PLAlTSMOriTIl VVEEkLV nETtAti), TIUTUSDA V, DECEMIlKll 20, 1S88. 'he smugclinc conspiracy. Circumstances Attending the Ar rest of Neilson, Alias Leonard. Dknveu.CoIo., Dec. 17. A. C. Neilson, alias J. M. LeorarJ, is the name of a man urrcstcd in Denver, charged with opium smuggling. On Tuesday last Mark Harding, a special agent of the treausury department, reported to United States Marshal 1 1 i 1 1 that lie suspicioned Neilnon'8 prenenf:e in thin city. Harding had a copy of a way hill from the St. Paul, Minneapolis fc Manitoba railway for Home freight shipped at IVittineau, Dak., or this city. The consignors claimed that the freight consisted of household goods. This consignment was directed ".A. 0. Neilson, Denver, Colo.,' and weighed MO pounds. Deputy Marshal Currier ;r::teded to the Union Pacific freight ofhYe for the purpose of making the arrest when the goods were called for. On Wednesday a stranger with ill fitting clothes aked for the goods con fcigned to Neilson, and was placed under arrest. Neilson's trunk at the Metropoli tan hotel whs subsequently searched and found to contiiiu 147 packages of pre pared opium, amounting to seventy-three pounds. The prisoner waived examina tion when arraigned before the commis sionei, ami was taken Friday night by ollictrs to St. I'aul. Br. Pall, Dec. 10. There u every reason to belieye that the smutrglintr conspiracy which United States officials here discovered by the information of one of the band arrested at Denver, and the subsequent seizure of 800 pounds of opium at St. Viacint is more far-reaching and of vastly greater proportions than at first proposed. It is certain that the operations of the smugglers were not confined to opium, but that large quan titics of silks and other costly fabrjes from China had been landed in Iiritish Columbia and brought to various points on the Canadian Pacific railroad and con signed to smugglers. It Is known that government officers have recently . seized several stiinll lots of sjlks that are to be disposed of to St. Paul and Minneapolis merchants. The officials are prcoerving the utmost secrecy in the hope of catch ing more of the smugglers.. A Protest From Utah. Salt Laics City, Djc. 18. The liberal committee issued yesterday the following address to the country. Salt Lake City, Dec. 17, 1888. The liberal territorial committee, representing republicans and democrats alike, desire to call the attention of the country to ' the fact that the gentih-s of Utah unanimously oppose the Mormon state scheme, recently endorsed by the democratic congressional caucus,. We are confronted by a condition not a theory. Polygamy is not dead- The law is nit supreme. Two hundred and thirty-four indictments were found at the present teim of court, as proved for vio lations of the United States statutes, de signed to suppress polygamy and polyga mous living- To give Utah statehood i . , ' i i .. WOUlU rct:llU progress, ucpretiaic yaiucs, perpetuate polygamy an I hand the terri tory over to the Monuor; presthood, We call upon patriotic citizens everywhere to unite in a strong protest to congress against the proposed action. The admis sion of Utah to statehood would be a crimo against Americans. Signed. O. W. Powers, Chairman. An Anti-Vice War. Elkk.viit, Iud., Dec. 17. The county sheriff Saturday arrested every saloon keeper, every gambler and every aban doned woman in the city as well as several drugstore proprietors, wljo are likewise charged with violation of law. A defective h;i3 been working here under the direction of the law and order league, and the raid has stirred everything up from the bottom. The mayor called a public meeting for Saturday night to take furiher Measures for reief fm lawlessness, and the law and order league charge in a circular that the entire city police as acting in conjunction with the disreputable element. Fignting at Suaklm Scakim, Dec. 17. An exchange of ghots h is taken place between the Arab edoubis outside ihe tcwn and the ISgyp tian garrison aided by the Brituh vessels. During the filing considerable damage was done to the enemy's breastworks. A reconnoissauee was made on the left and rear of the rebels position yesterday. The party was headed by Gen. Grenfell, and advanced under i heavy fire from t,ue f.'iis. The Arab opened! tire, but d4 nfi 'da ci age. ' TheCnicagc Anarchists. Chicago. III.. Dec. 17' Two or threo small meetingsof anarchists and socialists were held here yesterday, but developed nothing sensation il. Mrs- Parsons, con trary to announcement, did not arrive home last night from her trip to Europe. A committee of her frieuds who were to meet her at the depof were ndtie Tjasf evening that she' would not reach, the cify. fill today. Held up the Wrong Train. JIemfhis, Tenn., Dec The officials pf the Southern Impress company av their loss by the train robbery Saturday - night will not exceed $3,000. The train which followed had $139,000 in the ex press car. ' He Had to Walk Home. An interesting story was related to the reporter this morning concerning a young man of this city and a little love drama in which ho is the star. As severe a trial, because he only loved a girl a little, he should not have been obliged to endure, but as such Is the case with many under similar circumstances, he must practice patience and tolerate the joke and the many jests now brought to bear on account of it. We can only sympathize with him and offer a helping hand to bring the conspirators to task for their unbecoming conduct. The young man's name is with held for fear that if it were given away his patience would be tested still more. This fellow loves a lassie about eight miles south of the city and his regular trips in that direction are numerous, so much so, that he is not the only person who knows the whearabouts of the attraction, and several of his friendsjiu the city, through curiosity, have enouired and learned that a young lady lives about eight miles dis tant and that she is the attraction. As the boys found this city too quiet for their entertainment last Sunday, they de cided on a course which they djd not miscalculate on affording them much amusement. At the regular hour Sunday evening he started out for the young lady's home, and was followed a short time later by some of his friends. When they arrived at his destination they found hi horse tied and it appeared to be under the impression thu it was in for an all night stand, and it would not hayo been mistaken, no doubt, had not tho boy interrupted the faithful animal and moyed it on. They found more favorable quarters in a neigh bor's barn, and tied it there, without notifying any one or asking apy questions, to await the arrival of its thoughtless master. The desired work was then complete and the boys returned to the city to await the results, When the clock announced the wee sina' hours, the young fellow then attired himself preparatory to tak ing his departure. lie reached the spot where he left his faithful horse many hours before, and U0 fjrst disagreeable thought of the night passed through his head. "Some sinner has stolen my rig, and what am I to do now?" After a thorough sea ch of the premises, the only thing left for hiro to do was to walk honio, and the distance seemed much too "Long" to suit him, but he made the best of his misfortune and started out. Yesterday he secured another rig and started out in search, pf tfye other. He scoured the country in that vicinity, and much to his delight, found the animal. As tj)e farmer could not explain, how the rig carne in his tjarn, the young man is yet puzzled to HQW ow it got there. Warden flyers Resigqs. "Warden llyers tendered his resignation yesterday to take effect on the first day of January, and asks leave of absence until that date. Deputy Warden Hopkins was appointed to act as warden during the absence pf Mr. Hyefj, and he will have temporary charge' of affairs at the state peuitentiary. No reason has been given for the resignation and the cause is a matter of conjecture only. Parties who pretend to know say that the step is due to the well known differences existing between him and the governor. The truth will doubtless come to the surface in a few days. Omaha Ree, Mr. Hyers and fanply are well known in this city, haying residedjhere for sever al years. He filled the office of county sheriff here for a time, and all who form ed the acquaintance of the family speak in the highest terms of them. Since Mr. Hycrs has resigned, we trust that he may decide to return to Plattsmouth and make this his future home. A Constitutional Anendrrient. WAsmjjGTQJf, Dec. 18. Representative Breckinridge of Centucy yssterday intro duced a joint resolution reported during the last congress by Representative Tucker from the committee on judiciary proposing an amendment to the constitu tion defining polygamy and making it unlawful at any place in the jurisdiction of the United States or any fatate. Proseeuting the Rock Island. Des Moines, la, Dec, 18. Atty.-Gen. Baker has begun twenty-four suits in the district court of Scott county upon in formations filed by Davenport merchants asainst the Rock Island railway for alleged violations of the state law fixing the iqaximqm. freight schedule, a decision upon wlpch is nqw. pending in the supreme court. The penalty for each Violation ia 15,000. ' Without Food or Shelter. Nouwald, Conn., Dec. 15. Three un known men have been on Conkeen island, three miles from shore, since yesterday without food or shelter. They went there Thursday to hoot ducks, and their boat ;o adrift, t is impossible to reach the inland on account of the heayy gale. Executed with Rifles, AT-flK-v, J. j., Dec. Lynian Puslee, a fratricide., ws, bpf husday pear "Y qshkahomna in the presence of several hundred Chuctawa, in the execution of a judicial sentence. His death wasinstan eous, three bullets from . as many Win chesters piercing his breast near the heart. A Strike In Mexico. City ok Mexico, Dec. 18. Strikes are reported from several points on the lino of the Mexican Nitional railroad owing to uon-payiuent of wages to employes. Thursday the north-bound train was de tained for a time at the depot in the City of Mexict on account of a refusal of the men to take the train out until they re ceived their pay. The station agent tele graphed to the city office and funds were forwarded to the station. Attempted Smuggling. New York, Djc 18. A passeng-r who landed here this morning from the steamer Etruria, and who is thought to be a southern merchant, tried to smuggle in $53,000 worth of diamond. They were discovered by the custom officials and seized. It is learned that the m m's name is Gilbert Larres. He drscribes himself as a wholesale clothing ni -rcli int of Nicaraugua. He said lie had no in tcntion of smuggling, not being familiar with our custom laws. He stat' s that lie intended to give the jewels to his tiuancee. Cuardlne: Against Future Evils. Sheriff (to, cjqorned man): ' must now conduct you to the scaffold. Will you have a drink of whisky to stimulate your' "No, tlank you; when I drink whisky I always have t horrible headache next morning." The Sarcastic Man Again. "You are a fish dealer, I believe, Mr. Haddock?" "Yes, sip," "1 suppose that, haying so much to do with fish, you seldom eat any ?" "Oh, you're wrong; I eat fish nearly every day." "Well, iow singular! I have niways believed that tlsh is an excellent brain food." Iowa continues to be the banner state of the union with her total enrollment of four hundred and seventy-seven thosfcpd pupils in the public schools. The an nual report of the state superintendent of education shows a remarkable gain in the attendance and school facilities as compared with other states. Tjfot only is the sfaudapl qf her public schools high, but the percentage of illiteracy is less than in any other state. JJee, t-... , Electric tights- Asiilanp, Tfeb., Dec 18. Ashland is to have some ney lights.. A car load of material arrived, yesterday and work will begin at qnce to put in system of tlco trie lights, The power will come from the mill and will be made by the same water power that runs the mill. Ashland does not propose to be in the dark y longer. A Fatal Collision. Concord, N. IL, Dec. 18. -Two shift ing engines on the Cuqcorc". railroad near here ye;terd,ay collided and Engineer J. E. Williams was killed, Engineer Frank Flanders badly injured, aqd Fireman less severely huit. The acci dent was due to a thick fo. High Water. New Haven, Conn., Dec. 19. The Naugatuck is swqolen, Uy the heayy rain. ana iniljs have had tQ stop at Seymour. Buildings in Ansonia are flooded. Con siderable damage Is feared. The following reasons for purchasing lots in South Park still hold good: As a whole they are the finest lying in the city. They are shaded with beautiful forest trees, They are located between Chicago and Lincoln avenues, the two finest drives about the city. They ar? only a ten minutes,' walk from the business portion ot the town, and five minutes' walk south from the shops. Only one-half mile from the New Fair grounds. The only addition to the city reached by two established avenues. The only new addition to the city reached by water myitis and with, a pros pect of being supplied in the near future with complete water privileges. Has a new brick school house and good school. Will certainly have street car piivileges at no distant date. If you wish a fine view of the riyer, locate in South Park. If you wish a sightly and picturesque view of Plattsmouth, pap, be h,ac fr(jm aSoHth parfclfit. ' To persons in the railroad employ, the eastern portion of South Park is the most desirable residence locality in the city. To persons desiring a residence on Chicago Avanue, the western porteion of South Park lsuitable for that purpose. The B. & M. railroad track rrjns near the east line of the additlo.n, furnishing good facilities for manufacturing indus tries. Over $14,000 worth of this desirable property has been disposed of within a short period a,nd nP part has been sold to outside speculators which is solid proof of the growth of this part of the city. More substantial houses were built in South Park in the fall of 1S87 and sum mer of 1SS8 than in any one locality in the city. The projected line of the ilissouri Pacic railway is abng the west side of South Park.' '" Terms, one-third cash, balance in one and two years, or lots may be purchased on monthly payments. Any Dunper p.f persons, n' less than five, purchasing ten lot3 in one transac tion will be giye.n a lot free to dispose of as thev may deem proper., Any person or peroa pui chasing 20 or more lota and paying i cash, may have one and two years on balance with out interest The title of this property is perfect and clear from incumbrance, k Best Cough Cure. For all diseases ol the Throat uml Lungs, no remedy Is so safe, sp;ly, and certain as Ayer'a Cherry IVctorul. An iuilUjKTjsttJjle family tutilicine. "I fnnl Ayer's Cherry lVctoral an Invaluable remedy for eolJ-i, cough, anl other ailment of the throat and lunjjs." M. S. Kaudall, 'Mt Uroudwuy, Albany, N. Y. " I have used Ayer'u Cherry Pectoral for bronchitis and Lung: Diseases, for which I believe It to Imj the greatest medicine in the world." James Miller, Caraway, N. C. " My w ife had a distressing eouirh, with pains in the side and breast. We tried various medicines, but none did lir any good until I got a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral which hud cured her. A neighbor, Mrs, Olenu, hud the. nieaaleM, arid the cough wa rtilievtd by thu use of Ayer's Chorry Pectoral. I have no hesitation iu recommending this medicine." Robert Horton, Fore man llnuiUiijht, Morrillton, Ark. " Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cured me of a severe cold which had settled on my luiiM. My wife says the Pectoral helps her more than any other medjejrp ;l ever iwed,"-F.iui CJaik, Mt. Liber', Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, VHlCfAfttqi fly pr, 4, C. Ayer it Go., Lowell, Mast. Bold l.y all Drugglau. Price $1 ; .i Wilis, i t:ieiv v .e:i I-. v rr . T'10 following ;i !; (..::,- f : ,,m t.j. lip?i )l jittio lVii'i l Mo:in. ili-v. a " old girl, whoso 'father v;;s ' 'ti:: readiness for a dive niot.Jiis" Trip Alice, her oklor si .,iei v::s fr-t'line badly over her pe-pt etiw long abserico, uml IVurl. si-ej.-ig licrci v. ap proaelied her father, saving: ' Vv'iial day is today. pupaT "Why. I'rida.v my dear. Why do yo:i u.sks'' ' Tiien to-morrow is Satuid;; y, and llie next day Sunday, and I'len'cume;; Monday, and you mu jniij; j .ia.v on Monday. !ap;i'; ''Ve.-T, my litllo darling. 1 am sorry to say I am " "Weli. then, papa, I ain't going to crv till Mou day." Omaha JJee. Oil qu tji V-iv, A new pielhod. of using oil for re during waves in a storm is mentioned by The LiyeiK)ol Journal of Com merce, vi"t,ii consists of liiing oil rockets to windward This is aGcr man natent, and, in a recent experi ment between Urcmcn and New Ywk, tho explosion of (iv? rockets at dis tances, pf l,2Qu to 1..10U feet from the vessel, covered a apace of 1,500 to 2.000 square feet with oil. and calmed the waves Immediately. A rocket has been thrown U00 feet against a strong wind. The patent is said to bvo been bought by the NoytU Guroiau Lloyds. Colony Rights, The people of New South Wales and New Zealand are of tho $amo mind with the P? Queensland as to the right of a colony to be consulted regarding tho choice of a governor, they cordially approve the stand taken by (Queensland in protesting agajnst the appointment by the home government of a man who is held by the colonists to bo unfitted for the of fice. Why go to grocery and dry goods stores for arcticts wheu you can get them tor tjje at blierwoocl at Sioux City's Irr provements- Sioux City, la., Dec. 18. Financial statistics for the building improvements during the year just closing, which have just been footed up show an investment of fo,l28,614, an increase over-lt yeai' of $ 1,226,397. Wives? Buy your husbands a pair of tl.ose beautiful plush slippers at Sher-. wood's. tf Destructive Floods. Paris, Dec. 17. Terrible storms have been raging for the three days in the de partment of the Pyrenees-Orientales, flooding the villages and causing wrecks and much loss of Jif Notice. Ti.e pnual meeting of stockholders in the Plattsmouth Loan & Building Asso ciation will be held on Monday Jan. 7th 1SS9, jn G. A. R. hall, city of W atts inouth, for the purpose of electing n board of directors for the ensuing yeai and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the meeting. J. II. Young. Dec. 4, '88. tf Set'y, Qovernwsnt tici"ncalon Forfeited Paws, Dec. 17. The government con cessions to the Panama canal company have been declared forfeited. JACOBS QU " EQR RHEUMATISM. tn e is. S ". A iv - W - r VS '- t) ca- - Oi 2 O 3 a -0 2 ST 3 JP" ! mm ? 1 ? Sold by rrugpiUt and Dealer F.vtryxehert, THE 'XJtL5.RLI3 A; Ca, We Want Your Attention Long enough to tell you that our line of Fall Dry Goods is unsurpssed. CARPETS Brussels . Ingrains. Rich Surmay Rugs All Widths and (Jnalitic of FLOOR OILCLOTHS Linoleum. J)aur .Malts, etc. Underwear of all Kinds We have the LARGEST and BE IT LINES In the City. An inspeetson will con vince you. "We have the lest lio-hted store lor Anyone We Pont G. DOVIY c& GfIT The Pcautiful Engraving Me U 11 rse (20 uy 332- ROSA TO fcVERY NEW SUBSCRIBR OR RENEWAL TIB 1ST PAGES, OITE "lE-A-IR,, ONLY $1.00 PER YEAR. aii Postmasters or 2 ewsdcalcrs will receive your subscription, or remit direct to the GLOBE PRINTING CO., ST. LOU IS. SEISTID FOR SAMPLE GO IF" "ST, B.&, Nl, TlrvteTTable. GOlNij WK-T. No. 1. a ;Vl a III. N. 3", -c :l p. in. No. S 6 :47 a. in. No. 7.i-7 :3 . in. No. -6 :17 p. in. OOINO KAST. No, 2.-4 :33 p. m. 'o. 4. 10 :30 a. in. No..C 7 :ia p. 111. No.fclO. 9 :ib a. in. o. 11 6 ;'J7 a. m. AU traiu run daily by wavof rimjli.. except Nos 7 and 8 which run to ar.S from ijchujler daily except Sunday. N.. 30 is a tu to Pacific Junction at s No. 19 U a stub from Pacific Junction at 11a oj. J.H,E1I3I0NS,M.D. It JMCEOrATlllC Physician Surgeon Office over Wecott gtore. Wain street. Kefidenc in Mr. SHitldknecht's proierty. Chronic DieaH a;d Diseases of WorntJi u'l Children a specialty. Otnce hoy,r; tolla. in. 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p in. faf-Telephon b-n o.Uce and V tsldence WWLi BROWNE,'W QFPIOE. P rsonal ateukm u !l Iiiuineet Entrust o my carti. DfARY IX OFFICE. Titles Examined. Abstarcts Compiled, In surance Written, heal Kit ale Sold. Better Facilities for makin? Farm Lcasu than Any Otiiej Agency, IMaltsytitU, - IVeTbraska The Daily IIekald delivered for 15 eta. per week. A line line of White und Colored AND Bed Comforts (Set our pi ices before yon buy. We take tin- l-t.d in Dress Goods A Superb Ltne of Henrietta Cloth, Dress Goods, Tricots, Broadcloths, And floods of Cheaper Quality rooms in tin; State of Ni 'or I BKB a DBCK in Ltnv Irie? AWAY I of the Celehratel Picture, F2n ? 'VI T.vnn s), BOMHEUR, Bank Cass County Cotiier Mala and Sixth Street. . lattsmotjth: asrss ,C. H. PARME1.E. President. I lJ M. PATXEK.SON. Cashier. ( Transacts a General Bantint Ensiness HI3IIEST CASH PRICE. Paid for County and City Wvr,-uts COLLECTION KJtl'K and promptly remitted fo:. C. H. Parrr el. J. tf. ratf eriwn. Fred O.tJer, x. B. Smith. S. . Windham. M. Morrisey. James PaitersoD. Jr. Dr. C- A. Marshall. Preservation of tbfe Natural Teeth a Sptcialry. Auestbctira piven for Pain less Fillino .t Extraction ok Teeth. Artificial tetlh made on Gold, Silver. RuUxr or Celluloid Platrs, and inserted as soon as teeth are extracted when de sired. All work warranted. Prices reasonable, FITZQ K a A I D'8. BL.OC 5. PHTTiHOVlE.Nt ; A.