Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, December 13, 1888, Page 4, Image 4

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Arrcdtcd at tlio Age of 1 1 Year At 80
Slie Gna to I'rlitou to Die.
Tlio oldest professional sneak thief
in tlio country hasiigain been arrested.
And bho is a woman, fcji.xty-nine
years ago sho began tho criminal
career which she still pursues, and yet,
tf. ran go to say, sho bears upon her
feat u its but littlo traces of the life she
led. Of the four score years that have
1 Kissed ovir her head more than forty
lave l:en passed in prison. During
that time ull tho sunshine that came
to her was what struggled through the
prison bars. Iler friend.'? were the
companioiu with whom crime had
brought her in contact. Honest people
fho had scarcely ever known. in
deed, it almost must have seemed to
her that bhe had no place whatever in
the great free world ouUide. A curi
ous and a sad sight she presented as
sho sat huddled up in a corner ol
tho pen in the Tombs police court.
Her clothes were comparatively
neat, a hood was on her bead, from
beneath which tho purest of locks of
silver gray showed out. Her face was
pallid, and, dressed differently and
burrounded by brighter circumstances,
bIio might have pa-ssed as an old lady
of most respectable ancestry. She had
no Haunting aii-s, exhibited no out
ward semblance of cowering, gave no
furtive glances that indicated the soul
of tho criminal looking out through
tho eyes. Tho place seemed natural
for her. Well, perhaps it might, for
many and many a timo she hud been
there before. Others who looked upon
her might pity her. She did not seem
to realize why they should do so. She
was merely going back again to the
only homo sho had ever remembered.
Mary Fitzgerald is her name. The
war of 1S12 took from her her father,
and when sho was 10 her mother died.
She became a waif on tho world, drift
ing hither and thither in search of her
food and of a roof to shelter her.
Many a time she could (ind neither,
and want, possibly more than any
evil inclination, made her a thief.
She joined one cf thoso gangs of little
criminals who at the time made the
wharves and the river front; their
homos as well as their headquarters.
Tho lields and woods that then stood
where fashionable up town now ex
ists would have a Horded urchins
better quarters, though ones not so
safe. Mary was only 11 years of age
when she iirst was brought before tho
courts, and had to be held up in the
arms of the sergeant so that the judgG
could seo her and hear tho little story
sho had to tell. She had no excuse to
olj'er then. Indeed through her whole
career sho has never had. Stealing
has seemed to be as natural to her as
living, tho only variation in her con
duct before tho authorities being
that sho would occasionally claim
identity with some other well known
criminal. On one occasion some fif
teen or sixteen years ago she insisted
with tho utmost gravity that she
was Sarah Alexander, tho notorious
-"French Sally," who had made so
many- "little storekeepers mourn her
visits to their establishments. Oue of
tho peculiarities of this trial was that
tho judge who presided had only a
short timo before sentenced the origi
nal Sarah Alexander and informed
Mary of the fact. Her persistence in
this matter was the only bit of char
acter she had ever exhibited, and she
was then deemed worthy of a place in
tho famous rogues' gallery at police
headquarters. Sho prepared for the
event &3 well as she could, and to this
day the picture bears evidence of her
anxiety to look as well as possible. A
broad smile suffuses her face, and it
liad not tho slightest trace of that al
most involuntary if not willful un
willingness to bo photographed, that
marks tho pictures of nearly all the
other criminals.
Mary's last stay out of prison was
one of tho longest sho had ever made
five months and tho police were
beginning to hopo that at least the
sunset of her life might bo in the
honest air of the open world, but they
were doomed to disappointment. She
was arrested by Detective Sergeant
Woolbridge for picking tho pockets of
Beatrice Mezzano in an auction room
on Catharine street. The detective
was present and saw tho interesting
performance. He arrested Mary, and
was marching along with her, when
Thomas Whalen, a resident of Cherry
street, who is alleged to be tho wo
man's accomplice, assaulted the detec
tive. In the melee Mary escaped, buf
only to fall into the hands of an of
ficer of tho Fourth precinct. Botfc
were eventually arrested, and Mary
will, in all probability, end her lif
within prison walls. New York Pres
reruvian WbUtling Jugs.
' The silvadors or musical jugs found
among the burial places of Peru are
most ingenious specimens of handi
work. A silvio in the William S.
Vaux collection at Philadelphia con
sists of two vases, whoso bodies are
joined one to tLva other, with a hole or
(opening betweaa them. The neck of
ouaof theso vases is closed, with tho
exception of a small opening in which
d clay ripe is inserted leading to the
body of the whistle. When a liquid
is poured into the open necked vase,
the air is compressed into the other,
id in escaping through the narrov
opening is forced into the whistle, the
vibrations producing sounds. Many
of these sounds represent the notes of
lards; oue in the Clay collection of
tidelphia, Pa., imitates the robin o
gome other member of the thrush tribe
jeculiar to Peru. Tho closed neck of
Ibis double vase is modeled into a rep
resentation of a bird's head, which is
thrush like in character. Another
water vase in 119 same collection, rep
resenting a llama,, fmitates the dis
Cusling habit which this auimal pos
sesses of ejecting its saliva when en
raged. Tho hissing sound which
nccompnmes this action is admirably
imitated. A black tube of earthen
ware ornamented with a grotesqua
head in low relief, to which short
crms arc attached pressing a three
tube;! syrinx to its lips, deserves special
mention, as it suggests tho evofutiou
cf this instrument from a single- tubs
t- mo;-e complicated forms.The Clay
Worker. - - -
Growth In Machinery.
There 'ft arising hero and Ihoro ii
note of protest against the growing
subservience of society to machinery.
Mr. William Morris, in The Novum
tcr Fortnightly, bewails its deteriorat
ing effect, but is not without hope
that there will bo in somo sort u sav
ing revival of handicraft. The pleas
ure which tho craftsman once took in
his work, tho individuality he put in
it. i i gone. A great ( lenient of happi
acs has disapxared from his daily
life, and occupation once interest ii;;;
i-t dull and cheerless. The machine
feeder has not tho chance to grow to
the f t i: tii-4 of the skilled artisan. He
is not lifted by his work, but depressed
by it.
Individuality and tho exercise of
Last'.? are denied to the purchaser ol
goods. "You want a hat. say. l.'k
you wore laft year." but you must
take the one that fashion and tho ma
chine turned out this year. You want
a piece of furniture not "blotchct"
over with idiotic sham ornament," but
.yon cannot get it without paying r
prnhibitivu price for it. "A seriou:
evil and degradation of human life'
result from tho utilitarian uglinest
"produced by machinery" in every
thing which the labor of man dealt
Under the influence of machine pro
duetioii the line between employer
and employes is accentuated. Tht
employing class is one "of slave
ho!deis," with its choice as to mode of
life "limited by tlio necessity of find
ing constant livelihood and employ
incnt for the slaves who keep it alive.'
Th !(. is a tyrannous condition here
which breeds discontent. Just how
emancipation is to be brought about is
not clear. Tho effectiveness of ma
chinery cannot be spared. Iut tht
fact that the grumbling about its evile
hiu : . t i;i portends a desirable reac
tion. New York World.
KVT3"thin Dent) ly Hand.
II i.; human mu.,c!e that cultivates
Jap-.'.n. Cattle and horses are no par;
of J-ipaneso country scenes, and an
Air. -: ican plow, which I saw in
Tok-o store, was pointed out as a curi
osity. ITit is used at all, il will prob i
b'!y be pulled by men. As it is, tht
land is made fallow with a sort of mat
toe!:, which is heavv, and which ha.1
a b!:..!e about six inenes wide and twt
feet i ug. Tho rice fields of Japan ::rr
"living monuments of human labor,
t.'iil every grain of rice you eat repre
sents a certain amount of human mus
t-Ie. Tho fields must be flooded again
i:k1 ;.guin with water, and the plant.'
are transplanted from their first
vov.-th into row.;, i h ive seen niei
and women by scores bonding theii
bae': -. anil hoeing this rice, and I an;
t;!.i that their wages run from 10 tt
JO c --iits a day.
1: email muscle carries noaily all
the burdens of Japan. 1'rown skin
nod. slant eyed men and women, with
bas'..; is containing several bushel:
each upon their backs, pass by mj
window as I write, and others follow
wii-i f-rcat loads balanced across then
sho:. Ulers on long poles. Six-year-oU-boys
tarry two four gallon buckets of
wat in this way, and loads of heav,.
me; .'.landisc are pushed along the roar
in carts. Two or three men are bar
ne:.: : d up in front. Several push be
hin ! with both head and hands. Theii
nr.: . les stand out like whipcords a:
they work. The sweat rolls down
there brown skin in streams, and theii
face s look out from straw hats as bi2
aro..:ul as a woman's parasol. Theii
feet are soled with straw sandals. Tht
few horse carts one sees upon tht
strc. is are alwaj-s led rather thar.
driven by the men, and Japan seem
to d everything m the hardest waj
ink Cr. Carpenter s i-ctter.
Coffee and IU Effects.
C". f"eo owes its stimulating and re
freshing qualities to caffeine. It alsc
contains gum and sugar, fat, acids,
case : a and wool fiber. Like tea, it
powerfully increases the respiration:
but, unlike it, does not effect its depth.
Dy i i use the rate of tho pulse is in
civ: cdand tho action of the skin di
minished. It lessens the amount oi
u!c;.-1 sent to the organs of the body,
distends tho veins and contracts the
capillaries, thu3 preventing waste oi
tissi.o. It is a mental stimulus of a
high order, and one that is liable tc
great abuse. Carried to excess, it
prod aces abnormal wakefulness, indi
gesti-m, acidity, ) heartburn, tremors,
debility, irritability of temper,
treaibling, irregular pulse, a kinc
of intoxication ending in deli
ri.'.t.i and great injury to the
spinel functions. Unfortunately, there
are many cotf'co tipplers who depend
upon it as a drunkard upon his dram.
Ou the other hand, coffee is of sover
eign efficacy in tiding over the nervous
system in emergencies. Coffee is also,
in its place, an excellent medicine. In
typhoid fever its action is frequently
prompt and decisive. It is indicated
in l ho early stages before local compli
ce.ti;!:s arise. ColTee dispels stupor
a: id lethargy, is an antidote for many
kinds of poison, and is valuable in
spasmodic asthma, whooping cough,
cholera infantum and Asiatic cholera."
Il i ; also excellent as a preventive infectious and epidemic dis
ease -,. In districts rifo with malaria
and :'jver, the drinking of hot coffee
bef-: rj passing into tho cpen air has
cue,', ied persons living in such places
t'J; ; -ipo contagion. Journal of Com
mi . ej Boston).
A Death Bed Salute.
It eras the custom among the Ro
me:; to give tho dying a last kiss, in
order, as they thought, to catch the
i;!!ff breath. Spenser, in his pas
tor:-. J cicgy on he death of Sir Philip
Sidsa y, mentions it aa a pircumstance h renders tho loss of his illus
tri .e.s friend more to be lamented,
th .'. no oue was nigh to' close Ins ey&
lids "and kiss Ids lips." A little after
lie r;e.j.ices tho "dearest love" of the
dee : :.sed weeping oyer him.
When Lord Kelson was dying on
board his flagship he took leave of liis
faithful frieud Hardy by kissing him.
-Ki s me. Hardy," ho said, and these
veei-o the Last words b.6 uttered. And
so, too, Sir Walter Scott, when dying,
Ljss-d Lockhart. saying, "Bo good,
r.iy dear, bo good." St. Louis Republic.
Disastrous Results Attended the
Test of a Cast-Steel
Nkw Yokk, Di e. 7 - i iu Htrahl's
spct from Anii ipol;,, M. . us: The
trial uf tilt' C;l.t-s'" i I :x ineli mn pro
vided by tl.e ltt-! urg Still ('lifting
eoinpsiny, took phc- ;t tin proving
ground here WV'Inrbiy :ifi moon, mid
result in tin- tut d tii-1-trintioti of the
IIM tin-fie inl s:i.t. This trial h;ii
In en looked for with gi-i':it interrot by
n ii v id and hi " 1 1 1 y experts. If tip- unit had
proved to he the qtiul of the built-up
un tiicie would liavi' been it savin1-; of
timi; and cxpens' ho great as to ieoIil
'ionize luanii fact lire. The gnu on
trial was about sixt-cn fe t long and its
weiylit was live ton.-: weight of proj-c-tilf,
about one hundred pound.-;, powder,
:!iarge of forty-ciyht pounds. Il wa
iiouuted on a solid oak platform. As u
ti rcaiit iouaiy mersun: the u facers and
others engaged in the the test remained
it u considerable distance. It was lucky
diat they did. The first shot was made
.vith only thirty-nine pounds of powder.
The regulation charge was then used,
file discharge was followed by the com
plete break-up ef the breech of Hits gun.
iliere being nearly two dozen pieces in
part abaft the tninni ns, the fore part
fell forward in only one piece, while the
platform was wr cked in an iudcsei ibable
niiiiiner. The total damage to the gov
ernment property amounted to more
than "ft, 000.
Barry's Brotherhood.
East Saginaw, Mich., Dec. 7. K. II.
iJany has issued a manifesto tgthe work
ing people of America announcing him
self us the lender mid founder of u new
labor movement to be known as the
Brotherhood of United Labor. The
cardinal principles of tlu brotherhood
The right of man to all of the earth.
Inking from the usurers and S'lylock?
die right to control our caret. ey.
Government ownership of the menus
f t! unsporting persons i;iid freight and
ntelligi'iice and the taking of Uiom
ngines of human happiness out of the
hands of stock gambleis and speculator.
and operating them for tl.e benefit of tin
producer and consumer.
$500 Reward.
We will pay the above reward fcr any
case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick
headache, indigestion, constipation o:
costivcnes3 we cannot cure with
West's Vegetable Liver Pills,-when the
directions are strictly complied with.
They are pmely yogi table, and never
fail to give satisfaction. Large boxes
;outaiuing 30 sugar coated ' pilis, 2."c.
For sal.- all druggists, iieware tif
counterfeits and imitntiens. The gen
uine manufactured only by John O. Wr
& Co., 8o2 W. Madison St. Chicago,and
Sold by W. J. Warrick.
A Velcemefor Charr berlain.
Loxdox, Dec. G. Tne tories nud li'
al uniou:sts of Iiiririingiiam are nink :
extensive preparations for a jiiiblic dem
onstration of welcome to Jos. (. hamb: :
lain and his American wife.
What in the world is the reason you
will cough and keep coughing mid still
keep trying inferior medicines when
positively relieve your cough at once?
This is no advertising scheme, but an
actual fact, and we guarantee it. Sold
by O. P. Smith & Co., druggists.
Hastings to Haye Sewerage System
Hastings, Neb., Dec. 0. At a meet
ing of the business men of this city )
Tuesday night it was decided to have a
system of sewerage for the city. The
secretary was instructed to correspond
with various civil engineers with a view
to having an estimate of the cost thereof.
Is the reason people will not, can not, or
do not see any difference in cheap nos
trums put up by Cheap Johu houses or
irresponsible parties at enormous profits,
rather than take a medicine of world
wide reputation and one that is giving
universal satisfaction at equal price? No
medicine in the world is giving such un
paralleled satisfaction for purifving the
BLOOD MAKER, and every bottle that
docs not do its work wilj cost you noth
ing. For sale by O. V. Smith & Co.,
Mexican News.
City of Mexico, Dec. 7. The Bulletin
the organ of the postal authorities of
Mexico, brings serioua charges against
the American postal authorities, accusing
them of negligence and carelessness in
sending n ails on long-routes.
An out' reak, due to religions excite
nent, js feared in the city of Morelis.
Guards are patrolling the streets.
allow their children to cough and strain
and cough and calmly say: "Oh! it is
only a little cold." and keep giving them
cheap and dangerous medicines, until
they are down with lung fever or con
sumption, when they can be so easily re
SYRUP i It has no superior, and few
equals. For by O. P. Smith & Co ,
Dynamiters at Work
Paris, Dec, 0. An attempt was made
yesterdy to blow qp the registry office
in Hue St. Dennis with dynamite bombs.
Several arrets have been made.
let that cold of yours run on. You think
it is a light thing. But it may run into
catarrh. Or into pneumonia. Or con
umption. Catarrh is disgusting. Pneumonia is
dangerous. Consumption U denth itself.
The breathing apparatus must be kej t
healthy and clear of all obstructions ai d
offensive mutter. Otherwise there is
trouble ahead.
All the diseases of tlnse parts, head,
nose, throat, bronchial tubes and lungs,
can be tit I lit fully and entirely cured by
tlie use of Uoschee's (iermau Syrup. If
ymi don't know this already, thousands
and thouands of pcoph: tan tell you
They have been cured by it and Know
how it is. themselves. Bottle only To
cents. Ask any druggist.
The Yellow Fever-
J M USoNMl,!.1;, Fbl., I eC. (. There
were four new cases yesterday and one
death, IJ. A. Rudolph. About forty
seven houses have been fumigated and
the work of disinfection is being rapidly
To tiik Eorroii. I'lease inform your
readers that I have a positive remedy for
the above named disease. 15y its timely
use thousands of hopeless cases have been
permanently cured. I shall be glad to
send two bottles of my remedy i-iikk to
any of your renders who have consump
tion if they will send me their express
and post office address. Respectfully,
T. A. SLOCUM, M. C, 181 Pearl it.,
New York. tf
To Represent the State.
Dks Moiiiks. In.. Dec. 0. Governor
LnrrabcH has n j t ; i i i ' t
to represent the .,!:. -tennial
celebration of
iu New York on A p.'
John A. Kasson
a at the cen
iu oi juration
I il
:! i
Wonderful Cures.
W. I). Iloyt k Co.. Wholesale jiiid Re
tail Druggists, of Home. (5a.. say: We
have bei-n selling Dr. K i tig's New Discov
ery, Electric Bitb ts ami Bueklen's Arni
ca Salve for lour years. Have never
handled remedies that s. 11 as wi ll, r
oiveyticll universal satisfaction. I here
have been soni" wonderful cures effected
by" these medicine in this city. Several
cases of pronounced Consumption have
been entirely cured by use of a few bot
tles of Dr. Kind's ,Vev Discovery, taken
in connection with VA- ctric Hitters. Wc
jjnarantce t hem always. Sold by F. (J.
Fricke it (,'o. 1
Sti;! Hope for Kim.
"I'm very much worried about my son."
'What's the mat tor j"'
"Wliy, I've spent thousands of doll .rs
oducatii! him in elocution and oratory,
and h;: can't make a living, after nil."
''Why don't he start iu business as a
prize figter?"
Itch, Prairie Mature, f.nd Scratches of
every kind cuicd in SO minutes by Wool
foul's Sanitary Lotion. A sure cure and
perfectly harmless. Warranted by F.G
Fricke & Co. tlrugirist, Plattsmouth
To Overthrow the Cabinet.
London, Dec. 0. The Standard says
lumois are current in Paris that Clemen
au is planning to overthrow the Flo
; iet cabinet after the budget is passed.
Enylish Spavin Liniment removes al
'rd, Soft or Calloused lumps and Blera-
iies from horses, l!ood Spavin, Curbs,
Splints, Sweeny, Stifles. Sprains, Pink
Eye, Coughs and etc. Save $.50 by use
of one bottle. Evera bottle warranted
by F. G. Ertcke & Co.,'
Druggists, Plattsmouth, Neb.
The Oldest Employe.
Washington', Dec. G. Capt. Isaac Bas
sett, assistant door keeper of the senate,
celebrated yesterday the fifty-seventh
anniversary of his appointment by Dan
iel Weftster to be a page in the senate.
He the oldest employe iu point of ser-
vice in the government employ today.
Buoklin's Arnica Salve,
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
or money refunded. Price 25 cents per
box. For sale by F. G. Fiicke & Co. 51
The Tripoli well.
Tripoli, la., Dec. G. The flowing well,
discovered by accident a few days ago,
continues to be the wonder of this sec
tion. It sriids forth a torrent of water
of a bluish tinge and a strong smell. A
six-inch pipe has been inserted into the
well, and it spouts out at tho rate of fif
teen barrels a minute. It much resem
bles the famous Belle Plaine well.
Mr. 'r, II. Frohlichsteip, of 3JobiIe,
Ala., writes: 1 take great pleasure in re
commending Dr. King's New Discovery
for Consumption, having used it for a
t severe attac k of Bronchitis nud Catarrh.
It gave me instant relief and entirely cur
ed me and I have not been afflicted since,
also beg to state that I had tried other
remedies with no good result. Have also
used Electric Bitters and Dr. King's New
Life Pills both of which I can recommend.
Dr. Kli-g's New Discovery for Consump
tion, Cougjis and Colds, is sold on posi.
five guarantee. Trinl bottles free at F.
O. Fricke & Co's drug store. 1
More Burglaries at Neb-aska C ty
Nebraska Citt, Neb., Dec. 6. Burg
Jars Tuesday night lnqke inte Hatch's
second-hand store, N.lsoa's meat market
and several other pi a?. is. The value of
the goods stolen amounts to less than
$ 100. Burglaries rre of al:i ost nightly
cccurance. but no clue can be obtained i
to the thieves. 1
- - - II
Thoroughly cleanse tho Mood, which m the
ountaln of health, by iiHinir lr. Pirrti, Gold
en Medical Discovery, ami kooiI digestion, a
fair akin, buoyant Kiilritfl, and bodily health
and vitfor will Ixt cfctubliHlied.
tjoldtm Mcdieul liineovery ciirM all hiimora,
from the common pimple, blotch, or eruption,
to th wornt Scrofula, or bNod-iolnoii. Es
pecially has it jiroven it fdieucy In curing
Halt-rheum or Tetter, Kczcina, Kryaipelaa,
Fuver-aort, Hip-joint liseac, S'i'of uloua
Korea an1 Sweliinirs, Knlaru-i-d tilaiida. OoU
tre or Thick Keck, and Katlnjr Korea or
Golden Medical Discovery curoa Comump.
tion (which is Scrol'tiln of tho J.unjra). by it
wonderful blood - iurit 'ylnjr, inviKoratlnir,
and nutritive proM it ies. If taken in timo.
For AVcnlc I.uiitfs. SpittinK of Jllood, Phort
dpm Of Hreath, futarrh in the llend. llron
chitis. Scvero Coughs, Anthma, and kindred
affections, it is a sovereiR-n remedy. It
promptly cures the severest Coughs.
For Torpid Liver, Uillousness. or "Liver
ComplainC Dyspepsia, and indigestion, it ia
an uoi")iialed remedy. Hold tv druggist.
Frictt $l.oo, or six bottle for 15.00.
Epileptic Fits, Falling Sickness, Hys
ierics, St. Vitus Dance, Nervousness,
Hypochondria, Melancholia, In
ebriety, Sleeplessness, Diz
ziness, Brain and Spin
al Weakness.
Thii medicine has s direct action upon the norv
tenters, allaying all irritabilities anil increasing vUa
How and miwer of nerve tluiii. it is penect'y hariii
ttias ail'l luiLVflU no nnnfmisuDl Bs-nb;'
.arrafiiinii turbuiicivmui nervous aise?J
will be sent free to any add reus, and poor patienU
can also obtain this medicine free of charge frois
This remedy has been prepared bv the lteverend
Pastor Koenig. of Kort Wayne, lnd.. for the past
ten years, and is now prepared under bis direction
by the
, . Badison cor. Clinton St., CHICAGO, ILL.
Price VI per Ilotlle. l Hottlea for 85.
F. G. FJiJCKE A: CO., Druggists,
Plattsmouth, Ni b.
? 3
Ik A
g ?: 3 ft S
- ,
Shingles!, Lath, Sash,
- if I
i2 i.
Can supply every demand of the trade
Call ami get terms. Fourth street
In Rear of Opera House.
Wagon, Buggy, Machine and Flow r-i
pairing, and general jobbing
81, now prepared to do all kinds of repMrtrg:
of farm ami other machinery, as there
is a good lathe in my shop.
The old Reliable Wagon Maker
has taken charge ot the wagon shod
He la well known as a
W ttoox a;l t?- cle
WCW W ikOiiH .;! It
m nil
aA.rr" ci-io v cntwvi
Tae 5th t. Merchant Tailor
Keeps a Full Lin of
"'Foreign & Domestic Goods.
Consult Your Interest by Givitg Him a Cal
Jf':v.;' W as
MURPHY & PAKXELL. Cfcdar Creek,
Cass County, Neb.
Prench Health Seamless
'.V liolc?i4ie -iioi lit lull 1. v in
n iir i ii" -inn)
r II: LUivldLn
I.iJWS Will lit All Hit tAS.
Ik'Ht Ornish hyruji. TaMi'i1 il. V
in Iiimm. SoM l'Vlrnv. I-
I h'-lievo I'iso'H Curo
for Constitn ptioii s.ivcl
my life. A. il. Iowi uj.,
iMitor Jh: nil i r Iv Sen
ton, N. C., April J.-., issl.
Tlio iu:sr Couch Modi
no is J'iso'm Cent: ton
lj cim
li Co:
J.slf M ITKiN. 'Jiildicn
tnlvo It without objection.
J5y all uruggintrf. oc.
CUIUS WMLliE All tlSfc rUlS.
Hnftfct:oilL'll Kvrun. 'i'liles 'fO(l. VtiO
In Inn". Solil liv ii i tin-1 -1 P'lf
m'i lit -i- - ' -' i i
i itilrt
When I cay Cdue I lo not mean merely to
Stop them for a time, ami then have thein re
turn J i x ; 1 1 1 i . 1 MKA.V A ICAiUCAJj CL'itlJ.
1 have made the diucatio of
A life-lon;? Btudy. I wahrant my remedy to
t.'UltK tlio wornl c.'ikcs. l;eai!s others have
failed is no reason for not now receiving a cure.
Send atonee for a IreatiHc and a 1- iikk I'.on l.H
Of IIIV iNKAI.t.tlll.K KlCMfcOV. ;iC KxplCsS
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Almost as Palatable as Milk.
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i4itive itomacli, when tlie plain: ull
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bin at ion ot the oil with the hypophou
phltea ia much more eilicactoua.
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Persons gain rapidly while taking It
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Try the Curete'-U
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IS rri-nlil.-. I'ri. e !5T;. nt TanHtn or by
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The TiW zu:-y c u j nr: ;s
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t eloped U of ivielul inior-
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can clothe you and iuruish you vi
an me necessary ana ui.n-i
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eat, fish, hunt, work, j;o t-- c:. ,. :
or stay at home, and in vuri-iits u.i.'.
styles and Quantitie"!. Just iivs: i: cki
what is required to do al: tti'.--e
COMFORTABLY, arvl you en i - .-; ..
estimate ot the value of tho 12l YIP.';'
OUIDE, which will r.o f-jit i. -Sr
receipt of 10 cents to p-v V'
111-114 Michigan A.vtw.c. vay.-;
e?-;?E'S-.-. a A ITS if er i-i
S."iVs-i'-',.er Faila to nktBr. rs-J
S' 'O r-io-f-,, Ha'r 3 ,s V'"' ' Color, 't
can cheerfully recoiriinenl
Ir. S,tU Arnold's Cough
rrf.tTrTTVT in.
I ill J" Itinera fii ntla. n remedy
jJfor Couliij and Coldn, Jiav-
iitieiiii in mvowii lainily
I Willi very great Katlfactiou.
I II. liuih, Ues Moines,
Druggista, 25c., C0c., and gl.oa
E.B. WjStlHAM, J011X A. IJAV1K. .
Notary Public. T- o-.y Public.
-A-ttomoys - at - Zaw.
Office over Hank client. Couu t.
The Daily Herald Uv
15cta. per week.
twr jwJVKii:iv..-'iii-(ij"''-"-r!
JTZ """H