" r- . if 7 7 rj.AiTcMOUTll WEEALY 1IEKALD, TdUKSDAY, MCEMBEIt 2J, i33. V I.i . t ,4- 1 ) Is r i, A HARD MATRIMONIAL KNOT. Four Time !Vlitrrlt1 anil Tli - Tiino 1 l vori 1-i Her Kt-tonl. Ilf rirv Sloven in ISM wjis tlio rimto of ;in Atlantic HennuT. On a voyage (o (lii;;ouiiti y in Ihu fall f llialyo;ir J i f 1 1 in love with a outi ( Joruian pil l, a steeni; pas.s n( r, v. lio:o name was Paulino IJaumunii. The gill ivciprumtoil tho olliror's afTe'tioii, and, on landing' in New York, thoy were married. Tho bride was on her way to join relatives in Uradford, l'a., tlicn an unknown lum ber village. Steven. quit the service of tho steam sliip company and joined his fortunes with tho.se of his bndo. Not long afterward tho JJrudford region began to attract tho attention of oil operators, and Stevens and his wife opened a boarding house. They were still keeping boarders in 187.", when a flashing (jerman named 'hrislian Kiiidtner became an inmate of the house. He fi ll in love with his landlady. She was induced by him to bclievj that she was not happy with her husband, and she obtained a li vorco from Stevens. Tho latter seems to have, regarded this proceeding with remarkable complacence, for ho did not leave the house. .Mrs. Stevens. married Kindt ner, but on tho wedding night for some reason deserted him and returned to the guardianship of her (ii-st husband. In a short timo she procured a divorce from Kiudtncrand remarried Stevens. Kindtuer tlid not let the sudden end ing of his honeymoon and the utter re- Iuuiiatiou and legal separation of his jride worry him, Apparently, for he continued to board with the Stevenses. Iast winter Henry Keggan, a well to do landscape gardener, of Uradford, advertised for a w ife. His advertise ment was read by Mi-s. Hannah Young, a comely middle aged widow of In dianapolis. She replied to it, and the result was that she camo to Bradford and married Gardener Keggan. The Widow Young had a 17-year old son named Robert. He was a good looking boy, largo for his age. The Keggan family and the Stevens family became neighbors. Mrs. Stevens, although nearly 50 years of age, fell in love with the boy liobert Young. Her charms ut the same timo infatuated Robert. Again Mrs. Stevens had recourse to tho divorce court, and as tho divorce Jaws of I'onnsj-lvania, accommodate themselves to circumstances, she was speedily released from the bonds that had made her for tho second - time Henry Stevens' wife. She then married Robert Young and established her youthful spouse at the head of her boarding house. Stevens accepted the situation with commenda ' - Y-ism. and took his place with -Jh . -;o other dethroned hus f 'f;"JVv-dcr in the house. f.iCr'fiYtn smoothly until last j.h it mi'th jf irs. Young took her i -tjr' antj stepmother re won t b"uuo(lcr part of tiic cjty - cwulie combination opened a pub lic house known as Dargle Park. This left ex-husbands Stevens and Kindtner out in the old, and they protested loudly, but without avail. ITcw York Journal. Something About AVinnipcjj. In "Winnipeg I heard of a dreamland for sportsmen a veritable El Dorado of game. Turn to your map again, and look at that part of British Amer ica lying north and west of Lake Win nipeg in that great, almost blank, region called Saskatchewan if you are fortunate enough to have a map that takes account of that great new province lying north of Manitoba and Alberta. The map before me is one prepared by the Canadian government, and shows that though every large river and lake is located and has been surveyed, little clso is known of that country, even by its owners, and thu nowhere, except in a smaller region i'j. Africa and a larger region of Siberia, is there any corner of the world sd mysterious. mere is none so invit ing', for where civilization has pierced it in what is called "the Peace river district" there is already a great agri cultural industry around a 'bustling little city called Edmonton, and it has been found that this is a better wheat throwing country than that which lies iar below it either in southern Canada or our own northwest. It is even said that the rich soil and mild climate dis tinguishing this Peace River district extended far to tho north of Edmon--ton into a country in tho same latitude as tho southern part of Alaska. For tunately, those who tell such a won derful story as the latter one are able to give a reason for it They say that tho great chains of mountains that shield our Idaho and Montana from the warm Chinook winds of tho Pa ciSc are broken there, and the warm winds play over tho interior. Cor. Pittsburg Bulletin. Scott's First Tassioa. One Sunday young Walter Scott of fered his umbrella to a young lady of much beauty, who was coming out of church during a shower. The um brella was graciously accepted, and Scott fell in love with the borrower, who turned out to bo Margaret, daughter of Sir John Belches. His attentions to the lady continued for About six years, when sho married a hanker, who proved to be one of JScott's most generous friends when his time of troubles came. The story of this, his first and only deep passion, i recorded in tho diary that Scott kept in 1&27, from which it would seem that there may have been some mis understanding "between tho young peo ple. CasselTs Family Magazine. Wliy tUo Salott Ia Preferred. One of the clever portrait painters of this city says that it is easier for an American or any foreigner to exhibit ins pictures in the Salon than in the Royal academy. Perhaps that is the reason that tho annual exhibition in Paris is Hncr than the one in Jxmdon. Tho English artists who control the Royal academy believe in encouraging native talent. ;md they accept some IWr work U tha exclusion of outside i onti ibution-cw York Press, A TLRRIBLE ELEPHANT HUNT. r.rnxe IJoy Mrot lis Fato While limit ing in Africa. Titling about the camp lire on the hard; oi tun ,ljolo liver, in Africa Pr?, fervor .1. Y. Edwards heard tin .l.ry :( an lephant hunt that j;li'eetcd hii.i than any experience he ever passed through, saws a writer in The American Field. Burns, a trader in Natal, was the author of tho narrative, and told it as follows: "I was trading in the interior, and on one of my visits to Natal was im lort imrd by Georgo Wilson, a lad of 11), the son of an old schoolmate, to ac company me on one of my tours. 1 obtained his mother's consent, and we started. Tho boy was a bright, cour ageous lad, and was ambitious to dis tinguish himself w ith his rille. Early one morning in Water valley wo saw a herd of liiteeu elephants grazing about a mile from us. We started them up, and picking out a line bull with good tusks, 1 started to cut him oil', and telling (ieoige to ride behind while I charged them. Soon 1 had the old fellow out of tho pack, and gave him a shot behind tho ear that stag gered him a little. Then we crossed tired him for half an hour, but could not get any good shots. All at once the horse George was riding stumbled, throwing him and falling on his leg. 1 was so horrified that I could not move; but finally, seeing George's at tempt.; to extricate himself, 1 tried to draw tiio elephant's attention to me. The brute was thoroughly enraged, however, aial ( barged for the lad just as be was getting on his feet. Then followed one of the greatest fights be tween brute and man 1 ever saw. Oil' went George, tho elephant after him, ivhi.'e I followed, tiring bullet aftei ulk t into his hide. "All at once I saw that Wilson was lame. 1 leveled at once and fired, and the boy turned around and did like wise. This checked tho brute for a moment, but seeing George running again he made a furious charge and caught up with him. Up went his trunk, and a moment after tho poor lad was dead on the ground, crushed by ti jo blow. Not satisfied, the brute began goring tho lad in a frightful mar. ;:er. I rode up to the beast and sent in two shots that brought him to his knees. Ho tried to rise, but could not. and, after two or three shots, rolh J over and died. The poor lad was lorn in pieces. I placed his body acro:.s my horse, chopped oti' the beast's tusks and rode back to camp. We buried him near the springs and piled recks over his grave to keep the wolves from getting at it. I took the boy's watch and chain, with his wearing ap parel, to his mother, and I can tell you, lads, I never wish to witness such a scene again. The poor woman died a year afterward, but would never touch the profits of the trip, saying that she would take nothing that was the means of killing her boy." How French Coffee la Mutie. Tl e French have tho reputation of nir.lv! !'g the best coffee. Their method is v i v different from tho American mcti -xl. They take a great deal of care in making this favorite beverage, and the result is that when French cofiVe is taken one drinks the pure flavor of tho berry. They always grind the berries just before they ore to L used, and do not let a quantity of ground coffee stand and get stale. The French cook then pours boiling water on tho ground coffee; then sho filters this, and, after boiling the watc r again, pours it on the coffee once more. This is repeated a third lime. She never boils the coffee and water together, nor puts the coffee in cold water and then let it boil. The Fiv. ch do not know how to make p:of;C Lea, but they give this recipe as the j ;operway to make tea: Pour boil ing '.. titer on the leaves and then turn it oi;-. of the pot. Then pour one-third of tb-j water required, and place the pot ever a steaming apparatus in order to let it draw without boiling. After a v. kilo add another third, and then the 1 ;st third. In this way tho full llaycr and strength of the tea is ob tainc 1. lyew rork Mail and Express. Chinese Keggars. A writer in a Shanghai journal, re fer: i: g to the heggars of China, says that iarge donations are given to them by the people, but these are in the na tu'. o t-f an insurance. In tho cities the ber f:..rs ore organized into very pow erful guilds, more powerful by far than any organization with which they can' have to contend, for the beg gars have nothing to lose and nothing o fear, in which respects they stand aluau-. The shop keeper who should rcfu. e a donation to a stalwart beggar, after the latter had waited for a rea scnfikle time and ha3 besought with what the lawyers call "due diligence," would be liable to invasion from a hordo of famished wretches, who would render the existence even of a stolid Chinese a burden, and who would utterly prevent the transaction of any business until their continually rising demands should bo met. Both the rl ion keepers and the beggars un dcrrir.nd this perfectly well, and it is for i is reason that the gifts flow in a stor.Jy, if tiny, rill. London Times. "One of Us aiust Die." A t ragic occurrence took place at a sm;.!l farm called Ilendre Mochtre, nc; r Newtown, Montgomeryshire, on Tuday evening. The tenant of the fai::i. a man named Abraham Moms, wi h his son Edward, 23 years , of age, had Leen drinking together at a public hen;:; a short distance from theif ho;:e. On J.heir way home about 11 o'c '. ek a quarrel eroso between them, end on arriving at Ilendre the son fl;;:Honged the father to fight. Tho lat :it refused, whereupon the son said : lt:.cof us tnustdie,"and immediately toe I. a loaded gun which 6tood near at hr.:;d, and, resting tho stock on tho rul, with the barrel pointing to his he -..'.. he pulled tho trigger. A farm sci'vent rushed forward, but it was too Ids to. prevent tho gun going off. Bei.tli was instantaneous. To add to tli,-.' ainful character of tho affair the me.i.cv and two sisters, as well as the fi.l:.i ot the deceased, yroro presouu Pall Midi Gazette. WHAT ON EARTH Is the reason people will not, can net, or do not sec any dillVsciir:- in ( heap nos trum put up ly i -up b-lia houses or irrt-spoiihihlf p ii ti- ; i, i moiis profit, rather than lake a 1 1-i i i of world w i 1 1- reptitat ion an i one that is giving universal h it iWi.rt n Mt ijm iI pi ice? No medicine ii. 1 In- v.oil.l i uivii'i; such un paralleled s itUf.iet'.'M fur pmifving the Mood ms i;i;;;-s mlood pi uikikh & I5LOOI) MAKKIJ. and every Lottie that does not do it- work will cost you iioth- intf. i'r i-driiriist-. l- O. I Smith Co., All Quietat Birmingham Hikminoii am, Al t., Dee. t . The. coro ner's jury tday lias Leen investigating the shouting at the county j ul on Satur day niht last. .Mayer Thomson testified that the crowd continued to advance on the j ail after repeated worning 'i veil Ly himself, the sheriff ami many others. The crowd made many threats. and he heleivcd that they were in earnest. The troops have all left the city, and only a small force of deputy sheriffs is now guarding the jail. All is quiet. HOW CAM PARENTS allow their children to cougli and strain and couidi and calmly say: "Oh! it is only a little cold." and keep giving ihem cheap and dangerous medicines, until they are down with lung fever or con sumption, when they can he so easily re lieved hy i:ggs'" ciilkuy cough SYUUP.' It lias no superior, and few equals. Tor sale by (). I Smith & Co., druggists. After The PostofTice. "As the heart panleth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, oh postotlice. My tongue thirsteth to lick the stamp, and my loins yearn for the salary of $1,200 u year. "When shall it come, and how long shall that unwashed democrat continue to stand behind the boxes and hand out my mail with a sneer; Have 1 not prayed day and nislit f'T the success of the republican ticket, and at the great rally did I not carry a torch, 'and when someone asked 'what's the matter with Harrison?' did I not shout at the top of my voice, 'He's all rightf When" I remember these things, my soul is lev erish with impatience, and even i my s'eep I cry out, 'How long, ) Lord, how long?' "Ex. $500 Reward. We will pay the above reward fcr any case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick headache, indigestion, constipation or costivencss we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liyer Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely vegetable, and never Fail to give satisfaction. Large boxes routaining SO sugar coated pills, 2oc. For sale by all druggists. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The mun- uine manufactured only by John O. We & Co., 802 W. Madison St. Chicago,and Sold by AV. J. Warrick. The boys are trying to sharpen their shates on the sand bar today. Good. clear ice would he a gi eat luxury wh i - they are trying to skate. COUCH! and COUCH! and COUCi!! What in the world is the reason y -will cough and keep coughing and Lid, keep trying inferior medicines when BEGGS' CHEHltY COUGH SYiiUP will positively relieve your cough at once? This is no advertising scheme, but an actual fact, and we guarantee it. hold by O. P. Smith & Co., druggists. Governor Thayer's Health. Lincoln, Neb. Dec. 13. Governor ThayrHs health improved all day yester day. He was attacked by bronchitis.aiul suffered from severe congestion of the bronchial tube?. Overwork and exposure occasioned the prostration. His physi cian prescribes absolute cessation from br,si;ic.s and conversation. It is hoped that the governor will he well enough to resume business next week. Itch, Prairie Mange, anil Scratches of every kind cured in 30 minutes by Wool ford's Sanitary Lotion. A sure cure and perfectly harmless. Warranted by F.Q Fricke & Co. Ttie Oyster Pirates. Baltimore; Dec. 1:1. The piratical oyster dredgers are defiant. Last night it was reported that an attack was to be made on the police sloop Folly, which is on Guard at Ilackttt's: point. As the other police boats are elsewhere, Goy. Jackson telegraphed Secretary Whitney, requesting the ue of the steam launches aud gatling guns now at the naval academy at Annapolis. At half-past 11 tonight Superintendent Sampson received instructions to furnish the state what assistance he could, and he at once com menced tq n.q-ke ready two of the launches, arming one with a howitzer and the other with a gatling gun. Capt. Howard and the crew of the disabled police steamer ilcLane will take charge of the launches aud go at once to Ilacket's Point, where the Folly is said to be sur rounded by about forty dredging schooners. Mr. II. M. Gault has purchased another fine stalli-m for his farm to re place the one which was killed by light ning last summer. Tho horse was pur chased by a Mr. Marshall in Wisconsin, for Mr. Gault. It i said to be about as tine an animal as the one he lost. Milt n passed th. Nobles and his company ugh the citv this morning on I the K. C. en route to St. Joe. i ' What Am I To Do? The symptoms of biliousness are un happily but too well known. They differ mi diflerent individuals to some extent. A oilious man is seldom a break fast eater. Too frequently, alas, he has an excellent appetite for liquids but none for solids ot a morning. His tongue will hardly bear inspection at any time; if it is not white and furred, it is rough, at all events. The digestive system is wholly out of order And diarrhea or constipation may be a symptom or the two may alternate. There are often hemorrhoids or even loss of blood. There may bo giddiness and often headache ami acidity or flatulence and tenderness in the pit of the stomach. To correct idl this if not effect a cure try 4 1... a .... a hi . . itntiis iiit'tisi r tower, it costs nut a trillo and thousands attest its efficacy. The Probable Cause "I can't understai.d what caused liold- Loy's insanity. He wants to climb trees and all sorts of absurd things." "IVrhaps ho has been reading Amelia Hi vers." CONSUMPTION SURELY CURED. To thk EiMTon. Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for tl ilejve named disease. I5v its tinn.lv use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I bhall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy kjikk to any or your readers who have consump lion ii tney will send me tneir express and post otiice address, IJi.Mcctfiillv l . ?' T. A. SI.OCU.M, M. C, 181 Pearl st, .cw i oik. tf New Postmasters Appointed Washington, Dee. Edwin A.. Hogg has been aopomt Tronton, Hitchcock en Nathan T. Hall, ,, ,. i. , postmaster ut i'V. .. !., vice ii ! A ndrew J, 1" uller, at Swmh I,:.'k". vice S. I). Smith, re.-h K:iiiiict county,Ia., tied. The Verdict Unanimous. W. D. Suit, Druggist, Bippus, Ind., testifies: 'lean recommend Eleeiric Bit ters as the very la st remedy. Every bot tle sold lias given relief in every case One in in took six bottles, ami was cured of i l.cuniatism of 10 vears standing." Abraham Hare, dni.-it, Bcllvile, Ohio, allirins: "The best selling medicine I have ver handled in my 20 years" xper lcnec. is Eh ctric Bitters." Thousands of others have added their testimony, so that the verdict is unani irons that Eli c trie Bitters do cure all diseases of the Liver, Kidneys or Blood. Only a half dollar a bottle at F. G. Fricke & Co.'s drug store. 2 In the Presence of Cas. "What did you think of Drool's lec ture last evening?" "It was intolerable." "Did it weary you very much?" "Weary me? It nearly asphyxiated me. A Woman's Discovery. "Another wonderful discovery has been made aud that too by a woman in this country. Disease fastened its clutches upon her and for seven years she with stood i s severest tests, but her vital or gans were undermined and death seemed imminent. For three months she cough ed incessantly, and could not sleep. She 'ought of us a bottle of Dr. King's New i Discovery tor Consumntion and was so j i;;uch relieved on taking first dose that j '-lie slept all night, aud with one bottle has been miraculously cured. Her name ; u Mrs. Luther Lutz." Thus write W. C. iiamrick & Co., of Shelby, N. C Get a free tnal bottle at F. G. Fricke & Co.'s Drug Store. 2 Pneumatic Torpedo Throwers. Washington, Dec. 12. Senator Stew art yesterday introduced a hill authoriz ing the construction of 230 pneumatic torpedo throwers of the highest power, capable of throwing steel torpedos charged with not less than 100 pounds of dynamite or other explosives a dis tance of fiye miles. These torpedo throwers are to be mounted in batteries for the defense of our harbors, and $10, 000.000 is appropriated to carry out the provisions of the act. English Spavin Liniment removes al hsr'd, Soft or Calloused lumps and Blem ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Sweeny, Stifles. Sprains, Pink Eye, Coughs and etc," Save $50 by use of one bottle: Evera bottle warranted hy F. Q. Ekjcke & Co., Druggists, plattomouth, Neb. OfT for Hayti. New 'ok, Dec. 13. The sioop-of-war Galena, manned by 23 men, and the sloo')-of-war Yantic, sailed from the Brooklyn navy yard yesterday for Hayti. As tlie war ships sailed they received a salute from the men on the liichmond, who mounted the yard arm9 and cheered lustily. Many spectators viewed the departure. The Jclay in getting to sea was on account of the ships being stuck in the mud. The second officer of the steamer Claribel, of the Atlas line, which arrived in port yesterday from Hayti, report having heard that the German steamer Clemcutiqe had been fired into and sunk by the 11 aytien man-of-war La Trussie. The Claribel did not stop at Ilavti. Buoklin's Arnica Salve. The Uest Salve in the world for Cuts. Bruises, Sores, fleers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblain, Corns, and all skin eruptions, and iosi tively cures Piles or no paj required. It is guaranteed to gjve perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cent per box. For sale bv F. G. Fricke & Co. 51 " Jn Pennsylvania it is "said tln-t tuo aspirants for postoffices there average up about seven for each ofiice. Plattsniouth and vicinity fs far as we have learned, beats the record. For "run-lovn." 1etilitatvl and overworked women. J)r. I'icroe'a Favorite I'resrriytion i tho best of all restorative tonleo. It is a potent hpeclflo for all those C'hronto Weak nessea and Discanea peculiar to Women; a powerful, tfen- ral aa well as uterine, tonic and nervine. It I impart vlg-or and strength to tho whole aj Btem. : Jt oromptlf ourea weaknenaof Hloiiiach.nuuHea, . inalifegtion, tiloatinir. weak back, nervous pros- trntion, dehihty and BleepleflsneM, in either sex. ! It is carefully compounded by an experienced . I'liysiemn. and adapted to woman's delicate organization. Purely vegetable and perfectly harmless in any condition or the svstem. uai luit-na in au.y vu Warranted.! "lnorii rrfiffip lion" is tho only medicine ftir women. Bold tv druor's. under a positive guar antee of (satisfaction in every case, or pru-e ($1.00) refunded. This p-uarantw naa een printed on the bottle-wrnpier, and faithfully carried out for many years. Forlarre. illustrated Treatise on Diseases of Women (ItSO padres, with full directions for home-treatment), send ten cents in stamps. Address, Wohld'b Dispensary Medical. Association, 6(13 Main Struct, Buffulo, N. Y. SAVED FROM AN INSANE ASYLUM. Columbia Citv. 1ni. Oct. Ik. 1H87. A lady well known to me and of whose family I am a friend, was ulllieled with a nervous dis- I 'aso foraloii'r timo and cured at lout hy Ucv. Faster Kocni. Tho circumstances were mi peculiar that I will jrive a short history of tho case. J he iiuly n KickneMS started ahout tho end of 1SK, the symytoma heimr ouumial anx iety in connect ion with sleeplessness, whicli nau Biicn mi eneci on tier mind that delusions made their npptaritncc. It was therefore nec essary to watch herdiiyaml nijdit fr fear that sho mifdit liiirm herself, imd in the month of August sho had to lie lirouht to hu insane asylum. Alter a tlircc-moiit hs' trial her con dition had not improved in tho least, and sho was TiiKen Homo huiii. .Aliout this timo the Kev. Faster Koeniir was asked to treat tho lady, and in the mom Ii of Junuarv. 'S4. she had so much improved ty his treatment that sho could sleep ajrain. and t he excitability and de lusions were Krowiiijr perceptibly less, sho had the lust of such an attack in tho latter part of that month, ami to-day sheis a healthy person that will always remember tho jercat hles.siiiir nestowed upon her by I ho ltev. Pastor E. Koeni-. Mio does not wish to have her name made public, and, therefore, asked rue to make thia statement in her name. KEV. A. M. FXLKItJ.Vrj. unr ramnnici ior Morale or nerToni mM- will be sent free to any Hddresn.and no or nntipnt can also obtain this medicine Tree of charge from ub. This remedy has been prepared by the Reverend Pastor Koenitf. of Fort WHvne. Inil . for thn rmr. ten years, and is now prepared under his direction by the KOENIG MEDICINE CO., 69 W. Madison cor. Clinton St., CHICAGO, ILL. SOLD BY DRUCCISTS. Price SI per Itotlle. a llottlea for V5. F. G. FKK KK &, CO., Di tti. -ists. Plattsmouth, Nib. I can cheerfully recommend Dr. SelU AriioM'tf Cough Killer as being a first-class remedy for Coujrlis and C'oUIh, Jihv intriisedit in my own family with very great satisfaction. L. II. IJush, Des Moines, Iowa. Druggists, 25c., 50c., and $1.0(1 K. DRESSLER, The 5th t. Merchant Tailor Keeps a Full Line of 'Foreign & Domestic Goods. Consult Your fntereet by Giving Him a Ca' SHERWOOD BLOCK TP1 ! tt stxxo tin , - TsTrV ROBERT DONNELLY'S AND liLACKSMITII SHOP. Wagon, Buggy, Machine and Plow re pairing, and getter al jobbing vr, now prepared to Co all kinds of repairing uuaiiuauu umtr niacniueiy, as there is a good lathe in my shop. PETER RAUEN. The old Reliable Wagon Maker hast&ken cu&rse o the wagon snop He Is well known as a NO. 1 WORKMAN. Wilson and Biiecle raalr HATTHFAOTTON OI7A B NT Yarn THE OLD RELIABLE. BJ. WATRBIAH ft M Wholesale nd Ketail Dealer in PINE LUMBER Shingles, Lath, Sash, Doors, Blinds. Can supply every demand of the trade Call and get terms. Fourth street la Hear of Opera Ilouse. ALFRED DOLGES. Celebrated French Slippers AT- R. SHERWOOD'S llilP Lumber 1 Ml ALL tLSt rA:ici. j nip. 'I Hfi' " ?"! Vn' j f. .1.1 by dm: '. I t. in in.... I bolievo I'sso'm duo for ('oiisuinptlon saved my life. A. II. Dowixi., Editor Enquirer. TMen ton, N. C, April i!:S, 17. The m:sT ("ouuli Modi- a 'ine is 1'iso'm Citkk ob i 1 Consumption, t'iiihlren I take it without objection. M By all druggists. U5c. CUIIES WHtllE ALL ILSt f Ail S. , t'J B09t(3oui;h Hyrup. 'I'liHti-x (nod. Leo t'J fn timo. Sol.t l.v ilnuri'iHi-4. 13 ill - jrfM When I eay CtrnE I lo not mean merely to . Btop them for a timo, and then have them re turn HRain. 1 Mkan A KAl'JC'A-L CL'iti. J have iuado tho diacaso of FITS, EPILEPSY or FAIXING SICKNESS, A life-lonfr study. I warrant my remedy to CCKB the worst cases. IJicaufuj others haro failed is no reason for not now receiving a cure. heud at once for a treatise and a KiiKii I'.o'i ti.b of m v Infai.I.IHLK ItEMUUV. Give IJXI'KS and I'ost Oilice. It costs yon nothing for a trial, imd it will cure you. Addrcbn H. C. ROOT, M.C., 1 83 PEARt Sr.. t.'EW YCSK HUEJD if OF PURE COD LIVER OIL 22 HYPOPHOSPHITES Almo8tas Palatabloas F.ilk. So dlagnlaed that it can lie tuUen, Sigesfcd, and assiinlliit d by llm must enttive stomach, vyiten the jtiain oil cannot be tolerated ; and by li:o eom blnation of the oil with the SiyjiopiiuH. pbltes ia math more efUcacloun. Bemartable as a Sesh prodaccr, Tersoas gala rapidly -while taking it. BCOTT'S EMULSION is acknowledRed by Physicians to be the Finest and Best prcpo ration in the world for the reliif Qnd euro of CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA, GENERAL DEBILITY, WASTIHC DISEASES, UMACIATfOfJ, COLDS and CMRONIC COUCIJ3. The great remedy for Consumption, and Wostiruj in Children, Hold ly all Lruggistn. $73 r--cr? l-iM u l-J W 1. If LJ . , 1,1 -.7 ,-. or. f w- Ely's Cream Bairn Cleanses the Nasal Passages. AI- lays Inflammation. Heals the Som Restores the Senses of Taste, Smell A particle n cpp!lrl intnen.r&r.nvril and U er-ll. Prlre&On. nt ItruKvin'.n or ly laail. ELY iiliOTiiKXiS.CC Warren fcU,:'ew York. I'" PARKER'S C!flC TONIC wit!,.,,,. i- ',iy. A rare mediciuul ouj.oiijja mat a.i v. h. ;( n.i t-i.t- X ni&. K acured the worst cs of ( oiiifh, Weak l.-tn-r fliViia! Iudiirwtion, Inwurd r.-iinn. '.xtu.il,i. lnniii,il,! fj liheunintfriiri. lv-iiial9 "".Vt-akii-. and c!l j.uiit. a-:'J 1i' orders o tUe Slonach and Buwuln. toe. at X-'ruy atata. HINOERCORN3. The nafent, surf fit and best cure forCrri", L.ji.ionF fr, 6t3ps all j.ain. Enmren wjnifurt to ih fct. N.-vtr Iium to cure, la cents at DmmsUla. liitcji 6i C'v.. A. Y The BUYL'l The BUY mis- GUT JDX; i A-itiAiS issuea iiXi'.rch and H r-A e-dch yh:ir. It ia nn e;icv. 'Clorjtdia jf nunfiii ir.fr.. inatiou lor eli who pur cbane ike luxuries or t.'ie neceiisitiea ot hie. We can clothe you and furnish you vith ail the necessary anl unnecesscry appliances to ride, walk, dance, sleep eat, fish, hunt, work, to cb-:-c' 9r stay at home, and in vuric.u; hiy.cf'. styles and quantities. Just i'.frure out whp.t is required to do aU these thij f j COMFORTABLY, and you can rr.akp A Ul r estimate ot uie value of i'rfi BUY QV.IDE, which will 09 ttnt MONTGOMERY WARD 111-111 Mioaicm; Aver. jr, c - CO. .French Health Seamless FOOT WARMERS ! AT ShervoocPs, CUKtS Wrttki HrfH (s(DirT GST. i7,jxtzz! m Try tho CurcmSSH 7 r? -0 l n't rv I , I 15 .1 f I : t i f!