l'LATTSMOUTII WEKlLk narti, ixiUCSDAV, JULY 12, 1883. FAITH m WITCHCRAFT. A CHAPTER OF HISTORY ASTOUND ING TO MODERN NOTIONS. On of tU Delusion of the "Good Old Times" Wiit an F.nglUh Newspaper Bays renaltlf Inflicted by Chnrcli and State Tli e Puritans. At Christmas time, according to Shake speare or Marcellua, no witch has power to charm, bo liallowed and ao gracious is the time. There is perhaps no chapter of history more painful or more astounding to our modern notions than that devoted to witch craft The delusion was not like one of those udden outbreaks of fanaticism which spring up. nobody knows how, and die away as sud denly; It wos regarded as a lasting evil to bo jmulnhed with the severest penalties of the church and of the Btate. And for tho most part the people who perished under thia reign of terror were women. They were gener ally old and ugly, and had familiar spirits to do their errands; but sometimes young and fair women suffered on the rack and at the stake under the terrible imputation of witch craft. To be accused of this crimo was In most cases to be condemned for it; and, indeed, there seemed little chance of an escape, for the testa to which accused persons were put In order to try their innocence generally proved mortal. To throw an old woman into the water, and, if she sinks, to save her character at the expense of her life, is hardly kind to the old woman. Almost any cause sufTlced as a reason for burning old women. Two, for example, were burned at Constance as the supposed authors of a great storm, and another for destroying a ship at sea by means of spoils. They wero never burnt, wo be lieve, without confession; but then it was tho custom to torture them till they did con fess. One notable form of witchcraft, which has been admirably turned to poetic account by llossetti, was to form a waxen imago of some person obnoxious to the witch, and as this image was gradually melted by the firo, so it was supposed would the victim's life fade away. Of this form of sorcery Eleanor Cobham, wife of Duke Humphrey, was ao cusod; and Uollingshed relates that she was condemned to do open penance in the city of London, and afterward to suffer perpetual imprisonment iu the Itle of Man. A kind of sorcery similar to that for which Eleanor Cobham suffered led to the execution, in 1C1S, of two women in Lincoln, who were said to have bewitched Lord Rosse to death by burying his glove; and "as that glove did rot and waste, so did the liver of the said lord rot and waste." In the Fifteenth century Tope Innocent VIII issued a bull acainst witchcraft, em powering inquisitors to seek for witches and to burn them, and the agreeable vocation must have been pursued with a zest, for one inquisitor burned forty-one witches in one Year, and another burned 100. It is stated that tens of thousands of victims have suf fered for this imaginary crime. In the dio cese of Como 1,000 were burned in a year at the beginning of the Sixteenth century, and at the same time 600 perished in Geneva In three months. The belief in witchcraft and the intolerable cruelties caused by this belief were not confined to the papal church. In the Seventeenth century the Puritans in New England hanged a number of persons as well as two dogs for this imaginary crime; and for two years Hopkins, the "witch finder." drove a flourishing trade in Essex. In 200 years 30,000 witches are said to have been destroyed in England; and as recently as 1716, when the town was enjoying the wit and satire of the "Queen Anne men, woman and her child 9 years of age were hanged at Huntingdon. Addison, with a mind that wavered between superstition and trood sense, said he could not forbear believ ing "in such a commerce with evil spirits as that which we express by the name of witch craft," while, at tho same time, he could "eive no credit to any particular modern in stance of it." This conclusion is quoted by Ulackstone In the fourth volume of his "Commentaries." Scotland, which is regarded as an enlight ened part of the empire, held with the ut most tenacitv its faith in witchcraft The Scotch, a vigorous people, put their hands to the work heartily. It was easy to find victims, since, as we have said already, they , were tortured until ther confessed. Take one instance out of thousands. Isabel Craw ford, after the minister had made earnest prayers to God for opening her closed heart, was tortured with iron bars laid upon her bare shins, her feet being in the stocks. For a time she boro the torture admirably, though legs, but in moving the bars to another part of her shins she broke out into horrible cries, and confessed to intercourse with the deviL She was condemned, ol course, and at the place of execution openly denied her former confession. It is calculated tnac x.vw per sons were burned in Scotland in the last f ortv years of the Sixteenth century. A centurv later a witch epidemic broke out in the village of Mohra, in Sweden. A number of children were said to be be witched and familiar with the devil, who was described as wearing a gray coat, red and blue stockings, a rod beard and a high crowned hat. Tho witches kept this exacting nersonace supplied with children, and if thev did not procure him a good many "they bad no peace or quiet for him." The poor wretches were doomed to have no more peace or quiet in this world. Seventy were condemned to death, twenty-threo wero liiimpd in a sinela fire at Mohra. It is noteworthy that a belief in this fright " f ul superstition, which destroyed more inno cent persons than the so called ttoir umee. was held by men of great intellectual power bY Erasmus, Bacon and the judicious Hooker, by Sir Edward Coke, Sir Thomas Urowno. Baxter and Sir Matthew Ilald. Illustrated London News. ! The Talmr Days of SXlnstrelsy. ' I was readinz that the wife of Jack ITav- erly, the once well known negro minstrel manager, induced him to give her $10 every night out of the receipts of the show, so that when he went into bankruptcy she possessed . fortune of about $30,000. He begged her to lend him the money, but she refused him and today they are living comfortably on her Ravings. ji hour or two afterward I met Bill Foote. who was a boomer for Haverly when that skyrocket of a manager was high In the air. Foote now runs a boarding house in this citr. and i the custodian of Dock- stader'a theatre during; the absence of the Twtstftder minstrels on a tour. ' "Oh. ves: those were 'halcyon' days," said y. "There was a time whan the manager of a minstrel company had to do hardly any thing else than open the doors or a nail ana let people pay to come In. The five or six years after the war were especially profit able. New towns, of three to five thousand ii,aHnt. were constantly Demg discov ered by wide awake agents, and places of daad sure to yield mie auai- mr thins? in the way of minstrelsy. . . o now. The milk Is all gone out , , .v,.f -vvMnnt. and the man who can make a negro minstrel company pay baa got to SWEET HOME OF MY YOUTH. Sweet home of taj youth, oear the murmuring rllU That are nursed In the laps of the North Scottish hUU. Era the gray streaka of morning the songster arouse From his leaf curtained cot to his matlnal vows. My thoughts cling to tbee, and lovlnply prws. Swoet homo of my youth, on the Lanka of the Ness. When the gay king of light doffs bis gladdening crown And mantles the land with his eveulng frown; When night's souther cov'rlng the earth's over laid. And nature is mourning tho day that Li dead. Then loved thoughts of thee do I fondly caress. Sweet home of my youth, ou the banks or the Ness. Though thy little flower garden twice ten times has lost Its bright summer garb since thy threshold I've crosa'd. Though Atlantic's wide waters our fortune divide: Still no time nor spaco from my memory can hide Or dampen the love I am proud to confess For tho home of my youth, on tho banks of too Ness. John Patterson. THE LATEST MECHANICAL WONDER. Figure That Pulls Out Its Watch and Tells One the Time. Professor Charles Itichel, the inventor of tho flying machine which created so much interest a few years ago, is just completing a mechanical wonder which is an astonishing pieco of mechanism. It promises to create a great furor throughout the country. He has been over a year experimenting with it, and has at last achieved results which at the out- start 6eemed impossible. He was given carte blanche from a watch manufacturing concern to get up tho novelty, timo and expense be ing a secondary consideration. l'roiessor Kichel has kept the matter secret, and has permitted no one to enter his study except ing one or two intimate friends. A reporter was given a private view last evening. The entrance to the studio is by way of a dark staircase on John street. Double doors, a screen and a heavv curtain shut out the daylight. Electric lights are used to work by. There are all sorts of grotesque beads, arms and bits of plaster anatomy hanging around the room, and upon the work bench are brass molds and a variety of Gno tools for the purpose of working in steel and brass. The now wonder is a life sized j-outh of per- Uups sixteen years of age. He is a fine look ing lad, in perfect imitation of the average boy of the present day. Tho figure stands upon the floor, and Is attired in Knickerbock ers and laced shoes, vest, coat, etc. to ail ap pearances a living boy. Professor Itichel did not approach tho figure, but spoke to it, say ing, " Good evening, Bobby; what timo is it I" The figure turned its head and bowed slightly, and with its left hand pulled back tho coat. The right hand, which had been hanging at the side, was lifted up to the vest pocket and drew out a watch. The watch was then carried up to the ear, at the same time the head turned so as to bring the ear down in a listening attitude, while the eyes closed. When the silent youth w-as assured that the watch was ticking the hand dropped slightly forward; the head turned so as to bring the face to look full at tho watch, the eyes opened and a pleased smile spread over the features. Tho head was then thrown back, the hand which held tho watch between the thumb and iDdex fineer returned the watch to the vest pocket and was then gracefully swung back into its resting position by the side. The mouth opened, and with a pleasant laugh the figure said: "It's just half past 8, gentlemen." So naturally was all thl3 pertormcd that for an instant it seemed as if the figure was an actualizing being. There was no jerky movement, nor the slightest jar or noise. 1 he eyes opened and closed and tho head moved about to all appearances like a living one. Professor Ricbel laughed and said, "What do you think of itf and then proceeded to ex plain how it was oporated. Insido the figure is an electric motor. 1 his had been set in op eration by touching a concealed button in the floor several feet away where the professor had been standing. Afterwards he opened the chest of the figure and exposed where the cams, springs, weight balances, spirals and levers which had caused tho arms and head to move. The cleverest parts are those which cause the wrist, thumb and fingers to move. The articulator mecnanism is very similar to that employed in a phonograph. New York World. The Host and Ills Guests. Social intercourse or the exchange of civili ties should be solely for the betterment and refinement of mankind, and if the status of such is not based upon a high sense of deli cacv and cultivation the results must be fruitless. A knowledge of human nature is also im portant in the grouping of people. A wise entertainer knows the ability of his friends and acquaintances, and would not invite Cassius-like friends, with aversion to music in their souls, to a musicale, even though llubenstein was to play and a i. atti to sing. Neither would he Invite the bigot in religion to meet a rival one of another school, nor an apostle of Voltaire expecting pleasure from the discussion sure to arise. Nor would he bid political antipodes to attend a "con versation" on government affairs, with out expecting warm words and un pleasant clashing of opinions. Neither would such Invite the brightest lights of the dramatic world to meet those whose religious scruples prompt them to look upon the drama as a satanic invention for the destruction of human souls. Nor would it do to invite the merry, light hearted, youthful Terpsichorean to meet the sages of the court and the senate, knowing intuitively that there could be noth ine congenial between the dignity and thoughtfulness of the one and the frivolity and merriment of tho other. A- correct re gard for the taste and weaknesses of one's euesta must be considered, to Dring only con genial people together as far as it is possible to do so. In official entertaining, hosts have no dis cretion, and are in no wise responsible for the juxtaposition of discordant elements. Xhe rules of official etiquette fix the position of rank and privilege in the social world, and consequently the unavoidable and incongra ous irrouping, and unpleasant incidents that sometimes occur. Mrs. John A. Logan La Chicago Journal. Emperor "William's Swords. The late EmDeror "William only used two swords and one saber throughout his long fighting career. The first sword was his boyish weapon, carried from law to tne sec ond was a present from the Czar Xxicnoias, which served hm from 1834 to the time of tha war with Austria In. 1S06; On the mem orable day of Sadowa the emperor adopted an infantry saber, which he wore to tne last, and on which he had engraved the names of all his victories in the Austrian and Franco Prussian campaigns. These historical weap ons are to be b to red In the Berlin museum. together with the saber belonging to tha emperor's father. Frederick William UL which always stood by the aide of his writing table ia jj.jtxwef 1 A SHOP GIRL'S LIFE. WHAT SWEETENS HER EXISTENCE AND WHAT DOESN'T. Fined for Being Late Most Stand All Day Half an Hour for Lunch Whom the Girls Marry Why tho Seats Were lie moved. "Well, we have to be here at 8 o'clock every morning, whether we livo on the east side, the west side, in Brooklyn or Harlem, and 8 o'clock Isn't an unreasonable hour at all, nor do wo ever complain; but if we are ten minutes late, no matter why, we are fined. Of courso, to the cash girls this fine means going without the cup of hot coffee or the little bit of fruit sbo would have bought to piece out her little lunch; but, so far as I am concerned, I don't care anything about the fine; it is tho restriction that 1 object to and tho being reprimanded. 1 don t Intend to be late. I am just as much interested iu being here in timo and selling a lot of goods as the proprietor is himself. I like my busi ness, and am proud of my sales and auxious to begin my work for the day, and the idea that because I hnppen to miss a car, or have one of tho thousand little delaying accidents that every woman and man, too, for that matter is liable to, that some man who knows nothing about me has a right to repri mand mo and fine me just makes mo cross and hurts my prido. "Then the hardest thing of all a shop girl has to endure ifl the constant standing from H in tho morning until C at night, with only one half hour rest at noon. A few years ago some one stirred up this subject and seats wero placed belaud the counter, but they havo been all taken away. Tho salesladies in suit departments can sit down, but not in the room where tho customers am Of courso, ir they go away in tno time biuo room to rest they miss their customers, an d the consequence is that they stand all day outside. We do not mind it on busy days, tho excitement keeps us up, but on dull days we almost faint away sometimes standing still with nothing to make us forget how tired we are. Wo have half an hour for lunch, which is timo enough for a person to eat a cold lunch, but when a girl stands from 8 o'clock until 2, after a 7 o'clock breakfast, she wants some thing besides a sandwich and a cup of tea for her lunch. I used to go out and buy my lunch and have a regular hot dinner, as 1 would at homo. I needed it, and worked all the better for it, but of course I couldn't get it in half an hour. I was usually gone forty minutes. After a whilo I was denied that privilege, and I have to eat my lunch in the lunch room. 1 don t like a cold lunch, and somehow the thought of the being compelled to do anything like that fills my heart with a kind of bitterness that takes away all my ap petite. It isn't the cold lunch or the hot lunch room where they make coffee in one end and eat in the other, though ; that isn't exactly what I am used to at homo, but it is the restraint that I rebel against. 'At 0 o'clock sharp we are all excused In a batch, and away we pour out of the door like a mob of factory hands, and the people all say, 'See the 6hop girls.' Now, if some could, when they had no customers, go at fifteen minutes to C or ten minutes to 6, don't you see we wouldn't all flock out together and at tract attention, for part of us would go at one time and part at another, but now it is push and crowd and jam to get out, so that if you would go decently and in a ladylike way you have to wait until all the crowd is gona "There are a great many things I might do evenings to enjoy myself, but I am too tired and feel so kind of bitter and sorry and re sentful in my heart that I don't want to go anywhere. I like my work, am interested in it. and do not want to give It up any more than a man wants to give up his business. Sly employer is very kind, my salary Is very generous, and all that; it is only a few little thincrs about the system of managing the girls that makes us unhappy. We are inde pendent business women, earning as much. and in many cases more than men in the same places, and we do not liko to be gov erned like the inmates of an orphan home or house of correction. "And what kind of men do we marry? Well, they have to be pretty nice, or we don't bother with them. The better class of sales ladies rarely marry employes in the store. Don't you see we are independent, and unless we are going to better ourselves very much, or unless we get hopelessly in love, we do not care to marry at alL I know many girls who have married very well, and have lovely homes. Do we ever marry the customers whom we meet in the store? Well," with a toss of the blonde head and a pretty flush in the timid face, "I know some who might have married some of their customers, but wouldn't. "As far as promotion is concerned, that rests entirely with ourselves, is based on our ability, and I think is very fair and just. Some girls never get promoted because they lack ability and push, and others get to the top in a short time. 1 he promotions are from cash to parcel clerk,Jfrom that to stock clerk, one who assists in keeping the goods in order, then to bill clerk, saleslady, cashiers and floor walkers, and wcge3 increase from two dollars up to thirty or more." "How much pay do I get?" said a little, fair faced maiden behind the counter. "Five dollars a week, unless something happens." "And what does happen to prevent it?" "Well, if I'm late a few minutes I am fined; if I am half an hour late I loso one- quarter of a day's wages; if I make the least little mistake in my bills that is taken out of my pay, and if I break anything that has to bo paid for. If I am sick half a day I lose that, and so you see I don't always get the $5. The floor walker doesn't always look when she hears a crash, because if she doesn't know what breaks or who breaks it, why then she can't report it. But she always does look if the superintendent is anywhere on the floor. Sometimes one dish costs a whole week's pay. "No, our superintendent isn't a woman, and I'm glad of it. A woman does nothing but scold and stew and fuss all the timo over little things. Yes, It's pretty hard to keep up all the fines, but 1 suppose it makes us more careful, so that we really do not have so very many to pay. No, we have no seats now; they have all been taken away. Some times two or three of us crowd on the edge of a drawer that pulls out near the floor, but we fly up lively if we see the floor walker com ing this way." "The girls abused the privilege," explained the floor walker, a delicate looking girL "They were not quick to rise up when cus tomers came in, and grew neglectful and indolent. Of course, it is tiresome to stand so long, and girls need to be strong to endure it, but they like the work aside from that, and In time they seem to grow accustomed to it, so that they do net mind it as they do at first. "The hardest things we have to get along with are the cranks that come In here to be waited on. Of course, it is our busi ness to show the goods, but just as much their business to be ladylike. I tell you some of the girls behind the counter are more ladylike than the rich people they wait on." New i ork faun. $500 Reward. We will pay the above reward for any case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick headache, indic.-tiou, constipation or costiveness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pill, when the directions are strictly complied with. rhey are purely vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. Large boxes tontaining 0 sugar coated pills, 25c. For sale by all druggists. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The genu ine manufactured only by John ). Well & Co., 802 W. Madison St. Chicago, Its Sold by W. J. Wan ick. The iii st anniversary and celebration of a new flag which is valued at IT.j. will be held at Degindorfer's Park .July 15th. The Omaha Turners Society unci the different German societies ot this city will participate in the celebration. Personal. Mr. N. II. Frohlichstein, of Mobile, la., writes: 1 take great pleasure in le- commending Dr. King's New Dincovery for Consumption, haMng used it for a a severe attack of Bronchitis and Catarrh. It gave me instant relief and entirely cur ed me and I have not been afflicted since. I also bes; to state that I had tried other remedies with no good result. Have also used Electric Bitters and Ur. kings Jscw Life Pills both of which 1 can recommend. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, Coughs and Colds, is sold ou posi tive guarantee. Trial bottles free at F. G. Fricke & Co's drug store. 1 A Sheriff Kills a Horse Thief. Benklemax,. Xeb., July (5. During the past week half a dozen horses have been stolen iu this, Dundy, and Cheyenne, the adjoining county. Last Monday Sheriff Buckwald took the trail of them in a camp near Indlia, Col. Tlio sheriff was alone tinned only with a revolver. The thieves, John Binfield and Mike E. Laughlin. were both armed with Win chesters. The sheriff having got the drop ou Laughlin commanded him to surrender; Mike showed fight and the sheriff shot him dead. Banfield then veakencn, threw dowu li is gun and beg ged for mercy. Jossah Burke, another horse thief, was arrested by the sheriff of Chase county. It is estimated that this band has stolen 100 horses during the past year. There is great rejoicing among settlers on the breaking up of this baud. Wonderful Cures. W. D. lloyt & Co., Wholesale nd Re tail Druggists, of Koine. Ga., say: We have beeu selling Dr. King's New Discov ery, Electric Bitters and Buckleu's Arni ca Salve for four years. Have never handled remedies that sell as well, or give such universal satisfaction. There havt been some wonderful cures effected by these medicines in this city. Several cases of pronounced Consumption have beeu entirely cured by use of a few bot tles of Dr. King's New Discovery, taken in connection with Electric Bitters. We guarantee them always. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. 1 Mr. Wm. Neville has again suffered the loss of a valuable horse which he val ued at about $250. Thursday the animal had been worked very hard ou the sewer work, getting over heated. The heat caused lock-jaw and brought on seyeral complaints in such short notice that the animal could not survive and died last night after every attempt possible was made to save it. When your skin is yellow. When your skin is dark and greasy. When your skin is rough and course When your skin is inflamed and red. When your skin is full of blotches. When vonr fckin is full of nim tiles you need a good blood medicine that can be relied upon. Beggs' Blood Purifier and Blood Maker is warranted as a positive cure for all of the above, so you cannot possibly run any risk when you get a bot tle of this wonderful medicine. For sale by O. P. Smith & Co. ITancral Custom In Denmark. In Denmark it is becoming customary for friends to send to the relatives of a person who has died what is called a "Good Works Card," in place of the usual floral tributes. These cards are of white pasteboard, printed in silver, and are issued, by various charitable organizations. On each card is the name of the society which issues it; in the center ia an ivy wreath on which the name of the de ceased may be written, and at the foot is a space for the name of the sender. The cards are sold In bookstores for a moderate sum. The idea appears to be a sensible one, as by sending these cards people can show their sympathy for those in sorrow and at the same time do something for their favorite charity. As might be expected, the florist do not like these cards. New York Tribune. BAD BLOOD- There is not one thing that puts a man or woman at such disadvantage before the world as a vitiated state of the blood. Your ambition is gone. Your courage has failed. Your vitality has left you. Your languid step and listless ac tions show that you need a powerful in yigorator, one bottle of Beggs' Blood Purifier and Blopd Maker will put new life in a worn out system, and if it does not it will cost you nothing. O. P. Smith & Co., Druggists. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Whn Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. Wbn she w&a a Child, ah cried for Castoria, TThen she became Miss, she clung to CMtoria, When gb bad Children, sa pave tbem Castoria. Drutik5nneortlm Ll.juor Habit Von I tively Cured by Administering Dr. Haines Golden Speci fic. It can bo given in a cup of coffee or tea without the knowledge of tho person taking it; is absolutely harmless and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether ih'o patient is a mod'-nito drink er or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of drunkards have been made temperate men who have taken Golden Specific in their coffee without their knowledge. nnd to-day believe they quit drinking of tlu ir own free will. IT NEVER FAILS. The system once impregnated with the Speci fic it becomes an utter impossibility for the liquor appetite t exist. For full particulars, address GOLDEN SPECIFIC CO., 185 Kace et., Cincinnati, (). 3:i-ly Sheridan Calnlngin Health. Diii.A wakk Bkicakwatkk, July . Gmcral Sheridan has passed an entirely uneventful day, gaining slowly but .stead ily in all respects. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, ( Lucas county, ss. ( Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the city Toledo, County and state aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and cyery case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hai.is Catakkii Clue. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this (ith day of December, A. D. '80. A. W. GLEASON, (Seal) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly upon the blood and mucus surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Chknky & Co., Toledo, Ohio. t3TSold by Druggists, 75 cents. Fearful Work of Lightening. Casseli.ton, Dak., July (i. Lightening struck the farm-house of Ole Olestadt, ten miles north of Hunter, Friday night, killing Olestadt and his wife. Some neighbors passing the house on Saturday noticed the forsaken appearance of the dwelling, and forcing an entrance found the terribly mutilated bodies lying on the floor. The only child, an eight month's baby, was on the bed uninjured. The building had caught fire, but the heavy rain extinguished it. Olestadt's father and mother arrived from Norway yester day. Bucklen's Arnica salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt, rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and postive ly cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by F. G. Fricke fc Co. 51-13-. Otoe County Crops. Nebuaska City, Neb., July 5. Far mers in nearly every precinct in this coun ty report small grain as standing finely and in excellent condition. If no high winds visit this section the crop will be the largest ever known. Tha harvest will commence between the 10th and 12th of July. An Explanation. What is this "nervous trouble" with which so many seem now to be afflicted? If you will remember a few years ago the word Malaria was comparatively un known, today it i3 as common as any word in the English language, yet this word covers only the mtaning of another word used by our forefathers in times past. So it is used with nervous diseases, as they and Malaria are intended to cover what our grandfathers called Biliousness, and all are caused by troubles that arise from a diseased condition of the Liver which in performing its functions finding it cannot dispose of the bile through the ordinary channel is compelled to pass it off through the system causing nervous troubles, JJalrja, Bilious Fever, etc. You who are suffering can well appreci ate a cure. We recommend Green's Au gust Flower. Its cures are marvelous. We wish the sun would go on a strike for a few dys until we could get cool for a short time. tch, Prairie Mange, tnd Scratches ofi every kind cured in 30 minutes by Wool ford's Sanitary Lotion. A sure cure and perfectly harmless. Warranted by P.G Fricke & Co. druggist, Plattsmouth There are no eggs to be found in the city. The hens must be on a strike. English Spavin Liniment removes all Hard, Soft or Calloused lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Stifles. Sprains, Pink Eye, Coughs and, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Every bottle war ranted by F. G. Fricke & Co., Druggists, Plattsmouth, Neb. We now publish music each week in the Weekly Herald. Everybody should be a musician. The pieces furn ished in the paper will be found as pop ular as any costing 50 cents. Everybody should take the paper. We are endeav oring to make it a great success, and feel quite confident we can suit all. Colic, Diarrhoea and Summer com plaints are dangerous at this season of the year and the only way to guard against these diseases is to have constant ly on hand a bottle of some reliable rem edy. Beggs' Diarrhoea Balsam is a POS ITIVE RELIEF in all these disagreeable cases and ia pleasant to take. It will cost you only 35 cents. O. P. Smith & Co., Druggists. She Tried and Knows. A leading rheiiii.it of New York ays: " No planters of such merit m the Aih-l'-'Wrw I'laiter Iniveevf r before been produced." They iro a novelty because they are not umde niuiply U fell cheap, tliey nre tliti lest that science, skill arid money can produce, and Mr ill do what IX vlaiiued lor them. For hprain, aches, weakint-H, lameness, etc., they are unequaUd. 4 Kiat.m Kt .Kaii'liiKky.O., Nov. 21 t-7 ' Tim Atljl"l'l"pn, I'laHtcr I """ jiiiiMic. It i Hi" 1 cvirr In. .1 Bint I bnv- iib! nianv klmlH. Our ilruiUt Faul "rlBj-tcni rrall nlxmt tin- nnnit-" imi J don't Uimk ho now. lirml my rni Hint "1 l't r In July. inl it " painful Biiii.ti, but it if.i not .nui inn t alluow. Writ. SVu.ijh Mauii-u -Sn1 fi rent f'r the lietiul iful colored '! ture. "Moorb.li Mul'lcii." THE A THLOPH0ROS CO. 112 Wall St. N. Y. IH CUKtS WHLMfc ALL USE IAILS. s Best -outrli Hj rui). 1 antes nooil. Uso EtJ in tnnii. Hiil. I liv .li-iii'ii-l '. .r fi I boliovo I'iso'.s Citro for Consumption fcavod my lifo. A. II. Dow kll, Editor lOii'i uircr, I'Mnu ton, N. C, April u:i, 1S87. Tho iikst Coiitrh Medi cine is 1'iso's C uiti: i-ort Consumption. Children tako it without objection. By all druggists'. 'J5o. ''-J CUiiES WHtifE ALL LlSE (AILS. BCBtl'oUKh Kjrii(. TumIum nood. Ugo In time. HoM by lnwiit. b4 NAIF? HALS AM Curt;aHCMhfliM-uMaiii)l linlr fallutt tit I M-nm-rJ1. In valuable f or Coughn, Cold., Inward I'aliui, Exliuuntlon, Ltiniiier THE OLD RELIABLE. fi. A. WATERMAN k mi Wholesale and l'.eiall Healer In i; LUMBER Shingles, Lath, S:uh, i oors i n n gl C 43 Can supply every demand of the trade Call and get terms. Ponrth htrett In Hear of Opera House. Sea Woi.dpn exist in tliini--iiiids di ; lomiH, (ml are v r . ih? si it hy the imni vi-lrf ul in -venlinn. Tlmse wlio :ne in need f )idlit:ili!e work tlint an lie done while living ft home should ;.t c.n ( semi 1 heir address to I lallet t .t o , Portland, Maine, and lei eive tree full infot ma tion how either, cx, of all si-m-h. can earn f i out " to ..' Jier day and upwards wherever they livd. Von an: started live : capital not need l S me have made over c.",0 in one day at tins work. All f uce ed. l'ewaidcdare thom iilm read t his ai d t lien aci ; Iht-y will find hi'Mti.ihli fc in p I o ment that ill not take Uieni fiom t heir home and Jainilic s. The j.rol.ts are Jaij'e anl .sum for every Industrious person, many have made and are now makiii; i-eveial lii,n:red dollars; per month. Iti.sf a.-.y f r ai one to make .", and npwauls per day. who is willing to work Kither sex, j ounjr or oli ; capital net needed : we start yen. J-:yei yt lm;n rie , o special ability required, you, reader, can do it as well ai any one. Write to us at onco for full par ticular which we mail free. Address Mi ou & Co., Portland, Maine. I wf l"t s r e volul lonizeil I I the world during th I li V 6 li 1 1 0 0 ;Sb vhs-h mid nyneiu ol wcifc that can be jicrfouot d ai! o.er th- country without scpaiat i. th woikers Jiom their homo. 1'a.y iineral ; anyone can do the work either sex. yxinf: er old ; ir special ability re quired. Canital hot seeded ; y u ale, started free. Cut this out aim re turn to pud newilt send ou free, M.methinjr of t'-eat importune and va'.up to you, that w ill t-ti t jou iu Im -n.ecs which will brinir you ; mtiie money nirlit away than anyth-nj n In the wild. i:aicl outlit free. Arrs True & Co.. Augusta, ."If . Legal Notice. To 0:e nert of hlu of Suyinifi brakr. and all fir eoii4 iitt.:rtxt;fl in hr.r kUiU.: You are hereby notified lhat on the icih fjav of June, I-, Hon. A. V. YiU, one d the, judf-'en of the district court within and for ( ass, county, Nebraska. ,lJ,e an order en the ap plication of illiam I . C le as jM.arli;:ii of faid hiaiiah Drake, of which the follow isiij 1 A copy : In the district court of Cass coui.ty, Nebras ka. In the iDstteroI Siisanah I:vikf, insane. Cn reading the petition t tiliHin '1. Cole, fruardian of Sm-aiiah iJia'st... insane, repre-ent-iiifr, anions othir tV.iii-'s, tha hi said w:.rdi seized of certain rutl ecta'e therein de-cj ibed. and that it ii expedient, that the saiiie be sold for t lie purpose f beir.K invcj-teii hei e s:i id ward liven and praying for a Ii ii-e to sell tioj same, it is ordered that said p.;t;lion be bearf at the orlice of tiie eleK of the distiiet court of Lancaster couutyt i trH.ska. in the ci!v of Lincoln, before iiie undersigned ?,t his e.Sam beri on 'lie iiih day of July, A. I), ia, i.t 2 o'clock p. hi. It is further ordered that notice be given to the next of kin of said ward and ail pernor ss interested in the estate to appear at paid timf and place arid show cjtuse why iic-n-e sl.oeid not be grained for the sale of Mich leal siate, said notice to be givei by Dedication of thia order not less than three Co Mieees ve veeks before the day of sued hearii'ir in be I !a tu rnout ti H kka Ci. a weekly newi-par er pub. isl.eil at the city of I'lattsinouth In Ca-s coi.nty, Nebraska. Lated June 26th, 18. A. TV. Field, Judge of the District C'eurt iu and for Cass county, Nebraska. 1.-aw For Sale. A thorough bread, Polled Angus bull calf, enquire of Judge W. H.sewel or C. Parmele. tf. Wm. Gii.moi k. li h m n y vK t II Tho iii:st Coiitrh Modi- (j I til u L .Xewg. .... .-.