.r'LA.T I. i, r&ss. " I I. Tho Rally at Ashland. I'li.m Hatnrday'B Dally. Tlic spucinl wus udvcrt'iKcd to kuvc the t tie depot hero ut (!::() lant evening, hut lis idl preparations for the departure eonld not he mule hy lhat time, the train did not pull out until after 7 oYlork. It is e-ilimated that from four to live hun dred people went from here. The yoiini In lies cluh h re turned out about titty strong and looked very h nil ing with their dark hlue dresses with white star decorations. The young men's! rrpnhii fun eluh also turned out in fine style, with tho 15. A'M. hand at their head. The whole crowd became piite t-iithurfhistic leforc the train pulled out; all were evi dently hent on having a good time. Delegation were picked u; at different towns along the line, and he fore reaching Ashland, the cars were erowdi-.'l so that it was difficult to find standing room. The train arrived nt Ashland ahout 8 o'clock, and the various rlulw which had formed in line near the depot were await ing the Arrival of the delegation from yiattsiHOUth and intermediate point.-. Shortly ri'tcrwards every chili had suc ceeded in forming in line with the pro- cessi.on and commenced the parade. The crowd immense, and the illuminations along the 15ie, very attractive. Several were heard to remark as they passed the private residences which were most beau tifully illuminated, that tiny pre sented the handsomest appearance they had ever seen for any thing of the kind. The proeesfon was forujed iu the follow ing order: X'.iie Ashland hand, ladies' republican dui, unhrclla hrigude and Ashland llum heau cluh. Jog caliu with its decorations of coons and conveying the veterans of M4!t, Greenwood iidjes- club and ttoreh riht procession, Walioo 1ij.nd, ladies' cluhaud torchlight procession, Platts iuouth hand, ladies' eluhand torches. It ras a grand procession, nearly u mile long, marching through he Ktreets with Hying baiiiieis and burning torches. The minors bore iironiidcuoLi inscriptions, rnwj;g which wen-, "It and the red ra V. Hariif.'n and the American l5 ig.'" "Nehnisk.i'ss pride, Chas. F. Manderson. I". S. S.," "(J rover" rnotto: Fish and Jt'iawtish," "Vote for oiii- Tom Pickett J'.r State Senator." "J. if. Th-iyer the People's Choice." After the procession, the ladies' club. Tfore entertained to a supper hy the young ladies cluh of Ashland, in line style. It was estimated there were eight hun dred in the procession. After the pro cession came thva speaking, which had been arranged for, .Senator ManderscL at the opera house anil Kcv. Tate at the rink, both of which Mere crowded t overflowing. Senator Mandcrson begai liis speech by saying that Ashland, wit I 3ier neighbors, has not, painted the towi red. but red, white and blue. These vas. assemblages were more than marchiiu and .speaking: they mean victoi v. I means that avoirdupois mu;t give way t brains. (Jrovcr Cleveland must give wa to 5en Harrison. lie gave a grand (lis :ussion of the tariff question, ileclarin jhat unless England succeeded ingi ttim the United States to adopt free trade, s-li would herself adopt protection, whicl prove! that the American system of pro tection Avas recognized as the most suc cessful way of encouraging our intertstr and laborers. It has been the grandes demonstration of the campaign, anc very republican has gained new encour gement and is determined to work fr-ui now until the Otii of November will revived vigor, which will issue arousin: republican victory and the banishmen1 of hoodie McShane. From 1 liursdayV Daily. No. o pulled through here yesterday in two sections conveying harvest excur jsionists from the east out west. A chimney blaze from Judge Chap man's house last night, which lighter' tip that vicinity for about an hour, ere nted considerable excitement. The 1 laz threatened more danger than was appar cntly realized. There is a man in jail to-day win was arrested last night for stealing a fin overcoat. lie is obstinate when ques turned and will not give his name or am information concerning himself. Sheriff Eikenbary informs us that he answer the description of a man wanted oui west for jail breakiucr. He will be held here until a reply is received. The Oak street hill in the vicinity of J. V. "Wcckbach's n side nee isbeing gia tied down and a road made over it. Tht water company will be at another ex pense of lowering their main pipe on that street also. Ahead), as far as the work is completed, the street presents a much more attractive appearance and this im pryyewent will certainly cause a boom to giroperty along the line. To judge from present indications, tne stieet will I e one if the most desirabl-j iu the city when the work is completed. A wreck occurred at the Oreapolis junction last night in which an engine v?m disabled and four or five cars smash ed up Jiadly. An extra wpst bound rain going over the main line hal stop jied about half way across the switch. Engine No. 112 was pulling an Omaha trft stock train to Paciuc Junction, and it is reported that the engineer paid no attention to the semaphore which w:is shown and could not diet the trdn in time to prevent the collision. No ne was injured. The Cleveland nin siy that Iliil will inn 41.00O behind the national tickit in .New York, and the Hill men say that r;lei eland will run 30,000 behind the f.taifi ticket, Ail that is eercain in the t.vrangle is that Il trrison ami Miller will -arrvNew York by g o J, tat? irajoKtic. THE PCOPLES KITCHEN. I m.1 1 uinUJiea ut Ctmt for th Working I'coplM of Switzerland. .. Dnritif mv recent vacation I had an op portunity of visiting one of the "Cuisines Populaires" that are coming to be a pecu liar feat lire or homo inuusiriaiceuier.ini Switzerland. In DJ77, w Idle a socialist So undress was in session at Chaux le -Fond 9. near Neuchatel, one of tho speakers said: "All 1he arguments in tho world will not have us much effect on t he working man u.i a good plate of hot soup." These seed were kowii on good pround, for a month lat r tho lirst popular kitchen was opened, and similar institutions are now to be found in other parts of Switzerland. Tho aim of theso kitchens Is to supply work ing people with good wholesome food it cost price. They are not charitable insti tious in any sense of the- word, nor do they depend on contributions from the rich, nor on bubsidies from the state. In order to keep them going. They are joint stock concerns, but in order to Interest the largest number of persons possible In their success the value of the shares id fixed at a minimum sum. The fiuo I visited has a capital of 10,000 francs, 7,000 francs of which lias been paid in, and tho bhai'cs aro held by very nearly 7,000 persons. It owns the build ing ft occupies, which, though by no means palatial, is amply sufficient for the purpose. On the ground floor there are two dining rooms, large enough to ac comnuxiato from COO to 650 persons, a smaller one for women, a waiting room and an office. Tho establishment is run on a strictly cash basis, but instead of paviug with money customers Bettle by mJaus of checks, which can be purchased in any fiujmtities, and it Is not unusual for workmen to purchase theso checks in sufficient quantities to last them r month. The kitchens are all located in the base- incut, where is also the "cant me, a branch ; ihJ institution about wiucn l shall say more- presently. The bill of fare and the prices are the same fii all the dining rooms. Three meals are served up in clode succession, ui.d as no one is al lowed to rema)n .t fable, after he ha3 fin ished his repast tho institution ja able to feed about 1,00 people daily. Hot ween ioea hours food can bo had by any who want it, bui io wine s ever served except when accompanied rvith food. The prices charged are as follows: Soup, one quart, ft cents; half quart, 2 cems; Jieat, boiled or roast, one-fifth of u pound If the iaticr. a tritlo mom if the former, 5 cents; a ration o vegetables, 2 cents; wine, 2 cents a glass, '3 cents per half piitf or 12 cents for a litre; a ration of bread, J cent. So you see a person can have a square meal, complied of bread, mcs.t; vegetables and a glass of wine (and I may that jtbis latter article is of a good quality wl bold P"f) for V3 ecrlts The institution not only supplies fts cus tomers with meals, but ai&o Sf:li4 them ( cooked food to carry away with thtii:. i Tbi brunch of the bureau is conducted ut the cauthifr, where prices for bread and meat are the same as in the dining rooms, but the portions are ouo-teiith Zarc, and two portions of vegmab3 aie 'sOiti tve 8 eents. Cuisines populaires also furnish the public- schools of tho town with soup irratuitously ni,d with bread at cost price. Tho managing comtuittee are supplied with a certain number of checks that they can give away as they please, and all the food left oyer at the end of each day is distributed to the poor. The cuisine is managed by a board of directors who form three committees, charged respectively with looking after tho wine, food and fur niture. Tho employes are few in num ber: a stewardess, who receives; a salary of 1,:X)0 francs a year; a female cashier and cook, each of whom is paid Go francs a month, and some girls to wait on table, who are paid 2o francs monthly. In addi tion to their wages all the employes are fed of course, and those who are only em ployed a few hours each duy can gain the rest of their time in factories. Henry Elavnie in New Orleans Pieavune. Fluting Crasshoiicrs in Algiers. Various devices are resorted to. Two ,uch are most in favor, tho "melnafas" xnd the "appareils Cypriotes." The former consists of cotton or woolen cloth of a very rough surface, wbich is spread over the ground. Tho locusts are caught in the coating, arc shaken together and are turned in deep ditches or otamped to death. The "appareils Cypriotes" are sheets of muslin about 200 feet long and J feet wide, stretched over frames and placed upright along the path of tho in vaders. It is the habit of the locust not to turn in its progress, but to endeavor to jiirmount everv obstacle in its way. It will try to climb tho cloth, whithis beaten by sticks. The insects fall to the ground, aro swept together and destroyed. Tho artillery also fires heavy charges of blank cartridges into the swarms, the cavalry is employed to stamp the insects into the ground, and tho native troops aro not fur nished with rations of meat iu order to stimulate their appetite for the great national dish, stewed locusts, broiled locusts and locust raw. The Virtues of fhe Mule. The mulo is very rarely sick not near so often sick as is tho horse. Its hoofs aro much sounder. It is not so apt to be injured, not being so easily frightened. It will do tho same amount of work ou two-thirds tho amount of food required by the horse. It will cat coarser food. When properly bred and handled it is full as trustworthy and Industrious as tho horse, and more docile than tho horse. Tlie do cility and patience of the ass is proverbial. Tho mule endures exposure better than the horse. It will endure heat better, and I have never been able to perceive that it did not endure cold as well, though the notion that it cannot is general. But therp is no good reason why it should not endure tho weather of the northern states. While tho mule is most used in warm climates, it is also used in regions where the temper ature is full as low as in our novthern states, and there lasts longer than do our horses. Country Oentlenian. A Terrible Downfall. Mrs. Illghpriee On, my daughter, we aro ruined ruined! Evelina Ilighprice (gasping for breath) O mother, dear, tell me, tell me what has" come upon us! Mrs. Highpiice (solemnly) Daughter., our old coa-4L. man's beautiful lavender p-nt-l-o-ns are too largo for the lovely little dove we have just engaeed. Yankee JJlsde. " ' A Sjecial Inducement. Agent I'd like to insure vonr life. liespectablo Old Party I dpu't want ny life insured. "But we offer special inducements. Every policy is paid Am death." 'Well, all the companies do that." "Yes, but we pay up ven if you are hanged. How's that for a fcpecird'iuduet; uieuti"' Texa Sitings. , BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ATTORNEY. S. l THOMAS, Attoruev -at-I.aw ami Notary Public. Ki;z.'eru!cl Uloi k. I'lattsiuoutli. Neb. Office In A TTOKNhY. A. N. SULLIVAN, Attorney-at- Law. Will ulve prompt Attention t" all liifh)cs iiitnisteil to Jiim. Ofliw In Union block, Eiist tluc. l'latl.sinouth. Neb. yTTui C f 11 U K A I. I M I'LKM KXTS. XV. HA I.I. A; ( KAMI, Arii-ull mihI Implements, ui llanl Ilngsrie nail Until font Watson". "MJooil limber and r.mie Iry," sold and Warranted. Main stieet, between Sixth and Seventh. BANK. FIRST NATIONAL HANK, of Phittsnioutli. Capital smi.ikx) ; surplus $11, 0m. .lolni FiltreraUl, I'rceiilent ; S. WhukIi. Cashier; V. 'C. White, Vice-President. Hoard of Director : hn Fitzgerald. F. E. White, .Inn. It. Clark, D. iiawksworth, S. Waiu;h. BANK. THE CITIZENS BANK. f I'lat turnout:. . Capit 'l stock paid In, !50.noo. Frank Carruth, President ; W. M. Cashing. Cashier; .1. A. Connor, Vtce-lreddent. A ireueral hanklut: butl'icm transacted. Collec tion" receive prompt and careful attention. BLACKSMITH ROBERT DONNELLY. Blacksmith mid W'atjonmaker, Dealer In Y'uul niillr, rumps and Fittings. BOOTS AND SHOES. .IOSEP1I FITZER. Boots and Shoes. Repaiimt! promptly attended to. South Side Main street. BOOTS AND SHOES. I'KTpR MEROEH, A complete af-fortuient of evei y kind of Foot wear and cheaper tl(an the clieauest st of t lie Missouri River. Also inain(fai tilling and Kepairitiff. BARBER SHOr AND BATH ROOM. Ei. MOKLEY. Hut and Cold Baihsat all hours. Ladies' and Children's Hair Cutting a specialty . Cor. 5th and Main, under CarruthV. BAKERY. F. STADELMANN. Bread, ("akes. Pies. Bpis, etc., fresh daily. Party, Wedding and Fin-dy Cake a specialty. Ice Cream in any quantity. BOOKSELLER. ETC. J. P. YOU NO, Bookseller, Stationer, aiid New Dealer ; Fancy Coods, Toys. Confectionery, Fine Cigars. Soda Water and Mi!k Shake, Pianos and organs and Musical Instruments. CLOTHING. S. & O. MAYER Onl's Furnishiilj.'S, Fine TV.llor Made Catliin m or Men's, Boys' and Children's Wear. Their ices tle;' Cinir0tUlon. Thpv misrepresent ith'ii":. Iheir w.iid s 'H.t.."r liona, uoth' pLOTHINt:. O l. ooi.nrNo. Clolh't'e. Fu-ni?-hii!!S (inods. Go to the old re Mahle house for Hats, Caps. Umbrellas, Trunks. Boots, Shoes. Main street, next Cass Co, Bank. f LOTH ING. C. E. WESCOTT. Clothing. Hats. Cans, te. Fine FnriiishiiiK? mr specialty. One price and u Monkey Bus inesx. :t t'Hys to tade with us. Roekwood Blk. PANNING COM PANS.'. V OA It RUT 11 OA NNJ NO CO.. Krank C:viiit!, Henry .(. Strtiht. Proprietors. Packers Eif rhe f'jh,;;---. Israeli Vegelable!". nONFEUTIONKKv. 0 1M1ILLIII KRAUS. 1 ru't. Confectionery and Fine Cigars. DRUGS. O. P. SMI. IT & CO, Dealers in VI al! Paper. I'ainti, Oil, Al t Mater ials. Cigars . KO'ikv ood Block. rvRUUt-. ' U GERT C1 & Co. Diuo, Chemicals, Paints, Oil. DRUGS. F. G. FRK'KE A CO.. Driuf. Medicines. Cliemicals. Paints, Oilc Vai iiinli s. Dve str.fT-t etc . Fine Stationery Select ToiU-t and F.oejy Ai-tieles. Dtt Yl ; OOD -, 1 :toc K HI KS. F. S. WHITE. DryG.xid, Grjaeries. Notions. Geaeral Mer chandise, etc. S. E. crri;or Main and 6'h St? DUYGOOJM. . F. MEliRMAJi'V. Dry Good. Notions an I Ladies' Furnishing Goods. One uoor east Firs' Nation' I Ba-i'. itllV GOODS GROCEKIES. U k t; DOYEY & SOX. :;;irv a lirve stoe'j of Fine Groc Dry i; (1.1s, Carjiets. ij :eens'vare. Nolo., s, nd Fancy Goods', 10 !t ' loi:' d i !ie county. Up per .ia n btrevt. Jjf.-ir-ttia .. .-.lid t!t!'-. )EMlsl. t .WITHERS. rise ramlegH Dentii-ts," Teeth extracted without tint leasi pain or harm. Artificial teetl. iisited immeriiaielv after extractinu natural me when desired, (iold and all other Fillings -i: icily first class. Onlce in L nion Block. M URMTURE. if HENRY r.OECK. Eiiii.iture. Beddinfr, l.ooKiiif; (;lae. Picture Frames, ett, Wooden and Metal Caskets kept in stock. CGTRXIIUKE. i: r. pearlman. Kiirniture. Tailor Suits, Upho'stery Good. S'.oves. oueer.sware. Tinware, and all kinds of Hoii-eholi Goods. North 0th street, between Main and Vine. G ENT'S FURNISHING GOODS. J. H. D IWKLLV. Gents Fine piiiDisher ami Hatter. The most complete and hoesl stctk in the city. Carrutls Block, Cor. 5th and Mam'."' GROCERIES. M. B. MURI'IIY & CO., The Leading Dealers in Groceries. Crockery. China, Lamps. Wooden and Willow ware, Flour, Feed.&c. Cash paid for country produce, G KOCflUES. LEHNHOFf 4i SUhN.MUIISM, ies, Prcyisioiss, Glassware and Crockery Grocene GROCERIES. F. McCOURT. Green. Staple ami Fancy ;rocei if-p. jjROCERIES. VJ BENNETT TUTT. staple and Fancy (iroeribs, Green F'ruits and Canned Goods. GROCEHIES. AUG. BACH. Groceries and Queensware, Flour and Feed. Cigars. Tobacco and Cutlery. Riddle House. rjBOCERIES. U CHRIS WOHLFARTH. Maple and fancy Groceries, Glassware ami Croc keiy, Flour ami tfeed. HOTEL. FRED ''OOS, Proprietor City H-tel. Terms, Sl.m per day. special Aitention civen conimercial men. HARNESS. W. G. KEEPER. Successor to O. M. Str ig!:t. Haines's, Saddlery Goods. Net '. Robes, Dusters, and ail horse fur iiishinK uoods. HARDWARE. .JOHNSON BROS., Hardware. Stoves. Tiuw are. Table and rocket Cat lory. Rasors etc. Household Sewing Ma chines and Jewel Gasoline stove?. Tiuwoik of all kinds done nt reasonable prices. Main street, Roekwood Block. J " H A. Mf F.i.WAiN. Wafeher?. Clocks. Silverware aud Jewelry. Special Attention given to Watch Repairing. f EWELRY. J FRANK CARKUTH & SON, Always carry a tine stock of Diamonds, Watch es, cks. Jewelry, Silverware and Spectacles. Droji in ai,d ii.;j;ect their goods before parch a jug elsew here. JEWELRY. J J. SCIILATER, Jeweler. Walthan Watches a Specially. Main Sural, nar Fourtii. LIVERY STABLE.' C. M. HOLMES & SON, The Checkered Barn. Livery. Feed and Sale stable ; parties conveyed to all partsol the city, tunnies $t all tr.ius. Corner Viae and 6th. TiT EAT MARK ET. RICHARD BIUSTEIN. Wlio'esnle and Retail Dealer lu First Quality Beef. Pork, Mutton Veal, Lamb. etc. Sixth strce', Neville Block. Prices moderate. MEAT MARKET. J. II ATT & CO., Kill their own Cattle. Render their own Lard and Cure their own Bacon. Main street. MEAT MARKET. FICKLER & CO.. FfKM. Poultry Ac. We use oiily the best erade of naGvestock Oysters and game lu reason. MEKCIIAN'I ' A llllt. C. F. SMITH, Merchant. Tailor. Main etreet. over Merges shoe store. Complete Btock of sample. Fit Kuarantectl. Prices defy competition. fl.LINElTv" MRS. J. F. JOHNSON. A Complete Line of tlie Latest Styles of Mil linery and TriuinilnKM : a'no C'luldren's and lu fants' Bonne's, to be closed fciit at cowt. RESTAURANT AND LUNCH ROOM. JAC'JB HENNCH. Meals and Lunches sci ved to onler at all hours. Also Outers, cigars. Tob tcco, Pop and Cider. Opposite Riddle House. SAMPLE ROOM. FR AHM & K LI ETCH, Sample Room. Imported and Domestic W'nes. Liquors and Cigars. Only straight t;oods li;m ttled. Milwaukee Bottled Laer a Specialty. Cor. 5th and Main Sts. SAMPLE BOOM. THE AMERICAN EXCHANGE. Ni k Cunningham, proprietor Choice vinrs. Liquors aiid Ciuars. Pool aud Billiard Tables. RmUIIo House Block. s AMPLE ROOM THEEI.KIIORN SALOON. Win. Weber, proprietor. Manufacturers of Soda Water. Birch Beer. Cider, eto. Aiieats for Fred Krus's Celebrated Lager Beer. SAM.'LE ROOM JOHN BLAKE, Sampl" Room aiuj Billiard Hall. Choice Wines Li(iiui's aud CUai s. j; lll.ii'd and Pool Tables. LEGAL. Order for Hearing. In the District Court of Cass county, Neb raska. In the matter of the application of the Ad ministrator if the Estate of Mary M. Beaver, dccesi-ied. to av.M real estate. Plattsiiw nth, Cass county, Nebraska, October i;uh, isss On readint; the petition filed, of the Admin istrator of the Estate of Alary S. Beaver, de ceased, representiiiir among other things tiiat said deceased died, seized of certain real esta e therein described, and that it is necessary to sell the tame to pay t;e debts of s .id deceased, and praving for license to sell the same, and it appearing to the court that it Is necessary to sell the a;iie l',,r that purpose ; It is ordered that said petition be heard at theoflice of the t.'lerk of the District Court of Cass county, in Phittsmouth, Nebraska, n the imli day of November, A. D., isss, at 2 o'clock p. in., of said day. aud cause be shown there, if any. by all persons interested in said estate, why licence should not be granted. It Is farther ordpreu that this ordpr be pub lished at lea, t four '.veeks beiore said day fixed foi the i earhiu of said petition, In the Platts month IlMtAi.n. a "weekly newspaper pub lished iu I'lattsAsouth'and in general circula tion in paid county.' Dated October lath. A. D. ls. S3lt Kt. MCHAfMAK. J.i(fg'e of uiatric't Court. IJVKON Cl.AKK, Att'y for Ad in 'r 31-4 Otaur iav liearinS In the District Court of Cas county, Neh raska. I". ti".e matter of the application of the Ad mivs'stratur of the t state of Peter T. Beaver, deceased, to sell rea! est.iie. Plat tsii.outh. Cuss Couiny, Nebrask, Octobei 1.5. 18S . On rt it iii!!! tiie petition f.Ied. tif the AdmiD istrator yl (lie Estate of IVte'r T. Beaver, de CearJ. repri-Hentiii a.'iiont; other things that sid deccai-ed died, seized of orr-aiu real es tate tl;eicn described, iind that it is necessary to sell the same to pay t lie debts of said de cease , and prayifj for license to sell the same, and it appearinij to ihe court that it Is neces saiy to srll the same for that purpose, it U or dered that said petition be h 'ard at the oftict of the cle k of t e ulstrict court of Cans county in Flattsnioulh. Nebraska, on the loth day oi November. A. D KSSS, at 2 o'clock p m. of vale day, and cause be shown thenif any, by all persons Interested iu said estate, why said li cense shoijld not lift grnt&d. It is fuM tier order d tha(. this order be pub lished at least fopr successive weeks before said day fixed for the hearing of raid petition in the Piattsmoiith IIkuald, a weekly news : ader published in Plattsniouth aud iu general circulation in said county. Dated October 13th, A. D. 1888. SAMCKL M. CHAPMAN, Judueof District Court. Bvkok Clark, Att'y for Ad m'r. 31-4 SherlfTs Sale. By virtue of an order of sale issued by W C. Show-alter, clerk of the district court, within and for Cass county. Nebraska, and to me directed. I will on Hie 2th day of Novembei A. D. isss. at 2 o'clock r. in., of said day at the south door of the c urt house in said county, sell at public auction, ilie following real estate to-wit : The west half Ci) cf the southeast quarter C4) of section twenty-one (21) tow ni-hlp twelve (12; nuiire nine (;t) east of the Cth P. M., in Cass county,' Nebraska, with the piivilejjes and apperteuances thereunto belonginj; oi in anvwise ap'pei la' n'pi?. ' lie same heiiig levied neon and taken a: the propertv of Samuel L. Anderson, Nancj Anderson. Lombard Iuve-tment Company. H. W. Curtis it Co. and Ja oh L. Phillips, defend ants ; to satisfva judgment of said tcourt re covered by Alia A. Colemau, plalntitl, against said defeiidants. Plattsniouth, Neb.. Oct. 17th. A.D. isss. -f. C. EtKKNBAKV. 31w5 Sheriff Cass County, Neb, . DRESSLER The 5th St. Merchant Tailor Keeps a Full Line of Foreign & Domestic Goods. Oousult Your Interest by Givitg 1 nt a Ca SHERWOOD BLOCK Pl; i t ts liio 1 1 1 - TsT ROBERT DONNELLY'S PJjACKSMITII SHOP, Wagon, Buggy, Machine and Plow re pairing, and general jobbing rt, now prepared to do all kinds of repairing of farm and other machinery, aa there la a good lathe in my shop. PETER RAUEN. The cjd Reiabl Wagon Maker Las taken cfcaree of tae wagpa sop He is well knowu &a a NO. 1 "WORKMAN. Sew Wasons aid Baccl Order SATISFACTION rjAiT Made r. n. r Wis oh am, John A. Dames, ' Notary Public. ;r Notary Public. WIXIHIAM Jk DAVIE8, Attoraoys - at - Iiaw. OSce over Hank ct.Caek County. I ' M V We Ian! Long enoiiph fo itl you lhat our i inc of Fall Diy Goods is unsurpassed. A fine line of White ami Colored M U led Comforts fJet our iiico In l"ie y -u !uiy. Dres Goods A Sui. rl I.tne of Henrietta Cloth, Dress Goods, Tricots, Broadcloths, And Goods of Cheaper Quality "We have tlie. boat. lio;hio(l store isnn s t li?5 5 HAS 4 We if 8 Ui IS iff i r X TUTS CIT?. Carriages T r Dieasure and ; hort Trives Cor. -2: :2a. axid - 3?lattsmoiitij. TTJ i' n-Tl Will keep constantly "ii -.nil a DRUGGIST'S PURE L A- Drugs and M -DALR IK- STOVES, FUR -AND ALL HOUSEHOLD GOODS -LATEST KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. PICTUHIi: FRAMES MAI- SIXTH STREET, BET. MAIN AND VTNF. noivr. ii"RT. No. 1. 5 :10 a. m. Vo, 3.-6 :40 p. ni. No. S 6 :47 a. in. No. T.--7 iT) p. in. No. 9.-6 :17 p. m. No. 116 ;27 a. in. All train run dniK i Non 7 And 8 wh'r'i ni laily except Sunl;i No. 30 Is a etub to 'h Vo. 19 H a 8t ub from " Ot 4 :.l .i. . No. 4. H :M :.. in. No. 6 7 :1.3 l III. No. 10. 9 :4? a. m. X' ?-l The Dailv Hek li 15cts. per week. four Attention Brussel AND Ingrains. .ich my rni Hugs All Widths an-.! J;.-.liti--s f FLOOR 0ILCU OTHS Linoleum, Door Malts, etc. I 2ST Undarwear of aii Kinds We have the LARGEST and BE. T LIS ES In the City. An inspectson will con vince you. rooms in the State of Nebraska. a n hno vnna o a oacK 1- r-' I? I A U L t d, , -!&9 lroprick'or FiMEST Rids JO, lull n:t ivuiijiU-'c -n , edicines, Faints n STJ !D2T 3E: fc; IQUORS 5h I5v 3T NITURE, KINDS OF- STYLES OF- r'l'O - P- rsonal attention to ?v ?o my ca-e. I'-ia' Tir'f- K -t:r , ; i : Vi , f ,-, :'tf?r Vh- Any Othct V . In- Oils 1 i i il ; 'J u I if ii