I llll It FLATTSMOUTfl tFEEiCiLY UEltAuts, mUKSDAi', XOTEMDFh lo, 1888. ft' IBS' MIHf. Z9 lul-la lul-la lul-Ulul-la-bT, Lnl-la - by ba - by.Wbllo the hours run, Fair may the day be. ! 4 ft 4 S I 4 ft 4 iiii r-rt ftMr y LIONEL II. LEWIN. Andante ma non troppo lenio. J 63 ARTHUR S. SULLIVAN. -- 1-2 icy' 1 1 ! i I I 8 4 ! 4 . , 1 8 I q h J j 0 J J Ji 1 1 a- 'xi 1 a i-!L JL ft T Xf oft - ly call, tu that wake. n pp E 4 1 3 S ( --i 0 14 -Z " S 1 A rryencJous Ratification at the :-.'ext PrcfJcJen s own Homo in Indiana- THE "SOUDSOUTH-IS BROKEN. West Virginia O-eaks the "Solid South" and increases Repub lican Majorities. THE DEMOCRATS GIVE IT UP. The Democratic National Commit tee Acknowledge Cleveland's Defeat. HARRISON HAS 233 VOTES. Nebraska to the Front With a Large Majority McShane's Tricks Did Not Work. CALIFORNIA IS ALL RICHT. RsDublicans Claim the Stats by About Five Thousand. The Coast states in Line. San Francisco, Nov. 8. The count of 41,462 votes in the city out of a total of 55,370 gives Harrison 20.007 and Cleve land 21,453. It is expected thath the canvass of the vote of ihe city will be completed this afternoon. The republi can state committee estimates that the democratic plurality in the city will bo about 5,b00, but coutend that outsku counties will iu'uih a republican plur ality cf 14,000, av.u that the republic .a Uectoral ticket will be elected by 9.000 plurality. The proLibitiou yote, as ft.r as cn VAKsed, fhlU Ihvo that of lt'S-l. 51. II. DeYourg, chairman of the &ub otaniittee of the national executive com mittee, telegraphed to Chairman Quay last night that all the Pacific coist states lil vuu for Harrison, and California, particularly, by a rising vote of ",00. The estimates of the democratic s ritrnruitte'. does not vary from the i: . .;! v- ' a probible ,lnr- l,o0J " O.UJU l!l tUe eitatr. Til- Ex irtiiii'T i diti: .lly f laims Calif--ri;ia i -t Vil doubt. T .. rii.- .r.irl- .-mvs: " Y tauiic wo are euurdy safe in saying ' 1 Li 1 -av " w-0 -A -0- r 0- mfdolce. j I " p " " f ' ' ' ' '' ' Winds In thsnbjht that strangely sigh, Coma to me, help me, one and all, Sleep llt-tle bird, and dream not why Soon Is the sleep but God can break When " - fz " -p nrzr - Andmurmur,murmur,murmur,murmurba - by's lul - la - by, Lul an - gels whisper,whi8per,angels whl - per lul - la - by, Lul i 1 S 4 r 5 1 1 w 1 a I a -Copyright-KunkI Bros., 1888 KU2TKXX'0 that "nliforr.iti has one republican by from four to five tliin!ind. L:vtir this uitt rn.jon tLt: vote 1ms been counted in 140 precincts in this city out of a total of 17(, and the result is as fol lows: Cb'wluud 2i,0$., Il.irii.-on 20,116. Indiana. Indianapolis, Iud Nov. 8. 9-18 pre cincts in Indiana cive Harrison 150,588, Cleveland 144.153.. The snme in 1884 gave Bluine 136,895, Cleveland 137,031. IlarrLjii's majority will not be less thai; :i,C00 -ia l proba! ly 5,000. The state ticket is elected by about the same majo -ity. Under the law of Indiana this is the day when supervisors of elections con vene in each cour.ry to canvass the returns. These boards are consequently now in session throughout the entire state and it is thought that by tonight the vote of the state by counties will be obtainable. Democratic Waterloo in Nebraska. Liscoln, Neb., Nov. 9. The McShane sensational scheme certainly met a Water loo on Tuesday in Nebraska. The repub lican state committee estimated the total democratic in both houses of the next legislature at 21, but later returns have so greatly improved the legislative out look in the state, that the total demo cratic strength is set down at about 31. This would leave the republicans 102 on joint ballot, and Senetor Manderson will be the most splendidly re-elected and endorsed man in the federal eenate who has met a conspiracy and over whelmed it through the confidence of his fellow citizens. Nor is Governor Thayer much behind in the public approval h6 has received. He has come out of the democratic caruivul of calumny, corruption and misrepresentation with a plurality which the tHte committee estimates at fully 22,000, and the later returns may increase this to 25,000. The electoral ticket will have a plural ity probably of not less than 30,000, which would seem to indicate that those d-mocrats and dyspeptic republicans who were so confident that Nebraska whs a doubtful state and could now sell their judgment at a premium in the glare of the lieht cast on the situation by the r i ent ejection. The yot for Fisk and Brooks in the state is esttni8ted Rt 4,500. Kansas. Tofskaj Kan.,Nov. .wThe disratchtS 1. Birds In the night that 2. Life maybe tad for .j . r irn -j: - la - by, Lul-la-by, - la by, Lul-la - by, Lul-la Lul-la 0- r 1 KOYAL EDITION. ' received by the republican state central j committee from every county in thft state show that the victory achieved by the republicans of Kansas was the grandest in tb history of the statu. In spite of the desperate fight made by the demo crats and the active opposition of the union labor party and the third party prohibitionists, the republican candidates have undoubtedly received the largest majorities ever given to a republican cand idatc in KaD3a3. Secretary Hutching of tlie republican ftate central committee states that from telegrams received from almost every county in the state General Harrison wiil receive a plurality of 70, 000, and Governor Humphry's plurality will without doubt be 65,000, but the greatest victory was in the election of a legislature which iB more unanimously republican than it has ever been before. Up to 9 o'clock the committee had infor mation of only fiive opposition members of the legislature. In view of the fact that in nearly every county in the state the democrats and union labor party had combined on members of the legislature. makes the victory all the more satisfac tory. Wyandotte county, which has always been a democratic stronghold, elects the entire republican county ticket for the first time in its history. Kentucky. Conington. Ky. Nov. 8. A story is in circulation here, that Speaker Carlisle is to be deprived of his certificate of election. The ground of this action is the alleged illegality of ballots cast for him in Campbell and Kenton counties. It is assumed thtt if they ar thrown out his majority in the district will be over come. The kentucky law requires that a ballot bhall be on plain white paper, with no distinguishing features, but the Car lisle ballots were printed on large sheets of perforated piper, so that when the tickets were torn apart perforations ap peared on the edges and made them eas ily distinguishable from the other tickets. Color is given to the story by the fact that the canvassing board in Campbell county is republican. West Virginia. Wheeling, Nov, 8. Dispatces just re ceived tonight from the capitol of the state announce that the democr atic state treas urer, Thomson, concedes the state to the republican by from 400 to 700 majority. This is simply a coufiramtkra of the steady SI When night is done, Lul - U 3 (V - by, i i 4 6 4 3 3 r i i -SODS Ut tUS M(3iil--M l republican gains that have been coming in today. The republican state committee here claims the state by a mucn larger ma jority. They claim to have at least three, and probably a solid delegation of five congressmen. Thoy claim majorities for the electoral ticket and a majority in the legislature. The scene of republican enthusiasm in this city tonight is unprecedented Thousands of people have crowded the streets in front of the Intelligence build ing to read the bulletins, and on every hand is heard the cry that the " solid south' is broken at last by the vote of this state. From Friday's Pally. . Notice the lor cabin and its pro tection in Smith & Co's. window tooisht C7 It was purchased by 25 young republi cans as a present to Mrs. Harrison. It is the most elegant and complete thing we have seen. Mrs. Ed Gerrans, of Lincoln, who has deen visiting her mother, Mrs. Cooper, and her many friends here, for sometime, returned home last evening. Mr, W. J. Warrick returned from Chicago this morning after purchasing a fine holiday stock. The stock is twice as extensive as the one purchased for the holidays last year and cost about $1,500. The goods are only first class. Mr. Charles Campbell who was a delegate from here to the Bortherhood of Locomotive Engineers convention held at Richmond, Va., returned home this morning. He rep orts a very pleas ant trip and a delightful visit to the empire city. About twenty couples assembled at the home of Misa Annie Kroehler, last night, preparatory to giving their friend Miss Came Gutham, a surprise. After all arrangements were completed, the party started for her home on Walnut street between 10th and 11th. The sur prise wa3 complete, and a very enjoyable evening was spent. Invitations were issued yesterday for the marriage of 3Iisa Julia OliTer to Mr. Charles D. Eads, on Wednesday after noon November 14th. The marriage will occur at the residence of the bride's mother, corner of Third and Vina streets. A large number of invitations have been issued, and it is expected that the happy event will be witnessed by x&xuy friej-1 10 fy- - -5-y "jy -s r ? r r t r "X-H OL- a. a 4 A t - yJl I ', 1 14 8 S 4 8 4 4 4 8 ' - r i r i i. - by ba by, TVhllathe hours run, Lul-Iaby, Lul-la-by, Lul-la- Lul - la - by, Lul - la - by, S 4 B i 1 j ' 1 E t r 3J er -w 1 1 TT Possesses many Important Advantages over all other prepared Foods. BABIES CRY FOR IT. INVALIDS RELISH IT. Makes Plump, Laughing, Healthy Babies. Regulates the Stomach and Bowels. Sold by DrueKitts. 5c, 60c, 81. OO. WELLS, RICHARDSON t CO.. lomiwOTOM, vt. Baby Portraits. . A Portfolio of beautiful baby portraits, printed on fine plate paper by patent photo process, sent free to Mother of any Baby bom within a year. Every Mother wants these Pictures : send at once. Give Baby's name and age. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Props., Burlington, Vt IS Oldest Agricultural Dealer In Cass -HE KEEPS OX HAXI AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS -WITH A FINE LIXE OF- Shettier. Moll ne.Ketchum Wagons FOR SALE AT Nichols and Shefard Thresliinrr -rTr , ,, . . is Weeping Water. Be 6ure and call Plattemouth or Weeping Water. IMaUsmoiit h and Weeping Water, Nebraska. )fc3l -0- -0- r f f I It's Easy to Dye WITH D iiM dud Dyes ZG Superior IN Strength, Fastness, Beauty, AND Simplicity. Warranted to color more roods than in, nther dyes ever made, and to give more brilliant and durable colors. Ask for the Diamond, and take no other. 36 color; 10 cents each. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Burlington, Vt. For Gilt ng or Bronzing Fancy Articles, USB DIAMOND PAINTS. Gold, Silver, Bronze, Copper. Only 10 Cents. THE County. A FULI, LINE OF A BARGAIN. Arr.b wo. a cki ijeuer acu an trie on Fred before vou bny either at J 0