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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1888)
t , 7 PLAITSMOUTH WKERi xitHalxnjxUiti UliXDA V, SEPTEMliFil C, 18SS. gin Qhttsmouth fifrald KNOTTS BROS Publishers & Proprietors. THE PI.ATTSMOUTH HERALD Iij published every evening except Himday and Weekly every Thursday morning. Hvuls tered lit tlie poslonice, rUtt.inoutli. Nebr.. n Heriid-cliiftM matter. Oillce corner vt Vine and .Fifth. treet. TKKMS roH DAILY. One copy one year In advance, by mail. One copy per month, .y carrier One copy per week, by carrier .$6 00 . 15 TKKMS yOU WKKKLV. One oopy one year, In advance i One copy elx months, iu advance NATIONAL REPUBLICAN TICKET. KOIt I'HKBIDENT, BENJAMIN. HARRISON, of Indiana. FOU VI CI' LKVI 1. PKEHIDKNT, MORTON, of New York. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. FOK OOVERNOIl, JOHN M. THAYER. VOIl LIEUTENANT OOVEHNOIt, OEOHOE D. MEIKLEJOIIN. KOK BECKKTARY OF STATE, GILBERT L. LAWS. . KOK TKEASUKER, J. E. HILL. KOTt AUDITOR OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, THOMAS II. BENTON. FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL, WILLIAM LEESE. T"OR COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC LANDS AND KUII.DINOH, JOHN STEEN. FOR SUPERINTENDENT OK PUBLIC IN STRUCTION, GEORGE 13. LANE. "Labor day" was generally observed in the large cities yesterday. Surplus and Wah are too things Mr. Cleveland should never monkey with. Farmers should remember that there is now a tariff of 20 cents on wheat, which keeps out the Canadian and other foreign products, and that the democrats propose to remove this protection. Henri watterson and his 200,C00 with moss on their backs and the sweet fragrance of the blue grass pastures on their breath did it. McShane backed with 200,000 Kentuckians will run well in Omaha. JUTS I To read yesterday's Omaha dispatches about the democratic gubernational noui ination one would think the entire party was one on a spree. Hanrv Watterson! The wild eyed deciple of Cobden, who was going to march on Washington with his 200,000 unmasked, unarmed Kentuck ians, to inaugurate old Sammy Tilden, sends his special messenger to Nebraska to nominate John A. McShane for gov ernor; and why? Because the republi can state convention, which met in Lin coln the other day; "resolved" that it was good sound republican doctrine to submit the proposition to the people, as to whether they wanted to prohibit the sale of liquor in this state. Henri, if we are to credit the wires and Omaha papers, is not in favor of the people of this state having the privilege of voting on such an anti-democratic proposition. Henri doubts the qualifications of the great mass of republican and democratic electors in this state when it comes to voting on such a yital democratic ques tion; hence, Henri orders that the famous congressional sprinter, McShane, shall measure his strength with the old warior who hwlds aloft the banner of republi canism in Nebraska. The whole perfor mance is a burlesque on political horse sense and too rediculoua to seriously men tion. If the fool democrats of this state imagine they can elect the boodle con gressman from the city of Omaha to any office governor, congress, or anything else in the state or big first district, just let them trot him out. The republicans of this district are simply waiting to show Mr. McShane that they are through electing such men in this district; they ire simply waiting to snow him under with some 8000 majority and we rather guess Mr. McShane suspects the little November cyclone in waiting and keep ing especially for his case. Of course! Nominate John A. McShane and run him on the whisky issue; on a platform dis tinctively opposed to thejrepublican plan allowing the people to vote on any vital quest:cn effecting the public welfare and sej what a pounding he will get. If Mr. Watterson had the question of "submis sion," in his country he would probably know how to defeat it. The shot gun; the double bottomed ballot box; the democratic returning boards any one of these instruments would get away with "Submission" but here in Nebraska, where the people see no danger in the free ballot and in trusting to their own intelligence to vote correctly on any pro position, Mr. Watterson had better keep hands off. AND HE FLOP PSD. In his message to the senate of Febru ary 20, 1888, transmitting the Bayard Chamberlain treaty, the president said: " The treatment meets my approyal be cause I believe that it supplies a satisfac tory, practical and final adjustment, upon a basis honorable and just to both par ties of the difficult and vexed question to which it relates." This is a concession that the position of Canada was correct as to that pro vince's dispute with the United States. That Canada was justified in siezing Am erican fishing vessels and that the United States had no commercial rights in the Canadian harbors which it should pay for. Now, then, in his retalliatory flop the president assumes exactly the opposite position. Can the chief executive of this nation, after committing himself and his administration unreservedly to the reject ed treaty which conceded the Canadian demand, be now permitted to say to the advocates of the American claim in the fishery dispute that the American fisher men were right and Mr. Bayard and his treaty wrong? Will he be permitted to turn this somersault without incurring the contempt of all honest advocates of either side of the question? We rather guess not. It is no wonder his henchmen in the south stand dumb in the presence of the ridicule heaped upon him by Mr. Edmunds and his colleagues. MlltthlAINE ON THE PRESL DENT'S ERROR. In his article on "The President's Er ror," in The American Magazine for Sep tember, Mr. Blaine says: Strangely enongh the president neg lects, either from design or oversight, to notice what effect the serious reduction of the tariff would have on the 1,810,250 men employed in transportation, viz., on the railroads, coast-wise vessels, river steamers and barges, canal, wagon and fetagc lines. These varied ways of trans portation represent an investment of thousands of millions of dollars of American money and give employment to nearly two millions of men, whose earnings support nine millions of people. Whatever impairs American manufactur ing, strikes at the great transportation interests. Iron ore, admitted free from spain, coal admitted free from Nova Scotia, wool admitted free from Austra lia, all favor British ships at the expense of American railroads. The further the president goes in the direction direction of the doctrine laid down in his message, the more direct and the more deadly is the assault upon the whole or ganization of American industries. THE ASS AND THE S URPL US. An ass was once complaining of the great quantity of corn which ho had in his possession. "Why," he brayed, speaking to a horse, "I have much more corn than I know what to do with. My stable is filled with it, and it is liable to roll down and crush me to death. I am the most miserable ass in four states; listen to me bray." "Let us make a cursory examination of this dangerous surplus of corn which is threatening you," replied the horse. This being done it was found that there was but a very small quantity of corn, only enough to sus'ain the ass a short length of time, he having feeding on it and making a hog of self as usual. Divers persons passing by shortly after the expose of the ass's short ness on corn report that he looked ex tremely sick Moral: It is not necessary to put on your spectacles to see the striking resem blance between the fix lhi3 ass got into and the one the democratic party is in, the veraciwus anecdote having been con structed by the Author solely with this purpose in view. N. Y. Tribune. and very been him- T WO GERMANS' CLEVER TRICK. Several years ago a number of German workmen came to Connecticut by a pre concerted arrangement and obtained em ployment in the clock factories in New Haven, Ansonia, Waterbury, Thomaston, and Winsted. They worked steadily for a long time, applied themselves dilligent ly to mastering the science of clock-making, and became proficient in the art of handling the fine tools necessary to the work. Ttiey also purchased the tools and several of the complicated machines, and, returning to Germany, they also be gan the manufacture of clocks for them selves. They set up a factory in the Black forest region and their business now amounts, according to letters recent ly received here, to nearly 50,000 clocks a month. This German factory has proved a close competitor with the Con necticut concerns. Materials and labor are so much cheaper in Germany than in this country that they can beat us in the foreign markets and they are pushing their wares to the exclusion of the Yankees. New York Sun. Grover Cleveland's retalliation mes sage falls as flat as a wet dish rag on a curb stone. Mr. Edmunds says it puts him in mind of that Union general who was always calling for more men when the confederates came in sight. Democrats at headquarters admit that Mr. Cleveland's Fishery fulmination has only served to make hiac n rerediculous. The president does n to under stand or appreciate th c lack of cntel ligence he is banking is not in the people but in the White house. Tiie lie about General Harrison's atti tude toward the railroad strikers of eleven years ago hasn't legs enough to travel far. The men who manufactured it are known as worthless fellows at home; and in these days of telegraphs a reputation of that sort grows fast. t MiE democratic convention in session, last night, at Lincoln came near having the scarified warior from Kentucky with his 200,000 unarmed militia to aid in the nomination of a governor for Nebraska. It is said the advance guard arrived, in ths shape of a special internal revenue agent from the blue grass pastures. Just nine weeks from today the demo cratic party of this county will be trans lated from the enchanted garden of im agination, in which it now revels in vis ions of post offices and foreign missions, to the prosaic door yard of reality, where its sorrowing eyes will be confronted by appauing ngures, telling the end of its brief four years of "inning" and the be ginning of another twenty-five years of "outing." The Journal is not honest in its de sire to publish facts, and when pulled up and confronted with the truth which it has intentionally distorted, it either refuses to correct its statements stultifies itself by continued assertions of deliber ate falsehood, as it does in the Ammi down matter; asserting that Mr. Ani mi down had discharged American work men and imported cheap Hungarian la labor in the Passaic mills. Mr. Ammi down's agent states that such statement is wholly false : 1st, that none of the Passaic mills have ever imported Hun garian workmen. 2nd, that those working men employed by the mills at Passiac get xactly the same wafres that other mm similarly employed get. 3rd. that on 10T 1 - .1 T1 1 ... moms in me umenriouse mill in which Jr. Ammidown is interested there are 35 Hungarian weavers only. In the face of these facts the editor of the Journal recklessly asserts that this statement is a pretty complete admission of his very false charge, that Mr. Ammi down has discharged his American work men and imported cheap Hungarian. If the Journal man has any regard for the truth he fails to disclose it in 1 attempt to avoid the force of this expos ure of his desire to circulate campaign falsehoods. Now let that Journal state to the Irishmen of this city and county whether it published a falsehood about Levi P. Morton and the donations that gentleman made to the starving people of old Ireland ? Come ! face the music and don't dodge by again stutifying yourself as you have done in the Animi down matter. suggested It is an instructive fact, as by Gen. Harrison, that the democratic orators find it very difficult to arouse popular indignation against alleged ex cessive federal taxation, "because they air. Cleveland, in addition to his fishery message, has subscribed $10,000 towards electing himself. This shows the average democratic rustler that Grover Cleveland is not only a model civil service and revenue reformer but also, that lie is an eraminent statesman. As soon as that emminent literary office suck er, Mr. James Russell Lowell, learns of this disinterested stroke of statesmanship The J oumal publishes a very stupid tariff statement in last evening's issue entitled, "Frvin? the fat out " in ivhfoti the assertion is made that the duty on raw sugar is proposed to be reduced 35 per cent and on rice meal 25 per cent by the Mills bill, this is not true. By taking the official statement prepared by the ways and means committee, the reduction of duties upon sugar, estimated by de grees; does not exceed 17 per cent on any item and ayerages just 15.11 percent. The table prepared by the committee gives present rate and proposed rate with equiyalent advolorum per cent. The re duction on"rice, flour and meal," as wiv ...... . . ' ' en oy tne committee, is 5 per cent exact ly, on cleaned rice, 12.56 per cent; on uncleaned rice, 12.52 per cent "Frying the fat out" of mis statements could be avoided, by the Journal's using a little care in publishing false campaign state ments without examining them to ascer tain whether they are supported by any facts whatever. No republican papers have ever intimated that the duty was put up to 63 on sugar and 100 on rice and the readers of the Journal are intel ligent enough to know this much. Such misstatements wont do with the public. The republican papers and the people do criticise the Mills bill and the solid south ways and means committee, for leaving rice atlOO and sugar 66.83 per cent; being both products of southern planters, and putting wool, hemp, flax, vegetables and the products of the northern planters on the free list. Now then, does the Journal endorse this sectional feature of the Mills bill ? Your champion, Mr. Morrisey, of the World, and fair minded democrats generally have condemned it as palpably f . tin . . C J uuiair. vnat nas tne Journal to about it anyway. Table Talk for September another seasonable and entertaining number. Summer is dead and Mr. Whitton treats her demise with becoming solemnity in his opening poem; then follows a variety of household information the housewife cannot afford to lose; "New September Menus;" "Coffee and Coffee Making;" "Housekeepers' Work for September;" "New Things for Table and Kitchen" all by that famous authority on things culinary, Mrs. S. T. Rorer. And then her answer to "Housekeepers' Inquiries" this momth abound in instructive infor mation. Other articles in the number, very interesting, are Tillie May Forney's "Fashionable Luncheon and Tea Toilets," Our Cooking Club;" "A Dictionary of French Terms used in Menus;" "Septem ber Culinary Economies;" also a descrip- ive paper "Regarding the Peach." The literary portion of the magazine, too, is well sustained. In it are several original stories by able writers, together with the end of "Jonathan Easy's Difficulty." The Prize Problem Department, another .jr amacLive ieaiure, is kept up with skill and ingenuity. 00 a year, 10 cents a copy. Table Talk Publishing Co., 403, 404 & 406 Race street, Phila" delphia. Call for Republican Primaries. The republican election of Cass Co. Neb., are requested to meet in their re spective wards and precincts on Saturday Sept. 22nd, 188S, to elect delegates to a convention to bo held in Louisville, on the 6th day of October, 1888, at 11 o'clock a. in., for the purpose of placing in nomination candidates for the follow ing offices: One senator. Two representatives. One county attorney. One county commissioner. The several wards and precincts are entitled to the following number of delegates: Tipton precinct 7 Greenwood 5 Salt Creek ' 9 Stoye Creek D Elm wood g South Bend 6 Weeping Water 20 Center 7 Louisville 1) Avoca. 7 Mt. Pleasant 0 Eight Mile Grove 7 Liberty 8 Rock Bluffs 9 Plattsmouth Preciut 7 1st ward 7 2nd " 9 3rd " 13 4th " 12 Primaries will be held in the various wards and precints on the 22nd day of September at the following places: Tipton at Eagle 6 p. m.; Greenwood at voting place 7:30 p. m.; Salt Creek at skating rink in Greenwood village 7:30; Stove Creek at Elmwood village 7 p. m, Ldmwood at Center school house 7:30; South Bend at school house 4 p. m Weeping Water precinct at Cascade school house 7 p. m. ; Weeping Water city at Union hall 3 p. m.; Center at Man ley a p. m.; Liouisviile at Adams opera house 8 p. 111.; Avoca at Hutchins school house 2 p. m.; Mt. Pleasant at Gilmore's school house 2 p. m.; Eight Mile Grove at Hyalt's school house 7:30 p. nr; Liber ty at Union school house 7:30 p. m jaock. lMuns at iicrgers scuool house s p m.; Plattsmouth precinct at Taylor's school house 4 p. m.; Plattsmouth, 1st ward at county judges office 4 to 8 p. m., 2nd ward at 2nd ward school house 4 to 8 p. m., 3rd ward at Ritchey's lumber office at 4 to 8 p. m., 4th ward at Byron Clark's office 4 to 8 p. m. M. D. Polk, Chairman. R. S. Wilkinson, Secretary. The question: " What Makes Baby Cry so ? " is discussed by Dr. Patton in the September number of Babyhood and if it is not finally solved, at least seyera' valuable suggestions re offered to per plexed mothers. " The Right and Wrong use of Drugs," by Dr. Crandall, is an equally interesting article. It discrimin- A Frightful Skin Disease Suffering Intense. Head Nearly Raw. Body Covered With Soros. Cured by the Cuticura Remedies. Met-srs. Ktkvknh & llltr.NXIt, Monroe, N. I!. iMar Sir, About, two inolitliH im. ii your rer nmiiMMlHtion. I bought a li"tllc of Cl'l li'U II A llKHIII.VKN I, Ollf) I10X I'llll I HA AA1.VK, aiol one t-ake of M"i'icu-A oa r. loi uv mhi, HK'I thirteen year, who lia.s Ix-cll x I'll let ! ill 'v'iiiii for a Iouk time, and 1 11 in pit-: red to .say ll'ut I lelh-v llie li-iut dun Imvu ciikmI IiIiii. HI sufTf 1 were intense. Ills lie l lieiiiK nearly r:;w, ins earn lieing (joi.e cxct I lie Ki.stle, mid Iim l'oily was envrretl with Hores. Ills condition w a fright fill tit behold, 'the H..fes havt- now till aied. Iilxkin In healthy, eves Imulit, cheerful In, and is working pvciy day. My nelnhhorn Hie wltnesHc.s to I Ins remarkable cure, mid I lie doublii.K ones are reii nested to call vt llte me, or auy of my iicllilinrs. VM. H S I'KI'l I l'NS.V. Winchester I. )., I'nloii Co., A. C. Monkok, N. C.. Oct. '.'!, 187. XlIK I'OTTICR DHlll AMI C'llKMK'Al. Co. : OeiilUinrn: Mr. Win. H. Steihc iimoii. of tlii county brought Hx hoii to town tday to let ua see him and to Hum us ( I 1 K l UA Kent- edlcH bad done for him. 'J Jii" is the cave refer red to in our letter to you Nome time jiuo. To look at the hoy now. otie would that there had never been anything (he matter with him, neems to be in eitect health. We have written and herewith Iiii Iohc what his father has to say ahout the matter, wrote it Jnut as luf dictated. We are Helluic unite a oiiantitv of Ci'TiriniA Remedies and lie:ir notli i ik but pi Hhe fur tliciii. We regard the L'iticuua Kemeiiies the best in the market, and shall do all we can to pro mote their sale. Yours Truly. STKVKNS & It It UN Kit. Druggists and Dial inaelsl. Clj'TKTKA.the skin cure nd ('rninim fioAi- prepared iroin it.externully, and Ct tk u ka Kksoi.vkiit, the new blood puritler. Inter nally, are a positive cure for every form of skin and blood disease, from pimples to scrofula. Sold everywhere. Price. Crm i'itA. Wic. : Soai 2Tn: ; Kki.oi.vknt. .1. Prepared hv the rot:r Drop and Chemical Co., lioslon. Mass. tSend for "Mow to Cures-kin IMseascs." 64 pnjjes. 50 illiit ratioi s, and loo testimonials. PfTLT I'LKR. Mack heads, red. roupli clmpped 1 xui am c,iy Si prevented by Ccticl'ua Soap. Snoozing Catarrli. The distressing sneeze, Miee.e, sneeze, the acrid, watery discharges from the eyes and nose, the painful inflammation extending to the throat, the swelling of the mucous lining. causing choking sensations, cough, ringing noises in the head and splitting Headaches, how familiar these symptoms are to thousands who surlei periodically from head colds or in fluenza, and who live in Ignorance of the fact that a single application of Sankokd's Radi cal Cuhk for Catarrh w ill afford inxtanianUnm relief. Hut this treatmout in cases of simple catarrh gives but a faint idea of what this remedy w ill do in the chronic forms, where the breathing Is ohsl ructed by chunking, put rid iiiueii aecum iiUtions. the hearing airceled. smell and l.'iste gone, throat ulcerated and hack log cough gi ad -uHly fastening itself upon the debilitated sys tem. 1 hen it is that the marvelous c; rallve power of Sankokd'h Haiih-.o.Ci hb m,ii,.a. itself in instaiitaneoiiH and grateful rein f. Cure begiuH from the first auilie:it m it i i.,i,,,i radical, permanent, economical, safe. tiASFOHIl's ItAKICAl.CCUH COIISIStS Of Olie bottle of the IUbical Cuhk. one box cata it - rhal Solvk.nt and an Improved Jnhackh: price SI. Jt'Ol TEK DBl'W ANI) CHEMICAL CO.. JtOHtOII . PAINS and WEAKNESSES of iujiai.i:.s. i&fb-. Ills,:,nly relieved bv the Cutfc" Wyitr Anti-Patn Plant-, a new. fct-Sii !"ot agreeable. Instantaneous and if'iVtC-K lnfalibie pain-killing plaster.e.snecl- rvi- ,f anv adapted to rtlieve eemale rains ii69L and Weaknes-cs. War'ante I vastly superior to all other plasrers.and the most per fect antnloti to I'ain. Inflammation and H.ak nesses yet compounded. At ali druggist "3 cents : five for j?l (Mi : or ni.sfn-e free .'.r i.n". :hildren aid those in the phvsician't- That noted temperance orsanization. known from away back, as the rock rib bed, copper bottomed, democratic party of Nebraska, is very much opposed to the idea of submitting "the liquor question" to a vote of the people. It is a great de fender of the dear people until it comes to the submitting the saloon to their con sideratien at the ballot box. Such a pro position is considered by the democratic ates clearly between drugs that may be I Mais."0'" AN" l',1EMI co'.'j Uostou, used safely in the home treatment of the minor ailments of which are only safe hands. An editorial paragraph enters a vigorous protest against the dissemina tion of a certain class of pseudo-medical literature professing to teach "painless child-birth " through the avoidance of " bone-forming foods." The danger ous consequences of following this per nicious advice are pointed out. Other medical topics discussed are: " A con firmed Habit of Stumbling," "Night sweats after Confinement," " Worms,'" " Removing a Birth Mark," etc., etc. An unusually large number of illustrated " Nursery Helps and Novelties"- includ ing a hammcck for indoors, a medicine pocket, a combination of bath-tub and cot-bed, a novel crib as well as interest ing letters on " Helping Nature Curl tht Hair," " A Wasting Baby," " The Injus tice of Haste," etc., etc., go to make up a number of Babyhood which ought to be found in every well-regulated nursery. 15 cents a number; $1.50 a year. Baby hood Publishing Co., 5 Beekman St., Drowned in a Well. Rkd Clouij, Neb., Sep. 4.- A young man by the name of Chaib s Tifus, about eighteen years of ago, attempted to de scend into a well by a rop . After get ting down ten feet below the surface of the ground he struck damp, and fell into the water, and was drowned before he could be helped out. After remaining in the water ab:ut an hour the body was fished out. The doctors worked long and faithfully to rescuscitate him, but wunout avail. The aged nearly crazy with grief. parents are New York. Consumption Curable. It cannot be too often impressed on eyery one that the much dreaded con- party and the saloon keeper as amenance fumPt5on (which is only lung scrofulah,) to republican institutions. say pie groan on account of a burden which is mainly a matter of rhetoric and dema-goguery. Hon. J. 31. Patterson for state treasur er is a democratic nomination no good democrat can find fault with. It is away above the balance of the ticket and while our jolly good natured townsman stands no chance for the money bags of the state when pitted against Capt. Hill, the Herald commits no crime in saying the democrats made a good nomination. The way a traveling man always puts things is a "caution"; one of them re marks that "'Politics' is a matter of climate; depends wholly on the mean annual temperature. I've just been ud in Dakota where the air is cool and brac- inr. and there flip tmnnle am n 4 1' - . jj ail In Iowa the weather is sev- grees warmer, and the democrats mission lnm as the Greatest Amoricun I are a little more numerous. In Missrmri S .-aUUf -- u M production," Lincoln and Washington I its considerable warmer and the demo countea out. When a man after nnvino-1 crats are m the maiontv. In Texas . - o I .... . - - ' tor a substitute, to go to the war, retaxes wuere 11 8 blasted hot, the people are his patriotism by again going down into his jeans for wealth to purchase for hiin- Senator Allison very effectually stripped off the economical blanket from the democratic donkey in the U. S. senate the other day and showed up the pres ent administration as the most profligate and wastful the country has ever exper ienced. Almost anyone can see where the "Surplus', has gone old surplus. Poor can not disclose to the people when or I upon the part of Grover, he will probably I relublic0n9. how they are paying the taxes." In other I revise his estimate of the man and com- eral deSree words, it is impossible to make the peo- seir tne great othce of president of these united btates, he is nothing, if he is not to De classed as a patriotic statesman. . ...... xuuiuinuB iiuiu iree trade circus through Ohio, Michigan and II- iinois, is saiu to oe worth thousands of votes to the republican cause, cspucially in jersey. L onneciicut ana JSew lork. nine-tenths democrats. And in hell it's unanimous." Indianola (la.) Herald. Tire Journal, wlu-n caught in the cam paign falsehood about.the Rittenhouse woolen mill, at Passaic, N. J., tries to wriggle out of it by saying its authority was the New York Star. We will wager a quart of butter milk that; the Journal did not publish the truth of the Star's statement. Who wants that waer ? It is a poor way to educate the youn democrats of Plattsmouth up to the free trade doctrine by printing campaign false hoods; the boys will take to reading both sides directly, in order to get the truth, and then free traders no longer they'll be. MCSHANE FOR GOVERNOR. -Now then men and brethern just stand aside and see how old Goyernor Thayer will warm up this Omaha candidate. The Paxton-Creighton syndicate will want a search warrant to find the politi cal sprinter of Omaha . when this cam paign is over. is curaoie, it attended to at once, and that the primary symptoms, so often mis taken as signs of diseased lungs, are only symptoms of an unhealthy liver. To this organ the lungs are indebted for pnre blood, and to pure blood the lungs are indebted no less than to cure air for healthy action. If the former is pollut ed, we have the hacking cough, the hec tic flush, night-sweats and a whole train oi tymptoms resembling consumption. Rouse the liver to healthy action by the use of Dr. Pierces Golden Medical Dis covery, take healthy exercise, live in the open air, and all symptoms of consump tion will disappear. For weak lungs, spitting of blood, shortness of breath, chronic nasal catarrh, bronchitis, asthma,' severe coughs, and kindred affectins, it is a most wonderful remedy. The Chinese Treaty. Washington, Sept. 3. The depart ment of state has not as yet received anv information confirming the reported re jection of the Chinese treatv. Official circles here are inclined to doubt the ac curacy of the press dispatch from Lon- uwu, wniie it, is conceded that it may prove to be true. It is thought strange that London should be so much better informed than Washington on the subject. Bitten By a Mad Dos. NoitTir Bend, Neb., Sept. 4. Mr. Wickhorse, a farmer living five miles northeast of this place, had noticed for seyeral days that his two dogs were act ing strangely. His neighbors advised him to kill them. Finally he killed one and tied the other to a tree, where it was till Sunday evening when it became rav ing mad, getting loose then it ran wildly around the yard and attacked Mrs. Wick horse, tearing her shoulder and arm and one of her lower limbs iu a horrible manner. Dr. Doan was called, who at tended to her wounds and pronounced her in a serious condition. The dog was killed by one of her sons. 5'JACOBS oil For Stiffness St iflf Neck. PI O X . m p CP a 8 2 F p 5 0 Z o o 3 a z - a 35 O Co 9 a c Z. ft. 5 ? e 9 " o s: s- 3 -O o Co Co o s 3 VSrv 51 2. 'XVX - I- WJ - GO . F I 5 52 sn S. 2 c S 2 Ba zc ! I t 'J r. I'. , i. i