A Li r km VOL XXVI. NO. 2. PLATTSMOUTH, CASS COUNTY, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY. MARCH 27, lb90. $1.50 A YEA P f 7 Y icr. 1,7 To guf he oo . I- f i - u LOCAL LACONICS. The carpenters have begun operations on the Wettencamp building. Thirty-five tickets were hold this morn ing for Omaha and western po:nts. Cal Walton Jr. informs a curious pub lic that there's "a new coon in town." i- John Leach, the pointer, has moved in to oik ofCapt. Palmers new houses n Pearl street. 'V' Work on the great Kearney cotton mill "re. that is to employ one thousand hands c'' will begin soon. r-i Regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. Thursday, March-27ih, at three oVl ck ic fo? p. m., at the Y. M. C. A. hall, idica--' . jff A car load of lime was one of the ar- t&mou.ii t, -rf?jh$ worthy of mention this morning .ppooite ltC,,vyj0i,n Cummins was the consignee. er's Magazinf , her' a Weekly ;4 Twenty car loads of steel rails came in iir'a Bazar,' this nirning from the east and will be per's Youm, Bent on west to the B. & M. extensions. ' '" yiS ' John Denson is congratulating himself ago Inter ' - a t York ' on the n tu ii of hi" former cook, that gave such good satisfaction when he was with him before. The b ys are enjoying a good cigar with Doc. Wheeler this morning, all on account of the advent of a ten pound boy at thu Wheeler mansion. J. M. Johns. J. P. Antill. W. P Cook Jim Shoemaker made up a hunting party yesterday and brought in twelve ducks and on.; gOi: last night. The Lincoln Call facetiously remarks that there is a paper in Wyoming called the Platte Valley Lyre and th3 hardest part of it is that a woman is its editor. You can buy 2,500 wooden tooth pi a at J. P, Youngs for 5 cents, also the best l -x of papetries for 25 cents shewing machine oil, etc. 151 tf Billy O'Brinn has just turned out ; some very handsome cherry desks for J the citiz-ns batik. Harry Miller, the p.tinter, put on the finishing touches. Col James Fitzgerald arrived hale and hearty from the wooly west yebterday. Jim says he heard while he was away ttat we had a county spat contest and eittbef syas anxious to know the result of it. Frank Dixon, the accommodating four forenu.j. . H '.lic-J't U'-defvUy county rler " loi'king for a hoi k, was out ouse yesterday. The repoj.t that keep housi; for him his sister would ii not generally believed. Twenty-one east hound cars were billed out of Plattsmouth yest- rday, and we are fn formed tint thu is not a large number for busy times on the road. Two railroads would certainly do a hand some business here. S. L. Wickersham, Plattsmouth's lead ing jeweler, his just opened a neat branch store at G ret n wood, with his father in chnrge. The evidence ot a growing trade, and desire to spread out is gladly mentioned. Mjor Kilfoil had a stroke of paralysis about six o'cl -ck this morning at the Pacific House. This is the second stroke and Mr. Kilfoil is very uneasy, though his physician says be thinks he may re cover. From the draft and s- ecification we larn that th residence f Julius Pepper berg, to be rected on the old Gordon lots, east of Frank E. White, will proba bly be the finest in thf city. The inside finish is especially elaborate and stylish. Owing to the sand having banked up aainst the mouth of the supply pipe at thf river, the water is hard to get and very searce, a Are j st now might be very disastrous. Everything is being done that can be done to clear away the ob structions. Sam. Archer found a ladies pocket book in the west part of the city this morning, containing an old one cent piece, a silver bangle, a thr. e cent piece, a crochet hook, a five cent piece, a false tooth, a cake receipt and some po try. j'Tlie owner can get the same by calling on Sam Archer. The shipment of corn over the M. P. during the past week has been heavier than at any time during the past six months. The average number of cars per day was about one hundred. The corn came in on the Elkhorn and w-ts transferred to the M. P. , and the bulk was shipped to Toledo, O. The U lio'i P-tcifi; system, which now stops in the Pacific Northwest at Port land, ha engineers in the fi -Id surveying an xtensioii frem Portland to a point on Pnget Sound. This extension is made! ne essary owing to the difficulties which th Noithern Pacific, which owns m1 the' ril lines from Portland t' Pug' t Sound, i puts in the way of the Union Pacific in delivering businrss to Puget Sound points or teeming traffic from tuit territory. Mr. and Mrs. B. Elson entertained very pleasantly, a party of friends at High Five last evening, at their commo dious residence on South Sixth street. Those present were Mrs Pepperberg, Mr. and Mrs. Oehring, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Conner. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Summers, Mr. and Mrs. Dr Siggins, Mr. Henry Ilerold and the Misses Ed i, Mia and Barbara Oehring. A notice is posted at the Burlington depot announcing the fact that the rate to Denver and Colorado springs will be reduced to $7.50, the redurt'on to go in to effect tomorrow. The U. P. will prob ably make the same red uc ion. PKUSiNAL Mrs. Fred Murphy of Ceeder Creek is visiting relatives here today. Henry Waterman was a passengT on N t. this morning for Nw Castle. Dr. C-ok is happy, Mrs. Cook having returned from her visit to Burlington. "Mine Host" Vanaranam is in Omaha today arranging for the grand banquet. Oust Werkbach of Omaha cam down yesterday to visit his Brother's J. V. and H'-nry for a few day's. Lizzie Ker", the Utile neice of Mr. and Mrs. Thoa. Pollock, returned to her home in Omaha this morning. ) w. D Jones went east last night, after a fine draft stallion that will he kept out at the fair grounds with heir other fine Stock M C. Frank, Esq , the able edUor of ; the York Republican, was in the citv a few hours yesterday Mfternoon and made the Herald a very pleasant call. Miss Florence Richardson and brother. Frank, came up from the state normal to spend vacation with their father, S Itichardson Lsq., of flit Pleasant pre cinct. Miss Anna Gorder returned this morn- j in from a five month's visit with her uncle in Watertown Wis. Mr Gorder is Prest. and Manager of a big boot and shoe factory in that city, one was ac- ccmpanied by her Cousin Miss Ida. We clip the following railway items from the Lincoln Journal: No. 2 on the Builingfon carried a large number of passengers east yesterday, having an extra coach in add tion to the regular number. A majority of the passengers were bound for Chicago. Four young men, two of them the Snipley boys, and two the sons of a well to do farmer, started out in a boat Sun day to go to Calhoun, with the intention of spendingthe day shootingdurks. This morning the boat was found upside down in shallow water on the west side of the Missouri, where it had evideutly drifted. After tins discovery became Known a careful search was made up and down the river, but nothing could be found except two hats, which were id-mtified as belonging to the boys. Their families are. of course, very much exercisea over the disappearance and sem to think tbe have been downed in the river. Up to a late hour this afternoon reports from Florence stated that no further traces of the niis.-ing lads had been discovered. Bee. Mr. J. W. Cutrigtit has just closed a years engagement with the Call as its citv editor and he leaves for Oaiaha to- mortow to iicc pt a place in joui nalUtic work in that city. Mr. Cutright ha no superior in the state as a newspaper man as his splendid work upon the Cll the past year bears testimony. Although only a i oident of Lincoln a year, Mr. Cutright has made a very large number of friends, who have appreciated his thorough, conscientious and always reli able work, and tliey will witness h.s de parture with sincere regrets. The Call realizes the loss its staff sustains in the departure of Mr. Cutright, but it has the very b-st wishes for him in his new work, which will always be successful because he is a suecessful newspaper man wht. can fill any portion in any field with credit to himself a- d with every satisfaction to the. paper that lists bun on its pay roll. Liuroln Call. List of Letters Remaining unclaimed, in the post office at Plattsmouth. Neb.. March 26. 1890, for the week end'ng March 10, 1890: Bailor. " m ltni'or. Mr Nanry M Pun ell. vr L zzie Befhue. Julia siiMdr. nenirich S rtth l).n Yi-edry. 5eorj;e :irr ek ;eori;e aiiTiiaum. .lonn Va'erioie, MrsJu'ia Brisklev Mrs Edwin O w olf Mry v..i v. K v lia'ii". Ma ion (n,.r. Mr Ella rhrismv , Mr - :dlio i; rher'o harley Han-hek .1 J -y. Kn wlacw. Prank 2 i.H'h'im. Mr Mar en. Mr- Have Pnrter Mrs O H Ky en.Gustaf ' Werich Emil aiker. Mr- Eva Hi.hhf II. Mis Lelha Hcii'-v, J-'lin .1 irenK Nt l.aiit. K I. vvtinskv. "arolitia itHHu. Miss Kiiaheth Rvrtn. Miss Mat held Stein. M Persons calling ftr any of the above letters will pi ase say "advertised." Hesky J. Stbeiobt, P. M. The onlv ONE PRICE CLOTHIER in Plattsmouth, and look through his large and beautiful Stock of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING- Furnishing Goods, Hats, etc. JOE will show you more and better made Clothing lor less money than you will find in Plattsmouth. TALK ABOUT SHIRTS You ought to see JOES' line, more styles to select from than all his Competitors dare show you, and from the cheapest Cotton to the best Flannel and JSilk Shirts made. JOE IS AGENT FOR THE CELEBRATED GENUINE KN?X Look out for change of Ad. District Court Proceedings. The petit jury was discharged this morning for the terra. Williams, charged with rape, was found guilty by the jury. The following are the names of the grand jury just empaneled: Wm. Mor row, Lee Oldham. Levi ltusterholtz, A B. Todd, Sam'l Richardson. Geo. D. Am- ick, Joshua Murray, Edward Tighe, Michael K -nnedy. G. V. Young. Z. W. Shrader, M. V. Wood, Jmaes M. Cole, J. A. Whitcman, C. K. White and Edward Parish. Applicatiou for the appointment of J. P. Burdickas guardian of W. C. Dent- ler, insane, filed in county court. Judgments were taken today in the county court xn the case of Frank Car- ruth & Son against E. Opperman for $54, and Mrs. C-trrie M. Dodge for $65 against the same party. Polk Bros, filed a suit involving $350 in the county court: John E. Leesley, plaintiff and J. W. McCroskey, defend ant. Edward Wenzel was yesterday ap pointed administrator of the estate of Frederick Schuelke deceasd. Jesse Campbell was yesterday appoint ed administrator of the estate of Eliza beth Hathaway deceased. Twenty Probate cases have been filed in the county court since January Dth this year. Hotel Arrivals. Hotel Riley: Thoa. Price, Bennetr, George R. Murray, Murray; Phil Slaugh ter, Tekamah; J. Kerr, J P. Lillis, Chi- cago; J. P. Schuster, J. Hockstrasser.G, S. Smitn. J, u. onea, 11. a. weuer, uma- ha; J M. Hammond, Hamburg, Iowa; James R. Walsh, Lincoln; L. Angine, Foitoria, O. Chas. Piegelman, Des Moines. A Slight Turn of the Wrist. Nebraska City, Neb., March 25. Sptciitl to World-Herald. 'The Hon. cUiurch lluwe passed through this city Saturday on bis way home from Omaha. fbe Nemaha statesman, in an interview published in last evening's News, said lie was not at all surprised at the btaud taken by ex-Senator Vn Wyck, and he was glad to see it. Mr. Howe eaid he was a farmer and Van Wyck was a great man, an aid and friend to the farmer, and was therefore helping him (Howe). He thought Van Wyck would bo the winning candidate for governor. Mr. Howe said that while he was not a mem- r of the farmer's alliance, he was with them heart and soul. The cause of the alliance was his, and a noble one. and every move made by the organization was aid to him as a farmer." The foregoing is rich, racy and sug gestive. It puts us in mind of a famous saying of the late lamented SHas A Strickland. U- S. District Attorney, dur ing Andy Johnson's turbulent adminis tration. On day a prominent politician reminded "Strick,'' in a jocnlar manner. that the sudden change of policy by Johnson's administration, rendered his '(StiickV)-term of rffice uncertain Oh ."exclaimed "Snick." "if this administration can make a shorter turn than I can, let 'em try it." Church Howe has a record as a granger, and while he sterns to be able to do anything in polities in Nemaha county, it is safe to say that his acrobacy ends in Nemaha. Fire at Wabash. A second d-structive fire at Wabash occurred yesterday morni-g, and con sumed D. C Hayes' implement store, P. J. Johnson's blacksmith shop, and the building and outfit of the Weekly News. Hayes' loss is $1,200, insured in the Phoinix of Brooklyn for $750, Weekly News' loss, $700. insured in the German of Freeport, 111., for $500; Johnson held no insurance. Tue origin of the fire is unknown. Drop fifty cents in the blot and get the Herald thirty days. SZFIR,:E2srC2r- At least you will The latest Styles JOE Important to Young Men. A conference of the Young men? Christian Associations of the second di trict, including the counties of Cass, Ot and Lancaster, will be held at Nebrak City April 18 20. The opening sessioi will be Friday evening, wh n an addies of special interest will be delivered by well known speaker. The session Satur day will be devoted to the consideration of methods of Association work, each topic I)eing presented in a short paper by an experienced worker. The Sunday aervii -s in all the churches will be of un u; uat .nterest; and on Sunday evening a grand union meeting will be held. A cordial ijvitation is extended to all young men, especially the christian young men in the smaller towns where there are no associations, to attend this conference. All delegates will be enter tained free by the Nebraska City Associ ation. A rate of one fare and a third will be granted by the railroads provided there be 1Q0 de'egates from abroad by rail. For further particulars and program, address. Secretary Y. M. C. AT, Nebraska City. Peak. Sisters Coming. Keep yourself in readiness for the "Peak Sisters" entertainment, in connec tion with the promenade concert for the benefit of the Presbyterian church pipe organ at the opera house next Wedne's day. April 2nd. Refreshments will be seryed interspersed with vocal and instnv mental selections, after the concert prop er. Admission 35 cents to all parts of the house, including the gallery. Married Yesterday, at the residence of the bride's parents at York, Nebraska, Mr. Charles N. Carpen er to Miss Maud Barnes. Miss Barnes is a daughter of Hon. John W. Barnes, an old time and highly respected resident of this city. The Herald in common with hosts of warm friends here, extends heartiest congrat ulations. The Tickets. The democratic ticket, to be nominated Fiiday night, will probably result in the following: Joseph A. Connor, for mayor; P. J. Hansen or D. C. McEntee for treasurer; Kelly Fox. for city clerk; Judge Clifford for police judge. The council nominations: First ward, Fred Gorder; second ward, Sol. Osborn; third ward, J. R. Vallery; fourth ward. Wm. Gutdche; fiftl. ward. J. L. Minor and Baxter Smith. Today it looks as though the republi can ticket would be for mayor, F. M. Richey; treasurer, Robr. Donnelly; clerk. Will Streight; police judge, L C. Stilea. City council, first ward, A Salisbury; .second ward, Peter B ites or Wm. Wb br; thi d ward, W H. Pickens or Mike Murphy; fourth ward, Geo. Palmeter and Lew Newcomer. A concert under the Presbyterian the will of De given at W aterman's opera house The program be varied taining music fun ments. Admission cents. a c omplete notice later. April 2 enter- refresh Look for The B. & M. is building a new depot at Hoag, and as the county commission ers intend building a wagon bridge across the Blue river at this point, it is probable the little town will become a traping center. The Herald is doing some fine work on "Horse Bills." Those needing any thing in that. line should call at once. IS ZE3 think so if you go to of Hats and Caps PiwMpnf Cleveland rrize Tor tins throe best br.Lles nt hc Aurora f'ountr Keir, to w;, wt ;.nv'ii t- thesu triplets. Myiii-j, Jt:i, and K.iy, children .I" Mr. V K. U.-irt. It iijiLnr-Tii. N. V. bh'. v ritt-ji : "I.uot Aii-rijst the lit t iu ones liK uuie very nick, iiml I -mll c I no u'tS.cr IVxhI t'.int tvou.u atrrei; with thuin, I eoniiuexiecti the of I-uctul l iuul. u !: I :, lu i.it iialei)'. aMtl thoy were .-e:i us well ever, ::ud I isiimiUt it erv ?.ir-- !y hiu ' . :': Fi;1 :li-t tucy aro now so v.-e5!." Im tai.;-! I-'ikhI U the tx.-st l'o,I for l"ii ! -!.. i ,-.: r.-x. Jt k. i iln-i:; well, ami ij fiot:--r than rnurik-ine when thev net sicit. T!ir;-i- si. . '. . . l H At dr.igiibsts. CMbinel jilioto. of thve lriplels ..wit lrt:c to thu muthcr ! uy i,nhy bon: t'-L- x.-r v.Mross V.'ELLS. RICHARDSON ft, CO.. Burlington. Vt. Eiffht Mile GroTe. March 24. 1890. Sam Persell has anew boy at Lis house. The nice weather is giving our farmers the spring fever. w Ernest Jtfftr has gone back to Kansas to live. Will A. Lewis has gone west to v;ew the land and location of .he country. Dr. S. Miller is very sick again with his old malady. Colonel Jenkins killed goose last Saturday, an old grey Lewis Crabtree will start to Montana in a few days. Troy Davis will ride in a new top bug gy in the future. Mrs. G. S. Ruby is visiting her sister living near Ashland. Our fanners are cutting or raking up and burning their corn stalks getting ready to put in their springcrops. Miss Orie Price will open our summer school 'he first Monday in April. Edward Stokes has moved onto the Morg-in farm to till the soil this year. Major Hall has gone to Omaha where he and a partner are running a butcher- shop. Our winter term of school closed laBt Friday week. Mr. Sweeney gave ytry good satisfaction as teacher. Will Minford sold his farm here and bought another near El mwood, where he has gone to make his future home. Walter Perry and John Hall have gone west to hold down their claims. Miss Nannie Price closed her term of school and returned to Winterset, Iowa, to visit at home. Miss Mary Stokes is very 6ick, Dr. Bren tall, of Murray, is her attending physician Jack Crawford bought a nice riding horse and say3 he has quit tramping as it is much easier riding. Elder Jas Mullen and Peter Crabtree of Sunlight, calhd on W. Jenkins on Sunday. Frank S. White has engaged to teacl a summer term of school near Three Grove where he will go now soon. Sam Piggott, of Howard county, spent last week visiting among old friends at this place as the guest of his cousin, W. E Jenkins. Will Sikes.of Lilly Seiota county.Ohio spent a fw days visiting at the home of W. JenKins and other old fiienus living near here. He 'ook the trin to Omaha on Friday to visit a couvin in the city from there he will go -n to Denver, Col., to engage in business. Mrs. Elizabeth M.ijuey has se'tled up and paid off h.r husband. William Magney, and started him again; he in re turn gave her a divorce and took bis gripsack and started on his way rejoic ing. He thinks the next time h- puts on the matrimonial yoke it will not be with an old. worn in with a ho'.ise full of grown up children. pAysY. All groceries fresh and aow at Kraus'. E3 JOE HATS. d 146 3m w-13t art's Triplets. Rock Blufls. John Churchill moved to Plattsmourth last week. I. S. White dehorned ninety-two head of cattle last week. Our winter term of school closes next week on Thursday. Tapley Faught cloaca his winter term of school at Rock Creek next Saturday. I Jefferson Lewis is building for himself ! a dwelling house on the block east of where the old grist mill stood. The internal arrangement of our post office has bet n chuged. The barber shop has been moved out and the partition taken down and the two rooms made into one. M e have got about through with the mumps, for there are very few if any more, to haye them; there has been about ninty casts of mumps in this school district. Farming has begun in earnest this week, cutting corn stalks and sowing small grain is now in order, Joseph Shi ra has got his store well filled up with groceries and dry goods, aud is gelling thern as cheap as anyone we know of. Three Plattsmouth hunters were down here hunting last week, and they succeeded in getting a food supply of ducks. And Ambros Case tells a good one on the young Doctor that wore the gum boots. He says that the Doctor was standing in the water watching for game, aud app. rantly got tired and sat down on a thin cake of ice to rest, and the ice settled and those big gum boots run full of water. Tim Suaveo. For Every Ctrl to Remember. I have seen mothers who have sacrificed youth, appearance, health nd comfort in the effort to save money t( ducate and dresa their daughters, browbeaten, crush ed and virtually ignored by their daugh ters in return for it all. The American girl !s taught that she is a young princess Irom tli cradle to th altar. It is a great misfortune when she forgets that he mother of a princess must be a qui.cn. or queen regent, and bhould be so treated Ella Whkeler Wilcox, iu Ladies Home Journal. To Nervous Deb.litated Men. If you will send us your address, we will mail you our illustrated phamphlet xplaining all about Dr. Dye's Celebrated Electro-Voltaic Belt and Appliances and beir charming effects upon the nervous debilitated system, and how they will quickly restore you to vigor and man hood. Patrphlet free. If you are thus fflirted, we will send you a Belt and Appliances on a trial. voltaic Belt Co., Marshall. Mich. Sherwin Williams', and Heath & Milligans' mixed paints; the best in the world, at F. G Fri"k & Co. wtf Sweet cider, at Buult & Tutt 13012 1 r .e i 1 . V;