I rLATTSMOUTIl WEEKLY iifixcHajis, ixxUKSDA AUGUST 23, 1888. ! ANCIENT EGYPTIANS. JVIONS OF THE PEOPLE WHO BUILT THE PYRAMIDS. ( ctr Theory Concerning "Double" Ori gin of the l'ractlce of Kuibulinlng. illotllee of Stone or Wood Why Eeyp itmia Are So Freqnently Mutilated. The oldest form the ancient Egyptians at- butod to the soul was that of a shadow a "uble bora with each person, and following m through the various stages of lif, grow ?i as he grow and declining as he declined. iey applied this theory not only to human j ings, but alto to god and animals, trees ad stones. 12 very body and everything was -ld to Lave its double, even beds, chairs and Eiives. The component particles of these Rubles were so minute and subtlo that or nory people could not perceive them. Only .'special order of priests or seers, gifted or gained for the purpose, could identify the buble of the gods, and ohtuin from them a aowledgo of past and future events. The bubles of men and inanimate objects ro- lOlned securely bidden from sight in tho or dinary course of life. Still, they sometimes ft the body, endowed with color and voice, ad went away to manifest themselves at a Istanco, after the manner of modern ghosts. TIIE "DOUBLES" ASTER DEATH. After death tho doubles maintained not nly the characteristics of the particular ion they hod been associated with while in ae flesh, but were subjected to tho common 'ants and pains of humanity to hunger nd thirst, to heat and cold, to fatigue and t lness with the aggravation that, whereas , he living have ways and means of self pro jection against the evils which befall them, bo dead are utterly destitute. If left to hem.se Ives they were doomed to roam about ho places they had inhabited, and feed upon ho refuse of houses, with a certainty of per ching after prolonging their miserable ex istence for a short time. If properly at !ended to if provided with food and other necessaries they had a fair chauco to live n and on for an indellnito injriod. They lid not become immortal; "the splendid in vention of immortality," as a prominent Vmerican statesman has called it, was un mown in primitive Egypt; but at least they fteu had facilities for survival that were al ,'nost equivalent to immortality, as is pointed ut by Mr. G. Maspero, in an interesting joutribution to The Princeton Reviow, enti tled "Egyptian Souls and Their Worlds," from which the facts in this article are mainly derived. It is easy to believe that the germ of the latter conviction of another and everlasting life was present in this crude notion of a double a soul apart from the ;ixdy which might contiuuo its existence, under favorable conditions, for an unlimited time. .-; Since the double was a perfect imago of the being to which it had been linked at birth, it was natural that it should remain near where the corpse was buried, and par ticipate in its destinies. Having grown with 'the body, it ought logically to decay with tho ,body, and. thus there was reason to believe i that the natural term of its existence after ; the body's death might be measured by the ,wime required for tho human frame to disin tegrate completely. Therefore, the Egyptian ; savants decided the best means of arresting i tho decomposition of the soul was to stop ; the decomposition of the llesh, and to this, Ur. Maspero suggests, we probably owe tho practice of embalming. The drying up and hardening of the mummy enabled it to last ' for centuries, and to serve as a kind of stay for its double. STOXE OB WOODEN BODIES. ; But this expedient was not wholly satis- factory, since even the best of mummies I could not endure forever and then what i would become of the double? Tho only way 5 they found out of this difficulty was to pro- vide stone or wooden bodies against the pos- ; sibihty of the mummy moldering away. Most of tho statues discovered in Egyptian I tombs, Mr. Maspero assures us, wero only i. bodies for the doubles of tho men buried in . them. To prevent them from being broken to pieces or carried away, they walled them .' up in dark cells some standing, some sitting, i some squatting, according to taste or con vemence; ana ail were as like the model as art could make them, that the soul niijrht more easily adapt itself to them. There was no limit to the number of such effigies but the piety or wealth of the surviv ing relatives; tho more numerous they were the better it was for the dead. One statue was, after all, only one chance of perpetuity. and 2, 3, 10 or 20 statues gave the double so many chances more. The statues in the ten pies had the same meaning as those in the -tcrabs; the doubles of kings or gods not the whole, but certain particles were fixed upon them by prayera and consecration, and ani mated them. Thus it was that they were able to move head or arms, to answer questions, and to give forth oracles. Statues wero nos mere works of art. they were things aliv, and are even to this day, Mr. Maspero de clares, only the double of old has turned into a bad spirit in modern Egypt, and haunts the spot where it was revered ages ago as a saintly soul or god. It is wont to frighten men out of their wits, to drive them raving mad, and sometimes to kill them. But it loses its power when the body of stone with which it consorts has been mutilated. That is the reason, Mr. Maspero informs us, why bo many statues in our museums display a broken nose or a battered cheek ; the fella been who found them defaced them in order to lame the double in them and prevent it from doing any harm. The tomb was thi house of the double, and there on certain days the family brought provisions of al. kinds a custom which ultimately took the form of offerings that were mere painted or carved imitations of natural meat and drink. G lobe-Democrat An ArtUtlo Woman's Shrewdness. A well known New York real estate man has a mother who has made a fortune by her own shrewdness. Yet every one who has contributed to her accumulations thinks her a public benefactor. It is a well known fact that people who accumulate riches in New York desire nothing more ardently than a beautiful and artistically furnished home. Mrs. discovered this, and, having very artistic tastes, set to work investing in houses in the fashionable uptown thoroughfares. Then sho went abroad and picked up inter esting bric-a-brac and works of art, anil when she had completed her purchases she returned, furnished the houses from cellar to garret, and advertised them for sale. Her excellent taste soon brought custom ers, and in a very little whilo she disposed of many buildings, with their furniture and all, at a very comfortable profit. Iler fort une, made in this way, is estimated at be tween $250,000 and $300,000, and the pur chasers of her property are happy because their friends visit them and congratulate them on the excellent and artistic way in which they have furnished their residences. The visitors are never informed that the houses were bought furnished. New York Press. . What's tho difference between an egg and the scene of a rural romance? None, They are both laid in the country. How to Make m Tent. Buy nine yards of good, etout, yard wide cottoru cloth and cut into three strips of throe yards each. Sew these utrips together securely by overlapping, and you will then have a Btrip three yards square. Make a solution of twelve ounces of limo and five ounces of alum in three gallons of water, and eoak the cotton in it for a day. Rinse it in warm rain water and stretch it in the sun to dry. It will then lo waterproof. Having reached your camping out place, cut two iolea eight feet long, each with a fork at one end. Sink tho other ends in the ground about a foot and beat the earth well to keep them lirmly in place. Tlieso poles should be about eight feet apart. Now cut another polo about nine feet long and put it on the top of tho other two, resting in the forks. Cut two more poles ten feet long for the sides of your frame, resting one end of each jxtle on the cross j)olo and the other end on the ground. Stretch the canvas over the frame and tack it to the poles. You can make the sides of your tent weather proof with the boughs of cedar and other trees. This is the simplest and least expensive tent you can have, and it will answer your purposes fully. The interior of the tent, however, would bo a little more roomy and comfortable if you would put up a 6econd frame in the rear, similar to that in front, say two feet high, and btretch tho canvas over tliat and thence to tho ground. Select sloping ground to put your tent on, so that if it rains the water Avill read ily run off; and also dig a little ditch around the tent, with an outlet running down the incline. As the front of the tent will bo open unless you choose to provide enough canvas to close it you had better place it with tho front toward the north or northwest, for stomi3, if you have any, will probably come from the south or southwest. Tho rude hut described, for it is little else, will no doubt seem a flimsy shelter to those who have never occupied one, but for perfect rest and the soundest of sound sleeping, you will find it superior to the best room in your city Louse. Chicago Tribune. Writers and the "Syndicates." The method of presenting literary mat ter through a ' 'syndicate" may liave its advantage, but I think it shuts off in a sense, a great many writers who might otherwise gradually gain recognition. If a syndicate were managed right, it could pay better prices for literary matter than any one else ; the projectors of such an enterprise could afford to pay certain authors enormous sums but, at tho same time, such a scheme would work like having no copyright law; it would enable one class of authors to sit down on tho others and keep them out. A popular journal which had the nerve and enterprise to secure good authors ex clusively and pay them for their work would put itself ahead of competitors. The trouble with the "syndicate" is that it tends to reduce journals to a dead level. Robert Bonner, of The New York Ledger, tried the former method; he paid certain authors good prices to write exclusively for him, and found that the undertaking paid him. So, in the pres ent day, an enterprising editor who is on the alert can find young American writers of promise and bring them out, thus not only starting them on successful careers, but greatly benefiting his own journal. E. P. Roe in The Epoch. How a Queen Was Shocked. M. Julien Brault has just published a volume giving a history of the telephone since its continental adoption. Ila tells an amusing story of its debut in Brussels in 1884. The queen was asked to listen from her palace to a representation at the Monnale theatre. Suddenly, to the sur prise of all present, she dropped tho in--trument, giving a little gasp of dismay. The chorus leader had just been giving his tumultous crowd a sudden reprimand i;i the most unparliamentary language, using the name of Divine providence in a very free and easy manner. Strict orders were given on the morrow to oblige the use of more diplomatic speech, and the queen was happy. Brault states that Spain has made no progress at all in the use of tho telephone. In 1882 the government began to feel some interest in the matter, and a law M as voted allowing its use in the princi pal cities. Even Russia preceded Spain, lor in 1881 the instrument was there used quite commonly, and even at greater distances than in France. Now, in France, in towns boasting of a population of 18,000 inhabitants the telephone is completely unknown. Luxemburg gives the cheapest rates for yearly subscriptions, and Russia the dearest. Globe-Democrat. Relics of the Old Stone Age. The Smithsonian institution has 6ent out an earnest request that all persons interested in science shall co-operate, with the aim of determining if in America there existed an old stone of paleolithic age. To that end it has re quested that implements supposably be longing to that age, be sent to tho insti tution at "Washington for examination. I-Iany supposed to be such have already leen sent in; and most of them pi'ove to be of a very different origin. None truly paleolithic have been found in the mounds. Meanwhile, a cute Pennsyl vania individual has put on the market a quantitv of spurious, out well made, aiTow heads. He takes the more modern chipped flints, which are abundant, and rechips them into curious and antique forms to make them salable. He has driven a fine business. Genuine Yankees are now quite behind the age. Globe Democrat. Transportation of Dead Bodies. The baggage agents throughout the country have held a conference for the purpose of adopting rules in connection with the transportation of dead bodies over their several roads, lhey propose consulting the state boards of health throughout the country and make it ob ligatory that in cases of diphtheria, scar let and typhoid fever, erysipelas, measles and other contagious and infectious dis eases, bodies must be wrapped in a sneec saturated with a solution of chloride of zinc, or of bi-chloride of mercury, and encased in air tight coffins, and tho body must not be accompanied by those who have .been exposed to the infection. Philadelphia Times. PIIYSICAL BEAUTY. A PROFESSOR" WHO MAKES PLAIN FACES QUITE ATTRACTIVE. Not Recognized us a Regular rhyglcian. but Still He Is Not Without the Ta- tronage of the Fair Sex Fixing: Up Faces. "Making people beautiful? Queer profes sion I" mused his audience of one. The dark Laired man reclined gracefully in his easy chair, passed his white and manicured hand in a contemplative manner over his massive brow, and repeated: "es, sir, I devote my. self to making people beautiful. "Doubtless," continued the "professor," "you think mo a charlatan. It is somewhat difficult to make people believe that I uu not a fraud. I have no school and am not recognized as a regular physician." "What, then, is your profession?" "liriefly, I devote my life and mind to practicing the arts that are beautiful. Every. thing concerning beauty is to me of absorb ing importance. The development of the figure, the art of pleasing and the mysteries or the toilet are things I am constantly study ing. How to make the face beautiful, the figure symmetrical, the manners engaging:. and to improve the contour of the body and the personal make up, and to turn out a per fectly harmonious being, is worth knowing; aon t you trunk sof ' "Yes, it is," said the reporter. "While it is not possible to make every woman beautiful, it is possible to improve almost everybody s personal appearance. Corporeal beauty is a development of face. ugure, leature, disposition, taste, voice, man- ner. See? There is an art in dressing the face, lust as there is in clothing the figure. Everybody knows the arts that dressmakers bring to their aid in making a dumpy figure look tall, aud a tall figure look dumpy I mean symmetrical. In improving the face I bring well known principles of art to bear upon my work. For instance, it is a well I e a. ii .i i . , m esiaousueu lacs mat reu widens, luus a hatchet faced woman comes to see me with her hair parted in tbe middle and drawn back on either side from her forehead. Her face is too long, too thin and too sharp. There is a straight line that ruDS directly through the part in her hair down between her eyes ami over her nose and to her chin. In glancing at her the first impression one receives is that of great length and narrow ness. "To make this woman beautiful I first take down her hair and part it on one side. Then I dress it down over her temples and puff it out above the ears, bringing it down a bit toward her cheeks. Then I take some red and work it in heavily on her cheek bones. After this the eyebrows are darkened a little at the ends farthest from tho nose. This al ways increases the impression of width. The same is done to tfie eyelashes, making the eyes appear broail&r than they are. This simple work changes the entire appearance of the woman. You cannot imagine what a difference it makes. Instead of the eyes catching a straight line that runs down over her head into the chin, it is caught by the hair, which is parted on the side, and follows an imaginary line running in sympathy with this part diagonally across the face." "Suppose a woman with a broad and fat face asks to be made beautiful f "It is much more difficult to handle a broad face than a narrow one. I make a theory for every woman I see, and carry it out in her individual case. But in general I may say. if she is a blonde, the eyebrows should be darkened near the nose and allowed to re main light and indistinct at the ends. Then some red should be put in front instead of at the side, so as to increase tho depth of the face; and the hair, which is now always banged, should be arranged in ringlets, so that the forehead may be seen through it. 1 his further heightens the face. A woman with a fat face should always part her hair ln the middle." .Vi.ii fv, ,, .a-ruv, ciuitu. i i-io ui uiraui , &U-CU.U11JU l u.jx.tn.... "fat' U13 UYC1 raven locks, "I perhaps made my most signal success when J produced my celebrated skin bleacher, it sep the women wild. Women come to me with dark faces or with wrinkles. They use this bleacher and, presto! tho blem ishes ana tbe wrinkles are gone," "Do you mean to say that it permanently removes wriniciesi" .No, not permanently," said the "profes sor" thoughtfully; "temporarily. Still it removes them, and that is one thing." "What sort of people ccme to you?" All sorts. .Many women who are" evi dently in fine society, but are not as beauti ful as they wish to be, coma here. Also many who would be pretty but for one or two defects. Some of them have dark spots on their arms or shoulders. I bleach them. Others have mGth spots, freckles, sallowness. I simply make them beautiful. Gthers have what they call expression wrinkles that is, when they srnJte too much little wrinkles will come in the corners of the mouth or tip about the eyes. These are ladies usually wno nave aavanceu to miame age, and it af fords me great satisfaction to mitigate their afflictions. Besides this I often color tbe eyebrows and eyelashes of light haired women. Then there Is a gopd deal done in penciling the eyebrows. The rarest effects ure obtained by mingling black with brown. Vivacity of expression can be given to the dullest face by skillful penciling in colors. I do not pretend, however, to have orig inal creations in everything. For instance, 1 have photographs of Langtry. Mrs. Potter, Betty Rigl, Maud Granger, Fanny Davenport, and other beauties, and I often make women up after one or the other of them, according to expressed preferences. These photographs are taken in different poses, so that a fair, all around idea of tho style of beauty of each woman can be ob tained by my 'patients.' Maud Granger has tha most perfect pair of arms on the conti nent;, ana omy me otner aay l made up a pair of arms on a society belle who left f or Saratoga the next day after this glorious model. It was an almost perfect success, and Miss Susie h'm is reported by the telegraph to have captured a wealthy young fellow the day after her arrival with those same arms of hers." Chicago Herald. IIow to Hat a Watermelon. A watermelon, even though it be a sixty pounder, is not intended to be devoured in public, nor is ono watermelon, no matter what its weight may be, more than enough for one healthy person. This fact is pro bably well known to every country school boy. Tbe art of eating a water-melon and keeping cool is as simple now as it was in tho days of long ago. The rind should le slit with a short bladed knife, so that when the melon is divided the heart of it shall rest in one of the halves in one luscious, juicy lump. The knife should then be carefully wiped and then put in the pocket. Then the coat should bo taken off and the sleeves rolled up. Plunge . the right hand under one end of the heart and the left hand under the other; lift the dripping mass to the mouth and fall to. The juice will trickle down your arms and satur ate your face, but what of it There is plenty and to spare, though the feast is the rarest to be found on earth. Atlanta Constitution. $500 Howard. "We will pay the above reward for any case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick headuche, indigestion, constipation or costivenesa we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely yegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. Large boxes tontaining 30 sugar coated pills, 25c. For sale by all druggists. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The genu ine manufactured only by John O. Well & Co., 8G2 W. Madison St. Chicago, Its Sold by W. .1. Warrick. Send your job work to the IIeuald oflice. Itch, Prairie Mange, tiul Scratches of every kind cured in .30 minutes by Wool ford's Sanitary Lotion. A sure cure ond perfectly harmless. Warranted by F G Fricke & Co. druggist, Plattsmouth The Yellow Fever. Jacksonville, Fla., August 17 No new cases ol lever and no deaths hayc been reported for oyer forty hours. Bucklen's Arnica salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt, rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilbluius, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positive ly cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 2-i cents per box. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. 51-ly. Any one paying up their subscription and 25 cts. can have the Omaha Weekly liee till January 1st, 1889. BAD BLOOD. There is not one thing that puts a man or woman at such disadvantage before the world as a vitiated state of the blood Your ambition is gone. Your courage has failed. Your vitality has left you. Your languid step and listless ac tions show that you need a powerful in- yigoratpr, one bottle of Beggs Blood Purifier and Blood Maker will put new- life in a worn out system, and if it does not it will cost you nothing. O. P. Smith & Co.. Drusrirists. Action While Utterly Unconscious. Students of mental phenomena will find something of interest to tlem in tbe case of the Bloomington street car driver who made a heroic fight to keep his cash box out of the bauds of thieves tho other night. He was terribly beaten and cut about the head, and. though knocked senseless, managed to keep tho box out of tho hands of tho highwaymen. Then, so strong was the power of habit, he, fhpugh utterly unconscious of what he was doing, completed his run and took his horses to tho stable, holding tightly to the cash box tho while. A strango feature of the cose was that when he reached the office, to which he seemed to have gone purely mechanically, he refused to give up the box, making as des perate fight against; the cashier as he had made against the thieves. History abounds with cases of unconscious performance of routine duties, but this case adds to those testimony which seems to prove that what Hume calls habit is not necessarily an im pression made by many repetitions of the tamo act, but may be as well the deep lmpres- blpnmadebya single very impressive act " rp: r - English Spavin Liniment removes all Hard, Soft or Calloused lumps and Blemishea fiom horses, Jlood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Stifles. Sprains, Pink Eye, Coughs and, etc. Save $50 hy use of one bpme. Every bottle war ranted by jr. i. Fricke & Co., Druggists, Plattsmouth, Neb. SOME DAY. Some day! Some day I the weary cry )f souls too sadly worn to lire, gave in the hope that time may give Some richer blessing, by and by; ' " And mournful is that hopeful sigh Some day. iSpme day! Some dayl The heart once light Has learned too well th-x slieu soug: Let lire and thrive the right and wrong The good upheld, the wrong set right. The just shall see; twill end the fight Some day. Some dayr Some dayf Twill come, ah me, VThen, written on life's Utld page is Finis! TU;J oldeq age Of dreams js southing yet tp be, But voieings o'er an unknown sea Some day. Ilollis V Field in Detroit Fvod Prei::? When your skin is yellow. When your skin is dark and greasy. When your skin is-rougli and course V hen vour skin is inflamed and red. When your skin is full of blotches. When your skin is full of pimples you need a good blood medicine that can be relied upon. Beggs' Blood Purifier and Blood Maker is warranted as a positive cure for all of the above, so you cannot possibly run any risk when you get a bot tle of this wonderful medicine. For sale by O. P. Smith fc Co. Crops In Northern Nebraska- O'Neill, Neb., August 17. Reports from thirty-nine points in northeastern Nebraska to-day show that small grain is a failure. Wheat and oats have been al most ruined by rust, hail and wind storms. Only a small portion of the fieldi will be cut, and the rains of the past few days have caused grain to sprout badly. Corn has a fair prospect, although con siderably blown down by wind, and yery late. m Colic, Diarrha-n and Summer com plaints are dangerous at this season of the year and the only way to guard against these diseases is to have constant ly on hand a bottle of some reliable rem- f dy. Beggs' Diarrhoea Balsam is a POS ITIVE RELIEF in all these disagreeable cases and is pleasant to take. It will cost you only 35 cents. O. P. Smith & Co., Druggists. i Drunknnesortho LiquorHabit Pol tively Cured by Administering Dr. Haines' Golden Specific. It can he given in a cup of coffee or tea without the knowledge of the person taking it; is absolutely harmless and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a moderate drink er or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of drunkards hare been made temperate men who have taken Golden Specific in their coffee without their knowledge,nnd to-day believe they quit drinking of their own free will. IT NEVK1I FAILS. The system once impregnated with the Spcci- nc it ijeeomes an utter impossibility tor the liquor appetite to exist. For full particulars, address GOLDEN SPECIFIC CO., 185 Hate st, Cincinnati, (). 33-lv Which are the two hottest letters in the alphabet? K N (Cayenne). State of Ohio, City of Toledo, ; Lucas county, ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the linn of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the city Toledo, County and state aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and eyery case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catahkh Cuiik. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before nie and subscribed in my presence, this (5th day of December, A. D. 'SO. A. W. GLEASON, (Seal) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly upon the blood and mucus surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cjienf.y & Co., Toledo, Ohio. "Sold by Druggists, 7. cents. Where boys are allowed to jump on and off of cars while in motion as they are at the B. & M. depot, we feel it a du ty to make mention of the wrong and if possible be the means of having it pre vented in some way. No accidents have occurred in that way recenty, but if boys are ajlowed that privilege much longer, there surely will be tooner or later an ac cident which will cause some one thoughts of regret on account of negli gence. An Explanation. What is this "nervous trouble" with which so many seem now to be afHieted ( If you will remember a few years ago the word Malaria was comparatively tin Known, cociay it is as common as any word in the English language, yet this word covers only the meaning of another word used by our forefathers in times past. So it is used with nervous diseases. as they and Alalarja arp intended to cover what our grandfathers called Biliousness, ana all are caused by troubles that arise c .1 : ,-i i -. - . i -. . imui n uiscuscii condition or tne liver which in performing its functions finding It cannot dispose of the bile through the ordinary channel is compelled to pass it off through the system causing nervous troubles, JIalaria, Bilious Fever, etc. V 1 re i. i uu nu are suirering can wen appreci ate a cure, we recommend Creen Au gust Flower. Its cures are marvelous. A Old man: you, young Problem Solved, Ifl give my daughter to man, where will yon take juuugmaii; wen, er i inougnt per T . . C L 11 t a haps we might stay here with you until I can get things straghtened out a bit." Old man :"II-m,yes; I had quite over looked that easy solution of the difficult', but my hous is very smal1." Young man:'Ye-es; I thought of that too; but the idea occured to me that pos sibly the house could be enlarged.' Yqrk Slip. 4ew Brace Up- -xr f - ou are ieeung depressed, your appe tite is poor, you are bothered with head-: ache, you are figity, nervous, and gener ally out of sorts, and want to brace up. tsrace up, but not with stimulants, spnnrr medicines, or bitters, which have for their basis very cheap, bad whisky, and which stimulate you for an hour, and then leave you m worse condition than before. What you want is an alterative that will purify your blood, start healthy action of Liver and h.idneys, restore your vitality, and give renewed health and strength. Such a medicine you will find in Electric Bitters, and only 50 cents a bottle at F. Q. Fricke & Co.'s drug store. 3 Chicago, August 17. The health offi cers here have arrainged to inspect all the incoming trains from the south hav ing connection with the yellow fever dis tricts, and will fumigate all baggage from such points. The Business Booming. Probably no ne thing has caused such a general reyival of business at F. O. Fricke & Co.'s drug store as their giving away to their customers of so many free trial bottles ef Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Their trade is simply enormous in this very valuable article from the fact that it always cures and never disappoints. Coughs, Colds, Asth ma. Bronchitis, Croup, and all throat and luns diseases ouickly cured. lou can test it before buying by getting a trial bottle free, large size $1. Every bottle warranted. 3 Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Bby was sick, we gare her Castoria. When aba wu a Child, she cried for Castoria, When aha became Miss, the duns to Caatoria, Vhen she had Children, she gave them Castoria. She Tried and Knows. A leading chemist of New York says: "No plasters of such merit as the A th-lo-pWros Plasters haveuver before been produced." They uro a novelty because they arc not made simply to sell cheap, they are tho best that science, bkill and money can produce, and will do what rlaimed for them. For upraiiiH, aches, weakness, lameness, etc., they are unequaled. 4 Fiilton Ht., Raniliiiiky.O., Nov. 31. 'W.' Tho Athloplion 1'lantxr mrUil lifca ininric. It in tli I evrr trli-il nti'l I have ukcI inuiy knU. ur tlruHt tll "iilten arvall lKut the mmiih" l.it 1 tloii'l think o now. I HpraiinMt my arm and Hhoiililur in July, and it lian ! linfiil amce, but it diwii not pain meat all now. Mni. Wii.uh Miuiu. 4-Snd Scent for the hcnutlnil colored pic ture, " MiKirLsli Maiden." THE ATHLOPHOROS CO. 112 Wall St. N. Y. JHL CUKES WHtHE AIL ILSt I AILS. Best CoiiKh Syrup. TnxtuH nooil. Ubo in tmm. rwild fyurn(w,i'. i believe Piso'a Cure Consumption saved for my lilo. A. 11. dowklt,, Editor Knq uirer, Edon ton, N. C, April 23, 1SK7. The iu:st Cough Medi cine is 1'iso's Cuke fok Consumption. Children take it without objection. By all druggists. 125c. i; i&.i'J.'ii.-S ZteA-xi CURFS WHfkf All HSF fIIS )MT Best Couch Syrup. Tin tea ffood. Use in inn. hold hy (IruirtflsN. l b( PARKER'S C:f!CER TONIC -ith..t driay. A rare medicinal com pound lhat cure hn h11 falla. llafcured Hie worst casi-.Hof ( 'oiitfh. Weak I.liriK'. A.-tlinia, Indirection, Inward I'mim, Kxuuunlion. Invnluahlx for likeuin&tlHin, Female Weakim, and all painr and dis order of the Slouiuch and ll.iwtls. at Uruf 'jui. HINDERCGRftS, The pafeKt. surest and beKt cure forCorns, Uiinlonn, A:?. Ptops all pain. Kiifin comfort to the terl. is'ever laila to cure, lit cent at imittfc-uta. Uxaoux x Co., -V V. er THE OLD RELIABLE. H. A. WATERMAN k M Wholesale and Kotall Iiealor In N unties: Doors tn impyly every demand of the trade Call and get terms. Fourth street Iu Hear of Opera House. f 1 f Hewnrrlpd nro tlione who II I 1 H ad this and Hieii Ji( CI - I W they will liiul hnnoraMn II II 1 ' inent that will I II I 8 not take them from their w ham home and fatnilie.-. 1 1i o ijrntil u i'h hii-np tiil tow. for every industrious person, many have made and are now making several liimdrt-d dollars per month, it is easy for anyone to make ir, and unwards jier day. who is wi!liiiK to work hither sex, younK or old : capital not i;i eil-,l we stait yen, Jiverytliintr new. No speeial ability required, you, reader, can do it as well sik any one. Write to us at wire for full par ticulars which we mail free. Address fetiexon & Co., l'oriland. Maine. ,Sea Wonders exist in tin. li anas uf form. Illll MIC U.-l- parsed hy the marvcU oi in vention. 1 hose who r,. l need of pro!itti!.!e work that can he done while living at home should at ome send their il.lrr.i t . I f l !.,.-. ... Portland, Maine, and receive fr.-c full r.. ..,.." lion how either, fcx, of all ajres, can earn fioni 5 to .2.t per day and upwards wherever they ue. iou are started tree :c:l!. i:. nut n....,ii S nie have made over .?.-.'. iu one day at this work. Allcucc-ed. I has revolutionized n up nt nn- I I I V I l I I I I I I I I " i f lnvf ntiva III I UI I HUM pr"i:ie, i a method an J by t tern of work hat can be p erformed all over the country without separatum the woikers from their home. Pav liheral : anvlone can do the work eii tier sex. young er old n t peci;il abilit y re quired. Ca'pital not Deeded ; you are started free. Cut this out and return to us and we will si-nd you free, something of great important- and value to you, that will ft art you in business which will bring you in more money ritht away than anything else in the world, (.land outlit free. Address True & Co., Auirusta, Me. Dr. C A. Marshall. Resident 13 enlist. Preservation of the Xatural Teeth a Specialty. Anesthetics given for Pain less i IM.INO OH ExTKAt TION OF Tl.lHt. Artificial teeth made on Cold. Silvtr, Rubber or Celluloid Plates, nrd iiiMittd as soon as tettli are extracted when de sired. All work warranted. Prices reasonable. Fitzgerald's Ur.oe'K Plattsmouth. yy.it WRITTEN BY Rev. J. W. Simmons. D- D. This book is one that every loyal per son should possess. It tells of all the foremost colored men of the United States. It gives their biographies, and has over 100 fine steel engravings. OH N O, BOONE, Agent for Coss County. ri 1 1 r 1 HSr - - - : as S E Yeri LlifllD LUMBER , Lath, Sas-h, .Biinds. IlilDIBI I I fii li u i i n n r Uljlil