Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, December 13, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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-Copyright Kunkol Bro., 1888 KOKliL'S ROYAL EDITION. -
IDEALS 24 !.
Lepeat from the beginning to FINE.
A Move to Unite ail Railroad Em
ployes into One Grand
Pittsijcrg, Pa , Dec. 7. About Jan.
14 next a union meeting of the members
of the Brotherhood of Locomotive En
gineers, firemen, switchmen and yard
men, employed on the railroads centering
in this city, to consider a plan of federa
tion of all the railroad employes in the
United States, except conductors.
Last evening Richard Beeson, chief of
Smoky City Lodge No. 142. of the
Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, in
an interview said:
"Hatters have so far progressed that
a union of 100.000 railroajers into one
federation is au assured fact. " Secret
meetings iiave been held at Columbus
and Chicago, and Pittsburg is the next
place in the line.
From auother standpoint it is learned
that the movement is being agitated to
hold a congress which will be attended
by delegates from every lodge in the
country. It is believed by these means
organization will be effected more speed
ily than by the meetings of particular
districts now being held.
The engineers have put forward Ctiief
Arthur to bo the general head efficial,
and while the other railroaders have-not
interposed any objection it is clear that
they all want ciiual rcpresenta'ion. The
The organiz ition will establish a general
felief fund as well as an assistance fund
1n case of strikes.
Dako'a's Statehood Convention.
Jamestown, Dak., Dec. G. There were
fully two hundied and fifty delegates in
attendance up n the convention to devise
means for securing early statehood for
Xorth Dakota. The delegates will insist
that the name of North Dakota be re
Could Cats the Santa Fe.
Chicago, Dec. 7. It was rumored on
the board of trade that Jay Gould has
secured a controlling interest of the
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad.
A Modern Job.
"What an i.ritable and impatient man
Jonesby is!"
"You are surely wrong; he has the
patience of Job.'"
"flow do you know?"
"lie carries a "Waterbury witch and
winds it himself."
Eight Mile Crove.
Corn husking is a thing of the past in
this neighborhood.
Major A. Hall came down from Lin
coln to visit at home over Sunday.
Eil ward Smith returned to his old
borne in Central Illinois.
A. Q. Slocum has gone to Kinross, la.,
to spend the winter at home.
Miss Lee Perry of the University, is
visiting a few days at home.
Calvin Murray and mother, have gone
to visit relatives living in Cummins
county, ttiis state.
George Neary returned from Jefferson
county, Montana, a few days ago.
Sti-pheu Smith has a new Harrison
daughter at his home, two weeks old.
Mrs. J. R. Cathay returned from
Raleigh. Illinois, where she spent two
mouths visiting her mother and sisters at
Mr. and Mrs. S. (S. Hall, of Pendar,
Cummins county, after visiting with
relatives a week at this place, returned
home on Saturday.
Colonel W. E. Jenkins and sister, were
passengers to Omaha on the flyer, Satur
day morning.
George Hall will drive a fine team and
ride in a new top buggy in the future,
which he purchased here of late.
Walter Perry is engaged teaching a
term of school in the Jeans district, near
Plattsmouth, this winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Beverage enter
tained a large number of their friends on
Thanksgiving with a fine turkey dinner.
J. T. Lloyd sold his farm, consisting
of on? hundred and sixty acres, to Sigel
Davis. Consideration, $5,000.
John McConkey of Dcniphan, Hall
county, spent a few days visiting with
relatives and friends living near Platts
mouth and at this place.
Mr. S. Long who has been lying very
sick with dropsy, is growing much better
and great hopes are entertained for his
Mrs. George Ruby returned home Mon
day from Greenwood where she has been
visiting with her mother, very much im
proved in health.
The family of D. S. Draper entertained
a select party of their young friends
with a hop on Thanksgiving evening.
A good time was enjoyed by all present.
This place and the Cottonwood district
are without a school teacher, as the
teachers who were employed to teach in
these districts have found it impossible
to fulfill their engagements.
Jus. R. Cathey is makiag a handsome
improvement to his residence by building
on new front 14x16 ft and two porches
and raising the whole building up to two
stories high.
J. A. Davis has gone to Ulyses to help
his son Sigel and family now down to
this place where he will take possession
of his farm recently purchased of J. T.
Lloyd in the Spring.
Levi Rusterholtz returned from Lin
coln county, where he has been looking
afti r the interest of his farm, accom
panied by his daughter and grandchild,
who will spend a few weeks visiting at
his home. One of Many.
The Boys are Kicking.
Within the last few days the American
express company has attached a car to
the fast mail train on the Chicago, Bur
lington & Quincy road. The railway
mail clerks do not take kindly to the
scheme. They say the fast mail train is
a government train, and should not have
a private business attached to it. The
express car is run ahead of the mail
coaches and is the cause, the clerks say,
of their missing numerous pouches here
tofore reliably caught on the fly. The
reason stated is that the express car
causes a suction that displaces the hang
ing pouch before the mail coach reaches
it. It is thought by those interested that
the experiment of running this express
car on the fast mail train will be discon
tinued very soon. Omaha Herald.
The Burlington's Earnings.
Chicago, 111.. Dec. 7 The Chicago,
Burlington & Quincy yesterday issued its
statement of earnings and expenses for
the month of October. It is a very favor
able report, showing the first time this
year an increase in the net earnings, as
compared with the corresponding month
of 18S7.
The gross earnings were $2,803,345.64,
an increase of $27,420.12; operating ex
penses, $1,534,060.20, a decrease of $18,
200.77; net earnings, $1,568,282.44; an
increase of $45,620.89. For ten months
ending Oct. 31, the gross earnings were
$19,390,650.07, a decrease of $3,575,201.
13; operating expenses, $14,805,297.97,
an increase of $2,018,278.55; net earnings
$4,585,357.10, a decrease of $5,693,479.68.
A Common Weakness.
"It's a caution, judge, to what lengths
people will go nowadays for a little
cheap notoriety. I treat newspaper men
tion with complete indifference but most
men grow highly excited over it."
"True, colonel; I suppose you have
seen the half column the Brower gives
yon this morning? But where are you
rushing to!"
"Aw I'll see you later I want to get
a copy of the paper."
List ot Letters
Remaining unclaimed, in the Postoffice
at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, Dec. 5, 1888
for the week ending Nov. 24, 1888:
Amick, Mrs Maria 4th c Allen.. Joe W
AUMtin, Mrs tuza
Urooks, John
Bowyer, (Drpusmaker)
Hevenger, John
Cutler. lr
Donnelly. All 4th C
Davis. Miss L. B
Clates. Mrs B
Guttenkauf. J C
Grahmann, Tendore
Howerick. Amly
H 'ffmaDn. C G
Hale. Henry James
Hancbett, Geo H (2)
Kennedy. P.eula
Kline, Frank
McAartliy. .1 K
Morris. J P
Mason, M T
Olson. Er'.ck
Podrtha. John
Plain, Mis
Kollen. Mis Annie
Spencer, rhas L.
Scliullz Mrs Lizz:e
Schaifer. John
Smith. John O
Terr 11, Miss Amy
v narton, j s
Ainick, Mrs Lon
Ueme. J vv
Kartsch. Gustavo
Copley, D V.
Carle. Millit
Draft, Charley
Koivter Geo (3)
F-.irjteson. Mis- Grace
GilU'i'ii. Frank
cordon, J
Hahinbcrirer. John
H ight. O K
Jlcnoonier, Mr.
Hill. Mrs Ida
KH'y. Mrs Jo
King. M
l.txlwiii. W in
t'.cMugnlin. Arden
iurpliy, Alba Miss
Moore, ft G
Oneal. Miss Mara
Plahn. lause
Russ. H K
facer, Mr Anna C
Schell. Fiank W
Sipp, James
Stockwell. J B
Saucer. Chas
WIIhv. Will
Wiui Mrs Clara
Woolvertou, Frank.
Persons calling for any of the above
letters will please say "advertised."
J. N. Wise, P. M.
The Sons of Veterans are making
great preparations for their masquerade
ball which will be held on the evening
of the 13th.
One Reasoi Why.
' I can't understand why Edgar Allen
Poe should have been so morbidly and
chronically gloomy."
"Did you ever read his biography "
" No."
"Well, according to that his mother-in-law
lived with him during his entire
married life."
A Safe Business.
"Do you ever bet on the races, stran
ger?" ho asked, as the boat auproached
Bay liid-o.
"I used to, but it cost me too much
"You are a business man, I suppose?"
"Yes, sir; I sell 'tips.' I cau give yoc
a sure ten to oua wiuner, today only
twentv-tive cents." Time.
Had Nerer Seen It.
City Poet What a very queer looking
yellow weed that isl
Young Lady Yellow weed! Goodness
me! This is the beautiful "golden rod"
that you raved about in your last poem.
A French electrician claims that he will
soon be able to produce a thunder storm
wherever and whenever it 13 desired.
Modern society seems to be made up oi
tc sreat classes the snubbers and the
snubbed. New York World.
Tho Lick observatory the postage
stamp window. Nw York Dispatch.
t- n : . l.
Durable 4$
Are Diamond Dyes. They excel all others
in Strength, Purity and Fastness. None others
are just as good. Beware of imitations they
are made of cheap and inferior materials and
give poor, weak, crocky colors.
36 colors ; 10 cents each.
Send postal for Dye Book, Sample Card, dirctions
(or coloring Photos., making the finest Ink or Bluing
(10 cts. a quart), etc. Sold by Druggists or by
WELLS, RICHARDSON S CO., Burlington, Vt.
For Gilding or Bronzing Fancy Articles, USE
Cold, Silver, Bronze," Copper. Only 10 Cents.
ane s
All Liver
"Paine's Celery Com
pound cured my nerv
ous sick headaches."
Mrs. L. A. Bremtmsk,
ban Jacinto, Cat.
"After using six bot
tles of Paine's Celery
Compound, I am cured
of rheumatism."
Samuhl Hotcmimsok.
South Cornish, N. H
"It has done me more
good for kidney disease
than any other medi
cine." Geo. Abbott,
Sioux City, Iowa.
"Paine's Celery Com
pound has been of great
benefit for torpid liver,
indigestion, and bilious
ness." kLIZABSTH C.
Udall, Quechee, Vt.
EED G-OZEXD 23 133!
dest Agricultural Dealer
In Cass County.
hi: kkei'S on iiami a rn.i. link r
Shettler, Moline. Ketchum Wagons
Nichols and Shefard Threshing Machines. Peter Shelter and all the
leading Wagons and Uuggies kepc constant!-Vn hand. JJranch House
Weeping Water. Be sure and call on Fred before you buy, either at
Plattsmouth or Weeping Water.
Pint is in on tli anil Weeping Water, Xebrasku