Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, August 30, 1888, Page 2, Image 2

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    I'LATTSMOLTTll WKEAUok iicititii, inUKSDAy, AUGUST 30, 1888.
ghe Qhttamotith fr
Publishers & Proprietors.
I published every evening except Sunday
and Weekly every Thursday morning. Itegls
tered at the nostorllce, l'lattxinontli, Nelr..
Hecond-clasi matter. OIUco corner of. Vine and
Fifth streets.
One copy one year In advance, by mall ?0 no
One copy per month, by earlier, .V)
One copy per week, by carrier 15
One copy one year, In advance $1 50
One copy six months. In advance 75
of Indiana.
of New York.
There is not an article that enters in-
to the every day uses of the family which
is produced in the United States that has
not been made cheaper and more access
able as the result of home production
and development, which was te be secur
ed only by the sturdy maintenance of the
protective system. McKinley at Atlanta.
It is a condition and not a theory
which confronts us. Surplus Groyer
The landslide has commenced in New
York, New Jersey and Connecticut and
the democratic national committee begins
to recognize that democracy's days are
swiftly gliding by.
A Q ranger for supreme judge, a Stone
for attorney general and a Lion for sec
retary of state, is the way the Iowa re
publicans make up the combination for
50,000 majority this year.
Gentlemen, red is a bad color to
flaunt in the face of Harrison. One Har
rison downed the red coats in 1776,
another downed the red skins at Tippe
canoe, and a third will down the red
bandana in 1888. Observer.
That surplus ! Where is Grover and
his "Condition ?" There is quite a lot of
pension bills which the grtat deluded
might attack now, and save a few thou
sands for surplus and democratic cam
paign capital. What a "Condition"
confronts us surely !
The amount of money deposited in
savings institutions, per capita, is $146 in
Massachusetts and $12 in the United
Kingdom. And yet Mr. Thurman, Frank
Wilkenson and other free trade econo
mists keep telling the country that wages
are higher in Great Britain than in the
United States.
Grandpa Thurman up at Port Huron
chinning to a lot of office holders, about
$150,000,000 surplus in the treasury,
while the appropriation committees of
congress are examining the public safe
with a microscope to ascertain if there
really will be anything left "is a condi
tion not a theory" "which confronts us."
Grandpa Thurman still has it in for
a $115,000,000 surplus in the Treasury.
Saturday at Chicago the old gentleman
was scolding away about this enormous
surplus, just as though such a state of
affairs actually existed. The democratic
national committee ought to send some
one with the old gentleman to steer him.
He cannot call the turn.'as nimbly as when a
supple young man or as rapidly as the
exigencies of a democratic campaign
sometimes requires.
Had it not been for Mr. Frank E.
White's democratic generosity the much
ly advertised Wahoo excursion "rally"
would have went dead on the track and
the enchanting eloquence of Mathew
Gering, the young war horse of the Cass
county democracy, would not have been
permitted to warm up the welkin
throuout the green pastures of Saunders
county. Such rallies are a little ox-pen-eivc.
However the Herald was pleased
to see the boys get off and we are sure
tLey had a good time.
We arc inclined to believe the remark
of Mr. Blaine the other day in regard to
trusts is having a good effect in favor of
the republican party. The attention of
the country is directly challenged to the
republican position upon that question
as expressed by the national platform
and to the wind bag which Air. Blaine so
neatly punctured when he called atten
tion to the fact that free trade England
is the hot bed of pernicious trusts from
Windsor Castle to the coffin that the
pauper is burried in.
Has any of our democratic working
men who read these democratic editorials
in regard to Mr. Blaine and the "Trusts"
of which he spoke, contemplated the il
limitable and adamantine cheek of the
democratic editor, who seeks to charge
the republican party and Mr. Blaine with
favoritism towards trusts? Who heads
the standard oil trusts represented by
Secretary Whitney, of Mr. Cleveland's
cabinet? Do you know that Henry B.
Payne, the great millionaire democratic
senator from Ohio, is the head front of
this trust? That Chairman Brice, of the
national democratic committee, is a
"past grande" in this oil trust? That the
great coal trust is headed by Mr. Cleve
land's millionaire manager and henchman
from Pennsylvania, Congressman Wil
liam L. Scott? That the great sugar trust
which " sugared off" the democratic
members of the Ways and Means com
mittee aud purchased that committee's
consent to keep sugar at 08 cents duty,
in the Mill's bill, is headed and repre
sented by the Millionaire Hayemeyer, of
New York? Don't you know that the
men who run the present administration
who own it, who brazenly put up their
cheques with its na'ional committee to
re-elect Mr. Cleveland and foolishly
boast of their great contributions to the
democratic boodle fund represent the
worst monopoly "trusts" in this country ?
If you do not know this, it is time
you were taking steps to inform your
selves. But to go back to Mr. Blaine's
assertion that protection does not foster
and encourage trusts. The Chicago Jour
nal speaking of an English denial that
trusts exist in that country says:
This is a false and absurd denial. The
great tin trust, holding control of nine
tenths of the tin product of the world,
is a Paris and London syndicate. The
copper trust, which controls the world's
entire copper product, is a London affair.
The coffee trust that has laid its heavy
hand on American breakfast tables has
itsheadquartcrs In London. It is sig
nificant that two of these trusts the tin
trust and the coffee trust relate to non
dutiable articles under our tariff laws.
But the grossly ludicrous part of this
discussion comes nearer home. The holy
of trusts which the democratic president,
the democratic press and the democratic
demagogues in and out of congress pro
fess is a grotesque absurdity as compared
with the fact that the biggest, most ag
gressive and most extortionate trusts in
the United States are under democratic
management. The Standard Oil trust,
the most powerful and oppressive of all,
is managed by democrats and is repre
sented by Secretary Whitney in Cleve
land's cabinet and by II. B. Payne in the
United States senate. Chairman Brice,
who is "in ninety-nine other things," is
in the Standard Oil trust. The hard coal
trust is a democrratic ring, of which the
most conspicuous manager is Congress
man W. L. Scott, the fiscal agent of the
democractic campaign committee. Thc
sugar trust is managed by Haremeyer,
of New York, democrat, who had so
much influence, that, after a secret con
ference with Chairman Mills and the dem
ocratic members of the house ways and
means committee, the sugar schedule was
changed in the Mills bill so as to give
the refiners more "protection" against
foreign refined sugar. These three colos
sal trusts are democratic trusts, and they
are probably furnishing nearly all of the
money required for the democratic cam
paign fund, which Chairman Brice
says is "abundant."
The wicked trusts in the country art
wickedly democratic. For the demo
crats to denounce trusts is equally impu
dent nnd hypocritical.
However, men and brethren! the wick
ed ist trust against the wage workers of tin?
country; against the corner stone of oui
republican institutions, the elective fran
chise, is the great democratic trust head
ed by Grover Cleveland and owned and
controlled by the solid south; its days arc
numbered and the peopls trust it no
The aqueduct scandal in New York
shows the democracy in its true light,
and if anyone believes Governor Hill
can be re-elected in that state in the face
of that investigation they are mistaken,
Ex-mayor Grace unfolds a true democrat
ic state of affairs, which equals the
"Widdy McGinnis Pig." Mr. Grace tes
tifies that Goyernor Hill discounted his
own private notes for the amount ol
$30,000 for campaign purposes, and that
these notes were howled about among the
politicians of the state, Mr. Grace him
self having been solicited to discount
$5,000 or $10,000 worth of them, and
that finally he was pressed to favor
O'Brien and Clark, aqueduct contractors,
in the letting of bids, although not the
lowest ladders, in order that the Gover
nor's notes might be taken care of. The
aqueduct investigation is rich with just
s ich democratic jobbery, and if the unit
ed republicans of York state cannot re
deem that state with the aid of such dis
closures we shall miss our guess.
The most remarkable case of Damphool
statesmanship on record, is evidenced and
illustrated, by the surplus humbug the
country has been quarrelling over for the
past nine months. The country was
alarmed; business almost paralyzed, in
many cases important interests destroyed;
when Grover Cleveland abandoning
every other public question and demand
fired his special, single barrelled, message
at the country, December last. "We are
confronted by a condition not a theory,"
said he, look! There will be more than
$100,000,000 piled up in the treasury.
"Taxes," "robber taxes!" Wrung from
the dear people.
In consequence ofthis frightful condi
tion of affairs Mr. Cleveland proceeded,
in effect, to inform the country that, all
preceeding Btatsraen Washington, Hamil
ton, Jefferson, Adams, Madson, Monroe,
Jackson, Fillmore Clay, Webster and
hundreds of others names appear upon
the long roll of our country's most illus
trious statesmen, were fwols and pigmies
in statesmanship as compared with him
self and that the industrial system under
which this country has grown to be one
of the first nations of the earth was a
fraud, a deception and a snare. Now
congress, a democratic congress, having
practically closed the fiftieth session and
being almost ready to go home attempt
to strike a ballance and report to the
country the condition of its exchequer
and what do we find! $12,294,263 of a
surplus; says the New Yrk Tribune's
special from Washington:
"On both sides of the capital the de
nouncement is regarded with much
amusement ; friends and foes, alike, are
sniggering over it. The facts as stated
in the Tribune's dispatches are corraber
ated today, by official figures, given out
on the joint authority of the committers
appropriation of both house and se?iate."
With the Mills bill enacted a deficit tf
near 100,000,000 would be the result if
the revenues should be reduced as Messrs.
Mills and Carlisle claim they would be
under that measure. Where is Grover
Cleveland and his "condition?" These
gentlemen have been legislating to meet
a condition and lo it fails to materialize
by about $80,000,000. Now then a fair
question to our democratic friends is,
what should be done with chief exec
utive who would go off half cocked in
the manner Mr. Cleveland did and
ignorantly alarm the country by a special
message based on groundless conjecture.
The country accepted his figures as abso
lutely correct. It had a right to suppose
the chiefs in this administration knew
that figures given out were correct and
that estimates made, were some where
within the boundaries of fact. The
chestnut bell has been along time silent
but its melodious tones can now be heard
on every cross road. Let Mr. Mills with
draw his bill and Grover Cleveland pack
his grief "the condition" must be faced.
The country calls for a man level headed
enough to at least know what he is
To understand the disgusting and trif
ling disposition of Mr. Cleveland to keep
himself before the country as a reformer
in vetoing small measures, we have but
to examine the smull bore vetoes one by
one as they are laid before congress.
The other day this masquerader thought
to exhibit himself by vetoing a resolution
providing for the reissuing of a map,
which was to cost not more than $1.35.
With all the pomp and ceremony of a
first-class demagogue he proceeded to in
form congress that the map of 1877 was
about to be issued and would be "later
"more correct and more valuable in"
"every way and cheaper than that issued"
"the previous year," also that congress
was paying too much for it. Whereup
on Senator Manderson exposed hisignor
ince, stupidity aud canting demogogury
by showing that the only difference in
the maps was the single item of the date,
1887 instead of 188C, and that the resolu
tion did not require the sum of $1.85 to
be expended as the cost of the maps but
that they were not to cost more than that
sum. While permitting a $20,000,000,
river and haroor measure to become a
law witout daring to sign or vetoe this
beautiful specimen of a demogogue is
wasting his time on such matters as this
map resolution and $2 a month widows
pensions. There was not a single demo
cratic senator found, who would open
his mouth to even apologize for the pre
tender in the White house.
pEitnAPs the 2,000.000 democratic
soldiers in the army had something to do
with freeing the negroes. Allen G.
Reduced to the three years standard,
the number of soldiers in the army was
2,820,272. As more than half of the sol
diers were republicans, Mr. Thurman
must be as picturesquely and capaciously
erratic on the soldier question as on the
tariff. But perhaps Mr. Thurman meant
the crnfederate army. Globe Democrat.
Frank ITcrd says New York is lost
already. The democratic Journals of
Connecticut are frantic over'the hopeless
ness of their cause in that state and Henri
Watterson writes Mr. Cleveland that
something must be done very shortly else
the old democratic concern will go to
the bottom before the engineers succeed
in getting up steam.
The Journal of this city published the
campaign lie about Mr. Levi P. Morton,
which we full exposed in this communi
ty and also asked that paper to correct;
yet, its editor did not have the manhood
to do so. That sheet also stated a few
days after publishing the Morton lie that,
Mr. Ammidown, author of the article en
titled "wool," in the North American
Review for August, 1888 and who is en
gaged in the manufacture of woolen
goods at Passaic, N. J., had discharged
his American workmen and imported
Hungarins at lower wages, and that Mr.
Ammidown was a fraud and a bad man
generally. We had noticed the same
campaign reputed before its publication
in the Journal, but to show the people
of this community just what "hog wash"
they were getting from the Journal and
other like mediums on the tariff question,
we immediately addressed a note to the
Rittenhouse M'F'G. Co., of which Mr.
Ammidown is a stockholder, and enclos
ed the Journal's statement, to which we
received the following reply:
The Rittenhouse M'f g. Co., Passaic and
Canal Sts.
Passaic, N. J., Aug. 21, 1888.
Editor Herald, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Dear Sir: In answer to your letter of
Aug. 15, I would say the published state
ment is absolutely false in every particu
lar. The original story appeared in the
N. Y. Herald, acknowledged to be the
most sensational and unreliable paper in
New York, and as such it was felt unne
cessary to notice it. The orginal article
did not accuse him (Ammidown) of im
porting Hungarians, but of employing
them after they were imported by other
mill people in Passaic. No Hungarians
have ever been imported by any manu
facturer here, and out of a total of 35,000
hands employed in the various mills, not
oyer 10 per cent are Hungarians (Slaves,
Poles and Austrians as well as Hungari
ans.) These men receive the same wages
as other nationalities similerially employ
ed. For instance, in the weave room of
! this mill where work is paid by the
piece, the best two weavers have been for
sometime Hungarians, who earn about
$12 per week. Our work is weaving
blankets, which is very plain and simple
weaving. On 135 looms we have 35
who might be classed as Hungarians.
I The Hungarians wherever employed in
mills here, are liked as being sober, in
dustrious people and equal to any other
nationality where equally instructed or
acquainted with' their work.
Very truly yours,
Rittenhouse M'f'g. Co.
Eli B. Gardner, agent.
Will the Journal admit that it was
wholly mistaken about Mr. Edward II.
Ammidown, when it published the article
his agent, Mr. Gardner, pronounces "ab
solutely false in every particular," or will
that democratic Journal stand by the
falsehood as it does by the Leyi P. Mort
on libel ?
Some over wrought enthusiast who
monopolized a large part of the Journal's
local page last evening and who signs
himself a star of the smallest magnitude,
to an article still less discernable in arg
ument, like the average free trader, starts
at a point a3 far distant from this conti
nent as geography aud history will per
mit and keeps still further from the
truth in every flippant assertion he makes.
It is a vapory, airy "I told you so" kind
of a boastful display of democratic ig
norance. Howling about trusts, yet, un
mindful of the fact that trusts and heads
of trusts have complete possession of the
party to which he belongs. A gang of
railroad millionairs composing the dem
ocratic national committee. The head ol
the great sugar trust buying off the dem
ocratic portion of the ways and means
committee in the interest of protection
for sugar, and brazenly paying $10,000
to the Cleveland fund in one cheque.
Slurring the old soldiers and their wid
ows and boasting of the president as "a
faithful bank cashier" vetoing pension
bills of a few paltry dollars, yet ignorant
of his dishonest cowardice in permitting
a twenty odd million river and harbor
bill to become a law, not daring to veto
it and too cowardly to sign it and at the
same time charging that the republicans
are responsible for river and harbor steals,
when President Arthur, Mr. Cleveland's
immediate predecessor, yetoed an eigh
teen million dollar bill of the same
character. The evident ignorance of the
democratic party's history or the utter
disregard for the truth, is the main fea
ture of the windy performance of Little
Samuel J. Randall, about the only
democrats left M ho has the courage of
his convictions, since Grover Cleve
land swallowed that party, warned the
democrats of the House that the
boasted "surplus" would disappear ere
the present session ended and it appears
that Samuel was a democratic prophet
wise in his day.
Mr. Harrison has delivered some
eighty extempo addresses since receiving
the republican nomination. Every one
of them, to some extent, discussing the
political questions involved in the present
campaign and has proved himself an able,
versatile, fearless statesman. Eyen the
democratic partisian press has been un
able to pick a flaw in his many courage
ous utterances.
Brewster', N. Y., Aug. 17 A large
and enthusiastic republican mass meeting
was held here tonight. A. J. Miller, dis
trict attorney, presided, and introduced
Congressman W. E. Mason, of Chicago,
who had the close attention of the audi
ence for an hour. The club membership
is large and is actively at w-jrk. It was
remarked by all that the several demo
crats who were present took a lively in
terest in the proceedings. Mr. Mason's
speech was purely a business discussion
of the tariff. At the close of the meet
ing, seven men who had voted for Cleve
land were introduced to Mr. Mason, and
stated that they would vote for Harrison.
William M. Branch, a manufacturei, stat
ed that he coud not vote again for a free
trade platform. George E. Wright, a
prominent farmer of this county, said:
"I voted for Cleveland, but when he rec
commends that my vegetables, poultry
and milk shall go on the free list and the
sugar raised in the south shall be protect
ed, i will see how it seems to vote for a
A. H. Porter, a civil engineer, said: "I
voted for Cleveland, but will vote
against him this time."
Wm. H. Wright, a jeweller, af Ostego,
said: "That speech convinces me that I
ought not to vote again for Cleveland.
The Mills bill will injure the farmers in
my county, and any injury to them will
injure us all."
The meeting closed with a vote of
thanks to the speaker and three rousing
cheers for Harrison and Morton.
On Saturday Mr. Blaine effectually
punctured Grover Cleveland's fishery re
talliation message in a speech at Lewis
town. Mr. Blaine stated he had not
been able to see the full text of the mes
sage until that morning and he then pro
ceeded to mercilessly show at the shallow
demogogury of the whole performance;
showing how the president declined for
a long period to enforce the law of 1887
against Canada and permitted outrages
against our fishing vessels to go unpun
ished, while he resorted to the treaty
making redress and offered the country a
treaty largely surrendering American
rights and that now that treaty having
been rejected by a clear majority of the sen
ate the president jumps clear over to the
other extreme and asks larger powers of
congress by which he may destroy the
commercial relations which exists be
tween America and Canada. After stat
ing the case and exposing Mr. Cleveland's
double dealing with the question Mr.
Blaine interrogated his audience as fol
lows: I it the design of the president to
by embarrassing commercial relations
and commercial exchange along 3,000
miles of frontier, and to inflict upon
American communities a needless, a vex
atious and a perilous confusion of trade.
Or, after all, fellow citizens, is not the
president's position a mere political de
vice to divert the attention of the Amer
ican people from hia free trade message
and from the Mills tariff bill? Is not
blu3ter on the fisheries to be the plan of
the campaign for the democratic party?
Are not permits for brayodo to be issued
by political agents of the administration,
marked on the back, "Good till after the
first Tuesday in November."
It was a bananza to the democrats of
the country when Mr. Blaine referred the
other day to something the democratic
candidate for governor of Maine had said
about trusts and it certainly is amusing
to notice how indignant that party is
from Brice, Barn urn and Havermeyer, the
millionaire bosses down to the small fry
of the rank and file but a very short
time ago, tliese.same fellows were quot
ing Mr. Blaine's remarks on the whisky
question to show that he, Mr. Blaine,
was altogether superior to the republican
platform; now they are shouting that he
is so much worse than his pi.rty and are
comparing his alleged "defense" of trusts
with the high declarations in his party's
platform. This is very innocent amuse
ment; yet, the fact remains that Mr.
Blaine has not defended trusts and has
no intention of doing so. He referred to
the subject simply to show the absurdity
of the democratic howl that protection
breeds trusts and very neatly he punctur
ed that bauble, by calling attention to
the fact fiat free-trade England is plas
tered all over with trusts. The worst
and lurgest trusts we have in this country
have about as much relation to protection
as the gulf stream has, yet, we presume
the average democratic statesman will
claim that the railroad pool trust is the
direct result of the high duty on steel
raib. Mr. Blaine seemed to have some
doubt in regard to the power of congress
to regulate private so-called trusts. Why
don't the democratic majority in con
gress show the people how this very ob
noxious and pernicious practice of pri
vate trusts is to be prevented by federal
legislation? Mr. Blaine is not responsi
ble for our laws and the democratic par
ty is.
Pappy Thurman went all the way to
Port Huron to meet a little crowd of
Federal pap suckers and their followers,
estimated at the outside at 3,000. Ben
Harrison does not have to go outside of
his little door yard, any day, at Indian
apolis, to meet that number of visitors,
and many of them from Port Huron at
While the party of n tio'ictive ideas is
bellowing about the woi kingman and the
"robber tax," they are careful not to men
tion the way the labor interests of the
country was treated by the dark lantern
committee in framing the solid south Mills
bill. During the long midnight hours
while that section of the ways and means
committee were preparing that celebrated
measure, no representatives of the labor
organizations of the country were per
mitted an audience with the committee.
No advice wis sought or permitted from
any labor source. A healing was grant
ed to the monopo'y interests. The biggest
trust in the country was granted an audi
ence and listened to. The New York
Sun asserts that the dark lantern com
mittee solil the democratic party, pants,
boots and saddle-bags to the sugai trust.
Haveir.eyer, the head ol that trust, has
contributed $10,000, already, as a starter
towards Mr. Cleveland's re-election. This
is a part only of the boodle which the
democratic party exacted from the prize
boodler, who aided Smith M. Weed's
attempt to purchase the South Carolina
electors for Til Jen in 187(5. Tho work
ingmen who are pasting items in their
hats, should save the rank record of the
democratic party towards themselves.
Last evning's Journal contains an
anonymous attack upon Hon. Allen Bee
son, whose character is worth more in
this community than the entire Journal
concern with its anonymous correspon
dence thrown in. The annonymous at
tack upon a man like Mr. Bct son made
in a newspaper of the breed jf the Journ
al needs no refutation. The so acrimo
nious appology for admitting such a com
munication is even more cowardly and
disgusting than the attack itself. As a
lawyer, a public servant or a gentlemen,
Mr. Beeson needs no defense against the
mud battery of the man who talks about
the seriousness of the offense "Malfeas
ance in office. Opinions upon such a
subject from such a source puts us in
mind of the "Royce fund." This com
munity may rest assured that the com
munication in question emanates fromja
source which will be exposed in due
time, and the animus as well as the char
acter of its author will be shown up in
all its interesting features.
The democratic-phobia wo spoke of
the other day, is spreading with frightful
rapidity. There is scarcely a democratic
news paper in the country that has not
lost sight of the republican ticket and
started in to fight the campaign again.
Blaine ! Blaine ! ! Blaine ! ! ! nnd pro
fanity. How the magnetic man from
Maine must quietly enjoy this democrat
ic discomfiture.
From Quaint Nantucket.
Apropos of Nantucket, one hears some
rather odtl sayings and of some quaint
happenings there.
"You see, we are somewhat out of the
way," said one of the islanders;" "so
tramps seldom trouble us, and it is only
when our summer visitors come that we
think of locking our doors at nieht."
Last fall a man was tried for petty lar
ceny, and sentenced by the judge to
three months in jail. A few days after
the trial, the judge, accompanied by the
sheriff, was on his way to the Boston boat,
when they passed a man sawing wood.
The sawyer stopped his work, touched
hat, and said, "Good morning, judge."
The judge looked at him a moment,
passed on a short distance, then turned
to glance backward, with the question,
"Why. sheriff, isn't that the man I sen
tenced to three months in jail?"
"Yes," replied the sheriff, hesitatingly
"yes, that's the man; but you you see.
judge, we we haven't any one in jail
now, and M-e thought it a useless expense
to hire somebody to keep the jail for
three months just for this old man; so I
gave him the jail key, and told him that
if he'd ileep there at night it would be all
right." R. A. Marr, in Editor's Drawer
of Harper's Magazine for September.
For Rheumatism.
Low.ll, Han..
Jaa. IT. 1IU.
Hr. LU Dnili, 13
Koody St., ujn; ..0rla
toblasoa, a boy of 1 J,
two to ala knit la
ll oa cratch. ai
toft kaoo boat tor two
aatfc aad coals, aot bo
MraikWacd. Ho care
kiat St. Jacobs Oil to rab
a It. la aU dayi ao ka4
ao ax tor cratch and
a-oat homo w 1 1 a o a t
July . Hit.
Bentlcmca:-- Mr. Lowl
Soaala baa Jait call
apoa mo, and inform mo
that tho boy Orla Eobla
aoa, who waa a poor ertp
pla oa eratchos. and waa
carod by It. Jacob Oil
la 1111 ; tho car fca ro
aulaod pomaaoat. Tho
yoaag caaa aaa boa aad,
1 aow at work orary day
at manaal labor ; a caaa
eortaialy which proT
tho oacacy of It. Jacob
Oil. GEO. 0. OSOOOD, al.D.
minxo oajes mow mr cxirccExa ;
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