i I'LA'X'h-MOUTil VKLaLY HERALD, TaUusDAV, NOVEMUEU 20, lbSS. ... .- - - i ! I i f ... I i ! MAIDKNS OF YUCATN. FAMOUS FOR THEIR BEAUTY FORM AND FEATURES. OF Their I a1 I Seldom a lluppy One- Klakini; Cla;:ir-tt' Vl.slt to the Ijco Malirm A Talo tf Yuo Refinement uml Aml.iMI II . Tlio ine.tiz.i woiiun of tli:it inoht inter eating country sire fumed for their beauty of form and features, abundant fcilky llao!w tresses, largo dark eyes and easy, graceful manners, Generally tliey aro a p;ood as they aro pretty; but their lot i.t bcldom u happy one; perhaps litey am too numerous to be justly appreciated. About ono in eight enters tlio statu of matrimony, and these appear to be the K-aht happy. Owing to a groat exuess of female jmpulation the consequence of many revolutions and war with hostile Indians a largo number of woir-en dc-jK-nil entirely on their own exertior.s, mid their fluid of labor is limited. TIr.y are not employed in stores, Biich places U iu monopolized by white handed youths who think coarser toil beneath them. TIkkjo individuals of the sterner ;ex ex pect the gentler, under all circumstances, to remain at l.oino, no matter how pain ful their position. Orphans must cat the bread of dependence in the hou.se of re lations or friends, and 0:1 no account shock public opinion by trying to cam a living away from their place of abode, nor may they venture to dwell apart from ciders who shall control their every movement. They may suH'or everything except actual starvation, yet miibt sub mit if they would be respected. A few are wonderfully clever at mali inrr most Ijoautif id fruits and llowersol' sug.ir, but cannot earn a living by it, the time and care needed in the manufacture entailing so much expense that only the wealthiest give an order on very special occasions. Nothing truer to nature than these vegetables, fruits and llowcrs of sugar can be imagined. A pineapple, an car of corn, a golden lri-.ln.-vv, with its o 11 shaped appendage, a spray of snow white tuberoses all equally perfect in form and color; while largo, full f lown roses, crimson, pink, and jellow, appear as if the frail leaves will fall from the stem if breathed upon. Only tho taste convinces us that thy firs not what tiioy seer.:; and (ho flavors given to then by t'seir skillful producers are us delicious as the work i s admirable. JiAKINIi CIGARETTES. The making of cigarettes affords em ployment to hundreds of girls, because i lion, women and children there imhSge i.j tho use of tobacco. In city, town and village pretty scnoritas sit behind the prison like window gratings deftly wrap' ping up tobacco in small pieces of the outer covering of maize, which, when toasted, imparts a delightful llavor to the cigarette. Twenty cents a day is the most that ono pair of hands can earn. Dressmakers aro numerous. Others anxiously solicit orders to embroider in silk, thread or worsted. Pillow Jaeo was formerly manufactured ia Jlerida, but being expensive, thero was no demand for tho article. Less mostly laces arc largely used. No meztiza's holiday dress is complete without ample flounces nf it; this converts their simple white linen garments into expensivo attire. Cheap lace is imported, but all who can, prefer to wear that inado in tho country, it being handsome as well as more dura ble. This is not sold in the stores but in the public market place, where it is car ried by servants; for, strango as it may appear, tho most poverty stricken bavo maids, who, besides receiving no wages, frequently help to support their mis tressos. Generally they have been given to tho family, when children, by their parents too poor to provide for them. They work hard for little food and scanty clothing, are very faithful, and will bear hardship and ill treatment rather than leave those to whom they have become attached. Being directed to a family of girl.; who supported themsf Ives, wo made our way along u broken narrow sidewalk to Iiousl No. 4 in a row of dwellings, each con sisting of three rooms, and an outhouse that served as kitchen. We rapped with our knuckles, and a sweet voice bade us "como in." Pushing open tho door, we found ourselves in a room containing a small table and three low seats, occupied by young women, whoso appearance in dicated that they seldom en joyed a hearty meal. A TALE OF WOE. Yes. they could make all the lace wc desired, if we could advance money to buy net and thread; they had none, even to buy medicine for their sick mother. We asked them to resume the work that our arrival had interrupted. This they did, embroidering tho net with ix long line needle and thread drawn from wliito liaon cloth. The designs, their own imi tation of native llowers, aro traced on white paper that is tacked to the net. A frame is used only for very wide lace. Af ter our order was given a talo of woo was ioured forth, with an appeal for money in advance. A lew clays later a messenger came from our lace makers with an earnest petition for another small installment, and so on, every few tlavs, the full price being paid long Lc- iore tho laco was matte. V. o engageu : ylnce early youth, which makes employ one woman to mako eight yards of lace ; ers prefer tho latter? Baldwin's Textile e ighteen inches wide, and having paid j Designer. the full sum in advance, never obtained j more than four 3ards. These people earn Ketrayeil. from twenty to thirty-five cents a day. j The minister's wife sat on the front In epite of their cheerless homes, mo- j porch mending the clothes of one of her notonous lives, and continued toil, there ! numerous progeny. A neighbor passing is a winsome refinement and amiability 1 stonncd in for a social chat. A large about these maidens that surprises and cliarms. They seldom indulge in gloomy forebodings, and whon things aro at their worst make light of them. Their dinner may have consisted of but one tortilla, they may not have a cent in their possession, cr a tallow dip to chasj tho darkness from their empty room, but they will throw open the street door, letting la a flood of sweet moonlight and balmy air. A neighbor has an old guitar, and slender lingers fall lightly upon the strings, while plaintive voices blond in eomo sweet melody attuned to tho sentimental verses of a nativo poet. It in.iv be a love song, or perhaps a carnival ditty with a chorus. Harper's lkir-ar. , j It Was a Doublo Ilit. j "Well, good-by," said one as she finally turned to go. "Well, if you must go, good-by," re Til iod the other. "Shcstxmt-!" called the Italian v.u licees the stand on tho corner. I loth women ruuiea anu ijouuu Li .i;n in l urpriso and indignation, r.r.d it ii nelilalr that he has been overluiukd by one of their hur.bauds ere this. troit I reo Presti, Jlo: EDUCATION. -at Whl.Ji Train Han. I ami Itralo To- gt-tlicr A Croat Mistake. lliit-h year brings to tho general public, ;: :s well as to tho educators, tho convic tion that the present systemof education i t inadequate to the demands of the day. The great public, which is more directly interested in Kfhool methods than tho ed ucators themj'olveB, J,re waking to tho conviction that there is much list less ex penditure of timoand ell'ort in putting the hoy and girl through the eour;:o of studv in the schools. This conviction is not limited to any c lass of intelligence. Itii permeating all clashes. Willi this more complete view of education comee among tho higher classes a greater re spect for skilled labor. In these days when riches suddenly take to themselves wings and fly away; when there may be luxury one week and penury the next, it is "necessary for every ono to l e pre pared fi.r these emergencies. The exi gencies in business life cannot always le foretold with accuracy. The laws that govern tho evolutions of commerce are ton certain extent the sumo i 1 thejr ten dency and as unerring in their effect us those that govern tho Solutions of na ture. It has long I icon a great mistake t.i the i ich to educate their children in the of iioresences of knowledge, and to teach them to view manual labor us lowering in its influences, lint self preservation i-s one of tho first laws of nature and hero are comparatively few people who would rather starve to deaf h than v.ork with their hand-. Tho instinct of na ture is strong with us all, and thero is that consciousness in every one, at least in nearly every one, that forces him to labor in order to wive his own life. The complications of social conditions and the consequent conqielitioii in all depart ments of industrial and professional life, logethcr with these sudden disappoar uices of fortunes, are impressing upon ho minds of all, tho rich as well as the poor, the necessity of being forearmed, i 'ho man who is armed is always ready 'or an attack. Tho man who has a skilled brain and baud to fall back upon is i .'ady for an emergency. If society is to bo compactly built and p.duiing wo must ail contribute our : :'..or, not only to malic il so, but to ..cop it so. We have now as much of the isintegrating elements as we need. These :ro the criminal classes, the paupers, the msanc, tho bed ridden, tho homeless, the :ged, the infirm. Wo have in this wide lomain many that aro needy, but that are iot yet tho wards of (ho public. Willi :ho increase of tho imputation comes an 1: crease in society's burdens. Tho com plication in social conditions must boc. i hnt to everyone that will take the tvou ile to penetrate the slight crust which nvclojw life in tho United .States. The !:!y way to put an obstacle in tho way f this alarming increase in our non-pro-h'.cing class, or non-contributing classes, is to educate our children to become pro ducers and contributors. Tho present iy stem of education is good so far as it foes, but it does not go far enough. if all members of society were produ ers as well us consumers there would be ioss necessity for poorhouses. Practical education might, and undoubtedly would, lessen tho tendency to crime. An idle nrain is tho devil'sVorkshr.p is a saying lis truo as it js old. Thomas Carlylo's j ringing sentences may 1.0 quotcu nere. lays tno great philosopher: "i'rouuee, produce, produce. If it bo but tho most infinitesimal part of a product, in God's iLao produce it. 'Work while it is yet lay, for tho night cometh wherein no man can work.' " It is tho business of ihose who direct education to consider iheso facts deeply. Detroit Tree Press. Tlio Yours 3Iiin from College. College bred young men aro without experience on the practical side of .'ii'e. The pushing, alert business man is not particularly impressed with tho value of i college degree in forecasting the mar ket or determining the value of "job 'c.ts," because bo knows business is not a heory at nil, but a hard fact. Then, -oo. collegians often give themselves su perior airs, which do not go down with licir associates, tho majority of whom uivo received honorable tears in their light with circumstances, and have little tenderness for carpet knights. More over, tho impressionable end formative period of life having been spent in the school room, they have not acquired that alertness, that power to grasp u business situation or problem and instantly solve it. Nothing in their school books "taught them tho shrewd, watcliful readiness competition makes necessary. Take the young fellow who left school as soon as he had mastered the rule of three, and entered upon tho struggle for existence. Ilis mind was open to all impressions ho learned business with out knowing he was learning, as a child learns to talk, lie has formed business habits unconsciously. His mind was melded to alertness, rapidity of thought, promptitude of action, tho requirements of business character. Let us illustrate. Take a little fellow of 8 or 9 years, brought up in a well regulated home, and place him besido tho street Arab, bootblack or newsboy. On the score of mental activity and practical knowledge md shrewdness, tho latter will run inm i to cover in two minutes. Does not some such difference exist between the edu cated young man and tho ono to whom business has been a matter 01 tiauy me worn oasiior, naii iuuoi out ions, eu. oh the floor of the porch. After various re marks of a gossipy nature, tho visitor said. : "You seem to bo well supplied with buttons, Mrs. Goodman." 'Yes; very well indeed." "My gracious! If thero ain't two cf the same buttons rny husband had on his !.; t winter suit, i'd know 'em any where." "indeed!" said the minister's wife, calmly. "I am surprised to hear it, as all these buttons were found in the con tribution box. So 1 thought I might as well put them to somo use, so I what! n-.us-t vou go? Well, bo sure to call rain." West Point Alliance. Vtliat It Ouoe Jleant. A teacher writes: "One of my who had been teaching during the sum mer came to me in despair over a sum, saving, 'I can't understand sympathizing fractions." (When we went to school, years and years ago, "sympathizing irac tioiis" meant broken candy. We under stood, but tho, teacher didn't. Times chan.je, cud wo change v. iLh them). American Jlissionary. THE T $50O Reward. We will pay the nbove reward for any case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick headache, indigent ion. constipation or osti veiioss we i :..not cure with West's Vcg' t :.!-: l.'.xi Pills, when the directions i.i- !r:iiv complied with. They are pim-iy . -U !,!,, nnd never fail to give siitUl-ietii'ti. Large boxes ;ontiiiniitir .'(( sugar routed pills, 2."ic. For sab' by u!l druggists. Jiewiirc of counterfeits mid imitations. Tin? gen uine man lit' i luted only by John O. We it Co.. m;2 Y. M idi.Mjn St. C'liicHgo,und Sold I.V W. .1. Warrick. --One of the w it in s--- who Olio div before Judge ( 'liai'iu: appeared in, became Hoiicwliat a:ii-iiis over the recompense he was to receive for tlM time he spent in court. Tue p.or fe'd-iw w is s. over come with anxi ty th tt he broke f ith at the judge; "L iok-a he ir, judge, do you reckon we'll get the fees when the county "missionaries" meet?" The ooiicnission ers in iy h iwsonu tiling to do in the mat ter, but they should stop his pay. CONSUMPTION SURELY CURD. To tiih I'kii'ok. Phase inform your read -is that I have u positive riniedy for the above named disease, liy its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I thall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy fiu-.k to any of your readers who have consump tion if they will send me their express and post otliee address. Hespeet fill 1 v, T. A. SI.OCTM, M. C, 181 Pearl st, New York. tf "Oswald Outhnian of this city, seems to li lye a warm spot in his breast for his first loye 1'lattsmouth. Ilesaid that he would, rather lose tho president of tlic United States than to have Weeping Water secure the county seat." Louis ville OLsei t'cr. Why don't he come and live with his friends? Bucklin's Arnica Salve, The Host Salve in the world for CuU Uruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fiver Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Corns, and all s! in ei upturns, and posi tively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 2. cents per box. For sale bv F. G. Fiii ke & Co. ol A 1 a man needs to do is to "stand iu" with the gang at Plattsniouth when he wants a public oilice. Louisville, chronic. Observer. COUCH! and COUCH! and COUCH What in the world is the reason you will cough and keep coughing and still keep trying inferior medicines when IJEGGS' C1IERKY COUGH SYRUP will positively relieve your cough at once? Phis is no advertising scheme, but an actual fact, and we guarantee it. S.ild v (). P. Smith & Co., druo.rists. The democratic oilice holders are bound to enjoy their few remaining months as servants of the government just as much as they can. The postmaster at Plattsuiouth is keeping up with the procession bravely. He has n,. .. d his oilice to the Anheuser-Busch 1 r ai porium. Lincoln Jt.nrnah We biiicye he is icisn for so doiaij. Itch, Prairie Mange, i.nd Scratches of every kind cured in :J0 minutes by Wool ford's Sanitary Lotion. A sure cure and perfectly harmless. Warranted by F G Fricke y Co. druggist, Plattsuiouth Where He was Fortunate. Young author (to eastern publisher) ' Well, sir, have you examined the man uscript I left with you?" "Yes, sir." "And what do you think abount it ?" "I think you aro fortunate in not liv ing in Nebraska." " Why ? " "A man was shot the.e for bad spell ing it while ago, who would have laid you out cold on orthography." English Spavin Liniment removes al h.nrd. Soft or Calloused lumps and Blem ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Sweeny. Stifles. Sprains, Pink Eye, Coughs and etc. S.-vve 50 by use of one bottle. Evera bottle warranted by F. G. Erickk & Co., Druggists, Plattsuiouth. Neb. Ja:. .. ! Iiin;ster at Vashington. Munemitsu Mutsu, Japanese minister at Washington, is a most abstemious man as regards stimulants, but being a scholar nnd philosopher he has shown an inclination to taste of American mixed drinks as an experimental process. He does not like our fancy tipples, however. A few tlavs ajro ho tackled a gin fizz for ! the llr; t time. "Ha!" he exclaimed, in an Oriental way, "it buzzes like ally and stings like a wasp." lie will hereafter confine himself to tea drinking. New York World. F-blo of Olden Time. , A farmer's wife hanged herself on a tree in his garden. lie married another wife, and, curiously enough, she, after a few years, hanged herself on the same tree. 1 lo married again, and third wife did tho same. 1 ho farmer wrote sadly lo a distant married friend to tell him cf the mournful coincidence. In reply his friend wrote: "There is great virtue clearly in that tree. Send me a cutting." Friar John A Perfect Poem. dear, your mouth is a perfect Iy now can you say sucii a tiling as that':' "Well, it is like a pop ular poem at least. It is so widely red. And tho matrimonial mercury fell 4.0 degs. at once. Terre Haute Express. Aii amateur chemist wants to know if whisky will dissolve gold. 2o, sonny, but it "will make it disappear. i be strong. Jcnrmcse arm v is now 130, ICC It v.-ill U- GOO GOO before long. I.: i::d.'tary circles it is considered the" .man L'igua u a myth. Don't let that cold of yours run on. You think it is a light thing. But it may run into catarrh. Or into pneumonia. Or con uinption. Catarrh is disgusting. Pneumonia is dangerous. Consumption is death itself. The breathing apparatus must be kept healthy and clear of nil obstructions and offensive matter. Otherwise there is trouble ahead. All the diseases of these parts, head, nose, throat, bronchial tubes and lungs, can be delightfully and entirely cured by the use of Boschee's German Syrup. If yuu don't know this already, thousands nnd thousand of people can tell you They have been cured bv it and know how it is, themselves. Bottle only cents. Ask any druggist. AMiy lie Wan in Mourn inc. She I notice that vou uro in mourning, Mr. Jotics. I;av you met with u recent bcreavcrac-nt? lie Yes; I have just lost a sister. She A sister! I was not uwaro that you had a siiter. He Not a sister by blood, but a young lady who said she would always bo a sis ter to me, though, to tell tiie truth, I haven't seen her einco tho uhjht eho eaid so. She Oh! I gee. And tho subject is dropped like a hot echo, L'pston Courier. The Business Booming- Probably no one thing has caused such a general revival of business at F. G. Fricke & Co.'s drug store as their giying away to their customers of so many free trial bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Their trade is simply enormous in this very valuable article from the fact that it always cures and never disappoints. Coughs, Colds, Asth- ma, lironchitis. lung diseases qui test it before I i". bottle free, large warranted. j.nd all throat aim ( II! t.V il. 1 ou can getting a trial : 1 : i'.e V-l. Every bottle Our objection to the foolhardy man it not that i.e i i i foul, but that be is hardy. lie never se-ins to uio. Iiarper s oazar, Electric Bitters. This remedy i.-. becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special mention. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver mid Kidneys, will remove Pitnphs. Boils, Salt Kiuum and other affections caused by impure blood. Will drive Malaria from the system and pre vent us well as cure all Malarial feveis. For cure of Headache Constipation and Indigestion try Electric Bitters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or nioiw y refund ed. Price oO cts. and $1.00 per' bottle at F. G. Frickit & Co.'s drug store. .1 The Virginia Returns- Richmond, Va., Nov, 32,-Tho follow ing are the official returns of the vote of Virginia: Cleveland; 1.11, fl77; Harrison, 150,442; Cleveland's majority, 1 ,:!. The vote in 18s4 was: Cleveland, 145, 497; Blaine, 139, o.5; tota', 2S4,8o;5. Democratic loss, 4.00G. HOW CAN PARENTS allow their children to cough and strain and cough and calmly say: "Oh! it is only a little cold," and keep giving diem cheap and dangerous medicines, until they are down with lung fever or con sumption, when they can be so easily re lieved by BEGGS' CHERIIY COUGH SYRUP? It has no superior, and few equals. For sale by O. P. Smith & Co., druggists. A Panic in a School. New Youk, Nov. 23.At 1:13 yesterday afternoon fire broke out in the First ward public school building at Long Island City. Over BOO children were studying at their desks in the various rooms of the building at the time. When the children ou the first floor saw the flames they raised a cry of fire. Instantly there was a panic in every room in the building. The children rushed pelliiKll for the uar row doors, crowding, jostling and strik ing each other in their efforts to get out The children were piled up at the foot of the stairways in heaps and attempts to bring order out of the confusion were at first fruitless, but finally the police and firemen were aide to check the children, although thev had to contend with an excite I mob of mothers that had appear ed as soon as the news of the fire spread through the neighborhood. The fire itself amounted to little, and as soon as it was extinguished, an examination of the injured was commenced. It was found that while hundreds were badly bruised and shocked, no one was fatally or seriously hurt. WHAT ON EASTH Is the reason people will not, can not, or do not see any difference in cheap nos trums put up by Cheap John houses or irresponsible parties at enormous profits, rather than take a medicine of world wide, reputuationjind one that is giving universal satisfaction at equal price? No medicine in the world is giving such un paralleled satisfaction for purifying the blood as BEGG S BLOOD PURIFIER & BLOOD MAKER, nnd ever bottle that does not do its work will cost you noth ing. For sale by O. P. Smith & Co., druggists. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Eaby was sick, tee gare hex Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, 'Alien she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castori f OFFERED for an tneiirablo ense of Catarrh In the HraJ ly tlio Iropi H-torsof DR. SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY. Symptom of Catnrrli. Ilondaehp. obstruction of now, clmi-lianod fulling: Into throat, sometime prof uw wult-ry, and acrid, at others, thick, u-imcioim, iiiuoouh, purulent, bloody and putrid ; yi s weak. rliiKi"tf In ears, dcafuoM. difficulty or clearing throat, cxpcclo Mition of offcimivo matter: breath otlViiHive: Hindi and tnnte unpaired, and iM-ncral debility. Only a few of tln-w? mplotim likely to ! pres ent at once. Thousands of inwi result iu oou Sumption, nnd end in tho imivr. lly its mild, soothing, and lieulfnsr properties. Dr. Saire's Itemedv cutch tho worst caws. fiOo. The Original LITTLE Liver Pills. n a n a wt. Unequalcd asa I-lvcr PHI. Pmiillent.eheap- est, easiest to take. one l-eiiei (-ureMck Headac he, IIiIIuum Headache, IMzzliieMM, Constipation, Induction. ItlliouM Attacks, and all derangement r the stomach tutd bowel. 25 cU. by UriUffc-hiU. reople can Ilardly Believe it. JtUSEYVlI.I.K, I l.I... May aitli, 1KS3. I (nko pleriMire to let yon known that my boy in Hlill nil rihl. ho Iihm not had any of thei-panm since about March 2ith. 'i'ho people can hardly l lii-ve il. from the fai t that he had us many dh Hi a day or more. 1 heiievo ho was a yery nervous child all his life but did not hliw any si?ns of spasms mil il last Ueceiiils-r, after which I hey camo in renular succession, and 1 hnil H doctors attending who could do nothing for him, nor oven tell us what was the matter. 1 had despaired of his ever ncttiiitf well, until I not Koeniti's Nerve Tonic. .After tiikinK not quite a Isittleful he Kot (jnite well and has not had the lea.itsij:ii of spasms since. Jtespectfully Yours, MIS. IC LKYTON. I testify to tho facts ns stated above to Isj Btriclly true. JAS. lMi'.TY. l'aiilor. ecrrampniri lumnwdenj or nervous aistHf will be seni free to any add rent, and poor pmieiiil can also obtain this medicine 1'ree of ctiurne froiq us. This remedy has been prepared bv the lleverend Pastor KueniK. of Kort Wayne, Ind.. for the punt tenears, and Is uow prepared under his direction KOENIC MEDICINE CO., 5 W. Madison cor. Clinton St., CHICAGO, ILL. - SOLD BY DRUCCISTS. Price 91 per Bottle. O Itottiea Tor VS. F. O. FKICKB it CO., Druggist.--, IMrtttsmoutli, NlI). v Rorec i r l. UnLOJLLl The 5 th t. Merchant Tailoi Keeps a full Line of Foreign & Domestic Goods. Consult Your Interest by Givicg II in a Ca SHERWOOD BLOCK 1 ttssruou tl. - KToT- ROBERT lOMLLLY'S H&. - -WJ&.0-02ST M v ,f t r! A TV 7) V BLACKSMITH SHOP, Wagon, Buggy, Machine and Plow re pairing, arid general jobbing v now prepared to Co all kinds of repairing of farm and other machinery, as there Is a good lathe in my shop. PETER RAO EN. The old Reliable Wagon Maker has taken charge ot the wagon snop He Is well known as a NO. 1 WORKMAN. New Wairuni) nnd Haggles Bade Order HATHWAOTION HOABJ1KT THE OLD RELIABLE. h. a. umm & m Wholesale and Ketail Dealer Id r Hain lie. i i i nil J i Shinies, Latli, Sasli, Doors, BSinds. Can supply eve y demiind of the trade Call and get terms. Fourth street In Iiar o" Opera House. THE CITIZENS 1ST IS. ! PLATTSMOCTII. - NEBRAfeEA. OAFITAL STOCK PAID IN, - 50,000 Authorized Capital, $IOO,GOO. orncEES JRANK CAR HUTU. JOS. A. CONNOR, President. Vie-Presidenf W. IL CUSHIXO. Cashier. PIKECTOKS Frank Carruth J. A. Connor, K. li. Gutl inanij J. W. Johnson, Henry BcpcV, John O'Keefe, W. U. Merriiiin, Wb. WeteEcamp, W. II. Cusbing. Transact? a General Banking Business. Al who have any Kanking business to transact ar invited to call. No matter h'" l.iree or ma!l the transaction, it will receive our careful attention, and we promise always cour teous treatment. Issues Certificates of Dei osits bearing interes Buys and sell Foreign Exchange, County and t'itv securities. J nN MTZGKHAI.L, S. WiCGH President. Caehle 1 I !;7 e Itii 11. n r LU v mtn irt tJ.Iti WHliifc ALL U-it 1 1 in 1 1 1 :!'!. h i l.I lv din." P ft I lx-lii!V for ('OMM'ltll t.tl'.ll H.lVC'l my I iio. A. 1 1. Ixr.vi.i.i,, I'Mitor Kikj uircr, J Men ton, N. V,., An ':, V-?7. Tho m.sT Cotih Medi e!no is I'iso'h ( I'lti: Kilt C n 1 r m l "r l n . ' 1 1 i 1 1 1 ret i tako it. witliout olijoet.ion. iiy :dl drnjist.s. i:c. CUiitS WHLKt AIL USE I Alia. I A liitiTiix. I'viinu i'i:.!-. rp "Li ut 2 -Mu .1 1 r i iPISO) li V.'hon I ray CtluK I do not mean roorcly to fitii them f.r :i Inn'', "d llu-n h.ivc tli'.'iu re turn njram. I mkan A KADICAL, CLi.!i. 1 have made the diKuuno of FITS, EPILEPSIT or A lifo-lonf study. I WAtntANT inyrcmrdy Ut C'UKK tin; wor.' t eftnes. i; cai:su otlii'irt hao faili-il im no riMson fur not now rereivinjj nrurn. Sciul at oih'i; for a I rvatist; and a i- hkk Itit'i ri.li of mv I si'A i.i.iuli: Hkmkdv. jiv i;xHfni and i'o-t oiiici'. It ohtM y(u noihiug fur a trial, nd it will cure you. AvVtrciw H.G. ROOT, M.C., IE3Pr.'.RLST..r!EwY0RK OF PURE COD LIVER GIL ftWP I21TPOPSOSPHITES Almost as Palatable as F1ilk. So dli;r,'ulitl tiint it can bo taken, ur1 aiuiiitllatad by tlie mott teiltlv otmicta, when tlie jlaln oil riinnot l tolcratcj ; mini y th coin blnation of the oil wltli t!ic taypopitoa plillod In nucli loore tllii ac io Eemurkablc as a fiesh producer. Persons gain r:MIy mj!!c taking it SCOTT'S EMULSION is acknowledged by Physicians to be the Finest and iJost prepa ration in tho world for tlio relief and cure of CONSUMPTION, GCROPULA. GENERAL DEBILITY, WASTIHQ DISEASES, EMACIATiON, COLDS and CMROK1C COUCKS. The great remedy or Consumptlan, o -d Wostinj ii Children. &A1 ly all Lrurjgists. tr mc?i 'A pi p3 m y7s Cream Balm pi raw tiR n sh. m iri ym ,sgf TrythaCureMgiJ L , "-;'Z-y-9' vs? deai)os thettsaHPasfiOKca. Al lays Infiarrunatioa. IIcal.;jthe Gorc-3. Restores tho tecz&03 of Tusto, SiacJl and llcarmp;. f v ' A I'rtir!n i i nptd-i-.-t int--er.i nostril n.r.,1 Ss :r-i il,!. Pi i -e-V.t. :-. ilriitKixi i.r ty ' tail. KLY III IWUhXifiS V'ar-cn.V-wr "iox'z. A. ; i i;i:'.t V. , jr ,. , V'-. i; .' .i. J - r. ri r . c V F.'iCOP'r:;:! of r - ii v, li't piir. can clothe you i.ud ;uriiih yon :v.:y, all the nec'.s, : y ur-.-l c. ,y, :-r-e-.v;. appJianccs o rit'e, : 'ta.'.co. , eat, il:;h, Jia-.l, r!:, . '.'j h, or stay ut 'iv!i'i, .-m I i .1 r-..;.. :, styles an:! cu'in'it Ju-1 , Wllit 13 i-O'iul.-fc.l j (jo t;,..Sc COMFOHI.'.aLY fin.i yoa c.i r.-..,:: esiiriaie o; va:uc- 01 in-. i GUIIfJ, v.;:-'i v:ll !w receipt of iO c. p . , montc o r-.; n p. y v- a r.-j a co. -11-1 rTir ;.:: .: ; - ' . . . '-5.. Hair in its Yot.-tf-.ful Color. fa mviiei 's C: s it e. ra n 1 1 rigS' Our enstomor call ft iC'"";? t'J kot-ii anv otL-r. 1 ...... A?l7$?V$x:ir J- Kichardson Jk .-on. Drugjists, 2Dc., Oc, a:.d ? l.'X). R. B. Windham, Jom.va. I avsk-. X.tary Pv.hllc. ? .aiy 1.1" lie. 1V1MIIA3IA lAVIi-:n. Attorneys - at - X. cw. Office over ISai-k clCa-i County. Platt a M O C T 1 J , - -