Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, September 27, 1888, Page 4, Image 4

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Dancer of tlciuo from an Cnclenn Cellar.
Klcvutlou of Ootncstlc SttIco Value of
Health Woman's Finance Athletic
OlrU Courtesies HouKehold flints.
Tho kitchen is usually tho part or the house
that U most frequented by the majority of
housewives; consequently, this room, of all
Others, should be the plcasautost. If the
room Is well lighted dark shades on the win
dows would not bo out of place, but if it is
iuclinod to be dark at all, as is generally the
case in the city, dark colored curtains ought
not be thought of. To be sure, white cur
tains are not advisable for this room, for
with the steam and dust they would be in a
short time unQt to see, but there are many
pretty light shades of curtains that will an
swer this purpose excellently. A light slate
makes a very pretty shade for the kitchen
windows, but the buff holland is as pretty
and as serviceable as most women could
wish. There are so ninny shades of theso
goods, and none so very dark, that almost
any may lo used for tho kitchen with good
effect If the kitchen is a sunny room,
which, if possible, it ought to bo, dark shades
are not economical, as they fade so easily
that if in a strong sun for any length of time
they present a very unsightly appearance.
Buff shades also fade when exposed to tha
sun, yet the contrast la not as great as
tliougb they were dark, for in some of tho
buff shades the difference in color, when
faded, can only be seen on close inspection.
T.ihfc colored furniture is much to be pre-
forrl to dark in the kitchen. There is
nothing can take tho place of the while wood
only a little cre to V - ' ieauires
.. ,t lookim? luce.
opening cellar door stirred a current vp-
And still those parents wcadsred why their
seven youn children, whom they thought to
cherish and protect from every tiarm, enema
bo stricken with diphtheria, and called it one
of the most mysterious of God's providence
when they were called to lay two of their
darlings under the sod. Clarissa Tcater in
The Housewife.
- 1 .... i .. mintu. Aarl,
.v,, Willi UII1IJHJ111H nuKi-i "
..j , using somo good soup onco a week, will
keep it as white and clean as any one could
desire. A kitchen table should have cno
drawer, at the least, and ono leaf. Tho
drawer is generally used to hold many of
the smaller cooking implements, such as
knives, forks, spoons, etc. It is not a good
plan to keep sharp knives in this drawer
among the other things, as when the house
wifo hiua hurry she is in danger of hurting
herself by carelessly grasping knives of this
kind when they are put in with other arti
cles. If there are children in tho family,
this drawer should contain neither knives,
forks, or, in fact, any sharp article; but
these should be placed out of reach of the
impatient little fingers.
This drawer is nice to keep clean dish
towels, kitchen hand towels, work aprons,
and many other things that will le conven
ient for tho housewife to have when wanted.
If there are two drawers in a table ono will
h fruinfl to . of irreat service as a catch-all.
in t.his ran bo nut those numerous articles fcr
which there seems to be no place, such as bits
of strintr. wrapping paper, paper bags and
that seem of no lra-
1UUUJ viuvi -
f,n hilt are sadlv missed when wanted.
ft tint. i no second drawer a box or bag
Bhould bo provided for the purpose, and it
.;n k r,l one of the most convenient
; , .1 .-c in th room-
When a housewife is cramped for closet
room, a small wooden box will bo found ex
cellent to hold rubbers, slippers, etc. Get an
empty soap box, lino with stout wrapping
paper, and cover the outside in some pretty
1 rroromie. Fasten the top of the beer.
with hinges so that it will lift up like a
of cotton batting be
tween the cover of the box on the outside and
.i,Mtnn7in so ns to make a kraci oi cuu
...- c it u-in lw comfortable when
eo,i seat, which may often be the case.
Fasten to each of the corners at the bottom a
cistor. so that the box may be casny mueu
ro to another.
Varnished light wood chairs should be
wiped over once a week with weak ammonia
water, and they may be kept looking nice
for a long time. It is a mistake to use soan
on this kind of furniture, for it will certainly
remove the varnish in a very short time. Too
much ammonia will remove the gloss, there
fore n teaspoonful to one-half pail of water
is usually sufficient. Keep needles, thread,
pins and sharp scissors in some part of the
kitchen, and it will save some stops. Have
two or three small knives for paring vege
tables, apples, etc., and they will be fousKi
much easier to use than tho medium size,
and do the work better Boston Budget.
Iteration of Domestic Service.
It is a serious question with one forced to
choose between two necessary evils, as to
which evil (all things considered) is the lesser
viz., the condition of the kitchen drudge
or that of the city factory hand. Undoubtr
edly the hirod girl gets more food, better
clothes, and healthier lodzings than the fac
tory girl, but for such advantages she has to
sacrifice her own home and her own inde
pendence, to put up oftentimes with the ca
price of a sickly, petulant mistress, the de
mands of an overworked master, and the
whims of ill bred children. And it is still an
open question whether many men, if brought
to choose between ( these two means of sub
sistence, would not select the life of the "city
slave girl," with all its terrible odds, in prefer
ence to that .of the average pride of the
kitchen. The very fact that the factory is
overcrowded which is the chiof cause for
uuiversul starvation wages rather than the
avarice of any particular firm while tho
kitchen remains understocked is cvidenco
that to many minds the life of the city sluvo
girl" is not tho most unbearable.
Elevute domestic service from the level of
mere drudgery to the proud and independ
ent position of "skillod labor." The public
demands it and will cheerfully pay for it.
There is scarcely a family today which i I
paying, say, t8 per week for the pres"""
the kitchen of a m-re 8lOUt o Ul
wi!MiSlj4flere- " . a6 which "would
forth-- tuoso wnscs$i per week
-rvices of competent help. The sav
...... ;.. ,i.,rfi-nrt i-in nf nroriertv and in the
supply for the table would of themselves
morothan warrant tne mcrcaseu
lay. Our American tables are loaded with
innumerable disbes to stimulate
apietite simplv because no one disn is pro-
perly cooked. We are suneinui;
tvitl, mjnrmril nn trasn.
In a land where there's no end to vai ieij
in carden stuff, where a dish or cauiiuowei,
of iK-as, or other vegetable (if scientiUcany
cooked, as by the irencnj, wim kuw
drink, would
U11U UUblCl uv " -' o
sufiicofora is intoleraDie mat.
should be made dyspeptics and that the lives
of our mothers and wives should ue
miserable simply because we don't Know now
to live, or, knowing how, find it impossible
to live as we would. If tne average -tw"" '"
can wife were a lioness sho could uii me imi.
for, generally speaking, she is an excellent
housekeeper. But knowing just now
should be done, and laciSng me iuaii
strength to properly do them, is a comuiua-
tionwhifcUis inces autly racking uei uaj.
mind and souL ThU much lor a preseuu
groat public demand to wit, the speedy
evolution of the conventional hired girl into
a reliable and competoiifc housekeeper. uui-
cago Times.
baa as havlnz been used rather too formid
ably much. We believe la tfrla being ath
letic to a certain extent. But a3 a rulo, a
girl who doe all her duty at home will ham
had enough exerciso in making ld arid
Bwoeping carinas, without swinging Jndian
clubs and putting up dumb bells. Chores
promote the charm of chubbincss, but wo do
not believe in llelxj's becoming Hercules. No
woman is altogether esteemed whoso uiuschs
are so big that her husband has to be afrai 1
of her. Enthusiastic 6oldiers may shout.,
"Wo will die for our king, Maria Theresa,"
but they prefer remembering, after all, that
their king is a queen. New York Journal.
Women AT ho Enjoy Housework.
Women generally enjoy housework; it is
"bred in the bone" with most of us, and it is
only the protests and compluints of married
women who have to beg for very cent they
spend that make the rest of us look askance
at it. Once married even the most enthusi
astic practitioner takes up household duties
as naturally as a duck swims. I know one
lady physician who made a bargain with her
intended husband that she should not have
nny of tho responsibilities of housekeeping.
They would not board, but thev secured a
well trained servant and determined to trust
everything to her. But don't laugh tho
lady broko the agreement herself. Mr.
never blamed her for any hitch in the do
mestic machinery, but a dusty table or an
overdone steak seemed to her to be living re
proaches to her management or lack of man
agement. 8q she now spends her vital fj
lavishly in trying to do her d'.lty iu
acting professions naii uow'" ..o ex-
tell von, is wub th coping, let me
Uuesfe"'" .st exacting of the two.
., .-niov it all. though-th inks she
. tti,1(y tl.rt cream of life, "W. IL
i fcv--v"
Detroit Free Tress.
A Woman's Discovery. j
"Another wonderful discovery has
betn made and that too by n woman in
Hi i 3 country. Disease fusttiied its clutches
upon lirr and for seven yeais she with
stood i'8 severest tests, but her vital or
gans were undermined and death sc( lued
imminent. For three months she cough
ed incessantly, and could not sleep. She
bought of us a bottl.j of Dr. King's New
Discovery tor Consumption and was so
much relieved on taking tin,t dose that
she slept all night, and with one bottle
has been miraculously cured. Her name
is Mrs. Luther Lutz." Thus write W. C.
Hamrick & Co., of Shelby, N. C Oft a
free trial bottle at V. G. Fricke & Co.'a
Drug Store. 2
Tho Small Courtesies of Life.
The whole world is like the miller at Mans
field, "who cared for nobody-no, no t he
Lecause nobody cared for him." And the
whole world will serve you so, n J
them the same cause. Let every one there
lore, see that you do care for them, by si ow
in-them what Sterne so happily calls the
small, sweet courtesies of life," those courte
sies in which there is no parade, whose voice
w too still to tease, and which manifest them
selves by tender and affectionate looks, and
little kind acts of attention-giving others
the preference in ewry little enjoyment at
tho table, in tho field, walking, sitting or
standing. This is the spirit that - gives to jour
time of life, and to your sex, their sweetest
charms. It constitutes tho sum total of all
tho witchcraft of women. "Advice to Girls.
A Clever Illinois Swindler.
TohONO, iLh., Sept. 18. A swindler,
as yet unknown, has succeeded in work
ing Busey Bank at Libaiut to the
amount of ft2500: J. W. Helm, of Dan
ville, $4500, and Gillet & Il dl, $ir,00.
Uv the use of forced bills of lading he
j n
secured tho payment of drafts on eastern
houses for the above amounts. The
drafts bore the name of Kizer Brothers,
n well kno3 'Jnun firm at llammor.,
SU . The si.'iiatures, though clergy a
forgery, were well culculitted t0 deceive,
llefm identified the man. nt Busey's Bank
before he. learned that he himself had
been victimized. There is no clew to
the swindler's real identity, and he, has
I a
An Explanation.
"What is thU "iiervou-; trouble" with
which so m.iiiv seem now to be f 11
you will reiiiemlK r u few yenr Hg 'he
word Mahirht whs comparative ly uu
known, tod:y it is ih cniumon ""y
word in the English bmugi, yet this
word covers only the nn H.ning of another
word used by our forefathers in times
past. So it is used with nervous discuses,
as they mid Malaria m intended to cover
what our grandfathers called Biliousness,
and all are caused by troubles that arise
from a diseased condition of the Liver
which in performing "its functions finding
it cannot dispose of the bile through the
ordinary channel "4s compelled to pass it
off through the system causing nervous
troubles, Malaria, Bilious Fever, etc.
You who arc, sufJViing can well appreci
ate a cure. "We recommend Green's Au
gust Flower. Its cures arc marvelous.
WaIioo! Wahoo!
There is not one thing that puts a m
nt Kiicli disad vatitiiirc mi' '
She Ti led and Knows.
. v rl...umt of New ork
" N?plaste ofiuch iui-it M
say s :
the At
i ...
lien, ,
thev are unequal
1 II" 'n,,,i' ' I .i.r triril
liic. u. l,H, I '.y kind Our tru. ifl't
f'l tlilllk OU" . ..i i. .. ibi-r A
unJ Hliuuldrt ill uS'""-t ,,,1,, u,e t
kllbuw. . i .
1 C tents fur the beau una coioio. .
Xl Hh.I. ... MiorUih Maiden."
THA7HlOPHOR0SCO. 112 Wall St. N. T.
-mr -bbv
f i n Ml V-Q
;) jh:iidbytuei.roprieto,.of
VlealtU As an Inheritance.
kTos, A e all value health, and yet how we
ut, it There is no way in which we (.o
Diphtheria from an Unclean CeUar.
"I could not understand why that entire
family of seven children should be stricken
with putrid diphtheria till I had occasion to
eo into their cellar," a friend said who had
been summoned to help care for the sick and
dying children of a neighbor.
Ve always thought the Wrights, with
their trim, whitewashed fences and outbuild
ings, their neatly kept dooryard and garden,
the evident constant warfare against filth
nrl Elattenulness in any form, the most in
telligent and cleanly of families in our com-
T wondered what possible breed-
2 fnr malicaant diphtheria could
Inrt about that home, till I went into th
cellar When I opened the stairway door a
v. .u ctonr-h of decaviug vegetables and
hT-tnfi rushed up from the unventl-
i,ti,nm nit below, that they call eel
Ti,tt nir was so heavy with mold and
.Vr,nf. impurities that the flame of tha
candlo I carried flickered and lapped over, as
fht had been laid on it.
"Ilardlyhad I stepped from the bottom
t fora mv feet struck a slippery, slimy
ti of rotten pumpkin, and I went down
ti.a .dful musk that sent out its pesti
lential wuiCs from the very depths of its
ifin. The candle still burned, and
after hastily rising from this unexpected to
bofranin" across the cellar bottom, I held
the sickly uatae mgu a-u w"i """o
that breeding nest of diphtheria and other
fearful germs, before cutting the slices of
salted pork, for which I had been sent to bind
upon the poor little, swolien,.cholied throats
UIWaU3, green with mold and fungi; de
caved and decaying vegetables everywhere;
a slosh of rotted apples oozingheir pungent
iuices from tho bloated staves of a dozeu barrels-
a great bin of frozen, then thawed,
TOtatoes, that to stir meant development of
r.. .,rrV. t- pira n plnctrie plant
cas, powenui cub" - ' . -
cin 4t Tliore ia no way
: ....i ii, ,-nion tVi:if. foinoais it. We
iiou aisi aiu
rea for example, in the dark, and m bed,
arut 4a the cars, instead of waiting for hgUt
an-t quiet; wo sit all day at work when we
shod l vary the day with exercise; we eat in
a hvf -, is if we foared each morsel was to
be m atched from us, when we should eat
shx.vl . and invoke the powers of digestion;
we stl td from sleep the hours that belong to
that enign restorer of tired nature; we deli-lit
our gustatory nerves over banquets
which millstones could not grind to diges
tion, imd we drink draughts which inflame
theifcamach and set the brain on fire, and
bm- the body to naught. And when aU is
doieve go about, if we aro still able to go
about, complaining tnat mere is no imhu
us, unci wo blame fate and tue divine iaa
when-ivd have ourselves to blame and our
ancestors. , .
Buo the worst thing of all that we do is cc
to ba ;gar our own stock and amount ol
heaI J' that we have none to give to our
chili ren, and we let them come into the
woiVL with impaired pnysicai sysienu. w
gin iv:h, and often let them run for luck in
tb.. (-j-of those systems alter waiu. u o
b-iv.ii o-sense of theattention we snouia gie
. . - o.i.l I'ninrfl our
i .ftiPs those temples o tlio spirit inai
deserve religious care we have no l lgnt u
take 1 lie rties with the bodies ol otners; ous
the mcment that the health of the children
intrusted to our care is injured,, euner uy
neglect or by wrong indulgence or by want
of wisdom, we are culpable; lor we not omy
rob those childr en of a birthright, but we rob
iiiin whole race of which tuey ana tneir
descendants are a part of that which is their
portion, and which they have a ngnc wei
pect, since health, in any normal state of so
ciety should bo as much tho inheritance of a
child as its mother's life blood or us iauier a
name. Harper's Batar.
The Craze of "Smocklne."
newest industrial "craze" is "smock
'w."smockinz" is a revival, i ears
a'0 our grandmothers "smocked" or "honey
combed" their best bedspreads ami towels.
Now it is being used considerably for trim
ming dresses. It is very ornamental, ice
pattern is usually a diamond shaped design,
and it is said, the knack once acquired, the
work is easy and rapid. Curious it is how
fiUihions reassert themselves in all branches.
Take a group of ladies chatting over their
morning fancy work. The needle of one
speeds over a band of smocking work; an-
o i.oirii.lirinr- number of long
steel needles, rounding the toe of asilk stock-in-,
and another crochets a quaint com puree,
just as did the dames a century ago. lablo
Talk. .
Training tho Ears.
Erect ears, like pitcher handles, may be
taught better manners by banding the hair
over the upper part and wearing a close
ni-ht cap to sleep in. Sometimes a linen
baud is worn day aud night around tho head
and ears for weeks to press the latter into
place The cartilage of the ear is suscepti
ble of much training, and advantage is
taken of this to mold the broad rim over a
shell of metal covered with wax. The flap
t between two such close
Cttin-molds and held by a bandage around
hnH tho result being a curiea 't.
$500 Reward.
Wc will pny he above reward for any
case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick
headache, indigestion, constipation or
costiveness we cannot cure with
A-,.faU T.ivrr Pills, when the
V CSl Y co ' '
directions are strictly complied with.
They arc purely vegetable, and never
faifto give satisfaction. Largo boxes
rontaining 30 sugar coated pills, 25c.
For sale by all druggists. Beware of
counterfeits and imitations. The gen
uine manufactured only by John O. We
& Co., 802 W. Madison St. Chicago.and
Sold by W. J. Warrick.
t.t ..... ..;,..,.! 1 . 1 fit.
it nrw I k u Y J I i it 1 1 it plan wi ur
Your ambition is gone.
Your coorage has failed.
Your vitality has left you.
Your languid step and l int less ac
tious show that you need a puw rf ul in
yigorator, one bottle of lie-gas,' Blooti
Purifier and Blood Maker will put new
life in a worn out system, and if it d
not it will cost you nothing. (). P. Smith
& Co., Druggists.
-throat, (, Sffi niucouH. purulnnt.
t others, thick. nnBi 'i". riKiD(f in ears,
bloody and PutrHl ! Unrnt. execto.
titttness.difjiculty or iuu"K (,nreiioivej
ton or on eiisi " .""". -..n,.,-! debility.
(nam lmiiuin '. - r . r . ..
Hia'U a
HUinplion, nnu eni
nis likely to be pres-
resuit in coo-
llv its mtni. BooimiiM. ; "" Wk.
Dr. Sn tre-s Itemed v cure - -z.-
The Original
xoftsaivt llVPRPllLS.
1 Uin .i ....
Purely Veotta-
hle 4 Bannlrti.
The democrats had a time.
T.., o I.I ver Pill. Bmallest.ehenp-
..... uuumyr ui in... - - -
Pelle a Done.
When your skin is yellow.
When your skin is dark aud grei..y.
When your skin is rough and coarse.
When your skin is iuflan.;d and rid.
When "your skin is full of blotches.
When your skin is full of pimples you
nord a good blood niedkinc that can be
relied upon. 13-ggs' lilood runm r
ni.,fl Maker is warralltt d as a positive
run. ff.r nil of the. alxivc. so vou cannot
possibly run any risk when yuo g-t a hot- j
ii.. c .1.- ...,.i..r.t inolirino For sale
lie ol mis Huiuiciiu ...v.
bv flu P. Smith & Co.
C. II. Petersen and
"r.i2?che.llllu Headache,
V..i. CoiinH patio" IaiRenuii,
U.!- ttacki, an.l all derangements ot
the atomaou mw
tof4f"" ',. .ic ill LI (Alli
Best Coh Syrup. lBtegood. Use
in turn), noiu "'i'"1"". , Wftl
Geo. Edgerton
tmrtiKTshin in the Katij
Pease, by mutual consent. Mi. Edg rton
will continue to work for Mr. Peterson.
Colic, Diarrho;aand summer complaints
r .iTinirfroiis at this season of the veiir
1v WAV to f'Uiirtl u?ainst tlns
diseases is to have a bottle of some n-li
able remedy. Beggs' Diarrhcea Balsa ni is
Pf isttivr P.F.I.lf.F in all thtse aisa-
.1. A
rrf.lli. i iises nmt is iilensan to tnke.
It will cost yon only oo cents.
Smith & Co., Druggist m.
I believe Piso's Cure
for Consumption saved
my life. A. II. DowKtx,
Editor Enquirer. Eden
ton, N. C, April 23, 1887.
imnroves it. Doctors profess to
rare an offending ear into good shape, but
the idea is too much lor
Shirley Dare's Letter.
common nerves.
if odor is power.
1 ... a1 1 J mat
tnimpkins had been stoxeu iu lu.wwau.a,
that decaying bloat - months before-had
:BT ..i .i rSlcrl anart.somoof the iuush-
"aTdJdins uteres falling directly the
and making the slippery chute that
unbalanced aad nured nie; and n every
.;- etnetj of turmp3 aud cab-
SuurnsTut their penetrating, loath-
9 U
some Drea-.U3. . ;t t-
"The cellar was as uai - .
little timpano light under the dining room
ing that late -J thick with dreadful
cases and stagnant air. taicK Kn w
orn and diseasa gem - ".r,
from th cellar omy uj
Woman and Her Finances.
"Wo occasionally take the biggest kyid of
risks in the matrimonial market, u"
"but 1 will confess that wlien it comes to
wheat markets we are a little cautious, and
it is well that we are, for it is a thousand
times worse for a woman to be beggared
than it is for a man to lose his fortune."
"How do you make that outi"
"Becauso," I answered, "a man is like a
cat that always falls upon its feet, and a
woman is like a hydrocephalus infant suro
tr, tnmV.lfl on its head. A man can, in ways
peculiar to himself , get back his money by
merely snapping his fingers in the air. He
can get a loan an hour after bis bubble has
burst that will fill up his basin with fresh
suds and a light whiff on tho same old pipe
will fill the air witn larger uuu wi;""-'
globes of iridescent light than any that went
before. But a woman can't raise a loan
w ithout she mortgages her immortal soui to
do it. You neean t iook snoci-eu, x mcau
just what I say. A woman gets ner money
r.a I .r-i-rv nickers cet their fruit, by steady
attention to wort and no fooling. There is a
vast difference between blowing bubbles and
picking blackberries, let me tell you, and a
tirfped over pail of fruit just on the edge of
sundown doesn't stand for greater discour
agement than does the upsetting of a woman.-
patient and toilsome schemes for get-tin"-
to 'ether enough money to keep her out
of t' e Old Lady's Home or tho poor house
when her strength and her youth have van-iahod-
her ability to refill an overturned
basket after sundown is quito hopeless."
'Ambler" in Chicago Journal.
Shall Ilebe Becotao Hercules?
A -rcat deal is beins said just at present -thletio maidens. You may call them
The following is recommended as a cure for
neuralgic headache: Squeeze the juico of a
lemon into a small cup of stroug cou"ee. This
will usually afford immediate relief m neu
ralgic headache. Tea ordinarily increases
neuralgic pain, and ought not to bo used by
persons affected with it.
The old fashioned theory still prevails that
KriP.n.livac adds to tho apparent warmth
of a room, and careful housewives store their
wealth of chiua away on darkened shelves to
reproduce it and renew their delight in its
r.s5ion when once the cool weather re-
To cleanse porcelain saucepans fill them
,oif fnil of hot water and put m tho water a
tablespoonful of powdered borax and let it
boiL If this does not remove all the stains
scour well with a cloth rubbed with soap and
For chapped lips use beeswax dissolved in
a small quantity oi sweec on, uy
carefully. Apply the salve two or three
times a day, and avoid wetting the hps as
much as possible.
To clean pie plates that have long been
used for baking put them in a large kettle f
cold water and throw on them a few hot
ashes or cinders, and let them boil for an
hour. .
Identified by a Dream.
Mobile, Ala.. September 21. In the ter
rible wreck at Hurricane Bayou on the Mo
bile and Birmingham road last June,
when several men were killed, two young
men riding on the baggage-car platform
were iustantly killed, one of them being
mashed flat in the wreck. The young men
were not identified until Wednesday,
when Mrs. John: L. Divine and Mrs. M.
Mortis, of New Orleans, visited the pot
ters field aud had the bodies disinterred.
Mrs. Divine recognized lier oromer, oouu
Murphy. The tracing was materially assis
ted by a dream Mrs. Divine had mouths
ago, w herein she saw the undertaking es
tablishment wherein the body of her sod
lay after the accident. She saw in a coffin
her son, with his head mashed flat. This
led her to believe that he met death by ac
cident, and she instituted inquiries con
cerning all unknow parties who had so
died. Thu3 she was led to Mobile, where
h( reeoo-nizen the undertaking establish
ment of the City S xton as soon as she
entered it. The body of her son lay in the
coffin just as the snysshesuw it in her
Bucklin's ArnicaS alve,
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts.
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi-
t v rnips l'lles or no uav reuimiu.
is fruarunteed to give perfect satisfaction lence j, Electric Bitters
r monr-v refunded. Price 25 cents per
nthprs have added their
box. For sale by r . U. UTiCKe cv o.
O. P
democrats to
a prohibition
1p mucr ats of
We would advise the
hold their next rally in
state. If the prohibition
Illinois learn of the style in which the
Western democratic rallies are conducted,
Harrison will mike a clear sweep
Itch, Prairie Mange, f.ud Scratches of
everv kind cured in imnuics uy
ford's Sanitarv Lotion. A sure, cure and
Warranted bv F G
uci ivuii v --' -
Fricke & Co. druggist, flattsmouth
Some of the Iowa yoking ladies came
over to attend what they called the hur-
-r.t. Tli,rr;ih fur the vo-SniT ladies.
L l 1J . . - w l-'
Tho bkst Cough Medi
cine is Piso's Cure fob
Consumption. Children
take it without objection.
By all druggist. U5c.
nHtCouch Svriip. TastH t?ool. Use
in time. H11 by druiritp.
it i-
jHold lor tlOU an
Uil l.t.lT. Bt SMC
wtcb U tne wona. rer-
rmrt urn.
itolld Ool l HantlDK CiK
Klegnil od naCDlilcesw
Both Udlm'ind mn'iliM
' vltti work nd OM oC
In ech locllty cn Mean oo
FREE:. HowUthlipoMlblsT
Vi .a.wer w wwil on pr-
KKyjyyty x,o In ecU locllt7, to kwi la
It Aopears at Jackson, Miss., and
Creates a Panic At Other
Jacksos, Miss., Sept. 21. Three un
mistakable cases of yellow fever have
developed here today among residents
who have not been absent from town for
months. A careful aud close consulta
tion of physicians of the city, in connec
tion with Drs. Inglehard and Purnell, of
Vicksburg, established the foregoing
facts beyond doubt or question. The
:nnf 17S wns not comparable to i
Jiill w.
M.or mw nr-.vailinsr among the citizens.
To revive old silk: When silk has lost its sllsuicious cases of 'the fever
w, nn(i becomes limpsy it may do resioreu uv-..-- L
gloss ana Decomcs j on ,:J Df ntU S nV.lock vesterday
hvKtonffmc witn a soiuliuu wi uiu. uui v. " -
of the
a half
& Co.'s
of gum tragacanth in a pint of hot water.
The Verdict Unanimous
to- r Suit Driicrinflt. Bippus, Ind.,
testifies: "I can recoionnd Eleciric Bit
ters as the very best remedy. Lvery l.'t
tie sold has given relief in every case.
One man took six bottles, and was cured
of rheumatism of 1ft years standing.
Abraham Hare, druggist, Bellvile, Ohio
affirms- "Th best selling medicine 1
have ev.r bandied in my 20 years' rxper-
. x. -rriontrw 'Rit.r.ers'' Thousands ot
testimonv, so
ii..t u. wwrlit 9. iiTianinious that n.iec-
tric Bitters do cure all diseases
T-iver. Kidneys or Blood. Only
dtAiax a bottle at F. G. Fricke
dru2 store.
W. J. Connell, of Omaha, was nom
inated at the congressional conyention
held at Lincoln-
Drunkenness or th Liquor Habit P
lively Cured by Administering
Dr. Haines' Golden
It can bo given in a cup of coffee or
tea without the knowledge of the person
takin" it; is absolutely harmless and will
effect a permanent and speedy cure,
whether the patient is a moderate drink
er or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands o
drunkards have been made temperate
. . rtVMon fineeific in
men wuo nave i.b-c" "- i
i a .&m In vntir hniiiA 1
it l nowibl to me thl rot ort.r, Mndlns tb fcOI.II
Srlr our MtnPl b..o In . loclity for month or Iw.
wi Mnllly (.1 from IIOOO to S&OOO In tr.a.
JarroondlD conutry. Tali, tho moit wonderfal oB.r mw
known U mde In order tht oar ismplM may b plod tt ooo
wbre ineycan h n, .11 o 3ir1-a. Writ. t one. .n
SS7.urVoftu.en.nci Bd.r It will b. b.rdly .ny troubl
or you to .now tlw umplai to tluiw wlio m.y c.ll .t your bonis,
nd your rew.rd will bo mol Mil.r.ctory. A po.t.1 eard x
which to writ. u. cot. but I ont .nd after yonkuow all, If yoa
Jo not car. to o further, why no barm I. don., but If you d4
aud Tour dJrta at ouca, yuucUMCur. mEK ou. of tkw
ELt .oUdroM watch. In tb. world and our la-c. (1m. of
ToaTlLV SKMPLE. W. pay .11 xprM, fraUul, .to.
Iil Ji.uiW.61aO.N CV.,bo tit, kyMMVjMi,
To protect children's clothing from fire add
ono ounce of alum to the last water used in
rinsins clothes.
This renders them unin-
afteruoon, but before 8 o'clock hundreds . . ff without their knowledge.and
had left town by rail and other roads, today believe they quit drinking of thtir
and many more are prepaeing to leave. . IT NEVER FAIL8. The
Two banks in town paid out over $20 ,- :mrirpcmated with the Sped-
000 each, after banking hours yfraaj T.Z?iL ;mr,ihi!itv for
. j TBfrn MVia?. Ax it hprnmcs BQ uivei iujfo'""".-
.... ... . . a I T.fl LUtlT UCDUOllU" " -c. , iw -.
otateinK ous oa u". -i' I t .ni rpnnm to set WltD I .1- to exist. fur
wasn our, ia V - a ,cti.tinn W!)a , nT tvc"
out with it.
... . i . . i - nn
in mire meitea iaiiuw; wcu
f.oiinw. and the ink will coma
This is unfailing.
make cloth waterproof by var
nishing it with linseed oil, coating with solu
tion of rubber in naphtha.
A true test of eggs is to drop them in wa
ter, and if the large end comes up they are
not fresh.
In warm weather put your egga ui i ,
water some timo before you are ready to use
If clothes are absolutely dry before they
aro folded and laid away they will not mildew.
cirl sLidiators, if you choose, or gladiatorial
- rli It is permissible to call a Sirl any- tlB
Iu roasting meats do not salt before put-
iato tho oven, as saiL esiratu. u. j--
.ntv.k i nino III SUO 13 Ui:i-T3
?rr "sweet rrirl graduate." That has
been quoted about ten million times too
. TTtnp-becoms a household word, it
should be left at home and not dragged into
print. You may can a girt
,lior omy "J; j outdoor eport3 an Amazonian, xZ you preui
nrv TXssibl3 cranny ana !V"-UM , ., ,., v nmnorta sav of her
.. . 1 ,-1,-nflf inTA T TIO . i
htavv umoertxi uuw. - , t iiivinelv tall ana most ui meij.
. - rlu.fiii. and DY . vui"" -.- jv,i,
Cair," if that expression flere v j--
filterms ouii -f V),,,(T into tho
Dt too " ";hcAd. and by
i;uim ana sicui.'i"ti . .
.,rho stairway wnenev"-
. v
Dlood stains from fur can oe remove uj
rubbiDg well with dry plaster of par is.
Gum camphor scattered about mice haunts
will drive them away.
An experimenter has made a lens oi it
with which he was able to lisht a pipe Irj
means of the sun'a rays.
the board of health. A consultation was
held over the cases of Lorance, Lee and
coiimiin nnd the decision is that each
one of said cases is yellow tever oeyona
question or doubt. The board of health
are telegraphing the above facts every
where, and are concealing nothing.
At Memphis.
Memtbas, Tenn., Sept. 21. Dr. Wirt
Jahnson, secretary of the Mississippi state
board of health at Jackson, Miss., om
cially notifies, by telegram of this date,
it- Vi r Tiwiinrnn resident of the
Memphis board of health, of the pres-
nz,a of vilhiw fever in
Jackson. Upon receipt of thia othcial
information Meinphi3 to-day applied the
quarintine order of August 10 against
infected places in Florida, and of bep
teniber 13 againfrt Decatur. Ala, now
against Jackson, Miss., which provides
that neither persons, bnggage nor freights
will be allowed to enter Memphis from
Jackson, Miss., Columbus, Mis., and
other towns in that state 'havo quaraa
fined against Jacksou,
particulars, address auburn sr
i-i-v m; t?oo cr Cincinnati, vy. ca-T
No, 2.-4 3 p. m.
'o. 4. 10 :30 a. ni.
No. 13 p. m.
Ko. io. 9 : a. ra.
S. &. M. Time
No. i. 5 :lo a. m.
Nrt,3.--C :4"
No, 5. :47 a. ill.
No. 7.-7 :31 P. Ul
No. 9 -6 ;17 p- HI.
v.... n fi -or a. m.
All tra'.as ruu daily hy 'ay orpuaha. exPt
vA.U.u da which run to aua from btbujlet
daily except Sunday.
No 30 U aetuoto raciDC junciwiu ai"-)v.i
N'o.19 in stub fioin Pacific Junction at lv.ia
If I
f ho BUY EltS- GUIDE ia
issued .March and bept.
each year. It is an ency
clopedia of useful infor
'mation for all who pur
chase the luxuries or the
necessities of life. We
can clothe you and furnish you with,
all the necessary and unnecessary
appliances to ride, walk, dance, sleep,
eat, fish, hunt, work, go to chuntfc.,
rr stay at home, and in vartus sizes,
styles and quantities, Ji'.'st flgTire out
what is required to do 'Jii thes things
COMFORTABLY, and yr.a can roake a fair
estimate of ths val'ae of the BUYEB8'
GUIDE, which will be snt upon
receipt of 10 cents to, iay postage,
111-114 liLKlus.'im ATenue. Chicago, I.' U.
jrjieanaes arKl DrttutlflM Ui amir.' .
4 Promotes a luzoiiaat kkowvIl. I
3Nvr Fails to Rmtot Gi J
3 Hair o ita Mouthful Color 1
tovaluabto for Ceaglia, Cotta, Iawaj (i Falao, 9 xlavutloik.
Wholesale netaU thaler in
Children Cry for Pitcher's rwastoria.
When Bahy waa sici, gar9 her CMtorU.
When she WMCild, she cried tor Castoria,
When she hfig y,, cjujng to GutorlA
When 5J'ia4 children, she gwrethoa Q33mflv
4 ' r i , - J A-v
Shiugl;s, Lath, 6atb,
ioo Blinds.'
Can supply c-3 ery demana ol tne traae
Call and g t terms. Fourth street
In Ke.r of Opera House.
English Spavin Liniment removes al
bard,e8oft or Calloused lumcs and Blem
ishes frm horoes. Blood Spavin, Curbs,
Splint?, Sweeny, Stifles. Sprains, Pink
Eye, C ughs and etc. Save f 50 by use
of o8j bottle. Evera bottle warranted,
by F. G. Ericke & Co.,
ftrug'sista, Plaltamtfuth, .Neb.
' )
' r
Strong rujna. u. . .. . . .