Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, March 20, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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blTll T)TTIJT "
1 .
. H. HOLT05
Wished ev..
ling except " '
IorJi ft
!i Ci
t Ui '2-1 y
"Entt-e, O r.try
Op indorv
Vl aimed '
We nre promised lower pnssonrer
rates tomorrow, iiu l tlic war goes merri
ly on
Jeff Stonr city editor of the IIkkai.ii
eome years ago, has started a print'in-'
office in Kearney.
Herman Klcitsch is nioying inNy' the
city today up near John Cummins resi
dence on Pearl t-treet. . f
Winn you meet a friend i 11,0 cit.v
take him to the Hot 1 Rib? ttU(1 "elr
those who help your towr
Tom Hicks limps runfl t,,,ay wi,h "
can, as the p suit of "viug tlie ash ho.
at the power house
full across his foot.
Work is ptot;r'8'''ntf on n million dollr
depot for On.'1'11- Council Bluff- vvib
have u n-w
oiks betore long ana ri.ius
mouth V
jll(lCh-!u'in lstillholdinii Cnuitin
fiinf ' i1'n" "I1 ,! doek' t in his n
' . - 1 1 1 1 ..... r '.....;.. T I it
j M . ;i 'l 1 1 y r II" "111 in II
futh Much 17th.
T A i tr c ts of L-hnholT no '
? iefichsi it vs Ki-lrr was dismissed
,.-,in l iiotic !.-ivci of nil appeal in Judg.
Ramsey Court to-day.
Tin' fir in1, ti with comm. iid.-tbl-' tr ' t
tafc- li.ivi' select, d G ". V ;iMi t intk
th' ir n. w ba dges. whicli is u onanist
tlint it w i!l I)' w 11 done.
Tin' supfi lie- c urt handed down s- v
Ciitei t) oiiuioiss V' sti rday, none limn v :
on any of the chsi s pi inline before tha'
tribunal from Cass county.
Dr. listing of We- ping Vv ab r. !
bound over in tlie sum of $-i00 to nop n
at District Court on the eh trge of P r
jury. 15. A Gibson signed tin. bond.
Win, Keefer; our enterprising harness
maker, has recently sold his bian?h stor
at Wahoo, and will hereafter devote hi
entire time to the business in this city
The Herald is not sensational bene
we will not print nu article reflecting on
relatives of some if our test citizens that
appeared in the Omaha Ii-publican this
A handsome notice of the coming
firenv ns tui li iincnt in this city npp-ari 1
in all tin- Omaha pajiers this mornini;.
The tourname-t is in -good hands anil
will be a "hummer."
Patrick Clem ne nd family consisting
of wife and three children were todaj
6ent to the iioor bouse. Mr. Clemtiu
fot hurt on the nil road and is unable
to care either for hints- If o." family.
. Our old friend Jacob Levy, fornv t
this city, is stirring up 'he political
Iron in smith Ou aha. The Flatts
the siln n to tne rnnr "ihIim
"T,,A. .1 miyorand meiiiber of city counci'.
K lly Fox has made a very satisfactory
clerk, and will probably not have S'-iioti!-opposition
for a renomination. Kelly
dont look like he was built for a runner
but he has a way of ''getting there just
the same."
Armour Cudahy & Co. of South Oma
ha, got the contract for furnishing th'
beef for the Pacific hotel company yes
terday against some very sharp compe
tition. The contract calls for $75,000
worth of meat.
Rumor has it that J. W. Curtright one
of th best of the young newspaper men
in the .-tite, will leave the Linrol.i Call
and tak-- charge of 'he Omaha bure iu
the Lincoln Journal. John will succeed
wher. v. r tin v put him.
P:ttvis.n, Murj-liv vc Co , are shipping
t: ?1 CHS of t 'li " ll lilV to the Al'M lil'i.l
Water o mpaiiy nt O.'u-dei, ainl :1' C '-ti'-.ll
S" to do fr s. iU" ti:ii". J fry
FirioiiiiX i ai-n' for tin- company hiii!
fu-tl.-s uj) lots of biisin- ss.
P.-t-T H ni -n and Mi: Cr-ihid Invi
turn d "Of a splendid three seated spiin
wair'!i tor Niek II bnes. that hs bei
j ii nt: .1 up in x)h n H I styl by John
Leach, "the profissor" in S-hn. llbuch. r's-cariiag'-
repository on Vine street.
Tain f thiiteen car came in
from E'lile. Cass countv. ov-r the Mis
souri Pa' itic at 2 o'clock yesterday morn
ini.' loaded with iittmigrnn's and thiir
household tfoods. The immigrants w p
bound for Atkinson, where tliey will
settle. Lincoln Journal.
The North Dakota Lo;:isihna Lottery
scheme notwithstanding its princely offer
of payinir Annually almost enough, to run
the State Oovernient. was knocked in the
head ycsterdiy by a republican legislature
up th-re, that dont ramble ind whose
members are not for sale.
Tin Lincoln correspondent of the Om
aha Republican says that Dr.D'gge, who
has fiiiureil in a lot of crookedness in this
city during the lat few years has ngain
been heard of. This time it is in conn ct
ion with an incendiary fire which recently
occured in II -l -na, Mont. Just what fig
ure the doctor cut in the tffair is Dot
The Sirasate and D Albert trrund
cono rt at Iloyds Opera H.mse in Omaha
a few wei ks itgo prov d such a success
that the manager of th- New Gran -I has
svCUfvd rvtura tca'etucot uyd cojruue
who di'X"' to ar 'H'ni have
inoth' efiHtice Monday evening next.
Snide is pronounod by the Omaha
IHIera mw ie grenteat violin player ever
oard tlnre and we can nssurn the read
rr of the Hkrald that the above is
true. D'Albeit playing on the piano
has never been iqunled by any player
who has ever viniied this country. The
orice of tickets will be $2.00, 1.50. 1.00
and nailery 50 cents, Tickets went on
Side this morning.
T. L. Murphy the veteran railroad
liudder has a 1 ire rontnet on the Odcn
.hort line west of O'Neil where he will go
in a few days iiccoinpaui d by Divnl
.Miller of this city, who will keen Cases
n the Doys and see that things run
-mooth in the al -nee of Mr. Murphy.
A lively scene was en ict-d last night
it th-county court wh'-n Br.-s Wooly
-ml ll ddeliiiiU who weic the oppoMn.
ounsel in the cas in. iit im d yerttrdai
f the State vs Dr Long bigun to ii(
nil other i:p the back in aecordaiiC'
vitli th-- late-t import d methods. A
i ire im'ou d claim to have been highly
'.t ilain il by the probe1 dings until a
1 ,t hour.
The M. P. sm Vi vers w'll run a new
:i:i- tiui ii'i'iitv th- ri'lg n-ar Mr.
!! .'l-'ll's I- l-ideliee, aloi: the W.St si t
of 1) i.eii loi ter'n -ill-1 thiou.h the St'il
,ilat e to t Ii. liver; this. Mr. Lewis the chr t
e iiie-er. thinks will pn-v a n ote witi:
sv yrades, that would b rliuM n if tin y
w nt vi st of town Vhieh m irti r will
l setthd by our people th inselvtS at
f I- Aptil It ( lion.
Ti-ific on the motor line in increasing
h iiidsomely, ev.-n the farmers et lid of
Mie hills, and unpleasant hitchin; places
lown town by tyiiir up their teams at
he west end and coining in on th- mo
'or. The line h -reafter bids fair to In
come a paying institution wnich our city
ii is a right to fe 1 justly proud of.
Everybody ought to b- liberal with their
patronage and tlius help a worthy com
pany that has done much for this city.
Scarcely a pass- nger train crosses th
river going east that does'nt carry a
I rge amount of provender to Pacific
function. Many of the b st citiz-ns oyi r
there buy all their groceiies and even
neats over here. When the new pon
toon bridge is built, (work on which
will begin soon) and B dbu runs his
motor lino across he liver we will add
nore th ui mi" h df to our present farm
Made. We trut Mr. "Gallagher will let
The Miyor of Weeping Water B. A.
Gibson. E-q, is in the City.
D. K. Barr the best ja.dtor they evei
hud at the Iliyh school made the Herald
i pleasant Call to-day.
Miss Anna Russell returned to her
Weeping Water home yesterday accom
panied by her sister Mrs. Knotts.
The wife of Rev. J. M. Wood of South
Park is lying very low, lu-r daughb r
irrived this morning from Ainsworth,
Tow a.
Conductor M J. Brry arrived here
ast night from his Michigan home leav
big hi m ither improved in health; h
will probably take out his train tomorrow.
Mrs C Blo.-del. of N-w York City is
'o 'king as vonng and bright as when she
used to 1). known as Jossie Stadelnim
is he.e visiting h-r mauy friends and
G o. II. Palmer was in Oai ih i today
n-.king iirraiv'emen's fur the electlie
d to b' ii4 -1 in weighing . the
v:.n:i.r 1 i lis it t't a.) l .if V t :f ins so -
ei il tflll t!'iV eV(-ii!g.
W. II Hit E q. f lor, low i, is in
the C'i'V. thinking of einbiikillg ill th
ti-irdwtre btjsiness. Mr Burr is a young
n- rgetie appealing g -ntl m -n and woul-'
i w loom d to Platm nt!i in any bus
iness h. Ilii;'hr desire to follow.
Energetic Ladies of ihe Pre-sHyteria n
i hurch will Raise ihe r-und-i.
The ladles ot tie- I'r-sby te-ian chinch
with commendabl- energy have org-miz -d
whs! is known as the Presbyterian Aid
S u i. ty. and will laise th- m cessary fund
topurchisna fin- pip ? organ for their
beauriful new church. We s iy th-y will
raise the money for the reason we nt-vi r
knew the ladies to fail when th y under
took a matbr of this kind. The first
tiling is a good organization which they
already have with Mrs. Ambrose Patter
son as pn siden , Mrs. J. P. Young, vice
president, from the first ward; Mrs. R
B. Windham, vice president for the sec
ond ward, and Mrs. S. M. Cooper vice
president for the othe r wj ids; these vice
presidents are members oftue executive
committee together with Mrs I). Camp
bell, Miss OlHe Jones, Mrs. Wagner, Mrs
F. T. White, Mrs. M. B. Murphy, a-d
Mrs O. II. Snvikr: Miis Alma Watertm n,
Treasurer and Mrs Wagner, secretary.
Th'- Rdnbow social held recently was
the work of the third ward.
Oil the 2nd of April the Fisrt w:ird
organization will have a promenade con
cert at the O 'era House.
Tuo cckbruWd, Pcuk wtma will be j
here, and nssist in the venings enter
tainment; refreshments will be served
ami an unusually good time is assured.
The people uf Plattsinouth can not
only enjoy th-mselves but iln-y can assist
by their lib ral patronage in h l ing to
get the first pipe organ ever brought to
this lit? which will indeed be quite an
Further particulars in regard to the
entertainment will be given from time to
The excavation for the Wetti-ncatnp
block is progressing rapidly.
Judge Pottingcr is already announced
as candidate for Police Judge.
John Waterman is unloading s me fine
dine n-ion lumber for tue new Wetti ncamp
block today.
R bt. D 'iim-lly has been favorably
mentioned by n public ms as a candidate
for city treasurer.
S mi At . inson the valian cigar man
for Cha-e & Co, of -t Joe, is syi ing his
f 1 1 nds in the city today.
One of Mr. and Mrs. Chapman's babies
has tlie pm-umonia but we are glad to
state is much b -tt- r today.
Geo. K Stunts th" G irn-ao bread man
now niik s J. P. Youngs' headquarters
for his br-ad when not on the wagon.
K. P invitations are out for a progres
sive high five social at th-irhall in tie-
eckUich block next Wednesday even
John Itiehimn is r iffloig off a team,
harness and wagon. One hundred and
seventy tickets will be sold at a dollar
Justice Clifford and Attorney Gelirini'
came home this morning in high td'-e
having won their law suit at Grand Is
land. All Wav C irs on this division of the
B. & M. are beai tifully draped in mourn
ing in men ory of the deceased Conductor
Mr. Norton.
Messrs Holmes & Hinkle the Sixth St.
livery mpn report a very handsome in
create in business during the last month
in their line.
Whats the matter with th d iff - rent
chairmen of citv central committees, po
litical matters appear to be conducted in
a very secret manner.
A large tank of Naptha jut recived
from the Standard Oil company's refit er
ies at Cb veland for the gas company is
being unloaded today.
A paragraph in the Bee today givinir
description of our tournament priz s. etc.
says: "gren horse race, purse of $150."
it should hsve read hose race.
Ducks, thicker than black birds wen
flying South West this morning for three
hours, W. D. Jones th exp- rt says 10,
000,000 is about the right number.
Switch engine No. 99, bright and lean
'rum the back shops was taken to Lin
coln this morning as a helper on fr- iglit
No. 20 by engiiv-r M irt Traver aud his
fireman Hank Bruhl.
The boys up the road are sai 1 to have
went wild over Havelock property the
other day. and bought everything that
was for sale. It can be bought back to
day for a great deal less money.
A. M Clark, of Om ilia, th decorator
of the Ilote' Rih y returned home thb
morning. Mr. Clark has just contracted
to decorate the billiard parlors at the
IJih y that will make them among the
fin st in the state.
The IIekai.d l arns that Henry B ck
ne of our b st citiz ns has sold his Fur
liture store to a Mr. Chaffee of Chicago.
We were unable to learn the details of
Ii - purchas , the formal transfer not hav
:ng yet been made.
Tin Ei-1-' jumps on to the father!.
dttle 'av uiaugh boys and calls them
thieV's, ' tc, when no proof was adduce"
atiywh- re of that kind tha was wortli a
oic yune. The boys will make good
iiiz ns if th y nceive any care or fail
tre . tin- nt at home.
Newspaper men are som' times in luck
13 witness th following from the Lincoln
Call. "Col Hirry Dobbins of the N ws
is a winner today. He nceived w rd
last evening that ticket No. 14.087. in
which he h Id a twentieth interest, had
drawn $10'000, which leaves him $49:)
ahead of the game. Harry has not all
owed affluence to turn his head, though
he kept the wires hot last night obtain
ing coi firmation of the report."
County Court.
Hobirt Ray Bus whose motherdied in
January last, and whose father isJSugine
Bush at Ashland, was. adopted by John
W. Resoner and Jennie Resoner residing
near Ashland.
C. A. Kauffman of Avoca made ap
plication yesterday for the probate of the
last will and tetamen' of John II. Mar
quardt; set for hearing April 5th.
One hundred anil twenty cases fihd
since January 0th.
merchants arc laying in a stock
of seasonable goods for the spring trnde.
When taj M. P. is finish-d to Platts-
uiouUi tiictJo uiudiutd ukx . iare 1
addition to their trade. Weeping
Water Eif'le. The good people in and
about Weeping Water will most probaMv
come to PUttsmouth. Great caution
should be exercised by the buisness men
in fheir spring purchases for sdes will be
a little light over there.
Clarknon Names the Staff of the
Department Commander.
Major T. S. Clarkson. the n-wly el-c
ed commander of the Nebraska G. A. R.
has issued his first general order which
includ-s the announcement of the mem
hers of his official staff aft fo'lows: John
B. Sawhill, of post 7 Omaha, assistant
adjutant general; Cliarbs L. Howell, of
P s 11, Grand Island, assist ant quarter
master general; P. II, Steel, of post 1,
Kearny, assistant inspector general; M. L.
Hayward, post 24. Nebraska City, assis
tant judge advocate general; John Jen
s. n, of p st 22. Geneva, Chief mustering
officer; Charles F. Bunnester, post 110,
Omaha senior aid-de camp and chief of
staff: II. E. Pond, of post 18. Fairmont
Ed Amnion of post 8. St Paul, L. F
Fryar of post 205, Clay Center, Comrade
Cra ne of post 2:14, Arcadia, William C.
Elder post C9, North iutte, li. II 1V.I:
of post 202. Omaha, Jesse Thompson of
osr 57. Fiirbury, ai l-dc camp; A. V.
Cole of p ist 81, Juniata, Charles P. Dick
of post 82, N u th Platte, assistant inspec
tors. Additional appointments will be
named her after,
The headqu irters of the department
ire established at 210 South Fourteenth
street Omaha. All official communications
will be addressed to the assistant adju
tant gcmral.
High School Notes.
The attendance has b -en much better
since the teachers have given more atten
tion to the matter of excuses.
Research reyeab d the fact that several
of the aust ntees were truant and others
brought forged excuse?.
Mrs. Thomas, who has charge of the
Metci rville school, was obliged to give
the reins of goverment into the hands of
i substitute for a few days, on the ac
count of illness.
The Misses Ruinmel are taking a week's
Vacation visiting th ir home in Illinois.
Miss II ittie Fulmer is acting as substi
tute in No. 15 this weik; She also has
chirge of the dinner-rowm.
One of our teachers made her3clf the
observed of all observers by unexpected
ly taking a seat in the mud in front of
In- post office this week.. She cau ep-
reciate these lines;
' ft. n the s'ipnerv n''-e.
I'll 'n winie time lias f inid me.
No a- lies t rewn to save
V '.il pun -hole lifts a nnt tee "
At the residence of the bride's parents
four miles south of Plattsmouth, by Rey.
Geo. R. Murray, Mr. Herry Meyer of
Lancaster county to Miss Lenora Gapen,
Ii- handsome daughter of Joshua Gapen
E-q, one of our oldest and best citiz -ns.
The bride and groom will remain with
friends here until Monday when they
will begin hous keeping on Mr. Myer's
farm ea t of Lincoln.
The IIkrai.d extends heartiest con
gratulation. The following Cass county people
were married in Lincoln yestarday by
County Judge Stewart- William S.
Ward of Greenwood aud Miss Ida M.
Smith of Eagle, also James B. Shields of
Waveilv and Mi-s Clara A. Kirkham, of
Whereas, it has pleased Almighty
God to remove from earth, Louise, the
iiifant d lUghter of our bel ved brother
G'-ant L. Austin. Therefore be it
Res-i 'red, Th it Gauntlet Lodge, No.
47, K of P. of" Plattsmouth extend their
heart felt sympathy and condolence to
brother Aus in and wife in their sad be
reavement. Be it further resolved that
copy of these resolutions be spread up
on the rnin it' s and a copy be sent to
brother Austin.
'.May the angel ever keep
Vigils o'er her wlih elie sleeps "
H N Do vet.
J II Emmoxs Com.
C L Spenckr, )
In Memoriam.
The fol owing was handed us for
publication by a relative of grandma j
loan. ihe article was
written by a !
friend and neighbor;
f-he U passed frutn this earth
To the ni -nsitc! if ight
To the la I where th- liilies bloom, lias g -ne t- that heaven,
' here there f no
N..r sorTOw iur shadow cf gloom
Oh ! weary ani ln"g wa h r j urney bf lew.
oh ! j yfu1 the meetlns on hi:li.
Wlierethe 11 will in re yojrg, aad more
bPMtrifu pr.w j
Wliereconj nor a te ir nor a 'l-ih.
In -hut beautiful land where the weary Had
We'll rfn MI this earth's de rest ties j
vii re 'ife ft r-i ln'1 IJ tlrn- are blest. '
Aril there are no 'Xarewehs" aui "aoedhyes." ,
A Soi'thcrner Makes Pointed
Reply to Senator Hoar.
The limine I'lissew u Substitute for the
Senate Measure, Opening th Cherokee
Outlet am! Naming the Nehranka Code
nit I. aw for the New Territory.
Wasitincitos, March 14. In the sen
ate 1 ills were passed for public buildings
at Stockton, Colo., $50,000; Mammoth
Hot Sj iings, in Yillowstone National
Park, $10. ('00; Paw tucket, ll. I.. $100,000;
Woonsockct. R. I., $100,000; Hudson, N.
Y.. $1( 0,000; Virginia City, Nev., $7,000,
Hastings, Neb., $130,000; Tho Dalles,
Ore., $100,000.
Senator Kustis referred to two state
ments made by Mr. Hoar in reference) to
the southern states, one being that in
the stafe of Ixmisiana and in some other
states thre were laws which male it
a penal ofTence fort wihte man to asso
ciate on tei ins of c'..i ility with a black.
' .1 (i.-t tlr-ro w-c- r.f i!-
t.u.ou-.-, i . L.ii; Mi i. 'i i i .-. .o ;; . l.oc
nient. The o her statement of Mr. Hoar
was to the effect that there was anot icr
law in Louisiana which provided for tho
.sale of colored men for a ct r ain time
out of woik, aJid tiiar, the former master
should have the preference in the pur
chase, lie asked Senator Hoar whether
he could find any ! u h l;.w oi the statute
hocks of Louisiana. He (Senator Kiisti.)
knew that tlie criticism was directed
ag,diist the Demo ratio legislature of
Louisiana of ls,s(;-7, but he had never
hea. il a Kepuoiicati senator criticise the
infamous laws enacted in Louisiana by
liepul bcan legislatures. 'Ibere was no
such law, however, as that whicli Mr.
Hoar had referred t , and any pretense
lb-it there as only illustrated with
what recklessness and destitation of
sense of resjn.sibility Republican sena
tors spoke of souther. i affairs.
Senator Hoar said he had erred about
Lousiana, but a law of this character ex
isted in Mis.s.ssippi.
The educati 'iial I ill was t ki n up at
2 o'clock and fv uaior Blair addressed
the senate. At the conclusion of his re
marks Senator Call endeavored to intro
duce a preamble and resolution regard
ing the nominees to certain federal of
fices in I-lorida. hut Senator Chandler
made the point that they referred to ex
ci tive matters.
Senator Sherman asked Mr. Eu-tis
whether he did not know that the
fi.teenth amendment never would have
been proposed i nt lor the fact that the
laws of tiie southern states were depriv
ing tue negro of his rights of citizen
shin. Senator Eintis .assert e 1 that all recon-stru'-tion
measures and constitutional
amendments were adopted by the Re
publican party with the single object of
Africanizing the south and maintaining
political supremacy: and this he charac
terized as the "greatest crime ever com
mitted Hgamsi civilized communities."
Senator Sherman then made a long
speech iu defease of reeonstructio.i
Senator Putler then followed, and
when he had concluded the senate went
into executive session aud at oili p. ui.
In the house the bill passed extending
for three years fhe lime within which
the Dcmson and Ouachita Val ey Rail
road company may construct its ro-d
thiough Indian territory. Bids were
abo passed granting right of way to
railroads as follows: Through the Mill"
Lacs Indian reservation, Minnesota, to
the Little Falls. Millo Lacs and Lake
Superior Railroad company; through
the Indian territory to the Galena,
Guthrie and Western Railroad company ;
through the Nez I'tice, Indian reserva
tion, to the Idaho and Spokane Rail
road company.
The house then went into committer
of the whole on the Oklahoma bill.
On motion of Mr. Tarsney of Missouri
an amendment was adopted for the es
tab idimeiit of a laud ofiije in No Man's
On motion of Mr. Hoi man of Indiana
an amendment was adopted providing
that no pei son having a fee simple to
1G0 acres of land in any state or terri
tory shall be entitled to enter the land
covered by this act. The hour of 4
o'clock having arrived the committee
ro-e and lcported the bill to the house.
The amendment adopted in committee
of the whole, providing that section
VJIjlJ. Revised Statutes (prohibiting the
introduction of intoxicating liquors into
th Indian territory), shall be enforce in
Oklahoma until after the adjournment
of the first session of the legislative as
sembly, w as agreed to yeas. Jo4: nays.
The bill was then passed tOO to 2o.
it is a suustitute lor u;j s -nate oiu on -
t-ie same subject. Hie bill contains pro- ,
visions which in substance lix the
bc-uuoary of the r.ew territory so as to
irclude the Cherokee outlet, with a pro
viso that no lands wfiicu tise Indians oc
cupy under treaty or law smill ha in
cluded without their consent, except for
jicdicial purposes. They extend over
tl e new terrhory the constitution and
laws of the United States aud tiie co le
of Nebraska, witi. out intci fereuce w itii
ifcie local Indian governments. It a.s,o
provides for the election of a legislative
assembly. Proision i- made for the es
tablishment of a supreme and district
courts. The Ch .-. ce outlet i . i'-r !
to le public ht' i it ii i open to ;; ..Ic-meut
under the home-tead laws. J
A C'uIliifTi silf.ri 1 .i-:-e2 i ted.
Washington, March 1 J. The story
that the Alliance in g: i ;g out of Ilainp-
ton Ro i ls en r ;::. '-'hiria. had col
lided with ?:e;ih:-. ve ; , !, is diocredited
at the na-v d -tin :t
V.'asistNsITo:;. M.-.rch M. The treasury
depart i::-nl purcha-ici $i7-j.0'.J) 4? p?r
cent. I
ctnt. b
-it 81.0.;'
aad i'.-2')'),-0) I ier
:t i
"T'.IC I.'lltV till i ui--h.
Vi a.-;;!., March 11 -lit iiii port
ers and repr sv ntatives of art associa
,i of the New Ycrk had a hearing be- i
i. ; S cretary Windom and AssLtant :
r c erctary Ti he nr.r at the treasury !
p-.irtiii i.t. Under the law art as.-oci'a-u.
. s are allowed to import, duty free,
pivauji-ti, aud at - tke etiuou of bit
month t retain tho Ir-fure hr,nyiii tin
duty, oi semi them ,;k 1( whence they
cmio without paying duty, 'i lie at t ini
po: tors i f New Yoi k complain that ccr eo-calicd art rissocii.tiotM import io
lures, p'uco them on exhibition, and if
duiing t.'ie six nio'iths sides mri b f.
fectcd. the iluty on h Id is paid,
und ii this way they have an udvanfa'i
over the regular ait importers, who
nave io pay only on pie. (ties imported
V'Yr V1 (,tn,i"" aI"' tl,,M I.11"
the riU or lidding t uiei ascr-t. Tho
, . : .mi i t t
one tion w ill be dei i b i,y Sec retary
vviuuum in me near iuiure.
Neelet SeHaiou I.eukuce.
Waskinuiov, March 11. The Dolph
committee investigating M-cret (-easiou
leakage had before it L W. Ifalford,
secretary of tho presi l? it. and O. L.
Prtideii, executive ch-ik of the diploma
tic bureau of the department. llalford
and I'rudeu, in answer to (piesiions,
explained it would hardly- be po;,;.il,e for
treaties to 'leak'' out on their way from
the slain department to the cu piled,
l'rudeii was positive there was no leak
age in the. state department.
i. H. Harries, of Tle livening Star,
and D. S. I'.airy, correspondent of Tho
New York Sun, appeared before the
committee, hut both declined to answer
pie.'.tions concerning their sources of in
formation ahou . secret H.'s.-ioii proceed-in-i.
( nil fi l inn I ion-.
AVasijindton, M iieli I . The ser ret
fcessi'-n of the s -iiate ilcvoted to rou-1"''-
'' : 'ihe nominations of Bra
oyuod .niall, cc-Il'CtoiK if internal
revenue in Virginia, which were held up
in the committee on finance from Dec.
lit to .'larch il, win- confirmed without
contest. 'Here were only two votes
against Brady in the committee --one
fro. ii a Denim-rat and oau from a b'e
pul lieaa. The commit!' e on .juIi-iary,
it i:i stated, has agreed to r port favor
ably the Florida tiominations, which
have been leal up for nearly throe
Tlie innl'is' l.uiifc.
Pilii.AKi'.l.i-itiA, .March 11. The
cfhcial test of the pM-umatu
guns of
the dynamite cruiser csuvius
made in the Delaware. It is under
st .oil to have b-eu satisfactory in every
respect, but the results will not be made
public till the ohicial report has been
handed the secretary of the navy. It is
said that the projectiles traveh-d not
only the r ipiired nnh, I. ut one-third be
yond, wiih a firing ptesMire of TOO
pounds. The shock when tin projectiles
exploded on touching the water is said
to havo hecn felt at ('hes-ler, lour miles
away. The commotion caused in the
water made it ap-iareut that no vessel
could wii hstiind tlie Mioci.
Yl here ml ii I'ol 1 1 ciaiiM Shall I. ami.
'v a minis ton, March 14. In tho im
migrant heari g Seen lary Wi-idoni said
t hat Cov ernor's isl ui l would h ive suit-
id i im as v.el. as I'.edn c-'s inland, butT'
liie mibiarv a t.horil ;es oil iected Ln iriv- Ti
ing up control of it. II - thought Kllis'
i.sland too low. Senators McPherson
and Evarts stated the bjectijus to tho
use of Hedloe's island, base 1 principally
on the ground that eon; re.-s, i y implica
tion at least, h id dedicated it as a paik.
I.eii:; u-ion! AkKui-h. t ion oui in i 1 1 ecu.
PiiiLApixi niA. M ir h 14. The arbi
tritio cooimitue of the ieague and the
An ei itau associa;ion met hero. The
claims of the New oi k league and
O -l-i tu bus as j'-i. i ition clubs to Mike Le
han; s serv es w re argued and fimdly
dt i iih'd ill favor of (Vliiinlms. 'lhetes
iiii oijy in ihe c: te oi Rob 1'eltit, w ho is
claimed by bo h the Milwaukee and
New Ilavi ii clu .s, v. as so conflicting
that no decision wa t rt a bed. and Zach
l oeip.-i was in. true e I to old lin a vote
by mail on the pic-i ion at ir.sue.
Lehiwie Is Anffry.
New Yokk, March 11 A Frocial
from Char eston saya that Idiane is
vi ry angry and l( c.aies he w ill joii the
Biothi rhood rath r than go to
The luif 'ini es.
Cincinnati, March 11. The Turf
congress met at the St. Nicholas hotel.
Repr tentative frim St. Louis, Chicago,
St. Paul. Birmingham, Louisvill", Lex-
I ington and Latoi.ia were present.
I Judge Pel kins of Covington, Ky.. was
I !i-..l ,.,-..i,l..v.f "! I i.u. is f'l.trlf At
Louisville, vice liresi lent, and lien
Bruce of Lexington, Ky, secretary.
Biisine.-s of a loutine nature wa- trans
acted. A llaii ivay i'roe.iol ion.
MonToEal, March 4 T. A. McKiu-
nuii has been promoted from the jHj.-ition
of general suj rintendent of the On-
taiioand At!a::ti': divi-ioa of the Ca
nadian Pacific railway to Mut of master
of transportation of I lie entire system.
including leased Iine-s. with headquarters ,
at Montreal.
All .ss:';i.i
P;I':.i!;i.;i'!:a, M i: . 'i
ough it Burrows, d"a
i t . . . i .
1 !
rromaii'i .iiiKi s.i-"ji
jja on !,. v. ltlieis, provi
The lia :;iti.?3 are said to
though !iu on.- can yet
itnati ;-!. The assets
ne..;'. ' c r.'i-r the li t''
A lo. her
wa'.er and ett-a
W'i; i:c.,bi.riv
Stanton mi e
inine i sujd
awai . The
r:b.'.!.doiicd for ?
V -
'il.-nj J-layt-rT1 "f--t i"r ''
Chicago, March 14. The mel
the Chicago bad team, rhiyers ceaguv
left at '.) o'c ock tor New Orleans, w herej
they will play the opening game of thy
.season with the CI vi-t.-uid l5rollieriicK
nine Sunday aftern ori.
Ainrriraii l'rixlui c Worlit lidl-ne.t
New Orleans, March H. The A
ican PrwJuce woriis were Lurne
gttlier with a number of other bui
on tiie square. Loss, 70,Uu;. i
brewery was in danger, but escayv-
Willi a &K.Ul.lklil,
Yi'uni; Itur I he ;plt .
Tim Mm-F-s. la fareh 14 T, Hjdv
Cipitalof this city wai jorchced hl
Hon. Lafo "iouag, lately of Arlaciiv
Pojseii.on will Ou gi,-"U April 1. j
. ir Vorli Aioit LSilli't -farn.
pt LI4UUt - 'OlJ !. p
March M. The oiij
uiU was 1 i.i th
to:i ballot re oria hi
assembly by u vote of 72 to ol
Deurova-iU voUid Uji the biiL
1. i'OI