I'LATTSMOCTIl WEEKLY iir:nh.,. i n tl ftSDA V. . a VKM I'.f'-U: 1.': lSSS. Tliat Benighted Farmer. Mil. Kniidii : I'li-ase t ll in: J (jitnwl inuutliat vlu:ii lie tall; a t.uilf w Itli f.irnif m unci tli.u j i vs account of it in Iiis paper that lifi ouyht to be honest enough to ti ll the truth or tine tciy nothing uhout it. If 110 had akcil that farmer wlmt good the tariff had done the maun fact um- of this country, eyin if tliey did n 11 tliir goods cheaper ln-re than in Kiigl arid, 1m; would have told him, for the rc.-u.on that it in ftMcH the manufacturers to run their s tahlishmrnts with only the home compe tition to contend with. Jt enables those 111 milfuoturers to giv: employment to thousands of people, and to pay tln-ni ii'iin r.vier to three times Mi; a.iioimt of V. :l!'.". 11' t I 'ti- H'l.c I 1 ..ss ill' 1 lllilK I ;il c I : i j . - i;i 1 i.;! 1. And theism . ep,- ir li (in, !orl in mil mi lot m '111:4 iil'lus 1 1 i. iT" i f 1.- Hi.' I 1 ! 1' 1 110 j 1 1 o- III' ami th. ii liv yr-ny iii ri':i-in;r tin? hmc inaf kcti of 111'! I'iriii' i'; and also that it is one of tip- trait-" of human n.itiuv for men to li e according lo their ability to pur chase, and when th-y have good wages they purchase more and live hitter than when tiny have poor wages; and also that to take the tariff olT of wool was an a tempt to destroy an American f irm in dustry of which then? are some thirty-four million dollars invested in. That protection to A meriiniiiter-sts is tin American idea ami should he advocat ed ly every true American ritiz-n, and free trade h nn Knglish idea, advocated Ly tho English, for their interests and by nil tho enemies of our country who think more of building up English industries than they do of building up American industries. lie would have toM him that he was for American manufacturers, for American home markets, for Ameri can farm product?, that he was for the American laborer and believed that the American congress should legislate for American interest"", instead of English interest. That lift was for any tiling and veiyd :,"g that Amciiea produce, that c a ? : e 1 .' 1 competition with t!i ; r hh !s pt lo! . i'.in 1 oiii,! :;-. 1 1' would e I pi',-! .oM til i I'a il in I'tV" ri- ! ! til. Vi;;.- t":.t ill :1 ta it. lie i V IMI 1, tic K -.Ui'oii. a! ci',i- ol Ami .1, 11 t I'll r 1.' a! Vciv ma ii inoti- in lavor 01 1I1 p r )( ! 1' v f New EaglaM-l 111 11 oid li; mil. him 11. 1. 1 h wi.uld have informed th it -uch as the i : -1 1 1 1 . r that lie w ,u;. 1 i lia. ' 1 Vi i'V Am lieau ( iiiz n, native oi f T' ig:i horn, riiUrtain of the I'iiitc.i fcjUtis. lie w 11 i 1 h.tve informed him th.it i. ,i.; i..t :ike hiii'self, in sympathy with ( i c 11. Jick Tjiyjor of the conf.dciar,i aimy, when he wrote to a noithern friend as fodo tvs: 'We made two great mistakes. Had we avoided them we would have con quered you. The first was thut we did not substantially destroy the protective fefiti;ies of the t.uilf iu the winter session pf fi")7r58 by an acp w hich provided a rapid sliding scale to free trade. As a democratic measure wc could have passed such a law, and held it tight 0:1 until it closed tho furnaces, workshop, wi'iii'.'ii and cotton mills, and steel and : j.-..,. works of the north and west, md . ..11. : y..-r 'Vol km. -ii over the prairies i,..t .ewi: .rit.- 'A Jit -a th.' war iVii.-r.-tidi for vola tile W.iV. 1 wo'itd mt have been ready to: l'i'U would have been witlimn supplies, lii'u ;ii''i-;y Vol! Oil: L lla e ! and workmen ;uie ;--n without iinioi.'. ami it. uur e: on 1 liiistak'.; was i;i withdraw i'e- senators and rcuivsi.-ntati vc f rmt! joCji' v.'.'.ei. -. -. 1 y v.J blundered ii. ihei; to resueeti I cunuot Hnde'-stand except ou th'.: hypothesis of an overrul ing i'ruvi donee. As it would have hoeu then, so it would io now, and evvry intelligon; mats who has watched the forcing of tie Mills bill through tho IIous'j of ltepn. iuiit'ttivc3, cannot h-'lp b'.t s?e that th. ,i.j spirit of revi'nge till prevails in th KOidii, with which the Journal editor is so iiii'.Lti iu sympathy, lJuMotiTKij Faiimli:. How the Exclusion Bill is Regarded in tho Flowery Kingdom. ,,an Francisco, Oct. 26. The steamci Arabic arrived from I.ong KoDg and Yo-kahuv-l this aftemooj. The Japan Ga ett.i has a statement published in the Oiiiueie Times to the effect that the ac tion ot the Chinese minister to the United States in tho matter of the treaty which wus ricently rejected by the Chinese gov ernment excites great animosity agaimt nt in wnntung, and endeavors were ..j i . by' an angry' mob to wreck the miu-i-" !; ; '.;. The Chinesy Times also iVk.ii i.iricl: : lie ii. i's lea' ii.'.d pa-Sed t'.io. ( .V I i.v. :i!i t vtr u ; tt.e K Mr the ud t '"' ' uosious Aerica'j r-:it . st!l 4 ted tnto Ufect there wi: le n : ith t courso cipen to China c.r-i K-ul lth Veer dignity as a nation that t. il v.-i i . t t' i it-irv ruasui es Iiy prohiliitin i i ij'- e.- ' t'-. U.'tir-d States front eon: : ii TV t-5 wdl i-e in ni loe.n.-. ,. . .;-:.ioi-aie o Mi harm : de-no Chinese i; uie.;is it' America, bt will have to l.e c4K 'order to shtny that the Chinese fciif di, the i.a;;c tl,in, d it this wiil have no effect ia bringing the Unitod Stftte congress and government to reason nnd f-;rn ss, then it will Lh; a question r Ovn . to consider whether it is not Mm for h r to cansel her treaties with th t i-otiit'r, to r-cill h -r tubj- cts front there. Jo ckk-11 all Un'ted Sj.at:a citizen- i-ru thh ountry, and to cchsj nil rela ions arid intercourse," diplomatic aul COinmerci.il, with that country." CUT ONE ENEMY. 1'iy-eir Ihy.-elf can l:arrn. I .!:' -t II not: Ami lull of (,i'.-UV, il' Hie l!i wind whiHH r 'l wjnn, Vt .lit 111'. ii l.!l Juvm und tumuli e-ak. ( Vlia 'l'lmte. PATTY'S MUSIC I50X I'atty Ileiiilriek was so happy that f.ho fairly jumped up and down. It had been f.'.iovwng ull tho morning, tod u.i linimo bad lwcn to the farm huse, l'at ty had been having a very dull timo. Uight after breakfast sho had helped mamma do t ho dishes, had made her bed (for sho was uii industrious little ;irl)ii!id t hen sho had dressed und undressed Arabilla. until sho was tired even of her. Now, lmwever, she was very much excited, for when lr. tirav came in front of her house on his way to sec poor, sick Mrs James, he saw I'.Mty i:i the v. iiidow n.nd called to her: "A.k your mamma if you can go down and spend the u.iy Willi vi.ay, lor sue has u lini'i! thioat, und if you can, 1'il -stop lor j.iu whi"!! I come, back," he said. Mamma vi us willing, and now I'atty was getting ready tui. W'hilo Mis. Ilondrick was trying to seo if l'atty's fe.ee was clean, that damsel was dio.-i.siiiej Arabella und talking as fast as her tongue would i nn: "Momma, do you suppose Mrs. Cray wiil Kt Amy have the lovely littlo puppy hi tho hou.-a-Y I)o you believe we'd have jam tarts for sr.ppi v'! llavo I got to eoiuo Lome before dark"" .... . ! Tin-ally Hc-ndriek, mamma sai.l: u hy, l atty i you niur.t stop, or you wui drive rr.e crii.y, und I can't get you ready- to go ut nil. All this happened a good many years npo, ami litt le .Mrls nowadays would think ii.... ii.i o. i . i .i r :f o ....,.. ! llllin.aj iu..'i.ni naii.v n ui.i .. ... , her when sho was ready to start, feuo . had on bright red stockings und a red . and brown plai.l dross Her hr.lr had been j done up on corn cobs tho night before to make it -url. and her faro was almost as rosy as her stockings. Then she put on a thick brown coat, a white fur cape and hood, and red mittens, and sho was all fixed when tho doctor camo. On the vrp.y down to tho village Patty and tho doctor met a gray haired, cross looking gent Ionian riding ou a black horse. Patty nodded happily, and the gout Ionian nodded back, while Dr. Gray said: "How did you happen to know Mr. Simms? I didn't supposo that ho liked littlo girls very much. , i- i ' ! . v.... u ... ... ..v. .... .... j , oo.vS so cross. One day last summer 1 1 went to tho oustollico with papa, and Mr. Simms camo out with a lot of papers in his hands. After ho got upon his horse's back ho dropped some a: id looked very cross sib ml it. 1 went and picked theia up and gavo them to him, and now he ahvavs says, 'liowd' do, Patty?" to no." Al'ier she had finished, Patty blushed, for 1 in.t was a long speech for a littlo girl who had been taught that "children should bj sec u end not heard," but tho doctor was so kind that no ono was afraid of him. Suo:i they reached tho lm;ice, and Amy was in tho window watching tor them, i and oh! how glad she was to seo Patty, tor a sore throat is not very good company on a stormy day. Tho littlo girls went upstairs into Mrs. dray's room, and there was tho puppy dozing away in front of tho fire, and on one of tho chairs was Amy's doll, Violet. Now Violet ha-1 a wax head and Arabelh had a chir.a one, but they were as good friends as their mammas for all that. First tho girls had a romp with the puppy, and then they put Violet and Arabella to bed. and then Amy said: "Why tho very ideal I forgot to show you what Uncle Charlie sent me on my birthday," and ofl she trotted. In amiu ute she' came back with a little round blue box with a handle on top. She turned the handle aud tho box played a lively tune. I'atty was so astonished that sho could hardly spea'i, for she had never' seen a music box before. Amy played tune nfter tune and then she let Patty play. They had their supper up iu Mrs. Cray's rro!u o-i a doll's table and from doll's -ho, but although 1 hey had tho cutest little jam tarts you ever saw, still I'atty i was s taken up with the music box that j tho tar's didn't taste as good as sho had ! expected. j While Sam was hitching up tho horse : to take Patty home she played a fast tunc, i aud such v.P'5 her excifoDtei'.t that she i almost for:-ot io put Arabella's cloak on. j When she got homo Patty told her pnpa rtr.d mamma all about it, und said that sho j aid wish sho could have one, and that I night, sho dreamed that sho saw littlo an- i "els. all playing ou music boxes instead i of on harps. Weeks went by, but Patty did not for get, and I era afraid that sho teased hc-f her mnm'ma o 'ytva't deal. Fu'u'iiy'Mrs'. Ileudi-ick told her that for every stocking sho diu-itcd nicely she should have a penny, and i.Lso a peuuy for every six eggs alio found. When the Grst of summer came Tatty had nearly enough to buy the longed for ni'isio box. Ono bright, warm Sunday Patty went to Sunday school and the les son was about' giving. After it was over tho teacher. Miss Lucy Sessions, told the little girls how tho minister had told the. people in church fhr.t morning about tho prairie tires put in Michigan, and how a great many people wcro left without hoaio or clot hes or money. "i,..i .v . f ( ,l.M,i-.c " T.ii- v Ul . U kUILia KsL 11, .X.UU.CTLL, i'tl. ; JILIV said, "there aro little bovs and girls who ' V - . T haveu t any clothes or anything to eat and the destrucvi of the tumor. Phil and no place to go, aud some of thevn j B9Pba. ra. have lost their papas and mammas, " Aren't you 6orry'for them?' Tho children j Care of a Coal on Lamp, all said" they wero. Then Miss Lucy said: Although tho daily press prints copious "You still have your homes and parents, statements of horrors, many people coii and don't you think that you could, give tinue to confide' in the common oil lato.n thor.i soma o; ;he ; yifcVtmes tnat you nave to buy candy viithV You think of it,' and if 3 0a deciuo that you can, bring them, nest .vauuay. ageotent. Some of the state legislatures AH tho r.'iiy homo Patty was very quiet, hovo enacted laws to regulate the mr.:a and it soc-med as it t here was a lump iu faeturo of kerosene oil, limiting the "Cash Lev throat. Sho was very sorry for those Ing point" to not less than 100 degs. Fuh cl.ildren out In Michigan, and she thought renheit. This, however, appears to beau it i:iu-t lo dreadful not to havo any shoes, illusory safeguard. Experiments seeon d or supper, c r anything; but tho only have conclusively proved that most of tho mer cy sho had was that sho had been lamps madii will,- eVeri with the best rpial- saving for tno music box, and oal tuo CGi.u:i t civ.-i vp. it hid taken so "o-; to r-et it. Thoughts of those poor children ia Michigr.u tortured her all the week, aud when she started for the Sunday school the no-:t time there was something heavy in her pocket, knd, ' something heavier, iu her littie heart. Sho wuited until tho lessou was over, and then she put her hand In her pocket and took out two or three handfuls of pennies and small change. These she laid in Miss Lucy's lap. Only a littlo over 3 in all, but U4 much to her as $300 to1 eoiae elder peoplo. - a ; .. . .... "That'u for tho folks In Michigan," she sai J, and ran out before Miss Lucy could speak. " t'ttt ty waxtca nom, and part cl - tne vay was tbrouli bohiw woods. "When hint had fono alxiilt half way hho sat ! low;i uii'l cried us if her littlo lieart would brca'c. When hho wascryinfr the hardest bh" looheil up and bjw Mr. Siinina. ' , "lioivd' do. I'attyY" ho nald. 1 ' I'r et ty w well, ir,'" tho answered , hel ween hi-r soba. 1 Then ho ai.ked her what was the mat- ter, and t-he told him all about tho peoplo in Michigan, for she tho-iht Lx-causo ho didn't o to church tliul ho didn't know iibotit tliem. lie looked ho kind and in tcr; s'cu, not one b'.t cross, that fcho told hiiii about the and the. uiusie box. llo tohl her to l a lrave pirl und not cry, and then ho asked h'. r to kiss him (;ihi by, for he : ai .1 l.e v.'as roing a long way otf. .Slio did and then trotted home, feeling better, because sho had told soimt mi.? of her t roublo. Tl:o iiuxt ni;;!it after s'uo had 'oiie to bed I'atty heji-.l her jiapa say: "Well. I liuve found out what tli it Mr. Sininis bus been doing hero . lie haa l.-et-u wi ilin- a boo!;, ujid staits for 1-,'evv York to morrow on his way to Huropo. W hat an ujly fellow he was!'" One day later in the week the minister caiao to seo l'atty's I. lot her. lie suid he hud KouitM hilig to show her; ho handed , her a nolo und this is what .-ho read: Mr. Cunningham Kueiosed you will find a check for $100,. which you will please tend to Michigan with tin; re; t. 1 j don't want to bo outdone by littlo I'atty : Ihiuliiek. EmvAKH Simms. Thero is only a littlo more to the story One moriiiufe, about two iiiontlis after i this, tho expressman stopped at. tho lien drk'k faim house and took out u kkjJ sized h ou whicll wa3 printed in la.i;e letters MSS patience iiENDiac:;. m:w u a mi's i i iter:, f. s A Wl r.t-1 PnltT-- Tuirv r.r.otif.rt if 1hi.-' WHS ........ - , , wult dj yon s,ir,,,rtl.v A ljr. bl. mu 1j0Xj lu;ulo out of ghininj; dark wood L(,alltifunv inlaid with mother of L u vus ul;roud mid thero was a key with it, and nfter it was wound it : would ilav for an hour. Mr. Simms' card was in tho box, but that wua tho last Patty ever heard of hii. Springfield lie publican. Amusements of u Conjorer. In December, 1S."5S, Bosco, tho world re nowned conjurer, came also; ho was a wonderfully jovial man, reveling in the practice of legerdemain, of which he was a consummate master, and not in the least reluctant to fool all he met, high and low, in public and In private. He n..r- 1 1. l..-t e 4Un .c ;.i: n.l. l.uJ iu. u Kit tiiv i;iLHAiii.avii a . uu trustc,i nlo,.0 to their marvelous manipu ... ... t. ol.t.5fi.:ai tricks and'Snre lation than to artificial tricks and3pre pared contrivauees; short aud very stout, lie would perform iu a sleeveless shirt, black velvet tunic, and, flourishing his massive white arms in the air, apostro phize the "spirit! infcrnali miei" before : executing some perfectly hicrediblo feat. On market days, strolling before the countrywomen und their wares, he would carefully pick up a carrot or a turnip, cut it open abstract edly, and with feigned surprise extract a piece of money, i repeating the experiment soveral times i from diife-reut baskets, till the dazzled venders ruthlessly performed tho same operation on their whole stock in quest of the coveted silver. Bosco, laughing like a. boy at l is practical joko, gcnerally haudod his dupea'tha valuo of their dam aged Roods, preaching meanwhile a serious littlo homily ou the dangers of covetous ucss. During' his stay in Berlin he was asked to perform before the regent aud his family. In tho course of the seance ho pointed to a terrestrial globe on a stand, saying to the prince: "Highness, drop your linger on tho kingdom of Pru3 sia. and you will see it grow under your touch." rfhe prince, complied with the request, and is he placed his baud on the spccilied spot tho frontiers expanded on either side, to the incredulous surprise of a score of bystanders. Bosco denied that he bad tho gift of prophecy. "Court and Society. " Metbntl of Klectric Acupuncture. Tho Chinese, we we told, mployo4 acupuncture at least, '4,00(1 years 'sine?, and the Japanese adopted it long ago. Their practitioners employed puncturing needles of gold and silver, and their manu facture was an art of great importance. They wero of different shapes some bladcd like swords, and others of the ordi nary needle form. At tho end of the Eighteenth cr-nxury tteuptinct'uro. was in-troihu-ed intq'phrcvpei and was -developed ia iho present century. M. Gaifi'e, a Fic-nch cieetrlclau, has recently con struct ed a variety of needles for electric acupuncture, especially applicable to tho pvn'oratioii of painful tumors, so as to avoid unnecessary pain. By the electric acupuncture tho, current is conveyed iutoi.be tumor, aud applied at the- point whro. it is most required to effccC tho dissolution of the morbid liquid contained in it. For tliis purpose the blade is varnished, except at tho point, ,i - - . ..i . ii.. . i. . ... . ,iiiiir.ii ii.iiii.i.i . I li li. ill.. - r I'm ' - , oniv escapes ai rue point, uiass "v iin-ia rubber has been used tc ooac tho 'needle. out tastuattiig- viiruisn is prcterrea, since t It does not' thiclic-ii the nrobe so much. lho upper end of tho needle is connected to 0110 polo of the voltaic Vaitery used, and thera is a'pondactinr plate, applied to tli kir; arici' conneced to the otKeT- pole. Vy'lien, therefor", th$ iieeuio is forced into ti;-9 tuinor the current flows from its point to the conducting plate through the flesh and decomposes any unhealthy fluids there may be In its passage. This process . , .11 M . 1 with a fearless reliance nothing short, vv incredible, considering the. welj dimgera associated witi its'careles known careless wan xty ot oil, generate gaaln sulhcieut quan- tities to cause a violent' explosion. A writer m a late number ol Ihe -c.5aili American compares the ordinary ke'rosc no lamp to a immature gas'maohiue,'-mak;rig gas and depositing it m too. 01! tanK c.s effectively as though' it wreaa apparatus especially designed for that purpose, It. may bo worthy of ment ion here that tho gas thus referred to is au element capable of exerting immense energy whet; igai'.ed. but this contingency iaa" be "ai-" ways provided, pgamat "bv using ' a good lamp and keeping- it well supplied with oil, so as to leave liLtle'spaco in- the laid for gas. . Under these conditions a iauiji that is carefully handled and never Vo- plenished white burning1 will raiely or . never explode.-"! M-". ia Eostou Bud- get. Not a Pimple on Him Now. ad with Eczema. Hair all gone - Scalp covered with eruptions. Thought his ha'r would never Crow. Cured by Cutlcura Rem edies. Hair SDlcndld and not a pimpie on him. I eai.iiot x-.y ciiimi;;1i in iuWc of lliel rn rriN Ukmumks. My loy. w lien -n- tr of ;ijje". :i" ki l:i'l v.itli i ( inia ill;. I lie 'est nil of his luiir. t'i si-iOn uaK eiiwi-nl wiili ii I lor. Itii li I lie (lector" ,iiil :i scilil lu-iil, 'ii. ll.:o Iil luiir x.enM m i - uii iv s u -. 1 1 . I He (. a i i lie if a no i- 11 1 Iu . I . I -1 : -1 . -. I I eau Iti.. ii'.- of ' i; ii i ii a I: .m i- ii i. .i l. I i in ha .y o my . uilli H e iiiiiI fifect muti-h Mis hair is'i w s- 1. n.o.l ncil iIh ii- Is ml a j . ' 1 1 1 1 I - i i: him. I ) i cim It end t he I t'liil itA ''Ml l'IK In In. II. els :-h the .. st spe.ilv. i'1-..i'i'in cat ;iti tl Miiee-'ir f..r;..li !i"ne tf ii fai iK anil i hl!lr. 11. ai il IVi I that ly iiiiilt'i-i vi Im has an nhii-tei I . t t v II n nnu n.e fart-i !.iii ;;. Mils. M h. Woo 'I'M. Niil ;tv . Me. A Feyor Soro Eight Years Cured. I I.IUM i-Meni; I y.-ll 1 1. ici- V. of oi," of III)' nisi " en. wli.i Ins tieni cure I I J llliir I I.h I ill li-.i a heiie'ilh s el a . i.l.l sme. causeil ! a I.miu Mf ell 1. 1 ii-kni"i- or rcver e'vilil cat ai;.'. lie ;i- s . Iniil In. u.i, feaiful he v..u!. have I" hi.ve l is I. l' tin I'll t .1 ' ! . Inn i- h "I'r.v to say lie I" tio eii' in I y ell.. - sunn. I s a ih.l 111'. lie n 1 1 e Ih e 1 1 II e his la me, ulitli is II. II. t'Aso.v. iiicn-liant o llils olace. .K HIS . MINI) K. .In i:yl. I lano l in, 1 elill . Severe Scalp Disease Cur d. A r.-u week" ao icy w ife Millcivil ve y lion h fluai a cut ii'-oii- liea-.c f Hie i-cilp aiol 1 eeivc l in r-lh'f l: inii t!f vai i"iis icim- lies shf II-e.l llM il she tile 1 I I 'I KT 1: . he ilise: s liroi'it t i.-iih i t Iliis I i.'ntiiii at ami in a short I . me she Was i-n 1 1 . 1 well. T has hccll lilt K-llil IT o! f I'l-i-lis... ;.:. I i; -1 ( C I.' V 1 a 11 Us No. 1 i 1 our -s inia: i..ii ior ilii- -ase t f I lie the sk in . kkv. .r. rurs-i.fv r.Ai.-rrv'T n d 1. u. n . . From Pirnpies to Gctcfula Cured. Crrn iiiA.thfeii.at skin cure ; (1 imci it Sn.u-, r i;ne.l Iruin ir. ctii:ully aul ( I Tirl ia liiyil.VKM', !li new hieiid p'M'ilier. iritemal y. are a i i-i;ive cure f. r 0 iv In 111 of i-kin and hi oil iIim-hm. iroia : m -ple to MTolula . Sol-1 evers where, rnei'. Cn n r a.v. .".ne : SnAi'. e."i c. ; h I' i.oi.vknt, si. I'repareil hv t f I'ot'er Drejr and Chemical 'o , Huston. Maps. ; 'Scnil for "H'ov to Cure kin lliseases.'' U4 pages, fid HI11 tralloi s. and loo testlnionials. 13 A T3 V C k'' ' "l f-'c:iip prescrv DlD I O beautified bv Cuni'i lM rveil ;iil A' Kll - CATKO SO A P Catarrhal Zangors. To l-.e freed from t"e ilanre s of sulToeiili'.iii while lying do:n ; to b eatlie freely, s'eep soundly iuid tinilir'.ui'iH'ii ; to lise lefir-heU. head clear, brain active and irte from pain or nelie ; to kimw that " l)oi?om us. pntrhl nut ter d lilc s the 1 realli und lols away the deli cate machinery of the smell, taste and heal h;. to feel that Ihe yptem does 1 ot, through il veins ami jn teiies. mu-k no the 1 els-11 that is sure to undermine imd dcMny, 1 ii.il ed a blessing beyi lid ull oih r liun.iin enj ymen s To purchase in nihility from sucli a. fate i-hochl bi the object of all attiic;ed. Pnit those who have tried many reim dies ;..iul pliysii-laiis c.es pair of relief or cure. Samoimh U.VDICAl. C'L'KE incts every phai-e of Catarrh, from a simple head cold to the most loathsome und destructive stages. It if local and constitutional. In.-taiui iu rcl v inf;, permanc nt in omi.'i, safe, ecoiiia.ie.il unil never- tailinn . SANHHili's Raoicai. ('l:ltir c.'ii-i.sts i f one bottle ot ii e KaIih-ai. Cl i:k. one box C.vT.w giiAi.hoi.VKNTuri i-iii' li.ipro ed Ixfiai.kb. ill vvi apped ii. 01 e packake. v. i h Ilea; le .-.nil liieci i.iiiN. and soid bv nli ill nirts for p SI TOI T Kit Dltl i AMI CII1 .MIC .SI. CO.. lSo."tou. 80 Rheurnaiiz J bout file IN ONE MINI Ti; J Tl Ctfcitra Ant'fin r Plrfr j cleaves Kh-'oua: :c, Jpy Sciiiii... .'-'uiide'', sharp ai d er JAVl Tains. Straih.s ard Wcak g Sp-m syex. Tht! r.rst ion! cnly 1 :;in s: r kiilimr ii'-isw r. N evv. 1 ii;-ii:d. in stant aiicoiis. ii fallible, safe. A iiiai vclous A 11 idiite to Pain, liitiammat en a- d v m'kik-v-. tTf 'ciIy iiiilike and vastly supeih 1 to ail other I'liiflers. Ai all dncjisis. 25 cent : five iin .? ; or. pe!a -e ."ree of l'm'TKiiDiipi o I'hkm ICaI. Co.. Koston. Sheriff's Sale. By vir'ue of an order of a'e isue! bv w. C. Sluiwalter. eleik of f-e dsiviet e: 1:11 ' v ithin nd for Cin-s ccuniy, Ni !.;-ekr. and t" me lireeied. 1 xviil on ih Villi da 1 f N( vcji.l.e:, A. U. lxss, tit 2 o'elock j. in., o s;ii,i tla- at 1 he' -out 11 door cf the e. m t li."!'.; t n. eoiinty. Sell at 1'i.blic Au. tyii. uiiuivideil half tif the following real ekt'e, o--vvit : The in rtii hid. it- f the id't'hwe.! f!i.-ntr of sectiiui 5un,-.fei 11 (lio town-hip eleven .11) range f uHi.eii 1 14 1 ami the nor hwist inr tr ( M ) of 1 he northeast iiai ter ( l,4 ) of seel inn nineteen (ia townshii. eleven o 1 ) raiej four lee 1 ( 14' a.'so fourteen and three-fourths (U1,) acres oil 01 1 ii cm ill sn;o' ot the son lives quarter ('.) of the noil lo-ast o",-nyr ,, 0 irter (". of the noil lo-ast n'rvviyr ,,) (tf lion nineteen (lii) foi;i-' a'ul irtli (14V)'"re-. o-f o 1 t.y. tii',:ti iUs 'i Hie ithei: :1 t ,vri"n'r ( .-not hii'tt'i!i nml lln e seel 101 fourtli ... 1 . .. oui.in;i; .1 iaiici v 'v 1 o;o fourths(I4.) aeius i ii ofluc noith side of Uk sontl'wtsi quarter ' H f the northwest utuu-tc Ci) all il' xeetlen liifeteen tl!) towtssliii "'oven OUr .;-'e fonneeli l'!4 all ia L'iv" f.iu.iiy. Ne- u..i.ii.i.,i..i..:i ..mi irn- piivilencs ami -.:.)- natlnii.iiii.iu ll.ni'L.ip' . . " E ,,v . tv ...... v , , ku,45..- 0 ueionin!; or m nay ihe ajeeitulio-;: " T.ie same bejri-r leid ip,.-ii au.l taken a the I .... . . i)iwi .iv .11 .ictie i-cimi . !'. iei-iaiii ; to )Hipi) i J !" ill u :im ( OUl f l-ellvV! if ny I 11 J i i.'sm.-iii oi sant com i inn'iie. in..iiit:n. u;t!'t sa ,i(-ti'iiiani. F I'iattsinouUi. .Neb. Uct- l.er ?tU. A . I. inllPlirf Cass Couiils, Ni b Hy TMvmAiii.i.Ki:. Deoiuv r.t SMcrlfTs Sale. Tv virtue of an extent ion i-sueil lv W. C. Showlter. Cleik fit the District Court within acl lor Cups emi t v. Nebraska, iind to n e ti'.- -ecieil, I will on tl.e nth lay of Xuvvni A. j l). 1XS8. ill 1 oV!r-!; p. m, ol :U Jo", at'tl'til souin 00 r oi 1 ne ",-' 4o-ie m saiti county-. Sell ai Hubiiu Av.toji, tlie fol cwir.; Kejil Kj tatb tr.-'uU i A uiuiiber five (5) and 1 t iiumt.pr six (Ci in lilociv 1 umber forty-one iu i-ltUMoutli City, Cans county. Nebne-ka. '1 lie s.-iiiih l(.in levied '.;. edi taken as te 1'iopeityof Cliailv-i Mcl-utee. Dci'eiulaut ; to s:il:vfv a ti;J:,.e.i.$ of atil 'Court iecvend lv .1, K. 'iuiii 'ii i ly .laiu"s S. Mtliey ais-'w.-d, ii;ilnt:iT, ayuLiit-t Siii.i ilefeiiily,tit. Platismouiii, Xebrg.-tot tl. A J les. .. C. l KK'HAY. r.erir; Caa Cour.iy, Ntb. hy Iax-i Alkv De'ity. 5t Probate Notice In I lie matter of the estate at Ihoiaas Dan ear, UfceHsed. In the Coiiuty Ciit of Cuss eountv. Nf-.V-fv-ka. Police : icrehy fciven. that Ai'-Jxw AU. tous adiiuuiMrHtor of th wttn ir oai l Tlio inas Daueak. (ieoejiea, Niii iViade application for S jiuii'di t and that said cause if set icr aiiiij; at mv office at 1'iatlMiiontli, on the :rit day of November. A. I), lsx. ai y o'clock u. in... on said dav ; at which time aiul place, all p- rsons interested may lia preHont auJ ex amine said accounts, , Jii'sscn-. County Jii.1e. F',HVotitU. 0oLir i.t. iitvH, si 3 SherifT a Sale. Py t.tue of an execution issued by W. c. f-howalti-r. clerk of the district coiu't. within :iiid for as eountv, Nebraska r-nd to me di- mnttt.t I ,,-lU ,l.A mil. .1 .. t , I ..1. "ii .ni me juiii uiiv oi oveniuer. A It l.ss. at 2 o'clock p. in., of said dv. at is.u residence of Samuel b. Tliomjts. i Puittiauaii Precinct, in said county. el at public and uu the folU!v;inp mrii ii.ropeitv, ro-wis : -To u.o:i.lrr I one-hai ioteitMt In twa bull-, nml the undivided ou-pvntb interest in eight cows, tiyeteevs oua to two y-are old, elt-Ut calves, oue bui b.ie year old, and two oue-year old I'i.-r-n. Tiie same Wins levied npou and takea as the jj-operty of Thomas JL 1 honius. tieiendant ; to attsfy a judgment of sa d . court recovered ty Cjeorse E. Dovsy, plaintiat, againet gaiU de fendant. rbutsuioutK KeK, Oct. 22d. A l. 13. ShrUT Caw t'ouvtj', ; T n , USB L CMleii's slid Misses' Call tally fid make your teUctioiis, l r you all know how dillicult it is latt-r on to oct the i-i.es. I 1. 1 - v ".. . ; : .;.!: :. . u. i.ni ia i ;u i! I :.r irains in that iine, coiiiiiiehein: with size 1 at $4.ri? with a 5('e. rise for a size made ol a r.rtovn Checked Ali-Wo(d Cloaking. JMaitd skirt, with Surah Lined IJood. lines ironi '.Oii i.pwaids, sics 2 to 18. We of J'liish St 013 DOOR 3 AST FIRST NATIONAL BA1IK. turn 9 Oilier Tiianclii-s, such as In all varieties. Our Stcek Is very complete. Iieii.cmher ett-jr a Special PerCen On All Woolen Underwear. Call Will Convince v. I ! t Discount i i i Wee CLOAKS Our Stock of Clo:iks is now coiii jik'tc iiml wciiic sliowin the I.nrcht Line ever oji"iiel out. in ihin city. J.u cl io? ileiiinr a New 'iuj tliis musoii h!io-.j!1 nut nii.s looking over our line, tor we are hliovin the Very Lutcrt Novelties ut verv Low l'l iers. This cut rt'ji-.!St'uts our popular ."..t.O Lielie-.' .luelo-r, liiinh" of All- Vool stiipi'il ( Moiikino-. an I .if l!i;' jiricn a leeideil haruin. We have Full Lines at Si5 to $15, u-h nia h; u j of the very li t, mrtterials, in Mlil colors ami stripes. Missos' Jae'cets from to Sizes ranire fr.nu 12 to IS. .H. -vi ajm t . (t I Vi m: la ri - We have lull rat'e;:n troni I l: :' t i i .... I Plush Cloaks. have never carried so larv Cloaks as thi:. Mason. e a line and at ju ices so low. Flush Sacques from to 15. Flush Ntv.-inarkets at S'Co.rO. FI11.-I1 .Ja(k. Is from Sl."i.(-() (o :.'). (!0. Flush M.ljok:iV In in I's .-o to S'.'J.'.OO. Flush .Mantcaus frt.in 1 S.oo to 1 ().((). C:elS jirl.v siimI 11121 kc your f4ef eelion.s. rrmania 9 coiitiuue to oti'cr SPECIAL PRICES I and Extra Cood F.irain.s in La l io-s Children'o and Mi-ses' Seal Plushes, Short Wraps, Cloaks, Ncwmarkots. Plush Scquos, Etc., Etc f we You. ?SefA i : '' : ' - . . ' ' -" " 1 - ': S : ' ... J - 1, ! !- - i i 1 I . x .-...