f -. r OFFICIAL PAPER Of THE CITY AND THE COUNTY. District Court Proceedings. Although tlio court ban u t feettled down to tlie trial of any jury c isca hs yet, thojudulin b ;eu busy h.-arii! r :n I dinpusin of mo'tiuijH The crimon:! cases b:ive been parsed for tin prewi.t until County Attorney Griii is prepar.-'d m Ury nil of tlx in. Th - law " docket has ibei n called im I many ruses et I wti for ril. Tli.. following is. th ilispoiitioii of " nvre important cuhm: s W.Vitlluiu vs. I. C. Eikenboy ' T d th it Vhis c mue stand r " vived i.i'tTie n one til Mary E. S. Wil liams, x rnnix . Willi u.i II. Col in ,n vh Tin- C. li k Q ruilrotd etc.; cms. dismissed at plaintiff' cost. A.jti's C. C iroer vs J miM N. W'i'n.1 ford, j tc; J n .liiiivn'. iii favor nf lain tiff f ir tin pos.-s.i..:i ot tin- proji.-ny ment ionc I in jii iini petition, nl for tli -Him of 5 cents il ni.a A. for wrongful duti'ii'ioii f prop i ty. Mu'ton-to nt.ix Cost sustained. " 'v J. M. Sclin.ilb aclnr vs W. D. 'Jum-; 8 t for trial Timrbday inoiiiiiit to In trie i wiili S,:iiii -llln.li.r vs J.jii '.i A; Fitz-jer-uld. Patterson Mnruhcv S: Co V3 Jacob S'-liniili'r, cuiiJ" continued on applica tion nf pi lintilT. . Willi on S V..t. is Me (j. ('! im-nts, tt 1', c iiis'- dismissed :it cost of plaintiff Vn'-i: Morten fc Co vs () iv- r Jaeolis & Co ; II! '. to VnCate attai lim lit us bir as intl i v '.' d prop, rty of Pmlina A Iloiton is su.-t-iiued. 'I "In- court finds tin property of P.iuliini A. II nton not sub ject to sileli attachment. Tootle llosc.i it ( vs Oliv r Jacob & Co; motion tu dissolve attaehmctit sus tained. Tlie cou t finds tin property of Oliv-r Jacob & Co not snlj ct to attach ment in this action, August Landtircnn ys. The Omaha , Sand and Sione Company ; .1 ury waived tried to coin t and taki n undi r udvLc mcnt. Etta S Clothe, vs David Woo, lard; settled and disnus,. d ai i liintiff's cost. "Lawrence S' ul I vs. C. W. Holmes etc; L'uve jriven plaintiff (ill Monday to tile " pi tii ion. S. W Ripley, tc vs The M. P. railway; dismissal as p-r stimulation on tile. Jordon P. Sr venn vs. Tue H.nk of Commerc ; def ndmit iveii till April 1st to answer. A. G. Clin- vs C. B. & Q railroad etc; "motion to make petition more tspepilie - overrttlerl and d.-fend int r'iven till Mon day next to answer. S -hool District X G?. etc The Phoeaix Insurati'-e company; etth d and di-!mi.-3 -: as per stiu'ation on fil-. Er i- stiiie pa nk nin vs Henry G-i bcl; demurrer sustained nd d fend, nt oiv n ten flays in which to answer. Fi ineis X. G;l?-: vs E L R ed. et a'; P. M. Wo cott appoint d ice iver of the Weeping Wat -r hank in 1 cmtodi oi of bmks of mhI hi ik S hj -er to fil'til -r Otd-r ot tlie coin t.-- Receiver to :doW '. full il'l'i f'e :ce ss to I looks to ill ) II ti s to tlds !-uit Tor lh' purpose of preparing evidence. Althoiijh the quity d x ke' wis not 1 cdled tin; f ..ow iieiitii-s w r." mi le : I)f t!L- i' .U' t-iu hi V.)! i i -n o tie-: Eiis'n Sr irnu k v- Hiram II F wl i; Red m t q.i t i itl . 1 t mi' -f d fnl ants in i j l ijj'ii n a'-eor linly. Th i: no CticiP I i- (i V'. M iritM C. II ilm S et al; d:t .ulr .' l fn I nits CiM d. . 1 - Ti Hi 1 & Po l i v. Suel S. R e 1 . t !; le ive if : v u ,d urn dT t il .M u 1 1 y n xr to reply. Tin: I'n Ips S Ii 1 iv Win dm il Co. v P-t ' P.'Z &K tn nil- Pitz; l f u!t Of defendant- call (I. , Ada M A " ii 'i n vs E 1 w ml E Amm nan; .1 foili of d f n I oit called. B. v' ;:' vs. S v -II -4. !i 1 t al; -d I t i'- vv i t' tmv-r ly M m I. v n x' JiCihL I1 li'di.M t d vs. Mii-tin Kir k-r erl; ! -4V v;i I -f n 1 l it Vi,' -n ho- n t i i' - :is v r list a it r. J -im IS Ci d vv Miry E Until it t d; d -f -n Tints 41 v n I iv to an-vv r inst in ter; ai 1 pi tn iff -liv-n l-iv.; t file ami'H l-'l peti'i on. , - Cyrus P. (Jilh it vs. Th W pin.' Water hank et al; jl ition fur a nceiv r, hei.-i'-iid s-ulniiitti d Th- Nohle S -winir M ich iv an 1 Mfir. Co. Vf. Jiiim S Cliz'ee i t 1; ftefault of ' def. ndants cull -d; ! trdiatl ad lit: til lp- x pointed for Ethel OI .1 k. i I WKUXXSUAY- j Judije Ramsey lias issu d f orty -sev n j nvirrfi. licenses up to date since Jan-. 9th Four new cases fibd yesterday and one today . , . , " Mrs."'"tt today nude application in County Court to he appointed ftdmini -tratrix of the .state of Moshall D. Ab bott, "dec-ascd; h. arinijpet for April 1st. Tl'm cufl"! "f K ithley vs. Cass pi.iipiy. A. U M-yi 1,1 v. Oassconnty a.vl L-e M ivfi' Id v. Cass entinf y Weri PonS.'lidMt v,l "and Th d to a jury t-dav. Th-s-Cuic wro pili fr"Q tba orUtr of tbw iViunty coiniiiis-ioners di"Hllovin.r the claims of the pirtiea fr printing notices of'Vjiecial election lat June to -tote on tLe houd qucHtion. Mithew Oerin ap pear d lor the Countv and J. II. ITnlde nian for the plaintiffs The jury brought in a verdict for plaintiff in the 8utn of $11.50 1 ach. " About fifteen persons appeared before Juda; Chapman today and twnre tliMt t!i-y would renounci-alh iianee to the '. riiiatl Kinpi lor and etand by 'TJucb Sam." 'Thin lias no rutin ti.m with the iii iyor ilty coinst as II 11 Cnniuir nno llerr N:vill f 8jein.'d to lriv. nothing to do wiMi tin; matter. Ficil Grdir whs on deck ho vcvr, mid if Ids worthy op ponents ir not careful he will bay; the wholly flock. Attorneys E. H. Wool, y, J. II. II dd 1:1111 ami 15 A. Gibson, of We. pini Wa t. r, S th F. Itiekwell, of Lllli-Vl'd-. re in toivn today keeping u cl si; wntrll nil their m att r in th distriet c un t. L. C. E !o(T. of Loui-vdle, lookeil in on 4li 'li-tii( t r.n.ll pioieediniH toilay.' I'll" '.Ve-.'e!ll ill s; ail Citll'Ini Hiice Compiny vs. my F. Runte, it al. dismi-s. d as per stipulation nu tile. Fir-t National Il uik, of Weeping Wa ter, vs. V N. S iyer, liiotioti to dismi.s iV"-i'riiIed an I fl fend 1 lit oiv-il twenty days to ans .vr. . It Created a 3it of a Breeze. in il :i See . Ch uT s Francis Adams, president of she Union Ptcifie road is q loted in tin Washinototi di-patches 111 yesterday's Bee 113 issurino Conyr ssiuan D.itsry and State Am.li. or 13 nton III il lie would (b every thiner'po -Mble within tlie scope ol his oiiiei.d powers to afford the Nebraska farmers such ri lief as they have ben praying f. r in the matter of emergency raiii rate:-.. On lii:h d f of his own roii' Mr. Adams says he-will b in faVor o I educing the tjtti a one-half. This disp itch h .d the effect of creatit;; something of a commotion among otlien! at Union Pacific headquarters wh- 11 the I'ltil it. One of them said lie f-It sati lied that the situ ition of affairs hm ei her been, grossly misrepresented to Mi Adams or he was not correctly p.-poiteO.-'He could not," said the 1 fiicial, "hhv meant, a reduction of 50 per cent oil tl 'ocitl.rate in Nebraska, because theschef. . ullo ff." t now is only 2) cents Liiu'biii'eil from tin- extreme western pm fion fit the state. Let us look this thii squin-ly in the f ice. The rate fro Missouri liver points Omaha, Piati mouth, Nebraska City. Blair and Si City- on coin is 21) Cents. that is raised untiKyrti sttiicc the- first nieiiili ftdy niil s wet, Avhere tin- 2l-cent clnn .i-plies, and tli- inen-ase from tin? ii. to the western b rder is only 5 ceio This aV-l;ioes inoi'e t linn a 50 J per c 1 reduction in the 'ocnl -rates. In,' n" opinion M.-. A I mis int -nd-d to conv. th- id- a th .t In- would us his inflit iv to secure a ut ot th through rate. th;. is, iret th Iowa I'm s to make a 10 Cfi rate fr..m the river to Chictifo, whic1 would bring the throui'h rat- from in t' rior N' lir.iska j.oints down to 12 an - 1.) cents, the Tilt r t lnir th- m ixininm - As 1 look ;;t it lh- whole thimi d-pi-hd-entirely upon wh -tiler tli- Tm-H lines c;o beindueed to tak hiiV action." ' "As sinioly 1111 em- riiencv rate is pro posed." said an-.th-r. "I would not b surpiNrd to hear of th N -rth .vest' rn eoieeidin- wit'i Mr Adams" proposition, and if it does, th' two roads cm force all tin-others to,.. in th m in pulling in j oherti.Sher WO. d, 01 I'ornir a 10, 12 .nd 15 cut r ite." ; I .. ...1,1 O d.-r kinds of Job P uitinir of li llKKAi.n V ici s liirtit .m l work jinir- ut . d .-al i.f h tor . WILLWhN.& FULLER, DEALERS IN Drugs, Paints, We wish o call your at ention to our New Stoc J Wall Pajier, Comers. Da, doi s. Ci n r lMefeS. lioidi ls. ElC , Ete. hy is it we can trive such bargains in wall paper ? B -cause our paper is not third handed stock. We buy direct from the manufacturers, aud it looks reasonable that we can trive ou Any ere wishing to paint tlnir house PAIIT liefme they buy. We try to carry th- best. P.ints lend them all, We are Kolo agents, Wildman.. 505 Main li9 di n wit llatfsmoutIiy - WEEKLY HEllALD: PLaTtSjC Plattsmouth Twenty Years Ago, Where the Hotel Rib y now stands C. E. Mctteer, why whs bhot by Poland, kept 11 old shed there for aii -ultur d implements; the high school wus wh.re Fitzgera'd's block uuw stands; there WH9 only five brick stores on Main atrett, ind no bridges or eidewnlki in the city. W hen floods came the wb V-of Main ntnet was sulmiergi d inA.. ater, celbus used to be tilled to oveiflowing, and I lei ty of Iosph t-ustained thirdly. Th- population was 01 ly 1,700 in the census titkt u ly (Jap Murphy. "C ip, as he was familiarly culled, was our Mik.'n brother, he lives now in Arapahoe. Tlie B. tS: M. bhops employ d only eiolity men, but the wages from the low est. even the roustabouts, were not h ss dian $2.00 per day: s-ction hands ot the 8 line wages and very one wis tbi-.li. Bed estate was tar higher tlnn than now John Fitzgerald off-Ted Joe Sclater $-!.0(i0 for the 44 feet on Mdn s reet on which U V. M ithews and M. D Polk's stor. now stand. John Shannon leftis. d 0 000 for th..' opposite corn :r where tin; oo.-t ouice is. Th-Platte Vail y II .Use 'hat was built out of no old bo.i. cccii iel the present site of the opera block. The Urooks IIousp, the leading hotel of thurify, occupied the place where the Herold block now stands. There- was seyi nteen saloons in the city, and every rrocery store had it supply of whisky. UiKe Murphy was city, muslial and a j irtm r with Dick Streight's father in di harness business. Mike is a daisy at 11 .king a set of harness. Twenty years ago John Simpson learned how to cultiyite onions; for fur fier information usk him of his experi ence. Tw-nty years ago we commenced 'mllding the pr tent high school so that ayeleis over in Iowa miht be attr..Ccd : consi qu. nee. of of our high state of ivilization. Tw nty y ars aao the IIkh ii.d was edited by Hathaway, the present inpiietor of the State Journal, and Fox Fdlilove edited the Watchman. Fox .'as father of our present city cl-I k and a wverof very reimrkable abilitv. Twenty yeaia ago corn was 40 c. nts a ushel and cattle 5 cents on foot and eak no ib nrer than now. Was it not ' our fine buildings I would like to those good old tini again pbnty work, no poverty, prices ' oimd and W taxes. L t it be ri c,ord d that I am TlIK NCIEXT irostoas Sc Wrheelcr We are now p epni etl to 1; well-, any depth cleared, rum 2 to M feet a cross. We tse a boring machine find di;4 nd wall at the same time, 'or the first 50 feet 50 cents ier Toot, each additional 10 ' eet 10 cents per foot will he i ded. We niake a spCcialty -" sinking old wells, with out rcmoviii,The wall. We guarantee katisCation . Leave your orders with Bf103ltr-& WHEELER, It.A'rTlAfMI'Ttl xrn. 1V7 aper. should call md i x amine our stock of BILLING. TAYLOR & CO S M s d -Fuller,. htreet, ' - - Nebraska Oils, Wa 3aS A, MAttCH 20, SPRING. E. G. We ;inrimuee an cxcejt:o:iully line t' Divts CiuuJa in Iiiac 0:1 nd the cam nine, SILK VEILING S. ' STOC iv I X E T J AUK Lailii-.i aud Mi-scs ment and shuwing a larger examine before b ying. E. VVi K ib 1 l 4 Are selling at cost d y cnons. nTfE-? orons in ai l latest sn.M)i:s, CA RrETS, .II.KS, YZl.E-, SHAWLS. JIOSIFKY, NOTION'S, 1MBB0XS. GLOVES. LA' ES, INDIA LtNEX-1. I IXEN' II .XDKKirillE 'S. LADIPS' NEC K V.'E Vi'.. EM Bit iIDERIKU, HI1E (JO)DS In-CIIECIvS AND STl:irE, VEILING. SII.K IITH. MILLINElir, HUrTONS. WOOLENS. FLVNNE1.S. 'RL'NKETS. GIN(;II.MS rjilMV, DOMESTICS A ED COTTONS. Call Karly for Bargains C illtJ f"lll I 11 V.-1 of joods than ha- evei W LlRDALfi ''Jt 1890. DOVEY litii; of Snrin ficoils is ull ilcp.ti t mu.rd ir.ibl e fcliadop, SPRING NOVELTIES lacks, lUiTTON.'', KTS, li I VA'.uS J, imj. -.rti-a FAST JJL.VCK lt..i.-rj rn -r Ve :.ave added maie .in l hand omer imt cv:jr v. -r r I) U V r kg r y- ihair large iin G' at the I)A VI ICJ1IT STOKE. l.i;i.jr i.ii IJ I' l. l.il e- I I M. IS. been .shown in ibis citv A D r SPRING. & SON meuti iiichulino; a cl).,ice selection 1 o a inot coniplels a::i attributive line J SWISS JIL.MSTICiiKI) KMIiK(MI)HIIK N i)i:i:.-.s tuimminus, 1 cr UAS1IMEKK .SHAWLS, EiSC II (IS, Etc-, Lie. room to ou ' Carpet depart- 1 w i -h it will p iy to SON- i- ti:i: l t.vcb to is1 v vot ii -1 U i!;l ia .x t u J r. Parloraii J ed n-jOin Sc-is, rst trecse?, Sor;s, Lo ir j-e. r.rd OfYlce Furr.itute. Ci'd and ixari'!1 ill"; eitfewh'Te. Cor "Vf.iin ,; :-'t!i ,is ,-N,vk hi-foii ;'.) r; f stiiot'J t, Ni b TH 2 OLD FJELtAQLE. Sbiales I,Mb. Sasli, GOV Can supply every fleri.ind of the Call and g;-t terms. Fourth stiert Iu Rear of Ouera House. A Pocket Ci-ar Cs. Free to Smokers of The 5th Zt. Merchant TaUcr Keep a Full Line of r Foreign & Domestic Gool?. '.'usnlc Your lntre hv Glvii. Hlin a t'sll - SHERWOOD BLOC il. L v. ..- :tE.-t!eNH:..i Ket :'.! D -7-ier l. r i it. LIJ iVi U LH i(. DRESSLER, i. ' - - - - (