Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, December 06, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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iio sir!
no sir!
My , fa - thcr was a Span-iah
If when walk - lng In the
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3. walk - ing in the
1. why, when ask'd
3. will you be
1. no sirl
3. no sir I
The Des Moines River Settlers.
Dks Moines, la., Nov. 29. There
have been no developments in the Des
Moines river land evictions for several
days. The last dispatch to the Bee on
this subject, some days ago, announced
that settlers were coming in to Fort
Dodge to buy the land they occupied,
and that there would be but few more
evictions, and no violence was expected.
That has proven true. During the days
intervening a large number of the set
tlers have made terms with the owners
or agents of the lands, and will continue
to live where they have lived for vears.
The few evictions that have been made
during the p;ut wejk were made quietly,
without any resistance, and have attracted ,
no attention. N.nv tint tho owners of
the land have determined to enforce pay- j
meut or evict the settlers, they are sur
prised in many instances to n how
well off some of these squatt- are. . It
is not surprising when it is remembered
that they have lived, in some instances
for a number of years upon land which
cost them nothing at the beginning, and
nothing since for rent; so that all they
made f roru their farms was so much clear
gain. Mr. Hans Kundson, a Norwegian,
who had been living upon land belong
ing to Mr Hich ird Snell, near Fort
Dodge, was one of this kind. A writ
it eviction had been made out against
him, and n tlie day before it was to
liaye been served he came into town and
told Mr. Snell that he wanted to settle.
He had lived for iihuut a dozen years on
a good, fertile quaiter section, which he
had improved and was fairly prosperous.
"When asked what terms he would give,
Mr. Snell said he would let him have the
land for $13 an acre, but that he should
want part down to hold the bargain, and
the balance could run on long time. He
thought the Norwegian, if he did not
beg off entirely, would want to pay about
$100 down and wait a long time before
paying the rest. But, to his astonishment.
Kundson said: "I'll pay you $1,200
down and the rest in thirty days." The
settler had really gotten ahead so well on
his borrowed land tnat he was about
ready to pay for it all out of the profits
while he had been living upon it.
Other settlers who had been living for
many years on land which had cost then
nothing, had made sufficient money to
buy farms on other land where tiie title
was not in dispute, and when forced to
pay up or leave the land which they had
4 1 t
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a ques-tion,
of - fend - ed,
You will al
If I walk
no sirl
no sirl
no sir! no
no sir! no
ill IV
-Copyright Kunkel Bros., 1884.
occupied rent free, concluded to move
and buy good land adjoining, to which
they could get a clear title. Mr. Snell
was in this city today, and will be absent
from Fort Dodge for a few days. Dur
ing that time there will be no opportuni
ties for settlement, nor will there be any
evictions. He anticipates no further
trouble, and says that nearly all the set
tlers on his land either have settled or
will settle for it, and would have done
so before if they had supposed that they
would be required to do so.
A Rougn Voyage.
PAiLADELPntA, Pa., Nov. 29. The
French steamship Panama, Capt. Chabot,
arrived at this port yesterday from Car
rucha, Spain, with iron ore, after a peri
lous passage of twenty-five days. On
November 26 the vessel was within 100
miles of the Delaware capes, where she
met' the cyclone. The S';as were moun
tainous, and all efforts to keep the ves
sels head on were fruitless, as the wind I
blew her around in the trough of the
ocean. At times she was completely en
veloped. At noon that day. when the
storm was at its height, the carpenter, L.
Francous, was swept overboard and
drowned. No effort could be made to
save the unfortunate man, as the chang
ing of the vessel's course in any way
might further endanger the lives of the
crew. At 8 o'clock the same night the
signals of a vessel in distress were seen
shooting up from a dark hulk which
was nearly level with the water. Capt.
Chabot bore down on the craft as near
as possible, but was unable to get close
enough to rescue the men. He believes
the vessel to have been a full rigged
ship. She was deeply laden and doubt
lessly foundered with all on board.
Capt Chabot speaks little English, but
told as best he could of the sonow he
felt in being compelled to leave the un
fortunate crew to the mercy of the sea.
When he left them they were waving
torches, but after a few minutes all lights
died out.
The Allentown Lost.
Cohasset, Mass., Nov. 29. It is the
opinion of Capt. M. II. Reamer, keeper
of the Minobflight, that the Philadelphia
collier Allentown is at the bottom of the
ocean and lies about one mile northeast
of the light house, directly in the track
of navigation, and that she struck on
Jason's ledge. The sea had subsided
Tell me why
Tell me
Tell me
an-swer no?
talk with you?
No sir!
No sir I
no sir!
no sir I
this morning, and Capt. Reamer, whose
turn it was to take a two weeks' furlough,
came ashore and was relieved by his as
sistant. Mr. Reamer knew nothins of
the Allentown's loss until he reached his
home, but he gave the following in
formation, which settles any uncertainty
that may have existnd in regard to her
At about 8:30 o'clock Tuesday morn
ing an immense amount of wreckage
was seen passing the light house. It
seemed to come from the exact direction
of Jason's ledge, and all of it seemed to
come from no greater distance than the
location of that ledge. This wreckage
cousisted of life preservers, boxes, casks,
topmast, which was painted black from
its peak about six feet towards its foot.
The wreckage continued to float along
during the greater part of the morning,
since which time none has been seen.
No bodies were seen, and there is noth
ing aboye water in the locality men
tioned. Capt. Reamer says there is no
doubt that the vessel foundered on
Jason's ledge. This is a small ledge
standing up from the broad shoal bottom,
and at a low tide is covered with about
seven feet of water. It lies directly in
the path ot large vessels.
Regarding the effects of the storm on
the light house, Capt. Reamer said that
of course a jar was felt, but no damage
whatever was done to it.
Mall Agents Reinstated.
. Waterloo, la., Nov. 29. A number
of mail agents on the through runs
across the state who were discharged for
offensive partisanship just before the
election, have been set at work again,
the postoffice department having learned
that the new men were unable to hand
le the business satisfactorily. Captain
E. G. Miller, of this city, who was dis
missed from Cedar Rapids and Council
Bluffs run about a week before election,
began work again Tuesday, and he says
that nearly all the old meu are back on
the through runs. They have not been
reinstated, but simply set at work again
where they will remain until the new
administration is ushered in and they can
be reappointed.
Harrison is the most popular name in
this conntry. Since the election of Har
rison, one mountain, two large gas mills
and forty-four babies have been chris
tened Harrison. The Grover babies arc
having bad luck.
scorn me so,
wet with dew,
2. mer-chant, And he-fore he went to sea, lie told me to be sure
4. gar-den, I should ask you to be mine, And should tell you that
- a1
TTVis r
2 tuc
all you said to me.
then my heart de-cline?
-0- -0-
2. no, no, no, no, no sir! no
4. no, no, no, no, no sir! no
An Esteemed Citizen Passed Away.
From Friday's Daily.
Died At his residence, corner Eighth
and Elm streets, in this city, at 7:40 a.
m., November SO, 188S, Chaplain A.
Wright, aged 75 years, 7 months and
14 days.
Another light among our esteemed
citizens has been extinguished in the
death of Chaplain Wright. The news
struck the city like a thunderbolt,
when it was learned that he
had breathed his last about 8 o'clock
this morning. He has suffered for years
with kidney disease, and of late, that,
with complications, haye afflicted him so
severely that he has been confined to his
bed tor the past three weeks, or more,
during which time he has suffered in
tensely. All ayailable aid was rendered
him during his seige of illness, but his
fast declining constitution, brought on by
advanced years, could not guard off the
attack, aud succumbed only when the
efforts of his many attendants could not
afford him relief.
Rev. Alpha Wright, Post Chaplain
United States Army (retired), was born
at Wilmington, Windham county, Ver
mont, Apiil 10. 1813. When quite youug
he removed with his parents to Bath,
Stuben county, New York. In 1 8-i.j he
was ordained at Canandaigua, New York,
by Bishop Morris, of Ohio; he then la
bored in the M. E. church in the states
of New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wis
consin and Missouri, from 183( to 18GS,
when he was appointed Chaplain of the
Twenty-fifth Missouri Volunteers Intfan
try. He was stationed at St. Louis, Mo.,
on the staff of Gen. Ewing, and had
charge of the refugees and contrabands
for the department of Missouri, serving
till the war closed. December 11. 18GG,
he was appointed chaplain in the United
States army; was stationed at F.rt Lara
mie, W. T., four years, at Fort Russell,
W. T., two years. In 1872 was appoint
ed chaplain at Fort Omaha, remaining
in that position until relieved at his own
request, October 3, 1879. In 18GG Chap
lain Wright purchased land at Platts
mouth, built on it in the summer of 1807
and moved his family here. He united
with the Presbyterian church, and since
November, 1879, has had charge of the
Presbyterian church at Bellevue, until
the last three or four years, but was
forced to retire on account of rapidly
relaxing strength and vigor, and since
then has resided at his home n this city.
The funeral has been arranged to take
place Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, but
i further notice will appear in tomorrow's
1 1-
-4 - (-
-X TV.
-x x-
No sir!
No sir!
no sir!
no sir!
-X x
:X X
no si 1 1
no sir!
if You Are Sick
With Headache, Xeuralnia, lih- umulism Iiyspep
la. Biliousness. Blood llui&ors, Kiduey LisL-ue,
Constipation, 'einalc '1 rouble.", Fever and Afjue,
Sleeplessness, l'uitiul I'trnlysis, or Nervous 1 roh
tratiou, use Faine's Celery Compound and be
cured. In e.ich of these the cause is mental or
physical overwork, anxiety, exposure or malaria,
the effect of which is to weaken the nervous sys
tem, resulting in one of these diseases. Remove
the Cause with that great Nerve Tonic, and the
kesult wih disappear.
Paine s Celery Compound
J AS. L. Eowf.n. Springfield, Mas."., writes:
"Paine's Celery Compound cannot be excelled us
a Nerve Ionic. In my case u single Uittle
wrought a great change My nervousness entirely
disappeared, and with it the resulting adection
of the stomach, heart and liver, and the whole
tone of the system was invigorated.
I tell niy friends, if sick as I have been, i'aiue's
Celery Compound
Will Cure You!
Sold by druggists. SI ; six for $". Prepared only
by VfcLi.s, lucHAKDSos Co., Burlington, VL
For the Aged, Nervous, Debilitated.
In Css
est A
Shettler, Molme.Ketchum Wagons
Nichols and iShelarJ Threshing Machines. Peter Shelfer and all the
leading Wagons and Buggies kept constantly on hand. Jiranch Tlonse
Weeping Water. Be 6ure and call on Fred before you buy, either at
Plattsuiouth or Weeping Water.
JMattMiiioutli and Weeping Wafer, Nebraska
auu an-swer no, 10
I love you, Would you
1 -
1 j- -
no sir!
uo sir!
r-r ; rr
-4- j- -0-
1 -
I Warranted to color more gooun man any omei
dyes ever made, uul to give more brilliant ana
durable colors. Ask for the JJiamond, aud take
no other.
A Dress Dyed
A Coat Colored
Uarments neneweu j cents.
A Child can use them !
Unequalled for all Fancy and Art Work.
At druggists end Merchants. Dye Bxjk free.
WELlS, RICHARDSON ii CO., Props., Burlington. Vt
Tvf . A. .
gricultural Dealer
A Fl'1.1. LINK OF