loi ymiisi-. vest, bei ore saying auiht agaii;t.i the eclioo! and its in m ag nient. Come itt'tfii anil rnC'U-age our teach' rs ami yuU will be su -p:is'd at tlin resu't. Claka. Wilson. A IKD'V. The mandate "ktep ff the grass" has gtm- forth again this spring, much to the annoy tnce of the small boy, w ho wishes to "cut across" th lawn and go in a i:ne which will be the shortest distance b tween two p. ints. Our lawn wil be one of the hamlsomi st in thecity, this sprii.g. The Ilev. Buckn r was a wi le me vise tor at the High School Building ti is week. A visitor is too ijreat a r arity in our schools; the interest of the individual pupil would be greater and resulting from this, the government for the teacher would be easier, if the parents would visit the schools. The smiles on the faces of t!;e teachers, today, tell us that pay-day has air ved again. Mr. D. K. Barr has almost deserted us this week. His mteret was divi led be tween the school an the court-room. Mi-ia Olive Oass will spend Sunday with fri nd" in GIenoi. Mr. Latham, the accoiumoditin" ticket gent, has sold this week 195 tickets to Omaha and there has been less travel on tie rcrad than usual. RAMBLER, Col. Connor u Winner. Col. Connor li ts.it ia-t donned his war paint and announcis th.it ii's lightning rod inert eland his i h-ci ric win s stretched from the Connor heights to the city hull. The Colonel tills the f , tinder the li:it, th.it w must ri"t have t'o many Iri-h on tin- ti I: i t, tlmt if "the Dutch take II I) iinl" hi that way tin- gentians will kiik; In iu , I)ild McKntcc n iif-t m.Iii r;i his I ( i in. It v mt do, iu tin Col., for me i litl Will dishing ( 'lill'i .Jim (iiMic, Fit.patrick '! L- t. . . t'.ill -.i. John Ti. alltii-cltv -u l county oiliii '.i- to hold ; we must put a iM M'i n on tin- tick' t t hold Cois. Km- l b i, lii fiio r. !; iili r, I.i nholT a, id Co 1. 1 1 t ti ' 1 1 1 vi ii. Til '..! ii I i i !,i;li i"!l ; in politics and w h ii It' I) i tli 1 t he buys ll k - i.'n 'h tli ( i'ii t.n Aiiuut il 'j-ar-'lilnl th- Siiris' It'll" of a away im '. iit s l i r. I. Tli - ('-t'oiiel willcarrv ivv-iy th i t'li'ii'ati, n in tin- tl-inoci .it ir i il ti'ii vi nt ion niti v i will wiigi r a la.-t years copy of the Irish World on him. A vry pleasant party of ladies ant !-iitli-iiicn were in iittt-ndince on tl 'Cranberry Bog" at the h.tir.e of Mr and Mrs. S. A. Davison Pearl St. last evening. The eiitcriainni' nt was jnittin u, in the iiiten st of the Milhodist Snn d y school library; over ti n dollar being the in t result of the evenings income. I In" programme Consi-tnl in a piano duet', by the Misses Ethel and Bcfh Rummel, a vocal solo by Mr- Frank Dix on A very in eiesting original stony written by Mr . B. Spurlock entitle! 4 the cranberry bog," w s gractfullv read by Miss B ssie Gi igt r; and a vocal -olo by Miss Lou Miller furnished a pro gramme that was exceedingly well ren dered by each participant. Guesses wer tln n made as to the number of cranberries in a glass jar, which proved to contain 277 berries Mns Funny Kichey madi the nearest yuess 275, and received handsome paper weight. Miss Lou Mill er was tlin farthest away cuessing 1,000; she received the booby prizt" in theshapr of a cute pair of paper owls as an evi dence of the wisdom of her guess. Supper having been announced even body M-paired to the capacious dining rooms down stairs and partook of n splendid rtpast. The party broke up a I a late hi nr with good words for tin- kind hostess Mrs. Davis and l er attentive nsiistants; Miss Br.ioks, Miss Maggie Ber ry, Mrs. Loverin, Miss Ell 1 Kennedy, and Mis-. Lou Kichey. B -nuett an I Tutt h h'j a ant new sign according to John Leach. The old Missouri with the assistanc" of the Tiatt. is c uning up iig iin. Tiie grand banquet at the Hotel Riley comes off Thursday evening c-f next week. The district court adjourned oyci Friday evening until Monday at 10 o'clock. The first movr for the west came in this morning with a four horse train. b.iund for Gosper county. Tli" t"L"prap'i in -ss-ngMS w"re having a pic nic this morning cleaning up th bit'erii s of tiie olnc. Jess D lison is Celebrating in a beColli ing maiiiiir tod iy. the recent arrival ot ten pound yirl at his hi'tisv. A dance at G ol Wilev'.- in Biiiinj iwii lust nilit was lirrlv ntt-mled ' tn imiiij liliioils it the town. !l -n ry W k!ia- h is fureiiiur the - n w t!i a tin - lot or n v.- ra-iisli-s. on'oi.-' cu I lib I li ttUCi ii -::rs. V. I'iie Majfi-wc!-, a ?!::, ii l!i'Ui!o:r C-' N"'4!, witli S' in-- N Yoi k Centiai o.iii-ials aboard w. nt west t'lis 1 1 n r : ; 1 1 oj Xo. 1. Busbies is still rushing on the Bur- lintou. Eiiiii!' N". 40 made tliret round trijw to Luc-ihi Wednesday in tA'enty tour hours. E E Hilton received a te'egram this ru rnin announcing tin; serious illness f his 11 other at htr li 'im: in Defiance Ohio. He will leave lor that point on this attei noon tiain. A big hearted farmer in South Caro lina has sent the postmaster a circular adyeitisimr his corn hi h yields as Idh as 250 I'Usli'.'Ls to the acre As he only asks $20 a bushel tor the .-etd our fa ineis will doubties pli.t viry largt ly of the new variety. J. M Patterson, John Unruh and Win. Hayes were the only members of the school board pres- nt 1 1st night, conse quently for want i f a (pioruiu the board j adiourned. The te-;c! were Colli pelled to discount tht ir Oiders at the banks to get their cimi-y. S.nna of them say the trouble is v.'.lii th-; 1 oar I that had neglected to .ii 'ir,; iate the Leces sary funds. Euckte.Vs Arnica -"aivo-The Best Salve in tin; world for Cuts Bruises, Sores. Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptio s, and posi- tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It J . 1 . r . is guaranteed to give satisfaction, or money refunded. Pi ice 25 c i ts per box. Fct ale by T. G. Fricke & Co. THE HOME MAGAZIME 11 5-iwlL L'r. (CEN'L) JOHN A. L0GA1T, The I-Mitor, w II contrihut! In atMitioi to 01itor i.il inaii.r, s'ii'tolit-ii. rcininiwiencct-, ner-ouai re cuili eilnin of public men eud women, etc. WILT. CARLETOH Will cc .Mtribu't jwin9, which will be handsomely iJh'.tralfl (Seel) cenibtT number, i KAr.GARST SIDNEY !.! coutrlbutchho-t torlt aa.l sketcacs. JOSIAU ALLEN'3 WIFE Will coiitrilnilf stt ric". ( A tiripht. frrth utory frf-m lier pn ' Lillle Tuui Moouey" iu lA;ceiub.-r miiiiiM-r. ) E5TTLY HUKTINGTON MILLER Will e-.iiuuet a l-iepartrm-nt ou Home Topics. JATIES WHITC0M3 KTLEY WW entertain the readers wllh charming dialect puims. EIARY LOWE DICKINSON. SecrftHry of King's Dauijh'ers, will talk of that S ciety. Uesi Jes many other well known writers. Only I ifty CentM a Year. 'lu; Home 31:gaziink will pay all PFRS'NAT.. Mrs. Will II. Cushing is seeing rela tivi s in Omaha today. Harry Booth, of Manslield, Ohio, is in thecity visiting friends. Miss Beita Hyers returned to In r Itay inond school tliis morning. Master King Wise went to Omaha this morning, to visit his father. Miss M iry Mattouth and Mis9 Anna B.iuineister went to Omaha today. Peter Ezeland, one of the solid farmers from western Cass, is in the city today. Mrs Jno. Leach and daughter Stella, were passengers for Omaha this morning. Mine Host Viinaranam of the the Hotel Riley is an Omaha pilgrim today. W. D. Jones was called to Cedar Creek today to care for a valuable horse of Chris. Gauers. I. S. P. Weeks, chief engineer of the B. & M., is in the city today looking over the shops. R. B. Windham accompanied by his Fa her, Mother and brother came in this morning from the east. Miss Ethel Dovey and Grandpa Daw son went up to Lincoln today to sec friends in the capital city. Gen. Geo. S Smith, of Omaha, was in the city last night in consultation with Mr. John Bauer, of Louisville. O. M. Totrence, Joe McKinnon and E. L. Parish, jurors, returned home this morning to remain over unduv. Mrs. R. R Liyingston, jr., went to Hemmingsford this morning; she will also visi New Castle during her absence. Mrs. Campbell, mother of D A. Camp bell, r. turned to her Omaha home this tnorn':ng, after a pleasant visit with relatives and friends here. County Commissioner Todd is making ne of his periodical visits to Denver. I 'he boys wonder if he is going purely for nis health. Horace Ilelfrich spent Sunday in Au urn He says Lis lather will llli-Ve his i-iiiiily to PI tttsmoutii tb last of thi iiionth. -Aubuiu Post. Fltl !AV. ' fdier Scott 1- bin ding a nic n at C i.!-i;e 11 if .Ue.H ..-!! s Ii Slil' iu'e. W . D. J-'i'iS sol. I l, s Ii::- Sp::irs J 1 .S- 0 to C C .1.. ;vav. c.ii 1: : i'ls. '. E W s i.tt's two ii.-v hoii-'-P mil hill. 11 ar "tie r.-siit- i;C'.- o! i5 in iti!s are -:in ut com: I ua. . . . 1 Cliol y P tersun if putting up a in ' mall st'Te room on fourth strc t, oppo site Waterman S illnioer othco. II nry Kiikham's m-w brick r. siileiu e in the luUith ward begins to loom up haiiilsonit l from a Main street view of it. Contractor John R ibbins .is getting his wiik well under way at the four coitiges he is erecting for Timothy Clark ou Sixth street. Major MeCourt, the ''Shukespeiian Gtoct r,'" is still selling stacks of fine goods that are raised in all countries from the Nile to the Calamus. G. S. Wright, O M and C. Ti, Anr'rus. Frank D bn y and James Sears with j their families, were of the party that re I moved from Eagle to Holt County, Married, March 18th, 1800, at the res- ! 1.1 c t TI ... I 1 ... f i uee 01 -ii. uaviu jriiuiau. iu jiurray, J Mr. Wm. II. Lopp .nq Miss Ida Inguer- son, both of Xehav, ka, Cass Co, Iseb. Messrs. Miller Frye haye So or Dt', 000 brick for sale. The boys will go to work ou the. yards as soon as the weather will permit and attempt to keep the de mand supplied as near as possible. R.port comes from Cuicago today that the Hammond Packing company of South Olll ill Rll.l Hitiuiminri T-,l h.io . ,. . . , been sold to an English corporation for 0 .tuu lVi $'500,000, ull of the stoci bviog taktn in ioudou IOMP 1 -c O WAHIIINGTON, 1. C. mi wniTE HOC3E. WASIITXOTOV NO( X ETY KKWS. All the Importnnt SOC1 KTY EVENTS of WiuihliiKton : White House Rfceptmns, Riute Dlnneni, elc , will lie pre sented In this department HANDSOMELY ILLUSTRATED with PORTRAITS OF PROMINENT MEN AND WOMEN. also HOMES OF CABINET OFFICERS, SENATORS, REP RESENTATIVES, AND FOREIGN LEGATIONS. Only fifty Centt a vear. be seit one year F ; I f ; j.'rronriigcs to date ami Important Facts. Every six months s I it s .rc stai ti d. ; the bo:iks of the A-soci.ition are now o(: for subscript ion io stuck in the thii ' series. Shares are $200.00 each. Mem bership fees, 25 cmts per share. Month ly dues, $1.00 per share The shares an absolutely nun forfeitable and non-asse-s-able; can be withdrawn any time, and all dues paid in will be refunded together, after tin- lirst six months, with accru d intenst, which will Wo much higher than that given by savings banks and like in stitutions, rvo agents are emp'oyed to si-h stock, and new members are not taxed a large lee with whic h to pay commis- s ons, a nominal fee of twenty-five cents per share being the only charge made The Livingston offers greater induce ments, better security, safer and richer re turns than any other Association of 6im ilar character. It is controlled entirely by the stockholders, and not by a clique. of officer unnually elected by themseiyes to tlu-ir own advantage. Only two otii i.-crs the treasurer and the secretary arc- paid salaries. ' The treasurer merely a nominal one, and the secretary receives bu' a very mod rate remuneration for his service Compare the expense of the Livingston with those of similar insitu- tions; the e.xp- nses in the first year b?-ing ne- i ssai ily the heaviest. The business of the Association is conducted bv the board of directors elected by the stockholders, who in turn elect the officers, when an applicstion for shares iu the Livingston is made, the applicant does not have to sign a proxy vesting his elective rights in one or two men, officers of the Associa tion. The Liyingston offers superior ad vantages to borrowers. For instance, if a member desires a loan he can bid for the money at the regular monthly nvet ing. New memoers const quently hav ing the same opportunities to secure a lot. n us the older members, and do no: have to wait months, p.-rhaps yars until their turn comes around. Each im nib. i is etititn d to a loan of $200.00 on eacl tnd every share he or she wns. Tin iigunu-nt made us of by associatioi--.vurlviiig upon a different Inn than tl" Li viiigst.ni, to the i ff ct hat the borrowi vith tin- pin. ri st s cui ity to i.fi'er will I i highest bidder lor a loan, dms n . I '. go d, as th.- C .Patera! -ff nd Ir. t uitl-be lain Wi i is Xaii.ilii d HI d ; n.-fc i ii '.'it by th building c iniiiilt . ;;n . t i.' r.iv, d I'V Id- It), tin bi i!i is f !--'! Thi.s ass-n-i ai n i- st i i. t iy i,o.','m i its op l' t'l'i::-'. the'-, fi.rt" till- il.v- s: ' an Imii'iw.r d iie qu.il b.-nt-rb -. i':i' in in'ieis d siring to s.rure. a hu:i i- iiiilos through the As-eci ilion, b- ijing niontldv, a sum, only a tiifl" i;. Xce.-s ut that which he Wo', Id othilW s nave to pay for rt nt. In light yei'i's probably l-ss lie will Lave paid fur hi Home. Nou borrowers will rind tin Liv ings on asaie investment which will p.i theui a handsome profit; do -b!e tin- mon ey invested in less tlian eiglit yeats. In vestors will see the absolute security Ol the Association by comparing theamoum loaned ou first mortgage with the e pprais id value of the real estate secu itig same These values are very Conservative. Cop ies of the constitution and by laws will be j sent upon application to the s cr tary Will II. Mille-, Plattsmouth.Neb. Advice of a Prominent Land Broker Rheumatic Syrup Co., Jackson, )Jich: Gents: In February, 1$, I coin menceil using Ilibbard's Rheumatic Syrup aud Strengthening Plsstera for inrlatn matoiy rheumatism, having been troubled three years with this terrible disease. My joipts were swolen so that I could hardly walk and I attended to my business with difficulty. I used three bottles and ap plied the plasters to my limbs and back, and I can say that I am now cured. I have not been troubled with rheumatism 1 since discontinuing its use. My father law, Mr. J. D. Skinner, of Manson. has so be'a benefitted iy-this medicine. V, earnestly r3fnrrimehd"it to our friends. Take mjr aclvice," give it a trial. C. R. NrcHoLsox, Manson, Iowa Ask roar drctfeist for it. S wctt cider, &t JJcuiett & Tutt. 1C012 It Cotttnitts COMPLETE AND SERIAL STORIES, Illustrated Articlcs on Travcl. SOCIETY NOTES, PORTRAITS OF I'llCMINFNT n:oPLi', Biographical Sketches, llesiiles a large number of Hitt-retuiK ticpaninents carel'ully prejaruJ, us Health Hintt, The Dining Room, Fashion Fancies, The Mother' Page, Recipe (tried and tested) Latest Modes. Scries of Articles on IIOMK DRFSMAKIN'O. KLOWKItS A.N I IT.ANT3, FANCY WOKK. KN1TTINO AND CROCHETING, CHILDREN'- PA'iU, UAMtS, I'CZZ1 F,. HO.MK RKCREATION'S. KTC, WITH MANY OTHER KINDRED TOPICS, Making it the bebt Majr'zinr? In tho world for the m.iiiey. Only I'ifly Cents Vear. to ;tll nl)cs il ( is to llie oe year, in advance, tor G order's InipCcoicat Depot WIIOLICSAt K The Oldest Implement All the Standard Goods are i r" r -r. Nuchas John f.ieere Sz Tlte JN'cw Dejiartiire cultivator, the hot tliat'd tnadf. " THE BEST Always in etock Received in cir loai and Ketchum. Utickoye THE FX1-T2ST IiIHS Of Buggies, Carriages and Road Carls Headquarters for the best barb tact every thing in any of il! consult tl eir vvti intt-iests loutli, oi 1- red II ,.rder. r i .: . i. i i g in no l n)'i in-- r li 1 vv to ! U " "i.-. j- O i t , I 1 1 : - ! uy tra Hi . J.lrf - ... .-j. S f ff- k r. k tr r-ri .3 3 Jk ?s, n 5 ---? Larriges i0P Fi8asur6 ciiid SiiorlBrives Cor. Lii aad Tiio Fo Go (SUCCESSOR TO Will keep constantly oa hand a Drugs and I R fi 1 1 1 on I n DRUGGIST'S JFrick PURE LIQUORS. CONUVtTIiU U' MRS. GEN'L JOHN A. LOG Subscription Pricc. 60 Ct. a YtA. Publish Mon For Tnii IIiimi: Ma';a:-im:. i.i 1 i'i. 1: To.n .woo5ii:v. 11V JOSIAH AI.M-.M'S Vil li, V '"I'jrlSlil Mtl--ir i have been on a visit to Al.ina Ann Moone she tint wus Alina Ann Smith, and ar live on my own side. 'l'lie above tir- nuti'ilt'te In T)if"iilt'r number TllK HonKM M,MIK. Only Fitly Cent: n Vear. Wsit.Sj i. ciJlier jjapec. :i IfM.vid Vi i and i:kt AIL House in Cass County. IN STOCK nr D ivid nra.lloy & CoV. WAGONS lots such as ehuttler, ifolino JJIiidcio and Mouerb. wire, "THE GLIDDE.N" and in the abuve lines of goods. 'r-tssf tfO) i ir to n-i C. " fui r af i at fri i ;i: r i r- - O :.Ii- .;',. me ' ligilt. , y ti )'; I It: I il u r.Vs ; i. ft i- ti i 4 t jj itor. i - - Slattsraout2i s$& Co . M. RoUEUiS.) full and complete etock of pure n nn On ! nl. is VIUUIUIIGd, I ailllo, STJISTZDR-IZ i ' -u to we