Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, August 02, 1888, Image 1

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1 I
$2.00 I'KIt ANNUM.
I I 51 I I
: 1 ;
v If
ex -
1 1
Absolutely Pure.
Tliis powder never varies. A marvel of pur
It V, Mrciigi h ami wholesonieness. More ecu
iii.ii, leal tli. 'tu 1 1 1 oi l inary kin (Is, and cannot be
Kohl in compel it ion witli the mull iliiUe of low
tent, .short wi-ight ilium or plnisphati owleis.
Sold o'il v In e .i.s. Hhval Hakim; 1'owdkk
Co..ieuWall.St. New York. 3i'tW
Police .lillgc,
M :ti shall.
F. M. Kicli KV
- jajikj Pa ri K.K.soN, .i k.
- liVlto.V Olakk
- A Maihh.k
S ("1,1 t'I'OKU
V 11 Mai.ick
Coiiucilinen, 1st war. I, -( 'A samsucka.
.,, .. 1 M JoNKS
Hi:. A Silt I'M AN'
t M II MunrilV
..lit S V Dl'TToN
11 ll.
1 P Mi, I'kks
.1 W Johns n,Ciiaik.m an
(.1 w 1'i'h. Works-? Kkki
I) U
KKII (iOltllK.K
(ibUjT,llV OKFIGJcliS.
Deputy Treasurer, -
Deputy Chi k.
Kccordcr of Deeds
DepiUV lieeol'der
Clerk of District Co art,
Short!!, -Surveyor,
Silpt. of Pub. Schools.
County Ju Igo.
l'.OAlill OK sur
A P.. T''', Ch'i) -.
i r.t. ih i''iHV : -
1). A. Cam fttKi.i.
mm t'ltiTciinKi.n
V. H. 1'OOL
V. C. Showai.tkk
Al.l.KN liK.KSOJ,'
Mav.n aui Spin k
'ef)iui; Wnter
K i m wood
VasV l.oDCrK No. Hi;. 1. (. ). K. -Meets
v-'every Tuesilay evening of each week. All
transient brothers are ierieclful!y invited to
A (. F.. meet- eery altt.iiiMt.i l'l'iday in
f.'i.."., ii.oi.ti. in liie. ' MaMnih; llaii. Visitin;,'
Jsrothefs are i'lviteil to
rruao i.odck no. hi, a. o. v. w. Meets
every aHerllat Kri.lay evening at, K. of 1.
hall. Transient brothers are respeeUiiIJy in
vited to attend. K.J. Morgan, Master Workman ;
K. S. Han-tow, Foreman ; Frank Brown, Over
neer ; 1. 15;wen, tWilde ; tieoie lloiitiworth.
Kecorder ; II. .1. J.-Unson, Financier; Wash.
ISmilh, Ueeeiver ; M. Maybiiuht. I'aft M. W. ;
Jack Jaugherty, Inside liunnl.
V' oi Vmeriya Meets second and fourth Mon
t ay eveiiinu: at K. of 1. hall. All transient
brothers are requested to meet with u. I.. A.
Newcomer, Veuerable ('onsul ; !. K, Nile,
Worthy Adviser ; S. C. Wilde, hanker ; W. A.
lioeck. Clerk .
A Meet every alternate Friday evening at
Kockwood hall at o'c'.ock. All transient hroth
er.i j-.-e n.jiH'.fuily invited to attend. I.. S.
l ':tiBi'n,'M. W. : F. I'.oyd. Forcniau : S. C.
Wilde. l:euoruer ; Leonard Anderson. Overseer.
1I. VTI S.MOCTH l.OIJOK NO. f., A. F. & A. M.
- Meets on the first and third Mondays of
each month at their hall. All transient broth
ers are cordially inited to meet with us.
.1. HiriiKV, W. M.
W m. Hays. Secretary. .
4 M eij se.'.oiid and fourth Tuesday of each
pumiTi at MiifOirn Hull. Triinscient brothers
are invited to meet with us.
F. K. HITK, 11. P.
Wm. IIavs, Secretary.
Jl-Meet first and third Wednesday iiiht of
each month at M iso .'shall. Visiting brothers
are cordiallv iuvilcd to meet w ilh us.
W.m. ilAVS,Rec. F. K. Whitk. b. C.
i a s . ( o r x c i b n o . 1 1 1 i , n o v a i , nc vnum
V : nibets'the second and fourth Slondas of
Ijich mouth at Areanum Hall.
K. N. Olf.NN, Kegent.
r. C. MiN'oit. Secretary.
J. W. Johnson ....
C. S. Twiss Senior
F. A. Bat its Junior
;?0. NlLKrt
. ..Odicerof the i-ay.
" Ouard
Ser;-t Major.
c'ha'ui.k FottD
"J A;OB t.OHI!' -UMAX. .
Master ert.
ost Chaidaiu
I.. C. Cuurts....
Meeting sat nrday evening
Tr..ii.lpnt llobt. IS Wiudham
1st Vice l'resident
'nd Vice rresident
T a isrrei
A Ii. iodd
...Win Neville
.. F. Herrmann
F. It. Cuthiuan
I C li;ehev. F. K. White. J . C. Patterson,
i A Conner, 15. Klson, C. W. Shermau, F. tlov-
r.J. V. Weckbach.
I AS. S. MATH K s. Attorney at Law. Offlee
over Feier Merge "s store, north side of
M nu uelweia Etli and tth street.
A. HAIMTOAN, Lawyer, Fitz-erald's
ltl.-,.-L- 11 jrtcmont h NnltrHsli:!. l'ro!allt
ami careful attention to a general jawjgut:ng
P R. WlNHilAM, lioJX A. DA VIES,
KVtary fublio. Kotar' Public.
itomoys - cxt - XiavT.
e over Hank of Ca& County.
NjH, - - Neep.aska
Tho Text Book Convention.
Tlie 'I'txt liook (''iivt-ntioii falleil ly
County !ui.i intenilciit Sniiik, ton vctiod
at Louisville, July the 2-Stli.
Coii vtiitioii was callcil to ortler nt 10
o'clock a. in., ly HupcriiitciKU'iit Sjiink,
atiil organized ly electing tlie .suoerinten
dent cliairinan and 1). V. Curtis, secretary.
Itcinark.s were made liy the chairman,
ex-County Suiicrindent Alton, Prof. Sut
ton, and others of the delegates, in regard
to the work of the convention.
A motion was made liy Prof. Sutton,
of Louisville, seconded ly I lev. Cyrus
Alton, of Eltnwood, that the county .su
perintendent appoint a committee of four,
witli the county superintendent as chair
man ot said recommend leg
islation securing a uniformity of text
1 ooks. Motion prevailed.
A motion was made by Mr. Shryoek,
of Louisville, that the county superin
tendent recommend to distric ts contemp
lating a change of text Iooks, that they
secure such books as will tend to uniform
ity. Kev. Alton offered t lie following as
a substitute:
Jitsolnetf, That the county superinten
dent secure a list of the hooks adopted
in each school, and le prepared tq give
any needful information to interested
districts in regard to uniforimty of text
The resolution was carried, A motion
to adjourn until two o'clock prevailed
aftf.unoon session.
Convention was called to order at two
o'clock p. in. by Chairman Spink.
The delegates then resolved themselves
into a committee of the whole to discuss
the question of unifornrtj" of text books.
Quite an animated discussion took paee,
as to the desindiiliiy, advisability,
etc , of uniformity, and the best way to
reach such conclusion.
Delegate Gilbert, of Greenwood, offer
ed the following resolution:
Sesolced, That this con" ".
the lerisW" -,ltlon petition
..e, to adopt the "Kansas
Law," regarding uniformity.
D. W. Curtis moved to amend ly hav
ing the comrtitttee, to whom was referred
the duty &i memorializing the legislature,
instructed to urge the advisability of the
"Kansas Law."
It was moved and seconded to table
the orginal motion. Motion prevailed.
On motion the convention then ad
journed sine die,
U W. Cuiitis, Sec.
To Whom It May Concern.
The undersigned hereby offer to play
a series of games of croquette with ivny
other two, four, or six persons in the state
of Nebraska; the loser to pay for ft sup
per for all the playej.s. naicl games to be
played &n the grounds of W. AV. Hull in
Plattsmouth, Neb., according to the rules
of said grounds, arid the supper to be
prepared at the Riddle house in Platts
mouth. Our players in each game to be
selected from our number: Dan'l Smith,
J. S. Iiurwell, Jesse Burwell, A. B. Knotts,
Mathew Gering, W. W. Hull, P. P. Gass,
S. P. Vanatta, A. B. Todd, Byron Clark,
D. A. Miller, Benj. Elson, U. V. Mathews.
Inquire of S. P. Vanatta, Atty.
A Hen Proolem
Two women each had thirty hens.
Oue sold hers at two for $1 the other at
three for $1. They determined to sell
them together and divide the money.
The first lot should have brought $15
and the second lot $10, making $2. in
all, but the man who bought them said
that selling two for $1 and three for $1
was the same as selling five for $2, so he
paid 24 for the sixty hens. What be
came of the other dollar.
Must HaveOrde.r.
"Gentlemen," said the justice of the
peace. '"J I;aye a word to say."
"I want to know why there is so much
noise here."
"I have only to say that this hubbub
must cease at oncu I have already dis
posed of three imjortut cases without
hearing a word of the evidence."
Silence. Lincoln Journal.
He Was Truthful-
"Bilkins, I hear that you are the author
of that lie about me that i.s now being
"What lie?"
"To the effect that I have three wives
"It's a mistake. I tell no lies,"
"Then you deny starting the story f"
"Xq. But I dony telling a falsehood."
Unfortunately True.
Though men perspire and the sun afire.
And the atmosphere af!mne.
It 1 never too hot. by a lonn. long shot
For the great American game.
i:o?ton Courier.
The Omaha Weekly Bee and erafa?
till January 1st. only 75 cts.
Pleasure of limit In;; on the Pacific Count.
Voire of a Dying Victim Kxpcrleiice of
mii Cnthiishislio Ki (jliHliman I-issoinjf
an Anjjry Hour.
Tlio following day ivt found hor.sea ut tho
thvir unit u ).-ic!c of Imur.ds. "I nm 'in to
show you, ;.;'.':it lc::icii," mid oar lnst, '&"ino
California MKirt after ir.y own ideas. Drii's
uj tho hor.yjs. Dub," Le nhouted, ami I'ob
l'lrllivvilu led i!j three trmstan fully sad
dled, that ui;oai'e 1 to h ive been kept in I ho
Ma Id a for ni'inihs on ti l.i 5!i!y esci'.aide diet
for nr c.;iio i..l l:er.i lit.
Finally w. iiio.i'i: 1. r.nd th" host put LSm
na,; s.t lie) f 'nee .sever.-. 1 1 ;::a'S, j.i-.t to
Ui::i up. '';vj,';ilui.-'i," lio said, as we
I. (tied ;t!on;j the h:;l'd foad, "iLo count I'V out
hci'eu v. ay i wi ll Mi;vii;. d with jack ii!..-!.:ts,
and t i:i seli-ni'j i:- l'j lido liji'io down on
h i.-M.-l;a'U ami tkoot t':ie;!i v.itb t'.i" rif!-."
rolidif-l l!,:d Tii;;i!ie.'. us with i il'iey niid,
li!.:-certain I'k kwicki.-ui;;. u e t ;v in l or it.
'1 i. t-oantry wn --utly iii'liu;;. mid wo
..i i :;:ne o;;D inl a I u- with ati'ijts
if '.eta, here and t':e:c. Ail at onco a
l.rovtn civ::lii:e. wiiii lilac!: i. darU-1
i;'. :...d ia a moment -va-s ui.'sy like a fia.sli.
liie hor-ici caught the i;ife;';;ou, iiud i i a
c'o:id ivtro ii-.nn a dead i ti.i, fairly crazed
.v:tli excitement, siiai iin,;, tlii-ir eyes iikuii;,
in 1 I'iiiuniij 1 i o tho wind.
"Look out f . holes.'-' shouted the colonel,
is his liorau took u liad;-',t:r liuiro.v. Hut it
.us tiK lat-j; U" if tl.'O nrisranjs lan.leil
!:eo deep in u burrow, stopped short, w hilj
the rider kept on. lk wjs an old hand r.t
this s r: f tkiii, '..j'.M'ver, and clearing hi:n
st if mere! y landed on his feet and ran twenty
nr thirty lct to return and c::ar:ihio tho
mount. Luckily, no l.oues wire broken, nud
leaping into tho saddle the Held was away
a;-:iin. Tho jack had iseap-.vl in tho mean
tune, but iiiiothcr tool: lu-s place, ui:d horses
and riders were .soo.i makin;; tue hard ground
shako. To hit u:i animal so : -mail as a rabbit,
at full run, with n rill -, was seemingly an
irnjiosaibiiity, yen the valiant colonel did it.
His horse took-him y. tr.cuty feet of tho
living jack, when, dropping tho lines, ho
raised tho light weapon which had been hnuj;
upon tho saddle, and in tin offhand way lired.
'I'll j'tok buunded. three (oet pirq tj u- iiia
a ball, and f jU1 ijitMlliiJii '
''I'jiO i'iilo va '
---'" .utu with fchot, colonel,"
-uuuieJ some one. ''One shot," laughed the
colonel, as ho stooped from the saddle and
picked up tho game by tho ears. "It's mere
practice; any one can do it, but I will confess
I have been about ten years getting into the
habit. There goes another!-' and away went
the horses, who knew a rabbit half a mile
away, and enjoyed the sport as much as the
riders. Jacks appeared as if by magic; every
bush seemed to afford cover for one or more.
The sharp reports of repeating rifles began
to sound in rapid succession, and little clouds
of dust puffs like smoke rose hers and there
all about the flying game, showing how diffi
cult a thiug it was to hit such a mark.
'There is no use in trying to take accurate
aim," said tho "shot," as tho horsr s came up
and rounded to. "It is a matter of intuition,
I believe. I take no aim, but point the riSo
where I think the rabbit will bo when the
bullet gets there, and in some way they man
age to make coitneetion."
Riding across country at such a ppeed in
the clear, bracing air was a most exhilarat
ing sport, and the excitement it caused was
astonishing. Tho horses fairly went mad.
There is something unpleasantly human
about the voice of a, dying jack. The first I
ever took in coursing was in tho valley, and
my greyhound had started to the east and
gone oiit of sight. ' deep arroyo stopped
uiy horse, and I was nding in the saddle
trying to follow her with my eyes when I
heard piercing screams and then moans from
the road directly behind me. Thinking that
a child had been run ever or injured in some
way, I dropped into the saddlo and made for
the road, to find my dog standing over a
dead jack. Sho had circled and turned Lira,
and brought it to a finish immediately be
hind me. Often when shot on the run the
jack will utter a piercing, half human shriek,
and bound into the air to fail dead; so to an
oversensitive person tho slaughter of hun
dreds is by no means a pleasant sight.
As the hot sun begai. to pour down e
wended our way buck to the ranch, and
vhiled the time away listening to the yarns
reeled off by the colonel, whose experience
had been rich and raejr.
"Talking about sport," he said, "reminds
mo of a little experience I had with an
Englishman some yours ago up in tho main
range. Ho came clown from 'Frisco with a
letter of introduction to me, and wanted to
get into the heart of tho big game country.
It so, happened that I had 400 or 500 head of
cattle up a valley and a camp there; so I took
him up and introduced him to half a dozen
cowboys regular old timers and they
guaranteed to show him all the bear he
wanted. They got it into his head that it
was unsportsmanlike to shoot a bear, and
that it should be taken with a lariat; so he
practiced with a ropo at steers, dogs, stumps
and men until he was a very fair hand at it,
tud finally one day went off on a regular
bear hunt.
"It so happened that the boys knew where
there was a large patch of wild grape that
black bears are fond of, and they made for
it, fnirly sure to find one or more, and sura
enough they did. Coming down a little side
canyon, they came out into a level spot, with
a patch of trees covered with vines in the
center. Some of the dogs were put in, and
in a few rninutes out came an old brown
bear, snarling and showing her teeth
in a terrible fashion. 'Xow's your
chance,' yelled the boys, and they
ull stood b:tcl: to give my new friend
a cliaii'V. I toil you ho was no slouch; he
put his hor se up near the critter as he
would go, and riding around, dropped his
rope over the btar' shoulders tiie minute
sho rared uo. When sho felt tho rope the
jjw.bbed at it, but tho pony settled back;
then down she went, and began jiiat what
the boys cx-iected, the 4 rolling' business.
t)vc-and over she weat, winding the ropo her, ;;ctl;ng su.srie I up, but coming
nearer a::d nearer ths pony dl the timo.
The pony was the Grst o:io to tu:ub!e to it,
:is the boy saw, u:rd li?.Ta to snort aivl
buck; but U ai r.o Use, .ae old bear kept
cou.iy.r, Kcttin laoro ar.d more entimgied
svery moment, and lloa'.ly the pony turned
hid oud beii to ci aj: Ler, sua. ytUlnj: aiid
vmuipcring ana iicratcnmg gravei, tr.o norte
crazed; and in this shape they cai;:o to the
tide of the hill. Over tho went, buck
ing, tho Englishman cussim things until
they were blue. When half way down, tho
ropo broke, and, fearing tho bear would got
away, some of the boys, who wero laughing
themselves sick, put her out of her misery.
Tho boys got rather left trying to foul tha
fellow as ho showed so much pluck in trying
to stop the bear that they never tried any
games on him -again. After a while they
asked him what he projiosed to do will) th.4
bear after ho got tho ropo around him and
then he saw the joko, and rather thought
tho bear was catching him." San rxmicisco
A Floating Saw Mill.
One of tho greatest novelties of a practical
character which ingenuity has devised is
thus described by a Florida exchange:
J. L. Maull & Son havo their mammoth
filiating saw mill anchored off tho banks of
Burton & Harrison's hammock. This struct
ure is a marvelous piece of mechnnical in
genuity, und was built by J. W. ITaull ami
Edward N. Maull. It is 80 by 40 feet, and
stands abogtlive feet out of tho water, draw
ing only about, sev--, '- ; ev le-. . i. ... ;
built, and according to the judgment of Mr.
CiU'l, an old timo ship builder, is capable of
enduring tho severe strains of even the
waves of the ocean. The operation of all the
machinery does not seem to move the vessel
uny more than if it was on the land. It has
so far proved more of a success than its pro
jector anticipated, ft is equipped with a
forty horse power boiler anil engine, with tho
latest improvements in saws and carriages. A
planer, head box and slrfnglo saws are all on
deck and connected by shafting concealed
under deck, so that tho main deck is free
from machines and available for tho pilinj
up of inimenso quantities of lumber, la oue
corer of tho vessel is the cook house, where
tho hands board, while on the hurricane deck
are tho cabin of the proprietors and work
men. They are now so situated as to have
command of an uulimited supply of tho
largest and finest timber, and from points
heretofore practically inaccessible. A taw
mill capable of moving up and down strean
Racking a supply of logs, and thus" bringing
tne mm to iiitj prouuec instead ot vreo versa,
inay offer very valuable advantages, est
cially in tho south,
Mftdti lie4 ' by Suffering.
e beauty of life is in growing. Tho hap
piness of lifo is in striving. How many
women in the world are there who havo only
been made beautiful by suffering! How
many hearts have only grown tender from
having ached very hard. It is what wo see
of life and what we know and what wo feel
and what wo endure and suffer that makes
us beautiful. It is wanting things and hav
ing to do without them that makes us gentle
over the needs of others. The beautiful
women in this world are the all but divino
Marys and Marthas who have known what
it was to sit all night alons with gri-;f;
who havo broken their hearts over little woes
that others could not know nor understand;
who have gone alono and in tha dark, each
into her own Gethsemane, and there spent
long hours in voiceless travail. Catharine
Colo in ew Orleans Picayune.
Stjles in tallies Collars.
Collaf s aro worn high and low, the stand
ing collar with round corners, tho straight
collar turned back at tho front of tho jacket
corsage and continuing thenco in ho shape
of rovers, and the square sailor collar which
leaves tho neck exposed. .Newer than any of
theso is a turned back collar of lace cr
pleated gauze from two and a half to threo
inches deep ; tho laco is sewed to the inner
edge oi tho dress and turned back loosely,
not tacked, about the neck, which is cut
down a triiii at the tniddio of tha front and
I'aris Ladles .s I'hotogra oners.
Tho marriageable young ladies in aristo
cratic French families are ofen at a loss as
to how they are to employ tho time between
the final departure from tho convents or tho
boarding schools and the arrival of the
bridegroom. The bals-blancs, tho daily
rides, walks and drives in tho Bois; the oc
casional visits to the theatre and the opera,
the courses of water color drawing, or the
matutinal manipulation of tho inevitable
piano are not enough to fill up tho leisure
hours of French young ladydom.
A new pursuit has accordingly been de
vised for tha occupation of the spare moments
of blooming maidens who are awaiting what
Bea Jouson calls tho "Goblin Matrimony."
This is tho practice of photography, and we
are assured that a photographic apparatus
is now fitted up in the boudoh- of nearly
every young heiress in the noble faubourg.
Friends, acquaintances, servants and favor
ite dogs are all faithfully photographed, and
some of tho fair votaries of the art are said
to to remai Uubly adroit in using their
cameras, which aro all constructed after the
niosi modern plan. Very recently, too, a
j youns lady who was married "cut" of the
i Faubourg nauit-Germain received,' among
other contribution to hti corteillo tie noces,
or wedding presents, a ccstly and superb
camera, which would not have been dis
dained by I'adar himself. Homa J ouraaL
He Was Disliked.
"I don't like Squildig," observed Mr.
Snaggs. "3e's too temporizing."
"That's so," rejoined Mrs. Snaggs. "I've
often seen his temper rising." Pittsburg
Slave Trade in Africa.
The condition of the slave trade may
be estimated when it is learned that Car
dinal Lavigirie, archbishop of Algiers
and Carthage, has felt it to lie Lis duty
to go to F.urope to denounce its continu
ation, lie has lately delivered most im
passioned harangues from the pulpit of
St. Sulpice, Paris. lie says that the evi
dence is that 400,000 slaves are annually
sold on the African shores, and that, tak
ing into account those killed in capturing
them and the deaths from barbarous
treatment, the flave trade counts 2,000,
000 victims everv year. New York Suii.
THlnk It Lucky.
Mr. Lazybones thinks it lucky we are not
centipedes", because it would be such dreadf u.'
work to button on fifty pairs of boot3 every
time we wished to take a walk. Youth"!
Will make the sca.-uii
Mondays and Tuesdays at Kcmo,
one mile t ;tt of Hiht I i I : (Jrovf.
Wednesday to Saturday in DPlattsmoutli
At Louis KliroiU'o .stable at the foot of Main Street.
s i ( ; i i K r n ( v
Jsu Jbirk-R-iy I'aeer, i: hands lii-h, wei-hin 1,'J(;() j.oiuhIh. IJis
close, eonijiaet loriu ami noleil rejiiitalion for e!iliiiur,( !lIM Medy
proinv have justly eanie.l for him the reputation, ami encomium from
the Editor of the "Spirit thc Turf " that lie is one of the IVht Sires
ot the a-e. J I i.s record i.s 2:1, ami has j-aetd trial miles in
His eolt.s Little Jial.y, and .1. W. limy, with more to
lollow in the eharintd eirele tins mnimer, is certainly ti . -real hhowinrr,
and ::ir.,j'.ls' tho j.ubHe j,, tins vicinity u o,';U11 oj,j,o)Tunily to jret
i. ,i. ... .... j,,.,v.s. ii i.s terviee ot 15.00, with $2.00 added
if not .aid till after Joaliisg, or S2 to insure colt to .stand, is only the
jiriee of u k'ood ordinary while h.ues of Kh aki k J!ov's 'blood
hues receive trom xiOo.oii to :jcjo.0() in other localities. Jlorses of
this kind, if not wanted for sporting plUpu.s(.s, (..1M muM. ,rcni!l..d
work on a iarm, on account of their extra nerve power, than mnvealdy
drait liorses, and can .'o to town or to meeting in one-hnli the time,
and time is money. Owners ot line mares have a rare chance now for
one ot the cheapest horses in the I'nited States. Embrace the opport
unity. T oDnLrx Clemmons.
(srecK.s.soK to J. M. i:or.KKi s )
Will keep constantly on hand a full and complete Mock of pine
Drugs and Ifledicies, Paints, Oils
WM V Iv H R O W N E?
Personal attention to all Biiiinefe Kntrust
to my care.
Title Examined. jMistarct- f'omniled, In
surance Writ ten, lieal Instate Sold.
Belter Facilities for making Farm I.oann than
Any Other Agency
To repeal the internal revenue tax i.s to
act in the interest of monopolies, says the
Journal. The stupidity of .such an as
sertion renders it almost a misdemeanor
to notice it. A tax on the foreigner who
seeks our markets with his wares is in fa
vor of monopolies, while the direct war
tax on home productions favors the peo
ple; and the man who perpetrates his
chestnut on the suffering public claims
to teach the people great truths touching
the industrial question of the hour?
An Interesting Confab-
ilember of Young Men's Democratic
Club" to President. "Say, we have got
to do something; the republicans arc
making it hot all over the county, and we
as a club, ouyht to be doing some work."
President "I am r.r.d have been trying
to stir the boys up but I can't get enough
together to answer aye at roll call."'
Tableau "Hush !" From two or three
democrats present.
Tha German Scholar, Dr.
LEIPZIG, Germany, Secre
tary Ethnological Museum,
F. S. U. G. A., M. G. S.,
Author and Savant, wrote
over his autograph, here
shown, as follows:
! tried t. Jacobs Oiland
was entirely cured of Neu
ralgic jiains."
Drugtizltanl Dealers Everywhere.
5 i uiiiiuj
Legal Notice.
In the District Court of CaH Count y, Nebras
ka. In t he matter of Su.-auali Drake, insaue.
I.eiral Notice.
Notice is li"icly t-'iven that by virtue ami in
pursuance of an oi dcr of license made in said
matter by the Jinn. Allen W. Field, one of tho of the District Court ot Cacs county,
Nehru-din, on the l'MIi day of .July, lH. tlm
iiiulersiiied, William '1 . Cole, as uanlian of
Stisanali Drake, insane, uju on Saturday, the
lKth of August. A. D., 1 S-ut the hour of two
o'clock p. in., in trout of ibe old court bonne In
the city of Flat Ismoul h in said county, offer for
sale at public auction, the followiiiu "tlcucri bed
land, situate.l in tin: county of Cass, to-wit :
An undivided one ce vent Ii part of I lie sout lieait
uuarter (s. K. 1 1 ). the west half of the north
east quarter ( VV. of the N. K. U), the east
half of the . southwest qua! ter ( K. ;i of the S.
W. '4), :md the v.est quarter of the Sou'li
west iqtiartcr S. W. '.i of the H. W. '-)
of section twenty-four CM;, arid all that
I :: it of the fouthfvist quarter (S. J3. A )
of the northwest quarter N. vv.jt) of sec
tion twenty-four cm,;, which iH 1 aft, ol ,a siiihII
creek which run-" northerly throiiih said ec -li'in.
cxi'ept three acres heretofore deeded ti
David r.riiisan, and the 1101 1 Ir.s est quarivr ( N .
V. !4) and west half (W. U) of the northeast
quarter (N. K. ) of section twentv-Iive (2'i,all
in township eleven (11) north, of rantie thirteen
tl:;, of the sixth Principal Met idian ; anil
also the lollwiii;j described 1 eal es'ate to-wit :
Commencing at a point two and 'M 1 Xi chairs
south of t lie w it ties comer betwcn seetioim
lliii teen (U; and twenty-four (J4) of township
eleven Uli north, of i jiige thirteen east of the
i-ixth I'riiicipal Meridian (said witticsn corner
being twenty-live links west of the line quar
ter pectioii lornen thence no'th ill ai:d 4o uiin
utes. w eft i-ix aid K0 Inn 1 halns to a .stake,
t hence cort h ij and :;."( ininiiicj. east eleven
and lo-b o chains to a walnut tree on the south
bank of Jtoek le. k. thence follow jug the me
anders of said Mieam westward abmii leu (III)
chaiiiH to a poiiit north s and .VI minutes, east
oi e chain from a large elm tn e. thence iouth
S and Ml minutes, west by said clia tree twrn-ty-two
and 50-11 0 chains to a stake, thence
soul h ;2 ami 15 minutes, cast t ivi lve and IZI-IOO
chaiiic to an old elm dump on the eaot bank.
01 ;i small creek, ' hence following the mcmi
dersofsaid cre( k lert he;ustt 1 !y to the point
of beginning, c-uitaiuing liT' i acres, the fame
more or leer lieiiiu hi said sections i:j and 21,
-ho the follow ;ng land : commercing at the
quarter i-ection corner between sections thir
teen (ij) and twenty-four (z 1, in township
eleven (H i north, of range thirteen (l:j) ea-t of
the CUi Principal Meridian, then outli 20
chains to the coutheast corner of the northeast
quarter (N. I.. !4 of the noithweM quarter
1 .N. V. 'ii, of paid section twenty-four 121
thence west about four an. I Tl-iny chain to the
center of a Miiall cr!'-k. thence dow 11 said creek
to t lie jioint of begiiiiiiri; cent aining live acrfs
more or less, exeep in tne following deteiibed
real estate, to-wit : commencing at three smalt
walnut trees on the couth bank of Kock Creek
in section No. 1 hirteen ( 13 'tow nth ip eleven 11 J
rai;ge thil teen 1 .'.. thence running wed follow -i-
g the meanders of sa d JJock Creek 40 lods to
a large elm tree on the fouth bank of saiil
creek, from thesce running south mux and
4 links to the section line between said sections
1: and 21. thence running east on .said section
line 3" rods and 19 links. Dunce iioithwiitil
with Story' west line to the place of bexin
iiiugr, containing thirteen lJ acie.t of ground
mo e or Iers. i he terms of said sale will lie
cash in hand
Dated July Slst, Um.
W' T. Cole,
J0w3 Ciianiian of Sussnah Drake, insane.
SherlfTs Sale-
By virtue of three exfrutlofs Issued by W.
C. sho'.valter, clerk of the (liMrict court within
and for Cass count v. Nebraska, ami to me di-
I reeled. I will on the 1st il.y of September, A.
11., ifs, at 1 1 o ciocx a 1:1 . 01 anl day at tiie
touth door of the court house in said county,
sell ut public auction, the following real estate :
'the west half of the south-west uuarter
of the northwest quaiter of sec
tion nine, township twelve il-.'i, raugs thir
teen (l:j. east of the iC sixth j-niicipal merid
ian iu Cass county. N-bra-ka.
The same lieiug levied upon and taken as the
property of Thomas .1. Thomas, defendant; 10
a' isfy a judgment of said court recovered by
the Citizens lhmk of Plattsmouth, plaintiu,
agaitit atd defendant.
PiHttsmoiilh, Neh this is h day of July, A.
I), lswj. J. C lkl:.i:ABV,
20w5 Sherih Cass County, Neh.
Send your job work to the IlEitALij