Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, August 30, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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1 1 r
Coyornor Thayer Ro-nonlnatod for
Covornornncl William A Loo so
Re'nornlr.atod for Attorney
Tho State Republican Convention.
J,inoi,n, .b., Aug. til. It wiih tli;
latest, wanii.-sf hikI mo.-t exciting cuii
vention Nebraska has tvir sco. The
lion. H urge 1. Mcikvljohn had the
plea-mre of calling it to order promptly
at half pa t 'J. Wliil': waiting tor the
ilelcgatcs to gi t sealed 11 campaign glee
club, composed of ucvcii David City
j-oung men, enlivened things with ii fi w
Heleel urns tint set everybody will. Ti c
cluli mh;;s well. Tin? Hcv. II. J. Harmon,
of .MTiTson, off. re d prayer. The gallery a few el. legates applauded him. It
was afterward reported, though, that
elcmoerats who sneaked in were responsi
ble for the unholy net.
Juelge Wall, of Sherman county was
elected teinpoi iiry chairman and L. li.
Gary, Choyene county; K. C. Holhenber
per, of Hall, mid Tom Cook, of Lancas
ter, were .selected temporary secretaries.
On motion of I). II. Mercer, it commit
tee f three, to conduct Judge Wall to
tin; stage. I). II. Mercer, Ex-Go vcrnor
Huberts and Tom Majors composed that
commit tee.
As the judge came forward and was
introduced he entered upon the delivery
of a rattling good speech, in which he
reviewed briefly the achievements of the
republican party, landed the national
ticket, arraigned the democracy, and
pledged the republicans to protection
niid p.u-dieted a majority of 10,000 in
The central committee's list of dele
gates was taken as being correct, simply
the counties and number of delegates be
ing read. There were no contests.
I). II. .Mercer again got his work in by
moving and putting the motion, which
i went through without opposition, mak
ing the temporary organization perma
nent.. Speaker Harlan then took the floor and
named Governor Tli iyer for rcnomination
and moved that it be made by acclama
tion. It was done with a hearty will.
In response to a call the governor made
a good speech.
were call.ul for and George I). Meikle
join of Nance anil E. M. Collell of Thay
er wear named for the trust by their re
spective delegations. On the call of
counties the vote strood: Meiklejoin
.r07, Corrcll Hi:. Thayer county moved
the unanimous nomination of Meiklejoin.
The motion was curried and Mr. Meikle
join thanked the convention for the
Gilbert Ji. Laws was the unanimous
choice of the convention for secretary of
state, lie modestly responded to the
call and thanked the state for the honor
of the rcnomination.
The nomination of state treasurer was
then in order. This is acknowledged to
be the priceles? position and excitement
ran high as the following candidates
were named: E. I). Einsel of Phelps, J.
E. Hill of Gig', A. 11. Graham of Cum
ing. I). 1. CVopseyof Jefferson. C. E.
Yost of Douglas, John Harper of Untler,
Hartley of Holt, I?aird of Cass, MeClay
of Madison, Clary of Saline, Weeks of
Greeley and Southcrland of Lincoln.
The ipietest hour of the day was when
the cleric commenced the call of counties.
An auxiou bu.i followed the call of
unorganized territories. Hill was nomi
nated on the IKh ballot.
William A. Leese was then nominated
on second ballot for Attorney General.
At the announcement of the vote cries of
"He's all right" was heard from all parts
of tiie room. Mr. Leese then spoke as fol
lows: "I appreciate the high honor you
have conferred upon me. I assure you
that, in the future a? in the past, I will
serve the people to the full extent of my
ability. I will try to get better acquaint
ed with you in the fall. I thank you."
At the close of the attorney general's
remarks the convention gaye him three
hearty cheers, and both Irvine and Scott
cheerfully pledged their support to the
ticket. The nominations for commission
ers ot public lands and buildings were
now made. They were: Dew of John
son, Carter and Parker of Lancaster
lieebe of Custer, Steen of Saunders, and
Lundeen of York. Steen was nominated
on second ballot, then made unanimous.
Peters of Boone, Benton of Lancaster,
and Gros-dians of Clay were named as
candidates for auditor of state. The
1 .allot stood:
Benton , , , 2;U;
Peters 320
Grosshans 14
Benton was nomination and tendered
his heartfelt thanks to the convention,
lie faithfully promised the Republicans
of Nebraska they should never have rea
son tn regret their choice.
For senators-at large George H. Hast
ings of Saline and II. C. Russell of Col
fax were nominated; from the First con
gressional district M. M. Butler, of Cass:
the Second, James McNery of Webster;
the Third, Charles F. IddKr.g. This
closed the nominations and the Republi
can ticket for 1SS8 was made, and at 2:15
o'clock this moriiiug the convection ad
journed sine die.
A Pleasant Time.
From 'i IhomI.ij ' J.n!.
A more sue ccssful vent b.iih socially
mid financially I ban that of la;-t night
h u not been realized lor many a day.
The entertainment v.ns given limb r the
Auspices of the young lidi'-s of St.
Luke's Guild and was m.-iiiageil in very
particular to perfection. i ling
lady exhibited her .(,, 1 taste in v -lee t mg
a dress for the occasion. M; I each die
was iiiunu fact ured in Mi-h a M I" as to
represent a cctt.-iiif hu-im -; Iioiiv, ami
there were about sixty in nil r- pri s nted.
Tho w hole parly in lli'ir ih.-itv mak
ing efforts and the liyely stir, pies ntcd
to the. in i tils of tin; spectators an enthus
iastic spectacle. Alter the young g'litle
iih u had waited upon th ir la ly friends
by treating th'-ni to an inviting repast, nil
joined in the merry d ii:e-: to the music,
rendered by the Bohemian band until
a late hour.
The ladies were financially successful,
having cleared between $i0 and $00.
Appended we give the style of the
different business houses and the names
of tho young ladies represent mg them:
Jim Donnelly, Edith Vt hit.;
C. E. Weseott Clara Palmer
O. P. Smith, Drugs Nellie Simpson
O. P. Smith, wall paper. ..Cora Wayman
Murphy & Son Mamie McCoy
E. G DoveyASon. notions. . Ccorgie Oliver
' dry goods. . Edna Adams
" groceries. ..M. Shepherd
F. S. White, ice house Ella White
W. G. Kecfcr May Beverage
S. AC. Mayer Barbara tiering
L. Moore nna Livingston
Journal Mary Sherman
B. &. M. band Linct Livingston
IIkham) Maggie Oliver
Carruth &, Son Mary Hawkswortli
Carruth Canning Co Maud Viyian
First National Bank Birdie Wright
J. Pcpperbcig Agatha Tucker
R Herrmann...'. Hattie Fulmer
B. Elson Vcrnie Leonard
Water Works Blanche Travel
Mrs. A. Rcsier deiia Tarteh
Reading Room Susie Sampson
W. Cook, barber Maggie Campbell
Drs. Cave fc Smith Jennie Dal b
A. W. White Manota Eikcnbary
Base Ball Blanche Feight
Lenlioff & Su-nnichscn. ..Nettie Ballance
Stadtlninn House Stella Traver
V. !. Fricke Dora Fi ic ke
Robert Donuel y Kate Goos
Mrs. F. Johnson Irene Patterson
H. Buck Ida I'.ieck
P. Mi rges Florence Merges
J. P. Young Gertie Kerney
Herold & Son Dora Refold
V. V. Leonard Lora Reinhackle
Robert Sherwood Lizzie .Miller
John R. Cox Maggie Yallery
J. I. Unruh Annie McDouglc
A. (Mark Ella Clark
City Hotel Celia Goos
B. Ramsey Ella Wright
J. V. Weckbach Kate Ilemule
J. Y. Weckbach Ida Foglesong
Henry Weckbach Rose McCatiley
Post Office Berth Wise
Will Baker Anna Heisel
Waterman Lumber Yd I'na Freer
Oliver & R tmge Mary Whales
J. Ratt Mattie Smith
Gering & Co.. E.lith Gering
Bennett fc Tutt, Lizzie Steimke
Will Bocck, Mamie Stiles
Burlington Route, Miss Banking
Asst. Mail Clerk, Mollie Ballance
Delivery Clerk, Minnie White
A Plucky Youngster.
Dki.axo, Minn., August 2"). Yester
day afternoon twelve masked men enter
ed the house of John Pearson, three
miles south of Armstrong, ami demanded
food and what money there was in the
house. While they were parleying with
Mis. Pearson, her son, Henry, a boy ten
years old, opened the stair door and
discharged a lead of bird shot into the
feet and legs of one of the iiampp.
They all fled and the boy pursued them,
firing ag da, the shot taking effect in the
head of on; of them, vho fell to the
ground and was afterwards carried orf
by Lis companions, The citizens turned
out en masso and scoured the country all
night to secure the culprit, but without
success. Today some of the tramps wore
back and fired two shots through the
windows of Pearson's house without ef
fect. The boy who did the shooting w as
so small that the tramps did not notice
him and his father was away from home
when the outrage occurred.
Eioiit Mii.kGrgvk, Aug. il,
I)u:d. The infant child of Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. Barker. Aug. 10. The remains
were hurried in the Eight Mile Grove
cemetery. Aug. 20th, at 2 o'clock p. m.
Funeral services are clef creel for the pre
sent. Dikd. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Rev. James Mullen, at their home at
Elmwood, this county, with typhoid
The deceased is aged fourteen years,
and was brought down and buried
in the Eight Mile Grove cemetery. Aug.
2 l.-t. at 2 o'clock p. u). The futK-rai
servio will bo conducted at flair place
of worship at some future daio
Oxk ok M.vy.
It" is reported that the democrats of
this city .ire making preparations for a
grand rally which they propose giving
.here on one of the fair davs.
Veterans of 1040.
The following is the list of names of
men in Cass county who voted f r Win.
Henry lUiiison in 1810, and who will
vt te for his grandson, B n Hariis .n, in
Nov mber ne.t:
Robert M teer, PI at t snot; th precinct.
A. G. Hat , I'lattsmoiith city.
W. W. Graves, Rock lilulfs.
John B.-ii", Plattinoutli.
( li .plin Wright. Platt-mouth.
J. (. II is. PJ.ttt-inouth.
II. A. Willi i netii, Pl.itt-uionth.
S. M. Kirkpatiiek. Liln ity.
Win A lmoin, We ping Water.
.) aiii.-K Gihnorc, Weeping Water.
E'linim Davi-1, PlattMuouth.
Mos:s Tuckt I, Lil'i-i ty.
S. B. Hob-on, Liberty.
Thus. Mitt he 1, Plattsmnuth.
ll.u vty Ilogan, Stove Creek.
S. P. Hardy, Weeping Water.
Sob in ei M tl'as. Weeping Water.
Thus. Bull. Weeping Water.
.1., Weeping Water.
E S. Gilb it. Weeping Water.
Albert Harmon, Avoea.
Levi Walker, Pbltt-liloUtll.
A iik.s Tt li t, Av oca.
J. M. .b -Cunough. Rock Bluffs.
Je:j.sie Miller, Eimwootl.
I). L. Clapp, Elmwood.
Yalentine Hav. Ebuwoml.
John Lambert, Rock HI u!Ts.
Thos. Rankin, Ro-k Bluffs.
Jl Berger, Rock Bluffs.
Win. Lloyd, Rock Bluffs.
Nicholas Cox, Weeping Water.
John Philpot. Mt. Pleasant.
S. Torreiice, Weeping Vatcr.
John Ervin. Libeitv.
J. 1 Buck. Libeitv.
E. Bales. Liberty. '
Joseph Houty, Liberty.
Joshua Lynn, Liberty.
J. J. Ilavship, (Jreenwiniil.
Lemuel Cheoront. Greenwood.
A. Crittenden, Greenwood.
P. J. HiiTi-'ins. (Jreen wood.
"Win. Sheifer. (beenwood.
Robt. Mitchell, Plattsi.-.out'i.
Timoihv ("lark. Plattsmouth.
Jacob Poisell. Plattsmouth.
Mr. Ha vs. Pl-ittsmouth.
Thos. Mitchell. Plattsmouth.
W. 1 1. Shepherd. Plattsmouth.
A. Andei-.Jon, Plattsmouth.
Thos. Owen, Rock Bluffs.
English Spavin Liniment removes al
hard, Soit or Calbnised lu:r.i) and Blem
ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs,
Splints. Sweeny. Stifles. Sprains, Pink
Eye, Coughs and te. Save $.0 by use
of one bottle. Evera bottle warranted
by F. (i. Ekickk A: Co.,
Druggists, l'lattsmouth, Neb.
A L-jcky Esoaps.
Nki.son". Neb., August 2-1 Nelson had
a narrow escape last night. The new
brick block containing the opera house,
the court rooms and county olllcets'
rooms and several stores, was set on fire
through earlcssness. A lighted match or
a burning cigar was thrown in a sawdust
spittoon and sin 1 lered until the floor
was burned through and caught in some
gunny sac ks in the basement, and was
just getting w here it would have been
beyond control when it was discovered
and extinguished.
Renews licr Youth
Mrs. Phoebe Chesley, Peterson. Clay
county, Iowa, tells the following remark
able story, the truth of which is vouched
for by the residents of the town: I am
To years eld. haye been troubled with
kidney complaint and lamemss for many
ytars; could not dress myself without
help. Now T am free from all pain and
soreness, and am i.ble to do my own
housework. I owe my thanks to Elec
tric Bitters for having renewed my
youth, and removed comph tt ly all di
sease and pain."' Try a bottle, 50c.' and
$1., at F. G. Fricke & Co.'s drug store. 4
Captain Hill Congratulated.
Ei-: viKii'K, Neb, Augest 25. Beatrice
citizens, irrespective of party, congratu
lated Captain Hill on his nomination for
state treasurer. The indications are that
he will run ahead of the ticket in south
eastern Nebraska,
Bucklin's Arnica Salvo,
The Be.-t Salvo in the world for Cuts,
Biuises. Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Crurr.s, and a! skin eruptions and pos-i
tively cures Piles or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
or money refunded. Price Co cents per
box, For sale by F. G. Fricko Co. 51
The bandana king inthis speech
at Port Huron yesterday, opened his ad
dress by an expression of fear for the
grave, ,ii usual. Fpr fear vt an occas
ional breeze might strike his brow and
cause him a death blow before the cam
paign should come on, he asked his large
audience for the privilege of keeping his
cap on while addressing them. When
such a mild breeze as was theu blowing
will so materially affect his constitution,
we cannot imagine what will become of
the old man wiii-n the. gale of November
next strikes him.
An Epigrammatic Str-temont
Is there anything in this world so vile
As the pistilcnt presence of potent bile?
We have it, wc hate :t, we all revile
j'lie n.ioas ii..iu a, nj did firlyj.
But why bewaii what soon is inendeel?
Take P." P. P. and have it ended.
All praise the power of ''Pierce's Pellet,"
Wise people buy an 1 elruggists sell it.
One would think the Nebraska treas
ury is as rich a plumb as the Kentucky
ciib v.t.o trofij the number of candidates
the present State convention has pro
duced at Lir.ndn,
Who ?
Who innkes t!i" hinie of ilie jioor si laivrlit?
Wliu fill the pa'aee ' wea tli with ilelteht 7
ho. when you kis hint will yive you a bite?
The llaby.
Intert'fttinj; Story Tolil ly a Yutittiful I.lmb
of I'uHhl.ill IIoiv u I'll I ludi'lptii llos(-sn
I'lllcil 1 1 ir (.nrsl with Ania.-m'iit ami
A Kiiavo youth, of small fortune, but laro
social pretension:!, wlio i.j kept in town by his
iluliei a.s a Icink lerl; $ l.j a week was a
trille mystiiii'il a few ilayaoo by tho receipt
from a fashionable married woman f a
visiting card, on whieli wes written, "Friday
evening, 8 to 10, Tea Babylonian."
"Tea Babylonian! Tea Babylonian!" ho
reail nain and again. "What new wrinkle
may that tie, 1 wonder."
It required about four seconds for him to
si that Ids enjraj.'enient book was virgin.
Ho made up his mind to go in a space tf tmm
Ke small that ho had no method of calculat
ing. For, reinemlx.'r you, diversions that
promise nnj'thing worth Fpcakin of to a
city bound swell do nt como every day iu
Tho next morning, warm as it was, the
youthful limb of fashion was swinging down
Chestnut street to his desk in tho banking
houso ns chipper as a boy with a new watch.
"Well," said I, "why so blithesome this
"It was tho tea, tho Babylonian tea," said
he. "I tell 3'ou it was a stunner."
"And what is a Baby Ionian teai"
Ho was so full of it that he must havo re
garded tho opportunity to talk us a favor.
This is the story ho told:
"When I received tho bid," he explained,
"I had no more notion than the dead v. h t fi
Babylonian tea mig'i. I ., a: you
see, I went. Tho houso a charming one in
(i fashionable street is tho seeno of many a
pleasant eliuner and daneo in tho winter, at
which one is sure to meet a lot of agreeable
people. I had read in tho 'sa:;siety' column
of a newspaper that tho host and hostess
wcro in town for a few days on their way
from some Virginia springs to Bar Harbor.
"1 was not at all surprised, therefore, to
tind tho front stoop swept and trim as be
camo tho habitation of a Christian even in
midsummer, nor was I amazed to observe tho
door standing hospitably oicn. Thcro was
something not quite intelligible", however, in
tho circumstance that tha emly light to be
observed was furnished by a single gas jet in
tho hallway. A man servant, Lov.'ey,
standing near tho doorway meehaniunlly
drawled out: 'Gentlemen's dressing room
third story back; ladies' front parlor.' As I
stumbleel up tho stairs through semi-darkness,
I saw that tho door to tho drawing
room was o;cn, and, glancing in, I observed
what appeared to bo women's wraps on tho
chairs and so&is, w hich, however, were e-ov-ered
with whito linen, as when tho houso was
first put in summer order.
" 'A epiccr basket of chips,' t hought I. 'If
this is tho Babylonian tea I shan't want
much of it, and where ara tho Babylonians T
"I was in tho third story back by this
time, when another servant politely took my
hat end placed it with other hats and coats,
lie then opened a door at his left and I passed
down a gloomy passageway into another half
lighted room.
"As I looked blindly round ho asked my
name. I gnvo it him. Ho turned, aud
simultaneously calling out my nanio brushed
asido a curtain of somo dark, heavy stun",
and I passeel into Babylonia.
"I found myself standing in an illuminated
garden. Glowing Chinese lanterns wero
strung in fantastic designs along the edge
aud eirawu to a common point over the head
lino in tho center suggested a great canopy
of light. Hero aud thero among tho branched
palms and tho spreading fern varied hued
fairy lamps burned with a mild light. Small
tables were set out on tho grass auel illumin
ated by tapers burning in heavy silver can
delabra. Tho edge cf tho garden, on three
sides, was marked by a light balustrade. On
tho fourth tho garden ended abruptly against
tho wall of tho houso. Looking beyond the
balustrade I could make out the tops of tree')
gently waving in tho wind. I felt upon my
cheek also a breath of cool air, and upon my
mind Gashed at ouco tho truth I was stand
ing on a housetop. People in evening dress
v.ero seated at tho little tables or moving
about looking at everything curiously. Jly
host and hostess wero standing near tho cur
tained entrance, which, as I looked again, I
saw was not a doorway, but a low window.
I made my regards and they laughed
merrily as they observed my very observable
look of surprise.
" 'It is the same with every one,' chirruped
my hostess. 'Amazement, then, if I may be
permitted to say it, delight. Pardon me,
bat really I never had the pleasure of gather
ing my friends at any entertainment that
all'orded so much fun as this Babylonian tea
is giving.'
" 'But the idea,' said I, '-where did you get
iff' j
"Then sho was good enough to explain that
her husband, who is a member of tho tre
mendously rich 'Manufacturers' club,' had
casually mentioned that a feature of tho
club's new house, which is now being built,
will bo a summer garden on tho roof. She
canght at the remark as containing tho sug
gestion for ouinotiiing altogether uniquo in
tho way of entertainments. The develop
ment of tho idea was manifested in tho 'tea'
called Babylonian, of course, for a reason
that is clear to you with j-our recollection of
tho celebrated hanging gardens. The roof
on whieh wo stood was that of tho back
building, which was a story or so lower in
height than tho front. Tho grass was in
sods, bordered in long shallow bones, neatly
concealed by tho green. The palms and ferns
and pther erotics vveia of courso in tubs, all
from tho stock of a florist. A servant had
strung up tho lamps, and a carpenter, with
out much ado, Lad put up tho balustrado
against the possibility of au3'body's stepping
oif the roof and tumbling into the back yard.
"As our hostess finished her little story soft
music of strings came floating on tho air
from somo invisible quarter. I determined
for myself that the orchestra was placed in
a room just oSf the garden out of sight, but
pear enough to bo heard ia a degree that was
pleasanter for being soft and low. lees and
pilads and some other things wcra served at
the little tables, end altogether everything
went on much as it would at a lawn party of
the every day kind. The company was not
a largo one, but still it was numerous enough
to seud everything with go pnd spirit. Nearly
all th men were people who, lis I knew, were
kept Iii town by the demands cf business,
and usually appear more or less miserable at
the clubs. Naturally enough in August ii
town they outnumbered tho ladies two to
cne. Most of the ladies wero, like our host
ess, passing through town from ono resort to
another. Some had come in for tho 'tea'
froi the country places at Bry:i Mawr and
the other fashionable places regarded as
raburbs. They were so pretty ana gracious
that they merited all tire attention they rer
chived. -It was quite midnight, instead of
11 o'clock, when tho 'tea' was over, and as
we went out the rooms and passages, which
f arlW were 6 dark.we.r3 Lxi!hiutiv- Jishted
luakiiig clear what I had supposed that is,
that the preliminary gloom had been ar
ranged to make one the more susceptible to
tho glowing beauty of the roof garden."
Philadelphia Cor. Is'ew York Ileraltt
ShorlfTa Solo
l:v virtu. ff tltii'i. ..i-i. I Itiii l..iif.l w
' - . .
VlniMjiilcr, clerk l the iti.lrlct riant W illilu
Ullll I'M ' vftinn ) , Ol.lh.l, itIHI III If , ,
r cii-'i. 1 ill on (In-lrtt ii.iy i.r fi ptciiiy .r
I'.hi, at 1 1 i clin k a. in . iif ieii'l hiy ;(t n
II li :' r 'l I lie ri hi 1 1 In -ice in .tli. i i 1 1 nt
u :i hi line aue: tun, l.n- Ih.Iiih in;; i ei i M,u,
I . -wit :
1 lie vcM 1 1 i r nl t lie Houtli.M'i'st. tiutiitcr
el tin' i.tnlliuest i!illT C .re
li tti nil... t u i . . I 1 1 1 I it i-K ii i r i ... .
.. .- . - ....... iiiii-
teeii i 1 cast nl the iOi sixth i-inie'l . incllil-l-in
i ii ";HH rou li f v N lir:i kn
1 ll S.illlt icll,J lc it'll llmll !lli t ;is the
i iipci I $ hi i iihiii;ih .i. i in mi," x, e lie nl Oi t ; In
.i islv a ji.i. mei.l nl ciiil ci.ait ii-c , n i i)
t lie il , lei I'anU .l i'ai: i:ttiir , i;t;n I ill ,
;tx iiii-i i-ai.l id li int.iiit.
i" :il Imiiihi i li, Ni li Hi h ' k li iIhv of .Inly, A.
1 li. .1. ' Kl KB Ml A It .
w Slieiill 'as o aiity, .Ni-li.
ShorltTa Sabs-
II) irtii" hC an fit -i- of -.i!i' tsf.iicl ,y V, ('.
S!in . i i it. i 1. r: et lln ili-lie t cmiit uliliia
aad or ,is ciiiiii: v. Nel'i .!! a. a ad in nc di-lcc-1
cil. I w III on the Dili iliy nl .if 1 1 I'll 1 1, cr, A.
I . I Sn. at ' ii'cliii'k p tn., nl Faiil ilav at. the
h.iiiI Ii liimr ef 1 lie cum t liniii in I' I Miiiini Ii
'0 v, i i said cunt , se I at ',ii iti In- ain't inn. ilic
fiiiliulng leal c.-!iite, to-ml: five n'Tci of
ruiiiil in I he west half of Ilic
west hail (if the 1101 1 lial ijii.o
til' nf Heel ion one I in township twelve .'
r.illKC t Ml teen l.'i cast i 11 'a-s cull Hi ', Nchi.ii.
ka : naiii ;ic aeie nl land tn-lie the same
wli.'icini l lie liuililtii;;, j aids, Icneei'. ,".c, ul
said ileleinlani s 1 u I our .V e'u.'.s slaaliter
lioiise, paekiim lionse. .ec.aic lucatcil.
I he sa!in lici:'K levied i pun and taken as the
plnpi l ly uf I iiiluiir "s. ( 'nin p.tii '', nr Itnl'mir ,V
I'inii. .Inhn S. iMikc. Wit 1 ): in il..l'i'kciis, .Ins
e'pli . Week h.ieli, the 1' t simnit Ii J.,iinl Im
provement Co . 11. A. Waterman & Sun. ami
.li'lilisiiii ItruM., ilrfeiiilalits ; In sallsty a iul'
ni"iit nf nalil cuuit i ecn el ed by liichey I'.ros.,
pl.iiiitills. aeainsl said di-leinlaiit .
1'latlMiiontli, .Neb., August ;a-,. A. I). Ism.
.1. '. Kl K KN It A l V .
i!l.ri Shciili, Cass e.'uuiity, Ni li.
Sheriff's Sale.
sliuw alii i , e ii . K el Hi" iHMi.i-l euiiil wiililn
and fur :ass cuiiiil y, t In aska, and to ine di
reeled. 1 ill on I lie 1k h day of Kcplciuliei', A.
I. ISs, at '' i cluck p. in. ul s.iid day. :il the
m'iiI Ii ilnnr of t In e amrl limisc in the elly of
I'lai t-muni h. in said cuuiity. sell al puliliu auc
tiuii. I he loll on Iiie; real estate to nil :
I lie c.ihI half ( '.) of tl:es.,n: Invent ipiar iti'i)
of t he inn l liui si tcr ( '4 I ff seel n m li! in i :i).
In tow i.sliip t . I ( i ji, raii-e t lii; leen ( I I), oa"!
of the tall 1". M., I as coiiaty , Nebraska.
The same I iei levied upon and taken as t lie
pinpi i i y ul "1 hinnas ,. 1 Irleinlant ; tu
satisfy a .inihriuet.t nt i-aid I nul l i coned hv
William 1.. Hail is, l'lalnlill, aH.nn-1 said licfeii'
ehmt .
I'laltsmoii' li, Nelira-'ka. A n. Illh, A. !..
.1. i '. Kl K s n v .
-2.5 Slieiill I'ass Coiinly, Net).
ShoriiT's Salo.
r.V virtue of an older of -;de issued by W. f.
Shmvallcr, Clerk oft!'..-, IM-tin-i touiL williin
ami tor C;.ss j-.ii-.iy, Nnl,ra- ka, and to me cli
rectc !, 1 will tin l lie l'.v h day or -epieinher. a.
!. lsss. at L' o'clock p. in. nl said day. at i lie
soal li door of t lie court house in said count y.
Hell :'t pubic auel ion, I l,e fnllou ing t eal estate
to-Mii.: Tin urn t Ii half ( e. j of Hie sim;lr,est
quarter 's ) f sect ion tiinnli-T t w en I y (jt,
in to" nsliip iiuiuliHi' ten ln, north" nl rai "e
iiuiulier ten ( Kii. ea-t of thei;:i Piiui'lpal cr
idiaii in Cas.s eouiitv, Nlna-ka. The . same lie
in;; 1-vie. ! up. hi ami taken as t !n pioprit y of
Sa-miel SehloMmari and Allies s-chlott-nio;,
el al. Defendants, to aatis
IV a .lildunititil of s;iid Cnmt reenvere l liy the
Cenueeutieiit llivei; Sa ii-s liank, I'laint ill',
against sriifi Delet.dant.s.
I'latt-inuuth, .Vex, August . A. D. Ixsa.
.1 . c. K kn a A nv.
SherilT Cass County, Ncl
Shcrifts Sale.
r.y Iitue of an ( nlcr r pale Issued by W. C.
Sl ow;. iter, t l.'ik nf the District Court within
and tor Cass co.mty. Nebraska, and tn me di
rect'"!. 1 will on the liMh dav of Septi uii-er. A.
D. U sa, at 1 1 o'cleek a. in. m said i!av. at the
HOtitii ilenr of t lie court In u-; in saiil eniiutv.
fell at pnlilie auction. Hie follow n e, real ei-ta!e
towit : The north hall of the i-oulliwest epiar
te'ct section nuinber iv.etil y-tuo, in io nsli)i
muni (; ten, imilh 1 1 laaue" number ten, cn-l
of the .-.ixtti l'tineipal Meridian in Cass county.
Nebraska, tof-ei! id uitli all the privileges ami
apiu'itiiiiees llienii lo lelon;;i!ii; or in an yw ise
ap'.iertuinitig. '1 he mute b-iny: le iei noon lltlli
taken r.s the prenerivof Samual ScH.otlinaii
and As- ln s Sehlu'i man et. al. Jlefciidan's ;
to satiiv a judgment of said t nert reeoveicil bv
tne Coniieiicut, l.'i.'er S.iTings bank, l'lainlin,
aciiasi said l.'c'einiants
I'lattsmoiilll, Ne:., Ausiiist 17, A. D. lsss.
J. V. I'.l K KM. A It V,
Slieriir Cass Couniy, Neb.
SherifTs Salo-
V.y virtue of ;ui exeeutioii is-'ied by V. ('.
Sho'walter, Cl' ik' of the District Coint within
ami tin- Cass county, Nebraska ami to me li
reeteil. I w ill esi the ath dav of Scpteialier, A.
D. at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day. on the
uortllw est quarter ot section eleven, township
t-u, lai-ge eleven, in Weeping Water precinct,
Cass conn' y. N t in aka, 1 be saiue l.eln'; t lie fa m
nf .James .Iolmson, in said ccunty, sell at i;u' lie
au: fion, the fellow i i; personal properl v 1 o.vli :
I- iuhl stacks f oais : tin- same are now stack
ed on thi above b scnbil pri :ui-cK
Tli." same la-inn levied npon and taken an the
property of Jarues Joliusou. D;-fei.i!ai:t ; to sat-i.-fy
a iudL'UieM of .said Comt recovered li the
I'lattsniout h Live Slock Coir.panv, I'laintiff,
against said Defetjibiti!,
I'lattsinouth, Neb., Aujr 21 St. A. D , l.-s-s.
.1. C. I"l KKS HA It v,
Sheiiil e'ass Co., Neb.
I'.y David, Deputy. i;
Chattel Mortgage Salo.
To All W'hum It Mini Cmutvu:
No; ice i-hereby i-'lven t hat we will on the
'Till day of Septeinper. li-;.s, at the town of
;r eiiwoud. Cas county. Nebraska, bctufcn
Ilic lioiir of ! . m. and 4 p in., sell at public
net ion t h follow t: (I cci il ed st i i-k u ml chattel-;,
viz : One b:.y mare, nine years old. w i iht
I. n.jO pnumis ; ore bay in tire 4 ycrs old; i,e
bay mare " years old : on r i and '.vl iie cow ;
me biaek cow : one blaelr and white cow ; one
t er t alf ; one heilcr f a'.f j ;itel one platform
prir.; w ajrmi ; ; i,eii;(r t he pi opr-i ty of one S.
I I. AiMiersou. Kre! desciibcd us abov- in his
'ert.tiii ciiMtiel moi tuai-'e dat"d Aufrust 11, lsxi,
i. I iceorded in 'he lei ks ofTe c ef I 'ass eoun
y, Nebraska, see ui ina n promisKry note of hj,;d
s. 1. Anderson of sv; ;fll to the l-.iiik (d Cass
oiuMy. di-.ted A tiiiust 11, 1 -i-ti. iiia inj; Interest
. tlie'rate of 10 per e,";;t iroia Maich 1. Iss7, on
'.vliich elate f Hid note !)(( au;e due. The coiidi
tioni of s;iiii innrtcnee were, that in ease de
fault should be made in p:. menf id said note
or any part thereof, e.r if l he lunrta'.'eei' sle uld
it imy time dei'tu themselves insi'diie. tiieii it
siioi id be law fel f"r iin)rt:;ae: s t;j ei:i-r !.ion
the premises of said mi -rf Loit-.-r and take im
mediate )o-csi iu!i tli.-ii'i.t, and dispose of the
aiue at p'i' lie ;.it. uutl out of the money nri.--th
'iefioiii to pay s -id sum of ;-4.;3.."lnter-"sts,
rest-, chaises and exiens:(' incident
heir to. Ihe.e still remainii;? due on t-aid
o!e tin sum of iss.:j) aed int( rest, and de.
faidt h.ivitig lieen made under the j.ivi.-iuiis
of said ni"i tirai."-. t he inort.,:.-, win proceed
t make the sa'e r,-: al.iies;iid. ttie proee -ils to
be applieil a oj.di; i -ned in said iii'-i t'aue.
I'.a.vk ok Cass Cot'srv.
Wi:fin M iS; Davii:s, Attorneys. w;-
Notice of Prcbato of Vill.
Ia the Matter of lae Last Will and Te-tament
of .Mack I.. .Jone. Deceased, la Comity Court
Cass County. eb!:.ka.
Noti -e is hereby plveu tliHt on the S'h dav
of September A. t. at the County Judge's
fUVice in Plurtsiiniuth. Ca s Count v. Nebraska,
at l'i o'clock in the tfireaoMi, the following n;at
t er w ill be heard and considered -.
The ; pplicalioti ' f Maria K. Jijnes to admit 10
probate the hist v. i'.l and ts.e--nts ff -Mack I.
I iii'S late f l.iVcrty riecinet.ta said t'ountv,
d-'ceaseil. ami ror leit'T- of an. ...istration with
i 1 annex'-d to M na K. Jones.
Dated August jni h ls-s.
Ky order of tV Court ;
2'-2 C Kl ssku.. Cuuaty Judge
Losat Notice.
Ii, tlt Pistrict Court of Ca? oun'y. Xebras
ka. Mii-hael Arclo r vs. Small I). Az-phcr.
ToSarah D Archer, nnu -resident defendav .
You :tre hereliv imtifled that on the i-th Jay
of July, A. D lsss, p! lintia ii'.e.l ins net it ion In
the District I'r.v.rj c.iss touiity, N'eliraska.
wherein yen a.-e defeui'iuit The object and
prayer of said petition beintc to obtain a tlivorce
from von because I vour widful abandoning lit
of 1'l tintiiT wii!pi!t ja-t caii.-. tu(k eotiti.'nioiis
ly reni:iiiiii:i ay Jur more thdu two years
print to tiu coir.iiii-.nbeniciit of tins suit.
Vou air lO'iuiiril to aais.ver said pelitien on
cr lief:e September luih. A. D. l"n. or your
default will be entered therein aud judtrnient
obtained recording to law.
Dated July ".sth, A. D. isss.
2l- tllCHAEL AltT'E'"
r.y his Att'y, Bvkok Clark,
J. 1ST !
Authorized Capital, (100,000.
I'lesideiit. Vll- I'li'Hi.leut
W. II. Cl'MHiNii. Cashier.
I'Tank 'an lit b J. A. Connor. K. It. Cutliiuai.u
J. W. .lulu, son, Henry ltd cli , John O'Keefe,
W. D. Mtri.aiu, Win. W ctci.eiilup, V.
II. Cii.shiuir.
TrimsactK a (ieneral I'.anklnj.' I'.uiliieNH. All
W lio liavr any l.aiil.liiu buslncKM to Dun-act
ait invilcif to call. No matter li
laie or small the tifinsactloii. It
will leceUe our carelul attention,
am! we promise always eamr
tt hum l rcatieei.t.
I-n-ims (.'crtllitrates of Dei ositM hearing Intercut
liuyKund sc'Ih Korcln KxrhaiiKe, County
and Cil v seem itlei.
Bank Cass County Main and KiJth Mre t.
,;. ii. i n c. :.i r.i.r., iirsimnt, I
1J Id. i'ATJ LIUaiN. Cashier, f
Transacts a General Easing Business
I'aitl for County ami City Warrant
(UbbKCriCVH !MA.tK
ami promptly remitted fcr.
!uiKK'.e.TOK :
0. H.I'arncle. J. M. rattemon.
'red Cor-lcr. a. 15. .S Ith.
U. . Windham. M . Mnrrlsey,
J.nncM Patterson. Jr.
John Kir..;miAi.u, s. Wiuiiil
l'lesldent. Cacldo
'lIertho very best faciliUeri for the proinit
tram-aet ion of lecit iinata
sJteek.s. J'.oi'ds. Cold, .oM'trnnent hid! I.ocv
Securlt ies i'.ouelit a ikI .'lola. Deposit s rere) y.
ed s:i'.ii :ntcre:,t allow ed on time Cerllil
eates. Dt :; ?ts d ra ,vn, a vat I a hie linn y
pail of llie I niicd Sluice and all
the principal tuu us of
Collections mi'lu, t- jtromptly retr.itlf.d
III,;lirst market pileen paid fi.r County War
Statu and Comity liondr.
nil"KCTOS i
John Kltferald
John I;. Ciark,
1). Itaktworth.
if. J'. v,!iiti.
. v.aairii.
Wagon, Buggy, Machine and Plow re
pairing, and gaiter ul jobbing
Pi, now prepared to do all kinds of repabinj;
of farm and other machinery, a?i tln;ie
U a good lathe in my shop.
The old Reliable Wagon Maker
has taken chari: ol the ;-.jj,m m,ep
lie ia well known ai a
r ifp
HAT'sil'-TI.-N -,lIAJlKT
Dr. A. Marshall.
Slcsidsnt XDcntist.
Pr. se rvatie n ol tlie Natural Teeth a
Specialty. Aurstlitties given fur Pain-
Artificial teetli made on ill. Silver,
Kublier eir (V-ilulnitl Plates, nr.el inscrteil
as semn as teeth arc extracted when de
All werk warranted. Prices reasonable.
FlTZfJKRA I-Ii'S lll.'li'H I'l.'.TTKMOUl If , NKB
Rev. J. W. Simmons, J). D.
This bo,ik is one that every loyal per
son should posses..!. It tells of all the
foremen colored men of the United
States. It gives their biographies, ami
has over 100 fine steel engravings.
Agent for Cass Count v.
The 5th St. Merchant Tailor
Keeps a Full Line of
Foreign & Domestic Goods.
Consult yui Iutereet by Giving Him a Ca
PlUtsra.outli. - KToti