Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, October 18, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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"Peftrfc K-:i;iOv,il tojhe Oirruth Corr.ffi licvtmitt lit Having met With rr.cli great success in cur Removal Sale, wt Lave le-oidued anl ai .
i.nk Layer: ju.t recu-ed ;u elegant Chinchilla Overcoat, DEAvEK COLLARS AND CUFFS, Flannel Lined, olJ at Si (Hi...
I titv r.
VUI lit
-i th S i 0 cho" i.eie.
Men's u.ti in uli GradcO
i tie veiy lined and you Lno.v
trciii the 5-3. 00 Giad to
:ue the- ka ier Fit. Make
Mcn'z Jr ur Caps 75 cents and SI .00 .
Men's Under from 15 cents to Si "0 each and
thousands of Other Goods sold in the sdme'proportin
i cu cannot atford to alio v.- this Unprecedented Op
ilnce and Shrcvrd Fuichos-
and Lo7 1 nces.
Children's tfaits J.00: 51.25. il iJ
ink" l'i
T i
O j : i 1 - 1 1 i
A upwar d?
From H7i-s3 jay 3 jDi-i tr
There is 3 aevr anival at tire home
of Mr. i B Windbm It s a gi.i
Mr. T. W. Warrant iud v. lit. of
Asblaai, pareats cf Mrs. W. H. Fool, ure
ia tte city.
Hisses Amy O'lTeiih Florence EciitL aai Mary Wright, of EelUvae. s.te
visiting friendj ia tLe city today
Regular meeting of 7 O. T U
Thursday sifternoon at i o'.i.L: nl the
resideace of Mrs- A Paris. Pcad
stref t.
lit. Geo. Proagcr. o&e of the sii.i '.i.j;
fngiaeers vho agaia 3curev a rim ;ii
the B JSi near penrer is ii. the city nn.1
he iateaJa to more Li3 ffimiiy out 7c5i
;a fer days
"Vre9tl:e snd iii3; the trro repro
Lites Tho ray-laid a mn last ritinda)
tight near Third street aa.'t ichevt.l l.Jiii
cf Li3 7tTtch sad mcaey. ar? htin.
tried today before Jaige Stiie?
Hr Joba A. Davits, piesiJci.t ...t lh
young zaea'3 iepubUvaa cliib of this city
baj been hoaored by an iiivif atin t-
speak at the republican rally to Li hcl.l
at Couacil Eiufi-3 oa the 2uth mz-t
The creditors of the old Cole eiUie
are beieg settled vith today by ths
rr.iaistrator, Mi. C- K. Puimtle The
courts La-u baea restless for the bit cvr
years en account of nuraerous ciaiiiio tr. -t
share ia the estate. Ovtr il-iZ tarrs
nave &ccuiaulat?d duriag the ua:ettlc-.l
. Zvlr. 5. C. Herbert, is i 3uifc;;au t r
a TrholesMs house of pto 31 IT
ppareatly is a gaici ttllo .v l -d:-o
very ecceat.-ic as ill be sita vhea -x fev.
foiioTria facts ars rasda tnoTrii-
liicud, O. "vVhoppcr Shriiaar. ct ih
J witViu aad. the above aaiaJ ciitltuai;
csys beta tbe rr.oit intia;ate fiinrli i'o;
many years, even from boyhood ro tl.r
present, end duriag tho war they both
shouldered their muskets ia tha saia?
company aad wended their way to the
ti &j as brciLers They stood tbe struggle
travel; aad came cut as friendly as whs:,
they smarted in. 2ar, ShcrUia's fiien i
was ia the city caly a fe ago ui.d
s aa iiiustratica cf his eccdatriciiy v.e
giv the following proposition mads by
bid to Mr C. W Mr. Htrbcrt h-.s for
years voted the democratic ticket, bur
this year, he informs us; it is his iat-aiicx: I
ts go solid, for Harrison; aad more tha:
that he is a strong supporter of ths re
publican candidate in every particular
cTtc Iu bettiag .While ia aa aigumsai
with his friead, Mr. Sherman, the othtr
d&;, be tXpiccicd his defile ot L,r.tlii,g
liica any amount he wished to Cv'-'u ca
the election Mi. Sherman meekly ia-
fuliacd hiiU that he 7aS Iiwt a bt:ltir.
character, but still he was billing to ac
cept most aay other pipositivn v.hich
might be Uid before him. "Vi'eii. her
'man; I'll tell you what I ii agiee to do
with you;'; he said with a a.iie wnile
itr. Sherman awaited patiently for th
proposition. ; If Cleveland i elected,
ITt agree to secure a wh?el-barrow and
vheel the heaviest sad homslisst aiggor
wach thtt yea caa find for me in the
state cf ITebraska, for the ditaace oi one
block cn Main street from oth to cih
streets, if ycu'il agre t do thc iime
providing Harrison is elected1' We
learned that Mr. C. W. Sherman, tdito.
sad proprietor of our local cr.ntcinpot ai y .
; the Jcurnzl, accspted th? ab.iye propo
eition, buc not without considerable hes
itancy. We believe he will cry bef.-ie
ha completes his contract, "A horss. a
horse, my paper for a horse," but we bd
iiere he will cry himself "horse : and
nothing will be left for him but the coon
stud the wheel barrow, aad the great
president will say 'C Whopper, C
n hopper, why perstcntest tnou me-"
from Sotui day's ialiy.
The democratic county couftutii.n
1$ being held t Fiockwood hail today
The following noraiaatioas were made-.
For representative. Hon. F. E White. ii
PldtticaoutL, and Mr. J. li. Marquette. of
ATOca; Hr J- C. Giimcre, senator; Mr.
ilt Gsriag", couaty attorney; Mr. W. D.
Jc-Oc, couity commissioner Tbe above
geatisresi Tsrs nmiaatsd by,' acchima-
i - n e l
ilr. Joe F
etae, Co., t.t
oas tixs eait.v. c the
vniU'ea'.aia for a ie.v duys He vt9 ac-coa-ipaaiei
by his brother Mtck und Mr.
F. Vv HugLgj. Mr Fairctld giw;s us
the taccuragtrasnt that Chereaat vfill
go about 200 strong for Il-wrisoa. Two
jvars njro that county reiurned K:gc
desaocr&tic Ui'tjority
ihc dirt v'lich r.H; to her rcn;oved
froui Mnia street previous to p-"yiag, is
btiug put to "good service, by raioiog
Viae sad Sizth street; t and aear their
intersection to tha cotabliihtd giade
Tiir. HebaLD job rooras yesttriiay
pave into the hands of Couaty Clark
Ciiuhatid the poli books fot the coiuiag
election Mr. Critch field started vfith
thefa thij morning c.a a dcliverinjj tour
over the county. '
Lust evening Ihu Odd FtlU.v, i of
thij city met at their hall iu the Fitrger
ld block f..r tb- purpose of installing a
F.'-bccLiih lodge; Grind Mastei A Viney,
of Oiuaha, being in re.idiaeii Tiie fol
io.ving cliicers vere riveted: Mr3. Mary
E. Eoyd O.: Mrs. 5. P. V&tatta, vice
3 ; Itiss Laura Tvriss, secretary; Miss
Licic Steiiiil., trtasuief About 36
charter members ..r; prc:;nt and after
the ins-tailing of c fiiccrs thi? all treat to
the parlors of J. P Aunil, vdiera c-upper
vv-fi: in "aicing. At 2 . all vent
theii v,ay 1. :rrievraid. Teil pleased The
i.p.t,- kdjr- vill be as "End oi
Pi'Oiiii?e: iT; 40. '
ih iroproVciiicat laidc ia the salai
ies of school inistr.?;.es siace the "war
times : is a fair fznmplc cf the advance
ment of all vage-ihraiug cIhsslS In
anothr-r column viii he fouud the miu
titts of a meeting of the Piattcmonth
school board held in DeCetiber, zd,
vrhereiu Mi?j Sarah E Harper, nor,' Mrs.
McEWain. and who i; a wtli-Lao v ladj
iu Flattsmouth at present, was employed
to teach school for $15 per month a
position vrhich is novr held by ladies al j
salsriss from 30 to $15 pti month The
3ucoi noose ia ..-ijica urs. iicx,lain
taught the tr'iuter tenzi of
vrhere t'ne Dovey blok u;
cS-4 .-toed
f' c aaor.wrs
at Ei rr. v.coci Oct.- i3
j i-enuaut to a call ot the Co Sept. ai
' the county iastirute, a goodly aumber cf
teachers met at ilmwcod ca 13th iast.
M-.raiag session The county, superin
tendent called the teachers to order ot
li a. m aad stated tha bjeci of the
meeting. Ga motion Mr t'r;.iak wrs
elected president aud ... L. Ilmblin
ecretary. After a song by theFimwood
glee "club, adjourned to meet at 1:30
Afternoon ssssica After music tha ad
urcss of welcome
adiTered b
C. II. Gilmore aad responded to by J. A.
cutton. i he subject cf graded schooh
was then takea up aad a very able paper
was read by A. H. "vVaterhouss wh i pre
seated some forcible reastas wby ...ur
district schools should adop.t a gcaeral
course ct study. Discussica was Opened
by A. L. Timbiin After aa aaimated
discussica it was resolved that the coua
ty superintendent should prepare a course
cf study for use in cur distiict sohooia
and send a copy to each teacher nd re
quest its immediate adoption. The sub
ject of arithmetic was opened by J G
Stark followed by John Hart, and u
spirited debate followed ia which the
subject cf iayentiag the divisor ia divis
ioa cf fractioas was thourcughly venti
lated and explained. Miss Esther Crom
well introduced the subject of reading
by an ably coastructed paper, and Mr.
W. P. L'Jller gave a short lejierr of the
different methods of teaching readinc
A remark made by the president in his
modest way provoked a wild war of
words which anally sab-tided, aad when !
tne last snd wad had died away, -;e
proceeded to permanent crsnni-ticn
On motion Mr. Spink was elected presi
dent and Miss Esther Cromwell secretary,
with J. W. C.abtree as assistant. An
executive board of three, consisting of thd
secr.-taries and Mr. Cation -was appointed
to assist the president in arranging pro
gramme and time aud place oi r.'.t-ctincr
After a vote of thinks to the or.&d pei.-1
pie of Fimwood for courtesies citeaded. j
we r.djoui ne.l to meet on of executive ;
..oniiuutce. The followng is a list of !
th- se present: Jtny 5taik, Otae f'i. kson. T. j
E. IiVii. Ann-i w'iicocson. D Vv". Omb-!
tire. Eosi A. Eoyes, Minnie li. j
Addie Fiiiiey, M iggie Free, fyrtie Cur-j
r int. l-una t.iinu. J t. i.tvdt, Licrie
txfcefr.i, Anna Swan. May Clements, C.
A. dements, E. F. Simon. J. A -Suttoa
J. Hart, Eilis E. Good. Libbie Cuaat,
iiorr. t ree, Mrs. Marci Weed. Emma
Duncan, J Y. Crabtiec. Esther Crom
well, Sadie v iikinsra, W. P. Iliilen. J.
C, Curraat, iredHes. Tsrome Burdick.
3,.: - ; - . a. L: T-rr.LEn.
Tr.i Por.tocn Brldg Quea;!;n
ihepontoca bridge question vrhich
v.-as taken up in this city some time ao
and dropped again becauie sufEcient sup
port could not bo secured, trill, without
doubt; conie up a second time for con
sideration v,hcn other cities along the
lite have eclipsed this city in advance
ment i ne cit-.cens of Iebra?ta City
nO?r boast of their pontoon bridge among
tne.r most eittasive aad valuable im
proyements How ii is appareatly a ae
cessity they caa act do without. Plaits
mouth was mad the first offer to secure
a pontoon bridge, but little interest could
be aroused in the matter. Th boards of
trade in cities ail long the river are now
coa.idering this question, and committees
have been appointed at severel places to
investigate thu pontoon bridge and its
many advantages at Nebraska City.
Last Thursday the Leavenworth board
of trade met and heard a report from a
committee wbiph had been delegated to
investigate th work at Nebraoki City.
They reported very encouragingly to the
meeting, and the following resolution
was offered:
' ElcCIvep, i hat ih;s meeting ci the
board of trade recommend., to the mavor i
and city council the building of a pen-
tcoa bridge across the luissoui i rivei ;
we request taera to submit to the tar
payers of the city a proposition for the
city to give f 10,000 towards the baiict
ing cf such a bridge which shaii be loca
ted not fuither noith than Delaware
street and noc further south than the
Riyerd-de coal mine. The money to bt
paid by five installments of f 2,000 per
yar to a responsible pwty who will
build the bridge and gire a guarrantec
with a good aad sufficient bond to sac
jes3fuliy operate the same i'cr five year
the contractor during that time to be al
lowed the privilege of charging the il
lowing toll. Teams, return tickets
cerits, or ton tickets ici Jl: sinsie horse,
with rider or buggy. Z cent's, toot pa;:Ja
fers. i cent- herds of horses, cattle, ho?
heep and gc-rds 1 cent each " '
If a bridge is built at this point aad
the farmers cf lews offered an epprrtua
I '
cross, tne business insn cf tin-, rit-.
must Certainly reaf beaef.t- Aithough
dr a
I Thi E Y
A New Broom Swec
1 iitCAcSE
I. .
lo SWi.t..PiITG
I i-jh:y . ARE
1$ Q
I i i
Hatss Caps and Trualis,
ihe Slashing. D-shing
" ' "" " rr ir n n rjLtLin
raaay coatead thut as the farming coun
try for five miles into Iowa is act much
vaiue; ytt better land cannot be found
than that beyend that di
will come fiftscn miles or to Mdl
theii grain for a fw cents e: tra ijari
thati; the place they -"ill lvj' mon
ey Although the country for some
distance on the other side would r-ot af
ford the best support, yet there would
be some, and back of that, rye aid be
support enough to psy for the invest
ment. Oct. lfcth, Reginald vV. Drummoad. of
membraneous croup, only son of W. Y.
and Annie prurnmoud. ag-d 6 yeais.
' Buddie' ii lie was familial ly Called,
was an ezception.dly bright .oy. The
blow., that in this event has faik-n on the
family is made the heavier, owing to thr
suddenness with which it came With
out warning the death messenger stoic
Into the home, and in a ft: biif houis
the dear one wa? snatched frc-in the fond
tmbiace of father and mothsj Vve learn
that during the afternoon ;.i Testeidav
he was engaged in his childish play, and
Letore the dawning of this morninc rr-
' cold in daath.
j Yf? desire to
; pru'raraoad our
e.trud to tiOT. nr.d M
neartrclt crrrcailiv.
assure them of the l reg-uds of the
entire commuuity in Ih-ii ?-,d and sud
den bereavement. 3lli l. Cents aic of
every day occurrence hu4 farailianty
with them may trd.e away somewhat ol
interest that would ctLei'wise te awaken
ed ia the community; but in no tEancr
does this lesstn tli? sorrow or assuage the
grief cf thc-.c w'no are niicted,
How thankful ought c Uways to be
fvr the great source of comfort presented
to us ia the biersed premiss of Jliui
who is the gr,-..t Father ,-.f .-.ur race, and
?e hope that these nay not fail cf iht-ii
designed office in this instanre. but may
give comfort, and hope to cur friends ;ii
taerr sad tnai.
J-iiss Eosa Harris, of As.hi-.nd. is ti.e
guest of Mrs. Srah McEl vain of this
W3 &
YOU p.
and Wide-axrate
eps Clean!
Glad !
vli j 11"
iti.v 'itrrr
Vfci s
k K in ill
-ii alt -anctie;
.1 ! " I
On All "woolen Under wea
A Call Will Convince
1 lira ihi.Vfciavs I-wiy
iiessrs. A. E. Todd aad W. D.Jones,
the republican aiid democratic candidates
for county c&mii;joaei, weighed tliem
sfelyes this monr.i.g on Mr. I'. E. White's
hay scales A E Todd the republican
Candidate., outweighed his opponent by
thirty pouuds, weighing 2-bO- They were
weighed to see wl.o would lose the most
riesh diiiing the campaign.
Little enthusiasm was evinced iast
night by the detuicrats in the reception
of their gran 1 nrd ..r. the Il...:i J n-r-iia
-i M ..i t .jii Tin' o era h..tie '.vas only
p .rti ;iiy niicJ. and theie was a
much smaller turnout thn any
one er per ted to sep. Miny
are of the opinioii that his argumrnts on
the tariff question were very thin-skinned.
t( r a democratic cpeech, it could be
ctas-a among tlie.r nrst-class ones- lull
01 uatrutns sna e:: 1 .-.-rations. 1.0 si us
anJ itiipcs v.-cie ri.ii le
Mi IVi. i'.u .ii t.ld 1.1
scme I. envy o vcr the ciiar trap
Clooi iii the biwLC'ii und tho
hinge? Ldie, v.idt liss May, dauhier
of Mr. J. C Peterson; not knowing that
the hinges of the dcoi had been loosened
iu v,-iv, start..! t.-t wulk o..rosj it.
when it gave way, lettincr them fail into
the cellar a distanre of
out ten i?et.
Ike old 1 .dy's hip was dislocated by
ti.? the nil, and she recti ye-d several
oilier very bad bruises fioia f illing down
the steps. The Irttie girl's iujuries were
only flight ones.
r-ct vea disease and the many cheap
preparatives wh;.ch are palmed eft under
ti.e nuine 01 brood rurincrs. take t
chafes with disease, until vsu Cn nr. w
l's Srpariliathe onir rslir.bie 1
hiii & i. wim Milium
Our Stock of f
j 1- vtrr co triplet.1 t(eni?inber re !
Oiier a pt-Oiai .1
1 i
1 1 5 Per Cent Discount
V weckbacb..
- u.i 1 ci-.r-or, .-.a l . It aii.iur o. 1 am confident that not a May pay-da v
yens r.f aje lii.ither of the T'.-tt-i on dl ass b-fre a public notice will ,
brothers her..- m,t with a v.;, r:.,m I tfft that a fui iher increase in ?n
accidenr 1 ..t ni..t ub.ut seven o clock. ! "XV"11 n ,n
Yestuda. or.e:.f he. sous had rdl.d (sorb the iiX
W e continue tj vii'r
aiid .Lxtici G(.Od liiiciiiij ifi j-H-
diee', Childi-Pi.'s ai,.l Mi. ci'
Seal Plushes,
Sliort Wraps,
Plusli Socqnes
v. . . . I - v
We clip the following com tho report
of Consul Hotchkiss, of Ottowa. Canada,
made to the state dparetment, Aug. ist'
1535; which shows that if the tariff ia
taken off of lumber it will not be any
lower than it is at present:
There is no dispute that the America
manufacturer controls the ruabini? of
prices. In doing this he is not i,,flUt-r.r-,fl
by the Canadian supply iu Qljy d 'e
If the duty of 2 is removed hm t
afreet the Amerkau price, became it hL
never been a factor aad will 3till be un
relt. r,o lower price will prevail -,n
wuiicu ituts man litre tof ore
uu Liiiit-ienc nei results vrill
e e-p,i-
jencea oy the msnufdcturer
The Cdnadian, on the cotirv --it
lay his lumber down in the Amcri-' u
nSffr!- t!e" lhl will
obti.n for it the crime a? the nier:';r
does, 30 that the net result of tie r'
Utiau manufacturer will be a rltar cu'
Ui l,iC tt'e American Go-err-
of the $2 which the Amenc;
i , ,ttfcU ltr'- additional n't
result to the Canadian manufacturer wiH
"''."tu 01 veiy duraticn
ial treasuries.
---V ..histie has been snrentfci ami
large number have peen -old alr.-a T -use
for tonight, which will the
question '-What's the mter with Harri
son - tie 3 all right.
Every wife and mother in the r-n.t
Should Vnr.-r- tl , vUI.t. y
- ... .i,c u-ui UUW ol An.,
-ii i rank tester, who h?.J be
confined to his room for several w, ! -t
.ih typhoid fever and cam? ' 1"':
Tn-iZ7 '.?-' L-2zr? hftd foi
now lies ia a . i-r'-i, Ai'l
v. -.vl h
if OIL fea
.. jjroyia-
aarcapanna, as a bioed purifier. It vV-"
tone, health, and strength, to th- l-' -V
organs, correel, ll inub.riti;,
erpels impurities from thr-t, 1- v -and
old use it. Piicel"'' ' ilM"5
c .
il-;rsisg 2,1 tsre, ii u tte V-
J tieca pur.asr. cy ail
"te- - - - ' -