Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, December 06, 1888, Page 6, Image 6

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1 1
i !
Tho Dlght had girdled on licr garb of glooms,
Tim bleak ninth wind rdiricks aln-ill ulong the air.
While Ktartk-d clouds are tossed Afar like plumes
Aiiel Ktriekcii forests Khircr in dalr.
Out on the heaving ocean, runt and dark,
Tlio mud t.torm drives with swift, succeeding
And au;;ry lil.'tn, a frail and mastless bark
To otlitrr doom upon the txptrctaut rocks.
Heavy with Rpice, and lnnpuoroufl with rfllm,
Tlio soft Hout h witid, frtth from gold tropic suua,
Careawn with delicious wafts of balm
The Hummer glory of tlio Antilles.
It BfH'kn, amid tho emerald of Its bovrtm,
Tho lmmmcx-k w liens a Creole, ji1o and fair,
Lies like a flower among tho other flowers,
And pUiys with tlio ftoft tepli'iielors of her liairt
F. S. fcaltua in Pittsburg Uullt'tia.
When my publishers assigned to me tho
duty of rejKrting tho Montreal carnival
I telegraphed to Fergus Campbell to en
Rage a room for mo In the house where
ho had his lodgings. Already there had
been a tumultuous rush for tlio hotel-i,
and lodgings were at u premium.
Fergus Campbell was a Scot whom I
had met in Dunblane, but for ten year;;
ho had Ixjen engaged on the reportorial
f;talF of a Montreal journal, lie hired
rooms of an aged Frenchwoman who
owned :t dilapidated chateau on Dorches
ter fctrcct. Ordinarily ho was her sola
lodger, and luadamc was too decrepit to
properly attend even to his simple wants;
but in those days of activity and festiv
ity hlie imbibed some of the prevalent
spirit of enterprise, and agreed to rent
ine n room.
Certainly I would never have chosen
tho cJiatcau for my permanent abode, al
beit I was glad to t-pend a week with
Campbell. It was composed of a crum
bling mass of gray stone, and was dingy
anil cheerless. Campbell hired a IkhI
room and a fitting room in this unpleas
ant dwelling, and two more unwhole
some and disorderly apartments it would
bo dh!ieidt to lind.
It was long after midnight when I first
entered tlio chateau. I had visited Do
minion fjunro, and seen tho ice palace
with it3 turrcU-4 towers and frowning
battlements; we had tried the steepest,
speediest toboggan thoot in the city; I
liad seen the governor general open the
carnival, and had sent his speech ver
batim to Tho Pittsburg Bellows before I
renewed my acquaintance with Fergus
Jate as it was ho was engaged in cook
ing our r-Hppor. lie was committing the
culinary atrocity cf frying a beefsteak,
and was sraoLinga pipe while ho worked,
lie was a man of years, with a huge,
angular frame and big lung.-;, lie had a
Khock of brown hair, a broad, white forc
. head, keen blue eyes under thagy
brows, and a. beard that presented as un
kempt an appearance as a blackthorn
hedge. His big frame wan clothed in a
ragged dressing gown that had long done
double service as a garment ami pen
wiper. Certainly no one would have
suspected him of being a "ladies' man,"
nor the hero of a romance, yet I subse
quently learned that bo had onco been
betrothed to a woman.
We bad a very delightful time over our
beefsteak and ale, for Campbell was ex
cellent covipnny. IIo was slipshod and
tattered; ho drank alo out of a pewter
rung, and emokc-d tlvo woret tobacco in
the queen's dominion, lbs was ugly and
eccentric, but he was pietures.;ti, and
was undeniably a gentleman. IIe6eemed
ro bo uncomplainingly submissive to the
hardships in his life,
I had need of Ids cheer for several
days, for my work proved arduous. I
was expected to fiend homo entertaining
accounts of the carnival, and it was vir
tually suspended. A warm rain had
drenched mo to tho skin, and had made
ihe ice palace preceptibly thinner. If it
continue:!, this fairy building would soon
bo obliterated. Out of door pastimes
were impossible, and I returned to the
chateau one night feeling tired and dis
heartened. I intended to leave Montreal
on the following morning.
I found CampbrJl in an unusually silent
mood. It was a black night, and I sus
pected that he was depressed by Hie bad
weather and by my approaching depart
ure. The turn was naturally sociable, and
had enjoyed companionship as ardently
r.s a Ley. As we kct close to his rusted
old ctove, I kept wondering why this big
hearted Scotchman was so removed from
the resL-t of tho world. A man of Mb
r.bility could earn a living anywhere.
Why, i:i tho name of reason, had he
never rondo use of hi3 voice? Evidently
it had been cultivated, and ho sang eo
vr.cll that he might have been famous
throughout tho world.
Ifiiri not superstitious nor imaginative,
l;ut on ih&t night I disliked my surround
ings. Th room was dimly lighted. In
lho adjoining apartment I could tt
Campbell's drefcsii?g gown hanging on
one of the high, old fashioned bed posts,
and I could not rid myself of the fancy
that an emaciated figure stctod in tho
Scotchman's bedroom, clothed in his tafr
tc-red gown. Worse than that, the fig
ure had the rigidity of a corpse. I turned
my back upon it.
"You ought to leave this place, Camp
bell," I said, "and get into the whirl of
Ajcerican enterprise. Come with me to
sth States, where journalism has more
to feud pnon."
He had been smoking in silence; but
now he spoke.
"Montreal is iiot a bad place. It is a
deal cleaner than your town of Pitts
burg, and a deal less infernal."
"You know about as much of Pitts -i
burg as you do of the infernal regions,"
I said, surprised at his remark. "You
told mo yesterday that you had never
visited the United States." i
pip crossed his legs, dropped Ids chin !
fjpo$ ill big chest and eyed mo from
sunder J lis iF.hajrgy brows, i'hen he made
this rcnaarkai.le statement:
"What I yesterday was true; but
tince then I liave visited New York, New
Jersey and Pennsylvania. The last town
J saw v.-a3 Pittsburg, and I hope I may
siever Ikj compelled to see its like Again."
I looked ?-t Jam sliarply. "Was he joking:
or Lilxring under somo hallucination
llis expression was gerious nay, even
6olenin. There were heavy shadows about
his eyes and lii face was pallid. Had he
been drinking? No; his battered uuijy
v.-as filled with his untouched alo.
"Of course you don't expect me to be
lieve you," I said. "No man ever trav
eled the distance you ric-ntion in agingla
tight of his life."
"I know that perfectly," Jto answered,
earnestly: "but I wasn't alive. Man, I
ftva3 dead 1"
"And ra r esurrected this mornlngr'
I asked, derisively. "What joLe axe you
trj iiij to i lay, Campbell.'" .
"I am not joking," ho answered, ( eri
ou dy. "I could not jest about f-o grave
n reattcr an death. But, Bradford, I
tli d! At 4 o'clock lids morning my
spirit left my ldv yonder in that tma)l
room. If you will listen respectfully I'll
Ca): of it."
I took a drink of ale. In (pile of my
;t'f I could not help seeing that hideous
h,uro in tho cth r room. It appeared
now liko Campbell'H fckeleton clad in his
Ho did not Iicrrin his f.torv at once, but
sat wrapped in profound thought, while
the wind soughed dismally and Ins pipe
went out unheeded. 1 was not until I
un.tised him from his reverio that he
"I don't know why I feel like talking
of myself to you," he said, "for you are
full of gibes and ridicule; but I like you.
lad, and although I have chosen to live a
hermit's life, I i.ometiuies grow weary of
silence and solitude, and hunger a bit for
hi;. nan sympalhj
"1 was born in Dunblane, and began
life in humble circumstances. My
father died when I was a bairn, and my
mother was too poor to give mo an e-asy
life, though she gavo me a bit of school
ing. On Saturdays I worked in the
bLhcp's library, where I earned a litile
money by dusting and climbing for the
librarian. After my mother died I winit
to live with a great f inger. 1 was a good
scholar, and he made mo his secretary.
YI ( ii i bad l ien with him a little, while
I v.c v.t to tho opera to hear him ring,
and tin i experience turned my head. 1
vvi 'i! to be a singe r, too. I beard bin:
j-r: '-lii ing, and I practiced. 1 was bis
nni-; ;;r, Ids emulator, his parrot. And
1 ( aid t ir.'g. I knew well that i had the
ta! ::t, the fervor, the patience and the
entl.t.: ii'.s.m of an artL.t. Oh. man, man!
1 b: d the vanity, too, of all stage struck
Sma.tic.-?, and was sure I would bo a mas
ter. "lily employer heard me sing, and cf
fort d to J each mo. I was ." years old
wh'. n I was oU'erod my first engagement
to t i::g in public.
"You probably remember the Bishop's
Wai.; i.i Dunblane. It runs close to the
l;ivr Allan, ami was named for the
1-khrp, l:-hc rt Beighton. I used to bo
very i'wiid et' that walk, and one spring
m. r:iing I found a woman in it who
like:: it al.,o as bright and blithe v.
wo:, an as ever trod upon Scottish
heather. I do not protend to he a oonneis
s: i:r ( 1' fei-diniu- loveliness, but 1 know
thai Maine Morrison v.-a 3 beautiful, licr
eye :, were blue and swee t, her hair brown
ar.d 1 oii-do and Iter throat was like snow.
J:':; '..ord, I can't make you see her rs
she ! o!-;: d coming down tho Bishep's
V,'; L: v.i'di her hands full of primroses.
ai:(1 cheeks surpassing them. The
lass was straight and trim and strong,
a.::! there was a deal of shv sweetness
i: V;
from under tho broad brim of
. . Il r I Lnew my Jife was changed.
; ;:L;ic-:t e,!jeet had l.'et n to Ik-cc-Iiio a
: .s t-iiiger, but now that ambition
. t ;.:i:;ary. I wanted to marry Mai-
r . r.i.-t;a.
I ;r fat was not willing that I
r id her, but I cared little, since 1
i my Jass in tho fields by the ruins
Cathedral of St. Blane, and over
gain in the Bishop's Walk, But by
v I had reason to leave Dunblane,
.led to study more, and my manager
! fo take mo to ltuly.'where, ho
i could iako lessons in tho grea.
vr.toiies and stiii earn my living
him. Maiiio Morrison consented to
mo and go with me if we could father's consent.
"irisoii v.'as n Covenanter and a
' f such iron will that he was an uu
r.t opponent to tackle, lie was
)y prejudiced against public singers,
ated the theatre, and openly j.ic
. ed it the gateway of hell. Beeide;
. c rsion to my profession, he had an
iind fooro personal grudge against
tie had tee?i iii for mavor of the
dutv. and blamed me fo his' defeat. I
.:..d iried my 'prentice hand at jourhai
Lm. : nd had written some tierce things
-.'gai t hjs partj'. But I could not think
he A.'ouitl long oppose my suit for two
vol: reasons.
" had reckoned without my host. lie
h:.t me, IIo would have rejoiced if
:e:l I. ad opened and taken me in. What?
.'. a linger, marry tho daughter of so
; ;rc: i a man as he! Lord, man, he'd
kaw sooner tiiisted her to old Beelze
bub! Ho raved at my proposal and
lash; . himself into a terrible fury, lie
said that I had. written such a pack of
lies; about him lie iiu?:l Jest his election,
"'. y lass took her Bible lor gtiidancc,
?.nd tound notlting in ifc to justify iie"
wed: J fig without her fathers consent
it t i'l: "'Children, obey your parents ir
the I .ord, -r this is rjght,' and to hei
ricp'o mind nothing could hf plaimei
than her duty. Certainly she could find
t:o i .Lgage commanding obedience to
her i ;ver. Her father told her that if
v e l. arried he would curse us and our
ehiicien. j
"i t esought her not to yield to his un- ;
rcr.r,onablo prejudice, but she stood in ;
(i;. bishop's Walk, white r.s a ghost, and 1
bad.- me good-by. I told her sho Jiad '.
not li.e heart cf a woman or she could i
no; : . ad mc away. j
"1 ..ld ?ipt go to Italy, for my ambition i
had anishcd. JTow could I sing with
euch a heavy heart? I i-lvse the life of
a r.'. lupe. I came to Montreal aticl j
se :v; : . iied out such a living as my pen ;
would yjeld. j
"2 loirison was so mortified by his po- j
lit ic: ! tlefeat that ho voujd not bido in ;
Bi-.v.'. -ane. Tie and his daughter went to
live :i Pittsburg. I learned' of this j
thvcu;;li a Bunbjajio nevspaper. j
".'.o yesterday was ray birthday, Brad- !
fcrd, I made some resolutions, I re- j
cclvccl that I would wasto no more tinie, j
Fer t:u years I have bided in this house,
hug,-i:ig a foolish hope that Maiiio Mor
ri:c:: might some day wish to recall me, 1
and knowing that it would bo easy to
trac- ;ae here. But last night I resolved :
to f
whv nrd comileto my study of j
.-. I told jnysejf that rnaybe the '
wa3 married and had iorg;o ten the
-p's Walk. , midnight when I went to bed. '
i Id Jiouse seemed desolate, and I
. not tlcep. I heard tho clock strike
r.'.i 4, end llicn-rman, I cannot do
it. but I had the most horrible
een: l; ion I ever expciieneed, Nothin;
djctli could give ii". A sweat was
V lips and forehead. My breath
laboriously. My pulses ceased and
' tion of my heart was impcrccpti
. htx-v.' I was dying. I tried to
. My hfo lii r.ot been what I de
. yet I was wildly cvge- to live. I
desperately to cast olf tlio dreadful
rgy into which I was sinking.'"!
on .
tho ,
tri, r
ly cry out fe-r licip, but could r.ot
ria- o
cnv. : i
a sound, 1 va3 struggling with
. and such a light it was that I
Icr when I recall it. I va keenly,
iv alive to the fact that riiy feer.
v.cro like ice, and that the cold was
cyci-s lag- up my limits towards my heart,
liy t. Dj.rue clove to (tho roof of my
not h; U7 respiration grew slower end
tl "j.. .', wid finally ceaaed; my heait had
flopped beating, my jaw dropped, and I
was dead!
"During my life I had alwaya believed
in a dual existence a bodily and a spir
it ual one. Now this duality was proven.
My spirit hit my lod:rd stopped to
look at the he ;u: till ::d t : anted. "With
my spiiitual - i i. .i 1 . '.. :.-.y eyes close
and my limbs grow i 1 taw tlixit I
was dead!
"My menial facrhi..s; l-einaincd, hut I
had no 1 ir.y : il lis. l iy sjirit
was mvsterioii: ly Lorre (roi-i t!ie loom,
from the hou-.e : !-i!i.oi.i the town. 1
traveled in mid air and with a velocity
that appalled me. I cannot di r.crihe my
sensations. 1 c ania-t s :.y thi.t the wind
rushed into my fat-o, for I had no face.
1 cannot sav that tnvlnad swum, fori
had no head. And"vtl felt that the
wind was blowing cold and wet, and
the awful sv.iltr.ess of my lo'-emot ion
thriik-d me with terror. 1 kept thinking
'li,) dead, and where am 1 g i:-' ? i am
tirettv hi-di up, and am deuilv thank
ful for it.'"
I had been regarding Campbell with
curiosity r.s well as suspicion. Some
times i believed that ho was manufact
uring his lre;u:i or i.- ion or ghost story
out of whole cloth. I was templed to
rate him soundly IV r trying to make a.
fool of me, but something in his manner
restrained me.
"I was not up too 11 di," ho continued,
"to see where 1 was trawling. I was
pas: ing o( r Albar.v, for I saw the out-
line of a I liih'.i:
l!:;.t inu;t h
rhe capiti
die tame
'owns th
1 ooiitinucd southward with
awful ii.iiKttis. pa: : ing over
t 1 were Kingslon.
i-.nd Wi : t 1'oir.t. I liilowt l
Ait' liud: on
i:ntd I came to ev oer:ey,
.nil wc::t ove r the mtc nor oi that state
Ail t!:i ; time I w:.s wondeiing whether
:he ::tii-o: pheie .as peopled by ol!: r
pirits lh;n mine. Vv as mine tho only
-oul that was do-lined to travel in this
eccentric fa.-kion? t-lo-moj-f my friei:ds
had died. j'i:d. in the awful stillness and
loneliness of that hour. 1 longed for their
ompnuiei': lap. 1 at the air w as empty,
.aid only my spirit was astir.
"1 changed my course ;.t length anil
.vent westward. I seemed to be crossing
ver the stale of Pennsylvania. Stiel-
l.'idy I thought I knew" whe re I was
'.eing. and, Bradford, I can give you no
'ilea of the agony I experienced at the
iiacovcry. 1 was passing over achnk
country, and beyond me was a hideors
'i.:!:l. I could see i:o b-uihlings, but 1
.aw a bl.i-x-of lire that Idled n:e wiih
honor. It was below me. and as it
:-elvl:cd out in all it: lurid ititeiishy 1
bought 1 knew what ii was. Man alive!
i tho:" Id 1 was going to he!! as fast as
t-oi.Id travel, and that lioihlng could
-.ave mo.
"it wa ; ik! the inferr.r! Kgieiis, r.fte-r
-.'1. It was your boasted town of PiUs-
:;ur;! The hro thai
had I riglit. iieel me
waa from the iron fov.neiiies
o.el.iag mi!j.i ;:nd !- oil iv
wi:i- !, the place is fai'itna-..
he ; lr hot with their li. r
, tiie copper
iinerieo. for
I (Olild feel
.- I n aih. 1
, a: a-.l them and a cathedral, and linally
1 ivacl'cd a subur' of the town, then 1
went slower and lower, and at last
-..toppv d before a dwelling.
l;i an upper item a lamp was l.urn
in.r, and a woman's shadow occasionally
VII upon tho curtain. I know it was
Mailie Morrison's even before she stopped
:i tho window and backed out. BiVa.I
i'ovd. it was my lass,, grown older, but
willi the came sweet face that I had last
seen i:i the Bishop's Walk. An in -.tar. I
late r he r father jerked tho curtains aside
and stood beside her. lie was he;n ihl v
c kangcel. Iiis eyes were bloodshot, his
face was purple end Ids form wasted,
lie v.- s wholly unlike tho strong bodied
p-oihit ian of Dunblane. For ten yt ars 1
bad h;;ted hii'i, but tids mtjrning 1 was
.ouciiiel t;y Ids wretched condition. I
was grieved to know 1 was invisible to
my lass: but father saw me! Good
leave n! Can I ever forget what wrath
and malice distorted bis face at tight :
mc? lie seemi'd crazed with rage, ; :
he beat with Ids two clinched fists o; ; i:
lho -lass, shjjvring the pane into th. ;
f::nc1: of bits ar.d'c"i;tling .i.. , , h to ti
bone, lie. was. a maniac, ami ho b'eliev- d
I vaj in tlio flesh, for ho tried to rer.e..
mo end strangle c:e with his 1 lceding
hand:--. Man, man! in Ins liind aiie!
eeifcer fury ho hurled his wretched body
fr;:m the window to the ground. I, a e f air, could do naught to save
I lia, ,-ind I saw him fall dead before me!
I coidei jit't f?pcak to my lass, who also
saw Mi act; hut 1 wus forced to eco the
r.ngui.h in her white, distracted face.
And while tho people came from the
house to carry the dead man in I was
suddenly homo away.
"1 reused with even greater swift
ness, and by the b-Uia? Jong route by
which I had gone. I reached Montreal
he-fore light was fairly here, and entered
(ho chateau unhindered by windows and
doors. I saw my dead body still lying
with drawn face,' closed eyes and fallen
'"aw. Mv spirit seemed tb recognize- ipr:
v as its natural heme, for in the
tv.mlrhng of an eyo it entered it again.
3Iy heart )egan"to pulsate, my blood
was flowing and ray brain awake. Fer
gus Campbell was in tlio flesh again!
"J ; at up and lighted my lamp. I was
still cold and wet vth c lammy perspira
tion. Tho clock was striking , find I
remembered that 1 had been te Pitts
burg and back by an unnecessarily long
route in exactly three hours."
f.'Vui certainly made remarkably quick
time," "I eu! oriented. "I'd say 3 0ud
hecii BufTering from deiiiium tremens if
I was not aware of your temperate hab
its. You had tho nightmare, Campbell."
IIo placed a telegram in my hands.
'Read it," he saiel, eagerly. "It came
this evening, and ft proves that I saw
Morrison' die."
Tho dirpatch was from a relative cf
Campbell'u in Fjttsburg. These were its
"luorrison killed himself this morning
by jumping from his window, lip hzs
been mael f or years."
AVo looked at each other in silence.
"By Jove!"' I said at last, "you have
rither been telling a stupendous lie cr
!his is. a remarkable coincidence."
,';lt'fi nn he," ho answered, solemnly.
"Bradford, it's as fine as trospcl."
- a a '
Two years passed before I saw Camp
bell pgam. lie came down'lho corridor
ef tho AVtudfior jiotel, and I could not
fail to notice rba da ppfoaranco liad
p r at ly improved, lip hail gained con
siderable avoirdupois, and was dressed n
excellent taste. Ilia old frank smile re
raaincd unaltered, and I could not mis
take bun.
"You are Fergus Campbell, " I said,
cr.d circled my hand.
JI grasped it cordially.
"I wr.a- Icrgiii? Campbell once," he
said; "but" with eh irrejsLiiib!o and
contagious grin "they call nie 'Signor
f'amlllini now!"
"Then ycra have finished your studies:"
.':Yci," o answered, "I am a full
Cetlgtd opera singer now,"
I lojgeel to ask him if ho was foamed,
Lut feared tLe subject miglit bp a psin
tul ens.
"Come to toy roomn,H he said, as if he
"mew what was in my mind, "and see
my wife and bairn. I nm niarritil to
'Maiiio Morrison, Bradford. After her
father's violent death she went back to
Dunblane and I followed tier. 1 mother
In tho Bidiop's Walk and wo agreed that
wo would never be separated again.
Come, and I'll sing for you. And it will
le no Italian melody tonight, but a good
Scotch song about 'The 1 lowe r o' Dun
blane.'" Francis B. Currio in Frank
Tin" Iam-o YlYed In Ort-gon.
a recent issue of The ScienfiQV
American, under heading of "Natural
History Notes," you speak of the "loco"
or "crazy weed" ef Texas and that its
re puted power of producing insanity and
death has been proved unfounded. This
assertion of the innocence of the "hx-o
weed" I cannot contradict; but (ho fact
of a certain weed (by some calleel the
"lex-o") that grows on the Columbia river
bottoms, between tho "Cascades" and
"lho Dalles," that will cause temporary
insanity in, horse not accustomed to feed
on tho beltom lands, is too well known
to doubt. Although 1 have never seen
an animal direct Iv under the influence
of the weed, yet I have seen them imme
diately afterwards, and the signs were
unmistakable the; annual with 1 is head
and fore legs bruised anel bleeding, the
stall, manger anel feed boxes totally de-i-
: !i-,heei, and everything denoting a t r-liile-
struggle. Almost every farmer
occupying bottom lauds will (ell you the
same story, not among his own slock, as
the y are' accustomed to it, but of nc-igh-boi":;"
teams from tho uplands, that coca
: i.. rally put up ov r niaht and feed of
ne w lowlanil hay.
Th.- teams are watered anel securely hi their stalls and bountifully feel on
!!:- 1 light soft bay from tho overflowed
le.i e1 -.. A. bout midnight tho owner is
awakened by a terrific uproar in tke
stal ks. Hastening thither, tho teamster
is a--founded to see his horse or horses in
a perfect free
t trikin;;, bi'.in
however, can i
the v.-eed pars
horse, if he h:..
lit Tie the v.'i v.
What weed th
have I over h
cf i madness, rearing.
liectn of
-.'mils the
. self, but
1 :ew, nor
-L I.
1 ' 1
:v t.
y :.::ov.-.
ie::::e ;i:in;
::t wiil i :
It i
.t could
.i t it is
i.i the
ise tern
re i un
posii . ivel v
t : .;. t
e- liain to:.t t';
i."v.- cut I. dtt; ;.
pen: ry i:i: a:d:y
i"j;i::::i.-:i thin
1 1
t.) !
a man eii
f.nd swell; -i
he ai::e, b.
v, itli a i i ci
I: ae!
r.: ( :i i:v uirin
' wiil
e r. -Gli." 1 v.-;
,:; last id; l.f.
C!:i;-.y weed."
:ou; "le'..-e- v. e-e-ii
s down on the bot
1 my b.orse got a dose
Whc-tiier thi.j ii the
"or whether it i.-. ccn
lity, is beyo:id my
hi Scie-ntihc Araeri-
ii;.eei t.i t !ii i I c-a
'ken' II. C. Coo
;?: -r. f ti en.iiiii Army.
It i.i ii"; e s .iLl.' to t.-nceive? f a mere
thoroujdi a;. .slemllsaii tliMt on v.!;kb the
Oerir.nn cr:uy is based, hi every v:;!a;vc
there i.s a e ; rtain sum c f money eh pos
ited in tho city hall which i:i suhicient to
keep all the soldiers in the village in foex!
for thirty davs after the declaralieii of
war. Next to the city hall is the armc ry.
arsenal and 1 arracks of tlio place, lien
are the cannon and the smaller arm:;,
the ammunition and every requisite i l
y.-ar. The oliicrrs live in "the Luildir.?'.
fcsc-a? tered throuyhcut tho viilap,o are th
soldiers. Those who pass tho first tern
of service are cnatd in varioe.-j cct i:
pations. Every horse in the village i
duly ticketed and appraked. At statci
tiirea l!ie horse li taken from his j ositio:
i:i ';o shafts of a carriage or butcher's,
baker's c.-r canule; tick n.-akcr's vajjon,
mounted by a soldier or hitched to a gun
carriage, urill- el Ida butiue'ss and
returned politely to bis ov.-ner. Tho in
sf an!. war breaks cm t the horse becomes
'.!:" M-operty f Vv'iiliam II.
This condition of tiiinjrs ej.ists in every
earner of the empire. "The instant the
emperor decides on war lho entire tele-
;hic and laihcad service is turnec7
. , cr vo tho state; the shoemaker in the
. iiia,' ;e deus his uniform, jeimps on his
neighbor's horse, report:; at the barracks,
tho bag cf money is put in tho gun car
riage, and within a lew hours the entire
force of tho village, town or city is
standing in the road ready mounted and
thoroughly equippe el for active service.
Everything in arranged, al contingen
cies foreshadowed, and an array of
i.!, I '00,00(1 men ptanda waiting for orders
within a few hours after tho declaration
of war. It i.5 marvelous. Blakcly Hall
in Boston Globe.
Hrick Veneering for Frame Houses.
A. construction detail that is gaining
much popularity in some western cities
is the bricking in of frame houses. The
buikang is sided up with matched stiu7,
as if complete; then ,a brick face wall
four inches thick is laid in contact with
lho exterior, tied on by spikes about
every sixth .course. A 'boy distributes
them all around on top of the wall. They
are held in the mcrtar bed ready, and
driven through into the siding till the
heads are flush with the face of tho wall,
wlien tho next courses aro laid, and so
o.n. Tlio vails present the appearance
of solid masonry, aro durable,' and, as
they add to tho warmth of the buildings,
seem to present substantial rccom aienda
tions, especially in severe climates.
American Budder.
A. ?fe-w- anel Valuable Drag.
According to CasseU's Slagazine a new
drug cf great value has recently apjx'ared
in tho market. It consists 'of powder
jambul seeds the seeds of a plant, Syzy
glum jambclanum or Eugenia jambc'l
aha, found in various parts of India, the
Mauritius, Ceylon and. the United States
of Colombia. It has been well tested by
the medical faculty in England, Germany
find the United JstateR, and is saiel to be
a promising remedy in all easvs cf dia
betes. The action of the drug is to pre
vent formation of sugar in the system,
and so to stay waste; anel cases are cn
record showing that under its influence
the special restrictive diet so obnoxious
to diabetes patients can be dispensed with.
Frank Leslie's,
Net Alna3 u Virtue.
With all that u justly 6aiel about the
yjrtu'e of contentment, there is one spe
cies of it that lieu Jikeaworm at the core
of all human progress. It js that which
renders a man satklied with his own
achievements, content to remain where
he is in tho different spheres of activity
cr though'; or usefulness, instead cf as
cending into others which are open to
him anel fer wluch he may be fitted.
Once a Yveek.
Boys (out late) There, Brown, Is ycur
house; d'you think you can ger in by
Eigv.i: Ycsh, boys, b'gesh but the
baby's cr;. mg. Thish (hie) no time to go
hie) home. Le'is go an have one more.
- !cv York Sun."
The Ihportihg
;1 I
I l:d-; 1 11 i.".
-.jry.:?j j-.:' .. .. '.-pi ,
:ii!'ijinsits or
Pure-bred French Draft (Perchcron or Korman)
Visiloi- ulw;us wt li'oiini. Cul! une! ml- our ln.r: ( or vaJ for cuiiiliru
"CmprtHloo In the Life of Trn,,, nl If you liavo not fwn our Intoxt Improved (rood roil
Cannot iniiin liejw tra.S' H. or how ltnr.1 our -ornM-Mtorn liave to work to k.-cp within nilif of iih.
AhIc your r.t.ill.-r fer tho MEANS' .i bIJOt;, or lho JA.MEft fti SANss' 81 fSIKili
aL-orfliiir to your riei-els.
I'OMiiivrly none Ke-nulno unless liavlnpr our imine nn.l prlco dtampea plainly on tho solo. Your
retailor will supply you with shoes so Ktampec) If you ItixlHt iihii his ilolnn ho; If you Uej not iiuiit, Ixjii.i
ruttUlem wUlcoux you luto buying Inferior ahoe-a upon which tln-y muke a lurne-r prollt.
s0F FIT.
11 &
Euch luin Ix'pn the? rpcciit iirorpa-i tn our branch of Imlustry that, wo ie now aHi: to iidlrfn Hint Ilia
Jami-i Meaim' $1 Shim Is in every respe-ct -iiu;il lollip hIk-s v. Iiii-li only u fe w ycari ux wt-rr .-((( I l.-l i:t i-K-liC
or ten dollars. If yem will try on a pair you will hi- e-oiivim-iMl that we ! not xai.'cr.ii". Ocii h nre llm
original $1 ami $1 Shoes, ami those who Imitate our HVMtcm of Imslnes urn unahlo to coiniieto with ua in
quality of l'aetory proiluets. In our line we are Ihe lurgest iii.i'iin;n-( un-rH in Oio UiiHel Males.
One of our traveling Kalesnien who Is now visiilug the bhoo retailer of Ihe l'acllic Count anel Koeky
Mountain Rexion writes from tlie-ro as follows : ... , ..... ...
"I am more than natistie'l with tlio results of my trip. I hnve thus for ui'r-?plil In plaelnir our full
line In the! liamls of A No. 1' dealers In every point I have visited." He koi-s on to Miy, " I lils is i
HplrnHitl rcKi"" for us to sell hhoe-K in. bei-ause most of the retailers are eliarj;IiiK their eustoiners nC
retali alKut elouhle tho iiri-es whieti the shoes have cost fit wholesale. Tho t:oii.-eiueneo is that tho
iipople who wear shoes are pnylnir si x or seven dollars a pair for shoes wlileh ure not worth as much as our
IASlE!" BIEANS Sf.'t nnl SS I SHOKS. Our hIum h with their very low re-tall price Mani,cd on tin
sole's of every pair are breaking down the li Itb prices which have hitherto nileei in the retali markets here,
and when a retailer puts a rull lino of goods lu his stock they at ouere beyln to go oir like hot t-akca, no Kix-at
Is the demand for them." , ...
Now, kind re-aeler. Just stop and consider what theahove rttenlflo.i so far as you nre concerned. It
assures you that If you keep on buying shoes bearliiK no manufae-tiircr..' name or Uxed let all l Ice statu ieJ
on tho soles, yem e-anuot tell what you are getting ami your retaih-r Is probably makliiK' you puy doublt
what your shoes have cost him. Now, can ou afford to do this while we are protect! in; you by stamping
our name anel the fixed retail price upon the Rolen of our shoes before they leave our factory bo that jolt
cannot be made to pay meire feir your shoes than they nre worth ? ..... .
Shoea from our celebin teel factory are noltl by wltlp-nwnko retiiilci-n in nil purls or
the country. We will place them easily withiu your reach la any Slate or Te-rri lory if you will tuvenl eiuo
fiiut in a postal card and write to us.
JAMKS MKAIsS & CO., 11 Lincoln St., Boston, Mass.
1 iLi:. m
Im, 7 Ciu5 -
nXWKlm :
....... , . copy contains) a Pattf.kv Dili; cn entiiliric
tne noldcr to the selection of ANT Pattern' Illustrated in any number of the Magazine-, and Anr
oi-the sizes raanufactured, cacli valued at from 20 cents to BO cents, or over :j.eo worth of pat'i rns
per year, free.
Yearly subscription, 3.00. A trial will convince yon thnt yon can pet ten times tho vidua
C the money paid. Single copies (each, containing Pattern Order), 20 cents.
published by W, JENNINGS DEMOREST, New York:.
The above combination i a splendid chance to pet our paper and Dxmokest'b SIo-ntult at A
rwiaced rate, beud your eubscripiiuna to ik'm oOlcy,
It- , ",'r-- 'i.
it n 1,
ixr th:
Carriages for pieasure and Shoi
Always ISopt 2R.or.dy.
Cor. 4th. snd Vino
(Sl'fCl'SSOK TO J. Jl. U"!;Kl:"i S )
Will keep constantly on h;iml a full and cot: U-fe stock of pure
Drugs and Medicines, Paints, Oils
Semf? Sorsl
FiTl n I 1 1' jT f
LI) .
- r --'- nu ;, -....-
Dsaorest's Monthly
0 be a fashion mazazinc. This Is a freat iiiihiske.
undoubtedly contaiiiH the Ciwi-t Kami ms- Iik-
PAR1MENT of any inanazitie uubliFhed. but thin la
the case froia the fact that pn-at euterjjrise and ex
perience arc Piiown, He mat enen le-,ai t tin-lit is
equal to a nmtrazine In iiself. In I1kmoii):8t'8 voii
get a doze-n niuySines in one, BI1d f ciir; nrmire-
merit and Instruction for the whole family. It con
tains Stories, Poems, anel other Literary iittrae lion,
including Artihtic, Scientific, anel lli.-m-chnld matters,
and in illustrated with original Stc l Kut'iavinus,
Photogravures, Wate-r-Colors, find line Wooi'.cui s,
ini; it the JVIejOKi. MAejAZINE fK AiKieie A
h ?, t ? 4
W I"
Are the I.ri;ert Iinportr rs of
a if m r a
In the iror d. Have 1innon-d three timet
III fiunilx;r of ilr-"t-clris pi lze tiiniiliiir
horsasof any ttrrn in tle IT'iiten Mute- ari l
have now on haiitl for actual ealeover oon
iie..d of --J
Clydesdala, Engiisfi Sfiire,
Suffolk Punch, ClsvsSand Bay
find Kacknsy Sfaiiicr.s.
Irlce modernte, icrini en.y. Corrc-BPonUeue-e
solicited. ein' feircaluleuo X'o. a
P . r; - v
V. -i.
t f m
"- ':.''''- - ' . ' 'it
,1 v
-" r" unb
S$4 5ttu7
i iT
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