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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1888)
4fP fl in ! 101111 i PLATTSMOUTH. NEItRASKA, THURSDAY. OCTOIJElt 25, 1888. VOLUME XXI I". NUMBER 32 $1.50 l'BU ANNUM. fNMK 18 CP U lit Y (P ROYAL f SWHJ 3 NEW TO CL EVE- Absolutely Pure. Tills powder never varies. A marvel of pur ity, irc.ngi I' mid wliolesoitieiiess. More eio iio!ni:;il tin ordinary kinds, :i!iil cannot be sold in competition Willi the multitude of low tet. short weight alum or phosphate powders. (Sold o'lly lu c ii.s. Kovai, i.m; PowutK Co..lOtW;ill .St. New Vol tl. Sin 48 Mavor. O'eik, Tre t uirer. j.M.;i:u"'i HlC .lil.lji'. ,i Couucihneii, 1st, ward. 2nd ' 3rd 4th. Hoaid rub. Work- K. M. Kit HK.v V K Fox. - Jam l . v r r ic ks n , j it. iivitux IXamk A Maixm.k S Cl.IKI'Ulll) W 11 Malujk I J V WcrKitAi il A SALIMIUKV i I .l Jon ks ( I .:. A Sill I'M AX 1 M it M V U'H Y "j S V 1'1' N 4'i V ' Vo .' N!t. ) 1' .i U.W,I.K., I'RF.S ( 'MAIltM N 111.'.- KS V oil I II i J V .)(.!- I KKK.H ! I l 11 llAWh GOtfjr'llY" OiarJGJUiS. Treasurer, Ieinny tveamrvr, - Uierk. L'c'iui y ( .'Wk, -I'.ircuiVi'.-r ui ii'.'is I ii '!;" Slieritf. Surveyor. Attorney. ttiiot. ot i'uI) 4eli-lt, Ccinty Ju.itie. BOARD OK SUPERVISORS. A., n. Todd. Cirm.. - - . Plattsmouth Loois Kowz. - Weepm;,' Water l. A. I.'AMI'KKI.L I" i : ; J -i . I'ul.l.iH'K I5I H I i; IT II I I K!.(l lAA CHI K'ilKI KI.D U'. il. I'lOL .! n M Lev PA V.'. .-wji V A ! .T K IC .I . V. i. 1 K KNHARV A. MAHULK A U.K. N liKKSON M A V.N KII Sl'IXK (J. HUSSSLU A. it. Dl 'KauS, liimwood CIVIC SOGIKa'.MS. f iiVSS l.Oitiit No. 110. I O. O. F. -Meets i'eyery r.tus-Uy eveuiujt of ea -ii week. All transient Urothers are re.-pcctf ully invited to 1 l vr r:.:oLTir i:campmkn r No. 3. 1. o. t) K.. uieei1" every uiiernate Friday iu ea"h i"i in the Ma-oui.; '!a!l. Visiting Hr th'?n are invited to attend. fUt-O LOIXSB NO. )?4. A. O. U. V.'. Meets I i'i-.'i-v .tlr.'.-iiai;-' Fild-iy evening at K. of I. h-i. 'iriusie-it tr.l'!ers ar iesiM-i.'u.,y m vi. d ;:.iUeiid K.J Mrnrau.Mar.o-Vorhamn ; F. i'- I'.rowu. Foreman ; U. . vt i.iNtt-r. Over fcr. Ji. A. T.iite, F n.i'ieitr : I. F. Houec n...r.i if i', M. M.i hi liihl.. K'-e-;ver: ji. U utill, ;'atft M. v. ; I. N. Uo.veii, Guide ; ; l)er necessary to elect. Cleveland will be F J. Kuii.. I x d 1 1. -. I overwhelmin'rly defeated if New York YORK LOST LAND. In u purtis in weose the state of New York i divided ly the Harlem river which is near the state's southerly ex tremity. North of that stream the re luiMicans have always been largely iu the majority, while south of it the democ racy has been and is predominant. There are fifty-five counties north of the line and live south of it. One of these five Suffolk however ia a republican county, although it gave a small majority to Cleyelaud in 18S4. In 1SH.1 and 1887 it gave a majority to the republican candi dates, nnd'neithcr democrats uor republi cms doubt tiiut it will be carried by Harrison this year. The other four counties New York, Kings, Queens and Richmond constitute what is known as the metropolitan district. This is the democratic stronghold of the state, and is the section implied when the term "be low the llarleiu river" is mentioned. New York City and New York County are coextensive, and Brooklyn forms al most all of Kings county. Queens county abuts against Kings, and Richmond ad joins both Kings and New York. In 18S0 Garlield came down to the Harlem river with 75,1113 majority. This overcame the democratic preponderance in the four metropolitan counties, and gaye the state to the republicans by about 20,000 majority. Blaine's majority above the Harleir. was G1,G;5S, or nearly 14,000 less than Garfield's. The demo cratic majority in New York, Kings, Queens and Richmond counties, how- ever, was (5-2,C8 which gave the state to Cleveland by 1017. It is conceeded by all intelligent, fair-minded democrats that Cleveland is not so strong in the metropolitan district as lie was four years ago. A republican majority of GO. 000 north of the Harlem this year would un doubtedly place the state in the republi can column. Rut nobody at all qualified to judg.j imagines that the republican ma jority in th it region will be so low as 00.000. A discreet and trusted corres pondent of the democratic New Yrk Herald, who has made a personal canvass of the state, declares that the republicans will have a majority of 70,000 above High Bridge, which is on the Harlem. This would give Harrison a majority of from 11,000 to 15,000 in the state. '.There are the best of reasons for the belief, though, that the majority iu the republi can section will he 10.000 at least iu ex cess of the Herald correspondent's figures. Without the vote of New York Cleyelaud can not win. Even though he should carry Indiana, Connecticut and New .Tersej- in addition to the solid south, he would be 13 votes short of the nuin- for Kurope and is now turning its eyes westward and bracing itself for the struggle which is to come. So it will go on until reason has destroyed Protec tion in the great stronghofd (United States) iu whieh it has entienched itself. "We intend to break duwn the protecting system in the United States and to substitute the British sys tem. That done, our victory is complete and final." How much the Cobden Club is doing the present campaiu we do not know; more than any one has any idea of, ex cept those in the inner circle, we think. But of one fact we have 110 doubt : That there is no more interested body of men watching the events of this election and hoping for the election of the Free Trade party. American workingmen, do you want to see this triumph of the British Free Trade Club ? Tariff League. Ab it takes time to set type the coun ty treasurer is obliged to furnish copy of delinquent tax list to the printers a few days in advance ot tha issue of the pa per, and thus it happens that an occas sional piece of land or town lot will ap pear in the advertised list that may have been paid a day or two prior to the pub lication of the list. The treasurer en deavors, however, to have every piece of property on which taxes are paid stricken from the list up to time of going to press. But of course there is an occasional over- ual care and skill, and as a campliment The reduction from 47 to 42 per cent in the Mills bill is said to be small. So it is; but there was a small reduction in the tariff iu 188:). Then the wool and woole.i goods schedule was reduced a little. Tin; little was just enough to let in from England about 1, 500,000 addi tional pounds of manufactured wool last year. That importation gave English workmen just that much work that could have been done here. In Phila delphia hundreds of men have been idle that could have been busy. They would then have been purchasers; now they have nothing to purchase with. The Mills bill takes off still more of the tariff on wool and woolen-!. The result will be, more men out of employment, and English manufacturers correspondent ly happy. If any "lie doubts this condition of tliiigs, he has only to go to Phila delphia and be convinced. Eowi.n Jkakv, the west end can didate for the House of representatives, ought to rcceiye the hearty aud earnest support of all republicans. When Speak er Harlan was making up and appointing chairmen of various committees he ap pointed Mr. Jeary elkairman of the com mittee of enrolled and engrossed bills, one of the most important committees of the house and one that required contiu- ; 1 ASS CU1P NO, o'V2, MOlihKN WOODMK.V ' of America Meet wcn.d and fo-irt-h Mon t ay evening al iv. of 1'. '.ail All transient u'olheri' are requested id ineer us. 1.. A. S (! -er, Ve.uurable Consul; ... '', N'ie, Worthy AAlviser ; S. C W ilde, W.i.iker ; W. A. lioeci;. Clerk. IJH.TT2VOU Ml I.ODCK N goes against him, and even the must sam guine democrats now begin to concede that New York will give its vote to Ibmison.- Globe Democrat. ; i". W. i-v"iiiR4 at Kookur.MHi hall at k oV!".-, . All rr.iieiu, broth ers ar rep"'.'tfi:Uy to it .1 " Hto-n.!. L. S. I.rson, M. W. ; F. Iloy j. t !n i::,ni : tv ('. ii -i-o. .i,-r ; !.. mid Ati5e.--i, ' v-Tscr. THE COBDEN CLUB SPHERE. Here is what a Committee of the Col den Club reported to the club after look- A. M. : inrr nrdr tli flid1 in 1 S.MS ; each month ;;t their hall. All transient brotu- " our Committee continues to attoiu j. g. liiciiKv. V. M. all the assistance in their power to those who are laboring in the free trade cause in foreign countries. In America in the ll ATI -MOT Tl LOPGK .e. A. t' L Mfts on f!i liivt .u:d iliud Mondays of sight, b or example, at time of making out copy of list of Rock Bluffs Precinct. the taxes were unpaid on e hf se qr sec. 22, twp. 11, range l:), but before the is- titte of the paper the taxes were paid and the printers notified of the fact but they failed to strike it off. Of course it can work no injury further than that people do not like to see their land advertised especially after they have paid their taxes. "A New Toa and CofTae House" Located in Plattsmouth is the latest enterprise, and one which there is no question will be a great success, and a benefit to the lovers ot choice Teas and Coffees. The circular supplement will explain the whole working of the well known American Tea Co. and its branch es. The new branch opened in the Sher wood block, corner of Main and Tine, seems to be already the center of attrac tion for not only do you get teas direct from the gardens but you cet fresh roasted coffee every day and a hand some Cliida plate free of charge to every customer. to Mr. Jeary the Chief Clerk of the House has said more than once that he was well pleased with-Mr. Jeary's work. As in Mr. Satchell's ense speaking from the record no ou'j can find fault with him. He was on the side of right and justice and worked for the interest of all Mr. Jeary must ceitainly stand well in the west as no democrat there seemed to be willing to take the field against him. No higher compliment could have been paid to the young republicans of Cass county than the nomination of M. I). J i'oiK, tor state senator, ana every young republican who will this fall cast his first should and no doubt will appreciate this compliment and heartily support thtir young friend. N. M. Satciict.t., one of the nominees for representative, can point with pride to his record of the l ist session of the legislature. No man speaking froui the record can say aught against him. He is nil intelligent wideawake farmer, a good financier and well worthy the con fidence reposed in him by his neighbors and friends. Mr. Satchell will succeed himself without a doubt, Wm. Hays. Secretary. CHAPTER. NO. 3. K. A. M. The result of the KKU ASK A i- Meets seeond and fourth Tuesday of each month at Maeoir Halt. TrauseUut Urotliets j course cf political events there is great Invito,! trt U'trh 11i- 1 K, E, Tjiite, II. P- promts' . : . . . ; turning of public attention in this dtrec- sr r jaoN COMM A..-PAUV. NO. 5. . T. j jJqq js sei;n Jn the fAct tllat reVcnue "A .Meets first and tuird Wednesday night of i - . eaca moath utMiso 'shall. ViKitintt brothers reform is becoming a leading question in Bre eoraiany liivneu to meet vwm us. Wm. Hays. Kec. F. E. White. E. C. on the the Psesidenttal contest, and is winning side. -V- . K.,f.,, 4-1. T TV,v,o t meet the seeond and fourth Mondays of x c",s "--"' i.uuuu x . bcH mouth at Areaaum Hall. j jt1iv to jgo, had declared ; I "liow r ree Trade will come some day ' in the United States must be left to the Cobden Club and to its twelve Cabinet ministers in their unofficial capacity tp decide. , . . . Jt is to the New 1ASS COUNCIL, NO 1021. ROYAL KCANlTM P. C. Minor. Seeretary. PLATTSMOUTH BOARD OF TRADE FrcMient 1S Vi'-e President.... Sful Vi"? President.... Beornry Treasurer .. ...Robt. R Windham V P.. Todd . . . , V m Novilie IV ITai-.-ni'Hin .'.'h R. uutlunan World that the club is chicrly looking J. C. Ei -hr-v. F. F. White. .1 c. Patterson, ns the most likely sphere for its vigorous J. A. Conner. R. FUon, C. w. Sherman, F Gor- foreisn policy. It has done what it can d-r. J. V Weesh ieh. 1 She's Much Oldsr Tnan Her Hus band." We heard a young girl make the above remark the other day about a lady wjth whom we are slightly acquainted. It was not true, yet the lady in question actually doe3 look five years older than her husband, although she is really scyerr al years his junior. She is prematurely aged, and functional derangement is the cause. Dr. Pierce s Favorite Prescription would cure her, and should be recom mended to her, and to all others who are in the same couditoi. If the reader of this chances to be a similar sufferer, let her get the ''Prescription.1- It will bring back her lost beauty, and, better still, it will remove all those distressing symp toms which have made life a burden to her so long. Money refunded if it don't give satisfaction, See guarantee printed on bottle wrapper. Well, Sarah, what have you been doing to make you look so ypung J Q.h. nothing much, o.nly been using Hall's Hair Re newer to restore the color ot my hair. N A, S. g. embers of the N. A. S. E. will please meet at their room, Saturday evening J" 8 o'clock. A full attendance is desired, as business of importance is to be trans acted. By order of the Past Grand Workman. Tr-atineit of Whooping ConyU. Tho value of Mobin's treatment of whooping t-ouyh by sulphurous acid is re ceiving strong confirmation from many f onreos. Vr. Manly, in Tho Practitioner, expresses tho opinion that, if it was car ried out in every ease, at tho cud of six months the disease would he unknown. The riK-thcd used by him is as follows: The patient iu tho morning put into clean clothes and removed elsewhere All his clothes and toys, 'tc, ci-o brought into tho bedroom,' tiv.d sulphur is buviat i.puu a few live ccais ia the ruiddla cf tho room. Tho (ire is allowed to remain iu tho room for five hours, and then the windows and doors ara thrown open. The child sleeps La tho rcom the samo evening. About twenty-fi vo grams (a little urnlcr an ounce) of sulphur to every cubic meter may be burnt: this is equivalent to rather inoys than tcu grain 3 per cubic foot. Tho other room is fumi gated in a hko manner during the night: the patient practically living in an at mosphere of diluted sulphurous acid gas for some days, while in several cases tho process is repeated at the end of a week. Science. Plan for a Young? Writeri A young writer should not expect to bo paid for tho first articles he writes. He is lucky Lf.he gets them into print at all. It is useful to him to have them printed, for an article in type has a different look from an article in manuscript, and faults ana aetects mat a writer mght overlook iu written copy are made plain in tho printed sheet. " The best plan' for 'ft youug writer is to spoil, a good many sheets of paper before he think of having cny thLiff at p-U put into print. When he has written something whieh he thinks is really good enough to be interesting to the public, let him make hi3 first exrwrl ments with printer's ink. If he has some thing to say that ;s worth saying, and Eays it n an attractive way, he'will find means of 'getting h-3 articles paid for afiei- a time "W. II. II." iafb-e Writer. I sell more bottles of Vr, eth Arnold s COUGH KILLER thau of any frther eolith Medicine kept in stock, thougli I keei fifteen, varie- dies. F. M.Robertsou, C'oyville, Kan. mSSm Druggists, 25c., 5?o., Hud ' I WISH YOU HAD SOAP THAT WOULD FLOAT," a lady said to a clerk in a large grocery store. "You have no idea" how ordinary soap is wasted. The servants let it remain in the bottoms of the wash-tubs, dish-pans, and scrubbing-pails, and when the water is poured off, the soap has the consistency of mush, and a new bar must be taken from the box. If the soap would only float, they would see it, and take it out of the water when they were through with it." The "Ivory Soap" floats, replied the clerk. Oil will float; and, as the " Ivory Soap" is made of oils, and is ggffc per cent, pure, as a matter of course it will float. A WORD OF WARNING. There are many white soaps, each represented to be "just as good as the ' Ivory' " they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities oP the genuine. Ask for "Ivory" Soap and insist upon getting it. Copyright 1S86, by Procter & Gamble. ONLY S3.IO FOR THE WEEKLY HERALD l Lenorest's Honthly Magazine. A WONDERFUL PUBLICATION. Many enppose DEMOREST'S MONTH!. T to be a f amnion magazine. This is a great mistake. It undoubtedly contains the finest Faphion d pabtmbnt of any magarine publlBhed, bat thia is the case from the fact that great enterprise and ex perience are shown, eo that each department ia equal to a magazine in itself. Jn Dsmouzbt'i you get a dozen magazines in one. and secure amuse ment and instruction for the whole family. It con tains Stories, Poems, and other Literary attra lions. Including Artistic, Scientific, and Household matters, and is iflurtrated with original Steel Engraving, Photogravures, Water-Colors, and fine WoodcuT making it the Model Maazin or A nemo . ..... ... . . isacn copy contains a Fa ma ORiimeD' the holder to the selection of AXT PaTMRW illustrated in any number or the Magazine, an .mast or the sizes manufactured., each valued at from 0 cents to 30 cents, or over $3.00 worth of pattern Yearly subscription, 82.00. A trial will convince yon that yon can gat tea times tho valaa U the money pmd, .single copies (each containing Pattern Order), 20 cent. Published, by W. JENNINGS DEMOREST, New York. , The above comb' nation is a splendid efcance to get our paper and Dimorest' Mokthlt at & feduced rate, fcend your eubscriptions u thia o31cj, . - f IJue rjepubliear; )euspaper. Now i3 the time for Republicans to ezert tbeni3elves to distribato sound political doctrine amongr the people, and. ia no way can they do It ao well a3 by subscribing for THE BAIL Y INTER OCEAN, Which, is a reliable, active, and able exponent of Republican ideas aa doc trines. AS A NEWSPAPER it j3 unexcelled by any publication in the West. It has been GORGING TO THE FRONT rapidly in the last two years, and ince the issue BETWEEN PROTECTION AND FREE TRADE becas so promi nent, it ha3 had A REGULAR BOOM. The cause is apparent. 7HS INTER OCEAN ia the only RELIABLE PROTECTION MORNING NEWSPAPER Published in Chicago, and PROTECTION IS NOW THE REPUBLICAN ISSUE, Every friend of true Reptcanism ought to helti swell the tide of its growth. Why should a Republican aid the enemy by patronizing FREE-TRADE NEWSPAPERS, aud thus disseminating false political doctrines ? Hour is the tintc to rubgcribe an ta Induee other to do earn thing Subscribe through your newsdealer or postmaster, or send direct. Spe cial rates offered lor the campaign. Sample copies sent on request. Address THE INTER OCEAN. Chicago. OEDriTO- Q3T 'X'S :E3L,3Li SEASON O-F- 3 1 3 M fm - ssa F v Men's Working- Suits Men's Business Suits Men's Best Made Suits Men's Custom Made -Suits 403 7.80 IQ.GQ 25 00 Child' Kilt Siiitsfroivi Child's Suits from Boys Suits from Youths1 Suits from $L.90 to 3.75 2.0Q to 3.2$ to 10.90 4 00 to 15.00 Men's Overcoats Men's Nobby Check Overcoats, Men's Fur Beaver Overcoats -Men's Black "Worsted Overcoats 5 2.00 2.00 12.50 10.00 An Elsgant Xiiiis of Soys', "S"outh.s' and Ckil&r en's Overcoats. "2"ovi. miss it if yon don't Ims yo-vir Clotla-ing, Eats, Caps, ITur- nisb-ing- Goods, Soots and Sh.oes, etc., of LSOftS, The One Price - Clothier, - Plattsmouth, - Nebraska.