Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, August 02, 1888, Page 2, Image 2

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Publishers & Proprietors.
Is )nl)Iislicil every cvenlnjr except Sunday
anil Weekly every ThiirHihiy morning llcgls
tercil lit the potoltl;e, rialtHinoiilh. Nehr.. i.n
tcffiiiil-oUHM matter. Oihce comer of Vine and
Fifth fleets.
One copy on jear In advance, by until. .
Oho copy per month, .y t-;iri Icr,
One copy per week, by curlier ,
. f.
flne copy one year. In advance,
One copy six months, in advance..
...i no
of Indiana.
of New York.
The republicans of the I'nited States, assem
bled by their deliiiates in national convention.
naUHe on the tlnei-holil of their proceedings t
honor the memory of 1 heir first meat leader
and iiuinortal champion of liberty and the
lights of the people, Abraham Lincoln, and to
cover also with wreaths ef imperishable re
memhrance and gratitude the heroic names of
our later leader who have been more recently
called away from onrcoiineilH, Ciant, Cartichl,
Arthur, I.ol'iui and ( onkniiL'. may thcirmem
iirlcs he faithfully cherished. We also recaP
with our meet ini: and iiiaver for his recoveiv
the name of one of our livtni; heroes whose
memory w ill be treasured in the history both
of republican and of t he republic. The name
Is that, of the noble noldier and favorite child
of victorv. I'bilip II. Slid nlaii.
In the f pirit of those meat leader" and of our
devotion l htiuian liberty, and with that hos
tilily to ail forms of des.otiHn ai d oppression
w hich is the fundamental idea or the remihli
can party, we i-cnil Iratemal coiinratiilation"
to our fellow American of T.razil upon ttieii
eteat act of emancipation which completed
the alxilition of slavery throuliout the two
Aiiii'i icau continents. W e earnest ly hope we
may noon congratulate our fellow citicii ol
jrih birtli upon the peaceful recovery of home
rule for Ireland.
to I tie iiutioual constitution and to the indis
soluble union of st at en to the autonomy re
served to the states under the const it lit ion, ti
Jhe personal rights and liberties of citiene in
nil slates and lelllloilei. In the union ami es-
M-cially to the sup'eliie and soyi-ieiim rinht of
r-very citizen, rich or poor, native or foreign
born, white or black, to cast one free bailor, in
ttie public elections and to have that ballot
duly counted. We hold a tree and honest pop
ular ballot and lust and equal represcntatioi
of all people in be the rotimlatiou of our re
publican uovernmciit and demand effect iv
leiiislal ion to secure the intecuty and piiritv
of elections which are the fountains of all pub
lic authority. We charge that the present ad
ministration ami the democratic majority m
con m ess owe t heir existence to the .supprcssioi
of the ballot by the criminal nullilicat an of the
(institution and laws 01 ttie Lulled Males.
We are uiieromiiromisiniilv in favor of the
American system of protection. We protest
against the destruction proposed 1V the presi
dent and his part v. They serve the interests
of Kuroue
Wfs accept the issue, and confidently appeal ti
the iM-ople for their iudmnciit. The pi otect hi
system must be maintained. Its abandonment
has always been follow ed by general Uis. ste
lo all interests except those of the unsure!
ami sueriii.
We denounce the Mills' bill as destructive t
general bunines. labor, and the fai-niiiii; inter
csts of the country, and we heartily eiidorsi
the consistent iiud patriotic action of the re
publican representatives in congress in oppes
inirits passage. W e condemn the propositus
of the democratic party to place wool on tin
lice list and insist, that the duties therein
ilt:tl be adjusted and maintained so as to fur
nish lull and adequate protection to that m
Tae republican party would effect all needed
reduction of the national revenue by repealing
the taxes on toliacco, which are an arrogance
an.l burden to agriculture, ana the tax upon
spirits used lu the arts and lor mechanical pur
poses, stint hy sueli revision ot the tarilt laws a
will tend to cheek imports or such articles as
:i'e produced by our people, the production 01
which gives employment to our labor, and re
lease from import duties these articles of for
t'iii production, except luxuries, the like ol
which cannot bt produced at home, there r-hal
still remain a larger revenue t ban is requisiti
for the wants of government, of internal taxes
rather than surrender any part of our i rotee
tivesystem at the joint behest of the whisky
ring and agents el loreigu manufacturers.
V declare hostility to the h.troduction int
thu country of foreisn contract labor and of
Chinese labor alien to our civilization and our
constitution, and we demand the rigid enforce
ment of existing laws against it and favor such
immediate legislation us win exclude such la
v ior from our shores.
We declare our opposition to alleombit.a
lions of capital organized in trusts or other
wise to control arbitrarily the condition o
trade among our citizens and we recoir mem
to congress and the state legislatures in thi;
respective jurisdicliorjrf such legislation as will
!revent the execution of :t!! schemes to oppress
the people by undue charges on their supiilie
or hy unjust rates for the transportation o'
their products to market.
we approve legislation by congress 1o pre
vent alike unjust burdens and unfair discrim
illation between states.
We reaflirni the policy of appropriating tip
public lands of the L'hited States to be home
steads for American citizens and settlers not
aliens, which the republican party established
in i.;2 against the opposition o!
the democrats in congress, w hich has brought
our great western domain into magnificent de
veloiemeut. The restoration of unearned land
rrants to the public domain for the use of ac-
tual settlers, which was begun under the ad
ministration of l'rcsident Arthur should be
continued. We deny that the democratic party
has ever restored one acre to the people, but
declare that by the Joint action of republicahs
nd democrats about fifty million acres of un
earned lands, originally granted for the con
struction of railroads, have been restored to
the public domain in pursuance of conditions
inserted by the republican party in the oiigin
rtl grants. Wc charge t-e democratic adminis
tration with laiimc to execute laws securing to
cettlers title to theii homesteads and with us
ing appropriations made for that purpose to
harrass Innocent settlers with spies and prose
cutions under the false pretense of exposing
frauds and vindicating the law.
The government by congress of the territor
ies is based upon necessity only to the end thai
they may become states in the union : there
fore. whenever the conditions of population,
material resource, public intelligence and
morality are such as to injure stable local gov
ernment therein the people ofiiieh territories
should be permitted, a right inherent in them,
to form for themselves constitutions and state
"overnments and be admitted into the union
1'euding preparation for statehood all officers
thereof should be selected tiom bona tidi
residents and citizens of the territory w herein
they are to serve. South Dakota should id
rt be immediately admitted as a state in
fife union under the constitution framed and
adopted bv her people, and we heartily en
dorse the action of the republican senate in
twice passing bills for her admission. 'J he re
fusal of the democratic house of representa
tive?, tor partisan purposes, to favorably con
sider these bills is a willful violation of the
t iered American principle of local gelf-goveni-ineut
and merits the condemnation of all just
Lien.' The pending bills in the senate for acts
to enable the ueople of Wellington. North
JJakota and Mmuauna territories to form con
stitutions and establish state governments
should be paused without unnecessary delay.
The republican party pledges inseu to do all in
its power to facilitate the admission of the ter
ntorieaof New Mexico. Wyoming. Idaho and
Arizona to the enjoyment of seTf-government
as states Such of them as are now qualified
hs soon as rxis.iible.and others as soon as they
may become o.
The political power of the Monnon cinirch in
the territories as exerc sed In thi last i a
menance 'free institutions too dnt erous to
Le long suffered. Therefore we pledge the re-
publican '. rty to appropriate icirmiaiiuii.
inserting the soveretmity ot t lie nation in an
the ten Holies wheie ihe smne is questioned,
amto lu lurtherance of that end to place
upon the statute bonk legislation stringent
nough 10 invoice political lrom ecciemaMieai
power, mid thus stamp out the attendant
wickedness of polygamy.
I tie repuPlican party is in lavor ot me use
of both gold and si Iver a-i money, and con
demusthe policy of the democratic adminis
tration in li enorts to oemouetie sliver.
We demand the reduction of letter postage
to l e nl per ounce.
ii a republic like ours, w here the citizen is
the hovert-igli and the otllelal the cerviint.
w here no pow er is exercised except by the w ill
of the people, it is important that the sover
eign eople should possesn Intelligence. The
tree school is the promoter ot lliai intelligence
w Ii ich is to preserve us a n ee hat ion. j nere-
fore. the state or nation, or both conbined,
should support free Institution of learning
siiMiclen t to allord to eyci y child growing up
in the land the opportunity of a good common-
school education.
We earnestly recommend that prompt action
be taken iu confess in t he ei act incut of such
legislation as will best secure the rehabilita
tion of our American merchant marine, and
we protest against the passage by eongreHs of
a tree ship bill as calculated to work injustice
to labor by lessening the wages of those en
gaged in preparing materials as well as those
directly employed In our shipyards. vv e de
mand appropriations lor the early reminding
of our navy, for the construction of coast
lortiftcations and modern ordinance and other
approved modern mea'is of defense for the
protection ot our defenseless linroors and
cities, for the payment of just pensions to; our
soldiers, for necessary works of national im
portance in the improvement of the harbors
ami: channels of iuternal, -oast wiser and
foreign commerce, for the encouragement of
the shipping interests of the Atlantic, (iulf
and I'acille states as well as, for tUe payment
of the maturing public debt. This policy will
give employment to our labor, activity to our
various industries, increased security to our
country, promote trade, open new and direct
markets for our products and cheapen the cost
of transportation. We aflirm this to be far
better for our country than tne democratic
policy of loaning the government's money
without interest to "pet banks."
The conduct of foreign a If airs by the present
administration has been distinguished by inef
ficiency and cowardice. Having withdrawn
from the senate all pending treaties effected
by republican administratioi s for the removal
of foreign burdens and restrictions upon our
coinmeice and for its extension into a better
market, H has neither affected nor proposed
any ot hers in their stead. Professing adher
ence to the Monroe doctrine, tt lias seen with
idle complacency the extension of foreign in
lluence in Central America and of foreign trade
everywhere among our neighbors. It has re
fused to charter, sanction or encourage any
American organizytion for constructing the
Nicaragua canal, a work ot vtal importance to
t be maintenance of the Monroe doctrine and
of our national inlluenee in Central and South
America, and necessary for the development
of trade with our I'acitie territory, with South
America, and with the further coasts of the
I'acille Ocean.
We arraign the present democratic adminis
tration for its weak and unpatriotic treatment
of the fisheries question, and its pusillanimous
surrenderor all pnvileg to which our lisnery
vessels are en lii led in Canadian ports under
the treaty of jsls, the reciprocate marin
tine legislation of IKiii and comity of nations.
and which Canadian lishing vessels receive in
the ports of the vnited States. We con Jemn
thelailievof the present administration and
the democratic majority in congress towards
our fisheries as unfriendly and conspiciouslv
unpatriotic and as tending to destroy a valuable
n at ional industry ai id an iudispensible resource
of defense against foreign enemy.
The name of American applies- alike to all
cilizens of the rep.iblie. and imposes upon men
alike the same obligation of obedience to the
awe. A t tiie same time ci' izenship is and must
he the panoply and safeguard of him who weais
it, should shield and protect mm w neuier iiiltii
or low. rich or poor, in till his civil rights, it
should and must allord him protection at home
and follow and protect him abroad in whatever
land he may ne on a law nil errand.
The ii::?n who abandoned the republican par
ty in lssl and co.ili'iue to adhere to the deiuo
c'ratic party have deserted not only the cause
of honest government, but of sound finance, of
freedom rand purity of the ballot, but espec
ially have deserted the cau.e of reform in the
civil service. We will not fall to keep our
pledges because t' ev have broken theirs, or
because their candidate has broken his. We
therefore repeat our declaiatiou of ISst.towit :
the reform 01 civil service auspiciously negun
under lemiblicati administration should be
completed bv a further extension of th" reform
sj stem already established by law to all grades
ot me service to w nicn it is applied, a ne spir
it and purpose of reform should be observed in
all executive appointments, and all laws at
varience with the object of existing reform leg
islation should be repealed, and that the dan
gers to free institutions which lurk in the pow
er I nlicial pa'ronage may ue wisely and ef
fectively avoided. '
The gratitude of the n:tIon to the defenders
of the union cannot be assured except by laws.
The legislation of congress should conform to
the pledges made by a loyal people, and be so
enlarged and exteuued as to prov'de against
the possibility that any man who honorably
wore the federal uniform shall become an In
mate of an almshouse or dependent on t rivate
charity. In the presence of an ovci flowing
treasury it would b a public scandal to do less
for those w hose valorous service preserved the
government. We denounce the hostile spirit
show n by ''resident Cleveland In his numerous
vetoes of measures for pension relief, and the
action of the democrat ic house of representa
tives in refusing even consideration of general
pension legislation.
In support of the principles herewith enun
ciated, we invite the co-operation of patriotic
men of all parlies, especially of all working
men whose prosperity u seriously threatened
by the free trade policy of tne present admin
istration. They are gatUering from the hill tops ;
hey are gathering from the plain,
hey are gathering as they wou'd have rallied
around the man from Maine.
Have you noticed the crowds that
are persistently calling Genl. Harrison to
the front door.'
The coal miner from Indiana hit the
nail on the head, w hen he said; "Free
"trade will bring us low wages and a bad
"smell in the butter."
One would surely think Mr. Cleveland
was running in Great Britain did tkjy
not know the voting yas all done
this side the great pond.
The New York Tribune's "09" "Eng
land's only choice" is a reyalation that is
agitating democratic circles in a way
that is interesting to behold.
AVhex the American iecp!s raise their
hats to the first man of this continent in
New York harbor we immagine the great
Cartholdi's mouumcnt will wave the old
flag with her extended arm in acknol
edgement to the eejjtiinent that Ameri
can industries are to be protected for
American workingnien and that he who
comes like a conquering hero will be
their chiefest champion. Welcome Mr.
It is not very comforting to our free
trade neighbors to have the cold facts,
in figures, placed before them on the tar
iff question. False assertions, from Gro
ver Cleveland down, on Ihe industrial
question will be the order of the day and
the country may as rell understand this
now at the commencement of the cam
paign Go on gentlemen the working
men of.thia country understand you. and
v, ill settle with you in good time.
Republican State Convention.
The republican electors of the f-tfite of
Nchruska nre requested to scii'I delegates
from their several counties to meet in
convention at the city of Lincoln Thurs
day, August 2,1, 18SS, at 2 o'clock p. in.,
for the purpose of placing iu nomination
candidates for the following ftate oilices.
Lieutenant Governor.
Secretary of State.
State Treasurer.
Auditor of Public Accounts.
Attorney General.
Commissioner of Public Lands and
And the transaction of such other busi
ness as may come before the convention.
The several counties are entitled to re
presentation as follows, being based upon
the vote cast fur Hon. Samuel Maxwell,
judge, in 1 S87, giving one delegate at
large to each county, and for each 150
votes, and major fraction thereof:
rot' NT IKS.
Adams ,
Keyha l'alia.
Lancaster.. ..
Mcl'lierson ..
Nemaha .
Nuckolls... .
Antelope !
Arthur I
lllaiue 'J
... s
... 4
Itox I'.utte.
Buffalo ...
Cheyenne. .
Co; fax
Dundy . .
Fillmore. . .
Crteley ....
Hamilton ..
Hitchcock .
Jetlerson ..
. 8
. ii
. 8
. 1
. !l
. a
. 8
. 5
. 4
. f.
. 7
. 7
. S
7, Pawnee
. "I Perkins
17; Pierce
. 511'olk
. -jITalfe
. s: Phelps
. r, Kiclianlson.
.Pj Hed Willow..
. 4jSarpy
. TjSeward
.10 Sheridan.
. '.fisherman .. .
. 1!) sioux .. .
. . 3 tanton
... 5 Thayer
,.. liThomas
. 4; Valley
. . ll Washington
... X' Webster
. .. 4 Wheeler
, .. ii York
. . .14 Unorganized Ter...
.. ), Total
It is recommended that no proxies be
admitted to the convention except such as
are held by persons residing in the coun
ties from which the proxies are given.
To Chairmen Count' Central Commit
Whereas, At the republican state con
vention held at Linc oln October 5, 1887
the following resolution was adopted:
liesolcttl, That the state central com
mittee be instructed to embrace in its call
for the next state convention the submis
sion of the prohibition question to there
publican voters at the republican pri
Therefore, in accordance with the
abovo resolution, the several county cen
tral committees are hereby instructed to
include in their call for their next county
convention the submission of the prohi
bition question to the ftEirr.Lic.vx voters
at the republican primaries.
Geo. D. Meiklejohn, Chairman.
Wai.t. M. Seelfv, Secretary.
Mk. Blaine litis been coaching through
England and Scotland at the expense of
Mr. Carnegie. Journal.
We suppose the Journal measures its
readers' intelligence by its editorial stand
ard. Such watery falsehoods are wor
thy the barroom loafer.
W hen a democratic journal gets so
far gone" on the tariff question that it
refers to the difference between England
and Mexico in industrial affairs as an ar
gument why free trade should be adopted
in this country it is high time for the in
sane commission to sit, The matter
should not be postponed, Mr. Showalter
do your duty.
It is predicted by ticn. Harrison's law
partner that the soldier vote of Indiana
will be cast solidly for the Republican
ticket this year, regardless of past politi
cal affiliations. And, by the way, what
excuse can a soldier in any state give for
voting ihe democratic ticket, and thus
indorsing Cleveland's shameful record as
a pension vetoer?
The Journal does not like our figures
and cites as an offset to their cold un
friendly presence, that somebody con
demned the course of the Inter Ocean
a few years ago. That's a pretty good
dough-face argument against the figures.
Don't whine about the Inter Ocean but
face the figures, yir. Journal ! They
speak a language exceedingly plain and
The high smelling record of Grover
Cleveland's administration fills four full
pages pf the New York Tribune and as
a fateful accideat wa issued the same
day Mr. Cleveland's last civil service
message was pomulgated as an electione
ering document. The refuse was light
ened by the sickly; cowardly, dishonest
message. All the presidents, since the
days of Jackson, put together, have not
appointed as many rascals to office. The
Tribune gives the names and characters
of the rotten crew with the newspaper
exposes, dates and numbers which is
largely democratic authority. This ex
posure has paralyzed the mugwump news
papers of New York, who are dumb in
its presence. The panorama of frauds is
a general rogues gallery and is said to
upset the president more completly than
anything that has happened during his
administration; it cannot be answered, it
cannot be explained; like the mackeral
it feliincs and stinks, and stinks and shines.
The American mechanic not only gets
better wages under our system of protec
tion but he is a better man in every way
his food is better; his home is better,
his family have greater advantages and
more comforts; he buys his supplies and
the implements of his trade for less mon
ey than his brother England who gets
less wages and has a harder time living in
every respect. Does anyone with regard
for the truth doubt these facts? We
rather guess not.
When Mr. Mills was cornered in the
house debate and competed to admit that
the dark lantern bill was changed to suit
Havenryer and his sugar trust and that
Ilavernyer was consulted by the commit
tee, the northern doughface democracy,
as represented in congress, made no pro
test. The inexhorable caucus machine
bound them hand and foot and its liga
ments of steel will only be broken, w hen
the people next November set the mis re
presentatives free by refusing to return
them. Down with the doughface, we
say !
"IIevence reformers" are not for free
trade, Oh, No ! They want protection
enough, and only so much, as will furnish
enough revenue to pay the running ex
penses of the government. They are
against the principle of protection. Mr.
Cleveland iu his surplus message con
demns t lie principles of protection and
calls it iniquitous. This message is made
a part of the democratic platform; yet,
Mr. Cleveland and the politicans of his
party, in the presence of anarrouscd peo
ple, are denying, like Peter of old. Rev
enue reform" unfortunately means free
trade and the people know it.
Those ancient free trade chestnuts
about blankets, quinine and steel rails,
have been so thoroughly exploded our
free trade enemy has to fall back on gor
tried quotations lrom Uarticld and emi
nent icpublicans. In the meantime Mr.
Cleveland is steadily vetoing the war
widows claims and hunting up their anti
bellum bad characters upon which to
base his vetoes. Mr, Cleveland is not
entirely unfamiliar with that phase of
human nature and is somewhat of an ex
pert when it comes down to ferreting
such characters. Brave pure man (?) hr
can't stand that sort of thing.
The Journal boasts that the Mills bill
reduces the average rate of duty only
5 per cent, and points with pride to the
reduction of the duty on rice and sugar.
Can the Journal explain why sugar and
rice are left with high duty and wool
placed on the free list? Rice is reduced
to a 100 per cent, duty and sugar left
well protected. Dare the Journal admit,
as Mr. Morresy of the World has admit
ted, that this discrimination in favor of
the southern products is a defenseless
outrage? It was done to favor a section
and catch votes enough to save the Mills
Those who are crying free whisky to
the rtpublicaus will please read the fol
lowing: "We declare for the immediate
abolition of the internal revenue system,
whereby our national government is de
riving support from our greatest national
vice." Prohibition Platform.
"If there shall still remain a larger re
venue than is requisite for the wants of
the government, we favor the entire re
peal of the internal taxes rather than sur
render any part of our protective system
at joint behest of the whisky trust and
the agents of foreign manufacturers."
In the face of the above how silly and
nonsensical the cry of free whisky be
comes. A man who has the elements of
fairness in liis make-up, will cease to use
it in an argument.
The Journal wants to know why
Mexico is not better off than it is, as it is
a high tariff country. We will answer:
Twelve years ago Mexico did not have a
tariff that would support her government,
laborers only got J 2$ cents per day.
Since she has taxed exery thing 100 pei
cent, she has commenced to build mauu
facturies, the country is prcspcrjng and
labor has triblcd as the cheapest labot
that can be had today is 37 cts. per day.
and if she keeps up her high tariff, rail
roads will be built and manufacture.1
will rise up and it will be one of the
grandest countries pn the face of the
globe, so much for high tariff and pro
tection. The following figures should be of
some interest to Hon. R. Q. Mills. They
are taken from the Texas Lice Stock
Journal. They show he prices of Texas
wool in 1881 and IS, and the amount
which this wool would bring now if the
Mills bill were law and wool placed on
the free list:
Free Wool. lsSS. ISM.
Western Texas cc l-j'iC 1
Choice eiirht months.... 7' jc lt".c 2?c
Choice twelve months.. 8c I7c 25c
In ISiH, two years before the duty on
wol was lowered to present rates, that
product brought about o0 per cent mon
in the market than it does now. If the
house bill should be enacted the price of
wool would drop to about half present
rates, and thousands of wool growers in
Texas and other states would be impov
erished. The most sensible thing for
Roger to do under the circumstances
would be to use all his eloquence and per
suasiveness to get the senate to defeat the
Mills bill. Globe Dera.
Daily delegations from surrounding
states and localities wait on (Jen. Harrison
who receives all and who has already
become famous fur the brilliant and ver
satile qualities of the m oiy short, ;
protntu, addresses he has already made.
That made to a delegation of miners on
the 'ilh inst. contains inure st atcsiuau-
sliip and more loyalty to A mcricati inter
ests than Srover Cleveland is capable of
comprehending were he to live a rent ury.
Presenting the delegation of smne :!Mt(
cod miners from Clay county, a miner
named Edward Wilson, said:
The miners have come here to take a
bund in procuring the bread ami butter
mentioned by our chairman. 1'n e trade
will bring us low wages nnd a very strong
smell in the butter. We did not leave
the shores of the old country to be bossed
ill this land by foreigners. Wu believe
in America for Americans. Those who
want a foreign policy ought to go abroad
to live. The highest wages for miners in
Southern England is 1 2 cent?, and
the highest wages in England for mining
is $1 fi day, and half of this goes for
bread. We can make as much in Ameri
ca in one day as in two in the old coun
try. Let us vote to make a demand for
our commodity labor. We intend to
vote this time for our wives and children.
We are going to take a hand in this
Robert Lee McCowan, a colored man.
of Knightsville, also maelu remarks ex
pressive of the esteem in which General
Harrison is held in Clay county. Gener
al Harrison saiel in reply:
Gentlemen, and friends from Clay
county: I thank you for this enthusiastic
demoiitiiition of your interest. I am
glael to be assured by those who have
spoken for you today that you have
brought here and desire to evidence some
personal respect forme. This demonstra
tion has relation, I am sure, rather to
principles than to men. You come here
as representatives of the diversified inter
ests of your country. You are fortunate
in already possessing diversified indus
tries. You have not only agriculture,
l)..t the mine and factory, which provide
home markets for the products of your
farms. You come, as I understand, from
all these pursuits to declare that in your
opinion your interests as farmers, as min
ers, as mechanics, as tradesmen, are iden
tified with the maintenance of the doc
trine, of protection to American indut ics,
and the preservation of the American
market for American products. (Cheers.:
Some resort to statistics to show that the
condition of the American workman is
better than that of workmen of tiny other
country. I elo not care to deal now with
statistics. One fact is enough for me.
The tide of immigration from all Euro
pean countries has been and is toward
our shores. The gates of Castle Garden
swing inward. They do not swing ottt
waril to any American laborer seeking a
better country than this. (Cries of
My countrymen, these men, who have
toiled at vagcs in other lands that barely
sustained life, and opened no avenue of
promise to them or their children, know
the good laiul of hope as well as tin
swallow knows the land of summer.
( Applause. ) They testify that here there
ire better conditions, wider and more
hopeful prospects for workmen than in
any other land.
The next suggestion I have to make is
this: That the more work there is to elo
in this country, the higher the wagis that
will be pa'nt for doing it. (Applause.)
I speak to men who know that when tlie
product of their toil is in demand in the
market, when buyers are seeking it.
wages advance with the demand, but
when the market for your product is de
pressed and the manufacturer is begging
for buyers, then the wages go elown. 1
it not clear then that that policy which
secures the largest amount of work to lie
done at home is the policy wdiich will
secure to our laboring men stead' em
ployment and the best wages. (Cheers
and cries of "that is right."; A policy
which will transfer work from mines and
our factories to foreign mines and foreign
factories inevitably tends to the elepres
sion c.f wages hero. (Applause.)
TI b;e ate truths that elo not need pro
found study. Having here a laml that
throws about the working man social
anel political conelitions more favorable
than are founel elsewhere, if we can pre
serve also more favorable industrial con
ditions we shall secure the highest inter
ests of our working classes. ( Great cheer
ing.) What, after all, is the best evidence
of a national prosperity anel best guaran
tee of social order it' it is not an intelli
rrent, thrifty, contented working class?
Can we look for contentment if the work
man is only able to supply his daily nec
essities by his elaily toil, but is not able
in the vigor of his youth to lay up a store
against old age? A condition of things
that compels the laborer to contemplate
want as an incident of sickness or disa
bility is cue that tends to social disorder.
(Applause and cries of "That's so." ) You
are called upen now to consider these
problems. I Mill not debate them in de
tail. Others will. I can only commend
them to your thoughtful consideration.
Think upon them; concluele for yourseves
what policy as to our tariff legislation
will best subserve your interests, the in
terests of your faaiihes, and the greatness
and glory of the nation of which you arc
citizens. (Cheers.)
My colored friends who are here today,
the emancipation of the slaye removed
from our country that which tended to
degrade labor. Men are now all free.
You are thro wn upon your own resources.
The avenues of intelligence and of busi
ness success are open to all. I notice
that the party to which we belong lias
been recently reproached by the sugges
tion that we have not thoroughly pro
tected the colored man in the south.
This has been urged as a reason why the
colored people should join the elemocrat
ic party. I beg the gentlemen who urge
that plea to answer this question: Against
whom is it that the republican party .has
been unable, as you say, to protect your
race? (Applause and cries of "Good."
"Good.") Thanking you again for this
demonstration and your friendly expres
sions, I will, if it be your pleasure, drop
this f i tiial tin thod of coiiuiiutiicatiop,
and take my Clay county friends by tin:
hands. ( ( ! rent cheering. )
This short, terse, 1 1 ' in h int, vh w of
the situation by Mr. Harrison should be
placed in the hands f every winking
man in America. How well it leads
along ide of one of G rover ( b v ! uid's
plageri-ius '
Tin: inexcusable coward ice of the
not tliwe.-teiii democratic press is what
brings ami always lias brought, tint
charg.- of doughface against that disloyal
branch of the deinorraiic party, disloyal
to the interests of tin: section to which it
In longs. Every outrage upon the c iti
zen at tin south is denied with an elfron
tcry that is simply sickening, while tin:
more manly press of the south stand up
and attempt to justify ballot box shilling,
bulldozing and political minders, for
democracy's sake. It s a rate thing to
find a democratic paper at the north even
willing to admit that such practices exist
at the south. At the last election in
Louisiana the governor of that state sent
a communication to the supervisors of
election iu the different parishes noti
fying them that Mr. Wtirinouth the re
publican candidate was devclloping un
expected strength and that large demo
cratic majorities must be returned; and,
saying to his henchmen "titit tin- lam
must he stisjH nded" until the danger was
past; the result was the votes for the re
publican candidate were not even count
ed, but stupendous majorities were re
turned for Mr. Nichols which caused the
democratic press of Louisiana to portest
ag.dnst the farce. Who has heard of a
democrat ic newspaper out-side o f perhaps
the World and tun. of New York, even
admit, let alone condemn, this Louisiana
election outrage and farce? A commit
tee of the senate reported the oth:-r day
oa the Jackson outrage and sho .v con
clusively how Mr. ( 'lcveland's i.ppoinlei
I'nitcd States ollie-ers, participated in Iho
complete disfranchisement of the rut ire.
colored vote of .Lu kson in a recent elec
tion, yet, no one expects to hear or read
a democratic newspaper in Nebraska,
even, admit the truth of the Jackson af
fair. To '' about it to their readers or
condone it, is the mission of the average
democratic newspaper in the north. This
was always the case in shivery days and
was the cause of old Horace Greely at
taching the oboxious epithet "dough fac:"'
to the northern democratic press. lu
national affairs when the north w:ix slap
petl in the face, insulted, their members
assaulted and brutally beaten in their
seats, at the national capital a cowardly
northern democrat ic press was always
found condoning anil defending their
southern masti is. So it is today Mr.
Cleveltinel and the n.ineiritv of democrat
ic members of congress from the fVee
north, are found us clay in Lin i.-imi: oi
the solid south, ready to swallow and en
dorse any m asure ordered by a caucus
ruled by that section; hence the Mil's
bill was accepted and supported by
northern men w ho knew it was unfair and
unju.-t in its provisions to their setcion
of the union, even if they endorsed the
revenue policy of their party. The not th-
rn democratic eelitor has no business to
whine when the term doughface is applied,
to his clar:. ' '
The Journal seems to immagine that
the working men of Plattsinouth are not
right bright. From a free trade fact he
states his proposition that "the object of
protection is to raise the price on manu
factured goods." The Journal ought to
know better than this. The working men.
know better, Then the Juuntai fuiihe,'
says the working man has nothing but
his labor to sell. Well suppose he has
nothing but his labor to sell; the Jour
nal would destroy that vidue to the
working man and it is that commodity
that the republican party defend?. In
defending It, both the man that Wt.-a
anel the man that hires and pays have got
to be protected. Does the democratic
party propose to keep out the cheap la
bor of Europe Not much ! It is in
different on that score. - Tin: work in"
men of this country unelerstand that un
less the manufacturer is protected their
wages go down to the English scale and,
that the necessaries of life will cosi them,
then, just as much, with that low scale,
as it does today with almost double th
Englishman's wages. No amount oT
hog-wash will got the Amerian working
man's attention from the main question
and fool him iuto cutting his own throat
by supporting a party that says our ho;:.o
markets should be broken down. Tho
working man becomes very much fti"u-
eel by such arguments.
Gkovek Daal ! I didn't know there
was so many sheep in the country.
Danl--Yes Groyer ! There be many-
sheep anel many shepherds and I fear me,
urover, that between the butting of the
hee-p and the kicking of the shepherds
there will be a very large Hock of demo
cratic lambs left out in the cold next
Grover Well Danl ! It docs bed
look wooley. I guess we had belt'
up a civil service letter to the wu
That is about tli3 only way we
the wool over the eyes of the v "
Dan in search of a dictionar
pedia. )
. .