Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, December 06, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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    T'l IrfTMMW'nWi
Ceneral Harrison Declinos With
' Rogroi an Invitation From
Auui'hta, On., Dc. 1. The following
letter was received by the Augusta na
tionul exposition people yesterday:
Indianai'olis. Ind.. Nov. 20. Ib88.
I'atrUc Wulsh uud others, vommitte,
Awjuxta Gentlemen: It gives inepleus
ure to acknowledge the receipt of your
communication of Noveinhei 14, inviting
me on he-half of the board of directors
of the Augusta nntioual exposition to
visit the exposition und to meet the
citizen of Georgia, who will ho assein
hied i hero some limu convenient
to me. I not ced also with interest
the kindly terms in which, on behalf of
your people, you extend and press upon
mo tins attractive invitation. X assure
you if it were possible for me to leave
home to make such a visit it would give
ine grettt pleasure to observe in connec
tion with your exposition the develop
mcut your state is making in arts, mauu
tactures and commerce lictween our
people, which is now to much laciliated
by our (-rent railroad system, and the
general diffusion of mnnufactuiing inter
csts throughout the state will, I am sun
still m ie cIoh'-Iv unite in inti'i'et-t and in
ftymathy, the people of our whole eoun
Will you please express to your board
of directors, uud also to the gentlemen
who h:iYe kindly united in the request
prcs'iibd by you, my sincere thanks for
the invitation, my regret that I am
not able to enjoy the hospitality which
they so cordially extended. Very truly
yours, Jjknjamin IIakkison.
An Inflammatory Circular.
Chicago, I).c. J. A new anarchist
circular has been secretly circulated
in various sections of the city. The dod
gers were shown on the sly by bar
keepers in anurchist saloons on Clay
bourne, Hlue Island ami Milwaukee uvch,
and West L ine and Randolph streets. It
is printed in red mK, and the matter is
of a decidedly liery character. At the
head is a large display line, "Itichter."
The circular is issued by the Aibeiter
Huud, t!ie same society . ,2 organized
Sunday schools here in which some hun
dreds or chil I red are being taught the
cloctriu s of anarchism. After telling
the vynrkiiiginau that he is trampled into
the chistjthat tie has no recognized rights.
and that u; .should assert his indepen
deuce, the circular proceeds to state that
capital, and all who control capital.must
be destroyed, and destroyed quickly, and
that tlte only efficacious method of re
moval is the one adopted und carried into
execution by ' the mat tyred advocates of
freedom, who gave up their lives so that
the principles they advocated might b
perpetuated." "Oar tim.; is coining, 1
tile circular continues. "All that rt mains
for us to do is to forget petty differences
and band together for one common ob
ject. What a few men cannot achieve.
many can. i ney can tiirottle tl.e capi
talistic tyrant. They can surround him
with tire and bloodshed, and compel him
in war to recognize our rights, a thing
he will not do in peace." The believers
ii th
t; r
St It
the cause are pressed to give all aid in
ir power toward the organization and
jess of the various societi-s now
si inging up. Aid is ajjain asked for
Sevic, llrouek and ChUboun, and the in
formation volunteered that contributions
can be left at No. 74 West Lake street.
The Public Debt
Washington, Dec. 1. The treasury
disbursements have been unusually large
during November, the pension payments
alone amounting to $ 22,000,000. In con
sequence of this it was estimated at the
department this afternoon that the pub
lie dtbt statement, to be issued tomorrow
will show an apparent increase of 11,
500,000 jn the debt since November 1, "li
sted of the UeUal monthly reduction.
There is, of course no actual increase in
the debt itself; imre'.y a reduction in the
ca.h in the ttva ury av.iiln.Me for the
piymeut of the debt.
Hronsk on Trial
Chicago, 111., Dec. 1 The trial of
Ilronek. the anarchist, charged with con
spiracy to murder officers ot the law who
secured the execution of ths Haymarket
anarc'.iists, wxs resumed yesterday. The
testimony given by two dredgers and h
lpickmirj showed that Ilronek was an
c$periin.iier with, and. manufacturer of,
dynimjta bombs. Ilronek denied that
lie ha 1 ever said that Schneider male the
bomb used by suieid Aniii cl)ut Lingg,
The Vot9 of Oregon.
Portland, Ore.. Dea l. The official
canvass of the vote is just completed.
The following are. the official figures:
Harrison, 03,293; Cleveland, 26,524;
Fisk, 1,677; Streeter, 3G3; scattering. 61.
The total to of the state was 61,918,
Ilarrisou's plurality, 6,709. At the last
presidential election' Ulaiue's plurality 5.2.$5. - '
Yellow Fever Reports.
Jacksonville, Fla. Dec, 1, There
were five new cases yesterday and no
Gainsyille, Fla., Dec. 1. Xo new
cases and no deaths here yesterday.
There was no first Thursday night.
California's Electoral Vote
Sacramento, Cab, Dec 1. The
jdgctorai yqte cf palifqrnia, asqpqunped
V the secretary of state today, is as fol
lows: Harrison. 121,809; Clivelanc, 117,
720; Fisk, 5,761.
Petit Jurors.
The following is a list of those impan
eled to appear at the next term of dis
trict court which will open December 10,
lHH: Thos. Ihown. Halt Creek; Jahn
Vandorn, Third ward, Plattsmouth; J.
II. Morris, Hock Bluffs; Wash. Smith,
Fourth ward, Plattsmouth; Joseph Cool
edge, Plattsmouth precinct; Lorin
Day is, Third ward, Plattsmouth; Win.
Hayes, Third ward, Plattsmouth; K. K.
Day, Weeping Water; J. W. Griffin,
Louisville; Peter Hurke, Louisville; A.
I). Garrison, Liberty; C. A. Kauffmann,
Ayoca; I. M. Ward, Center Precinct; A
E. Cox. South Henri; Sam M. Halvcr-
Btadt, Weeping Water; Patrick Hayes,
Weeping Water precinct; A. H. Koden,
Hock Hluffs; J. W. Conn, Second ward,
Plattsmouth; A. C. Fry, Second ward,
Plattsmouth; John Chase, Weeping Wa
ter; Emil Shiider, Avoca; L. A. Nw
comer, Plattsmouth precinct; F. H. Lehn-
hoff, Third ward, Plattsmouth; Andrew
Christianson, Greenwood.
Hi om Friday's Daily.
The jury which was sent out Wed
nesday evening on the case of Patrick
Moore, of Weeping V titer, who was ar
rested for robbery, returned a verdict of
guilty, as charged in the complaint. He
will receive his sentence this afternoon.
Il irry Westlake, au accomplice with
Cln.rley Ellis in the robbery of Keough,
who had his trial on Wednesday, was
found guilty of larceny from the person.
He will receiye his sentence this after
noon, but the shorte t time which can
be allowed is one year's imprisonment in
the penitentiary.
Thanksgiving day was pretty gener
ally observed in this city yesterday.
Nearly every business house was closed
in the forenoon, and in the afternoon
business was entirely suspended. A un
ion service was held at the M. E. church
in the miming at 11 o'clock, when a
sermon was preached by It .-v. J. T. Hsird,
of the Presbyterian church. He addressed
i large asssemblage. the church being
tilled to the doors. Many commendations
haye been heard in regard to the excel
lent sermon by the reyerend gentleman,
mil all who hoard 'dm were well repaid
for attending. Services wore also held
in the Episcopal church by the pastor,
Hev. II. B. Burgess.
The Sheriff received a dispatch from
Hubert Clark, of Cedar Cretk, stating
that a robbery had been committed, re
questing him to go immediately. Deputy
Sheriff Miller started out as soon as pos
sible, and shortly after his arrival there
telegraphed the Sheriff that he
had secured the thief. but no
further "particulars were given.
more than that he would return by Xo.
30 with the prisoner. Word has also
been received here that there were two rob
beries there last night and tint the one
man committed the two robberies.
His name was given as Cn-yton. One
charge against him was for stealing
billiard balls.
From Saturday's Daily.
Mi. (Jeorge Sfcaats js aptipg as sub
stitute for Mr, J. N, Wise, at the post
office, until after the burial of his late
father-in-law, Chaplain A. Wright.
Mr, Mart Cushing. who now has a
run, as engineer, between Lincoln and
Hastings, scalded his arm so badly the
other day while on duty that he has
been compelled to abandon his work for
a time and pay attention to the injured
arm. He thinks he will soon be able to
resume his work.
Deputy Sheriff Miller arrived last
evening irom Certar Creejf with Art
Crayton in charge whom he arrested
there for larceny, There are two
charges against the prisoner, one bejng for
stealing goods from Clark's store.
Hi was brought tip for trjal this morn
ing before county Judge Russell, but
the case was continued until Friday ne$t-
The daughters of Kebekah, who
havo seen serving refreshments in the
opera house for the past two days, have
real:z:d a good profit from their labors.
ast night a social was given by them
there, and a large assemblage helped
them to dispense wifh the surplus stock
of Thaqksgiying provisions which were
left over. A very enjoyable evening
was spent. The ladies will clear about
tjfty or si$tj cpU'irs. wh4erf all epeqse
are paid, We have been informed that
they intend to purchase a fine regalia for
themselves with the profits.
Iowa's prohibitory liquor law went
into effect in July 1884. In that year
ler t tal vote was 373,877, a gain of
53,s0l vote3 oyer the fotaj poll of SSvi.
f jenr r.e.r: total ype was 401,944;
Shpivnig a giijn sinfe 1S84 of 23,737
V'Qten, Prohjbitiqn mqy jierlps haye
ten Aioi tlpprease qya;g grofh in pqpur
l-vtin, but it certainly lna not brought
about the disastrous results predicted by
its opponents. A gain of 150,000 people
in four years in a state of less than
2,000,000 is doing welL Pawnee Repub-
entticgs yote.
Lpcif VW4.K, Ky., Uec. 1. the official
yotc p.f Keqtucky is as follows: Cleveland,
lSiaOO; IJirrison. 133,134; Fisk. 5,223;
lbor, 63; Bely Lockwqotl, 2. . '
Count Toltol' Simple Life.
During my week's sojourn at Yasnrda
foliana, tho count did no manual toil.
He had not mado any blioc-s for bouio
time, and although ho projosed plowing
tho field of apcasunt woman whoso hus
band was in jail for bone stealing, ho
did not actually got between tho stilts.
He really did not seom to have sufficient
physical strength to do a long day's hard
work. Ho was ailing, and, as bo Raid,
rejoicing in tho consciousness that every
day brought I am nearer to death. Wo
were all much concerned at the evident
frailty of his constitution. The previous
year, when he had hurt bis foot against
a cart wheel, ho had Imi-ii laid up for
months. This year ho was far from
well, but he refused to have any advice
from a doctor.
Physic and tho healing art ho held in
profound disdain, and it was an attempt
to secure the advico of tho lirst physi
cian in Moscow which precipitated tho
pilgrimage from Moscow to Vusnaia
roliana in tho spring of this year. Tho
vegetarian regimen which be basadoptcd
was doing him no good. He was titondily
Creasing forward along tho ascetic path,
fntil last year he enjoyed tho cigarette:
now tobacco, like wine and fresh usi-j-.t,
is tabooed. Tho son smokes, but not the
father. Meat ia served a.t iI'miht inid
supper, but he contented himself with
curds, spinach or vegetable:!, lie stiij
allowed himself tea, almost tho only lux
ury left. Like Gen. Booth, Count Tel toi
is not yet "saved from tea." 1'nt tli::t
also will probably speedily follow tho
rest of tho superfluities which have l.vcu
discarded in the pursuit of theoinipliiicu'
tion of life. W. T. Stead in St. Louis
A Life Sarins Drew,
Tho problem of a Ufy saving dress
which shall bo what it3 name implies is
one that has often been attempted, but
in one ioint or other is as yet unsolved.
A Michigan diver claims, however, to
have discovered a solution.
Tho dress is a combination of a diver's
suit and the famous Paul Boy ton rig. It
differs from the latter in that it is not In
llated, and resemblen tl; formor in that a
helmet with contrivances for seeing and
breathing forms part of the outfit. Tho
principal garment resembles u child's
nightdress. leing wide enough at the
neck to admit the body, and jiossessing
arms and legs. Tho neckband is fastened
with a simple contrivance, and it is
claimed that by means of a series of
overlapping folds in tho junction between
the head piece and tho lower garment a
person incased can breathe freely.
Around tha waist Is a peculiarly con
structed life preserver, capable- cf sup
porting ten times the weight of a large
man, and at the feet are leaden t:o!es, tho
object of winch is to maintain the wearer
in mi uorisrht Dosition in the water. It is
claimed that a ihtsioii can rig himself
or herself the garment i.s lilted for wo
men as well as men insula or two
minutes, and that when onco incased
sinking is an absolute impossibility. Tho
inventor claims mat riuiy oo per cent, or
people who aro supposed to have been
drowned aro in reality killed by expos
ure. To obviate this difficulty the rub
ber suit is constructed with a view to re
taining the heat of the human body and
at the same time to protect jt from J.Ie
water. Chicago Tribune.
Peculiar to I ho Tratfc. ,
There ia ono thing peculiar to the hat
and cap trade, and thai is tho manner in
wmen stocKa flro ordered, uy correr
j.poiclencp yo agree with different man
ufacturers on a date on which we w ill
meet their representatives. Half a dozer;
complies, for instance, mapulacturo 3
similar class of goods. We don't want
to go east and visit each of tho factories.
and we don't want to visit one and buy
there. Neither do we want to have one
agent call on us one week, another
another week, and so on. Hence the ar
rangement for the agents of compet
ing houses to meet us at the samo time,
the result apparently being satisfactory
to all concerned.
It does, seetn quite novel to see half a
dozen pr more names written pn a hotel
register, one after the other, all from
New York, and tq bo told they arc drum
mers for one line. Tho hote clerk will
probably foil you they are hat men,
when, of course, if you are suspicious,
you immediately begin to forrn a framo
work for a trust, or at least a combina
tion on prices, I presume thja is the
only branch of business in which this is
likely to happen. It is possible in oura
mainly for tho reason that all styles and
purchases are made away in advance of
the season. For instance, though winter
goods, ordered months ago, are not all
in yet, we aro now ordering for spring
and summer, and have been for two
weeks. Hat Deader in, Globe: Democrat.
A Frenchman's Dish of Snails.
Tlie pnail ig to American eyes a nause
ating, slimy creature, and the (bought pf
eating pne makfi;? pna:s gorge ri-.e. Not
so, however, ta ilia Frenchman, vhq
looks ypon 'thi prpyerbially slow trav
eler as tno most delicious morsel that the
epicurean can roll beneath his topguo,
Ho hap not W mind thp Arnei ioaja snail
that dfawB his length along tho Ktone
wall and is of small size, but his gigantic
brother that abounds in certain parts of
France and England and feeds otf tho
tender cabbage plant. Tho process that
leads to his presence on the table is in
teresting and peculiarly French, lit the
first place lie ia imtaersed1 in water
and scrubbed, then he is covered with
salt' until all his 6lime is withdrawn;
next he is bathed again in salt water,
then he is left for some time in a solution
made from all the appetizing herbs and
spices. The pobklfuj is he ncx process,'
and. wjth, wino and pn'e pf thpse mysteri
pus sauces knpvvn only to. the chef Fran
caise, he is perved. The Parisian tirst
views tho dish lovingly, and then, rais
ing the shell to his hps. he closes bis
eyes and gently draws into his mouth
the succulent morsel, leaving the shell
empty. To the novice the idea is revok
ing, but after the first triaj-h my!
Albany Argua, v ' ' ' - ;
ourtesy of the Spaniards.
As J was opening the door pf th Jin,t
ing rooiq tq pass out a Spaniard ap
proached, and I, knowing the" great
fouriesypf Spiniards, determined tjq t9
pourtep'us, too.ran4 sq held the door for
him q pass out tirst. which he did al
most unconsciously ; then suddenly find
ing tliat he had passed out before me,
while I held the door, he turned most
apologetically to me and repeatedly ex
pressed his regret.
1 shall not soon forget his iooe, cor
fha feeling pf f onceri which was 'shown
in hid 'countenance; ' Of 'course' I gave
him the proper ' assurances 'as fcesV I
could;' and then, to'ease his mlnd ?!;4
im a questiPq whieh Id7d, w'i nee"t9
fesl abou t ha. postage of a pewpaper tq
England, and this he," topk" paihav tQ fen.
w'er. rAU Hound Spain."
Seventeen Years From a Skin Di
sease. Could Not Walk or Oress
myself. A mass of disease from
head to foot. Cured In eiRht
weeks by the Cut leu ra Remedies
At the hi ( thrf iiiotliH a rush (voti af
tei wards ptuvetl to lie ccciiki ur sail. lliiiin)
luaile ill up fiiram-f o ny Ia'-.'. A i!i)su:i u
as ealleil . lit; c.iiil t'ftliiiii; wai lli cause:
lie irescrib.Ml some conlniK iiii'ilicjiif. hut llie
i-km-h spread to my earn mill lifad. Another
M. I. whs culled ll ;.rotesci to know all
about th, called It Kin,-' Kvil. and
rpNcnhftl K'iiiov ler. brim t in, and laid
mixed into h salve ; but I ho oiseai-e com j u u.-d .
'llu-y could not do anything with it. Another
reci ibeil horax. wafer and Hour; Mioihei
lin.ved poul'iees None of llic iu d:i ine any
Kood at all, but iiiMde me w.use. 1 lie dixeae
eonl iuued imabai ed ; II .spread to my ai nn
iiml Ick, till I was laid ii eulir ly, aioi Ir on
continually -iu I ik on the lloor on a pillow my
limbs cont rai-t d so that I tor-l all contrd of
Hit in. and was u'terly helples. My mother
would have to hit me out and into bed. I
could t't-t ai mi d the house on my liai..V and
feet, but I could Hot i;et my cl tiles II at all.
but liad to wear a si rt of oies-.iiiK nnw,i. jjv
li:or had all matted down or laCen oil. and in)
head, fair and ea'.s w ere one c.ih, d I h .,"
I liavi a li.vel on inv ncad all i lie lime in the
su:i,nei- o keep the !l "s of- My p H'l'lits con
sul;,'. I o ouii.i' .it oh i I'i iu noil eii j'cmi
heie mi ("niei.i (the other niciiin- b. lore
niutit .hi .1 .v. o - f Imudas ami 11 m:lloii,
I'.'tlMd ; H s. lid t ti ll he couM do MiILinj,
forme l'i- i I 'd I cut th- M es ot mv
lei's, si 'hi! I n mid walk but I would not let
hiu.. tji- ii I d-d ucitir I would have no
1' iii'v 1 ! !i
Tli" ; i e.,n'i' lied i . i!f s idhihh"' in il I
was i f "ii v ai s o! !. a- d ore day in .1 i,-
tiar IT.) I i .i.i -uiil in Hie 'Ittt'iim
o -!- ihiha I!. )! It d Mijla-u
.: :l y ' li d I : ii u-:li t . as a ial n-
i.e a f :!
si -:! i d ll i I w is l r;,v ar A
. i I
:u sei-.ili-l.ia ; m f. I v ent
IIOl ',
J :
but II
mm -oil e'y. 'ninr l n...!
ars. Ibe ei: cl v.'.l !-o c I Ii I u .
I .1
b. it nvii wcel.. 1 couni stand st ai-ilit.
t walk, I i'iiu loo wci'k. Ii: I inv v,.-e
anv well. A s i ! i - : a I .; . . i :
l l. Ill li.A If KM Kill s cue. I l.i : III ao.-u ix to
eimu weeks, and up t-. t lis ! ale i , r. from Jan
uary. 1 ..;: In January. 187. i l.axe n t m-en
t-lel in a iy way. or have h d the least s:ns of
the ilHcu-e reappcui inu on me,
.1. ,ti !).),V I).
::'J liea-horn St.. C'liieaj-o III, June .T, 7.
Sold everywhere. Puce, ('I'l'li-ri! a. r,oe. ;
8i e, !.' c, ; I'repared bv t e
l'otler Iiiuk and ( lieinicul Co , Boston, Mai-s
;Send for "How to Cure skin Diseases.-,
PTfvT ,'!;s black heads, red, ronali e!i:ipp'-d
,' ami ojiy ski'i ji;-eye;i!ed by Cltk hka
.S p,
Consii utional Catar h,
Xo .iu;,'le di eas ; ban entallnd more Mlifering
or hastened the breaking U of llie u;KxtSiu
thm than Cat Mb. 'Hie m-iiki of nocll. of
taste, of -it;Iit. oi bearln,', the h imaii voice,
the in'uid, one or more, and .some l hues all,
yield to its destructive- h Jl.sein-e. The poion
it .list :b:it s throuj;'iout th systtiu atiackt
every vital force, and breaks up the most ro
bust of constitution. fyiioird. because, but
l ttle und.-rsteod by most iihvh!a:i4. imiiot
entlyasaaili t by ni;vck- ;'.r;i ehar'aian. tho e
suiTcriii front it h i" lit' id Iiuji; tobr reii( veil
Of jt tltIS Sill.l oj tile IfiUVG It N ll'lit'. tin I
til it the popa) tr I IV if in. mt of tills ter.llile di
seast by 'ineiii,'s w ilhlii I in; iva -li of all iass
ed into iiaiidn at oner co upeient and trust
worthy. The nw and bilhert i untried method
adopted by Dr s.-ur ord in t he prepar ation of
his ltAiiii Al, Cuith lia-1 won li e hearty ap
proval of th hi amis. If is instantaneous in
aitonlin relief ia all head nobis, H-iacin"
.siiiifflii:!i. and ob-tructe.l lire;llii!-,, n.pld
iy removes th niofj opnieviivo i-y ni: oms.
cleariii,' the i ;id. s.'! lug the tireath. rcs
turji'K th" seiifes of smell, taste and heariri;.
and neuiialiiii); the emni it ulicmak tendency
of the lis.a e to.vards the lungs, liver uud
SANFdKli'S riADK AI. I t KK eoIsn;t j (. mil
uoiue oi me kaimi'aI. Cl :k e.o t'A TA1
rhai. Solvjo.v c juj i an lipiiry ed J. ih if
price .sj. ' '
rqi'livi? mu q AXIi CIli:MiCAb co .
Str.l;iS mi 'J Weiikiic-Si ;,
IJe.U-ve.l In fun mi'Hiti hv t'-Ht iii.-ir-velous
AiilMi.t.. n in in'. IiiihimniH
lion aii.l V iUnf s-, liit- ' n : t a
Aiiti i)iiu I'Imti-r. 'I he itrs; . urt
Planter. E i.r.-i.-.Mv .Ui.lXl.X uin.
ftanfly relieve anil tjuiilv' cure Ki.lncy a ii
Uterin I'-.x'.i ami V tuikue.s'i Warruuti!
'as.i spitni.r t.) u'l ot'!itr ul.-isters. At ili
ilrnt; Hts, -T c. its ; nve for 1 : or n frt;e
oi eoiiKuuiau ako eiibMiCAi. eo..
Bo ,tau Jlt;i-S.
IB 2sf Td
Offers the very best taeilitlt's for tl;e prompt
transaction of leuitiniate
Stocks, Bonds. Gold. (.oveTi'iru'o, -ted I oc
Securitief Hou:lH 8v), iieposttsreceiv
ed p.nd hii.tfbt allowed on time Certifi
cates. UraltPiJrHwn.availHble in any
part of the United State snd all
the princii al towu? of
Collections tnai?e S- prcmj-ily retr.itted
Hlghesi markt pneec paid tor Couofy War
State i.i3 Upyp.ty i'urd.
John FltzeerMd
John II. Clurk, o.
S. Waueh. jr.
F. White.
Sass County
Cotner Main and Klxtn Streets.
C. H. Pai.'ent. 1
Al, "4-i"4i'oiif, Citfchier. 1
Transacts a General Ivtim Ensiiiess
Paid or County and City Warrant
and promp:- fc.iaed for.
C. H.Pm !e, J. M. rattrrncn.
Fred Ofirder. ' jv. ??. po-ith.
R. B. Windham, M. Morrisey,
Jrench, Ilea, gauilesi
Sjicciul Sale (..innieticinir ovi
Cloaks and
l'llt.sll Cl.Klk-S HII 1 ClliMfLMl'
olio red nti where in the city.
m'.. i :. . ( c$h Unn
i him v. cm mi- i . I sja. ' 1 I
.,.. K,. .-III VK.. ."'-' -, ' i-t'll el
M''C I I I L HUM I I I I 1 ' " ' ' " ' I '
dieount same 2f ' H'-' "rX'-fZtf j$aO
IIM llll-jl III II.! Ill
sold liel'ore the end
of the sca-on. ()m
garments. Vv sill;
e in
t $ 1 4
worth all of $-20MU.
A Fino Selected Line of from s J .()(
the hnest J 7 cent
n Natni-al V.l. White (dniv.
lrm'.' in the city, as we me
Yours SScspyci iuliy9
In Plattsiroutli, is very sorry hi.
n mnm
'.vlti l'. JOE is
W o
y 1
To get
s i"i".y i r til-.i
Wtuld advise Mr. Alonkey Competitor ti s-H out and f-tart a
monverie and charfe admission, tor JOE h'ns no (inljt it would iav
this mad competitor utiicli better ttimi continuing in the Clthii
Competitors are mad because ho has destroyed High Prices. The are
mad beaause he has do.stroyed a Usurer's Profit. JOK Lelieves in
selling Ilonot Goods at Low Prices.
Trade is getting bv;'-er ever day, and his. mad competitors cannot
destroy it by 'Misrepresentation, or by so colled reduction prices. The
people won't be misled any Ioniser, tor they know JOE is selling
goods at au Honest Profit
JOE is sellinsr better goods for less
in rlattsmouth.
loguess on JUhJs iTeans. Jt costs
.monkeying" business, either.
- iii1ut 1'Jtli. cuiitiiiuinir one wet
2o jer
ii will
cent less the jrice
lmve statement.
riush ci.Miks
sell tor SL'O
seuheit; at $L'7.
Pltl.l Cl.llllvrt
v sell t'.r S."
clscwiicre at
j' lscw hi re at S.-.O.
iisli V,l(;i;o.s we
d i i
lor $4r sell
elsewJiere at .)(.
A Full Line of
J" XCltOtS
sild nl tin; lowest
nj) f.
i S'.J.OO
i air
He have
in tin.
.tilet Si tine, I Vices lower
tucked with th(
e goods.
of J'eans caused
one of iis
neighlior.s of tliis ma, windy
Price Only.
money than ever heard of before
you nothing to
ii mm