Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, July 12, 1888, Image 3

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    PLATTcSMO flTfl WEEKLY iiisntii,i, -j il Ul;SDA Y JULY 12, 18
The Arrest of two Railroad Mon
Creates a Sensation.
Chicago, July ". Tltom-is Ihodcrick
and J. A. Howies, nicinlx ih of the Uroth-i-ihood
of locomotive Knginecrs, ami. ft
man named Wilson, wore am; -ted on a
Chicago, ISiirlingtoii & uincy railway
train near Aurora th' aftcrn vn. Tliey
had dynamite in their possession, :uid are
(hi ;mm! with conspiring to dt-stroy the
raiiro ul ro:iiany'n property. They arc
in tin; comity jail under ",,()()() bonds.
It is statoil th at th ; Iiai lintou com
pany ha hail a I rgz forcu of detectives
for some time watching the movements
of the stikers. It was discovered that
dynainite wan used in several unsuccess
ful attempts to wreck trains within tin;
pant month. The olliccrs of tin; road
.state tonight that positive information
was received that today was the day cho
sen for ayrand attack upon the company's
property. The ollicials are reticent re
jardiiij their source of information, hut
the dot is known to them and they al
mit that besides the d finite plan tt Mow
up trains upon tha tracks ly means of
dynainite cartridges tint it inelu led the
probabilities of an attack upon the depot
property and magnificent ollice buildings
here. The ollicials say that had the dan
pre.r not been so imminent they would
hive allowed the conspirators to go on
and criminate themselves, hut the plot
had reached a stage where it was neces
siry to take decisive steps to prevent a
great destruction of property, not to say
Joss of life.
When the men were arrested one of
th -m took from his pocket a letter and
threw it out of the window. The train
was stopped and the letter picked up. Il
is now in the hands of the District At
torney Ewiug. lie refuses to reyeal its
contents, hut General Manager Stone in
timated that it g ive important informa
tion regarding the plot. All of the pier.
.Unied positively that they knew any
thing about the dynamite and disclaim
ed the ownership of the bundle found on
the seat between them. Neither would
they tell who they were or where they
lived. "I don't know any of those men,"
paid Chairman Huge to a reporter. "TIk'J
may be members of the brothcihood, but
I don't remember them. If their case is
found worthy on investigation we will
help them and get them bailed." On
ihoclcricks peisqii was found a brother
hood membership card declaring him a
member of Pottsville division, 2S"o. KO.
IJr ideiick and Wilson had just co;nj on
from Creston, la., where they were close
ly identified with the strikers. Wilson
is supposed to be a striking fireman. Gen
eral Manager Stone said tonight that it
was believed that high officials of the
brjtherhoood were connected with the
conspiracy to use dynamite.
A fair Kunavyay Captured.
Texakkana, Ark., July C- MissFrauk
ie, daughter of 'Squire Linn Whitehe. cl,
the wealthy planter, desiring to change
her co?y hon;e among the moaning of the
p;nes for college life, yesterday, without
the consent of her parents, made thepnr
chase of half a doen traveling trunks,
filling them with silks, lawns, fine mus
lins, shoes and other ladies' wearing ap
paral, selected from one of the best stocks
of goods in one of the extensive dealers
in ladies' dress goods in the city, had the
same charged to her father, and directed
that her purchases be shipped to her ad
dress at one of the leading ladies' semi
naries Xoith. The father was duly noti
fied of the purchases made by his fair
daughter, who had already boaidcd a
north bound train and was rapidly speed
ing away to join the Vassars. The fath
er, not being pleased with the extensive
purchases at his expense and the loss of
the winsome girl, wired for her to be
arrested and sent one of the salesmen of
the house from which the goods were
purchased after her. Mr. Sanderson, the
gentleman sent in her pursuit, returned
this morning, accompanied by the beauti
ful Miss Frankie. She was turned over
t; the kind care and keeping of her fath
er, who has promised that his pet and
idol shall be permitted to go to school
to her heart's content. She takes her ar
rest good naturedly, and with blushing
smiles asserts that she's bound to have
an education.
Threa Young Men Murc'ered.
CiircAC.o, July 7. A 2'iaiis special
from Wichita. Kansas, reports the murder
on the Red Fork of tiic Arkansas riv.r
in Indian territory of Ed Frahy, II. Hair
liday, and J. Merwell, all of Springfield,
111., and all under 20 years of age. A
few days ago they missed some money
and accused a half-breed Indian named
Evans of haviDg stolen it. The day fol
lowing this Evans was found murdered
in his cabin and the three boys bad disap
peared. Evans' friends supposing the
boys had murdered him started in nr
suit and coming up with them inurdcitd
them in a shanty which they were occupy
ing. No trace of the gang has been uis
Luierod. For Sale
A thorough bread, Polled Angus bull
calf, enquire of Judge W. II.Newtl or C.
tf. W. Gu.mour.
Mating Anions Savugc A Ijiw lu Hi-axil.
Deterioration of Kojal lilootl lu Lu
rope Germany' I'ei il I'll juleal Culture
SliouKl IIo I.ooI:el After Ilf-Hiill.
It i3 lot.h interesting and instructive to
Etudy tlio ieoplo and races of ttie earth, us
their methods of coiitraeli:i;j marriages in
lluencu their deterioration or advancement.
Among the Ksquiinaux, who rank very low
on tlio sealo of humanity, marriage is a mere
matter of convenieneo. The sentiment of
love ueems almost unknown. The woman
simply needs to bo fed, and the man requires
some one to make his clothes and to take care
of Lis hut whj'o he is hunting or fishing. The
contract is made when tho parties are in in
fanej'. Tho boy's futher selects a littlo girl
for his son's wife, and pays her father for her
perhaps a pair of snow bhoc.3 or a dozen
percussion caps. Tho two are then consid
ered engaged, and when thoy become old
enough live together. It is at once evident
that no attention can hero bo given to those
points which should govern a wise and scien
tific marriage. Tho prosjiectivo brido and
groom are too young, at the time when they
are aflianced, for any ono to know into what
sort of representatives of their race they will
develop. Perhaps tho question of cheapness
is the main one. Their method of contract
ing marriage alliances goes far to show why
it is tho Esquimaux have remained so long
at their present low level.
In various parts of South America there is
an ample field to study the effects of judi
cious alliances. There exists there almost
every variety of cross between the native In
dians, the resident and indolent Spaniards,
and other more active, vigorous and intel
lectual Europeans. Tho alliances are hardly
formed with a view to tho laws of scientific
parentage, though they clearly show the
working of these when they have been ob
served, as well as the opposite effect when
they have been disregarded. There is a re
markable and self-imposed family law which
popularly prevails, we are told, throughout
Brazil in relation to matrimony. It is recog
nized among all tho higher classes. The man
who is about to marry is required to furnish
a certificate from one or mora physicians
that he is free from diseases of a certain char
acter, and that ho is free also from all signs
of any of the diseases which are liable to bo
transmitted to the offspring. Not only that,
but tho physicians consulted must testify
that, as far as they can learn, there exists no
reason to believe that tho union will be other
than in accord with the laws, of sanitation.
Tho ruling families of many of the small
European states havo their range in marriage
selection so restricted by their social code as
to furnish noteworthy exampe3 pf tha dis
olxtdienoo of tho laws of scientific wedlock.
Tho eonseouenee is. the rrremlw- --
fohl.l '-J-' ' uro often
. .ucu, weak bodied, bigoted and dis
eased. Francis Galton speaks of the disap
pearance largely due to marriage selection
in England of the once famous and thorough
bred looking Norman type. When found
now it generally exists, not among celebri
ties, but in inconspicuous members of aristo
cratic families such as undistinguished army
ofiieers and the like. Ho notes, too, the very
evident superiority in highbred appearance
of the otherwise less noteworthy Austrians
over tho modern Prussians. Yet tho
Prussians well in the world's front as
they have placed themselves aro run
ning a race danger hi their constant
employment in the arniy of their lest men.
These are exposed to early death, aro often
tempted into vice, and aro prevented from
marrying during the prime of life. Tho
shorter and weaker men, with feebler pon.sti
tations, are left at home tc. raise, the families;
and thus danger is threatened to the con
tinued superiority of the population.
In many countries the poorer classes marry
early and havo largo families. They &ro too
ignorant to know anything of tho scientific
laws which should govern marriages and pa
rentage. Not only aro they poor and ig
norant, but often vicious. Says Greg; "The
careless, squalid, unaspiring Irishman multi
plies like rabbits; the frugal, farseeing, self
respecting Scot, stern in his morality, spirit
ual in his faith, sagacious and disciplined in
intelligence, passes his best years in struggle
and celibacy, marries late, and leaves few
behind him. Given a land originally peopled
by a thousand Saxons and a thousand Celts,
and in a dozen generations Cve-sixths of the
population would be Celts; but five-sixths of
the property, of the power, of tho intellect,
would belong to the one-sixth of the Saxons
that remained." Says another writer: "Jt
is ono of the laws of life that each individual
shall to a great extent tako tho benefits and
evils of its own nature, no matter whether
these come from ancestors by inheritance or
aro self produced from habit. A child is en
titled a to birth with as few defects of char
acter and constitution as it is possible to give
it. Parents are bound by honor and by their
own self interest, if they bring children into
the world, to do it under such circumstances
and conditions that their offspring may live
healthy, happy, useful lives. To bring chil
dren into the world which will bo incapable,
criminal, or so diseased that their whole lives
will bo miserable, is wrong, if not a crime."
The day when true sanitary marriage will
become the rule- is a long way off. Tho need
must be made more plainly evident. In this
country we aro developing, from the amal
gamation of many strains, a race wholly now
to the world. Our immigrants, as they inter
marry with those that havo preceded them,
produce descendants of a quicker and moro
aggressive mental typo than their own, and
it is noted by Darwin that tho bodies and
limbs of these descendants are very noticea
bly longer than those of their ancestors. Dur
ing our civil war tho uniforms manufactured
to fit the average American soldier, including
those of foreign descent, though born here,
were found, as a rule, to be much too long
for foreigners just arrived. When we shall
have learned, and learned to apply, the laws
of proper selection in marriage our race
ought to be second to nono in health and
physical development, and that means, also,
intellectual advancement. A wide step to
ward the needed ref orm has been taken by
up as a people, for far more than ever before
aro wo interested in physical culture, upon
which health so clearly depends. There is a
promise that it will yet havo tho high place
in the curriculum of education which it de
serves. Our schools now, on account of the absence
of a proper system of physical culture, ar
constantly sending out into the world young
men and young women who, by reason of
their infirmities, never ought to marry. And
again, our ill ventilated counting rooms and
factories are generating an army, tho off
spring of which must pTesent every phase of
bodily imperfection. The remedy for this is
physical culture, and the sooner it is recejr.
nized by all, and particularly by ouf edu
cators, the better-. Social reformers and phi
lanthropists have here a wide field for culti
vation. Let them impress upon our growing
youth the importance of healthy bodies, har
moniously developed by proper exercisu. Let
them also aid them everywhere, as our be
nevolent institutions here in Boston hav
done, by providing gymnasiums and grounds
for open air sports, and they will wj11 have
earned the highest reward for their labors.
boston Herald.
Whit It Is In Which the Sonl of the Or.
i&u Consist.
The Individual peculiarities and delicate
expressions of the human voice havo been
looked upon as almost belonging to the soul,
and as, therefore, incapable of reproduction.
We reeognize people by these slight, but sure,
differences in quality, and think that "there
is no mistaking that voice." . Wo pay tho
same tribute to the individuality of each kind
of musical instrument, being able to distin
guish ono from another positively, by tho
quality of tho sound only, after hearing pre
cisely tho same musical noto struck upon
Tho first question to be answered is, what
is tho difference in the sounds of dif
ferent voices and of different mu
sical Instruments by which we distin
guish thein, if it is difference neither in
the loudness nor in tho pitch of tho tone pro
duced It fs tho simultaneous sounding of
other notes which accompany faintly tho
note played upon tio instrument, not loud
enough to 1)0 heard, but giving it richness
and quality In precisely the same way that a
chord makes a. richer sound than a single
note. Theso extra notes, sometimes called
sympathetic vibrations, aro too faint to bo
separately recognized, but they modify tho
original note, giving it a richness, quality of
"timbre" which differs for every instrument.
The piano is richer than the harp, becauso
its strings are surrounded by a caso which
imparts the vibrations of each string to such
of the other strings us nro in accord with it,
thereby causing thoo nearest in agreement
to accompany every noto struck. Tho pro
portion of faint notes which accompany tho
noto plaj-ed is different in different kinds of
musical instruments, being affected by tho
shape of tho caso, tho material, etc. ; hence
tho difference in quality of sound.
In talking, the sounds of the voice are made
nearly all in ono note, and articulation is
simply the effect of rsjiid and decided varia
tions in tho quality or tho timbre of the noto,
as if the instrument which was sounding was
rapidly changed from an organ to a violin,
a piuno, eto., as the different syllables aro
pronounced. These changes in tho musical
nature of the mouth are made by using tho
tongue, palate. Hps and teeth to vary its
shape and bring out the extra vibrations in
tho various projortions of different musical
instruments from moment to moment. In
other words, speech or articulation consists
of ono tone produced by the voice or vocal
chords, and then modified by the various
shapes which tho mouth can assume so as to
possess at will the quality giving properties
of any instrument. This inflexibility of tho
voice is illustrated by tho fact that the voice
can imitate tdmcit any musical instrument.
Many people do not realize that a conversa
tion is carried 011 n nearly a tingle tone,
with variations in it3 quality pjdy. Whtfii
wo vary tho pitch. ti tbs nofvjj produced h
tlM voice, as well as tho quaJi- .,
hi j, and wh - .., , e are sing-
we vary tho pitch without
varying the quality, that is, without pro
nouncing words, we are "humming" a tuno.
Harper's Weekly.
The Jackals of Calcutta.
KTind friends had warned us, ere we retired
to sleep the first night in Calcutta, not to
suppose that there wa3 anything tho matter
if wo should hear tho cry of the jackals. But
for that warning I do not know what our
feelings would havo lieen when, awakened
from our first sleep by them, wo heard a
pack pass closo to tho house. It seemed to
us as though the conscience of tho whole city
had unbarred tho portals of hell and put a
trumpet in tho hand of every liberated fiend.
I had presumptuously imagined that famil
iarity with tho concerts of London cats
would enablo mo to sleep through the jack
als' efforts.
But though tho cat has undeniable power
ho can never hope to reach the top notes of
tho jackal. This latter, indeed, lacks the
conversational variety of tho moro domestic
animal. He confines himself mainly to one
tune, which begins, in a semi-apologetic low
note, then ascends a little, still with a suspi
cion of apology and explanation that ho did
not mean to rnako quito so much noiso but
could not help it ; and then the flood gates are
open, and seeming to say that ho does not
care ho yells with ecstatic abandon. Terrible
as a "wandering voice" of tho night the
jackal appears a poor creature should ho bo
come upon in his own proper person by day.
True, his teeth are to be respected, but that
is because, like all carrion feeders, his bito is
moro or loss poisonous. lie is himself a
sneaking coward, useful, however, beyond
description, No system of drainage will en
ablj Calcutta to dispense with its natural
scavengers, and of theso the jackal is
among the most efficient. Peering into dark
corners and with a noso keen to scent out
what has escaped even the crow's bright eye,
littlo as that seems to miss, he fills a. special
place in the sanitary economy of tho city of
palaces. "Turbans and Tails."
Seriousness of Cuban Courtship.
The surveillance of parents over daugh
ters renders the matter of courtship a serious
affair in Cuba. Many 3-oung men actually
becoino dolorous objects from persistent sere
nading before so much as civil recognition
by tho family is granted. But there is un
doubtedly a high quality of patience exhib
ited on tho part of tho family, as well as by
doughty lover. Time after time, at all hours
of the night, on returning to my hotel from
divers wanderings in tho Cuban capital,
have I passed these love stricken youths,
stationed opposite the homes of their inam
oratas in all manner of agonized attitudes,
strumming dew muffled notes upon ancient
guitars, aud lifting their voices in passionate
though doleful petitions to tho night, tho
moon, tho stars and all the saints, to aid
them in reaching the ears and hearts of their
All this may seem ridiculous to us, but it
Is far from that to those who thus pour out
their souls upon the night. Nobody pays
any attention to it. The parents, who aro
used to it, simply turn in their beds with
thanks to the saints tht their doors a;a
massive and the windows aro of iron bars.
Belated male passengers cast sympathetic
glances nt the lono troubadours, remember
ing their own dismal efforts hi the past.
Even tho neighbors keep silence, and not a
rock or handy hou-ci;old i:n pit mint is shot,
as from some shadowy catapult, on disturb
ing mission through the bos2:y midnight air.
For hoars of this lugubrious scrt of vigil no
reward is sought or expected, but if the flut
ter of a dainty hand or the shimmer of deli
cate laces is for on instant caught at the bal
cony of tha fair one's aicoba, then is the
minstrel lover in an ecstasy of delight. Ed
gar L. Wakeman's Letter.
Vhj:r iiio iay
In a German chart, publithed in 1ST0 by
Dr. Glcuni, a lino dividing placea keeping
SuciLiy and ilonday respectively
through Behring strails, loaving the Aleutian
U.cs cn tho east, curves tharply in between
the Philippines ou lb-3 wec-t rn'. C- oiiiioia 011
tho east, thn vU!- 2ai sScrply, sweeping
north of Guinea and leaving tha Chatham
iles ou tho west. At all places west of the
iiu- it U HouiLiy, whilo it U Sunday cn tL.
t:t. Arkansaw Traveler.
Jt-a-v. O Htoriuy w-iad. thy wai'lni
thy r").-.ri:;. r.-stl-.x veu!
Ail -nO.! I. -nr. il'.v t.i.'l v.vs Ih-.iIu:,:,
IJ!-'i Mi KKiils in n iay
O'i tin- te!nj.i'.,t. Ian 1:uiJ Mttxvpaig,
K.:i!i.r ohv. i oi:n' to ni,
A.'Hl I s.t K clo:,e reef e J vessel
To-vi.: uu an itnry kim.
I.fir. I wateheit lj.r !:i the ofl'i:i .
Till the n:;,'.'it vlmt dint n t ln
Pl-v;.!.vs v. bU-litM stilt ur' wuitia,;
K'.r l!icir l.i:i.liv l l n ii'.vi.y:
P -rir:;; tiir-Mjii ll:e tor!s:v n.-.i
V.'itd tiii'.j v. i'.:; y. u.ilwi:.. ej e s.
Wutrhi:)'?. wairin;; M--:iti;;. f.iri:.g.
While t!ie v.v.iers !jI-h'- i
Co'ise. O cfzutip, tliou ivurin,; oocaul
i.'.yir ymi m:S my liiiterc.yr
O'er my loved your ivnicro lolli.i,
In your simiess oaves Uu-y lie.
Ai'O ti:y o.ics oVrilow wee; in.;
When 1 hear those bill nvs n:-mi.
Oil, tho heart. 4 fh:it tli-rj h;i-;t ll ul:en,
Ouly to their ijoJ uie kiiutva.
A. IZ. Porter.
How S!ie Found liim Out.
"I say, old fellow," said lltakely, meeting
his friend Harry D. on tho street, "1 saw you
and Edith pass each other yesterday withont
a sign of recognition. 1 thought you wero
engaged f"
"1 thought so, too," said Harry with a
deep sigh; "but that's off."
"How's that if"
"Well, it's all owing to theso infernal
fashions some of tho women wear now hat.
coat, vest, collar and shirt front, for all the
world like thoso worn by tho male sex.
They'll make a raid on our pantaloons next."
"1 don't quite understand explain."
"Well, you see, I quietly entered Bob
Greenbag's law oflice alxvit, dirdc rvr-:
last week, and s..;v BoL aiBung tielund a desk
with his back toward me. I stealthily ap
proached, gave him a vigorous and familiar
slap on the shoulder and cried: 'I have coma
for you, old maul You must go with me
dowu to Hatchley'a. Lot of gay girls will be
there that pretty littlo blondo you were
mashed on in the ballet at tho Blank theatre
and I'm going for tho plump variety singer
the one I had out to lunch the other night,
when wo all got a little uproarious, you know.
Come, what d'yo say? Is it a gof and I tilted
his hat down over his eyes, ami tl'Rt ti
tled it."
"How settViyJ it Lnd Bob givo you away
to his cousin Edith?"
"Naw. It wasnt Bob at alL It was tho
charming Edith herself, dressed in a tailor
made, masculinish suit: and tho Arctic look
sho gavomonssho swept out of the oflice
without a word told me that my matrimonial
hopes in that quarter wero everlastingly
blasted. Well, so long." Drake's Magazine.
Jimp, lisfori'ft
Another t; - ucc.
tirna - " ... 1.1st who devoted much
. uisguising her faco was Mmo. Ilis
tori, whoso singular features allowed her
to assume, with extraordinary sueee-a, an
idealized likeness of the heroic and historical
personages whose parts she generally acted.
Nothing could exceed tho minute caro and
delicacy with which she worked to make
herself strikingly like Mary Stuart, for in
stance. Seated in front of a looking glass, with all
her boxes of powders and pastes and her
brushes systematically arranged on the toilet
table, sho would literally copy upon her own
faco all tho lines which sho ar.w in a fine pic
ture of Mary Stuart which was placed close
by her.
Her most striking "make up," however,
was that of Elizabeth. Sho had purchased
nt great expense, when in England, several
excellent original pictures of Queen Bess,
taken at various periods of her life, and also
a great number of engravings, and whoa she
played Giacometti's tragedy sho had all her
pictures with her, and between tho acts, with
surprisinz rapidity, painted according to
them, so that tho spectators saw her grow
old from act to act, and in tho last scene, in
which she died, her reproduction on her own
faco and figure of tho ravages of remors
was quite appalling. New York Journal.
Some. Euormous Salaries.
Somo interesting figures in regard to sal
aries havo been elicted in a suit now in
progress in Brooklyn against a baking pow
der company. It was shown that tho presi
dent of tho company draws a salary of $?0,
COO a year; the vico president, $:;0,000, aud
tho treasurer, C 0,000. Tho president of a
paint and varnish company, who was intro
duced as an expert in regard to salaries,
stated that the superintendent of his com
pany received 00.000 a year, whi'o the yearly
business did not exceed !,000,OJO. Another
witness stated that in companies with which
ho was acquainted tho chief executive officers
received from $.,000 to $.V),00t) a year, while
a representative of a keroseno oil company
said that ho knew one oilicer of a large cor
poration who received a salary of ioO.OOO a
year, and two others who received 20,000
each. Theso figured are enormous and were
unknown until the days of trusts p.::d coin
biuatious. The explanation is furnished iu
the testimony of 0110 of tha witnesses, who
said that the business uf the company with
which ho is connected had l eeu increased
until tbo profits had reached 5.0 per cent, on
the original capital :tcck. Baltimore Sun.
For Timing Ixpos;;res.
Crookcs' radiometer, a remarkable little
instrument in which tiny vanes aro rotated
by thj action of light, is being used by
French photographers for timing exposures,
an cqiuil number of revolutions of tho vanes
corresponding to the proper time, whatever
bo the degree- of brightness of the light.
Arkansaw Traveler.
A Literary M;;u Suggestion.
1 lore than forty years ago Bjornstjerna, a
literary count of Sweden, suggested that, as
both poles must have reached a suitable de
greo of cooling at the same time, the earth
might Lave been peopled from the uorth polo
with its white races and from tho south polo
with its colored raoea. Arkansaw Traveler.
A Successful Combination.
Tho combination formed by Edwin Booth
and Lawrence Barrett is the most mccessful
known in the history of tho stage. The gross
receipts of the season just closed wrre $000,
000. Of this $400,000 profit was divided be
tween tho two "stars." Harper's Bazar.
No Laughing? Blatter.
Sheridan, the groat English wit, said of a
noted scion of the EritisU aristocracy: "A
joko is no laughable matter in his hands."
This remark will apply to a good many ind
viduals fond of making use of other j-eopie'si
witticisms. Chicago Herai,. "
The Uidden Hock.
There has been a long search for a sunken
rock in the Red sea upon which two Eritisb
steamers foundered. It has at last been
found. It is a very small coral patch v, ita
only fifteen feet of water over i'?. 2-ljv? "Yprg
Sun. 1-..
Elizabeth Millet established in London in
1702 tho first daily newspaper printed in the i
In 1773 rieviLstflh Timnthv n-,.lnL-l
e.iited a newspaper in Charleston, S. C "
Malignant Soro
Threat is very preva
lent among the people
of India.
Mr. E. A. PtREI.'IA,
Head Inspector Post Of
fices, Calcutta, Iniiia,
writes . er hi ; ;
here s!..v, ;i ;
' I it-li!i(:ini o-.ih relief
in Tii leal li-oi.Mcs In tlio
'n lit j!ie 1 1 Iloipilal vh4
obtained ly St. ,.-irnl4
Oil. Was myself cured
by It."
Sol.l ly
The Chas. A. Vofldcr Co.,
HAI.TI.MdKK, .Ml).
To The People of Cass and Adioin-
I desire to say a lew Wolds to the peo
ple at largo in regard the breeding of
horses. Having myself, for the la t ::.""
years been engaged in that business, be
lieving that I am competent to give a
fair, unbiased opinion of the hest l.ned
crs. I drove thes!allion. uiU lireeches,
who took tV,e 1st piemiuin at th; first
fi- cycr held in Des Moines, la. 1 also
owned and bred the stallion. ('u Vifiik
er, who was tin: first h...e to take a
premium in (V,i county and have always
bec; handling hordes f.r breeding pur
poses. I have handled, ;;ul print
ers, Morgan, t apper iMtom- r,1.iis,
ipuurttmani, Uw',S(1;lles N()nuon. iUlll
Oilier- J have bought and brought t
Cass county, a large number of horses
even before the 15. & M. II. K. had n rail
here and among them were a IVinter
Stallion, a Copper Uwttoni Stallion, four
Norman Stallion., four Clydesdale. Stal
lions and others and have bred all these
horses at different times. I have beui
on the horse market for 20 years ni-d am
by this time, certainly competent to
know what horse or breed of horses will
bring the most 11101103' in this or nnv
other market and which arc the
most valuable to stock raisers
my opinion is that the Clydesdale and
Norman are worth more money to the
breeders and it is based upon this fact,
that a three year old Norman or Clydes
dale draft horse is worth and can be sold
in market for 140 to S200 and the smal
ler horses at the age w ill not pos
sibly bring over sT.'i.
I have said this much for the benefit
of breeders and in explanation, and I
further desire to say that we have now at
our stables in Piattsmouth two Clydes
dale and one Norman horses good ( lean
big breeders, and with more to follow,
both for sale and breeding purposes.
W. I). Jonks,
Piattsmouth, Neb., May 11th, 1SSS.
Collision Between Trains.
. 'Wii.KKsiJAitKE, Pa., July 7. A wreck
occurred on the Pennsylvania railroad
near Nanticoke this morning between
two passenger trains. One of the firemen
in jumping was seriously bruised about
the body; the others escaped without
injury. The passengers on both trains
were badly frightened and shaken up.
Some thirty of them arc slightly injured,
though none fatally. The accident was
due to the blunder of a train dispatcher.
Coats Killed by Lightning.
Ei. Paso, Tex., July n. Last night El
Paso and vicinity was visited by a thun
derstorm, which in the amount of electric
ity discharged has never been equaled
in this section. The lightning did da
mage in various places in the bottom ad
dition just beyond the International Smel
ter. A flash of lightning struck a cotton
wood tree, under which a thick of gouts
had taken shelter. Fifty tw o of them
were killed. The tree itself showed but
slight traces of having been struck.
Dynar.'.ite on tho Track.
Crkstox, la., July 7.- -A dynainite cait
lidge exploded under the front trucks of
passenger train No. C, about a u-ile east
of the Creston yards, at 11:30 causing a
loud report and a perceptible shock to
the engine. An examination showed
that a piece of the truck flange had been
blown off, but the engine was not so dis
abled but that it could proceed with the; J
train. 1 lie cartridge had been yje-urely
fastened to the rail. N yine hr.i been
discovered k. in. the c- ijii)irator.
Mr. D. A. Maltliv, of Omaha, organ
izer of the order of Modern "Workmen of
America, is in the city in the interests of
the order. This order althougi. cus)y a
few years in csi?ei-c?t 43 Li-coming very
popular, t,i eipc;-.iHliy in Illinois ar.d
some of the western slutrs. Thirty-nine
names have already been secured ii
Piattsmouth with lu.iuctoih i-i-cnniits.
The order has, it ci.iimed, many ad
Yapinyea oyer other secret ones, and it i
thought by all the present members that
its career will be a yric-peroas oae.
the: citizens
j3 1ST Z
Authorized Capital, $100,000.
Oi l- K.'l.KS
i'K.'tiN'K C.UCKUMI, Jus. A. CON NO If,
1'iesUieiit. Vl'e-l'ieslJelit.
W. U. Cl'iSllKCU. CaaJiier.
Kiank Carmtl , .J. A. Conner, 1". K. C ut hum mi
J. W. JiiIm h)!!, lieuiy Jjii-cU , J.ilm O'Keefe,
V. I. M.inaiii, Win. Wetei caieii, W.
II. Cu.'.liilij.'.
lr!isae.K a ;: n, linkliur liuciiipfis. All
!; have any KaiiUne, hasiiies lo lnui.Hct
urn unite, 1 to fa.) 1. No Matter Ii
laij.'e or Hinali the I miisiiel loll, 11
V ill I'eeelve 011! caret i! 1 at lelltioil,
and we jiieiinse ahvi-ys tour
teous 1 1 eallneiit.
Issues Certillcaies of Dei osits bearing lntiret
i.uys ami sell P'orelfn KxelmiiKe, County
and Cl v .stieiiritied.
Jons ft rzoKUAi.o,
(S. W Al'lill
33 ISP IESZ !'
Otters tho very liest. fKcilitle.i forth prAicpt
trar.HHCtioi! or legitimate
StoeUs, T".o'.Im, Oohl. (,verr:ri'enl Kfrt I ocg
HeeinltteM i'.oiu; I: t and ;;,.u, ei c ji rrcrlv
ed ai:d interest, allowed on lii.,e Critlfl
catec, InafiK.liiiwii.avui.'hl.te in airy
part of the I'nite-.l xaten iii.d
the p'-jVi.').,! towiiH of
Ui roue.
Collections iindtt i-protr.ptly rtiuilUd
lllldiest muikfit jiricen j aid fr,r County War
fc'tat' at.d County l'.undP.
ttlHF.CTOKi; t
John Klti-irer.-ild
jotm t. l. am, T...,KW.,r-li.
S. Wsiuvli.
f. V . vvj.iu..
J?. w W'-A.G-OZLnT
Wagon, Buygy, Machine and Plow re
pairing, and general jobbing
ai. now prepared to do all kinds of repairing
01 Jann and other machinery, as there
Is a ijood lathe in my shop.
The old Reliable Wason Maker
has taken ch irja of tlio w ;iroii ncp
Ho is well kxowu aa a
NO. 1 WtiltJIMJK.
Kw tfuirtkiH .cI 15if:l,t cuC'n
HAT.'.'- VA I 'I -TOjtf U!APAT
Sank Cass Ccamty
Cotucr TJaiu and Sixth Street?.
Xi.A.rx"j:sivroTj x-.-ez i;eb
,C. H. PAKMKI.K. PiesWent, 1
1 J M. PArj-EitrfON. Cashier, f
Transacts a General EanliEg Business
Paid for County and City Warrants
cjis.L.i:cr ioxm riAin:
and ijrotnjjily remitted for.
C. H . Parr, e!p, J. M. Patterson.
Fred Oordrr, A . 15. Smith.
P.. B. Windham. 51. Morrisey, Patterson. Jr.
The 5th St. Merchant Tailor
Keejs a Full Line of
Foreign & Domestic Goods.
Consult Your Interest by Civ:i K Hiin a Cal
"FI.m t r 1 1-5 01 1 tli. - tvtv.
Dr. A. Marshall,
Preservation i t ,..tunU teeth a firei;iHy.
Ceeth tji)(ict-'-a l; ;,;,,, ((Jt j VKt lf 1 ltQt-tf,9
All vvork warranted. Prices reasonable.
FixzOK.itAi.n's'tit. Nkb
"Painless ST-cnlists."
Tire Oi.fy Ieriti!i- hi tl:p West cfu.t r II r f; thia
System .f Extract intr xv.i'. I'iiiii; 'J eetU
without 1'iiin. - in- ali.-ie-ihi-tic i tn
tirely free from
C 1 1 Li O I i ( ) V G 1 1 3 1 0 1 1 1 1 T J I E I i
A N I ) I :S A U C-i. I TE L Y
Harmless - Tq - Air
T1" e:;Jreu-d at, d fvilf-tl?.! Ipith inserted
uext Jay it dei:ed . 1 i:t. -ri:-n vailoii ot the
uatr.r;i) ttcth a specialty.
'4"Jie very finest. .:Mce in I nion Block, over