Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, July 12, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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    TLATTSMO dtii
:i V Yii C 1 :3 D A Y J Ui , Y 12, 1SS3.
i .
i t-
. COPVltlUHT 18".)
Mr. l'laiii folk's touts were plain
ly suggestive ot irascability.
Tlic response was timid anil apprehen
sive. The speakers were undo and ncice,
an adopted daughter.
"There's got to he a wedding or or
there'll be a thundering sudden vacancy
auout tins house," roared tlie old man.
"A a vacancy, uncle! I don't undcr-
"Well, you will understand, if that
young Dewii don't 'represent' pretty pud
ilenly. Ain't he here two-thirds of his
tune Egad ! hasn't he taken up per
manent quarters here '( Anil what's he
coinin' for ? Court in ! Does he calcu
culate to go on spaikiu' and burnin' my
conl, and wearin' out my furniture the
rest of his natural life ? "i tell you ther's
got to ie business done, lies a "ood
enough sort for a husband if he ever tines
intend to give the parson a chance lut
there's got to le some propositi' done tt-
"And society, religion, educational fa
ciltics? I "
"As I said, the people are intelligent
and moral; that means schools and church
organizations. They've got as line a
school building as you will find in many
a day,--and . . . .church cdifieies that will
compare with any in the state. There
arc also a number ot flourishing secret
"J las the town a boom?"
"Xot in the ordinary acception of the
term; there is a stir there, but no ficti
tious, artificial "boom." The town is not
ancient as among railroad towns, and is
naturally located just where a consider
able business point is needed, the country
is filling up with an enterprising class of
people, and as a result, there is consider
able building. Honestly, I do not know
of a more promising place for a young
man like yon, Charles, possessed of mod
crate means, and an ambition to fun
wealth, health and happiness all in one
The town Is young, healthy vigoious antl
hai a grand future.
"Well, we'll go," was Charles' la
conic answer, having received a vigorous
aflirnifltive nod from Meg in response to
a look of inquiry.
The bus from a morning train on the
C. I. &, (J. road rolled up to the princi
pal hotel in l'latt-jinouth. 1 he Plain
folks Dewd party had arrived, and un
tier the guidance of Mr. Plainfolks had
taken quarters at the best house.
Shortly after breakfast a handsome
carriage rolled tip to the hotel cntraucc.
mi; omnia ui ui.DiAw.usnuj iiuimn., uu nam "anil I Know ll(j H f)t Th.lCrPnl n-nn..
storked establishment and fliuliiwr Ktt, L- Knmitl.m,, .,, ,.,..l.t .. I r... OV4aal "anquet.
. . .. . . .... o j"- lw ,iye. me From TiiusdayM l);tily,
antl prices lrresistable ho investeil in a lollv iironnetor nf tlw -.I,...,. .. I J
complete outfitting of gents furnishing saw at once that the healthy and hannv committee of the young ladies of the
goods, from the latest style hat, to a doz- looking party were not after drugs, or oun ;ill'es Heading Kooin Association
en of the celebrated fifty cent "Happy medicines, so he led the way at once to have been very successful in their can-
iiii. bum la. lum iiuujc in uui lu im UII- I iuu uuuoil coumer WHICH lUrni.sheil tllCIll va fop nciuif ...w... : f
Mm..,,.(i. o...:..Q .i. ,.,.,., i . ... a-,s 1 or assistance in furnishm;
... . mhiijiuuui, iuim.a nkKi i ii.i.nj i ujum-ii uuii . ut'iui arncie toilet
niifst grado ot good9 to be found in the soaps, brushes for flesh, hair and nails
nimit. rsow you hear me," And with
this ultimatum the irate old gentleman ordered a rig from the 'Jionner' stables,'
rushed from the room. said Plainfolks, "because everpbody else
Meg proceeded to dissolve herself to 111 1 lattsmouth seems to extend their pat
team, until a happy thought checked the ronage that way." As Meg viewed the
impending dissolution it was Lean I stylish turnout, with the prancing horses,
eiaoorate trappings ana a neatly uresseu
tlriver at the reins, she breathed a sirh
Ye ir.
"Well," said Mr. Plainfolks laconically
It was at the breakfast table.
"We're, that is Charley and I we're
to be married next week," stammered Me'
through her blushes.
"Hey. (Jootl gracious! You don't
mean that that j'oung noodles seared up
spunk enough to ask ye : ejaculated Mr.
J 'bi in folks, wend ei l ugly.
".No Uncle, he I we well. I pop
ped," said Meg in great confusion.
"Hurray ! You're a brick. I'll buy
vou a wedding outfit, mv lass." declared
the delighted old man, as he bestowed a J "Oh, I don't know,
rousing kiss on the blushing girl.
One week after the wfeJiliaj .Mr. PJain
folks summoned the young couple into
the library.
"Charles," said he, "how would you
like to follow Horace Creely's advice,
und with Nebraska for a battle ground,
make your fortune itfc the great west ?"
Charles replied that he was open to a
propoxitjpn that possessed the requsite
of satisfaction and was quite ready to be
lieve her uncle when he declared that the
"Bonner" stable was one of the best out
fitted livery establishments in the west.
"The three 'SV speed, safety and style
is the coat-of-arrns of this stable," said
ho to Charles. "And if ever you want to
run to au off-railroad town in a hurry,"
continuetl he, "this stable is the place to
' Where to, sir? ' asked the polite
tlriver, as the party entered the carriage.
Hie man looked askance at his charges
the magnificent stock of wall paper c il
decorations, and house furnishiii"s that
I . ...
is nantiieti py the establishment and ..n.-. .1 .1 ...1 .!.... At . Y
lum.iimrii uiaL nicy COlllil no
where so well satisfy their aestht tis taste
as right there. An order for paints and
ons was criven
Meg. tic eye, could supply heiself with ia Do
"We've lots to buy, and " "Then let's vey s big Quet nswarc stock. There isn't
buy lots first, suggested Charjes without positively, a thing in that line, intended
turning a Hair. 1 lie old man groaned, tor use in any possible part of a hon.
Ihis little incident over, the party
stepped on to the street and telling the
driver to follow thim, walked down
toward E. O. Dovey fc Son's. "I don't
know whether they have anything we
want or not, saitl Mr. Plainfolks, with
a sly glance at Meg, "but I'll leave it to
your ingenuity to discover if they have."
Now the fact is that there is no better
rarely as good establishment in the west
than this great bargain house. It is lit
dally filed to repletion with dry goods.
"1 hey can supply you with anything.
from a darning needle to a silk dress.
This house is always to the front with
.1... 1......4 1 l,t. 1.. - ..A 1 i I VI i. T . 1 . 1
me luoiiiuiis, iaigisi siocks, iirec t'cicr .uerges io ami shoe stock can t
assortment and lowest prices," said Mr. be beat anywhere for style or evtent
I lainioiKS wniie iney were waiting lor tome in antl look it over? It might
the crowd to thin tint a little. So it is have been policy not to have extended
beyond our space to record the purchases the invitation, for before that irl had
mac gin mafic. in ihe ime ot dress lett the store an order containing the
goods antl lathes furnishing alone her range of everything in the line of foot
orders would sutjlce to stock a modest wear from a lovely satin slipper to a su
store room; but then who t an resists the perb walking boot, had fallen from her
prices that rule tor one antl all at Dovey 's. bps. :S,o woman or male either for
One ot the most important auxiliaries that matter can resist the styles and
. 1 1.11 ii .. ... . I . . . ..
iw ii nappy iousenoi i, - continued 1'lain- prices at merges. While .Meg was fiftiny
tolks, while Aleg was selecting her finery, an exquisite shoe to a still more ex. miip
:,. i i i . i i . . i ,. ... I. ..., ... .. . .J
ii wew Mippiieu lartier. i here t Miss I ioor. i'lainto ks. alter u mi i n n
I. ,,wi,l lwi.nw.l. .1 i I r .
ii l;uwh huu.-lih,v jui", hi tiear, ana vou noii oi ins nu.uiu in I ici ex r, mn im
want to make it a point to always buy remarked: "Young man you really need
tue uesL gipceries ana provisitins. JNow an outnttinir here, and it vou wimt..m...
I recommend that you select one crocerv thing that's awav un No. one with ..
csiauiisninent, and stick to it, and there s polish on it, Merges is the man to buy of.
none better than the house of Dovev and In prices, elegance of style, and duralnl
.-ii.ii. uu ii aiwajs iinti ic mil stocketl 3 oi goons, ne can t oe equaled. '
witn every possible thing in the line of "By the way Uncle." said Chailev as
siapie ana ianey groceries, tresh and tey proceeded down the walk, "who
nrst-class no shell-worn goods thre can you recommend as a ood blark-
and in prices they ace way flo.ra to brass smith? I aui very particulur as to who
tacks, ion see they are careful dealers, handles my mare Kitty, von know,'
never make bad debts you know, and can "Jess so. You want n li,,t, l.,... ),i,
allord closer profits. J'ry them and you'll her feet, declared the old iv.un. '.-1 here's
.Ann as you havent bought 011'y on ciaas horse shoer but
he is inst-class in town, and that's J.
M. St lmellbaehcr. He is a number one
blasksmith all through, too, andthevery
tine for you to give your repairing, and
especially your pov work. I can vouch
for him as the man to do your line shoe
ing on Kitty. And furthermore, there
g the sup
per lor mo KepuMican Banquet on the
, . vm . ... llllll llilll.l.
superb toilet case for her. and a beauty '"s ht of 1 ''"rsday, the 12th, ut the Wat
of a smoker's set for himself, an tell it (,,"an opera house. The republican club
not in (Jath. but this is a veracious record has allowed them that privilege know-
an exquisitely put up package tif face in.r tl...;-. . " ' .
powder was tilled with !he order. The f'eir eHiciency in such an umlertHk-
young couple also t ritically examined . "S . W,H ,U,t ,,e lI"'ir ihl exl,, r-
lcnce in transacting similar bu.sines.s with
1 1w.o.i 1 .. .1 : t . i .
unlive Illlfl I'HCII III. I.i I mi' ,r.t.,.
J h " v I"
iect satislaetion. The voung ladies are
always industrious and always have an
eye open to business in the interest of
1 lie A merican Protecti vo Tai i fT Leaguo
U iiubliitiirig.ra niOhX ftluble serie& Tariff
docuiijcnl.s.;;'Theiiiro prrpared 'with a
view not only to sttj tljtj facts jmd; ar
gunieut ftir Protection, ijut a) ii, fron
yince doubtful voters, whether they itro
fanners, laborers, merf hantw fr profes
sional men. Each issue of the srir ap
peals to those engaged in separate indus-
I I'llitl A.i.l . i . T. 1! . 1 m
-, mm nimiiim iniiispuiaiiie lacts,
ccinparisfuis of wages, co.".t of li villain 1 1
other arguments showing the' benefits of
Protection. Kecent issues include the
following :
be satisfied.
your dishes yet you can t do better than
to buy right "here. '
Well, you can imagine what an array
of tableware a real smart girl, with un
limited powers of purchase, and an artis-
"Take us to It. Tt. Windham's Keal Ed-
state ofl'jce," l)e said." "This young
man" remarked le, us they entered the
noted land exchange, "has heard of the
fame of your "South Park" residence
place antl would like to make a further
that cannot be had at Doyey's, and that
girl got cm, too.
"And now, Uncle,';' said Meg, rather
insinuatingly, "1 have got eyer so many
things that I want, but I don't know
what good spring dresses will do me, un-
investigation as to the general attractive- less I have hats und bonnets to match."
ness ot that reality." Her uncle took the hint, and in a few right was the genial agents re- minutes was introducing her to Mrs. J.
"Well," continued the old man, 'Tyt I'b', "I could talk to you all 5 ay ul?put F, Johnson, an establishment that
got a considerable landed property in
Nebraska, in (.'ass county, in the shape of
a s ock farm or two, and some rich bot
lom farms, and I have been wanting to
.'end some one out there as resident man
ager. Now I'll tell you what I'll do; if
you will accept mat position, i n locate
the beauties of that addith n.
for those lots that they are
lying lots in the city; they are shaded
witn beautiful shade treesi onlv ten min
utes walk from business centre; are more
accessable than any other addition lots
in the city; it is the only addition reached
I will say by the exquisite taste, liberal dealinirand
the finest well selected stock, firmly established
itself as a leader. Very considerately the
gentlemen left Meg reveling in realms of
bliss oyer one of the most elegant stocks
of millinery west of bt. Louis, and
if ever a feminine soul was delighted and
you and Meg, in one of the towns adja-1 by two established avenues; the only satisfied in the possession of a bewitching
addition reached by water mains.
is needless to say ihat Charles
in "South Park."
cent, ui Jact, in a veritable little gem of
an embryo city, Plattsmouth, and tit you
up in housekeeping, to start with."
4j "'What sort of a town is Plattsmouth ?" 1 "Now, we're ready for a cage for your
enquired Charles, wisely non committal I iird, remarked the old man, as the par
until he learned more concerning his pos- I ty repaired to the carriage. "The first
Hf sible fu'ure home. J thing in order is to buy the lumber and
"Platisinouth? It's one of the bright-1 building material. There is onlv one
array of stylish bonnets and hats, for all
purposes, hcr's va straight way. There's
no telling what she didn't buy. We
leave it to the feminine imagination as to
what n smart v;oniaa with unlimited
means would do.
About this time the watchful old uncle
observed that Meg was showing signs of
est prettiest aud most promising little
cities in all the wonderful west!" de
clared Plainfolks enthusiastically. "Topo
grajjhieally it is a daisy, for there is
every variety of landscape to be enjoyed
from its tl ors. Nestling like a gem on
the slop-.'s of a noble headland that swells
out into a vast plateau, at its feet rolls a
juagustic stream, the mighty Missouri,
that winds away in grand curves till it is
lost, a sheen of reflected sunlight in the
distance. Like the famous Hills of
lioni:1, Plattsmouth has its seven com
mending eminences, on which are reared
as magnificent homes as wealth and taste
can command."
"And it is as enterprising, progressive
and thrifty as it is beautiful," resumed
the old man. "It is a very home of cul
ture, morality and intelligence, though
modest in extent. It is a rlubleus about
which, as I verily bclive, will in a few
years be gathered a teeming mart of trade
anel the happy homes of thousands of
pio'perous tradesmen and mechanics.
"Practically, there is a glorious prom
ise for Plattsmouth. It's location is sure
ly calculated to promote the healthful
irrowth of enterprise. Snrrouiidiug it is
a country fair and fertile as any the sun
of Nebraska shines upon; especially for
stock and agricultural purposes. Then
the uplands that crown the valleys there
could be no better ranges desired. While
the valleys themselves (and they art
numerous.) are rich in illuvial soil that
lias already made the fortunes of the
pioneers who were wise enough to setth
among them. The soil, ciiticall exam
ined by learned analytic chemists, is
found to possess the same essential ele
ments that so wonderfully feltilize the
productive lands of the Nile and of
China-lauds where every fquare mile sup
ports two hundred souls.
"What are the market facilities?" en
quired Charles with an eye to the prac
"Excellent. Plattsmouth has the main
lines of the C. B. & Q. and the B. & M.
railroads with practically outlets to all
points of both systems. I don't know of
an internal city in Nebraska that pos
sesses quite so desirable advantages for
reaching all points of the compass by rail,
without being handicapped by contigu
ous little stations as are the cities imme
diately situated on trunk lines."
"What is the character of her towns
"They'ef the right sort. Pl.tttsm i;th
is fortunate. They've got push vim and
enterprise; they've got hospitality and
kindliness; they'er not afraid to launch
t'icir dollars when either individual en
t rprise, or the good of the community is
concern d. The smell of new lumber
and the aroma of green paint that fills
the atmosphere during tl e building sea
son speaks vo'unn for the faith th-3 bn-i-ri'ss
men have in the future of lh -?r
place where iney c&i-y such a stock-- fatigue, and he suggested a resort to the
everything except hardware such asyou
want to select frcm, and their prices run
below those of all competitors. Take us
to the II. A. Waterman fc Son yard.'
They were whirled to this popular yard
in a trice, and Meg was soon enjoying a
rest in a comfortable chair while an ex-
thcir society, which has trained for its.-lf
What a lovely slipper! ejaculated u Wide, reputation us a convenient public
Meg, halting vudd. nly in front of a iicim;, i.:,.i i ... . , ... .. .
show window. "Yes," said Pl:unflks. . , , . , " T mC Um
.:iy ocuciKiai to me citizens in furnish
ing reading matter of all kinds.
The republican club has made great
preparations.according to their anticipa
tions and an event such as was never be
fore known in the history of the club and
Plattsmouth will be the result of this
great festival.
The most prominent speakers of the
state have. !:ci;. engaged by the club, and
among them Jnhn M. Thurston, who re
cently tniil; vi i.fivr. pint p, fl,,, ..,..-.,-
tiuu :u l'i.iiM-u i,)5.. ,,itJ vtJij bo ready,
having a knowledge at present of the
true standpoint of everything politically,
to give many bright ideas or pointers
which will be oi interest to all. It is
unnecessary to speak of his capability as
a speaker here, lor all readers have heard,
heard. of,r read of him as one of the
leading orators of tho west. 1 lo reet i vjd
strong applaw-'J and was spoken very
highly of for his brilliant remarks while
participating at the convention in Chica
go a short time ago. A do. en or so of
almost as popular men will be present,
antl it is a forgone conclusion that the
opera house will be filled to its utmost
capacity from the immediate vicinity
abroad. A full programme will be iven
before the evening of the l.-th, so that
all will feel quite confident that the fes
tival will be the .seen; of as great jubi
lauoa as we hespcak for it. Appended
we give the names of some of the proini
.. i i
nun puuieis irom aoroil who are to
take part in the evening's entertainment
Hon. .John M. Thurston, Hon. (). I'
"T. TT t r
iuiiwu, umi. j. u Watson, lion. J. I,
Strode, Hon. John C. Cowan, Hon. .John
Y. Stone, Hon. J, (., Tir, Hon. T. M.
?T;irrivnf - V'ull in. ..I T...i -ii i
iv,...,. un miiiv.ui;ii3 Will Ijo
given later.
.... ,., ... I'AGttH.
un- r m ini-r una 1110 Jailll." Col. 1 110.1,
II. Diullfv
"Tim Wool IntcivHt." .ImijYu ' W Ulinm
Law i t-iicc
" Woikliinnit-n in,, inf. I ui ill."..
"Keijly to ti,. i'rt'Nhleiit's ht Tra'uo
..c- M'"?11." U 1. I' i ter
Some 1,-ws on tliu Tai ill by mi Old Hu
hiesK M;m
"Tar! IT TuIkH J ihoiik WoikiiirineiV. ii-'aae
K. Smith
"Fallacies .f Fi ; Tr.ide. IC. i. 'Miller
" Whkch, Living Hail Tariir," k. a. lli rts-
"The Vital Oucst u t Shal l ' A tiVe'i'leVn
Industries he , handont-d ad Amer-
lean Al.ulifls Mn muli-rcil
'The j.lvanla;es ,f .1 liotecl ivo Tuilff
in the bailor and Imlnsti ,-h ut llu
' ""ed Slate. I"irt I'rl,, Ksay. Iks..
raw ford I). . ninKi I mv. I n . V7
I lol.-. linn." . Aiui.ild.mii
.....,i i-ii laiiu- aiimmt" lo a Wnik-
UiKHiati's 1,'iu-Mlluii 4
Tho entire lit of J x; Documents near
ly :;)() pages- 'will beseiittoany address,
postpaid, on receipt tif ti:n ckms. Ad
flress Joski ii D. Wklkh, Clcneral .Secretary,
vinerican rrotcctive Tariff League.
3 West Twenty-Third St., Nevy Yt
isn t unless it is a rail road coach a
possible thing in the way o.f a vehicle
that rues on wheels and hangs on springs
that he doesn't make, and makes it first
class as to style, durability, antl finish,
"Aiid now, my young lady," said he
to Meg, "you may let the driver take you
back to the hotel. I want to take Char
ley down on a little visit to a friend of
1 warn you to get acquainted with
Wm. Weber," explained the old man, as
Meg disappeared. "I know you appre
ciate a glass of good beer, when it can be
taken in a neat, orderly place, and my
irienti neper's c.lktiorn! establishment
is that place of a thousand
"Uncle," said Meg, with a pout, when
the gentlemen rejoined her,
you gq vneu vou left
leave another order ? 1
"An order oh yes. vou want to read
the r.ews every day, and I left an order
for The Heuai.d, the paper we saw in
every place we visited."
"Oh, uncle, how kind of you, "she said.
Another One.
The following is another one from the
where did Journal, the paper which a couple of
me f i.ii(i you nays ago tried to work off a stmib on the
IIekai.d aud bring its guilty face into
notoriety a3 a truthful sheet :
"A man who was bo'ardinir with Mrs.
Cooper over near the shops attempted to
jump hi board bill yesterday, but was
popular ice-cream pari or? of .1.. P. Antill.
Here they were shortly regaling them
selves on delicious draughts ot summer
oriuKs that wouitl aeiight epicurean
taste, and creams as delicious as the
nectarean dreams of the Gods. I'll be
sure to remember "Antill's declared
You have left out notliinthat we shall overhauled at the depot and'c.ompellcd
to unsgorgfj ny uio latner ot Mrs. Cotper.
It was a trick worthy of the title given
him a scab."
pert clerk was making a complete bill, Meg, whenever I feel like enjoying a de-
from sill to shingles, for the proposed ucious repast.
new residence. At the suggestion of "Those "Saratoga" drinks," declared
Plainfolks Charles contracted with the she. "are the most delightful of anything
. i c
V atermans to keep him supplied with I ever drank, w hat are they compound
coal. ed of?" "Oh." lausrhed Plainfolks.
"Now for furniture," said Mr. Plain- "that's a valuable secret, and Antill is
folks as they again entered the carriage reaping a harvest from it. You see he
and deferentially asked Meg where they makes four of these drinks: "Saratoga,
"Boston," "Lincoln" antl "Garfield," and
each is as superbly delicious as the other.
They are variously prepared with rare
cordials and choice fruits, and the fash
ionable tipple of the day. Bv the way."
he added, when you buy taffy, remem
ber Antil makes the best,"
Oh, there8 Oliver & llamge's big
sign, ejaculated Plaiutolks, "and 1 11
take you in there. For as long as a man
should go. "Oh," says Mej?, "there is
but one place w here we 'could get that,
go to II. Boeek's. On alighting from
the carriage they were ushered into such
a bewildering display of everything in
the lurniture line, that Meg was really
puzzled to know how to select, but with
that abandon, begot with the knowledge
il .i .;TT.. .1 f a ii i-it
mat uncie loots tue uui, sue very
shrewdly selected a parlor suit, a perfect
little gem, with monogram on each piece ives he must eat, but he can't confine
a bed room suit antique in style and fin
ish, that would of done credit to old
antiquity herself, then marvels in dining
room, kitchen and upper chambers, with
curtains, and pictures were all included,
and when Meg turned to her uncle for
approval, the smile, coupled with an
acute strain on the purse strings, ce'r I rpHnbl.. nnrl orm,l;n,.a r.iin;tv n.l
pread the old gentleman's countenance jty for the money. This popular shot
himself to groceries and vegitables. As
a rule he must eat meat, and to locate the
man who keep3 choice juicy steaks and
all kinds of game, etc., in season is quite
an undertaking, but Oliyer & Itanige's
meat market is that place. They are
cheap and well stocked, courteous and
was a study for an artist.
"A pretty good start, and the next
thing is something to cook with" de
clared the old uncle. "Driver. Johnson
Bros', hardware store." Here Meg's
house, wifely instincts had full play in
niaryels of kitchen apparatus. There is
not an establishment in the west that
carries a more comprehensive stock of
household furnishings. Every possible
article of kitchen furniture, from
stove to tin-dipptr is here in all styles
and variety. It Meg fails to perform
wonders in the culinary art it will not be
for fault of superior utensils. The
young couple, in addition to a "Garlaud
lty for the money. This popular shop
was visited of course and a pleasant chat
ind'dged in. The young couple was
well pleased with the neatness and com
pleteness of the establishment, and will
be profitable customers.
"Oh, I want a family bible, uncle,"
suddenly declared Meg, and str ight way
her uucle was piloting the couple to J. P.
Young's establishment, "lie has the big
gest aud best stock of gooels in this line."
said Plainfolks, "iu the town." The old
man's statement was verified, as Mec
afterwards declared. Not only a bible,
and a handsome album did Meg receive
here, but a big order for fine pictures and
house decorations was made as well.
stove, purchased a "Jewel" gasoline Charles also purchased aeupplv of blank
t.-rT nnrl fl " I 'T I iiPt 1 nn ' ftitri rrnva r r If 1 ? t i n i i .
-v - . ... 'o'""'- i oooks. anu 1'iainioiKs wicketi v
ed Meg's pretty face by a facetious sug
gestion as to the remote possibility of a
purchase of school books. She recovered
from her confusion, however, when she
dsscovered that Mr. Y'oung is agent for
a "lJerteCtion
Charles also left a large order for build
ers hardware. "WhUe Meg was delighted
to find that she could get a "Household"
sewing machine there.
Something about Meg's pretty appear
ance, now that his attention had been the dough & Warreu organ aud eniphat
i . i I ..... -
called to ner personal adornment, sug
gested a. thought to Plainfolks. Sur
veying his nephew critically, he finally
burst out: "It strikes me, young man,
that for a townsman, and one newly mar
ried, too, you are looking r-a-t-h-e-r
seedy; come along with me, both of you;
we'll go 3own to J. II. Donnelly's gents'
furnishing house." In a very short time
ndeed Charles was investing in the im
mense stock of fashionable articles that
ically declared that she "never could
know she was housekeeping, or had a
home without one of those superior in
struments in her parlor." Straight way
Plainfolks gave ar. order for one of the
finest styles.
As they walked up the street, railing
at Meg a little about the extent of her
wants. Plainfolks suddenly made a dive
into a handsome store room, and called
to the others to follow. "Here's Will J.
"Only one thing " replied Mr. Plain-
folks, "and as Boeck always has a fine
line of them you can get one when you
need it, and I will pay for the finest onf
he has.
"Why, what is that ?" asked Mclt. her
curiosity aroused to know what had been
"Well, its a baby earring?, and" but
Meg fainted.
A Sad Reality.
From Saturday's Daily.
One after another of popular events
passing each day attracting more or les.
attention as the occasion may demand.
but, when a man with his coat on lib
arm, with his hat in his hand fanning foi
dear life trying to keep himself cool see-
a man driving along the street under u
spacious umbrella, sitting on ahugecaki
of ice, his inquisitive nature prompts him
to ask "what meaneth this," when upon
inquiry he learjis that some of the man
friends of Mrs. Thos. Wiles have today.
(not withstanding the extreme heat) havt
assemoied IG erect another mile stone on
the great highway of life which this hei
38th birthday hath brought.
T tt ill"
L-pon learning "wnat tins meanctii. tin
weary pelestrian, faint from discourage
ments retires to a eciued spot to repose
in the shade of a tree. He lies down to
dream, not of the delightful days of the
past, but of the delicious ice-cream and
the cooling lemonade, and while thus in
the ecstacy of the dream like Mark Twain,
he feels that the odors of Arabia
are floating down upon him ami when
he awakes, brushes a fly from his nose,
wipes persperation from his face and
low it is a dream. As he arises to depart
the language of the poet comes into his
mind " 'tis not all of life to live," (and
perhaps) "not all of dealh to die."
Cedar Creek to the Front.
From Saturday's Daily.
Last evening the Harrison aud Morton
club of Cedar Creek held a very enthus
iastic meeting at their nail in th-.t pros
perous village. It. L. Keister of Platts-
lappy address
The man spoken of tried to skip his
board bill all right enough, but that dot s
not necessitate him "jeing a scab, which
he was not. He is an engineer, but did
not even apply for a run on this road.
A son of Mr. W. II. Seivers, of Ce
dar Creek, met with a very painful acci
dent Thursday afternoon, while examin
ing a revolver which he had been cele
brating with on the fourth, While hold
ing it acrovs his leg with the barrel point
ing tawarrts his left, the trigger was
struck in some way, causing the revolver
to go off, the ball entering his left le"
between the knee and the hip. The fam
ily is well known in this city, having
resided here for a number of years.
The so called political debate in the
Omaha World 1ms deteriorated already
into a vealy argument uj on the part of
the English editor, who asserts that wages
are higher in England than in America,
and who cites the fact; a3 he terms it,
that some mill in Lowell, Massachusetts,
pay the cotton weaver less wages than is
paid fr tho same service in Manchester,
England. The reports of our counselor
service in England for years, show the
wages paid in the United States for all
classes'of service i a the cotton faetorys are
from CO to 100 per cent higher than in
England. 1 et, what is the use in dis
cussing a proposition that all intelligent
free traders agree with the protectionists
upon: sso one, we presume, (unless it
be the hiuglish heditor of the World) can
be found possessing either imprudene
or ignorance, enough to bolster up the pre
sent free trade bolt of the democratic
party by claiming that wage workers are
paid as high cr higher wages for their
labor in England than in America.
Tun public doesn't hear much more of
the man of destiny and the noble Old
Roman, since Messrs. Harrison and Mor
ton have stepped before the foot lights.
The great American audience appreciate
the American play; its characters and
The "catcher" in modi i n baseball is
another development that must not be
passed by. In the circuses there is often
a trained athlete, who stands in front of
of a cannon and catches the ball in his
hands when it is fired out, at no ycry
great distance from the gun. The charge
of puw.lcr which sends it, however, ii
measured, and serious accidents resulting
from the undertaking, I think, arc not
numerous. But the catcher of the regu
lation baseball implement or globe, or
toy, call it which you will, takes his life
in his hands. He has to catch a ball
which might as well be a cannon ball,
with little power to tell where it will
find him or he it, and with a certainty
that if it hits him serious or fatal injury
is most likely to ensue. To make it less
possible that his nose or jaw shall be
broken, or to prevent his teeth from be
ing knocked entirely out. ho now wears
a wire cage over his face, not wholly
dissimilar to an ox's muz.le or a burglar's
mask. Joel Benton, in The American
Magazine for July.
31 EN.
Free trade means putting all the labor
ing men of the world upon one level of
Protection means restricting the com
petition among laborers to those living
in our country, and the consequence
of such restiiction is that wages
remain at a high level; whereas, if tho
competition of all the laborers in tho
world were allowed to operate here, they
would steadily fall to the lowest level.
That is the reason why the working
men of this country are better paid, are
more prosperous, live in a better manner,
are better educated, and bring up their
children with more hope and ambition
than belongs to workinginen in any
other countr'.
This ia why the workinginen f the
United States like the Ameiican system
of protection aud dislike the British sys
tem of free trade. Sun.
In this fast and impatient age, there
may be some people who have little hold
on their curiosity that they would rather
not svait until November to find out the
man who is to be the next president of
the United States. To accommodate
these the July Table Talk comes out
with a problem in verse, in which is
shown who will be the fortunate man. It
only requires a little ingenuity on the
part of the solver to discover it, and the
sharper ingenuity is to be re-numerated
by various prizes, consisting of cash, red
bandans and silk flags, while the duller
kind will reap its reward in the shape of
a copy of the Patent Oliice Reports.
Table Talk is published by the Table
Talk Publishing Co., 402 404 ic 400
Race street, Philadelphia, at $1.00 a year,
10 cents a copy.
mouth delivered a very
that was well received.
T'Iia rlnli nnw nnmlinrQ fi ff v-tlirpi ne-
- I e"i l In arc ficjonlt-illw A w.,i .. . " .
tive members, they have a gaod band of , .... ' s 1
ten i.iecps- inrWd it is nroliablv one. of oa lue ST;iSe American managers and
the best, if not the btst club so far or- it takes and will draw the crowd durin
ganized during the present campaign in the entire season. ..ble Old Romans.
this county. 1 he Hfai.d liwprs to hear i)an(ianas an(l over fed Cobden Club
tvf.Uf,ill Of tl.o nfric. rs nd leaders l""-' " c "l"-'" oeiore this
of the club we will have more to say at 1 an Kee nation, ihe novelty has worn
another time. I off. It is HarrUon, Morton and victorv.
The Omaha (newspaper monopoly)
World has put up "Mr. Sampson of Om.
ha" as its exponant of republicanism, and
Mr Sampson's Deli la as its democratic ex
ponant; this is a I very fine for a mug
wump democrat like Mr. IIitchcock.5 but
we will wager a big red apple that before
the campaign is oyer the mugwump will
assert itself and the so-called political
debate will be turned, or attempted, over
as a democratic victory by the editor-in-chief
of that sheet. Mugwump indepen
dence is simply a very green and insipid
quality of democracy "in the brine."
The democrats fear that there ia a
Blaine plot to elect Harrison. Well,
there is, and the whole republican party
is in it too.
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