Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, March 20, 1890, Page 6, Image 6

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T x - . .
r J
Tlic C TJ. & Q people have purchased
the Burlington niul Northern road which
has been making fio much trouble by
continually cutting rates.
South Auburn had a disa-ti cm fire
yesterday morning which consumed over
tin thousand dollars worth of property
In the business center of the city.
The Tournament cominitt c :r.ct lastev
cning in Skinner & Ilitcluea oflice and up
pointed feubcoinmittees to look after tin:
details in diiTerent departments of the
work to be accomplished, in arranging
for the great June Tournament.
John SimpHon waltzed into the depot
this morning at h lively canter about two
minutes after the early train had gone to
Omaha; John tried to explain ti the buys
that he prcfered to goon the nine o'clock
train anyway and only happened along
an hour a head of time.
Mrs. Owens, the dressmaker, returned
from the east this morning.
Cashier Kauffman, of the bank of
Avoca, was in the city over night.
Ciyil Engineer Hilton went to Cedar
Creek today to mark out some new lino
Frank Miller a nephew of Dr. Wintcr
eteen returned to his home at Jefferson,
la., this morning.
Mr3. O. II. Snyder came in form M-d-vcru
this morning where she is teaching
u class in painting.
I! :v. J.M. Wood's daughter,of Chicago,
ttiCi-i i i this morning on account of the
illness el' her m ther.
Mr. Geo. A. Mayer, wife and daughter
returned home to Walton, Neb., this
morning, via Lincoln.
Mr. II I j. Bailey and wife of Lincoln
who were visiting Mr. C. F. Flack, of this
city, left thi morning for tin ir home in
the capital city.
Mr. J. Eanies. representing the Allan
Paper Wheel Co., of Pullman 111., after
a stay among acquaintances made a tiip
to Omaha this morning.
D. Hawkswoith, Assistant Chief En
gineer Weeks and Superintendent Calvert
went to Aurora, the sent of the gr, at
Shops of the Q" system, yesterday.
'That sour tempered, cross, dy-peptie
individual, should take Dr. J. II. Mc
Lean's Sarsaparilla, It will make him
feel as well and hearty as the h althiest
of us. He needs bracing up, vitalizing
that is all
Ballard's Snow Liniment.
This invaluable remedy is one that ought to be in
" every household. 1 1 will cure your Rheumatism. Ntu
raria, Sprains.Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Frosted Feet
and Ears, Sore Throat and Sore Chest. If you have
Lame Back it will cure it. It penetrates to the seat
oi the disease. It will cure Stiff Joints and contracted
muscles after all other remedies have failed ,Thof,e
who have been cripples for years have used Ballard
Snow Liniment and thrown away their crutches and
been able to walk a well as ever. It will cvueyou.
F. O. Fiicke, Agent, Plattsmouth, 3a b.
You can be cheerful and happy only
when you are well. If you feel "out of
sorts," take Dr. J. II. McLean's Sarsapa
rilla. Bnre, Prompt; Positive
Cure for Impotence. Loss
of Manhood, Seminal
Emissions. Spermatorrhea,
Nervousness, Self Distrust.
Loss of Memory, Ac. Will
make you a STHOtJQ. Vigor
ous Man. Price $1.C0, 6
Boxes. $5 00.
Soeeial Directions Unllea
ivich each Box. Address
EiiUil Slot Liniment Co.,
S9IO Lucas Av.
ST.LOU13. - MO.
J .
vo-t-c ,
i . J .C-W..rt
lf- -;
J4M iC l Wo
CflJt. I '
7f " 1 V'. V
IV?"? - ---- f'fX
111 ' I 'A &
i i mm u in Jim in 1 1
Proposition in Connection
with Wnamaker's Plan.
Cailt.ilN(i)frr lo fiMiHt met and Operate
i.lnfH liidi'r .4v riiiiieiit u-i v uion or
to Adopt u I iiilorui .1 - i t Kate Capi
tal Niv.vii.
"Washington. March 15. A new
proportion in connection with the pro
jKjsed hlablislnnent of a government
po:U;l telegraph system was made to tho
houso committee on postoflices and post
roads by J. M. Si-ymour, a member of
the New York Stork lxcl.unge. Mr.
Seymour dated that hu repivsented a
number of well-known capitalists who
were willing to build lines and maintain
a postal telegrapa system under govern
ment supervision, in accordance with
the provisions of th.3 po-itm.ister gener
al's bill, or to opeiatu on a uniform 21
cent rate. The mean by whic the
gentlemen re pro ente I by himself hoped
to make the undertaking a success was
by what is known its the Patten multi
plex tel graph sys em, which, he said,
lias leeii in (successful operation in New
York and Philadelphia for the past six
months. The syndicate pro)sed to
build and in intam the lines needed: to
furnish operators, power and htationery,
and to have the rig lit to build and bo
protected in constructing lines over all
postal road-i. Tney asked to bc exempt
from federal and state taxation. In
c;ti.'s where the post. does were cramp ? 1
for want of ro .n, t i syndicate pro
posed to furnish i s own .ii -es. It was
wesired to make a contract with the gv-t-riiincut
for iii'te-j i ya irs with tlej privi
le' of renewal. i : L s - tii. Rivera :a -at
woid 1 take th; lines
en I ih l r
time at a v.i u
to I
.''?r. .'reyiiiour s;d 1
rath-.-r ier urive i he u,i .
ci i'e-i in tlf .-;ii.T,e( i,,
co-'i. li'.U--.' that i .ry w
It :.j :i Ih is in v i-.i t
v !. "i I.e.' wr v,
t ii .. i ut It .!. .) i'):: l'.
oat any ; r.t. a t with
l':.e -niie-iie c-.v j--ete.
;e ', i ;l to do a priv
11 in...i W(.-!i
to .Jwi
wi.-dd c-.u'iy
be Si.av'd, t-.
' u -i'.e ,ri nv.i
:!' .' of ; in government work. "dr. Sej'
hiiMii' claimed that h.d the We' tern
L'hi-'U ue.l tin Patte:i system list year
its expenses would have been S:. 000,0 .'()
itu-u ::d of ir..0n.).0.l'J. V. Jarvis Patten
of .mw ork, toe inventor ijp'tbe system
ro.'eired to by Mr. Seymour, desciil.eil it
to i!'e coiii'iiiitee. i'v it the carrviug
cap jeily of one wire w:i.-; etjaa
or e-. i twelve w. res uii.ley li
yiy- o system. to maintain the lines
under the Patten t"n would cost
about To per cent, less than under the
present system. Mr. Seym air staled
that it was proposed to 1 ase wires to
nen ypaprrs at almo-t nominal rates and
o pi-ess rules about '-1 p.T cent.
To e.-aaoiUti the sy-lem u:;d.r the pro-.-i
-ions of the jiostm ister generals bill
nr.'.l co-t. he i-elieved, about 7,000,
!;: a complete s-y-.t;ini covering the en
ire couutry would cost 'i5,000,'J')0.
V. tiy 1'inler Itt'sls.
W ASiii'(iToN, March 15. Superin
tendent Porter, of the census bureau,
left Washington for a abort vacation of
a week or ten days. The census work
is low well in hand, every special in
quiry being started. All the schedules
are "in the lianas of the piint t; nearly
every supervisor has received, his com
mission and in a few weeks the lTosuper
i isors. di.-triet-s of t;o country will b-s id.d lendy for the appointment
of the enumerators ior taking the forth
coming c t pbiiH. t uj flint lalent Porter
aU-.'S this vacation at this time for the
ie;;son that he does not expi ct to be able
to leave his oliiee foi a day during the
con ing summer. 1 lu re is a little lull
in ii;e census business now, co oseuent
U on sul .dividing the supervisors' dis
tricts, the prelim. n try work preparatory
to appointing the eauinerators.
-w rtaiitiv
Wapiiingtox, Marcii 15. The follow
ing named national banks were author
ized to commence business: The Fir.-t
iNatioual Bank of Swauton. at Swanton,
Yt.. capital soO.cuO; the Pirst National
Bank of Cameron, at Cam- ron, Mo .
capital 0,(;)0; the . i'i.eiis' Natioiial
13ank of Covington, at Covingiou, Ky..
rajiital s00,0o0. Application for au
thority iO organize the North Alabama
National bank, of Florence, Ala., vrus
Uolpii's Siiieltiiiij I'mmuiitop.
V"asiiingtox, March 15. The Dolnh
committee investigating secret session
leakages held a meeting and piesti ned
at great length one of the sena'e pages,
who was said to have overheard a con
versation in w hich a newspaper reporter
intimated that some of the members of
the investigating' e wero not
altogether guiltless of betraying the sen
ate's ccnlidtnce. Ihe committee will
continue its sessions i.ext week.
Kiiirain 1 n i :c t i .i for Murder.
vrAsmxGTox, Much 15. The gran 1
jury of t e District, after evamtniug a
number of witnesses, d recle 1 th. ii-;-trivt
at orn -y t piv-p ue ..a i:i -tfue.n,
ag.; in. t Ktaeai 1. win mu: e.v-i-ioure iS
iaaa Ta i'r uiin-ier.
Tho ".
!"). T1:0 world's
,; : !;.! ; a meet
hid prepared by
liisr coii. : i. .
i;':,' an i :
the sUb-C'at.
ing tie fair
. (' oi
i o'.
ait e
OI'OV i I .n
tor noiJ-
Chi - a
Luc took no
A New York !J!'!lt.
,i " Daniel I,ike
:.d-: to be UniieJ
Va-:!::..vo :. Mire.;
wi-I 1 e nomit'.ate i Moi
State fh'atr.iial ior ilu
l-'a.-.. "ii di.striet
Ci .-.cW lel'i
1 ICz
.'ha ie.i 1-L. . lalfol J,
i-t.iul l'tiiflsiises.
".VSHIXJTOX. Mar h 15. The treasury
depart ueut purchasei PU,00) 4.jpr
cent, bonds at si.
cent. i.Kads at
. I O irv l i .1.1 I ,.
!o" llat
V h I'jo;'.;: ives of No V and io. ;
mid vf ti-- At aulie. c.mipa.iy at Ohiey
vd e. ii. I.. r.ii !h.-.-: airainri a lec-d t.
sive lines for inipo fwoC vvavia.
A.5U band.-i .r out!. . ,
u at J
cc7? nr.'KTVS r
Setiai ).
Wakiiinoton, March 13. The senate
! devoted its time until o'clix k to mat-
ters pertaining to the District of Colum
bia. j The Ulair educational bill was taken
up. and Mr. Teller addressed ihe senate
i in itK Minxrt. 11m Haid that he had in-
tended to content l.iu'Pelf with a silent
; .-.f i.,,f .-..i.. ,1-L-.
I able c haracter of the dicuskn in the
aHt fe d;iy8 j,ai i,hn d hilll to ex-
' press his opinion on the bill and on norno
(UUhtions connected with the debate.
Inferring to the reconstruction meas
ures, he declared that he was one who
had advocated the extension of salfrage
to the colored people, ami be had no
apologies to make for it. He denied
thai it was a mistake and a blunder.
He admitted the diuiculiy of two
races, in armonions and non
homogeneous, living together in
eipiality. but the problem c uld ;
solved. He believ d that education
might help to solve it, therefore he had
voted steadily for the pending bid. b;
no ance and crime were co-relative,
terms. Ihe north was proud of the en
ergy the south had displa ed in retriev
ing her fortunes and w here, as in tins
instance, the soutli could not cope with
t if problem, the north was widing to
lend a helping hand. If any one would
prcso'it a satisfactory solution of the
race problem in the south, he said, he
would gladly accopt"it though it bur
dened the government with a debt as
gtoat as that which it bore at the end of
the war.
Senator Oeorge gracefully ncknowi
fd..ifd the kindness and temperateness
of Se ator Teller.
Senator Call gave written notice that
he would ask on Monday that (he nil s
he modified so as to eooseVr the nomi
nation of District Judge Swayne and
l.'i.-l;i i Atioruey Stripling of northern
Florida in open session.
Pesoluiioiis on the death of the late
Ih Town.-dton of Ulinoi ;
.i; !e ta!:e!i up and sp fches in enlo.t.v
v. ei e o !i ered. Asa further inaik oi'
respect ihe senate at l!::jo adjouiiied un
'li r .(.! i.. v.
! the hotiM- Mr. Pe.-I
: .-io.t l!v;l V:
.r-.n.- our. livt ti:" ( '!;.-r.
1 1, ...i deel-'.re 1 open to s
; 1 , :
o' Ivri;;n
i .ii b::d
" 1 .P U- I; :.l
rn i.t nod. r
lie ,;v;iH's!r i' 1 1 w, 1
o -' i ;
i he i ':l.diot,ia bill as
! .i! :;:ei": : s' :i i id h ive
! i:.i t;pi I ..trip. T
il. -d bee; 1 o, -11 'd to S'
i 'i :!,! ( ui let wa.i eii
p.t-sei. ilr'
.en (Iril lii,'
J!er )'ce i )r-i -'.
ie.iieni. I he
raced within
he h;
i s ol' the l;ev-" iei ritorv. but
w its
!,!; oi.eii I to ti;-ttleii)ent under
hoiecsteatl law.
'J be le 'Use then went into committee
ot the whole on tie private calendar.
The bill the president to
reti-e hell. John ( . b'remont with the
r - it': of major general was taken up.
A i i -r a number of
a: v spveches the l i
highly eompnoi'.mt
1 was laid a.-ide wish
le rece-idlion. Tills bill, to-
ii-ibf wit ii the Kmery bill, a pi opri:;t-iii;-
: V,.)'), a.-; Ihi'ally amended in the
c: nroitteo of the whoie, was rub.-e-o,.-.
t!y reported to tlie house, but no
h'iai acii n was taken, and at 5 o'clock
ihe hoUT'e took a recess until .S (. m.
Chailes (Jity were passed.
In the house a partisan strugg'o'was
pret i; itated again by tlie reference of
the Dent license bill last week. A mo
tion was made to rtfer it to the comm t
tee on police regulations, and it was
ii trended to make it suppression of in
temperance. Tlie a mend me; t was car
ried, but no vote taken on the anient led
""iin tion. After considerable dir-eu-ti-iori
the bill was referred to the cornndttct
of the whole and will be considered next
Wednesday morning. The bill ant .or
izing cities of the first class to fund their
outstanding debt, was changed so as to
apply only to Sioux C.ii-, ami passed
lie legalizing acts for Clinton and
Charles City were then passed. Ad
journed. Oratorical Contest.
Lincoln", Neb., March 15. At the
st;:te oratorical contest in this city the
first pri'.e was won by George O Fergu
son, of the Nebraska Wesleyan univer
sity, subject: "Conservatism and Pad
i aiism in Society." The second was
won by J. B. Fogarty, of the Nebraska
State university, subject: "Charles
Stewart Parnell.'' 'One of the contest
ants, D. It. Collins, of Oates college, Ne
ligh, was taken suddenly ill and could
not compete.
Mow hey Will Hustle.
San Fhancisco, March 15. By an
ordinance appr rve 1 aH Chinese residents
are required to e their residences
and places of Ium;:.. ss within sixty d : ys
to certain sectioir.- . ! t-. a'-sithcrii ;'rt
of the city. Mc.-t .i the Chin.: e are
ow located iv-ar the ln:s':ij-..-:s center of
Zhv city. They render ei"-i;i OO.el)
It is (. j.ech ri tl ;.t eli-als vrill 1 e mail.'
to nullify the t fhiiKijiee. in:t it has been
pronounced eousti.uiioird by the count v
PJ.jraey. '
7 lie 1'iiv ViMv I)hittcv.
Bn-iwi.e,, March 15. The Dy View
in pi. -t w:j..j c nt i:i 1. Dr. rdorohy
t .-tiiie t that i i bis opl.uoa ti e
brake cord wa i palled !y ;i train
man w ho was him. lie a lvise-1
that s me of the injured passengers m
that car l-e ca'b -.1, as thev i: d glit throw
some light c;i the subject, lie said the
train men did ' ot warn the passengers,
e-se there w u!d have been plenty of
time for all to hava saved themselves.
'i he l"i;tck Case.
Xkw Yr Maich 15. The argu
ments in th 1'iaek conspiracy case were
concluded, and the clerk of the court of
common pleas was called as a. witness to
identify th papers in the divorce ca,e.
Court th'a adjourned,
..iihtirt Take It With Ulm.
Pku. -.t g.riiiA, March 15. The late
Wiiii.i .. leacknell left his entire estate
" l'V :l llllllhil ih.P.'lr trk lij !,;T 1
- -' . . i-J Vil.IUl I'll,
It wii-i expected that there would bo
larrgtj.luwstsXo charities.
li::isi.ati:ii:-:. u er- 5 .'
A i'.ii tisiisi Klrnifsl i-' tlio It.nwe oil the ' '
i i 1 1 1 i I License Siili. J IT. .-i-h-::'.
k y,r.: Mf', y-, " Io.-'a: ev
ti: tin rot: i:r
Twty Tli'Mis;t,.l II.ii'.ii' Him
I )liil .il t it : i ,i.i.t
AnKANSAs (Vl V, Z-"., '1 I
!nvasi(u of tin .'):: s r
(Ktint bewail at s!lo: i e. a
lines of can w - oven I ir
t-rs drew their le i ; ir.t .
land. It is ei-t :.;i i t!, t i ro
ft' nt poinl
people have
s oi i tit :.r.e In
p . '. 1
that number st ,!-.e 1 1
patches from ii io ;. :i i t ' .
(iill'lhi'le, 1. '!'., and limine.-,
say lh;U ill- i t eilit nun ii
left each of i be poi ;!. air u
the rtrip. t ipi i i!r
of a small he-ee f I ' i
ulars at f )i. I.i h im i l '. ;y , n
force inlo the Sirio I. tie ;.t li
the progress of the boomers, be, n
so oidered by t-le;rapli. So fur as
known 1 1 : is force lm t no eti' -et m re
tarding the liioveeient. The erioie-ous
dispi't. hes ol Thursday will ca se
mu"h troiibe. The Cherokee S rip,
while im bided in t ie ( )k!a!ioma bill, is
not open to homo-.h';( I ei try. Toe Pub
Ik; Liiul Strip is thus open. hvreverj.
I'l! j 1ii'kli-l l'u Itj ue.
CillHL'AMl'A, Mexico, M uch 15. The
spetdal train conveying the American
Associativa of (..Seneral Passenger and
Ticket Airents to the City of Mexico, ar
rived at Fl Piiso. The j tarty was met
by a deputation of citizens, hea led by
tho governor of Chihuahua, and escort
ed to the Hotel Crand Central, where a
bampiet was tciidoie l the visitors. A
lneoiing w is held on t!i; train, at which I
A. C. Michaels, general passenger ai' nt J
of the Me.vie.iu Centr il. was eb ". l j
president of the asMtiatioii: Mr. Me Cor- j
n iek, of the ( ineiiiii iti. Hamilton a 1 !
Davt n, vice president, and A. J. S .'.' a. I
of the La!,e Sii
a d. .'Itehsgvi t :e .tr.u. j
et in ; f ! ee a '- '! I- i
seen !ar. i ii--ci;.
! ion in 1 he ( i
ct i- i
- i
1 1
1 1 : : 1 1 : i 1 1 .
mo .
71 oi
by :
:.c j.
( on.
Johnson. ( 'le
aid I'ertlia
life in: pri.-- r.
ary conlio : i
Old Man lb
rest oi the i
inc v. hi li :
Kims i, :
Smith of I"!:.
of J 'orr i.e. ,
oa-0:er o:
t h
' .; .
' ,1
failed a s oi t ti
; 1 1
re-tetl. ciiiir ;;! vr: n ivc.-iv.
wlien thev i .e ihe ii.i k ',.
solvent Co. tlili' n.
Tito lliotiit r Vhi i r t;an.
Nkw" Ytthtc, March .5. Prank A. Dif
fendtiri'er, formerly of Iaiucaster, Pa.,
was arrested in Brooklyn, charged by
his brother with ha viog niisappropriat;-'l
WiShhi!! of ids father's estate. PiiTen
doner will l e taken to Lancaster to an
swer the charge against him.
Count to-l'e iters 'aiiijlit.
S:o x City, la., March 15. The gang'
of counterfeiters who have been operat
ing in S;k and adjoining counties is
now thought o have been broken up.
Two men were hro ght in Willi" in
Miles and James Haggan pals of the
lililes biaahe:s.
T!;e Jicfu!!.! 1 n n i :yv
New Youk. March 15. In the
Ca'la navai impiiry sevt-ra' oiii. crs
sailors gave athlilioual test i no i v .'
severe PUiii!llU er.t ',' lnembeys o:'
ere . but no t.o.v factti of hi i:..
tauce were eii, i ;e '.
van '.i. r ,
i : e,
r r
the arr
cu;;,m t
. . 1 ,
- a -
1 .-ii
I! !V.
v. i-
VI ! ! v I ;j i
died o! his i
.-..I .
i: v. i:. ic.r.c:; a.
Council Bluff -Via .
jury in tho ca-e of p.-
charge 1 whh imiid.-r, l
diet of actjuit l-i 1
Th- stiikh.g w-.-avru
Ib.ihemia, Ji. ? l;-e..Mn
iriii 15.
Dr. IP!:.!:
light ia u v.
i.t ;
i w i.
Jtieai rviice a,
ibem and the
11 . . I I . o il I I j f - w rrt r; r .; x
1 f: .tes re, -ii- , U " ..-.v
'.hi So si .u' i I t S,
CO; 1 I'.:!.
to . ,e i ei
!,.: . -i
. L. i ....
havo be
.a sui-
i:n rr.,. -.?r-i'T m - i
v r: n V, v-" " 5 I The
ii ir.. -Tlie T.-:ac f : rr.Kt '
!' oin t' i : ' I'A. U '
- .i.i.i
, : h '" . . r ! "l
I Li.... - - j "iM b,
, u ft L'. ( ' . " ' ' I i
'. - ' k. i i J . ..... . a- ; v
I ; t),4- ' 17 V,'. t n.i' J'.' ; i .'!'!., Ji';. 0 r ' S.
' ; .j,.r. : v.t i..,r. !;" t
'' ' .. C. . . i .. i .. , a .- i. Jr .'.s ( i I ; ie ; li-
i-eo.. . ,u ,. ,!cvi.u ;(.;' I- h r : ou
l-o. ; K.i l -..lie, J ill hi i.' il.U.
n oa for , t i;vT3' llotiu. 'fiicre it n Curt'.
1 i
Ilelievcs ni)l cures
Sciatica, LumLajc.
:t I: -i-."..
XUZ CUAKt V: A. U... :
)!i:ad.( irs:.
i:r:i is: ',
nurr.3 i'.r-ti ov.Tu.l3,
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wo' s
la-- hiiii'je
Wit t ITn-l l
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ui t h w villi i.i e tt II
. t It win-.; ;r IT,' 1: -r
Aril i t'll e: siii i Jiell - s'litli
t !-.
,1 '. i'
' i
'I... k
. . 11 .
il. in. of
li e
Oel Vi-
tile It",! .
.-l-c. ti. :
.e:;. ei
1, In!
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!: I
i i.; V . - .". ,
hh Ccttrr Thi.n wealth.
ihove dvice uppe ds 1 1, id) per
; t ciidly to those w lii) to all out
i pt :n line, s si em ludu mid luitity.
on Whom the inn.: si.ei ij .1..,!.,
- I '!
toe that their ih w i..o :
iy uiinH nts that u.iiy : n lieved
rt peiiod,. only t t iippnir ueiiin
I lie Its c., ... ... .
-" imii: io uno.niiine the
b, , i,k in the levee of the Mis-
, .' 1 , 'which 1-loudly seen Httiist,
d.ulv n,l irti A . .
V Uh the priKsure of the
wuthj.s, und t, , . .
To guid ngi.ii, t .
is the one and lie t i.
to l eiui) C dist'lisi;
iili'.l talil tl.'nwr (,,
reincinbu- ill ln:allii or s- , "
t K 1 1 ' ;
To know whom ttt mini. , , . ,
if w uh s'e iild
bt: our foremost tiutv, nmni , .
' 'hi ,l.ut the
public iit 1'irgi should .'eiii.ui j j
ccivtt good medical ad ice 1 . r
eryat in of health.
The Ar.ikofr .Metliod Co., wn( j
vvorldwitht reputation in set icing to t.
low out the principles mid iiiins of th ,
h i.iineiit Kiis-i tu physician. Dr. Arnkofl',
of Moscow, and his eel, hinted Hussinn
Hospital treatment, has hi cured the mt.
vita s of an iiiic:unt ami xpetit ntufz
ue-dical corps, w ho will upon itpplicutii.
give ad vice by let tcr fne of chartge to -per.-.
Mi1 sidfering from in, ) form of tlis-
id d.
ri Ii your coiiipbtiit
u!-t) rv" your full
, I ! , - V
. I
i bv i.-i
ill lllelit
in em:'-'
r s on :i si a in p i l en v lope.
inn in lil recti vc advice for
free of iXjj lise. Add; ess :ill
1 1 ! . 1 1 to
Tin; Au vko! f Mkpicai, Co,
. Do' ton. Mass.
St. -TON, Nov. 11th, lri.SS.
PICA I. 'o .
i I'
n: V.::
!);. Ar:
i v. i : i
S .
C.I v.
. i
!: for two
psbi remedy
1 l- .iy
.! s-ml to Mr.K.
,Mn i c i lei 1, 5i ii A vc,
I seed this knowing
b e;-' of t!,e K lin ,y, s "t
bolt!. S l.fb'i I . f ill-, d
;i li . in hit h I was ;t
i uvi r t i :". e , ' i rs.
i r, -e of lli1 gillie vt
s. Yen i ., -... ()(,! fnlly,
S. L. Corn:,
?C. f t., S. Morton.
;picr. IncL-T.-'bX'?
ii ; . ;i
: t r.'
h . 1 h V, i I
;.:r. ('. li. Mor-
s .-: ' V:;s ! o n
. : -. k . d 1 1 h ii : ! s Mid
ei ti l;:e nil il l limbic
!: i,i, i -i
!or Co
1 bolt!.-.
i 11 !.; f
.-I- n;-'(h
:.,!. 1). I,
be I )
it Dr. K leg's, i. in
e in.
a! !e to
Il is the
l.r. Ohio, si.yc;
I'vi:,j''s N'-W
( '
o ! I 1 1 I v on hi
i s. Was giv-
lil lew ill best of
icple bottlt s free
(J. I'li. I t A Ct
A Lady's Perfec- Companiu. .
Our new took hy Dv.Ioim II. Iye, one
of New Yoik's must skillful physicians,
lio.s ih it p.dn is not iicf.-ss:.ry in child
oirth, but result-, from cuu.-c. easily un
o r tootl aiid ovi rci.u,e. Itfh arly
: s that any woimni may I.i'hiiii; a lie th-i-
with. .ut, -libeling nt;' p.dn whati ycr.
it iil.-o it lis ho w to oy rri'itu and prevent
nottiii, g sick IK ps ain't t he m il; v ot her fvils
of-iiding pit It is highly Mi
ll r; , d by physicians cv.vwh re as the
wife's t im pi iy;.tc caepoiion. (Jut this
nt: i; will save yon '.if.t pain, and pos v-eji lite. Si hvn cidstamp for
b'sc-iiotive cirrul I, si itnor.ial J, ninl
.on i i.h i.t'ed left . st nt in scaled en vlope.
tbp-. s.- Fiank Tlmimi:-il C-., Pn'.bshers,
T5allini..p-, V.i
W'c have just been admiring one of the
handsomest oil pictures ot ".Ii-.t que" Host?
thiit we h;ve ever seen, und lnul it hi ( n
i n mi art store we should have known that
i good price would be asked for it. But
iimsgine a work of art of such intrinsic val
ue being obtained for nothing! for that
is practically the cise. as it is a supplc
nent to Dcmorest's Piimily Magazine for
pi il. This wondet ful publication has
u i s E i-t'-r gail, and it certainly is an
ittincti ve one. Ivr h succeeding mimbtr
i: : ;irs to prow b.-tt' r and bi tter, until
.ve fore" ! to .vond r vvii it can b; don'2
t I'.i-its prest-ltt high st'Oitblld oi
.....- e:.. . 'ire hot of the m 1 1 r is,
- .i p M '. lv ho'i'dv ;:lel holllC
. . e . i.n J !:;.: is D.-iiio, Tlte
i. t. .oo- nr..- .rk )i nit, and i"4-e
: ' ; ;.;:;-; - v.-hjeii til -y 1 1 i u-T i -. t ; are
. .
he M mil atau N' til king-
' ly,
u i'i e
, .' i ; -
i: -;
The i:,!-t r Lil ." he
Li In.'
"'i"!i'.' Ii li ai:i Psch--I:i
tf C: :so f
: ," 'E i-t r X ,. i
Vv'oi k i.iid Play t or
1 i .l. It-US Other
ii aiding "A Vv o
,'' "Our 'o king
ir. te. - fi M'.J.I ,!!,,"
i i; n
-t." t 1
M -eigt:
15 1: i.-t
b vi. r
- I)
rv i.i-
: - .
siiows the
th-- grcjt
i il
m 1
') e
.t .-.
ej,,l can
to go.
Tli ' qvility of tie. blo .tl ib-pends
ii,:eh -ii go. tl or bid digestion, ami
S O.i.lio!;. Ti IJ,ak. tilt- bb od I it h
i li: :ti.i -ti - u'I'-givinjr on-1 it Ui l, t3
- J -f II M Ir tuiV iS'.i-apaiil!it. It
.vie r.oi.ii-h th propel t i-s of the blood,
r e. which th. cleihtats of vitality are
1 i
t ,
I .
j :