( i'L A'iTSMO UTI1 WEEkk xifiisi-, mUKS; J Y, AUGUST 23, 1883 0VEY6 1 Arc offering special reduction y EUD HUB IE GOOD EMBEOIBEEED Chambray Robes andChahies. -We liiivc placed in Ferries Good-Sense Corsets In L:ulics,' Misses', and Wa - WnnlH - Call - w v - -To a fine Wlk Chiidrens & Ladies JLTAlWWM) F"iierE: sisosss. Also a nice Mens Button, Bal In good Very Reasonable Rates. KNOTTS BBOS Publishers & Proprietors. CITY BRIEFS. From Wednesday's Daily. Mr. II. Waterman went to Lincoln tins morning. Mr. Jos. Connor and wife are visiting friends at Ashland. Mrs. Wabright and little girl went up to Omaha to spend the day. Mrs. Gayle, daughter of Dr. Winter stein, is spending the day at Omaha. Mr. J. Pepperberg lias taken a trip to Lincoln and Omaha on business. Tomorrow is the day set for the state convention, which is to be held at Lin col. V Mr. W. Q. Mercer came down from Omaha yesterday and returned this morning. Ilev. M. A. Hampton and wife took their departure for her home near Lincoln this morning. Mr. George Ailsworth, of London, Ont., grandson of Mrs. Kate Oliver, is -visiting his relatives here. Mrs. D. A. Campbell went to Lincoln this morning. She was accompanied by her husband as far as Omaha. Mr. Bob Iden, who has been attending Dr. John Black during his long illness, took his departure for St. Joe this morn ing. The corn crop throughout the coun- j try is reported as being good. The small grain however, is not so good, as was ex pected. Mrs. Dr. Livingston and daughter. Miss Janet, accompanied by Miss Cora Hill, were passengers to Omaha this morning. The democrats turned out in full force this morning and attended the county convention held at "Weeping Water today. Miss Maggie Streight and friend, Miss McFarland, who have been visiting at the state fisheries for a few days, return ed home this morning. The friends of Mrs. John Barnes, of York, will be grieved to learn that she was thrown from a carriage today by a runaway team and badly injured. -r- ti.m; Wevrick of Tazewell tii -who is here on a visit. has rented a farm occupied by and will make this county home. Geo. Perry, his future IIS!,::! Vfc2 UUU f in prices on all classes of stock a lino of Cliildrens' sizes. Soecial - Attention - 1 line of- line of and Congress Shoes quality at Mrs. Taylor and daughter, of Central City, who hare been spending a few days wiili the fiimilv of Mrs. Oliver, left for ... their home this morning. Mr. H. Ohanin. who returned only a few days ago from the west, has again gone to Orleans to work for a few weeks for the 15. & M. at that point. Miss Lou Ingail, of Hastings, who has been east as far as Chicago for several weeks, arrived in the city today on a two weeks visit to the Misses Weckbach. The delegation to state convention from tins county was instructed to use all honorable means to secure the nomi nation of Cant. C. X. Baird for state treasurer. The ladies of the United Presbyter ian church, of Murray, will give an ice cream social, at the church, on Thursday nvemnir. Ausr. 23rd. to which all are cordially invited. Mr. Joe Fairfield and brother, Mack, two oM Plattsmouth citizens who haye been living in Cheyenne county for sev eral years, are in the city on a visit to their many friends. Thos. Wolf, living north of Union, is the owner of a half-blood Ilolstien calf probably the largest ever known in this nart of the country. At its birth it weighed 108 pounds. Mr. Xash, state secretary of the Y. M. C. A., arrived in the city yesterday to make arrangements for their conference which is to be held here next Friday, Saturd iy and Sunday. F. M. Young, eight miles southwest of town, is building a fine new residence; dimentions, 28x38, two stories. Mr, Young is among the many prosperous farmers of that community. Mr. T. J. Thomas, who recently took a trip to Washington, 1. C, returned to our citv this morning, accompanied by his wife. He reported a pleasant trip, We are glad to welcome them into our midst. Mayor Riehey and A. B. Todd returned from Denver and the mountains this morning where they have been recreating for the past week. Glowing reports are given by them of the west, but they were a little dissatisfied to learn that they had missed the primaries. There has been considerable trouble in the Christian church since the resigna tion of Mr. Hampton has become known. A conference of some Christian ministers from abroad was held in the city yester day, and it is reported Mr. Hampton has Bince abandoned the pulpit. Ha Jas. J. West, publisher of the Chicago Times and Mail, accompanied by a party of friends, passed through the city on a special car attached to No. 2. last even ing. They were met at the depot by Co. Treas. Campbell and wife and Miss Paul, who accompanied them as far as Pacific Junction. Mr. West is an old friend of Mr. Campbell and Miss Paul. rI he party have been spending a couple of weeks at Manitou Springs, Colorado. A party of singers were out doing the serenade act on Monday night. The people within a block were all enjoying the melodious strains until a gentleman on a balcony immediately above the par ty extended his head far enough over the side to be discovered by one of the sing ers who immediately took up an obligato eolo in which there were about a dozen demisemiquavers and in an excited man ner commenced to sing "Water, water, water, oh, look out for water." The solo was not accompanied as it should have been and the harmonious crowd took a sudden leave while the man on the bal cony tried to explain that he did not in tend to throw water on them and that he considered their sudden departure a slight. A two-year-child of Mr. Jake Stulls metjts death in a shocking manner yester day afternoon. The little girl's motner had been in the habit of hanging a pail of milk in the well each day and occasion ally the child would watch her while in the act. l eslerdav the child wanted a drink of milk and went the well, un noticed by the mother, and removed the covering from over the top. In tryin to pull the pail up, she lost her balance and fell into the well, a distance of eiehteen feet. It is thought she was killed by the fall. The mother was al most frantic with grief when she dis covered her child and could get any as sistance short of a mile and a half. They live on what is known as the Id Miller place near Oreapolis. Two of our popular young men who arc generally possessed of a humorous turn of mind and who, when the public is not convenient to receive their jkes, hammer away at each other. The two fellows were standing on a corner the other evening with their heads together, agreed among themselves to rest on humor for a short time and look into the future with a broad view. Matrimony, f course, was introduced, among the many subjects, when the following re mark broke Irom the lips ot the more amerous one: l'ete, why aon t you get married and settle down ?" "Settle down !" says Pete, "it keeps me a hust ling all week to get money enough to settle up." A remarkable sensation occurred in this city of the Platte within the last few- days in which one of our brave boys was about oyercome with the scare it afforded him. The young man takes his meals and rooms at a house on Oak street. In his absence one evening some of his friends quietly made it up among them selves to put up a job on the fellow, more to test his staying qualities than for any other reasou, as he excels as a boaster. A dummy woman was dressed up and put in his bed to await his arrival. The amused crowd waited for him until a late hour when at last he put in an ap pearance. He sat contented on the edge of his lied making preparations for retir ing. The window-blind waB fastened back so that he could easily discern any object in his room. When he was about prepared to emerge himself and close his peepers for the night, he was startled to observe the streaming tresses and bright fice of a woman. He never Cott-on, and in an excited state of mind rushed from his room, inquiring for a match. None of his friends in any of the up-stairs rooms could find a match for him. lie then passed swiftly down the stairs and rapped on the door of his landlord's room, exclaiming: "Mr. a : jir, A ! Have you got a match! What woman is in my room? If you put any body in my room I want to know who it He insisted on Mr. A accom panying him to the room. The landlord opened the door and walked in, followed by the terrified one. When the fellow looked over the shoulder of his landlord and discovered the truth, the relief and surprise coming in contact on his nature about foundered him. He has threatened to leaye town it the boys would expose the hoax. From Tuesday's Daily. The republican convention at Weep ing Water yesterday, was well attended and was also a very harmonious one. Capt. Marshall, a former resident of this city and postmaster here for seyeral years, was in the city yesterday on busi ness. Mr. Geo. Goodell, who has been visit ing at the home of Mr. P. Gass for a few days, returned to his home at Glenwood this morning. l esterday a neat little weekly ap peared on our desk from Lincoln, under the heading of Nebraska State Democrat. It will be published every Saturday, Since it has come to light with as bright a face, we wish the proprietors unbound ed success. From Saturday's Dally. Mr. II. F. Chapin, who has been in the western part of the state for the past six weeks, returned this morning. Lou Pennington left this morning for Omaha, where he has a position running the switch engine in the B. & M. yards. The Misses Barnes, ot Graham, Mo., who were yisiting Mr. D. Campbell and family yesterday, left last evening for York where they go to visit their uncle, Mr. J. W. Barnes. Mr. Levi Walker Eays lie voted for William Henry Harrison in 1840 and that he has voted the democratic ticket ever since, and if he lives he will vote for Benjamin Harrison as he is the kind of stock he wants. The Journal accuses the reporter of this paper of being an authority on the number of ties between Glenwood and Pacific Junction after the rally. Not when we stand in with the B. & M. as Mr. Journal editor says. When the tie is broken wo may then commence to count and not. before. Two strikers named Gavin and Dill were arrested last night on a charge filed against them by A. W. Bucher, assistant yard-master, for calling him indecent and insulting names. The trial came off before Judge Clifford last night and lasted from 8 o'clock until about 11. Dill was fined $5 and costs and Gayin was acquitted, as the complaint against him was not strong enough to hold him. Another complaint will be filed Monday. From Friday's Daily. Born To Mr. and Mrs. Joel Smith, this morning, a daughter. Mr. I). Campbell is tenderly nurs ing a thum which fell a victim to a fly which he attempted to catch yesterday, Mrs. Eugene Lewis, who has been visiting in the city for a few days, re turned to her home at Springfield this morning. MLsses Maggie Streight and Laura Mc- Jvarland lelt for South Bend this morn ing, where they will spend a few days with friends. Mr. Wm. Helderbrand, who has been visiting relatives in the city for a short time, left for his home, Leavenworth, Kansas, this morning. Mr. Geo. Poisall returned from Char iton, la., yesterday where he has been attending a grand reunion of his old company which was held there. Mr. Hullenbach, express agent on the K C, wras detained at home in Elmwood last night on account of the death of his child. The funeral wil take place there today. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Edwards desire us to say that the kindness of their friends and neighbors during the sick ness, death and burial of their little boy Harry, is highly appreciated and cannot be forgotten. Last eyening about the time the crowd left the depot after the trains had pulled out, a little troulbe took place be tween 1. Lallicut, a striking engneer and J. N. Shott, a scab switchman. The latter carried a lantern in his hand and had just stepped out trom some cars which he had coupled when Callicut greeted him with various flowery names which Shott would not accept. As soon as the striker concluded his speech, Shott swung his lantern with considerable velocity against his cranium inflicting an ugly wound. This morn ing Shott was arrested and fined $5 and costs, amounting to over $10 in all. Shott paid his fine and reciprocated by procuring a warrant for Callicut charg ing him with using insulting language and calling several disagreeable names He was also fined to the same extent. From 1 hursday'u Daily. Mr. J. M. Beardsley, of Weeping Water, was in the city yesterday. Dr. C. C. Gafford, a B, & M. surgeon of Wymore, was in the city on business yesterday. Mrs. Dr. Winterstein and daughter, Mrs. Gale, were passengers to Omaha this morning. Judge Russell issued a marriage license last evening to Mr. B. J. Adams and Miss Orilla Thrapp. Mr. D. W. Houseworth left on the flyer yesterday afternoon for Dayton, O., where he has accepted a position in the car shops. Messrs. J. II. Young and Thos. Kemp- ster, accompanied by their wives, left this morning for Denver and a visit to the mountains. Mrs. Schiketanz, of Council Bluffs, sis ter of our popular furniture dealer, Mr. II. Boeck, returned home this morning after a short yisit. R. W. Laplin, of Wymore, general overseer of the A. O. U. W., ot Nebraska, paid ex-grand medical examiner, Dr. Hall, a yisit yesterday. It is expected that twenty new engines will arrive at the B. & M. shops here soon, where they will be set up and put in readiness for use. They will be used on the B. & M. division. Mrs. W. S. Wise and daughter, Mrs. Jesse L. Root, left this morning for Den ver, where they have gone on an extended visit for the purpose of recreation, Mrs. Root haying just recovered from a long siege of fever of several months dura tion. The fever has left its trace and we trust that when she returns, better health will be enjoyed by her. LOCALS FROM THE COUNTRY. Louisville. W. B. Shryock was at Omaha Tuesday. Mr. Neely is repairing the Pxchange hotel. Miss Anna Nichols has a case of sup posed typhoid fever. The Willing Workers gave a "Pink tea" Tuesday evening. Mrs. J. Jackman was at Springfield Friday and Saturday yisiting friends. Bird Critchtield passed through town Saturday enroute for Weeping Water. B. P. Loucks took a trip to I ted Cloud Tuesday evening to be gone seyeral days. Mr. Peter Standcr is taking a few days' vacation from the store. He is in Mis souri. Mrs. Thos. W. Shryock and her little daughter Susie, are at Weeping Water visiting friends. Mrs. M. A. Timble and her mother, Mrs. Bringham were at Weeping Water Monday visiting relatives and friends. R. P. Lucks has sold his property to Mrs. Stevens. Mr. Lucks moved into Mr. Livingston's house on Wednesday. Mr. A. M. Scaggs went to Omaha Mon day where he expected to get employ ment at his trade. Shorty is a printer and a good one, too. The "Christians" have consummated arrangements whereby they will occupy the Baptist church each alternate Sab bath for the ensuing year. The Exchange Hotel is again vacant. Mr. Clias. Spense left Wednesday. No one has rented the house yet. A good chance for an entcrgetic hotel man. A. L. Timblin and his uncle Joseph Timblin who left here July 24th for the western part of the state, returned Mon day without securing any land. How ever, Al. says he feels enough better to pay him for his time and expenses. Rock BlufTs John Churchill moved out to Nance county last spring, but came back again last week with his family, and is now stamping around on the old tramping ground. John should remember that a rolling stone gathers nc moss. Dr. Reynolds' team ran away last Sun day, turning his buggy over and damag ing the cover some. They got entirely away from him and when he found them they were grazing in a cornfield. Mr. C. B. Wilson, of The Herald, gaye us a call last week. He reports good success in the interest of The IIeu- AI.D. We have just heard that the young child of Charles Blunt, a boy baby, died onjlast Wednesday morning from hav ing spasms. Uncle Thomas Holmes has sold his forty-acre farm to Mr. Diment, for one thousand dollars. The sweet corn crop is turning out from one to two tons to the acre. By the way, we notice some good improve ments in the management of the old can ning company this year. Tim Shaver. South Bend. S. C. Patterson and A. L. Timblin have returned from their trip east. Side walks are nearly finished. The population has been increased by the addition of several families. E. II. Wooley sold the Chas. Drecher property at administrators sale Saturday. Druggist Wm. McAfee has gone to Snyder, Neb., to start a drugstore. John Bradford, editor of the Sarpy Democrat, was in town Saturday. Miss Maggie Streight of Plattsmouth, and Miss McFarland of Broken Bow, are yisiting in town. Master Frank Hill has been very ill but is recovering. Miss Coleman, of Greenwood has been engaged as assistant teacher for fall and winter terms. A Word From Clenwood. The following commendations appear ed in the Glenwood Opinion in their re poit of the proceedings of the grand rally which took place at that burg last Wednesday night: The celebrated B. & M. cornet band, of Plattsmouth, was here and it is a dandy. John A. Davics, of Plattsmouth, a yaung man in whom all Glenwoodites feel a just pride, was next introduced and made a rattling ten-minute speech that convinced everyone that he was ac quainted with the history of both par ties, and knew why he stood for republi canism. No Excuse For Him. Leader of lynching party: "Now, young man, make a full confession, or up you go." Prisoner: "I was fooling with a gun. I pointed it at my brother, and "You didn't know it was loaded V "No." "Men, pull on the rope and let him swing." Lincoln Journal. Struck by Lightning. Mr. II. M. Gault, jeweler, whojwas pos sessor of a fine stallion valued at $3,000 was informed this morning that the horse and a now which he kept on his farm about five miles northwest of the city were struck by lightning and killed last night. Wild and lured looking lithographs are being posted in prominence on each side of Main street entitled, "The Twelve Temptations" which is soon to visit Oma ha. Plattsmouth does not require an ad dition of twelve to show up in promi nence in that line. A House for the Habitual Drunkard. To our knowledge this subject has never before been introduced to the pub lic, and for what reason we know not, and cannot refrain from expressing surprise, when the daily demand for such a place must leave an impression on the minds of all who may walk tho streets and wit ness the degraded state of humanity in some cases. Men, young and old, who have, by in cessant indulgence in taking too freely such an erroneous stop, habituated them selves to the evils of liquor?, and are now unable to take care of themselves, are left uncared for by many who are direct ly interested in their welfare because of their evil habit. Such men still retain a chance down in their breasts which would, if an opportunity was afforded when these men are made aware of their w reck lessness, be taken advantage of and they would still be men and come to the front as respectable people. As long as they are left to themselves and so many temp tations arc daily set before them, they will never take advantage of that oppor tunity. When the people of this country realize tho fact that they can still do something for their friends when in such a state of helplessness, they will be more egre to give an assisting hand and help in the good we are about to speak of. The citizens of Plattsmouth, or any oth er burg, who are directly interested, should petition the men who represent us at the capitol, to build houses or work houses in certain parts where those men could be kept and employed. When a man would apparently become so help less that he would become of no use to himself or anyone else, that is where he should go if the proper authorities, after being satisfied with an examination, should think it a proper place to send him. If those men who arc now only moder ate drinkers would think of the place as their future home, they would certainly use a little more precaution than any of them do at present. When the men would be confined at such a house for a long enough time to satisfy the author ties that they could refuse a drink when offered to them, they should be set free again. Such a place would certainly benefit not only the man and his family, but the whole community. Why not some interested person urge the matter ? MUSIC FOR THE CAMPAIGN. We have just received from the pub lishers, S. Braiuard's Sons, 145 Wabash Ave., Chicago, a copy of the "True Blue Republican" Campaign Song Book, con taining sixteen pieces of music, arranged for male quartette, with words and music complete. The music was arranged by a quartette of Campaign Singers especially for the coming Campaign. T'ie price of the book is but 15 cents. Order Adjourning tho September Term of the District Court. In compliance with the unanimous ap plication of the bar of Cass county and being well advised in the premises, and deeming it to be the best interest of the public and of all parties interested in the September term of the district court of Cass county 1888, and that sufficient cause exi&ts for an adjournment of said regular term. It is hereby ordered that said term of court be and the same is here by adjourned until Monday Hie l'.tth of Novenber 1888 at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day. Witness my hand this 20th dr.y of August 1888. Sam" i. M. Chapman, Judge. Many bodily ills result from habitual constipation, and a fine constitution may be weakened and ruined by simple neg lect. There is no medicine, for regulat ing the bowels and restoring a natural action to the digestive organs, equal to Ayer's Pills. HEAVEN AND EARTH. Thi e are no shadows where there la no sun ; There is no beauty where there is no bhadd; And all thing3 in two lines of glory run. Darkness and light, ebon and gold inlaid, Sod comes among us through the shrouds of air; And His dim track is like the silvery walcn Left by yon pinnance onthe mountain lake, Fading and reappearing here and there. The lamps and veils through heav'n and earth that move. Go iu and out, as jealous of their light. Lake sailing stars upon a misty night. Death is the shade of coining life: and love Yearns for her dear ones in the holy tomb, Because bright things are better seen in gloom. F. W. Faber. If you desire to possess a beautiful complexion take Ayer's Sarsapardla. It cleanses and purifies the blood, and re moves blotches and pimples, making the skin smooth and clear, and giving it a bright and healthy appearance. Take it this month. AWAY FROM MY LOVED HILLS. Away from my loved hills, away from all That is most dear to my unhappy 60ul, I go In sadness. Nor can I control My anxious thoughts, cor check the tears that falL Vain is that pale delusion which we call Philosophy. It uever can console The heart's distress, nor lighter make the dole For fortune's woundings, be they great or small. Yet, be it only some new grief to find. Or to bring back some dear reward of pain, The trial shall be made. Not all In vain ghaii be the patient battle of the mind. And though I know not what the days will bring, In hope I gird me for my journeying. Robert Burns Wilson in New Orleans Times. Democrat. Buckingham's Dye for the Whiskers is easy of application, and never fails to color the beard brown or black as may be desired. Try it.