Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, November 08, 1888, Image 1

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    'f"-. ." .. " '
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0j w)ic Ji0iW5 I0wiIJ wttlj
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f 1 50 l'KR ANNLfM.
n, jVAl J', j::.:
i.' .l.lviK 1 --.J
Absolutely Pure.
i .. ,
' w t Vili les. A iarvi'1 of iu '
, t , is 1 1 liolesuir.eiicsi, More edn
i : t'. i):.';!i:irv kin U,; .ml r.tininl l
i ''ion with the null ;i ill.- ., -
i j I or ;i powilt is.
. ' Koviu C VKI -: !',i;i,k
. I. PW Vol K. ii 1H
Mayor, - - - r. .'. Hm i;,v
iiiv-rk, - - - V K i',,.
K'i ri'nr, - - - a MAiiiii.k
f. .i-.:.; Ji Agn, - S 4'i.l KKOttD;-, .11, - - V II Malick
) D M Jll.N Krt
1 i'it. a Sum-man
.... ,. ) M K .Meui'itv
' 1 I s V In; 1 ton
1 CuN t 1 e ON MIt.
(.1 V .JoMNS )'.,CllAIIUA.V
( 11 'JjAH'ksWoltTH
Buaid rub. Wor
Deputy Treasurer, -
Deputy Clerk,
itecorder of Deeds
D(ity ttecurder
Clerk oi Dlt-trie: Court,
iupt. of Pub. Scliool?,
County JU'iKfl.
A. B. Tonu. Ch'in., - - I'lattsmouth
Lt'tinn K -i.i ,, - Wet-pin Wter
i. B. Ii k:-iin-, - - - Kin wood
Tho-j. Pollock
BlKl) Ckitchfielq
Kxa Chitchfiklu
W. H. Pool
A, Maiiole
Allen Hkksuji
ji a yk a h i khikk
) i N l t-V I o. O F. -Meets
"if - i tv nvniuc of euii v-ii. All
1 - ' ike ibfiiecuui'j ittvited to
i .) t , i'.jh 'iry i .-rn a' r-
hr-.tii -i -i .11 a l'liloil o si. tl::i:I.
f.rv ri:ir l'r!-l i
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vi'.t" ! ; - . e:; t ' '1 i" .
I1. :. . : '
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won :i . ;. . ' -.
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4 V -.-. - '! '
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L-V'-tl'-i- i- : t- ' t-.: 1 1
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Worthy iviyji ; 6. '. V ii.l
3. X .
'r ,1 iv ii.
Vi -titing
' . f.
i Ovrr-v-T
4 evcpy 4raae American lacari flrossi Malsae to Ora"
..--4. vf . .
laicEa are prised wltlsiEa our EsearS as cqsaal to sail osir lifeertle
5.5 5
cS'oEiuifiy IBull wlii isec would Ssswe spSit ftbis lacsd of osara sssw.
news oi Tariff victory will coe a a "STazaBc wosV
r to lais Bree-Tracle rover 0J!eveiaiiM5 iia Isiis lar nal trossfeled liour
Hie laas feeesa a forotSaer9 aeiisa -ia Ms sstreaagtia a riglflfc-gsaiad lower. 5
Tlae people of tlal feroacl laaid Maw reiolee wttla a loy tiiait5
1 isav fair wasrest oiar lafeorrs Ssa ts tj-vws "
Iceei SProtectioaa 4r the iiadrastrasi Bnni irTi
U1i1 miM1B ritmmm lfmm r i ii im , BMMMmM MiJM Mll M HM,,ibi,h bi hM ( i ,hii ,
ti j . s i J ' - - ...v M vj,uu4 i no m uc, wie Hi!- ncr iv irnrr.
19 M W
a Zl
Benjamin Harrison Wil Occupy
tne White House for the Next
Four Years.
. i : : i .' ! i i -
t ' .: !.. A.
.i ; r', Niie,
, linnKer ; W. A.
Meets 6 very i.Heraato trIUny evei-.intr at
li&ckvrood hail t ft o'cioos. Ail transient broth
ers are respectfully invited to attend. I.. .
Larson, M. W. ; K. Koyd, Foreinan : S. C.
Wilde, lteeorder ; Leonard Andersou, Overseer.
it L ATTnMOUTH LMUC E (). 6. A. F. & A. M.
Meets on tiie flri aud tlird Mondays of
each lnontli t their hal'. All tvaiisient lu-uth-ert.
are cordially inviied to meet with ns.
J. t-, liirnsv, W. M.
TJew York a id Indiana Both for
Harrison, ?; arton and
3 rice Conceds Harrison's Election
New Youk City, Nov. 8. 1 p. m.
Chairman Brice, of the Democratic I ,l!lve elect(-,(1 A Vrt of our shite tickot
I 1 . 1 ,T i ... .
Natioual committee, concedes the election
Cleveland i:J1.3n.-). Tliis included i'.U of
Jlavioi'1 coitr.ty eo.i.cpl: four ju'ei'incts.
rl'iie ofileial vote of Iiilia-i:iiH'ili.s city and
Marion county ;ive8 ( 'k vcla'id 39S
majority. Secretary r',n of the demo
cratic national committee said tonight
that it looked now as thoii",; General
Harrjson had carried tliu state. lut it
VTculd require the oflicial returns to.
At 10:30 this evening the democratic
committee room?, v.ero deserted. Chair
man Jewett said: "The indications are
that the republican electors have carried ;
the stitc. The official count may shov.'
differently. The probability is that we
both cluhu t l.o sinte, the former by from
r.OOO to ,000 while the democrats con
tend tluir ticket wi!! have a nvijor
ity of 2,000 or :l,000. The city of
Francisco has been c.u rb cl ih- d,-:ao-
ZZ-kniug I'.ist ( r. p. ) savs
and Third
l"-uy wtu . comnmtes tli- tbetion of Governor
crats. Th:
t;.:.i eevelanii s m ijorstv
ftJ. 4..IU I U' 11 f 1.1 . .in,.... .1 ; ... 1...4- .... 1 l I I , i
.v. iiuiim.uis i ua. j ana ine ..:, cry
nie majority will approximate 8,o!..0 to givti Ci-.-velnnd
,uuu t!;e city, and tiiat the republi
cans will not come to the city with a suf
ficient vote to overcome this. Thee"! ire
democratic ticket in San Francisco is
U hki:li.w, ,ov. 7- It is jiretty well
assured that if. t itum .:n i...
publico.,'-. ..w,"i ! CJven as Far as Obtainable-They
congress in the Fi;t di-ti.i;.:, mi .Jack
son (di-m.) in the i'o.irth. The Second
aro in doubt. Uuth bt
Come in Slowly, and O.yide
the Ticket.
Estimated Majori tie
Ollicial returns from the ir.Y-. i, fs i,f
Sain of !S.
cb.'S". This ilv
nia jority, republican
of Harrison for president.
a r o
Indian roLis, Xov. 7. Attorney Gen-
C!IA1"IKR. Nt. :, K. A. M.
:r( -,.,.1 foill-rll Tllesti:L lif -;lih
Mall, orotners i erat ;ui :mer, on oetiait or ueneral llarn
t w uh us.
-' r,a '''"i""-v " ! os the ieiort e
i -1 l'J ill--.-. " i . '..
t 1 -1 -V -It n . .
E. Whitk. H. P. json, wireu . . uuctiey, oi tne natior,
j republican con,Luitiec, thu afjeruoci.,
inquiiins r.itb regard to the Crrccf -ess
to Senator Gorman,
aiiL-gmg tiic diseovtiy ot au error in the
returns of Kings county which will give
KCAXf.M : New York s'ate to the elemocrats. Col.
ndavs of i r,,-., nt . ... j. .
i K i'. oi-ui iuu loiiowing to
we nave etectea ten conie.r.-iie,!, train
of four. Y,"e have a certain majority in
the stale senate of six,and iu the lower
house of twenty, giving us control of
the joint ballot. I do not care 'to saj;
anything about the methods by which
this was accomplished.-
General Harrison:
" There is positively nothing in it.
('ASJt'i L.VCl', e) JAit.KOV'.f.
J iiteeto tl:p socond and fiU'.tiii M
tach niunth at Arcanum -H
l1. c, Mtsos. SccreLv:'j'.
ril ,,.-r-0-.T-v, -j - r :l-rnin, ' ur people are guarding the returns from
?'Vf ?U"yy't ' '1C"!:!:.1Vl'::'V?v!a i with absolute vigilance. Fraud
iu"l i'i .-;.t-Jiu..:. Win Neville ! is barely possible, but it will not be per-
Tre'V :: ."::.::::: :uitte'! f tlie must iK'rf:ct ."
nll!f,,iw:i . honest, brave men can prevent it. The
,T. C. VJ.-hov. l. K. White, .! C. r.itferson, i state is now ours. If thi-re b any chune
j. A.,-,n,S;;;:l. W. Mie:,.:.u., t . (,or- ; m
dor, J. t .j . a.
. The following telegram was received
5VS 5 HIE .J03T 43 G. A.
J. W. Jonvsov
Q. S. Fwi-os
T. a. Ha ft"
; w, Nlt.r.s
Hanky strkioht..
MaloV Dixon-
Ch aki.ks FoKI
anubksov fkv
Jacob Oobblemax.
Meetian Saturday evening
...Senior Vice "
..Junior " '
. Adjutant.
Q. M.
Utheerof the Lay.
" Guar-l
Serift Major.
..(Quarter Muster Sert.
..I'ost uaapiaio
J. II. E3DI0NS, M. D.
Physician i Surgeon
OfTce over vVpscott'si store. Main street.
Rei-l.tei r- in Dr ShildknecM's proj'erty.
Olooi:;e D'j -use a-id Die.i.se9 of Women and
C!-U'ri-n ;i s - ciaUy. Oitlee hours, 9toJl a. IU.
2 ri ::!!! 7 t - 9 ; III.
Joe tl One Price Clothier, b death on
high prices.
by General Harrison:
. New Yoi.k, Nov. 7. To General Ben
jamin Harrison: Cordial congratulations.
New York is supremely happy. The
republicans are jubilant and the demo
crats shedding their tears.
Chacncey M. Depew.
860 precincts in Indiana give Harrison
130,203, Cleveland 128,643. The same
precincts in 18S4 gave Blaine 123,744,
Cleveland 122,711.
The following dispatch wa3 received
from Chicago:
To Hon. Benjamin Harrison, Indian
apolis. Ind. Congratulations upon your
election. Chicago is proud of the fact
that her great auditorium was dedicated
by the nomiaatiou of our country's next
president. Feed W. Peck.
917 precincts in Indiana give Harrison
New York.
New York, Xov. 7. Chairman Q:iny .
authorizes the following statement: Tiie
republicans on Tuesday carried by in
creased majorities all thn states carried
for Mr. Blaine iu 1884, and in addition
have New York by a plurality of 15,000,
and Indiana by a plurality of from 4,000
to 6,000. West Virginia is in doubt.
General Harrison's election is assured.
11 p. m. The unofficial vote of all
counties in the state, as far as returned,
show pluralities for Cleveland.of 78,956
and for Harrison 90.147, giving Harrison
a plurality in the state of 11,191.
The Sun this morning will say: "Har
rison has 11,762 plurality in New York
state and Hill 18,952." It says that the
next house of representatives will be so
evenly divided between the two parties
that an official count will be necessary to
decide which is in the majority. It has
figures to show that Indiana gives Harri
son a plurality of about 2,000. Connec
ticut is democratic by 494.
Albany, Nov. 7. The Argus Mem.)
gives narrison a majority of 10,000 over
LosAxcki.ks: rrjV. 7. Xinetv-thren
out of one hundred and thirty-o.-.e re
cincts in this ;-y mKt coimty give llar
rUu l,:slS, Cleveland 7,758.
San F;iancisco. Xov. 7. A Chronicle
sdecial from Xew York says that Chai:
man Brice concedes th-J election of
.b,A,X.FUAM'i8C' 7. -The Chroni
election of four republican
congressmen in the interior districts, as
I follows: In the First :. i 1 Second dis
i .
tncts I iiompson and Biggs Mem.), and
present incuMibents, have been iU-;'uated
ny uriiovcii r.agui (tvp.j, j.I. Kc:iua
and Van D.-Ver (rep.) have been le eb-et-ed
in the Thirel and Sixiii dbtricts. Re
turns from the Fourth district are meager,
and no indication is given as to whether
or mt Morrow (rep.) has been re-elected.
Returns fri m the Fith district are also
meager and no conclusions cmi be baseei
upon them.
Seventeen thousand votes had been
V AS 1 1 1 NelTC! n, Xov. 7. - A special to
ie Post from Alexandria' Ya., says the
secretary of the democratic state com
mittee cbiiois the stare fur Cleveland by
reduced maioritv. nroli.iblv luinm. j
000 and 5,000.
4 1 i 1
i .o-.; cuumy ;ire slow to coii,-- in, !,:,r pil
ing together tho-c received with a fair
estimate of the others, these i.,;.tu;,.,
are thought to le about correct f.,r the
county ticket: Polk, :.00; Vtson 7 -Satchell,
100; Todd, U2: White, i fii;
Schmidt, 50; Oc-;ing, 40.
S vi.t CitEUK-Clevtland 91, H irrisen
San Francisco, Nov. 7. Returns
throughout California are coming in very
slowly, and as there are no complete city
or county returns there is no basis of
comparison with 1894 possible. The re-
H . jj. boryock was at the countv s-J
ciuicsiiay looKlug a.ii.vr the electi.
r-up.'i intend ant Mayn ird Spink pass
through the city yesterday crrro'jte 11
Every thing at election was quiet :
satisfactory; the vote stands 110 del
cratie and 115 republican.
Mr. A. W. H ill lias changed locati'
from the Pacific house to the Louisv:
Mrs. F. S. Rockwell l.'c for McCook
Wnebiy morning oil the flyer.
Our town was honored with the pres-;
ence '.I a goodly number of teachers
last Saturday; they report a profitable anel
pleasant ''local."
Miss Stell 2'ee-ly and her two sisters
have been quite sick but are slowly improving.
"frc Af P.'trrinn n.l l.r.r crtn n'tim ?n
. - . . I ....u. ... . ...I.JV1. u.l.l 111 1 CUJI ,,V1V- J14
canvasse,, ,n me city oi nan r raucisco . Qmaha on business Tuesday.
up to 2 o clock this afternoon, out of
54,000 cast. The vote gives Harrison
8,292. Cleveland 8,750. Naper county
returns (complete) give Harrison 1,752,
Cle veland, l, ls;J. Iu 1884 it gave Blaine
1,590, Cle; eland 1,258. Sacramen o
county (complete, except one precinct)
gives Harrison 4,070, Cleveland 3,357
In 1884 it gave Blaine 4,368, Cleveland
West Virginia.
Wheet.inci, Nov. 7 Atkinson irep.j is
elected over Pendleton (dem.) for con
gress in the Fift district, by 600 ma
jority. Wheeling, Nov. 7. Fourteen out of
twenty-four precincts, casting r ne-third
of the vote of the state, show republican
gain of 1,662. If corresponding gains
i-uju .j, i..,1.) I cU: Polli 05. Uilmoro
82; Jeary 07, White 77; Satchell 70. Mar
quardt 82; Watson 69, Ifiggins K; liee
son 65, Gerjag $U; Todd 77,. Jones OH.
R.etuins from Plattsmoutli Precinct
Harrison 125, Cleveland Council 1 ,
Morton 198; Thayer 126, 200:'
Hill 119, Patterson 207; n , Mon
ger 213; Polk 122, Gdmore 205; Watson
127, Higgins 199; Marqtardt 200, Whito
212; Beeson 131, Oering 1'J4; Todd 117
The democrats say: "The star is dimed Jones 205; SeaWt't 121 Poll-.rd u
that lately shone," BVn th ,t disciple Satchdl I2-f Joarv ' MmA "
whom he loved, poor Grover had to send j . . , -
him home." I Returns from Hock Bluffs Cleveland
Vv'e can now I-Iurrali for
Harrison Home and Honey
Morton Might and Monev.
the One
145,941, Cleveland 138,305. The same publican and democratic state committees give 000 republican majority
are made in the rest of the state it will ; but honest .goo Is at lowest low prices
148, Harrison 122; Morton 15:. Council
119; McShnne 149, Thayer 121; Fold:
H, Meiklejohn 122; Hincs 148, Laws
- 7T TTi t ! -l atu,rson ir Hill 113; Poynter
tm figures anel truth at Joes, u Beuton l2, yluixrjr J12,.
Due I rice Clothier. iT r ' -' a;,,
.ju-sen us, v,teeu 122; Thrasher 14,
Dr. Withers is an experienced dentit j Lh"c 12-i Oihnorc 142, Polk 117; Whito
and will save your teeth i f they can be 146, Jearj' 110; Marquardt 1 H. Satchel!
saved; if not. he will extract them with- , 108; Higgins 148, Watson 1 1 1 trin"
out pam. Oiuce in I nion Block. el--vft i ir,o p n- T , , "
102, I eson 11.; Jones 147, Todd 1!9.
For restoiing tlie color, tliickening the ' A single loitle of Ayei's Sarsap uilbi
growth, and beautifying the hair, and ! tablish the mr-rits of this medicine
for preventing baldness. Hall's Hair Re- ! as a hlo'-,tl purifier. Many thousands of
i L-op,e yeany cured ot chronic div
eases by the faithful ue of this remedy.
It is unequaled for the cure of 6crofufa.
Send your job work to the Heiialu
newer is unsurpassed
No so called " reduced price ' at Joe.s
that competiors v, out dare meet.