Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, September 13, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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    iti)ji, Til tf KS D A Y $S fe I TK yfll K 1 1 13, 1S$.
The Infant Town on The M P. R-R.
Nestled in the beautiful valley of the
Weeping Wa'tr twenty two miles south
west of Plattsmouth on the Main line of
y M. P. R. R. is the little burg of Ne
kwka, in the c-ente r of a country noted
for corn, tine blooded stoc k, well improv
ed farms, and as lio pitable und highly
cultured a class of people as any country
is hlessi- 1 with. Ne haw ka is a business
pi, leu of no little importance, her receipts
show up with many of her .sister towns
nnd would do credit to some that ure
much larger than herself. One has only
to visit this thriving little town to sec
the habit of industry.
The beautiful sloping hills decked
with line residences adds greatly to the
nppeurane of the country, ho much so
t hilt the people seem to he inspired with
a love of their country and take pride in
arranging their homes in the best possible
in inn r. The business men of N'hawka
are fully abreast with the times und have
mettle that counts in the uff.iirs of life.
There was no reception committee pre
pared to receive us, for they had no
winning of our coming, but we stole sil
ently into the little village an began our
labor. We found that the news of Tim
Trimmer's arrival had spread and it was
soon heralded irom house to house.
Owing to the busy day the crowd
could not come forth to welcome us. On
every hand was visible the fact that Ne
liawka was a live place, a every min
seemed to be too busy to ta'k a great
lenght of time.
Not long after arriving in the city we
called on Mr. Frank Sheldon, the pioneer
anerehant and one of the leading business
men of Nehawka. Mr. Sheldon erected
the Hist business building there last
March, sine.: then he has occupied it as a
general .store, and enjo3's a good trade.
Marshall Bros., hardware merchants,
have just recently opened their store and
tin: prospect is veiy flattering.
A. F. Sturn, lumber dealer, carries a
full iiue of the very best grades and is
fast gaining patron.ig".
O. r. Smilli & Co., of Plattsmouth.
have j "st opened a drug store in the new
brick buuding of C. II. Pannele & Co.
The main part of the above building is
to be occupied by the Nehaw ka bank and
will be in charge of Charlie Pannele.
The people of Nehawka and surroundbig
country may well be proud of this new
J. C. Williams is the efficient black
smith and has errccted a line store build
ing which is a credit to any town. Mr.
Williams is said to be equal to any man
in the state in his line of work, and has
invented several contrivances that will
doubtless prove a fortune to him. lie
recently disposed of one patent for
L. C. Pollard is the accommodating
postmaster, having acted in this capacity
since the office was fust established in
The two levators are doing a heavy
huMiiess; th ir shipm-nts run high. One
is controlled by Kirkp itrick it Bnaning,
the other by J. F. Parkins.
Peter Oip run a meat market and is
doing a good business.
A. I. Harden handles a good stock of
pumps r.nd wind mi Is.
II. C. illiams is a young man of push
and determination who has erected anew
building and launched out as a barber.
Mr. Williams also wields the paintbrush
and wh "ii not engagen at the shop will
tie found working in that line.
J. D. MeBride, dealer in stock; E. E.
Baldwin, station agent; 15. F. Marve,
contractor and builder; Dr. Pollard is a
voung physician of excellent ability and
is fast gaining a splendid practice.
M'w3 Lottie Pollard, an experienced
teacher, will have charge of the Nehawka
schools the coming year.
M. D. Pollard, painter; Miss p:fne
Tailor, music teacher.
Several new dwellings are in course of
construction, and reflect credil on those
building them. Among the larger and
more substantial are those of Mrs. A. P.
Weston, at a cost of $;5.000; and that of
Jis. 15 mning and others.
Adjoining town on th-? south is the tine
home of Hon. Lawience Sheldon, one of
the oldest and weabhirst citizens in the
county. Mr. Sheldon owns over r,000
He res of land in t'nis and Otoe counties.
To the north of town lays the fine farm
of the lion. S. M. Kirkpatrick. In fact,
the town :te is part of Mr. K "s farm
which, was eb:.i ited by that gentleman as
an inducement to locate the town there.
We feel under obligations to Mr. K.
for the kind assistance rendered in our
behalf. We took dinner at his pleasant
home, where we ci; joyed a good meal
and shall remember the courtesies shown
us. Mr. K. has one of the most com
,lete libraries in the county, and
collection of geologic 1 specimens which
he kindly showed us. Us has also large
parlors wh. re many evenings are spent by
n .. : .1 n
theyounj ioiks in oc.a,
Miss Mary Kirkj atrick informed us that
the younj peoolt of that neighborhood
had a x-U orgnize I ChaUufiua circle
-with a membership of eighteen.
But we must return to our subject
Nehawka. She has fine fire clay for mak-
ing brick und a yard will be opened
there soou. They arc also promised ft
new ten thousand dollar flouring mill in
the spring. A United Breth-rn church
is well under way.
When wo take into c emsideratiwu the
fact that Nehawka is a mcie infant, be
ing yet under one yi ar old, we were sur
prised to visit the town and see the
strides she has taken in the way of
Death of on Old Citizen.
Prom Monday's l:il'y.
The news Icu already reached the ears
of the majority of c itizens in this city
that Mr. John V Shannon has passed
away since our l ist publication, lie has
been confined to his home for about two
weeks with typhoid fver, and for about
half the time has been very low.
We reported last Saturday that there
was no further hope for him. He died
about 0 o'clock Siturday night, lie is
one of the oldest settlers of Plattsmouth,
having resided here for about thirty
years. At one time he w.u proprietor of
a large livery business here, and he has
gained for himself many friends in his
straightforward business t rans tctions and
by various marks of genenisity. It is
said that while he owned a hearse and a
livery business, that a poor family was
never charged for his services in any way
for funeral necessities.
The news of his death created much
sympathy among the old settlers and
many of the young ones, and his demise
ii greatly regretted. lle was born at Col
bourne, Ont.irio, on the -ith of June,
182i, making him .V.) years, Si months
and o days old at his death. The funeral
will be under the management of the
masonic order of this city, of which he
was a prominent member, and will take
place from his late residence on Pearl
street, between Fourth and Fifth, tomor
row afternoon at o'clock, and proceed
to the Episc pal church w here a short
service will 1)2 held by Rev. H. 15. Bur
gess, after which the funeral will proceed
to the Oak Hill cemetery where inter
in 'ut will take place. A large attend
ance is expected. Friends and acquain
tances are respectfully invited to attend.
Rock BlutTs-
Our fall term of school began last
week on Monday, aud is taught by Mr.
I). W. Curtis.
A festival was held at the Methodist
church last Friday night for the benefit
of the Sunday sc hool. The receipts were
about sixteen dollars.
Mrs. J. 13. Holmes and Mrs. F. Young
jr., returned on Saturday Sept. 1st, from
their visit to New York state. They
think the Blue Bridge mountains in old
Delaware county look rougher than ever.
The Carroll's threshing machine has
been in the neghburhood the past week
threshing out the small grain. Nearly
everyone is much disappointed in the
yield of their grain. Four different
pieces of wheat were threshed out and
none of them yielded over 11 ye bushiles
to the acre. The o-ts yielded from four
teen to nineteen bushels to the acre.
This confirms the old adage that a far
mer is only sure of one thing, and that
is disappointment.
Mr. W. W. Graves, our road overseer,
has had the roads worked up in good
shape again. Tim Shaver.
The relatives of Charles Collins, of
Plattsmouth, are very much concerned
over his disappearance. He has been
visiting his brother-in-law, L. C. Irvin,
2710 Seward street, and Sunday evening
about U o'clock he started to call on ihe
finuiiy of George Tutbury, living at 1:300
Webster. Mr. Tutburv's family were ab
sent at the time, but the neighbors saw a
man answering the, description of Collins,
knock on the front door and then leave.
Since then he has not been seen, lie had
:?:500 on his person and foul pluy is
feared. -Omaha Herald.
Charles Collins, to whom the above
piece makes reference, is well known in
this city, having resided here for come
time and worked in the B. & M. shops as
a machinist. lie is a son-in-law of Mr.
Nelson Jean, a prominent farmer living
near the city. lie has always been a
very steady young man and much ra-
sne-c-ted bv all who know him. He ac- .
companied by his wife left for Omaha a
few days ago to visit with relatives.
The news of his disappearance has creat
ed considerable excitement here. Mr.
Jean, his father-in-law, left for Omaha
this morning to investigate the matter
thoroiighl v.
Denver Mali Rofc'orries
NewYouk, Sept. . An afternoon pa
per says that it can be set down as a pos
itive fact that a thief or a gang of thieye
has been stealing systematically from th
United States mails between this city and
the west during the lsst three months.
Never in the history cf the postoffice de
partment have so many valuable money
packages fiu. ;-tters been stolen as dur
ing the last few weeks. Officers of the
, , , been Vl.,.y
j .cont n,K)Ui nw!ejnsj known the loss,
. w!ienevcr it ha3 lcaked out .that a largo
, j t t, ; h of thff
' " ?
j posU?mce ll;lve SOught to keep informa
tion from the public. The losses will
amount to thousands of dollars.
A defeat by 2,000 m.aj ri y and
cveiything republican is now the Main
trouble of the democrats.
Cass County Fair.
Our fair occurs on Sept. 18th to 21st,
1888. This is the 22nl annual fair of
the Cass County Agricultural Society,
and from the present indications will be
the best nnd the largest attended fair
ever held in the county.
A few men c omposing the Cass County
Driving Park Association, with A. U.
Todd, Pres., II. C. Ritchie, Sec'y., and
P.. P.. Windham, Trens., purchased thirty
six acres of ground south of the city and
fitted up one of the finest tracks to be
found in tht! state; aud leased the same
to the agricultural society for ten years
at the nominal sum of $1.00 per year.
These men have done this as citizens
of Plattsmouth and vicinity, simply for
the benefit of the agricultural society,
and for tin purpose of increasing the in
terest of all lovers of horses and display
of products raised in our county. But
our citizens who have not contributed to
this most commendable enterprise should
take an active part in the coining fair,
make a display of their merchandise on
the grounds; and by word, act and ed,do
all in thr;ir power to help. Every citizen
of Plattsmouth is deeply interested, and
the word should go all along the line.
"Whoop her up."
Let our business men close up their
stores on Thursday and Friday afternoon,
Sept. 20th and 2lst, the big days of the
fair week and give the fair managers two
of the best days held at a (-'ass county
school c hii.dhkn's day.
Wednesday Sept. ltllh, will be school
children's day, and all school children of
Cas county will be admitted free. This
is one of the annual picnics always of
fered by the society to the little folks,
and one that they always appreciate per
haps better than the older members of
the family. Arrangements will be
with the school board to let the children
attend on that day.
The new art hall, built jointly by
the society and some of our business
men, is a handsome structure and is an
ornament to our grounds and city; it is
now being finished up and will be im
mediately painted by O. P. Smith it Co.
The lumber was furnished by Bichey
Bros. ; the hardware by Johnson " Bros. ;
and the work has Wen done under the
supervision of contractor W. II. Pickens.
The speed ring will be lull to ovei
flowirigand the coming fair will witness
some of the best races ever seen in Cass
CAPITAL ST00K PAID IN, - $50,000
Authorized Capital, $100,000.
- ornciEna
PririiJ-jcst. Vie-I'resideut
W. Ii. CL'iiHlNO. Caatiitr.
Frank Citrnitli J, A. Cl'M-iTi Y. It. tint Jniiacu
J. W. JoliiiHon, lieiiiy Doeek, John O'Keefe,
V. I). Murium, Wm. Vetercamp, AV.
11. Cushmg.
Transacts a General Banking Business. Al
liavj :':iy Banking business to transact
arc invitca t a t'iii!.' Ha inciter iiv
large or email the transaction, it
vil! receive our careful attention,
and vc promise always tour
tec-us treatment.
Issues Certificates of Derosits bearing interes
Buys and se!! Foreign Kxchai:C, County
ami Citv securities-.
John I'itzoekald, S. AV ACQB
l'rebltiett. Caehie
iKT-Tstlie very best facilities for the prompt
transaction of legitimate
toclis, Pon(l3. GoM, Government End I.ocs
Scuriliee Bouuhl and Sold.Pepositsreceiv
ed ami interest allowed on time Certifi
cates, Drafts drawn. available in any
part of the United States and all
the principal towue of
Collections made & promptly ren.ittcd
Highest market prices paid for County War
State ai-d County Bonds.
Jobn Fitzraid
John It. Chirk. D. Tlaksworth.
S. '.Vauzn. F. P.. White.
Bank Cass County
Cotner Mala and Sixth Streets.
. C. n. PAKMELE. President, I
1 J J.I. PATTEilSON, Cashier, f
Trdiisaots a Gsnsral Banting Business
Fail for County and City Warrants
md proropt'y remitted for.
C. II. Far ci. J. M. f attersc-n.
Fad ;order, A. B. ?rrith.
?.. P. Windham. Morrisey,
.lames Patterson. Jr.
JX.. S. MATIIK'-VS. Attorney t Law. Offiee
over Teier Meigt-'s store, u rih side of
M in bstwoa Pth and c,tli street.
Sore From Knee lo Ankle
Skin entirely gone- Flosh a mass
of disease. Leg diminished one
third in size. Condition Hopeless-
Cured by the Cutlcura
I'or thiec; f ;us I wan almost ci w'lh
an awful nine Ivk from my knee d vwi lo iny
ankle ; the skin w?. - t i r e 1 y gone, and ihi tlesii
was on nejss of die,i-e. Some I llvsh-nuiH
prunouiieed it in uraMe. It hai ' 1 1 1 1 i u t -r -I
aliout one thir l the of tin- other, sttnl 1 wns
in a hopeless coml item. After living ail kinds
of remedies and spei.iliiu.' h-nidjeds of dollure.
from which 1 not i.o re I ef whatever. 1 w.u p.-r-
uade.i to try your C r i k in A l: km i :i k, and
he result -v s iis follow. : Aflei' Uir-.e ihi-.s I
noticed a dech'ed eliane for the better, and at
the fi d of two months I whs c-.iu;i!etly cured .
My llesh Wii purlilcd. and the bone (.whirli
had hee'i exposed for over a iiot iou d.
'1 lie llesh benau to glow, ami tulay. and for
neany two yenis pant, my lei; I- as well as ever
it was, sound in every respect, and not a sign
of the disease to be seen.
S. ;. AliKRN. u'oK l.'odga Co., U.
Terrible Suffering From Skin
I have been a terrible sufferer for years from
diHe;ies of the in and b nod. aud havn been
obliged to shun public places fo yeais by n-a-son
of my disfiguring humor-. Ilavi had I he
best of physicians ami spent hu-'dreds of dol
lars. (hut got no relict uidil I us-d the C l i I -cu
lev Kk.m koi Ks. v. hu-li have cured m, a:d
left in v skin as c ear and mv b!o -ii as jure as a
little child's. 1 1. MAY l! .-S.
Olive B anch l .. Miss.
From 145 Pounds to 172 Pounds.
I have taken seveial hollies of Ci Ticrm
"kii.v i;st with ail the results I could wish
for. About this time lasl year, when coiume- e
ing its use, I wel ;hed H." pounds, and today 1
weifch 17. pounds. Ci 1 C )K ; K i' M i i'.KI.I..
Washlng'oii, I . C.
Note. TlicCi'iK ric v Uk.s m.v kt is beyond
all doubt the greatest hlo' it ;n fi i-t- t v ; .- i
pounded. CiiTleu iiA.the great skin cure and (.1 i:i r:t
Soap, iin exiiilsite Skin B -anlili-r, externally,
and ClTK i itA Kkhoi.vkst. th--" new blooii
poritier. internal y. are a positive cure for ev
ery form cif skin and blood disease, from pim
ples to scrofula.
Sold everywhere. Price. Cmh i ha, rie. :
Soap, 2r c. ; Kki.oi.vkn r, 1. Prepared by t e
I'otler Drug and Chemical Co , Boston, .Mass.
IJ-Send for "How to (hire - kin Diseases."
04 pages, .Ii) illustration, ami te.s! imoniiils
Tj A "DVQ Skin xn-i Scalp preserved ami
JjXlIJ X O heautitiedby CLTlciii.v Wmii-
Constitutionai Catarrh.
No single disease has eut iled more siilleri.-ig
or hastened the breaking up of the constitu
tion than Catarrh. srnvo oi Miiell. of
taste, of sight, ut healing, the hum ui voice,
the mind, one or more, ami souk limes ail.
yield to its destructive li'Iluc-icc. The poison
t cii-iribule- throni-hout l he system attacks
every vital fore-:, au.l hr--!ik4 up tin; most ro
bust of constitutions. Ignored, because but
Utile und rstood, by ino.l;ins. impo
taiitly assailed by tp-acks and charlatans, t hose
suflering from it have little ho, e to be relieved
from it this side o ! he jravv It is time. 1 ho.,
that the popular tie it menf of this terrible di
sease by remedies within the reach of all pas
ed into'hand' at once competent and trust
worthy. The new and hi hen o un: ried meth
od adopted by Dr. hanford in the prejiaration
of his liAiiiciL IXitK lias w- n the he;uly ap
proval of thousands. It is instantaneous in
affording relief in all head colds, sneezing.
SDuflling and obstructed breathing, ami rapid
ly removing the inn t oipressive sy inntoins.
elearit g the head, sweetening ihe Ineatii. les
loring the senses of sinei;, la.-t ;t;;d huar. ng,
and heutraiir-ing Ihe c-aiistittttioiial tendency
of the disease towards the lungs, liver and
SAN Foitu's liADICAi. CcitK consists of one
bottle of the Kauk ai. Cuiik, one box Catak
biiai. Soi.V k.n r and an im;ioved I.NIIA'.FU;
price SI.
iieston .
Strains and Weak no:-sis,
Kelieved m one minute by tnat mar
velous Auti'lotc to l ain, luilaminaa
tion and Weakness, the Cutieurd
Anti-l'ain IMatster. The first and
i-ly piiin-Killitig and strenlheuin
plaster, peeiaily :tla-:ted to in
stantly relieve and speedily cure Kidney ami
Uterine rains and Weakness. Warranted
vastlv superior to all other plasters. At all
druggists, 2 cents ; five for .i ; or. postage free
Boston Mass
Wagon, Buggy, Machine and Plow re
pairing, and gtueral jobbing
DT how preparea to go ail kinds of repairing
of farm aud other machinery, as there
Is a good lathe in my shop.
The old Reliable Wagon Maker
hs taken c cargo: of tne wagon snop
He is well kaown as &
Vow Was! KT.d Ilr.fslea made
"Painless Sssatists."
The only Dei.dis" i:i the West rnntroling this
Nev. System of Excracting ar.d i-illing Teeth
wilh'out Pain. Our ana-lhetic is en
tirely fiee from
Ilariiiicss To - All
Teefh excrr.c'etl and artificial teeth inserted
next day if cleM-ed . 1 he preservation of the
natural teeth a specialty.
The very finest. Office in Union Mock, over
t riC.-ie s 11 v.g riiur,
Dr. C- A. Marshall.
2l3sidcnt Oculist.
Preservation of tlie Nnturol Teeth a
Spccialtv. Auesthelics given for Paix
Ti. cc Vtt"t tn-c; rTt EXTRACTION OF TlKTU
" rci'fi, 11 tee tli nniile on Gold. Silver.
Rubber or Celluloid Plati s, nnd inserted
a3 soon as teeth are extracted -when de
All work warranted. Prices reasonable
Fitzoic bald's r.u - ii pLursMOCin, Neb
S: S:SSNr . i-Ti-iS tiXzii ?-s
. stvrTi. s.s
r H 0. hi PiR
C5 W
Berlin, Germany.
o-4 restorers:
You can consult hi in about
Your I0yes5
and how to take e-ire of t'nein. More
light for tlie uufortun:ite sjiectacle wear
ers, aud the doom of blindness prevented
by the use of his Alaska Brilliants and
Australian Crystals. A new chemical
combination of
And patent self-adjusting
Spring1 Eyslassos
The first time intraduced into tliis coun
try; manufactured to order after careful
esraniinatiGn by luocieru instruments.
will arrive in Plattsmouth soon, and have
an office at the Riddle House. lie is do
ing an immense business throughout the
L nited States, giving the best ot satisfac
tion and deli -'lit to hundreds with de
fective sight. His knowledge of the
human eye and his skill in adjusting the
glasses is marvelous beyond imagination.
Endorsed !v all the great men of this
country and Europe.
In an instant, as if by magic he is en
abled to tell you any ailment of your
failing vision, point out the eaue and
danger, and adapt brilliant glasses, pe
culiarly ground to suit every defect of
the eye. which will aid in f-lrcngthcning
the eyesight of the old and young. Sci
entists invited to examine the new sys
tern for the preservation of the human
Teachers sho'.ud watch the early mani
festations of their scholars' eyesight and
report in time to thcr respective parents
to have their eyesight examined by Prof.
Strassman, the expert optician of nation
al fame.
Artificial Eyes Replaced.
Persons deprived of an eye can have
this deformity removed by the insertion
of nn artificial one-, which moyes and
looks like a natural organ.
9 to 12 a. !Yi., 1 to 1 p.? and 7 to 8 in
the evening.
George Burnett, R-v. A. C.'iark, Mr.
Duff, Mrs Dr Ea-sh. D P Rolfe. Mrs
Strectcr, Dr Blinker, R M Rolfe, Roden
brock, C Anderson, J W Waldsmith, W
A Cotton. S II Calhoun, Judge Mapes.
Divid Brown. Dr Ib-rshey. W'm Ilyer,
T S Jones. E M Taart, E lb-iber, V.
TI Murphy. Frank McCartney. James
Fitchic, Rev. Emanuel Hartig. Mrs. A.
E Rudd, V D Merriam, iss VanMeter,
Dr S L (tant. A Home, Paul Schminkc,
Nat Adams. Geo A Vv'ilcox, Mr Sheldon,
Mr. Gunscll. Rov R Pearson. Siiomrru-,
L Lpvey. S M Kirkpatrick, Dryscoll,
Donald McCuaig. William Wilhelmy,
Rev Rivers. Logan Enyart, X Red field,
J F Welch. Rev T B Green. John Good.,
lett, C B Bickel, Dan Gresg, C AV Scher-
fy. E S lliwley. A Jt Xeweoml.. AVm
Nelson. Mrs N Davis, Wm Fulton. Adam
Kloos, Mrs Ed M T Johnson,
Mrs Carnout, Mrs. Sterling Morton, Mrs.
Watson. Miss Morton, Mr Geo W Ilawke.
Mrs W T Sloan. Mrs L W Llcyd. Mrs
S J Stephenson. Dr. Bishop. Mr Johnson
Brown. Mrs Aird.
' . ;", -V- X';
n d i
W 1 t i
attsniouth !
N't'vcr liel'orc li;m an Optic ian re
ceived t-uoh tcstiinoiiials from
the j)C-o)!c.
Oilice of Iowa Soldie r's Home.
Marshalltown, la., Feb. 17, 'HH.
Pkok. Si it ,s.-man, Idir Sir: The
glasses you furnished myself and wifo
w lien in Clinton, have proven in every
way satisfactory, and wo take pleasure
in recommending your work und glasses
to till who may I"' in need of Mtfcty ami
and comfort lor your cyet-iglit.
Very Respectively,
Coi.. Mho Smith, Commandant.
Mayor's Olliec, Marsliallton,
November .'Jrd, 187.
Prof. Sfitiu-mati has been in our city
.-.oiue six weeks or more, and as hn opti
cian lias given the lust of satisfaction
!otli as to prices and Ufiliiy of work,
having treated some of the most diflicull
c ases of tlie eyes with success ami am sat
isfied you will i i 1 1 1 him u skillful opti
cian and a gentleman.
Very Respect fully,
Nki.son Ami s, Mayor.
Dkskkvks It. No trnnscient occulist
has ever visited tlii e ily before who has
iren to the public- such excellent pro
fessional service, or has won such testi
monials from the people, ns Prof. Strass
man, now in our city. We not in the
habit of volintarily testisying in these
matters, but in Prof. Strassiiian's case we.
do it cheerfully, and entire ly in nn
way simply because he elcsc-rvi'H
it. Oskaloosa Herald.
Prof. Strassman, a distinguished op
tieian, now stopping in oi.r city, comes
befi ie us with the; highest testimonials
of skill and expe r'u iice in his art, ami I
take; pleasure in recommending him to
my friends and the public who may bo
in need of his services, ns one; entitled to
his confidence. J. Williamson, M. I).
Ottumwa, loevn.
After a stay of se veral weeks, Prof.
Strassman, the optic ian, is about to close)
his labors in our city. Pe rsons who lmvo
not yet made use; of his skill and science
would do we ll to call tit once and there
by do themselves a lasting benefit. He has
shown himself to be :i man skilled in his
profe ssion, fair unci libe ral in his dealings,
and withal, a gentlemen in every respect. .
The many commendatory notices given
him by tlie press are we ll de-served and
we shall part with him with regict. Red
Oak Express, Marc h 2:Jrd.
jh-.i oak.
Dr E B Yonng, C F Clark, G K Powers,
I) B Miller, J B Reeves, Mrs J Seank, Mrs
T II Dearborn, G W Holt, A C Blose, W
AC'los;, Mrs. Applebei-, Mr Stockslager,
J S Wroth, Rev McClure, Mis Hesller,
Mrs. Farrier, Manker. Rev McCullery, Mrs
Stanlev. R Wndswortli, Mr Marenlioltx,
Mr Jcifiics, Rev Jagg, W Stidlord, C VV
Schneider, Harvey Spry, C E Richards,
David Harris. Mr. Isold, C II bane, C M
Mills. T II Lee. Win Koehler, V, J Lilli
jeheik, T M Lee, Geo L Piatt, Mrs J,
Holyser, Wm Dubley, O Runnels, Mra
B S Porter, 1 II Ila.arentis, Mr Broaelby,
F A Carter, Mrs Fisher, Mr Stoddard, E
O Shepherd, A McConnell, E A Brown,
Mr Gibson, Mr Fikes. Rev J W Hamil
ton, S P Miller, Mrs F C Clark, B K A
Simons. J W Sautbin, Mr Van Alstine,
L F Ross, Mis Deemer, .Mrs. Junkin,
Tnos (iriliith, I Sanborn, Geo Binu, Mr.
Meyers, P. P. Johnson, and many olhern
from the surrounding country.
Dr O'Neill, C F W Backmon, Itev F O
War, Mrs W F Rose, Dr. Lewis Capt. C.
P Brown, Mis. Slaughter, Dr. J William
son, D TJ Douglas, Dr H W Roberts,
B Evans, A C Leighton, J Hansinun, Rev
A C Stillson, Dr B F Hyatt, Mrs. O
Phe.ll is, Mrs Dr Taylor.
Col W 1 Hepburn, f-x-congrcssmen;
Ron T E Clark, senator; Rev Snook, Dr
Cokenowcr, Dr Lewellen, F W Harisli,
J S Mclntvr, A S B.iilv. J D Jones, B W
Foster, II U Beckwith John Glascby, O
A Kimball. Mrs. Moi-man, V GralF, Rev.
Seay. Dr Van Sent, J D Hawby, T M
Monzingei, Dr Millen, II B dweil, Capt
Stone. J II Stet, Hon Wm Butler, O X
Hurdle, A T Clement. J M Crabill. Mr
Newton, Mrs Shaul, Hon T E Clark, Mrs
Loranz, Dr. Power, Rev Eddy, Raymond
Loranz. A V Skeed, J P Burrow?, Dr
Barrett. Mrs Ells.
J II Patt, Mr Donlin, Mrs Teed, Ed
D rr, Rev Van Wagner, Geo Webster.
Miss C Webster, Mis Marv Eckert, Thos.
M' GratJi, Ed Lewis. Dr N Turrr-v, Prof
Larrabee, Col Swall. Mrs W i.Moore,
W V McOuald, J II Lichty, Mr Spnrr,
Dr Groves. Mr II Newman, Dr Dunlap,
W F Patt. liev F W Eason, Mrs M Sulli
van, Mrs I.aramore, Mr. Zallars, Mrs K
Duane, Miss C Eoyer, R E Ewing, W M
I.parr, Dr. Remolds. Mrs II P Sawver,
Mi-s Mattie Mnutz, C Hurlev, D G Miller,
X II Blanchard, Dr Schifferle, Mr B Hur
ley. Mr Hamman, Mrs A M Gow, Prof
Meyer, Dr Reynold.
Senator Bloom, Dr I F Ilansit, Dr,
Copperthwaitc. Mrs Dr Lee, Messrs. Par
vin. Kost, Mosier, F II Bradley. II II
! Jones, D Shircliff. m Purdy, Ge n Rcss,
I Warner, Mrs F J Cox. Hon 1 A Dey, Rev
! P-rter, Prof Parker, Prof MeClaire, Prof
j MeBride, Prof N li Leonard, Prof. A O
! Hunt, Prof 1 II Williams. Hon Sam Fair
j al, H S Fairal.