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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1888)
o PI tit PLATTSMOlJTir. NEBRASKA, THURSDAY. AUGUST 2t 1888. VOLUME XXir. NUMIiKK $2.00 I'KIi. ANNUM. f r r Absolutely Pure. Tills powder never varies. A marvel of pur ity, Htrcngt l and wliolesomcness, .More eco uouiical t li:iu the ordinary kinds, and cannot be rohl In eoiiietitim witli the multitude of low tent, short weight alum or phosphate powders. Hold onlv in e .lis. Hovl, liAKINO I'OWDEB Co.. 100 Wall St. New York. 3!H48 GIVIG SOGIKTJ-IS. CI ASH LODOit No. IK!. 1 O. O. F. Meets 'every Tuesday evening of each week. All transient brothers arc rcrpectf ully Invited to attend. IILATTMOUTII ENCAMPMENT No.3.1.0. O. 1'".. meet every alternate Friday iu each month in the Masonic Jlall. isit my Brothers are invited to attend. mitlO LODOE NO. HI. A. (). U. W. Meets every altcrnat Friday evening at Iv. of 1. hall. Transient brothers are respectfully in vited toaitend. F.J. Morgan, MasterWorkman ; ' li. S. Uarstow. Foreinan ; Frank Brown, Over Peer ; I. Howen, (luide; Oeoige Housworth. Keeorder ; l. .). Johnson. Financier j Wah. Smith. Receiver ; M. Maybright. Fart M. W. ; Jack Daughterly, Inside Guard. C1ASS CAJ11' NO. :v.i, MODERN WOODMEN ' of America Meets second and fourth Mon day evening at K. of P. hall. All transient brothers are requested to meet, with us. I.. A. Newcomer, Venerable Consul ; ;. K, Nile;", Worthy Adviser ; S. O. Wilde, Banker ; W. A. ISoeck, Clerk. 1ILATTSMO UTll LODOE NO. 8, A. O. U. W. Meets every alternate Friday evening at liockwood hall at h o'clock. All transient broth ers are respectfully invited to attend. L. S. Larson, M. W. ; F. Boyd, Foreman: S. C. Wilde, Recorder ; Leonard Anderson. Overseer. 1L ATI'S MOUTH LOIJUE NO.C. A. F. & A.M. Meets on the lirt and third Mondays of each month at their hall. Ait transient broth ers are cordially invited to meet with us. J. (.:. Kkhkv, W. m. Wm. Hays. Sec retary. VEBIUSKA CII A PTE It. NO. .1. It. A. M. i-' Meets second and fourth Tuesday of each month at Mason' Hall. Transcknt brothers are invited to meet with us. F. E. Whitk, II. P. "Wm. Hays, Secretary. MT. ZION COM MA OAKY, NO. 5. K. T. Meet first and third Wednesday night of each month at Maso Vs hall. Visiting brothers are cordially iuvited to meet willi us. Wm. Hays, Kec. F. E. Whitk, E. C. CASS fOC NCI L NO lff.'l, KOY'AL MJCANUM meet" I he second and fourth Mondays of tacb mouth at Arcanum Hall. ll. N. (ii.KXN, Kegent. P. C. Minor. Secretary. McCONlHIE POST 45 C. A. R. l'.OSTKlt. .1. W Johnson Commander, (3. S. Twiss Senior Vice V. A. 1? at its Junior " " Oro. Nii ks Adjutant. HXNKY Sl'KKMillT . M. Mai.on Dixon Oflieerof the Day. Charlks 1mm " " OuarU Asbkrsii.v Fitv. Sergt Major. J A:o! (iiibhi.kma.v. . ..(Quarter Master Sergt. 1.. C. Ci utis Post Chaplain Meeting Saturday evening PLATTS MOUTH BOARD OF TRADE President 1st. Vice President 2nd Yiee President Secretary Kobt. 15 Windham A. I?. Todd Wm Neville F. Herrmann F. It. Outhinan XreatHirer.... J. C. Kichev. F. K. White, J.C.Patterson, J. A. Conner, 15. Elson, C. W. Sherman, F. Gor d t, J. V. W t ckb.ich. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ATTOKX EY'S AT LAW. JAR. S. MATHEWS. Attorney at Law. Office over Peter Merle's store, north side of M ln bet we an 5th and 6th streets. N. SULLIVAN. Attorney at Law. WU1 II, (jive prompt attention to all business in trusted to him. Office in Union Block, East side. Flattsmouth. Neb. K. B. Wimmiam, John A. Da vies, Ntary Public. Notary Public. VVl.VDHAMA IAVIK8, A.ttornoys - at - Law. Office over P.ank of Cas County. Pl,AtTSMH'TH, - - NeDUASKA A CAKU. Having this tlay soltl my stock of Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, etc., to "Messrs. Urekcnteld. 6z AVeid inaii, T would respectfully and ear nestly ask that all those in my debt come lonvard promptly and settle their accounts; as it will he neces sary lor me to close up my business as speedily as possible before en "arrin" in other pursuits. I also take this occasion to thank the public, both in the city and county, for the very liberal patronage giv en me during the tin e I have been eno-an-ed in business here, and hope O J A the same will be extended to my successors. J NO. II. COX. doctl-w3ui A THRIVING LITTLE CITY. A Graphic Description of tho New Town of Union. I!V TIM TIlfMMKK. Union, like a rose bud, wrcatlieil in green corolla, us u sparkling gem nestled in garnet, jaHper, or beryl, 14 miles north oust of Nebraska City, on the M. P. rail road, occupies the centre of an agricul tural ureat hat encircles many square miles, tho surface of which is almost as level and unbroken as the fabled lochs of Scot land or the marvelous silver of the stor ried I'hiue und has a soil as deep and rieli as the mighty Maker, who rules above the cedars and stars, ever plaster ed on the rock-ribbed sides of the old planet. In the center of such a country as this, now growning under the weight of a crop so prolific, that the myraids of Chine bugs gorged their little stomachs in vain to devour it, but to no avail, the average yield of corn is found to be up with (if not uhead) of any locality in this (Cass) county. Union is a very youthful town. On what was a few months ago a trackless prairie, stands a little village of no mean dimensions, containing two dry good stores, two grocery stores, two barber shops, two blacksmith shops, one hotel, one lumber yard, one billard hall, two drug stores, one jewelry store, one hard ware store, one harness shop, one impli ment house, one meat market, one con fectionary store, two grain eleyators, de pot, one bank of exchange, carpenter shop und near by is a steam saw mill, where the very best of lumber is being made from the abundant supply of tim ber along the beautiful stream of Weep ing Water. An endless supply of number one building stone is near at Viand. Two quarries are running in full blast, owned by two energetic business men, Messrs. Lynn & Grover. On the near suberbs is a happy little cluster of handsome cottages, intermingl ed here and there with fine and handsome residences. Some are building and others are making preparations, while up from the "bee hive" burg arises one constaut hum of industry, all caused by the con tinual push of business men. She has a class of business men that she ought to be proud of. They are all old timers and all in for improvements, and rank up somewhat as follows: C. II. Jaquctt, jewelr; M. U. Thomas, hardware; Itose & Lymauu, dry goods and grocer ies; Bently & Rogers, druggists; ,. Bowers, harness maker; Thomas & Slader, druggists; Paddock & Lanhrem, imple ment dealers; G. E. McDennid, barber; A. 11. Smith, barber; Wm. Wolfe, black smith; Lynn 6c Barnum, lumber dealers: A. M. Lynn, grain dealer; Hill & Schm inke, grain dealers; Smith & Smith, meat market; It. II. Franz, an extensive dealer in dry goods, boots and sho s; Mr. Franz is also the efficient postmushr of Union, which capacity he fills to the satisfaction of all. The M. D.s of Un ion, who are capable of handling the pill bag and dishing out powders for the ail ments of humanity, are Doctors Wallace, Thomas and Davis. G. JT. Laltue, blacksmith; John Martin runs the steam saw mill just north of town. Two churches are now in the course of construction by the Baptists and Presby teiians respectively. A new school house is also talked of. A. It. Smith is proprietor of the Union Hotel, where the weary traveler finds rest, and everythink is gotten up in first class metropolitan style. Union's future prospects are most flat tering. Of course she will never be a Kansas City or Chicago, but if the past reflects the future, it will be a nice, thriv ing trading point. That it will is evi denced by the fact that it is surrounded by such a broad fertile country. Such a rich productive land settled by a good class of citizeus, all enterprising and in dustrious farmers, such a people will make a town in any country. And an other reason why they are bound to suc ceed is because they were kind to the re porter. Everyone was ready to help us in our missionary labors. A good stack of '"Heralds" visits them weekly. Can such a people fail in any enterprise they undertake ; They could not in an age when impossibilities were fashionable. They are the class that climb to the con stellation through much roughness. ONCE THE METROPOLIS. Rock Bluffs, Though Fallen From Her Former Brilliancy, She Still Exists. Rock Bluffs is not a city of the dead, by no means, but a nice quiet little coun try burg, f the antiquarian sort. Many old mos covered buildings remain stand ing as land marks of by gone days. On inquiry we learned, that one day Rock Bluffs was the metropolis of Cass county. The people living there are of a self contented turn of mind, and enjoy life to the fullest extent of the word. Among the business men of Hock Bluffs, are A. J. Graver who carries a full line of dry goods, groceiies aad pro visions; Fred Patterson has a general btore, and is the popular post master . Below we give a list of those living in and near town: A. II. Graver, John Lambert, Thos Smith, John Farthing, Jas. Walstow, Wm. Allen, Joseph Shera, Wm. Ellington, A. J. Graves, A. J. Itayney, Joj Byers, Ben). McColloek. The M. D.'s of the village are Doctors Reynolds fc Allen. The school will be taught the ensuing year by Prof. W. W. Curtis. Preaching at Rock Bluffs church every two weeks by Rev. Brownston. We found the political pulse quite normal at Rock Bluffs and but little be ing said. All in all, the country around Rock Bluffs is up with the average. One thing we think would be advisable among the farmers, is that they mow the weeds in the roads and lanes, as it would not only add to the convenience and beauty of the country, but would also stop the growth. Following we give a list of new sub scribers taken last week: JM Kissr, A II Graver, A M Holmes, A J Graves, W P Hutchesou, W A Pell, David Albin, Wm. Eikenbary, John Clialtant, W T Moore, G N Laltue, A M Lynn, Mathew McQuinn, T M Warne, C II Jaquctte, W M Stotler, W HSandy, Wm. Marks, S G, John Yardly, Geo. Boeck, Wm. Loughridge, W E Lattu, E Berger. Dr. B F Brendell, W I Holmes, J T Totton. Jacob It Valltry. NOTES BY THE WAYc IDE- Trimmer's Travels Tuesday, Aug. 14, we leave the city of hills and valleys and find ourselves driv ing to the south in the direction of Rock Bluffs. On our way we pass many fine farms well improved. Old settlers with pleasant homes surrounded with beauti ful trees, fields containing rich harvthts giving evidence of good care and pros perity. Our first stop is at the pleasant home of Ezra Samson, who is nicely situated on the banks of the big muddy which giye3 him a fine view for many miles up and down the river. Of a clear day Council Bluffs can easily be.diseei ned. Mr. S. has been a IIekalu reader for ten years. We next met Benj. McCuloch, of Rock Bluffs, on his way to the Platts mouth canning factory with a load of corn which he informed us he was get ting per ton for. It makes a yield of from four to five tons to the acre. It can be easily seen that a man raising ten or twenty acres of corn in this way can realize as large a profit as he who has forty or sixty acres of field corn. Xext met Levi Sullivan, Stopped a few minutes at Wm. Martin's, a cleyer old Virginian. A democrat of the first water, but a good citizen, a nice man, and an old time Herald reader. At Mr. Martin's we met Mr. Wm. Gilmore, wh o came to this country iu 18o4. He related many incidents of pioneer life among the Indians and told of countless numbers of deer and elk that used to roam the valleys and plains. Mr. G. keeps posted on the local and county news by taking the Herald. We proceed on our journey to Rock Bluffs only stopping for a short time. We then drive southwest three miles to John Carroll's, the light part of the day was drawing to a close, and we put up for the night. We were highly entertained and shall long remember the hospitalities shown us. Mr. Carroll is an old resident of this country, having lived on his present place over 2-i years. He came to this country a poor man, but by hard work has acquired a snug little fortune; now owning over 800 acres of as fine land as lays under the sun. The Herald hau visited him weekly from the first copy. Wednesday morning we visit J. C. Cole, who is another long time resident of Cass county; having located here in 18G4. Six hundred acres is the extent of his domain. We stopped at the home of Solomon Long, but as he was away we tarried only a short time. We then drove to the home of L. B. Brown who had gone to Union. In our next we shall make mention of Murray, Eifjht Mile Grove and others; and shall endeavor to speak of all with whom we come in contact from time to time. Space forbids writing further this issue. (Continued next week.) Send your job work to the Herald office. BUSINESS MUEUTOKY. A GRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. It II A 1.1. .V I llAlli, j Agriculturkl Implements, Couilland Bnguie j , . . . i 'i i ... i i ' aiKl JilUItlOlU WaOll. WOIMI I t Bone Dry." sold ami Warranted. Main utivct, between Sixth and Seventh. BANK. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, of Plattsiuoiith. Capital S-'iO.uoo ; surplus $11, UIK). John Fitzgerald, President ; S. Waugh. Cashier; K. White, Vice-President. Board of Director : .John Fitgerald. K. E. White, duo. R. Clark, D. Hawkswoith, S. Waugh. BANK. TDK CITIZENS BANK, of Piattsmout:.. Capital stock paid in, $5n.i))Nt. Frank Carruth, President : W. II. Cushiug, Cashier; J. A. Connor, Vice-President. A general banking bin-i'ics transacted. Collec tion receive prompt and careful attention. BLACKSMITH. Itor.KUT DONNELLY. I'.lat-ksinitli and Watroiimaker, DealtT iu Viml millx, 1'iiiiii's and I'MltiiiK". BOOTS AMDSIIOKS. JOSEPH KIT Kit. Hoots anil Shot's. Ueaii iik promptly attended to. Soutli Side Main street. BOOTS AND SHOES. 1'ETEK MKKOK. A complete uexort ni"il ' v y K'l.ii ; f I'.mI wear and cheaper than the. cheapest west of the Missouri Kiver. Also munufurtiii inj; and ltepairiii;. BAKOKK SHor AND HATH KOOM. ED. MOHLEY, 1 lot and Cold Baths at all hours. Eddies' and Children's Hair CuttiiiK a specialty . Cor. r.tli and Main, under CarruthV. BAKEUY. K. STADELMANX. Bread, Cakes, 1'ie.s, Buns, etc., frekli daily. Party. Wedding anil Kancy Cake a specialty. Ice Cream in any quantity. BOOKSELLEK, ETC. P. YOCMi, Bookseller, Stationer, and News Dealer ; Fancy Coods, Toys. Confectionery, Kiue Cigars. Soda Water and Milk Shake, Piano and Organs and Musical Instruments. CLOTHING. S. & C. MA YE It. Cent's Furnishings, Kino Tailor Made Clothing in Men's. Boys' and Children's Wear. Their prices defy competition. They misrepresent nothing. Iheir Word 's Their Soul. pLOTHINC. w L. HOLDING. Clotli'ng, Furnishing Goods. Go to Hie o!d re liable house for Hats, Cups. Umbrellas, Trunks, Boots, Shoes. Main street, next Cash Co, Bank. PLOTHIXO. C. E. WKSCOIT, Clothing. Hats. Cans, ,tc. Fine Furnishing." our specialty. One price and no Monkey Bus- mtrsp. it 3 iu iiauc Willi ll. nuutvwoou PANNING COMPANY. VJ CAlUtCTll CANNING CO., Frank Carruth, Henry .1. Streight, Proprietors. Packers of the Climax Brand Vegetable. pON FECTION Kit Y. U rillLLIH Kit ATS. I mit. Confectionerv and Fine Cigars. DRUGS. O. P. SMI til & CO, Dealers In Wall Paper. Paints, Oil, Art Mater ials. Cigars &e. KockwooJ Block. DliUGS. GERING & Ci. Drug, Chemicals. Paints, Oils. LKUGS. F. O. FKICKK .1- CO., Drug. Medicines. Chemicals. Paint. Oil. Varnili s. Dye Stull etc.. Kiue stationery. Select Toilet and Fancy Article. DltYGOODS, GKOCKHIES. F. S. WHITE. Dry Goods, Groceries. Notions. General Mer chandise, etc. S. K. corner Main and ii!h Sis. DliY GOODS. F. HEF.K.MAXV. Dry Goods. Notions and Ladies' Furnishing Good. One door east First National Bank. DKY GOODS, GitOCERIES. E. G. 1HJVEY SOX. Carry a Lirge stock of Fine Groeeries, Dry Goods, Carpets. .icensvaie. Notions, piiil Fancy Goods, to lie found in the county. Up per Ma'ji street, between 5th and 0th. DENTISTS. DKS. CAVE & SMITH, "The rainless Dentists."' Teeth extracted without the least pain or harm. Artificial teeth inserted immediately after extracting natural ones when desired. Gobi and all other Fillings strictly first class. Office in Union Block. FUKNITUltE. IIENIIY BOECK. Furniture. Bedding, Looking Glasse, Picture Frame, etc. Wooden and Metal Caskets kept in stock. FUKNITUKE. I. PEaKLMAX, Furniture, Tailor Suits, Upho'stery Goods. Stoves. (Jueensware. Tinware, and all kinds of Household Goods. North 6t! street, between Main and Vine. GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS. .1. II. IK) N NELLY. Gent Fine Furnisher and Hatter. The nKst complete and finest stock in the city. Carruth Block. Cor. 5tli and Main. GROCERIES. M. B. MURPHY & CO., The Leading Dealers in Groceries. Crockery. China, Lawps. Wooden and Willow ware. Flour, Feed.&c. Cash pa'd for country produce. GitOCERIES. LEHNHOFF & SOENNICHSRN, Groceries, Prov isions, Glassware mid Crockery. GROCERIES. F. Mi COURT. Green. Staple and Fancy Groceries. GROCERIES. BENNETT & TUTT. Staple and Fancy Groceries, Gieen Fruit? and Canned Goods. GROCERIES. AUG. BACH. Groceries and Queensware, Flour ami Feed. Cigars, Tobacco and Ciulery. Riddle House. HOTEL. FRED ':O0?, Proprietor City Hotel. Terms, pr day. Special Attention given commercial men. HARNESS. W. G. KEEFER. Successor to O. M. Streight. Harness, Saddlery Goods. Net", Robes, Du&ters, aud all horse fur nishing goods. HARDWARE. JOHNPOX BROS.. Hardware. Stoves. Tinware. Table and Pocket Cutlery. Rasors, etc. Household Sewing Ma chines and .Jewel Gasoline stoves. Tinwork of all kinds done at reasonable prices. Main street, Kockwood Clock. TEWELRY. J FRANK CARRUTH S: SON. Alwnvs carry a tine stock of Diamonds, Watch es. CI cks. .lewelrv, Silvei ware and Spectacles. Drop in and inspect theirgoods before parchas lug elsewhere. TEWELRY. J J. PCHLATER, .Iewe"er. Walthatr Watches a Specialty. Main Street, near Fourth. TEWELRY. w B. A. MrELWAIN. Watches. Clocks. -Silverware acd Jewelry. Special Attmtion given to Watch P.epairing. 1 " :? Mm fe- M J' Take Time by the Forelock. ZDO -1TOT.DELAT I Ol'l! GKKAT CLOSING OUT SALL W er mi ii Wo aro -u.33.dor contract to opoxi our 3Tair- Those who h:ive not Liken :iIv:uiLij;e of the Iiari'iins offered daily at our (iivut, Closinir Out Sale will regret it when we are one. live At 60 els. per Pound, Worth 75c. Dress Goods Sale, Great Cloak Sale, Silk Sale, Carpet Sale, Ve are too husy to To accommodate the jfreat rush we will keep our store until 10:K) o'clock . m. SOLOMON White IFroiit Dry froutJx T IVEUY STABLE. J-J C. M. HOLME . SOX. The Checkered P,;irn. Livery. Feed and Sale stable ; parties conveyed to ail part of tin; city. Carriages at all trains. Corner Vine and litli. MEAT MAKE ET. H1CILAKU !.! L3TEI V. Wlio'esnle and Retail Dealer iu First Quality ISeef, Pork. Mutrou Veal. Lamb, etc. Sixth street Neville Llock. Prices moderate. MEAT MAUK ET. .1. II AT T & CO.. Kill their own Cattle. Kender their own Lard and Cure their own P.aeon. Maiu street- MEAT M A It K ET. KICK LEU CO.. Eggs, Poultry &e. We use o'.ly the best grade of native stock. Oysters and game in season. MEUC1IANT TAILOK. C. F. SMITH, Merchant Tai'or, Main t-treet. over Merges' shoe store. Complete stock of sample. Fit guaranteed. Prices defy competition. MlLLINEl! Y. MKS. .1. F. JOHNSON. A Complete Line of the Latest, Styles of Mil linery and Trimmings ; a'eo Children's and In fants' Bonnets, to be closed out at cost. RESTAURANT AND LUNCH KOOM. JACOB I1KN.NC1I, Meals and Lunches sei ved to order at aH hour. A .o Oysters, cijjars. Tobacco, Pop aud Cider. Opposite Kiddle House. SA.M.'LE KOOM. JOHN BLAKE. Sample Komii and Billiard Hall. Choice Wine. Liquors and Cigars. JMMarJ and pool Tables. SAMPLE KOOM. FK.VHM & K LI ETCH, Sample Koom. Imported and Domestic Wines, Lienors and Cigars. Only str;:.ii;bt goods han dled. Milwaukee Bottled Lajjer a Specially. Cor. oth and -Main St. Q AMPLE KOOM THE AMEKICAN EXCHANGE. Ni k Cunninirham, proprietor Itnice ins. Liquors a id Cigars. Pool and Bil.iard Tal.des. K'ddle lloupe Block. SAMPLE KOOM THE ELKIIOKN SALOON. Win. Weber, proprietor. Manufacturers of Soda Water. Birch Beer. Cider, etc. Agents for Fred K rug's Celebrated Lager Beer. SherifTs Sale. By virtue of an execution issued by W. C i slniwalter. Clerk of th District Court within and for Cass county. f-braska. and to me di-; reeted, I will on the 1"-Lh day of September, A. ' D. ISs. at 2 O'clock p. m. of said day, at the south door of ihet'ouit Douse iu the city of Plattsmouth. in saiil county, sell at pub:i auc tion, the follow ing real estate to-wit : 'Ihe e it half (! j ) "f the southwest iiiar er of the nortiiwtst quarter (U) of section niuerJ'. In towt-ship t'.veive (li'). range thirteen (l.i), east of thecth P. M.. Cass county. Nebraska. 'I he same being levied upon and taken as the proper; y of Thoma J. Thomas. Defendant ; to s t isfy a jiidmner.t of said Court recovered by William L. Han is. Plaintiff, iigainst said Defeu dart. Plattsinoti'li, Nebraska. Aug. 11th. A. D.. 18. J. C. ElKKSHA V. 12-5 Slierilf Cass County, Neb. For Sale- A thorough Lrerl, Polled Angus bull calf, enquire of Judge W. II. Newel or C. Pnrmele. tf. Wm. Gilmouk. n n n n rl n II M II tt f I 1 ftrtJjrrt V IfkTftt o flu uuiiu uuutpyu ate Aug. 27. :;!:3rJLbor 1st. Geese reamers Sale. make a Price hist. WA Mouse Main Ml Ah. Chattel Mortgage Sale. To Alt Whmn It Muij Vonrmi: Notice Is hereby -riven that we will on the 1 71 li day of September. Isms, at the town of Or enwood, Cass county, Nebraska, between the hour of in u. in. and 1 p. in., fell at public auction 1 1 1 follow nj; deseril.ed stoek and chat tels, viz : One i-ity male, nine year old. weight l.dao pounds ; one bay mare 4 yenrs old ; no bay mare : years old : one r i und white cow ; one black cow ; one blue1' and white cow ; one steer calf ; one heifer calf ; and one platform lii ntr wagon ; all beintr the property of one S. L. Anderson, and described as abov iu his certain chattel mortgage dated August 1 1, lfw;, and recorded in i he Clei ks olll' e of 'ass coun ty, Nebraska, ceurinu a pi omiary note of said S, L. Andfi-oii ot jp;.'!.:jn, to the Bank of Cass Comity, dated August II. 18;, drawing intercM. a the'rate of t( per rent from March l. lo'H7, on which date --aid note became due. The condi I timid of ahl moit'ae were, that iuMsede j fault should be made in payment of said note, j or any. part thcicof. or if the inortjjaeeH h' ill. I I at any time deem themselves insecure, then it should be lawful f-r mrti;aee.s to enter upon the piemi.-e of said morliaer and take im mediate posescion thereof, and dispose of the same at public sale, and out of the money ini--in therefrom to pay x id sum of s Siij.JO. inter ests, cost, charge's and expense incident thereto. 'Ihete still remaining due on raid note the rum of Slx.;j(i ai d interest, and de fault having been made under the provisions of saftl moil g;'g, t he mortgagees will proceed to make the Ka.e as aforesaid, the proce-ds to he applied as coud it i"iicd in saiu nei Igaue. Ha.nk ok Cass Coi.wi v. '.Vi:;iiiiam & Da v ihs, Attorne-.s. -'3-4 SherifTs Sale P.V virtue of an onler of sale isued by W. ('. I Sjkivn alier. Clerk of the District couit within and lor Cas county. Nebraska, and to me di- rected. I will on the liVh day or -eptember. A. 1 D. 1. at g o "clock p. in. of said day. at the south door of the court house iu said county, ; Sell at public auction, the following real estate j to-wit: The north h-ilf Cj) of the southwest , quarter ('! i of section number twenty two (22 1. ; in to nship nuuibur ten (Pi), north of rang) ! number ten (10;. east of the tiih Principal 'cr ' idian in Cass county. Nebraska. The same be ing levied up n and taken as the property of Sa uel Schlottuian and Agnes Schlolt , nun, et al. Defendants. to satis fy a judgment of said Court recovered by the , Connccuiu-ut Kiver; Savings Bank, Plaintiff, against said Defendants. I Plaitmouth, Neo., Augut 2?. A. V. ls. i .I .C. El K F.N BA KV. Sheriff Cass County, Neb. SherifTs Sale. By virtue of an rder ef sale issued by W. C. S'io" alter, lerk f the District Court" within and for Cas county. Nebraska, and to me di rected. I win on the 2tith day of September. A. D. lsws", at 11 o'clock a. m. of said day. at tlie south loor of the con1 1 hcii-e iu said county, sell a' pnbli.; auction, the fiI'owir t' real estate towit : Tlienoith half of the fouthwest fpiar t er of sect ion liu mlw t w en: y-1 w o, in townsl ip number ten. north t f ranee number ten, east of the sixth Piincipal Meridian in Ca county. Nebraska, together w ith all the privileges anil r.ppertances thereu to belonging or in anyw ise appertaining. 1 he fame being levied utmh an.l taken as the property of Samual hehiOttniau td Agnes Sf hloitman et. al. Defendants ; to sat if v a judgment of said court recovered by the Conneticut Kiver Saving Bank. Plaintiff, azninst raid Defendant. Plattsinontli, Neb., August 17, A. D. lsg. J. C. El K KN HAH V. fflieritt Cass County, Neb.