iHolw AUGUST 2, iLATTSMOUTIl WEEk"-A xiatUi,j. iitdJ 18S3. 3 S I I f n f; IP MIJEW S WiM Arc ottering Pec;nl reduction MER GOODS! Chambray RobesandChahies. -We have placed in Ferries Good-Sense In Ladies,' Misses', We - Would - Call -To a line Misses, Chiidrens & Ladies Also a Mens Button, Bal In good Very Reasonable Rates. DGWEY Closing OuLt Sale I Saturday and "We desire to close out our entire stock ot Parasols, Fans and Millinery Goods, At once and we will pay particular atten tion to the entire disposal ot above lines . on the days indicated. The above goods will be sold at half price. Do not delay, do not be deceived by reports of being merely lor advertising, our sk-rJ will positively be All goods sold tor cash sales in different Watch SOLOSVlGftS Jflain Street, the X in prices on till chifrcs stock a line of Corsets and Children? sizes - Special - Attention line of- IS: nice line of and Congress Shoes quality at only, daily special departments. & NATHAN, londay. 0 u u Oailjf Se es KNOTTS 33 PI O S Publishers & Proprietors. CITY BRIEFS. From Wednesday's laily. Mr. Jerry Farthing is in Omaha today, ('apt. Palmer is in Omaha today on business. Mr. G. Alex was an Omaha passenger this morning. Mr. Mat Gering is in Omaha today on legal business. Mr. "V. . Mcreer returned from Oma ha this morning. Mr. Hiram Upton, of Weeping Water, is in the eity today. Mr. S. Thompson was a passenger to Omaha this morning. Mr. I5yron Clark is in Weeping Water today on legal business. Mr. H. E. Whiting went up to Omaha this morning on business. Judge AV. H. Newell went to Lincoln this morning on I usiness. Mr. II. J. McBride, of Council Bluffs, is in the eity today on business. Miss May Patterson, of South Bend, is in the city, the truest of her cousin. Miss Irene Patterson. Miss Edna Wells, of South Bend, is in the ciiv on a visit to her cousin. Miss Maggie Streight. Mess."? EcL Streight and Geo. Palmer :.. n ... t.i'.,' ikintr in one of the ill c lit ruiiltll LUllilj u professional ball games. Mr. Morris O'Rourk, jr., returned from fllenwood and Pacific Junction last night where he went to transact some business. Messrs. Jerry Rowan and Will Wichcr left this morning for Boston, their old home, to visit their parents for a few weeks. Mrs. Dalton, of Ashland, who lias been visiting with her son-in-law, Mr Henry Ilemple and wife, for the past few days, returned home this morning. Mr. Chas. S. Twiss and wife went to Omaha this morning. Mrs. Twiss will remain there for a few days under treat ment of some doctor, one of htr eyes be ing badly defected. John S. Lindsay, an old time resident of Plattsmoutii, and by the way, an ex cellent stone and brick mason, now em ployed at Lincoln, was around the city shaking hands with friends today. Hon. Sam. Barker, Alderman Jones, Gas Inspector Johns, "Empire" Will Cham bers, and abstract compiler II. C. Ritchie, were all holding down seats in a passen ger coach this morning bound for Omaha. Mr. Fred Howland and wife, who re ceived a dispatch from Denver stating that Mrs. Win. Fowler, an aunt of Mrs. Ilowland's, was seriously ill, took the wertern bound train yesterday for that place. Mr. Gus Rhinache, who has been an employe of the B. & M. here for some time-n the machine shops, has severed his connection there and gone to Omaha, where he has secured a situation in the U. P. shops. Mrs. Michael Ilorrigan of Emcrgene, la., who has been the guest of Mr. Thos. Murphy and wife for he past few days, received a dispatch today tiiat her brother-in-law, who resided in Emergene had died suddenly. She left this morning for that place. A large sail boat made its way up the muddy Misaouri this morning and landed near the depot. The owners of the boat brought some farm produce to the city. The sandbars further up the river barred them from continuing their trip. John McClelland, the insane man who was brought here from Ashland for the purpose of examination, and who is now locked up in jail here, is said to be a raying maniac at times and continu ally yells at the top of his voice when the worst fits of insanity overcome him. lie is a pitiful looking sight. Some of the active seu'ior democrats met in a room over Dovey's store last night and formed ihenjselyes into a club, ami t is their intention in a short time to consolidate wit!.' fli2 Young Men's Dem ocratic Club of this city. Owing to ulT extreme heat of the evening as large an attendance as was anticipated did not put in an appearance. Several of the striking engineers were at the depot this morning for the purpose of giving Robt. Smith, an ex striker, a serenade as he put in an ap pearance n his run between here and Lincoln which he has just secured. His eDgine is No. 3 and he has the passenger run. The names he was greeted with were not consoling to his temper, but no further harm than a little rough abuse took place. Cauadians contemplating matrimony will be interested in knowing that under a recent act they can be married in Mich igan without being required to procure a license or pay any fee. Detroit and Port Huron clergynun and J. P.'s may expect a great boom from this side of the line when this fact becomes generally known. The whole busiuess, including railway fare, can be transacted by an economical couple for a five dollar note. Pttrob-a. Out.. Topic. Two young tlerk9 of tins city who j attended church at Rock Creek last Sun day night were, from what information we received, strongly educated to prac tice economy at one time, but we believe economy us tney practiced u wiui as much required patience, would cense to be a virtue. The young men drove to that burg and called on a couple of their young ludy friends, and that evening they employed the economical scheme we speak of in conveying their ludy friends to church. They had one buggy and the four occupied that buggy. Two occupied the seat, oije was supported by the two and the other occupant found room to stand back of the seat when the cover was thrown back far enough. The serenading party which took a circuit around the city last Monday night serenaded. the residence of a certain min ister in his absence. For fear they might feel slighted at not receiving applause from within he requested us to state that their kindness was appreciated although he and his wife were both absent from home that evening. We did not learn how many pieces were rendered ' before the house, but it is supposed that was the last place they sang that night for they received poor encouragement there. A gentleman who was serenaded by the same party also states that one of the gentlemen of tle party, after they had sung several pieces, was about to put his ear to the keyhole and listen for applause " .u tuo sound ot a man s voice was heard within a w clin. ot it. The fellow replaced himself with the Cl".1 ty of a cat. A very pleasant surprise was tender ed Mr. Wash. Smith last evening at his home, the eyent being a party given by his wife, in honor of their twenty-first wedding anniversary and his fifty-second birthday. Mrs. Butler and Mrs. Win. Smith, who assisted Mrs. Smith in prepar- ins the supper, attained for themselves great credit from the gentleman who par took of a hearty repast. They say the supper was first class and a3 good as any ever given in the city. Ten gentlemen were at the house to greet him on his ar rival shortly after fl o'clock aul the sur prise was said to bo complete. All present say that a more enioyable time could not have been had. The following gentlemen were present: Messrs. Ed Greusel, Dan Smith, Wm. Balance, C. M. Butler. S. M. Cooper, J. W. Young, Frank Carruth, Wm. Hayes, B. Spurlock and J. H. Waterman. The fishing party spoken of yestcr- terday under the auspices ot the vounjr ladies proved to be as successful in their undertaking as at first anticipated. The party left the city about o'clock yes terday afternoon and drove to a'point on the Platte river known as "The Dump," about four miles from the city. Ice cream, cake and various kinds of refreshments were provided by the young ladies, and after a short time of rustication, the whole party sat clown apd partook of a hearty repast. The young gentlemen were waited upon by the young ladies in a manner which bespeaks for them suc cess in any future leap year undertaking. Though their experience has been limited, this being the first undertaking of the kind we have heard of, they proved them selves efficient everts and the gentlemen were very favorably impressed by the at tention shown them. After all were sat ed with the refreshments, preparations were made for fishing. When everything was in readiness the lines and hooks were thrown to the water. Some became im patient at times because the fish would not bite to suit, and nibble away until the bate was removed. A married lady, and the only one in the party, succeeded in landing the first fish and after that the time was spent in pulling out crabs and minnows, which success did not altogeth er gratify their decires, As the afternoon was very warm, not so much lime as had been calculated was occupied in this way, and the party succeeded in finding for themselves considerable enjoyment in various other amusements before the time arrived for them to take their departure. On the return trip singing was indulged in freely and enjoyed by all, and about 10 o'clock the party vas aaiu at home. Mr. Ed Fitzgerald transferred the party. Til? following ladies and gentlemen par ticipated: Misses Ifattie Sheffer, Lou Richey, Maggie Streight, May Richey, Mate Safford, Mrs. Lovering; Messrs. John Davies, Will Streight, Al. Derrick. G. Moore, Frank Dickson and B. X. Low ering. From Tuesday's Daily. Mr. Will Fenner, of Indianola, Iowa, was in the city yesterday visiting rela tives. He returned this morning. Mr. J. E. Leyda and wife, of Weeping Water, were in the city oyer Sunday, on a visit to his brother, J. M. Leyda. If you wish premium lists of the State Fair, apply to R. ' B. Windham, member of the State Board of Agriculture. We acknowledge the receipt of a ticket to the Omaha Fair and Exposition to be held at Omaha Sept. 3rd to 8th in clusive, Dr. Schildknecht removed a nepdl.3 from the heel of Max Chapman, son of Judge Chapman, this morning. The needle was driven into his heel full length which caused him intense agony. Miss Etta Schildknecht, of Green wood, daughter of Dr. Schildknecht, re turned home yesterday with her mother who went to Greenwood to accompany her. She is suffering from very poor health at present and is here under treat ment of her father. Messrs. E. D, lOiusel, rahicr of the Holdrege Commercial State Bank, and G. Norbery, two prominent citiens of Holdrege and also prominent politicians, honored us by a pleasant call today. Mr. Einsel will be a candidate for the nomi nation of the office of state treasurer. Work has been commenced to remove the telephone posts out to a sull'u ient dis tance to allow the building of a twenty foot side walk, the building of which is soon to be commenced. About the time the paving, sewer and sidewalk building is about half done, the city will remind one of Pompeii. Dr. Livingston, sr., who examined John McClelland, of Ashland, finding him to be hopelessly insane, imparts the information that he entertains faint hopes of his surviving any great length of time and he may not live longer than 3 weeks. The man when asked his age yesterday, claimed to be about five hundred years old. Mack Jones who wns examined by the commissioners here a few days ago and sent to the Lincoln insane asylum, died in Lincoln yesterday. W. I). Jones received the ihwj of his death and start ed immediately for that place, and brought the corpse back this morning. The funeral will take place this afternoon from the residence of Douglas Jones at 4 o'clock. The deceased had been sick for some time, the insanity being caused by softening of the Li-air.. He is a cousin of Mr. W. D Jones. A prominent gentleman of this city and an e&tensive grain dealer, whenever the reporter asks for any news, he invari ably insists that "it's a warm day." and if he cannot be present on the streets him self to impart the information, he leaves the word with a friend to deliver. If we considered it neccessary to publish such news, to make'people believe it, it would afford us great pleasure, but now we promise him to inform the people through the paper of the first cold day that comes if he will help us out. It's a cold day when it isn't warm. Almost every clay of late some for eign lady has arrived at our depot and been unable, without considerable trouble, to ascertain the whereabouts of their friends. This morning a Danish lady by the name of Maryanuu Stienholtz and four Ht-le phildren arrived. From what was understood she inquired for her husband. Some men who heard her speak the name say that there is a man working in the shops by that name. She looked very much fatigued and imparted the information in a way that she had been on the road six weeks. Last nighj. the drum in the ears of the music loying people was struck rath er forcibly by the sounds of melody which wafted on the cool and soothing mid night air, as their possessors were build ing air castles in the laud of nod. The first thoughts that presented themselves upon awakening weie. '-Wiiac are those sounds I hears What nieaneth this? Wonder if they mean that for me? Had I better go to the window and give them a clap of the hand? What do they ex pect me to do if they are thinking of me? I have nothing in the house to give them.'' By that time the mechanics of the staff have completed their invigorating efforts. The ladies and gentlemen we have refer ence to were on the streets last night un til a late hour, serenading their friends and favoring all within a hundred yards of their different locations, with music which they were capable ol rendeiing. In behalf of their friends we thank them for their efforts and request them to call on us on their neit annual tour. A prominent citizen of this place and an acurate mathematician met with what some people would term a misfortune ow ingjto a miscalculation. The gentleman we have reference to got his rig in readiness and drove to the campmeeting which was held at Eight Mile Grove last Sun day. On their return the nag exhibited signs of a thirsty disposition and the gentleman took advantage of the first op portunity to water his horse. He drove up to a farm house by which there was a well and pulled up a bucket of water. The lady of the house informed him that they were not in the habit of using that water for watering their horses, and re queited him, if he wished to water his horse on their premises to take the buck et of water he had drawn, go to a pump about a hundred yards distant where they generally watered there horses, and prime the pump with the water he had drawn. It is needless to say the gentleman was afforded a little displeasure on account of this, but nevertheless he lugged his burden of bucket and. water to said pump and gracefully, but not willingly turned the water into it and pumped the same amount again for his horse. If he had gone through the motions and left the water on the out-ide it might have suited him much better. He has not yet recovered from tin burden of disat i.-fae-tion of having complied with the whims of an ob.Minatu woman. From Monday's I .n)y. Messrs. Thos. Reynolds and ('has. Cole man spent Sunday id Rock (Yek. A neice of Mr. Erie Mes.-ler anid in the city tlii.-. morning from Gitle, Sucih n. Mrs. L. ('. Cummins and little daugh ters have gone to Pacific . I unci it. n on a shoi t visit. Mr. Frank Davis of 1! aver City, is in the city on a viit to his fatner in law, Dr. Schildknecht. Mr. Frank Knotty, brother of the pro prietors of this office, arrived yolciday ami will he employed at the office in the future. Mr. Frank Halm and wife, of St. Louis, a newly married couple, are stopping; at the Riddle "house ami visiting friends in the t ity. Rev. Cyrus Altui, of Elmwood, form erly pastor of the Christian church hi re, was in the city over Sunday and officiat ed at that church. Mr. W. J. Wariick lias fitted up a window in the front of his drug store, which presents to the passer by a very charming appearance. In a largo box, filled with rich soil, are. planted a fine lot of fresh ferns,and in the center is located a large bowl, which contains about a hal f doz.en red fi.-h. The scene is a very pleas ing one and locks very natural. John McClelland, a farmer who lives about four .miles south of Ashland, was brought to the city this morning and ex amined by Dr. Livingston, sr., before Messrs. Becson and Showalter, who were appointed commissioners by the district court. He was taken charge of by De puty Sheriff Miller and two of his former neighbors who brought him to the city this morning. His friends stated that he has been insane for more than a year, and of late has become so crazy that ho has become unmanageable. At times he would have spells in which he wished to handle everything he would .see, roughly, and occasionally for a short time only ho would become rational. He has been sick for some time, but as he recovers and his strength increases the more de ranged he becomes. He is a married man and has a fami'y of about three children. As the asylum is full at pres ent it will not be known Ui.tW w.uvi i.. received from there whether lie can i-o accepted or not, The prohibition law of Iowa must have been declared ofT for a month judg ing by the beer which is transferred to Pacific Junction tdinost daily. Saturday night another lot of kegs were seen at the depot labeled for tjie ,.bo.e pia,.,-, and it is supposed f lie boys of that burg had a genuine "blow out.' It is shipped to the web-feet and it'disnppears in some mysterious way, but when the citizens of the sister state make known their inten tion of crossing the river and carry beer with them, all the precautious "people of that laud will haye arrangements j.iado to take possession of the'r "fire wutti" and put them behind bars. A few days ago a party of Plattsmoutii people had made up their minds to spend a day on the Iowa side and it hud been reported that they were to take a supnly o l.cev with them. The lawans were informed in some way of their intention and all preparations were made to catch the vis itors. For some reason the trip wns post poned to an indefinite date. The republican rally, which took place at Cedar Creak last Saturday iii-Ju" was reported by those attending from here to have been a grand success in every way. Sayles" hall was crowded to its ut most capacity, not even standing room could not be found. There was an atten dance of about :300 people, and the meet ing was enthused by die pic-ene c about one hundred ladies. The mem bers of the little burg deserve the strong est praise for such an exhibition of the in terest taken in the welfare of the country. Politicians . from the surrounding country for a considerable distance put in an appearance and a more enthusi astir; meeting in a plape its sie has no been known. Before the meeting at the hall a parade of about fifty people, head ed by the Cedar Creek brass band, marched up the street, those in the pro cession carrying lanterns and transparen cies. The hall was nicely decorated and and streamers of Harrison and Horro.i were hung upon the walls. The speaker from here Mr. John A. Davies and Judge Sullivan received loud rounds of applause during their speaking. Mr. John Ramsey of that place, acted ns chairman and the first speaker lie called was Mr. Davies, who spoke in an able manner on the tariff question and the inconsistencies of democracy. Mr. Sulli van, who also spoke on tus tarirf, handled it in an able manner apparently pleasing the audience by every utterance, The meeting did not break up until after 11 o'clock. Any one paying up their subscription and 23 cts. can have the Omaha Weekly Bee till January 1st, 1889, X v f ! i -! i