Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, December 20, 1888, Image 1

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$1 50 PKH ANNUM.
in (A ,,
lit 1 ft f Sill kl III 111 I
CP i ,
r -
(ROYAL fSttflf Ji NJ
Absolutely Pure.
Tills powder never varies. A marvel of pur
ity, utreiiiiMi HnU wholeMonieiirss, More eco
uoinli'.ul than tli ordinary kinds. anil cannot be
Mold in !iiiet.ltiun witli the multitude of low
f eet, short weilit ilium or pliosphate powders.
Hold ! V In tl.. Ilin'AI, HAKIM! i'OWDKK St. New Yi. 3!U8
Legitime Losing the Confldenoof
the People The Haytien
Nkw Yk, Pec. 17. The steamer
Saginaw arrived today from Hayti, and
it is learned that th iicajner Ilajtien
Itepuhlic was still in the harhor of Port-au-Prinee
when the Saginaw sailed.
Passengera by the Saginaw state that on
the morning of the 5th five of Legitime's
men-of-wai-, the Dossal incs. Belize, Tous
saint, IO vert ure and one other, bom
banled Cape Hayti. The foreign consuls
in the city, before the beginning of the
bombardment, sent out a petition to the
commander of the tiet asking time to
fret out of the city. They were given
thirty-six hours to evacuate the town,
The people fled into the hills, taking all
the possessions they could conveniently
carry, the supply of pack mules being
limited to fifty or sixty. The animals
were in great demand, and fabulous prices
were paid to convey a tingle mule load
to places of safety.
Shortly after daybreak on the second
day after the arrival of the fleet the Hay
tien officers trained tluir guns on the
town and the bombardment commenced.
In a few minutes the shot began to tear
through the town, demoralizing the frail
structures. The bampoo huts succumbed
tfcsily, but the stone buildings in the
central and more elevated portion of the
town were not bo easily destroyed, the
heavy walls resisting the fire for several
hours. Despite the warning tiiey had re
ceived to leave tho fated town, many
residents clung to their habitations, Jn
fact, it was impossible to remove the sick
in the city within the time allowed. On
! the top of all of the houses in which sick
persons were known to be white flags
were placed, but shot and shell were no
respectors of the appealing emblems.
None of the people who arrived today
could estimate with any degree of accu
raey the number of killed, but it was
thought that fifteen or twenty at least
succomed to the fire. Legitime is by de
grees losing the confidence of the people,
and most all the sympathy is with the
The agents in New York of the steam
ship Haytien republic are much surprised
at the report that their vessel will sail
from Hayti in charge of an American
crew which sailed from here last week on
the Atlas line ship Galena, to be delivered
at an American port subject to the dis
posal of this government, Mr. Austin,
one of the agents, says: "I don't see why
Hayti or the Atlas people gain by this,
an-l I doubt very much whether they can
bring the Haytien Republic up here.
She has no stores, no fuel, nor anything
dse on board, and must be in a bad
The steamer Haytien Republic will
leave Port-au-Prince tomorrow morning
flying the American flag, manned by an
American crew and bound for New York.
Chas. W. Brooks, council for the Atlas
Steamship company, said: "The crew
which was at Hayti to accomplish tfiis
result was forwarded with the full
knowledge, consent and connivance of
Minister Preston and General Contreras
nor has there been any unnecessary con
cealment in this matter so far as my
clients are conserned. And had the
United States naval authorities been pos
sessed of a full acquaintance with the
maratime laws conserning the shipment
of crews to foreigh ports, they would
not have found it necessary to drag the
Galena out of the mud."
Pennsylvania Devasted by Floods
While Maine Experiences
a Blizzard.
V ilk ks r a it it k, Pa., Dec, 111. The
Susquehanna river was higher last night
than it has been for years. Many bridges
on the Pleasant Valley route of the
Lehigh Valley railroad have been swept
away and coal trains are running over
Uje rnajn Hqe. At pjttstonjthe nyer over
flowed its banks and flooded many cel
lars. All communication between this
city and Kingston was cut off last
All low land between this city and Ply
mouth is submerged. The rain was
accompanied by a heavy wind which did
mucl) damage to property.
IIartpokd, Conn., Doc. 11). At mid
night last night the Connecticut river
wns nineteen and a half feet above low
water mark and steadily rising at the
rate of three inches an hour. This rise is
unprecedented and serious apprehension
is felt.
UANArfOUARic, H. V.. ftec. I J), There
was a severe blizzard in the Mohawk
valle yesterday. Trains are delayed.
Portland, Me., Dec. 19. A furious
blizzard prevailed here yesterday. Steam
ers prepared for sea remained in port.
The Boston Boat, arriving during the
storm reports one of the roughest times
she ever experienced.
A Storm in Panama.
Panama, D ec. 18. -Railroad commu
nication with Colon is interrupted by a
storm and several miles of road have
been inundated. The canal works has
been considerably damaged. Great
anxiety prevails regarding the affairs of
the canal.
I kipped with the funds-
Neb. City, Dec. 11). J. H. Lester,
agent of Holiday's minstrels, skipped
from here yesterday with the company's
funds, leaving the members in the lurch.
The cash taken amounted to several hun
dred dollars.
The finest line of Albums. Dolls, Christ
mas Cards. Odor Cases, Dressiug Oases,
To s, in fact most anything you want
suitable for a holiday gift you will find
at Will J. Warrick's. Prices down to
lowest notch. dttt
Why go to grocery and dry goods
stores for arcticts when you can get them
for 85c at Sherwood's?
To the Stockholders of the Plat'.s
mouth Canning Company:
You are hereby notified that at a meet
ing of the Board of Directors of the
Plattainouth Cunning Company, In Id on
the i)th day of November, lsS. the fol
lowing resolution was introduced find
unanimously adopted:
" Whkkkas, The indebtcdn'ss of the
Plattsmoulh Canning Company is in n
than the present means ami resources ,.f
the company can (.Uncharge and pay t ff ,
WllKiiKAct, Pinsincial embai raiment
will proliubl y remit to the company from
this ind liti-diicss unless means arc pro
vided t- mi-et and discharge the same,
and it is neei ssary to make an asse.-sniei.t
on the capit d utock to raise the means to
met an 1 diha!ge the said indebtedness,
then !'"! it is
h'tntit,''Vi:it tli; bvhiWH or this
compi.ny be so mm mb (1 and altered as
to aulhoii.e an assi Fsmr-nt of -J' per ct nt
of the capital stot k for the purpose
And a meeting of the ..rklmldi'is is
called for December. 27th at 7-M0 p. m.,
on said day at the ofhYe of A. N. Sulli
van, in the city of piatumouth, Cass Co.,
Neb., for the adoption or rejection of
said proposed amendment.
tf Fhkij Gohdkk, Stcretary.
Stop in at Warrick's and see the largest
and cheapest stock of holiday goods in
the city. He has nearly double the stor k
he has oyer carried before and prices are
lower. Don't spend a dollar until you
see hi? display, diw
It matters very little what the demo
crats may do in regar 1 to admitting new
states. The republicans will pooh be in
power and absolute control of the subject
and will admit every t-rritory that has a
right to become a state which can give
assurance thst it will help to re-elect
Jlarpspn and Morton. j
The leading bankers of New York
who haye been interviewed on the ques
tion say they do not believe that the
bursting of the Panama Canal bubble
will affect business in the United States.
It will undoubtedly be felt in most of
the financial centers of Europe, however,
although, as it has been expected for the
past year or more, the effect will be far
less severe than if it were to come un
heralded. The principal sufferer, of
course, will be France, as nearly all the
money sunk in the scheme has been fur
nished by that country. Globe Dem.
Ladies! Call and see the full line of
gents velvet and plush slippers at Sher- !
wood s. tf
!! 3u.la3 uodn jsisui pue deoS joaj joj ,sy .3Uinua3 oin
p tawitnb siqcycuiaj pue jeid auj w 'sj.9JJ3,unoD E a,, ,nq .0W iuw ftui
,ajoa , 9qi sb poo3 isnf aq oi puasajdaj tpea 'sdcos al!SM Xucui ii Jia
'apiM pue Uuoj 'Huipojs jaq ui puv
onq.w pue ueop Suiqiop aqj daa oj
Vp"hu pue Xrp Xq pitq os sjom oq,
'onjj iaqioui aqj puiut uj juoq
'ony aqj qunp j ojopq mou puy
i sXoj 33nq jo lunjp 'josnm uvqx
sXoq Jin jqMqop ojoiu . jeqM puy
tDsudjns ssmi ojnq oqj ipnui
soXa Suijris tpi.w 'jop suiospucq'y
I sooli 0ux!j jaqqnj vipui
osoq Xuij s.Xqcq Suidaoj uj
jir.w Suiiuod Xui ouq ut ajoq U'tlJ
jcojii puv ip tus sauiDols' otj ny o
'mo puv qliiq Xjjuno? aqi ssoia'y
'.-wous pue j3D(s aqj q3nojqi popAi jj
snvno vnvs nnjiHonoHi
A iiEWSPAVKn published at the capi
tal of New Mexico says editorially: "Why
should the English language not be
taught in the public schools of New
Mexico? That is the question." Yet
the democrats in congress demand that
this territory shall be admitted t state
hood, and threaten to adhere to tho om
tubus bill which virtually iiefw ad
mission a condition of their agreeing to
admit any of tha other territories that
are ready to become states. They believe
they have a sure thing for thur party on
New Mexico, and the above question
rexplains why. Bee.
The Oao-Prioo
$3.90 buys a good Business Suit
Black Diagonal.
5.05 buys a Checked Cass Suit,
former price $8.50.
$9.80 is an All Wool Black Worst
ed suit, reduced from $13.50.
$12.29 Buys a Four Button Cork
screw "Worsted, worth $1S.Q0.
$3 85 is a Harrison Cassimer Suit
worth $5.00.
3.05 buys a Boys Corderroy
Suit, Elegantly Finished.
$1.50 bny a Mice Stripped Suit,
- worth 5.50.
1 flllfHl
Hilitts and Cloves.
15 cents fur a "Wool Mit worth 25 cents.
40 cents for Men's Lined Gloves.
50 cents buys a Lined Kid Glove worth $1.00.
90 cents buys a Buckskin Mitt, reduced from $1.10.
10 cents buys a pair of Boys "Wool mitts.
$1.10 buys aCalifornia Sealskin Glove worth 1.50.
GO cents buys a Large Yalise worth $1.00.
$1.20 buys a large well-made Truuk.
SON The Clothier
, Caps, ,, G-oods,
Tho One-Prico
15 cents buys a Ileavy Wool Sock.
25 cents buys a Shirt and Drawers worth 50 cts.
35 cents buys a Good Working Shirt worth 50 cts.
75 cents buys an all-wool Scarlet Shirt and Drawers
40 cents buys a man's Unlaundried Shirt.
15 cents for a good pair of Suspenders.
35 cents buys a good Overall worth 00 cents.
50 cents for a heavy Cordigon Jacket worth 1.
20 cents for a ijood Silk Handkerchief worth 50c.
5 cents buys a large red Haudkerchief.
10 cents buys a Box of Paper Collars of any size.
N. B. Don't fail to see this Great Slaughter Sale, as we must RAISE MOXEY, and it will save
you 33 per cent on every dollar by buying of
BLSOK 1 01
$1.S buys a good Gray Overcoat reduced from
$1.85 buys a Ileavy Overcoat worth 8.5.
7.05 buys a Black Worsted Overcoat reduced
from $1.5(t.
$9.80 buys a Mosco Beaver Overcoat wtth $13.50.
$1.75 buys a Boy's Heavy Overcoat worth $1.75.
$2.00 buys a Fur Trimmed Overcoat reduced
from $4.50.
$12.50 buys a Fur Beaver Trimmed Collar and
Cuffs, Overcoat, reduced from $18.0o.
$1.40 buys a Ileavy Lined Overcoat worth $2.00.
Boots and Shoes.
1.00 buys a Full Stock Boys' Boots worth $2.00.
$1.40 for a Man's Ileavy Winter Boot.
$2.35 buys a fine Calf Boot, reduced from 3.50
1.45 buys a good Working Shoe worth $2.00.
2.50 Ixuys a Fine Calf Butler Shoe worth 13.00
Hats and Caps.
40 cents buys a good Wool Hat.
$1.10 buys a fine Fur Hat worth $1.50.
$1.00 buys a fine Fur Hat worth S2.00.
25 cents buys a Heavy Knit Cap worth 75 ct ;
Job Lots of Winter Caps worth 50, 75 and $ ! .o
all troinr for 25 cents.
ELSOlThe Clothier