Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, September 27, 1888, Image 1

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    hP j ill r
.. . . . .
$2.00 PKIi ANNUM.
Armed Mexicans Take Possession of a
Texas Oity.
Absolutely Pure.
This powder iipvc r varies. A marvel of pur
ity, Rrrenutli and wholesoineness. More eeo
uoinleai than Hie ordinary kinds, and cannot be
Bold in competition wltli the miiltilinle of low
test, short weight alum or ph isphalt. powders.
Hold Oi ly in C U.S. IwiVAI. ItAKIXI I'uwliKH
C'o..lOi Wall t. New Vol . 3D us
(ZVJPY Ol'iriGJiljS.
Anarchy Runs Riot.
Austin, Texan, September 20. All day
Sunday and Monday tho most uhtrming
telegrams continued to pour in on (.Jover
nor Ross, informing him that a war.
bloody and fierce, wh raging on th
Texas frontier, and that Hio-Grande C'it
lias boen for the last twenty-four hours 11
possession of armed Mexicans. Each
succeeding telegram was more startling
S. tt. Stewart Makes a New Propo
sition to Plattsmouth Well
Worth Acceptance.
Promt Action Needed Hero-Succes
at Nebraska City.
Nfbkaska City, Neb., Sept. 22, 1888.
Editor llraALD. Citizens here esti
mate tho pontoon bridge worth $1 0,000
to $30,000 a year to the city. They pay
2,500. All admit that it is far better
than they expected. Less sway tiian a
ier bridge, and far more convenient
because the bridge ends at the shore (no
iong approaches for the teams to climb.)
compelled to charge half a farmer's load !
for t' ll shall soon rock idly on the shore.
for p'-ntoons have arrived to remain (or, I
if you prefer it, " come to s(;iy " ) and I I
was sent to tell you. !
I continue to remain vour friend and i
well wisher.
S. N. S i r: w a nr.
Glasses lor sun blindness at the KM
die house.
L. J. Mayfield was at Omaha Friday.
It. P. Louks was ut Omaha Tuesday.
Mr. CI i ne who ban been verj' low for a
long time, is finally convalescent.
J. It. Fortney, of Lincoln, passed
through the city Saturday, enrout for
S. (J. Hrynnt, of Ashland, bought a
cur load of heat at this place Tuesday
and s-hipped it to his mill at Ashland.
Trea liner,
KllK'inei i ,
1'oliO-j J.l iie,
Ihere is nothing smart about it. It is
and sensational than the other. Thev all merelv a lot of 8COWS knocked together
demand troops immediately, an.l convey aD(1 6tru"g across the stream, but under
the impression in pla'n words, that anar- IC Harmlessly passes the heaviest drift
thy runs riot on the borders and that the "-"led by the raging river, and on it you
lives of American citizens in that section m one minute, drive from shore to Six men wore arrested a. d iiioni cernttd
are in imminent neril. 8UU11- me "cooler rvuurtr.y, nuttwool tliem
Kio-Grandc City is eicht miles from the 1 make yur Clty a much better propo-
nearest railroad station and is extremely sition 1,1,111 I made lust spring. I will
difficult to reach. onclgc out from each shore and run a
Governor Itoss has, notwithstanding suu-ttle-boat across the channel, crossing
ordered the entire "ranser force of Texas everJ two to five minutes for a bonus of
to proceed w ith all possible haste to the 1'200 ft 3'ear- If the '. . ?gement can
scene of battle, as a massacre of Texaus e matle at once so tliat 1 can P" " the
is feared. bridge while I am waiting here to make
Tje Mexicans number ten to one of the experiments with the ice, I will arrange
white citizens in that section, and there for a bn9 of $1,000 a year for five j
W f i'i. uvv
-" w k i ox is no telling to what excess thev will re- Vears
JAMiss "Toahk sort, especially as they have no difficulty r if -'our citizens prefer, I will ar
" A. Maihilk ia escapiUir to Mexico. ran2e for a s5uge year for $1,300, being
effected an escano bv
through tlic tide of the b-iihtiiiir.
The following named persons were
duly elected as delegates to the republi
can county convention to be held at
Louisville Oct. fith: Jack F.arker, Y.
Cutforth, L. J. Maj field. Jesse Living
ston, James HartsliDin, E. I'almer, Ed.
Twiss, Thad Adams and George Stewart.
Couaoilciea, i -it ward, -j
1 M Jon k
Mil I'M AN
Itoaid rub.Work
Governor Itoss has also teleernnhert all 8atUl3ed that t,lcy will see the many
sheriffs of counties on the border contir- advantages of abridge and at the end of
I nous to it to proceed by forced marches the year re-rt,range for four years more
.. i. .i: ,i i at SI.UUU a vear.
iwi. i. vr . i" iiuudicu iiisLiict uiiu luKc aniieu '
) V;n: ''Co-v-nok:. ' posses with them. He likewise teWranh- loUs ,0 ceut3 round trip for double
i.I v Joisns ...chaikman , rd to the San Antonio rifles and the tea,Ils- Other tolls in proportion. A
i iVu'Iia'w Revolt i h Helknap rifles and the Houston licht shut,le bridge is as good as a complete
.rA ,. M il Muui'iiY
1 s V
lielknap rifles
. guards to hold themselves in readiness to
GOLTJ'IlV OFFlGJil'IS. ; m uch at a moment's notice
A. Ca mi-uk ll
TllOi. I'dLI.'ICK
itn;i i;iToiiFiKLa
EX A t'lil I CH KIEI.U
W. II. Pool
Deoaty 1 rets lire r. -Clerk.
Deputy Clerk,
iteeorderof JJeeds
Deputy ttee:ler
OIrk of iMetrici Uo-irr,
8upt. of Pub Schools.
County J u. lue.
A. B. Todd. Ch'in.. - - I'lattsinouth
Louis K.-U'Z, - Weeping Water i
A. li. ll KHO.V,
Ci ASS LOOd No. UG. I O. O. F. -.Meets
'every Tuesday evening of e.ieli week. All
transient brothers aie respectfully invited to
t). F.. ineers every iteriate Friday in
bridge where not over 400 teams cross
For $100 a year more we will put on a
stage to make two trips dnily, each way,
between Plattsmouth and Pacific Junc-
At Jacksonville. tion, 10 cents fare each way. No charge
Jacksonville, Sepr,26. The situation to passengers crossing the bridge. This
J.C. Kikknbauv last night was practically unchanged, ex- would bring many citizens of Pacific
A. MA DOLE . . I t i ... -.
allssnUkkson cept that the hopeful feeling that the J uucuon lo laitsmoutu to traile. A
worst of the epidemic is over. While staSe 1,ne might also be run to Glenwood
casses are developing very rapidly, the during the months when tha roads are
type of the disease appears to be milder g00'.
E mwood ! even tj,an before our equinocial storms; Now, if Plattsmouth has a few men
and while many are very sick the death wno Wl11 raise to tlie level of the oppor-
A Woman's Charms
soon leave her, when she becomes a vic
tim to any one of the various disorders
and peculiar " weaknesses' that are pecu
liar to the fair sex. The condition of
tens of thousands of women today is
pitiablo in the extreme; they are weak
bloodless creatures, a prey to mental an
guish and bodily pain; in a wrd,
"broken-down," from any one of numer
ous causes. To this unhappy multitude
we strongly urge the use of Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription, an infallible,
world-famed remedy, for all "female"
irregularities and "weaknesses?," and
which restores the worst sufferers to vig
orous health, and reinvests her with all
the charms of figure, face and complex
ion, that receive such willing homage
from man.
Out through the gates of Lpalian
One morning rode a studious man.
A cake of Ivory Soap in view.
"No nlknli this soap contains.
"Ah, whither bound?" a traveler cried. It leaves the lace and takes the stains ;
Who rested by a fountain side. It cons from oils, sweet as the rose
"I go to seek," replied the sre, Thr.t in the palace garden grows ;
"The greatest wonder of the age." It floats like cork upon the wave;
" Then from your saddle now descend With this we may both wash and shave "
And call your journey at an end, " Enough, enough!" the student cried;
For here within this sack I hold "You've saved me from a longer ride,"
The greatest wonder bought or sold." And turning round his wisdom showed.
And stooping down, the speaker drew Tor back to Ispahan he rode.
There are many white soaps, each represented to be "just as good as the
Ivory';" they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar and remark
able qualities of the genuine. Ask for "Ivory" Soap and insist upon getting it.
Copyright 18S6, by Procter & Gamble.
each month in l lie Masonic Hall.
lirothers are invited io attend.
qiKIO LOnUK Ni. tU. A. (. U. W. Meets
- evry altar um- Friday aveuinu at K. of 1.
hall, 'f raini'jnt brothers ar respnetrwly in
vited to -it fi'ud C..f Morgan. M ister Work-nan ;
F.P.Brown. Forenan ; G. U. 'ienntr. over
eer ; K. A. Taitf. Financier : F. House
worth. KeeorUer; M. Mavbright. Keosiver ;
D. B SniUh. 1 t M. w. ; i. a. uowen, tiuide ;
r. J iiunz, lussae w aten.
rate continues low. The official bulletin tunitj and secure subscriptions of $3 to
for 24 hours ending at G p. m. last night $2r a vcar J"ou might soon have a shuttle-
reports 143 new cases, of which 83 are unage tiint would enhance real estate,
colored people. Only 4 deaths reported. lncr?ase trade, start new enterprises, as it
has done here, and bring to your doors
Visiting The Refuges. the hay, wood, bntter, eggs, vegetables,
Louisville, Ky., Sept. 20. The situa etc- of Iowa. People have been benefited
tion of yellow feyer refugees here shows 'iere I'J the bridge in more ways than
little change. One case of a mild type t,,eJ ever thought of. They will also
has broken out. Many are leaving for tell you that I have much more than fill
northern points as fast as possible and a e( my contract with them. I have given
: fund is being raised for those in need. A frce days, half-fare days, free crossing to
1AS-i CAMP Xl M' MDDKHN iVllODMKV : ' .ov. iiuwamui - "
"- of America Mtrets second and fourth Mun -. lipslfli vptprdnir hc rnUo1 ll, lnl from a certain distanr-e. f-f.-irp for
quarantine an all Kentucky points. pleasure drives to citizens every pleasant
Light frosts are reported near Mont- afternoon, and am using many kinds of
gomery, Ala., and Chattanoga, Tenn.,and inducements to bring farmeis and emi-
strong hopes are entertained for weather 2rauts to this city,
cool enough to chock tho pleague. ur bridge here was finished over a
A case of doubtful nature exists at month ago. Although it is the largest
Memphis, Tenn., the physicians in atten- pontoon bridge in the world by over one
dance were to make a strict examination hundred feet, and has tho largest- draw
today. A close quarantine still exists. of any bridge, either pier or pontoon, by
over twenty feet, we have as yet been
. t.1i A 1 1 , -
From Wednesday's Daily. uu-ioie m get even a delegation or one
When the system is debilitated by dis- man from Plattsmouth to visit it. This
ease, it should be strengthened and re- makes me sad, but I can wait as long as
newed with Aycr's Sarsaparilla. This yu can
j m-dicine inyariably proves itself worthy "J putting on one hundred men we
f all that can be said in its favor. Sold could build it in two week after the
bv druggists and dealers in medicines, gunwales arrives,
i HE II A VIllMT QTto or
iiil. un i Linn g OIliflL
We have just placed on our shelve-a
si. a.
a wl n -ii h a a r.-A
I d s i u?9 j a a n H . fc
Sewor Bias.
Proposals for the construction of dis
trict sewer in district No. 2, Plattsmouth.
Sealed bids wi?l be received by the
chairman of the board of public works
at ins omce in said city until noon,
October 18th, 1888, for the construction
of an eight incli Sanitary sewer pipe in
district No. two as follows: Commenc
ing near the east end of the alley in
block No. twenty-eight, thence west in
alley to a connection with the .H foot j
storm water spu-er in Sivth Rtrff- TV. I . -
- ---- . W I ' ( ;
done according to plans a?ul specifica- I
tious on file in the oiiice of the board of !
Oublic works. The acrrrreo-ato rt;nirt. I
ot the cost of said work is 333.50. I Sa A I ft tH3 B.5 a S
i m a a sa !W1 V WW B
11 O 111
c are dailv neeivi i,ni-
And liave a Complete Lino of
I rade
d ay ftveninu at IC. of P. hall All transient
brothers are requested to ineef with nt. I.. A.
Newco iior. Venerable C oisul ; i. -, Nilec,
Worthy Adviser ; S. C. w ilde. Hanker ; W. A.
Hoeck, Cleik.
Mwet vry alternate Friday evening at
Boclcwood hall at S o'cIock. All transient broth
ers are respectfully invitfd o attend. L. S.
Larson, M. W. ; F. Bod. Foreman: S. V.
Wlloe. itcoriier ; Loouard Andrs-m. versfr.
IlLATtsMOUTtl L'1GE NO. 6, A . F. & A. M.
Meets ou the firrt and ihir.l Mondayi of
each mouth at their hall. All transient broth
ers are cordially in-, it ml to meet with ns
J. O. Richky, W. M.
AVsi. H ays, Secretary.
i- Meets second and fourth I nesila of ea i
month at Ma-oii'H Mall. Transei lit brothers
are invited to meet with. us.
f. E. White, II. P
AN si. II ays. Secretary.
Meem first and lliird e1 nesrt iv n Iiiii t of
each in-to r ' at M t-o N hall. Visiiin br.'thei s
are cordially ii.'vlt-d to niee u j,h in.
Wn. Hals, i ec. I'. K. wniiK. I. C.
t ach inonta at ri u n Mall.
i: N. Cle.vs, r.
r. C. UiNOK. S-eiet iry
Price $1, Six bottles, $3,
Tllf t rl x-.l ! n cr pitrroeinnlunl f fl.
ia4S' mt i 'I r, iiw iinvi . i;f irn 1
J '::eet- tiie ec nl and f.iurth Monda' s of ChieatiO Times while on am-, of Ins tonra
over th- country from Chicago to Den
ver, secured a vote of all the passengers
of his train on th? presidential nominees,
Tiie fallowing is tho correct count of tha
Votes secured: Harrison, 332; Cleve
governor of Nebraska he secured the fol
lowing vote between Omaha and Lint
Thayer, 22; McShane, 5; Butler, 16.
1st Vice "resident .
2nd Vie I'resideat.
. Kobt. II Wind h i m
A. It.
iA ri V -v i 1 !
rieiT iiaiiti land, JJ47; Fisk, 203; Streeter, 105
r . li. uutiinian
1!K TRS.
J. C. Kfe.v. F. E. Whit. . I C. Patterson, InTi intr rnfoliptwpon Omiilia cml tinnnln.
, C V. M.ennau, F tior- " " ' -"i-"'"-
J. A. 'o ui?r. K. Kl-oti
d.-r, J. V. v, ec;b-i.-h.
If some of your citizens would rather
own the bridge, I will build it for them,
and at a much less price than any other
contractor will charge. Moreover, I will
guarantee my bridge to stay put.
I am right glad to ieirn that the $300
of time and expense I lost with you last
spring resulted in causing your ferryman
to reduce his rates, You and the farmers
opposite reap the benefit of it.
All along the river ferry rates are fall-
Bids must be made on bidding blanks
furnished by the chairman of the board
of public works, and must be accom
panied by a certified check on a local
bank in the sum of $100, as an evidence
of good faith. Bids will be opened and
contract let at 2 o'clock p. r.i. oa said
day. J. W. Johnson, Ch'm.,
28-3 Hoard of Public Works.
Home Fire Insurance.
It may be of interest to the people of
this state to know that among the most
successfully conducted and prosperous
institutions in Nebraska, is the Uorae
Fire Insurance Company of Omaha.
Its premium receipts amount to $300,
000.00, and its business is fast increasing.
Its assets now amount to over $210,000.
00. Over Four Hundred Losses have boen
paid by the "Home Fire," to the people
of Nebraska, and the Company has a re
ceipt in full for satisfactory settlement
nLd a complimentary letter for prompt
and honorable dealing in every ens.-.
There is no reason why a worthy home
iusurance company should not receive tiie
patronage and support of the pjo la of
iimo .-i.ui, ,uiu jimiiy iroill 1110 l)i"ll
Onr Yarns in Spanish, Sa,,nv, (Jenuan aul Z. pl.vr
are on ule.
Dress Flannels ami Velvets Carpets, etc., in ,1,.,
Latest Xovclties.
LADIES' a ran rHiF.nnpw'c
- a. . I WlllUWlllwH Jf vj
None l.nt Western-made (ioods Kept in That Line.
(Jive us a Call,
Legal Notice.
In the Dis'riet Court of Cas cmntv, Xeb
raika :
John C Petersen and K.-i'mns Petersen, i trt
ner doins; business under tlie tjrm caine -r J
V, Pet-rsen and Brother. Plair.tih-). v-. Alfred
H. Townsend. et al U-tii'l,n;-.
To Alfred II. 'I'owic-inl. "liver N. Tvson
jonnr. i ownsena, I !i) V. N-wmtn. . J
Legal Notice.
In the District Court of Cass Conniv, N.-b-
Kdwin L. Pay, PlaintitT, vs K.ekiel c iald
v.m, et al. IieiVntlant-.
I" I . l . - i
. j..-ki.-i . i;:.,!'.M!i. I;n;in If. r(jV.
. '!? " Oil. r. h.f-r ei-r ';.
.-i-i. . il'liil - j . I (:V. IT: III ;I-
waru A. uo;u lan. Aim A. To-,vi:end. Ki'-'iard ' . f . 1 4 ' ' ." ,:i ; i;i ""'x aeti ., : TfemiL
II. Adams, Va!-,'.,n t, Adann It. n. Towns,'. i.l, 'j' ' '!rs wl, ,Sjk' lM "at on I hi; j;ih
real name unknown. Francis .J. 'I I c,,l (" '',tel!'''-''-s.o i I'lainiifl i ,ii,;nei,e.
A d-d oh us 11. Thoiiijii-on. Marv V. J'.nrivi !1 and ! '" :UJ f:l-'1'"1 "l ni-l ..urt a.;:vi.- vioi.llii- olj
Mary A. Doiu-la.!. no -r-sirlent def-niia-' s : ' J'.',' 1 "' s 'l ; ,;' "f" ii's to .pu.-i i )',. t j-ie to l
Y U will pie:ie lake n-itic-' tint on !!" IT'll : ,. - .' "! U. -"ect Ion 4. rfiMti,;.;;, u t,
day of heDteniln-r. 'sx.s tjie -;i r, P! in! it r-..i : ' i-- a Con -ty .N l.r;i.-:-.a. ,:! t
ing and the boats of those who were ceiying,
Mi-ncen an aetio-i in sai l Uitrict l. nn t 1:1 and , , L" :; '' .i.i o yst ;u 1-1.1 P,;,iifi,
i . ;,.-in aK-i. a'aiiist yoa inoiiet ; , , j J . J ' x J l on, ine s.:i-i in-.
Stllldintr nf the rvflBP- nnA -It. t a r " n sai.l riaintlllslo the follow ii.i; Jes- ' V- i.oa.i intere-t in :-.! t roptuv.
stauiung 01 tne onicets and directors of I eribed rel es'a'e, t - 't : Cot- 1 n- i V.o are re.iiiin.! l anw.-r !,- m,! i.,ji;-,ri
the "Homo Fire" and the grea' care it ! 1,u"-k "'-''s Add tion to the citvof p!feu.- 1 " fifth .i;.y f N'. v. -;i.t,( -r. ,
exercised in tho al -.f-;-! i . mouth. Nebraska " ; -a U'l.i -nt wul b.; rendered against vo.i in Hlt:.-'s
exeicise.t in tlie selection and manage- You are renuired to nns-,,.., t-,e ,.,..,. in : L";, ' accordano u iih the " A.?
?aid action on or berore iiie i:h lavof.Novem ! 1 eiltl,f." , T Ki.w n j. j:AV"
her. lsss. n the s int ff tuion wiil be taken as i . Vv w 111 L. Iirov. no and O. 1 . i;al!o'.i. tt: Af.
dealt with the public, this company is j 'u hi said H.-cmni-i aec-.rdance w: ii v.ui inay-
t t .t. i i oi.inuMi,
meut ot its business, nnd the fair and
uonorauie way it has paid its losses, and
worthy of the large patronage it is
Glasses for ali delects of the
r. . ' ' 1 rFI:.K- A. I'.KO
By wm. L. Browns and O. li. .m ihr it.
toroeys. ' nt the Itiddle house.
ry. a t j -rs"
Men's Working Suits
Men's business Suits
Men's Best Made Suits
Men's Custom Made Suits
8 495 I Child's Kilt Suitsfrom
7. SO I Child's Suits from
L0.00 1 Boys? Suits from
25 00 3 Youths' Suits from
$1.00 to 3.75 p Men' Overcoats
- 2.00 to 9.80 I Men's Xobbv Check Overcoats
3.2 to 10.90 I Men's Fur Beaver Overcoats -
- 4.00 to 15.00 I Men's Black Worsted Overcoats
10 00
Ilgant iiaa of Boys', Toutlis' and Children's Overcoats. You miss it if you don't buy you? Clctnin r -
' '9
One - Price