V r i. ijlrfjteiiW0iw I'LATTSMOUTIf, NEBRASKA, TIILTRSPAY- OCTOBER is. 188cJ. VOLUME XXII" IiUAiBEIi ;.l ft ( . IT ' ' s y 1 1 1 r f Absolutely Pure. f his v.i. i n.;Vci . ii.c i. A ii.ai v; i ri (,uf Hi' -licilull. aiii v. hi,le-.,..lr a.; M.iis fe:.i- li'.i,;.;.i 1 1. -; 1 hi- 1a .l.i ii - 1 i,i j . .:(;.) cannot be c' i iu i-..ii;i..;tiii.jii iili (iir- tu.itriir.iie n I . ; w tft. ! i iu 1. 1 aluiii .i p!i i . !. it d (.:." Cnii r-ol.i .j : v u. c ii. ' I:. . .1 i .,; .;. i. ..i.K I u .s t . ; Ic :'i.:t , . -.ii-5 l ..A It 1 ri h W ii. tfdZ I ... L S i i;FUS, . n H. "..;. i. t w. A :.i - i- i I i? i )l,t. .." tt :.l , Li., i t I V. r . I- f v n t v i I I I - I I -.1 J . -. 1 - i : i- .a n ii :.. - it i i" i. itt ii v Cul. .Illicit 1 : .11 i 11 it , i :.i 1 1 r : , l i.r j . 1 j V J :-!.' -,l'H.4iHMAJ" ; b'.olil lull. wt.!' I- tie. I.' " l.'l ( ll 11 li . M SVut- I It i n. i r. iietcaiy ;'. i wcr, - Uerb. k v i V..-. .1: - Cierir ri' ;i:r.ci Csii ?5 .U'l. v.' t'lit. Sciiools lj r a -i r i f i r. i h". t i . r . i. filFD f F.iTf Hi IFLa t T A C KITC Hf i EI D .'.'t.,' 'i i rvr- v '."i :';..;, a .Tt K .1 ' r i i- KNc ARl .'1 . 'IlL'JlE V t Li;;, ii Ci'TfO;? i. I . T'.ir- , - - t'i.-M r.niith I. j-.-;-.. ! ! : , - V- Wiiu-r A fc. a" i t.....,-, - - K.i.r.vooU i U.i: i ' U.": N.. lie. i O. i. t-iiiet r vn v i ' IV evei.in r,t cii week. AU f inj.p; t t . t!;-ij are r-e.!iutiy invittil to ' ' !..'.' i-.i'f l'.'I EN'i'AM IM EN I No. 3. I. . ' . ..,.:'. s ti".V a'tci'i.Ue Krul.ty in cii ir. thr u..ii ViItuig v, r.i'oiacrs iiiB iuVitad to attend fjiKlO LOOUT si, A. O. I". V MtS ' crery -ilr jn.r.rj Friday eveuini; i.t K. ( i3. Ii'ill. 'fiiisieiir biotliti. are re-iiectfuily iu vifet t. at i:.d. F.J. Moiviin. Mii-t. r Win k min ; t. I. Browii. Foreman : G. B. Vemster. )ver eeei : ii A. r,.;,,:. i":.i-,!u'i(jr : (i. F. IT s---. rtii. Itcooidci : Ik. l-la- liiiiiil, riece'.Ter: i B Hiii'.Ti.. Fast SI, . : i. -i d veu, Gida ; P. j. t-uii: iiiiido WatcL i w3U CHIP no 332, MO IT" I'M '.VO'-'UMEM v- of Arniiict vlcct; secii-.d and f.Hiiiu ,iMi d ay rvciiiiiij it. iC. P. lia.ll. Ail ttdiioiti.t i i.,tli..., j uie i c..,a.jstd to meet witti u-i 1.. A. Ne'.vco iiel. Venei.ible Cnnsni : G. K. Nil, Wevthy dviser: C. Wiidt, Banker ; W. A. Bc-e-l-, Ci. vi;. pi vxtsmiU'TH i.nniK no. , . o. u. w. ."I-ers PVi-iy aHpinate Friday evenini? ri IIoi'Kv.ood liail ;t 5 o cluck. All transient I nnli ei'3 re rc-i.,'''tl''.iiy Invited io atifad. L. Lrir?c'i, M. V : F. Boyd, Foreman : S. V. VYllJ. U-'C'T id ; Leonard Anderson, overseer. 1I Ait M.iCtH LOJ,GK MO c, A. i A. M. Alfet3 r.-. rti nivt wed thud M.'Ui.ij vs of eacii liiiaitt. vit i heir Rail. All ti-.n-ienr f.rorh t are co..;iui' incited to meet v.i.h i, J. G. KiCiltx, V. M. W -i . H t3. : -cceiavy jf K h K i S tC A CH AFTFK. MO. ?, R. A. M. ' " A-' NkttJ secmia sud foui tti Tuesttay oi t-acli montn at ".faj.,vs Hail. Trauscivnt Li others tie lutiitd to i.iett v. it ti us. b. F WKixr, H P. V"-. Ii iv, Secretary. i!p. ZiON COMMA D VIll, MO. 5, K. T. Jleis first and third WeUr.esduy night cf earn monfii at M-v.o rs hali. Visit. nu laotliers nie c-adinil-, icvlted to meet v.-uh us. H. llAVc.'Uec. F. E. Whits, E. 0. iA?3Coc:idi.No. i.-.:-i,r.ovAL m:ca:7UM o eet? trie second and lourth Zviondavs of 3-."n moEth at Avcduuiu Hall. K. M GLr.N", Eesent. F C. M i ok. Secretary, Fi . VTSrGiiTH BO ART OF TR ACE Fve-rnt 1st Vic-? rr.i.eDt .. . . . P.oi..t E VTicdnawi A ti. Torld d "': - I i rsuiei.t . Z-;. r.-frO v lveusvi.vv . . . . F He; i-.nar.i; ' r E Guthman .1 C F.".. hcv. i. F WhiC5 a C. i Hilersc:i, ,i. A. t'.n.a i , B Fi?oii, C W. Slirir.:.;i F Goi- CL'-i, . . N fikt.Avll rer.' i "V"orl:in-r Suits a Ten' 5 Biinc-'cis Suito Men's Beet Made Suite Mr ib;: Cuttom .Made i5uit3 Hl'ant of ELSOIj THE POUTiCAl WHAT IS iT ?' !riiiciiy liescribau unJ La. J Cut ' by a viiib'A ..;? insn vctei. Wr.c is l.e coming from the syuth aaJ v.ants th? Irish to vote for h;ui ou the Oth cf November ne't lie i; a ilcii.c crrtt '.Tliosii fyrm-.T occupation of U;h5ng t(ii nero is gene, anJ v hoe present Li.isir(.s; ia k-ai'ting the southf-ru convicts ih r.h'iin gang- Rnrl ctlling their Pf-ice'-in the hiwheit l.-i.i.lr. Who i; he hellov.ing in the 3r,utl Iji fii.-e trn-.h; am wants tfie frih to vote for hi ptt theory 5 He i? a Jei2iocr-.it i.'ud v. ith ratfe becnu?t he has to pay for lftboi novr, irj'teal of the ?1itp labor cf Hy gune clays, nncl y;h -wi-iht-s thatlugUca -houbl liiHirufdcture dil our troods aii i-fril them agaiu to u? ut a i-iige prcrit, as the did in ta day? in linf.'-rtai.ate Ireland, and loft hei r.j sh ir today a r irn ;iiL' thr natiotigo? the Ctuth W h'J is h'J C.i.'iiu.K fivli. tl.C iC.i'.lh i.d pr(.biiui:n3 ju-.-fico and freedom to nil "i.ie: iii'l v, "h... r.tvci bclit"ed in tlic ccn viitciic... cf the i.'i.ite.l 'jtate that all i-ic-ii v.i.; rrcited pqal lb.' i a dctno i rat v.iu i.fcvcr . ipcttcd au In-h inl.oif-r, und v.iiv n-tv.i .: iiide:ct,iidrd to alioiv hiia to e it at th. :-5ime t .hlo vrith hir.i. or evr-i tolci-iled him to sleep b'.r.r.&ih i.i? root, but grn. iiv.-j- y p;ir;iitted him to .ieep in hia h-iii, or a,t house W ho i; 1..- roii.iiig frm th-i south and want; the- iri.h to orc for tirover Clevfcbir.d an.'t hi:- democratic cabinet ' lie fin who -.v-.r.t " lev.iaiid to pnt the F: :.ti diii ..ii Trer.r j in foire by which Engbiurt au t.d.i; any iiL-hman frornthia counlry mcl liHve hi.n tiied and hun-i nt " ITew Uatc- ' liirhruen rriil you do it ' " A t tF.Iiiti.i-.T." Cass County aicgrapr.icai Project. It is ai riys instructive and a pleasure to tnu e the orij'n of families nud follow ti.cir history throuph th; mi-djiion; of time. Witli the people of thi country, iiowc-vr, the preservation of family his tory hag b-;en t.;o much neiect..ti. For the benefit of future! geneiations we should commence and tive tbij subject more con jidcrution Some years ago there- w-s cscabli.hcd in Chicago ttie Uiui of 'hnmbcrs Bio? who. i..rdiriiig th-i impci tance of bio ti:pl.ical woiLs,. and tfuring the encourag' Mocnc cf tne bcU citiceos r.f that 5ecti..n,comiii need tiieir publiviitk.n. They nor propose to issue for the people of Cass and Otoe counties an tleeaut edition of their portrait and ligraphi cal album. Ic will rontaia Ungthy biographies cf the pioaesr rinct leading citizens. It ttii how some commenced iife in poverty and by industry and economy accumulated wealth, how othen ith limited advantages for sc-cuiins an edu cation, liuve become learned men and women, with an influence extending throughout the length and breadth of the land. It will tell cf those ia evuj walk iu life wh have striata to succeed and will record how that success has awarded their efforts. A. work of this kind cannot but be interest ing and valuable to corning generations and will be preserved by them as sacred treasures The work has been in progress in Otoe county some weeks and i an as sured success there and we hope may secure the hearty support of the citi:en3 cf this county. $40;GmCJ test. "I lost forty thousand dollars by a periodical attack of nervous sick head ache' said a Chicago capitalist to a correspondent, pointing across the street to a handsome corner lot ' That lot was sold for ten thousand dollars at pub lic auticii five years ago, and I intended to buy it, but was too sick with head ache to attend the sale, nd it is new worth fifty thousand dollars. ' It he had known of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets they wo ill have removed the cause of his headaches biliousness and he would have made the money. Dr. Pi. rce"s Pleusaui Fargative Pellets cure sick headache, bilious headache, d.xzi ness. constipation, indigstiou, &rd bil ious attacks; 25 rents a vial, by druggists. 8 495 7.60 10.00 25 00 Boyg", Iroutlis' and ClUldrea's Ovsrsoats, ' You mis it if yu dsu:i feuy 'ya-ar lptliiug1, Ssts-, Gap; The - One Prioe Oicithi&r, Pistsmowth, - Nebraska, Union , I jitiiin ha? his match "d.ti.l.e fces vV. J . i.'ouu.. II 1 h.. Mr.thudi-i paison-.e r.sir hsie is to be- moved to i-'nin thi:- f-dl Our hardware mn. T-.t 27. Thi :::.-. I.a3 31 J out to a firm ia iielrftika city. R. B Wallucf, II. D.. was -xt the ccimty cou-ention Saturday the 1 2th ii.it Our je-vtUr. C ii J aqr.tt has left town, but ici.r..-.- menls i;o on iu.t the jiii.;; The baptist n.vi Piesi -,tcrii: i.r.ifh?3 under construction it this point are toiug on nicely We Lave teen blessed by a shower cf rain lately, which evei-jbo-d? ht.s Ictn wishing tor. Iiarr;30n and protection. .;.d CLve iaad and the bandauu. Voters. tki? your choice EoRiTr At tno home or Mr. ?.;i t Itirs. A. L. Becker, a boy wei.rht iu pounds. Clears A L, Corn hllt;ii- h--:- brgv.u on some farms in this vicinity; the yk-id ranges from fO to iZ bushels pel ao.-. A rumor is udout that Union will have another new hotel which will give us three. Hov s tht ' That sail right." VVAttrEf.; - A Lus of cigars or f 16 00 woith i.t whiskey to elu tioneer for a ..hndid.de r-n any side Formerly elec tioucetf;.! for county tre-jsurcr, bat now for any thintr. I was at the convention Saturday and have a neat dtal of influ ence with certain people till they get acquainted with me "ioUIS, etc Quite a number from here attended the i r.lii at PiatUmouth and it whs the LCiuaest and most enthusiastic they have attended duvinuthe curapaign. The vou msu esptciaiiy wish to congratulate the younj ladit; of Piatt srnouth and abroad upon the way they achieyed thtiViseives trying to make the rally what it was a success 3-- me cf out democratic nivnds wsre a.t Flattsmuulh and bend the so-called J. rU-riing Aiorton speak, but can t tell any thing they heird, only that there wcie several -rnpty beer kegs sitting out ou the street nri.t morning 0; the dtmic-rats like to fake their beer. And J will do ihj same. But Grover s rishina', don t yoii hear, To i;et some political game Very truly, Jcsh. Cc:n-iov.-HA;t. Union Neb ; Oct 15, i&55. i-cuioviils, Mr. W. ti Shryock spends most oi hii time iway from ihe city lately. A L. Timblin and wife rcie in town Sunday, yisiting rtittives and friend Cutfciih who has been a .vay at tending his faiher's funeral has returned. G, W. Mayrieid attended the eutral committee meetin? Mcnday. aveeping Water Mis j A. Oatton was it Ashland Tuesday. Dr. A V. E'.biuscu cf .aland vas in I.cuisyilU making professional caiU. Tuesday. T A. Sutton was r.t tlmwcod at-ur-day atcending tle teachers' meeting. J. W- Grifhu and fum.ly were it Pmttsmouth. Saturday. A great many children are having what the doctors call a iiaht form of diptheria. Why dent we h.;ar iiorn South Bra SGrvifc fHi NG Oi- C, Cuii-. cf tiio Schcci 6-a. J cf Fl&ttmcutri Tvv&ru,--rivs The original copy bearing the f-diow-ng minutes of a meeting oi the Piatt; mouth schcci board, held twenty-fire years ago, was handed us today by B- A McElwaiu, which he treasures as a relic: "School board of Plattsmouth met on ih-ursday, December ord, loC3 "Present: ! H. Erowu, 5 2. Hillings. L. K. Hanna,. directois: B. n:. riuffiier, clerk. "On motion S. S Billings was appoint ed ehaiimau and J. H. Brown cleik. ' The account cf J Moons for $2 cf a ballance be allowed and an order be drawn by clerk iL his raver for thnt amount. "Ordered tliat Sarah E Harper (now 7iYs. M. Mct-lwain'i be employed as as sistant teacher of common schools for ttree months at $15 per mrnth 0n motion adjemtned 'J 5 S. EtiLi-TC-s Ch'm . J. H. Efow:t Sec, Child's Kill Suitsfroia Child' guit from Bovs' Suits from Yulithi, Suits from Every Hotisoholtl SLcuii hive Ayei i CLiiry Fc;;cii.i It savt tLousi.nas vf iivii tLsuaiiy, and is pecuiiariy eicacicus in Crcup, . V.'fcccpi:; Cujk, z.z.1 Sors Threat. After an extorsive prcctics rer.ri-CE2-tmri cf a century.. Aysi ' Ckerrv Fectciai is my cure icr recent cc-ius ar.i cuLi I prescribe it and "tiksvj i; to ls tte vsry "csst e3tpc.Tcrani H7 offered to the p?cpie.' Dr. JcLa C. Levi. Druggist, est Briigewster, fa.. " St:s.e yeirs o Ayer Cherry Fec iCiii cuisd re cf tsthiaa sfttr the csst ii.4iiv.ai kiii had tiiiei to yive rco re i:ef A few weeks since, be:rz again a iittis truiiei with the disease, we prciptly Rsiisved By the fs rsmedv. I jiadiy crTsr ttlj testiraonv fcr the cenefi: cf all similarly efliicted. " F. K. Hasjisr, Editcr A-g:i3. Ti.de F.cck, INVcv. "Fcr chii-aren affiiciei wiiL cclji, crughs, acre rhrcat, cr crcup, I do net know cf any remedy which wiii give more speedy relief than Atpt' Cb- rrv Pectoral, ih?.- - i i i;. cisc, .n ,m acle in cases zi v.hccpin- cc'uzb.'"' Ann Lovejcy, 12ii v"ashingtcn "itresr, Scstcn, Ikiass- "Ayer's Cherry Fectcrti has proved remarkably effective in crcup and : invtiuabie as a famiiv medicine." D. SI. Frysnt. ChiccpesFaiii, Tuass Ayef's Cherry Pectoral, rr;i.K:s ti Or. J. C,.A,sr i C., Lcv.fcii, iviasi. by til C i'.r. Price ; t'j. tsr.ie; won't Decoiva cursaiw&s Irishmen, don t deceive y-iurstivtS; the nevt election ;,iil be a riv.ht to death for y.'Ui iuurcsis and the veifarc of Uie citizens :.f this public Remember this on thf Gth ..t IFovrmber at the poii3 A ballot .r.'it n that, clay fcr tree trade is n...t only ai-ii-)ury to y.-.ur welfare here in this prar.d und giotif.us public, but it is a dagger diivcn into the heait of the ;reat .ispiratious of Paruril and his Home Rule cssoci ue; This is the senti ments of the Gel way Vindicator., the Cask Fzariir.tr an l the Dublin Fre i Jnan'j Jjiii'ncil, the most patriotic papers in Ireland. How wcidd your wages increas? and your conditions im prove If free trade puts you in competi tion against the Ulmiv.fs of Italy. D l2ium, Holland and China ? G..d proc rl us fvom the d y w h.-ii we .. iii hs oomp. iied to compete T, it i. the io cent a day m-n in Europe A:" lKi3;nA:-. a nov's FoAiiui nicia, Hasti:;c;s. lib. Oct. io ITear Jun iata Sunday afternoon a runaway horse threw and dragged long distance the son cf a f aimer namsd Bridgfs The'ani mal ran into a barbed wire fence, which tore and lacerated him to to death t he boy's Us was fractured it ihz ircss and extension tend .n sovcred. Oi'ner injur ies were iuSictsd c;:l the b-y is Ring in a critical condition. The riatism- uih tfm w. n the Fiattsrnr.uih-vVahoo rams ia:t Saturday by a score c.t C to 4- FOR uiAfi a ii O eEASV, . rr, (ii Ml 3 5 zr 9- il.00 to 3,75 .00 to 9 HO tn iO.VX 1 00 t.- 15.00 1 I Q S 1 & -'ft S E ? assart sMp. " Whut ii it they pet in Iv'Or.v , quaiit.is3 J "' j " iso special iagtcdiciic i; ...;;.J. j i: as nearly puic as it i; pocnbl.j a.z pute is the Ivofv Vv iii be equally difheulty to nad co pure. ricn-iiii'Liting coap "iir.piy to c'Ua-'.Z: cht v.'cund, then nacure doe: th.j rest. id. can readii appia.eiare what the cfr'tct would L.? if your neck had becu va:hed v. ith au unpurc ai.d aduireraced coap" iivcid colored and highly pciiurned "oap. fcr the ccioriib-j and p erf urns ar. zo often uced to dicjuiie ;rnethin- -the -. ap should not contain. ' A WORD OF WAP.IsIKG There aid fnany soaps, each represetrd to be ,uu a oJ ai the 1 i.o,J ' ; " ir.ey ARE NO I ; but hke all countcffeiis, jack ihc peculiar arJ rcrnarKabh quai.t.e: ct the geriuine: Al. tor ''Ivor;'' tuap and Copyright iv:C by In ihs District Comt of Cass count;, ifab-ra-;a . In the matter ci the ap;i;caticn of th? Ad mu.irtrat. r of the Fetats of Mary S. t saver, deceased, rc siii rei estate. PiatTsirmuth, Cas county, I'etiasi.a Hooter K-ih, lice. On reading the petition i.i, i.i the Admin istrator t.t tne Fsr ae cf Mil ri. Fr-avsr. dt ceajfd, reiaecRt;r.; amoii otts;r thlti?.1- that 3aid deceased died, seissd of c-:rtai.-; itui c-ta e therein described, ar.i that it .3 ticccssaiy t., s.'-U tise c.iii.e to pay tne dsbts ors :id tlecae.1 and pi-.-.ylat l'or iice-se to stil the .-;., aiid it appealing to the :ourt that it i: i.e;?i-;.rv ir. sell the s .me for that p.iipore ; It 15 ordered that said petition be i.eiial hi ihe .tice oi ti.e Glen: of M:e iiisti ict Ccuia of Gas- o.ir.tv ,l. Piattsn.outh, MeUra-ka, ;n the loth day jf Moyemtti.. A. I)., 1555, at 2 o cioct p m.. of said day, aud cause fce shov.n thsie, if any. by ail persons i::tit s-td i. sd estate -1; -"license should sot be granted It is further oraevea that tnis cider be rub hshed at least four -eehs tei'-sve ;s.d da- t.xri foi the ieaiin? of said petition, in The Fiat is mouth rtii-.AI.Z-, s. vrsekiy n--v; put kshed t'i ittsmouti: 2ca'.-;:;i uka- V.-jii ir. cour.vv Dtsl Octctsr i;lh. A. Z 15-3. Judce ci Liitrtct ronrt. c"iic; Jzi z.r:.. Att'y icr 4 3rr.'z -;-. ja.-jsrTcr i-je&rir.S- ii the DUtiist Court cf C;3 county. Irsc rasia. In the rnaitf.r cf ttz appucatirn cf the A a -miDiitvator ct th Ectat of Feter T. r-ave: deceased, rc. 3ell resi Pstat? Fiattsmcuth. C-niy. si.ra:. 0.;;.s.r 15. 1335. Ob reaain- tte pstiii.-s. ied. cf ths Ads;; i3traror cf t;.e tsrate of Feter T. BeavEr, ds ceassd, reprsscUtinM emong ether things that said deceased died, seized cf cer air. rs.i es tate tiisrem descri&sd. and that it is necsssuiv to seii the saiae to r-y the dtts cf said de cease i, and prayi"? ir license to seli ti;e tnms, and it apy-cavir.g to tne court that it is neces saiy to seii the same f.n-tht purpose it . or dered that said petition l.e heara t the ohice cf tne cie-k of ti e district- ccr.it 01 a;s count -.-in Plat:sm.iutL. vebia.l:a, or. the iiih day cf November a. D. 1353, t 2 o -clock p. m cf s&id aay, and t isehs 3hr, ,,n then, n acy. hv aii persons interested in said etat why raid li cense s'neuid sot fcc ?rnted It is f u thtr crderi-d that this cider Is pub lished at i-ast fcui cacce.--ive v.-epk3 before 5ald day fi;:dd for the hearu;? cf fsid peiitloa in thg fUittsmoutii HEPiLU, a wehiy ne. s pader pu'cii:hed in Pitf-;jnsuih ana in general tirc.uai.oii iii ji. 1 cr;u:,i v . liared October i:tn. A D. uzi iudfec cf District Ccurt Esrr.w i C. ;.f:z, Att y for Adm 3i- Freest a MOtic-s In the ;:.r.terof the e?tate of Thcma Dan cat., deceased. In the County CTurt of Cass couutr. r.'scw.--ha. JJctiee is hereby Ki.cn, that Andre .-. :ia tens. adn.i.ii-tiatoi of the estate f uid Tho mas Dancui;, deceased, has made application tor Una! sciUe.r.e 1 1 . and that said cause is er for heanns at my cice at Fiatternouth 0,1 ihr 3rd day of cves.ber. A. T. ZoS. at 5 ovi.J a m.. on said day ; at w h.; h t.me aad piaee. aii persons itterest'd may b preeec; a;;d ex amine said accounts. c. Rr?tn.p, rctrst- Judp Fiatisnaor.tc. OctcUei i;, 1333. zi i Mcii'5 Overcoats :len;-j Nobhf Chfcck Overcostr: len'.-i iYir Bcavei Overcoats IMen'rt Jilack Worsted Overr oa ts 3o.i.r. ucctcr, to .vht--ik it: hcaiio.- ii i, -ump!;- bcciri ih.r ivob ' to malx c:ap Any :c:.p th"t tJ ?.z i.caiiijj in ic: effect, but th.- ihe pro:e"icn reccrr.rrtsni ihi: ni;i - ;i uputi ctii.". i r.-crwr i. Otaicle Si.eri'n s SsaU. Ey virtue -it an order oi sais issued by W. C Sho-.--Bifrr ci:;rK of rh;: d. strict couit, :tn;ii ar.dfcrCasi county, etriii:a and to m directed. I wiil on tns 20tu dav of liovsmbfr A D. iziZ. at o'clock r. m.. ot "said day at tna o.-.th acor of ti.e c uir i.ou: in sid cour.tv, stil at pul.hu auction, the ioiiov, inj real eetnfe to-v.it: The ..-tit h;.if oi the sj.Uhear; quarter ;0 section tenty-o;e (21, tov r.siop tveive (iz rarige nii.e t.9.1 east cf tne r:h r. id , in Cass county, jN'ebi-i'i a-" ith tne piiviieys and apperttnancei theieunts tEic;..--isr c; ";n any-.--i3B appeita'iing ihe same oaii.g ie .ied upon ati iak.-u a- the property or samuei L. AtdPiTor.. iUtc; Anderson. Lcracard Inve- tm?-f Ccmpanv, U. W Curti-?; C... and ia-ot. I . fhiilip-. dp'ena--iots tf 'atisf - , jud-.tnent cf said icourt re cevcred by Aii ; a Coitaas. piruntiu. ..air. t sa;a dtfer.iatiir. Mattsm;.:ri; Ccf 1. i; T .iz. i h;-.s: ;.,r.:--. 3i: ;h C..;: . -art-. . :11b. Dr. 1 A. Marhaii, 1 Preservation cf th? 1'a.ur .1 "i..r.ti. a ;peciai;y. Auesti.etic ? :iv:.n f r li-SS 1 iI7 I". .? CF. t. : 7T .XIIZ:; CT 'iZ'CTTl. Artinciai teeth r.ndc cr. Gcii. oiircr, Rubber cr Celluloid Fiat": r.ud i.-.-ertcd as soon as t;;. in arc r;; tract si wher. a sired. Ail w- rb warranted j .i. cs leas n.-.blft. Filler B Fi iri;. 1, a ; -iioo n 3 "i - S Mt JU, K II O f N fej x-. fu. j o f j- 1 o a , FT'onal ait;.r.t.on to aii fcusrr.? rrtru-t- : a ;;.y :...i c litics r.;.ir.in;a, Atnarcts Ccrr.iiei. In surance vTrr.tcn. Peai . --taio "Srii Better Fr.ciiuiss fcr making Farm icwr.? ttn 1 ; . j .-1. choice ict of rier. China pij:;. c sr.vs. old, fcr -ale enly tiil ITcv. i at my farm sir Evil;? cf riattsmcuth. i lilMI u 00 I 'i 50 lO.txi X : . f re" v -tt .