Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, July 12, 1888, Page 6, Image 6

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In Some Lives tlio Sacrliarlno 800111 to
J'rotloirilnalo A Gravel In Almost I'.vvry
Shoo The Omnipotent Sympathy of
Jcaua Christ.
UiiodKLYN, July K. Tlic Rev. T. De
Witt Tii'iimyc rcturiH'il hoim; lust wt i k
fiom a tour of tho Chautauqua in Mis
Houri, Kansas,' Nebraska, and Minnesota.
IIo was oblijjvil to i-smcel very jmi)ortnnt
rnin;emcnts, ivliich ho deeply Minted.
His subject to lay vus"Sour ExpcrienceM,"'
uml his text: "Whin Jesus therefore had
received. tlij vinegar." .Lhn, xix,
Tlio Lri;jaiul.-J of Jerusalem had dono their
work. It wus almost Kundown, nnd Jesus
was dying. lVrsons in crucifixion often
lingered on from day to day crying, hed
ging, cursing; but Christ had Ihmjii exhausted
by years of maltreatment. I'illowless,
poorly fel, flogged as ln-nt over and tied to
tt low jxjst, his bare back was inflamed with
tho scourges intersticed with pieces of lead
and bone and now for wholo hours the
weight of his body hung on delicate tendons,
and, according to custom, a violent stroke
under tho armpits hail liecti given by tho
executioner. Dizzy, swooning, nauseated,
foverish a work' of agony is compressed in
the two words: 'I thirst!" O skies of Judea,
let a drop of rain strike on his burning
tongue. O world, with rolling rivers, and
sparkling lakes, ami spra3"ing fountains,
give Jesus something to drink. If there
lo any pity in earth, or heaven, or hell,
let it . now lo demonstrated in In-half
of this royal sufTerer. The wealthy women
of Jerusalem used to havo a fund of money
with Jwhich they provided wine for those
jieoplo who died in crucifixion a powerful
opiate to deaden tho pain; Lut Christ would
not take it. He wanted to die sober, and so
ho refused tho wine, lint afterward they go
to a cup of vinegar and soak a sponge in it,
nnd put it 011 n stick of hyssop, and then
iress it against the hot lips of Christ. You
say the i ino was an anaesthetic and intended
to relievo or deaden the pain. ' But tho vino
gar was an insult. I am disposed to adopt
tho theory of the old English commentators,
who lelieved that instead of its being an
opiate to soothe, it was vinegar to insult.
Malaga and Burgundy for grand dukes and
duchesses, nnd costly wines from royal vats
for bloated imperials; but stinging acids for
a dying Christ. IIo took tho vinegar.
In some lives the saccharine seems to pre
dominate Life is sunshine on a bank of
(lowers. A thousand hands to clap approval.
In December or in January, looking across
lheir table, they sec all their family present.
Health rubicund. Skies flamloyant. Days
resilient. But in a great many cases there
are not so many sugars as acids. Tho annoy
ances, and tho vexations, and tho disappoint
ments of life overpower the successes. There
is a gravel in almost every shoe. An Arabian
legend says that there was a worm in Solo
mon's stair, gnawing its strength away, and
there In a weak spot in every earthly support
that a man leans on. King George of Eng
land forgot all ihe grandeurs of his throne
because one day, in an interview, Beau
jurammell called him by his first name and
addressed him as a servant, cryingj "George,
ring tho bell!'' Miss Langdoa, honored
all tho world over for her ioetic
genius, is so worried over tho evil
reports set afloat regarding her, that she
is found dead, with an empty bottle of pru
6ic acid in her hand. Goldsmith siiid his
life was a wretched being, and that all that
want and contempt could bring to it had
Ijeeii brought, and cries out: "What, then, is
hero formidable iu a jail?' Correggio's fine
painting is hung up for a tavern sign. Ho
garth cannot sell his best paintings except
through a raflle. Andrew Delsart makes tho
jreat fresco in the church of the Annuneiata,
at Florence, and gets for pay a sack of corn;
and there are annoyances and vexations in
high places as well as in low places, showing
that in a great many lives the sours are
greater than the sweets. "TP hen Jesus there
fore had received tho vinegar. "
It is absurd to suppose that a man who has
. always been well can syrnpathizo with those
who are sick ; or that one who has always
been honored can appreciate the sorrow of
those who are despised; or that one who has
leon born to a great fortune eao understand
tho distress and the straits of those who pro
destitute. Tlio fact that Christ himself took
the vinegar makes him able to sympathize
today and forever with all those whose cup
is filled with sharp acids of this life. He took
the vinegar I
- - in the first place, there is the sourness of
betrayal. The treachery of Judas hurt
Christ's .?elings more than all the friendship
of his disciples did him good. You havo had
many friends; but there was ono friend upon
whom 3"ou put especial stress. You feasted
him. You loaned him money. You be
friended him in tho dark passes of Jif, when
lie especially needed a friend. Afterward,
ho turned upon you, and he took advantage
of your former intimacies, tie wrote against
you. He talked against you. He microscop
ized your faults. He flung contempt at you
when you ought to havo received nothing
Lut gratitute. At first, you could not sleep
at nights. Then you went about with a
sense of having been stung. That difficulty
will never be healed, for though mutual
friends may arbitrate in tha matter until you
gball shake hands, the old cordiality will
never come back. Now I commend to all
' Bach the sympathy of a betrayed Christ,
yyhy, they sold him for Ies3 than our twenty
dollars 1 rThey all forsook him, pnd fled.
They cut him to the quick. IIo drank tlat
cup of betraj-al to the dregs. He took tha
There is also the sourness of pain. There
are some of you who have not seen a well
day for many years. By keeping out of
draughts, and by carefully studying dieteiir.,
you continue to this time; but O, the head
aches, and the sideaches, and tho backaches,
and the heartaches which have been
your accompaniment all tho way through!
Ycu have struggled under a heavy mortgage
ot physical disabilities; and instead of the
placidity that once characterized yon, it is
now only with great effort that you keep
away from irritability and sharp retort.
Difficulties of respiration, of digestion, of
locomotion, make up the great obstacle in
your life, and you tug and sweat along the
pathway, and wonder when the exhaustion
end. My friends, the brightest crowns
in heaven will not bo given to those
who, in stirrups, dashed to the cav
alry charge, while the general applauded,
nnd the sound of clashing sabers rang
through tho land; but the brightest crowns
in heaven, I believe, will be given to those
who trudged on amid chrome ailments which
unnerved their strength, yet all the timo
maintaining their faith in God. It is com
paratively easy to fight in a regiment of a
thousand men, charging up tho parapets to
the sound of martial music, but it is not so
easy to endure when no one but the nurse and
the doctor are tho witnesses of tho Christian
fortitude. Besides that you never had any
renins worse than Ckrist's. The sharpnesses ;
jhat stuns through his brain, through his J
hand1, through his foot, through his heart,
were us great as youra, certainly. Ho was
u.t sick and as wary. Not n nervo, or
muscle, or ligament escape!. All tho pangs
of all the nations of all the ngc3 compreseed
into ono our cup. IIo took tho vinegar I
Thero is also tho sourness of poverty. Your
income dixs not meet your outgoings, and
that ul wit 39 gives an honest mnn anxiety.
There Is no sign of destitution about you
pleasant appearance and u cheerful homo for
you; hut God only knows what a time you
havo hud to manugo your private finances.
Just as the bills run up tho wages seem to
run down. Cut you are not tho only ono
who has not been paid for hard work. Tho
great Wilkio sold hi3 celebrated piece, "Tho
Blind Tiddler," for fifty guineas, nlthough
afterwards it brought its thousands. Tho
world hangs in admiration over tho sketch of
Cain::loroush, yet that very sketch hung for
years in tho 6hop window Itcouuse there was
not any Oliver Goldsmith sold
his "Vicar of Wakefield" for a few pounds,
in order to keep tho bailiff oat cf
tho door; and tho vast majority of
men in all occupations and professions
are not fully paid for their work. You may
say nothing, but life to you is a hard push;
and when you sit down with your wife and
talk over the expenses, you loth rise up dis
couraged. You ubridgo here, and you
abridge there, and you get things snug for
smooth sailings, and lo! suddenly thero is a
largo doctor's bill to pay, or you have lost
your pocketbook, or somo creditor has failed,
und you are thrown abeam end. -Well,
LrotlKT, you are in glorious com pan y. Christ
owned not tho house in which ho stopied, or
tho colt on which he rode, or tho boat iu
which ho sailed. IIo lived in a bor
rowed house; ho was buried in a bor
rowed grave. Exposed to all kinds
of weather, yet ho had only one
suit of clothes. He breakfasted in the
morning, and iw one could possibly tell where
he could get anything to eat before night.
IIo would havo been pronounced a financial
failure. He had to perforin a miracle to get
money to pay a tax bill. Not a dollar did he
own. l'rivation of domesticity; privation
of nutritious food; privation of a comfortable
couch on which to sleep; privation of nil
worldly resources. Tho kings of the earth
had chased chalices out of which to drink;
but Christ had nothing but a plain cup set
lief ore him, and it was very sharp and it was
very sour. He took tho vinegar.
There also is the sourness of bereavement.
There were years that passed along beforo
your family circio was invaded by death;
but tho moment the charmed circio was
broken everything seemed to dissolve.
Hardly have you put the black apparel in the
wardrobe before you have again to take it
out. G reat and rapid changes in your fam
ily record. You got tho houso and rejoiced
in it, but the charm was gone as soon as the
crapo hung on tho door belL Tho ono upon
whom you most depended was taken away
from you. A cold marble slab lies on your
heart today. Once, as the children romped
through tha Iipuse, you put your hand over
your aching head, and said: "Oh, if I could
only have it still." Oh, it is too still now.
You lost your patience when th 3 tops, and
tho strings, and tho shells were left amid
floor; but oh, you would bo willing to have
the trinkets scattered all over the floor
again, if they were scattered by tho same
hands. With what a ruthless plowshare
bereavement rips up the heart. But Jesus
knows all about that. You cannot tell him
anything new in regard to lereavcinent. He
had only a few friends, nnd when ho lost one
it brought tears to his eves. Lazarus had
oi'fen entertained him at his house. Now
Lazarus is .lend and buried, arid Christ
breaks down with emotion the convulsion
of grief shuddering through ad tho ngesof
bereavement. Christ knows what :".t is to go
through the house missing a familiar inmate.
Christ knows what it is, to seo an unoccupied
place at tho tabLi. Were there not four of
them Mary and Martha uid Christ and
Lazarus? Four of them. But where
Lazarus? Lonely and afflicted Christ, .his
great loving eyes filled -with tears, which
drop from ej-e to cheek, and from cheek to
beard, and from beard to rolx?, and from
robe to floor. Oh, yes, yes, he knows a.
about the loneliness and the heartbreak. Ho
took the vinegar!
Then thero is tho sourness of the death
hour. Whatever else wo may escape, that
acid sponge will bo pressed to our lips. I
sometime hayo a curiosity to know how I
w ill behave when I .come to die. Whether I
will be calm or excited whether J. will be
filled with reminiscence or with anticipation.
I cannot say. But come to the point I must
and you must. In tho six thousand 3-eara
that havo passed only two persons have got
into the .eternal world without death, and I
do not supioso ikat pod is going to send a
carriage for us with horses x,f ;1ame to draw
us up the steeps of heaven; but I fiuppwsp we
will have to go like the preceding genera
tions. An officer from the future world will
knock at t he door of our heart and servo on
us tho writ of (Ejeofment, and we will have to
surrender. And we will rako up after theso
autumnal and wiiitrj-nnd vernal and summary
glories havo vanished from our visionwe
will wake up into a realm which has only
ono season, and that tho season of everlast
ing love. But you say: "I don't want to
break out from mv present associations. It
is 130 chilly and so .Jump to go down tho
stairs of that vault. liloirfc vaa anything
drawn so tightly over my eyes. If ttevo
were only some way cf breaking through the
partition between worlds without tearing
this body .all to shreds. I wonder if the sur
geons and the doctors cannot compound a
mixture by which this body and soul can all
the time be kept together? Is thero no es
cape from this separation?" None; ab
solutely none. So I look over this audience
toda5- the vast majority of you seeming in
good health and spirits and yet I realize
that in a sLot-t time, all of us
will be gone gone from earth, and gone for
ever. A great many men tumble through
tho gates of tha future, as it were, and we do
not know where they have gone, and tliey
only add gloom and mystery to the passagej
but Jesus Christ so mightily stormed the
gates of that future world that they havo
never sinca been closely shut. Christ knows
what it is to leave this world, of the beauty
of which he was more appreciative than we
ever could le. He knows tho cx(juisit,eness
of the phosphorescence of tho sea; he trod it.
lie knows tho glories of tho midnight
heavens; for they were tho spangled canopy
of his wilderness pillow. Ho knows about
the fowls of tho air; they whirred their way
through his discourse. IIo knows about tho
soitows of leaving this beautiful world.
Not a taper was kindled in the
darkness. He died physicianless. He
died cold sweat, and dizziness
and hemoiThagti and agony that have
put him in sympathy with uli the dying. He
goes through Christendom and ho gathers ug
the stings out of all the death pillows and he
puts them under his own ueck and head. IIo
gathers on hi owu tongue tho burning
thirsts of many generations. Tha snongo is
soaked io tho sorrows of all those who have
died in their beds as well as soaked in tho
sorrows of all those vho perUhed in icy or
fiery martyrdom. While heaven was pity
ing and earth was mocking and hell was de
riding, he took the vinegar!
To all those in this audience to whom life
has been an acerbity a dose they could not
swallow, a draught that set their twtb'cn
L'LATTSMOUTIi WEEK & I ir; rti.. TiicUSl) V, JULY 12, 1888.
edge and a-rnsplng I preach tho' omnipotent
sympathy of Jesus Christ. The s ster of
Her-ich-rl, th astronomer, used to help Lim
iu Lid work. Ho got all tho credit; she got
none. Sho used to spend much of her time
polishing tho telescopes through which he
brought tho distant worhb nigh, and it is my
ambition now, this hour, to clear the lens of
vour spiritual vision, so that looking through
tho dark night of your earthly troubles you
inav behold the trlonous constellation of a
frkiviour's mercy and a Saviour's love. O,
my friends, do not try to carry all your ids
alon-5. Do not put your poor shoulder under
tho Aponinnes when tho Almighty Christ is
ready to lift u; ad your burdens. W hen
you havo a troublj of any kind,
you rush thU way, and that way;
and you wonder what this man will
sav about it, and what that man will say
nlout it; and you try this prescription, nnd
that prescription, and tho other proscription,
Oh, why do you not go straight to the heart
of Christ, knowing that for our own sinning
and suffering race he took tho vinegar!
There was a vessel that had been tossed on
tho seas for a great many week3, and been
dibbled, and the supply of water gave out,
and tho crew were dying of thirst. After
many days they saw a sail against tho sky,
They signaled it. hen tho vessel came
nearer the eople on tho suffering ship cried
to tho captain of the other vessel: "Send us
some water. W o are dying for lack of water
And the cu ptain of tho vessel that was hailed
responded: "Dip your buckets where 3-ou are,
You aro in tho mouth of tho Amazon, and
there are scores of miles of fresh water all
around about you, and hundreds of feet
deep." And then they dropped their buckets
over the side of tho vessel, and brought up
the clear, bright, fresh water, and put out
tho fire of their thirst. So I hail you today.
after a long and ieriIous voyage, thirsting as
you aro for pardon, and thirsting for com
fort, and thirsting for eternal life; and I ask
you what is tho uso of your going in that
death struck state, while all around you is
tho deep, clear, wide, sparkling flood of, God's
sympathetic mercy. O, dip your buckets,
and drink, and live forever. "Whosoever
will, let him come and take of the water of
life freely."
Yet my utterance is almost choked at tho
thought that thero are people here who will
refuse this divino sympathy; and they will
try to light their own batttles, and drink
their own vinegar, and carry their own bur
dens; and their life, instead of being a trr
umphal march from victory to victory, will
be a hobbling on from defeat to defeat, until
they make final surrender to retributive dis
aster. O, I wish I could today gather up in
mine arms all tho woes of men and women
all their heart aches all their disappoint
ments all their chagrirs and just take
them right to tho feet of a sympathizing
Jesus. He took the vinegar.
Nana Sahib, after ho had lost his last battle
in India, fell back into the jungles of Ihera
jungles so full of malaria that no mortal
could live there. Ho carried with him, also,
n ruby of great luster and of great value.
IIo died in those jungles; his body was never
found, and tho ruby has never j'ct been re
covered. And I fear that today thero aro
some that will fall back from this subject
into tho sickening, killing jungles of their
sin, carrying a gem of infinite value a price
less soul to be lost forever. Q, that that ruby
might flash iu the eternal coronation. But no.
There are some, I fear, in this audience who
turn away from this offered mercy, and com
fort, and Divine sympathj'; notwithstanding
that Christ, for all who would accept his
grace, trudged the long wajr, and suffered the
lacerating t hongs, and received in his face
tho expectorations of tho filthy mob, and for
tho guilty, and tho discouraged, and tho dis
comforted of the race, took tho vinegar.
IJayGvd Almighty break the infatuation,
and lead you out into the strong hope, and tho
good cheer, and tho gloriuu unshfuo of this
triumphant Gospel.
Taper Pulp from Cotton Stalks.
For several weeks there have been on cx
hibition in tho oflico of the clerk of the supe
rior court samples of pulp made cf tho bujja
and stalks of the cotton plant. The pulp is as
white as snow, and can be converted into the
finest writing paper. It is regarded as valu
able, and is the product of parts of the cotton
plant hitherto deemed valueless. Tho prin
cess by which it is made is new. It is a pro
cess by which tho ligneous substances of the
hulls and seed aro dissolved. By this process
over 50 per cent, of the fiber is extracted
from the hulls, which have been regarded as
fit only for fuel in the mills or for feed and
fertilizing purpose and which were sold for
4 a. ton. These, converted into pidp, will
be worth about $-10 a ton. From tho stalks
usually left to rot in the fields this new pro
cess utilizes about GS per cent, of fiber at a
very small expense.
It has been settled that there are fertilizing
propeftie in the oil of the cotton seed, and it
is asserted that' ihu ohoi will not decompose
for six years and cannot be used as a lert;.
lizer. This is why the woody matter elimi
nated from the stalk and hull is much more
valuable as a decomposing fertilizer than tho
entire 'iecd. By the en mo process the ramie
plant and its troublesome cousin, the bagnsse
stalk, is met and overcome. By tlio decortir
eating process tho fiber was crushed and torn
out by a slow and expensive process. In the
new process the ligine is simply dissolved
out, and tho snowy films of the ramie and
t' tawnier threads of the sugar cane are
coaxed out as aijy fxs the infantile kitten to
its milk. Atlanta Constitution.
She Sent Her liaby Home.
Mr. Brent Good, president of the Lyceum
Tlieatre company, told at a dinner party the
other evening this story .of a lady who was
determined to witness the play of "Th;
"I was at the Lyceum the other night,
standing alongside our treasurer, when two
well dressed ladies entered and handed their
tickets to the doorkeeper. One of them had
a baby in her arnu. I firmly but, I trust,
politely told the mother that no babies were
allowed in the house. .She exposi-ulivtpd. but
I asked her how she, if alone, ' would like to
have a noisy baby in an adjacent seat. The
argument prevailed, but sho said that her
money must be returned. It was promptly
given her and she went and stood outside
with her babe in her arms as if reflecting.
Then she returned and requested that a dis
trict messenger bo called. A racheis small
boy responded to tho summons, and tho lady
handed him her baby and requested him to
take it to ber house somewhere in Harlem.
The little biy looked grewsome, but he un
dertook tho task, and presume performed
it safely. When he had gone the determined
woman returned, purchased a ticket, and
saw the show." New York Evening Sun.
Cautions Tor Talkers.
Seyen is the perfect number, and if the
following seven rules were faithfully ob
served, they would do something toward
making a perfect man.
Before thou openest thy mouth, think.
1. What thou shalt speak.
2. Why thou shculdst speak it.
S. To whom thou art about to speak.
4. Concerning whom or what, thou art
about to spool:.
o. Wt at will result therefrom.
. What benefit it can produce.
7. Who may be listening. Youth's Companion.
Newspaper Comment Concerning Xlcn uf
Note 1'erHonul Mention.
Mr. Walter Bcsant is a small, animated,
bright eyed and black haired man, fond of
tho theatre, claret and a pipe.
PJaz Tasini, tho new prime minister of
Egypt, is a Mohammedan. His predecrsnor,
Nubar Pasha, was an Armenian Christian.
Longfellow, tho poet, was once a member
of the old "Portland Rifles," and paraded in
a brilliant green uniform. But ho soon
found that his natural vocation was to sing
rather than fight.
The father of Mr. Blaekburno, the great
chess player, is a professional phrenologist,
and predicted of h!s son, when tho latter wes
n chiM, that ho would become exceedingly
proficient in c'aess.
Paul Rajon, the celebrated etcher, died in
his country seat at Anvers-sur-Oise several
weeks ago. Ho had just returned from a
very successful trip in America, where ho
had etched many jwrtraits, including that of
Mrs. Cleveland.
Last fall a bug flew into tho ear of Henry
Bolton, of Frederick township, Montgomery
county, Pa., rendering him entirely (feaf on
that side. A few days ago tho bug dropjied
out and his hearing ulmubt immediately re
turned. King Kalakaua, the versatile monarch of
the Sandwich Islands, has written a learned
treatiso on tho Diametrical Physiognomy of
tho Earth. Tho article is based on observa
tions of the volcanic phenomena for which
the Hawaiian group is noted.
Uncle Elias Harper, of Blakely, Ga., is 9-1
years old, but still quite halo ami active. He
is a veteran of the war of 1812 nnd preserves
as a keepsake a Spanish dollar, minted in
1777, tho first money ho received for his ser
vices. Mayor Fitler, of Philadelphia, is a rope
maker, and ho sometimes exhibits to his
friends a curious ropo cable that ho keeps iu
his office. It is made of hangmen's ropes,
each strand having been taken from a roio
by which some jxior criminal's nock was
Count Maurice Estcrhazy has been put un
der guardianship to chock his mad extrava
gance. IIo owtis, free and clear of incum
brances, lnoi-o than 2:20,COO acres of land if.
Hungary, and can travel in a straight lino
more than fifty miles without quitting his
Seabrin Storke, an eccentric old cobbler in
Jefferson, Ga., who still keeps at his trade,
although S'J years old, is a veteran of threo
wars. He beat a drum in Jackson's army at
the battle of New Orleans, fought iu tha
Mexican war and served with credit through
tho war of tho rebellion. Despito his ad
vanced ago he makes as good a shoe as any
shoemaker in the state.
While tho emperor of Brazil was ill in
Milan his estimated expenses were 400,000
francs. Tho regular hotel bill was 1,000
francs a day, but on account of his illness
other guests had to leave, and for thirty-five
days tho cost was Co, 000 francs. A physician
from Paris made two trips to Milan for
40,000 francs, two Italian doctors were paid
1,200 francs a day, and he had to give a lot
of fees.
For sonjo tipio past Mr. W. D. Howells has
abandoned pen and pencil in his litem
compositions, using the typo writer instead,
Mr. Howells sits back leisurely in his chair,
thinks out his train of thought, carefuily
fashions his sentence and as each is com
pleted transmits it to paper, striking tho kej-s
with ono hand. Many other authors are fol
lowing Mr. Howells' example, but for a long
timo thero was a prejudice among literary
5eop!e against the t-po writer. They imagined
that work done with it was stifled and formal.
This opinion has since been abandoned by
many writers.
A curious story anent tho Japanese em
peror's opinion of dancing is told by The
Tokio Dempo." ' That journal relates that re
cently a minister of state, while in audience,
touched upoii the subject of dancing, where
upon his majesty expressed the opinion that
the prevalence of such a voluptuous custom
was a suro indication of the decay of tho
nation. The state minister iu question, hear
ing his majesty express such strong views on
tho subject, upon retiring from his presence
immediately gave private orders to those en
gaged in tho construction of tho new pakicd
to dismantle the dancing saloon in tho now
building, which was already completed.
Mr. W. II. II. Murray has started on an
exploring and hunting expedition in the
most secluded and least visited regions of tho
Rockies, north of tho Canadian line. He will
ixs gone 'about six inouthj aiid intends to
cover about 2,000 miles in the saddle,1 visiting
regions us 3'et unexplored. The ' panarliaii
government has granted him the protection
and assistance of the mounted police and tho
Hudson Bay company has given his expedi
tion its support. An experienced artist will
go wjth bint for the purposo of procurin
illustrations to accompan his Istters for
the press and his magazine articles:' A great
part of his explorations will be in the valley
of the Pence river, of which even the Cana
dian government knows almost nothing.
This vc-gion lies about 6 degs. north of the
Canadian line' and east of the Selkirk;.
A Cowlroys Ball in SlexJco.
The salon do bailar, a room SoxlC, with its
hard mud floor, is irrigated to prevent dust
and cleared of eve:-3thing but a few benches.
Candles an? stuck along and on the wall, the
women' huddle together at ona end of tha
room tud the men stand and squat about at
the other, evebody rolling and smoking
cigarettes. The band of four pieces turns it
self loose and joy is unconfined. Men and
women are supplied with a judicious amount
of mescal; very larely is anything served to
eat till daylight. Tho Mexicans ora born
dancers, and many of their graceful, stately
figures might well be copied by our American
masters. Dancing is interspersed by volun
teer singing, accompanied by tho guitar when
the songs are by women. The songs of tho
men aro of such a character that they cannot
have cor need any nocompaniment, every
line ending with a- chorus. 'in which every
body joins, and at times fine'harmouy is ren
dered. At 2 o'clock a. m. everybody is feel
ing jolly; at 3 in a fighting mood; at 4
o'clock only the sober ones are dancing, espe
cially the lovers; at 5, as the first ghmmer of
dawn comes creeping over the mountains, the
band winds up 'with the lovers' f'danza."
The last sweet words are whispered in the
senorita's ear, and the company disperse for
an hour's sleep.
Six p'clock sees a reunion pf the cowpunch-
eis, heavy eyed and a pit sulky. 2 noa
showing up at that hour is carefully noted,
and at tho next dance the delinquent is sent
on duty night herding. Not much work is
done that day. The men who ride the lines
are out, but invisible asleep probably in
some canvon. Chihuahua Cor. New York
1 j
A Huge Blachlne.
In a work on meteorology Camille Flam
marion declares the atmosphere to be a Luge
machine, on which every living thing is de
Icndeiit. There are in this machine neither
wheel work, pistons nor cogs, nevertheless it
docs tho work of several milliotis of horses,
and tbif work has for its end and effect the
(.reservation of life.-Arkausaw Traveler.
150 Meals
It Saved D7 Child's Ufa.
"When my child wu born,
the dootor ordered ne of the
other Fooda. Khe ato that un
til 8h nearly died. I had three
doctors, who said the trouble
u IiitUK-ttion, and ordered
tb food changed to Lactatad
i'ood. It saved my child's life,
and I owe you mauy tuanka
for It. I regard your Food an
Invaluable, and superior to all
other artificial food for babies.
Mas. A. J. Bknfield,
Boaton, Mw,
16 Indiana Place.
mm "1
Pt8oeft manv Important Alvantarwi
over all oiatT ir-jurt'd 1'otniH.
Perfectly Nourishes a Baby with
or without the addition of milk.
Three Sizes. 25c. SOc. 31.00.
Avalimbl.- iaTiii)il-t on "The Nutrition
of Infants and Invalid," fnsi.
Will call your attention to thc
they are headquarters for all kinds
and Vegetables.
We are" receiving Freeh S t r v,b e r 1 i c c cveiy
Oranges, Lerr.ons and Esnencs ccr.eter.tly cn
hand .
Just received,
We have Fure Maple
Where a magnificent,
J 'rices
Jonathan IIatt.
PORIv PACKERS A2.o iat.i-:k3 in P.UTTER AND KGC.
Sugar Cured Weals, Hams. Bacon, Lard, &c, ic
ol our own make.
The Lest l.nmds
H n &! M l fl P T 4 D B
M II m m K i ri K
W. IX JO'E, Proprietor,
Carriages for Pleasure and Short Drives
Always Sept 2Eloady.
Cor. 4th and Vino - lattsmo -cA .
Oldest AgriGU turai
In Cass
-he KEi:rs ox iu.nd
To suit all seasons of the
He keeps the Buckeye, Minneapolis and McCormic liimlers, tiv
Nichols and Shefaid Threshing Machines. Peter Shelter and all the
leading Wagons and Bsipgies kept
Weeping Water. Be sure and call
Plattsinouth or Weeping Water.
Plnltsmoiitli and Weeping Water, Xcbraskn
for $1.00
It Una No Equal.
"V are uMntf In our nur.
m rj' (contniiiltitf forty int uitu)
your l-aitatcil food, uml llnd
It far sutx-rior to all ifn-r
which Iiuh bii-ti tin-.l ilniifiK
the -lint t ti yarx Unit I linvo
lxten vlWtinif pliycii mil. Tlio
HiMten of Chin it V, li han
i-lianro of the iiMilution, say
It lias no eiiuul.'1
W. I'.. In. t'iin-.i-v, M. I..
St. Jl'KCph'H I'oUIKllitl.T AfjlllJII,
Cincinnati, Ohio. '
fact that
of Fiuito
cf C'Er.r.ed
Tcu j
r o rr i e. t f 1. e
slock of Goods nnd Fnir
J . W . 2,1 A R'l 1 i
t. Yir- ti-A ff i f. E3 IN? til r-
fc m if &
of OYSTERS, in cans i.nd bulk,
a full line or-
constantly on hand. Branch House
on Fred before you buy, either at