pjtaiteti$0tiij) iflpeelita i W 11 ) nfil!' ' fill 0 $2.00 L'EH ANNUM. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY. JULY 12, 1888. VOLUME XXI r. NUMI5KR 17 J J it i i r -. f ROYAL MWfiJ Absolutely Pure. Tli is powder never varies. A marvel of pur ity, ft.reiiiri li and wholesoiiicness. More eco nomical than the ordinary kimls.iiiul cannot be Kolilin competition with the multitude of low tent, short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold omIv In c u,s. Koval liAKIJOS l'OWUKK Co.. lot; V':ill St. New York. GFDY OFFIG1511S. Mayor, Cleric. Tremurer, Attorney, Kniiieer, Police .Judge, M:Lril:L!l. T.M. ItlCHKY V K Kox - .Jam its 1 at r k liso n, jk. - liYHO.S CL.AKK A Makoi.k . - S CL,IKKOKI W II Mai.ick , J .1 V W'KCKUACH Couucilincii, 1st ward, ' , xai.ishuky t D M Junes 2ud 3rd 4th. ( I ' H. A SHII'MAN M li Mciu-hy ( S W DUTTON I Cov (I't'osNOK. I P McCallks, PltKS I J W Joi Hoard Pill). Works- KHKU ( ( D 11 llA W .Johns in.chaihman OKDK.K. IlAWK.-jWoltTH GOb'jXY OFFIGliljS. Treasurer, Deoury lieASiirer, - Clerk. lepuly Clerk, Ueconler of Deeds lrtuty lt.'curder Clerk of District Co-irt, SheriiT, Surveyor. Attorney. Siipt. of Pub. School. County J udjse. 1. a. campbell Thos. Pollock Bli:l ClUTCHKIKl.O liXA CKlTt'UKIEI.D W. II. Pool John M. Lkyda W. C. HlIOWALTKR J. C. ElKK.NHAU A. M ADOLK allen 15keson Mavxahd Spink C. iiUaSELL HOARD OF 3UPKKVISOKS. A. B. Toni). Ch'm., - - Plattsmouth Lor is KoLTZ, Weeuiii;; Water A. P. Dl-KSOX, Kimwood O'lYXQ SOGIJVr.luS. fiASS ,ODUB No. 110, 1 O. O. P. -Meets Vevery Tuesday evening of each week. All transient brothers are respectfully invited to attend. IJLATTMOCTII KXCAMPMEXT No. 3. I. O. U. P.. meets every alternate l'rhlay in each month in the Masonic Hall. Visiting Krothers are invited to attend. rglwiO I.O.-lili NO. 1. A. O. U. W. Meets - every alternat Friday evening at K. of P. hall. Transient brothers arfi respectfully in vited to a' tend. K..J. Morgan. Master Workman ; E. 8. liars-tow. Foreman ; Frank Brown. Over seer ; 1. lijwen, Ouide; (Jeaigo Houswortll. Keoorder ; II. J. Johnson. Financier; Wash. Smith. Receiver ; M. Maybrij-ht. Past M. W. ; Jack luuherty, Inside Guard. 1ASS CAMP ;o.3a2. MOHKltX woodmkx of i Jeets second and fourth Mou lt ayeveiiii! at 1C. of P. hall. All transient b.ut'aej-s are requested to meet with us. 1. A. Jiewno ner. Venerable Consul ; 'i. K, Xiles, Woriliy Ailvifcf ; C. Wilde, Jianker ; W. A. Uoetk, Cieik. "OLATTSMOUTIl LODC.E NO. 8, A. O. V. W. - Meet everv alternate Friday evening at Kock wood hall at 8 o'clock . All transient broth ers are respectfully inited to attend. I. S. Larson, M. W. ; F. P.oyd, Fore:nau : S. C. Wilde, Kecorder ; Leonard A ndersou. Overseer. SL.- iTS.MOlJill LODflK NO. C, A. F. & A.M. Jt Meets on the llrst and third Mondays of each month at their hall. All transient broth ers are cordially imited to meet with us. J. U. liU'HEV, W. M. Wm, H ays. Seereiary. V'P.BItASKA CHAPTKIi. NO. 3. li. A. M i' Meets-second and fourth Tuesday of each mouth at Mason's Hall. Transcitist brothers are invited to meet with us. F, K White, II. P. Wm. Hav, Sr-r.yetavy. . ii r ZION COMMA v DAIIV. NO. 5. K. T. Meets first and third Wednesday niirht ol eaeh monfh at Maso i's hall. Visiting brothers are cordially invited to meet wiih us. WM. Hays. Itec. F. K. White. E. C. McCOillHiS: POST 45 C. A. R. HOST E it. .T. V. Johnson Commander. 6! S. Twiss Senior Vice F j. Bta; Junior " " i : km. XI I v :s Adjutant jljMH' STUKUiHT M. J.Iai.on Dixon Oii'uerof the iay. Cha::lk4 Fouo " ' Cuard Andhson Fiiv ?ergt Major. .lAf'or. lioiii!' 'A.. ..Quarter Master isergf. L. C. Cuir . Post Cliapliiin - rd.iy evening PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. J AS. S. MVTIIKvVS. Attorney at Law. ofllee over Peter Merge store, north side ol M ln uetwesi Mh au nth streets?. f A. HAUThJAX, Lawyer. Fitzgerald's ill BlocV, Plattsjnoulh, Nebraska. Prompt and careful atlent ion to a genenil law in aetlee V' N. SULLIVAN. Attorney at Law. Will give prompt Attention to ail business in trusted to !:in. Oftice in Union Block, East side. Plattsmouth. Neb. TO. BRQFNE, TuTW OFFICE. Personal attention to all Business Entrust to my care. OTAKY IV OFFICE Tltleo Evamlned. bstatcts Compiled, In surayee Written, Real Estate Sold. BeUT Facilities for making Farm Loans than IlattiaioutIi, - XelJ- ilia HOCE AND MURPHY ARRESTED. General Manager Stone Swears Out Warrants Against Them. Tho'Q" Conspiracy. C'mcAdo., July 11. Oeuural Manager Stone f the Chicago, Uurlinton &, Quin cy railroad la.st niglit swore out a warrant for the arrest of Stewart 11 lloge, chair man of the grievance committee of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, and John Murphy, charmau of the Fire men's Brotherhood. The warrant was placed in Inspector Iionfield's hands and early this morning the arrests were made and the prisoners lodged in the central station. Subsequently, at the request of the road, a continuance was taken until Saturday, and the two men were admitt ed to bail in the sum of $1,1 500 each. The charges made against them is conspiracy in writing and sending out the following circular: "Chicago, April 18, 1838. To C. E. and F. A. E. Division, No. : The Chicago. Burlington & Quincy have only about one-half of the men they had prior to the strike. They want about four hun dred or five hundred more engineers. We have decided to call on you to furnish one or two men from your division. We will ask the same of all divisions through out the country to come and apply for situations on the 'Q' under assumed names, and, as soon as they go to work, to correspond with John Sowers, Nation al hotel, Chicago, for instructions. The object is to disable engines in every way they can, and on a given day to quit work in a body after receiving instructions from us. The company is on one leg and by this means we propose to take the other. We don't want any of them to come here, but to make applications at the following points: Aurora, Galesburg, Burlington, Creston. Plattsmouth, Lincoln and Mc Cook. Be careful whom you select to come. We want men that don't talk too much, and who are not in the habit of drinking. Supply them with plenty of salsoda and emery. Have them get leave of absence for thirty or more days. "P. S. Please don't let this outside except with yourselves and the men you selcft to come. Please answer on receipt of this. Yours fraternally, S. B. Hoge, "Chairman G. C. Room 31, Grand Pa cific hotel, Chicago." Loul sville. A. L. Timblin of South Bend, was in town Thursday and was taken severely ill; he is however, much better and has gone home. J. W. Berge of Greenwood, who is now working in Mr. Day's store at Weeping Water, was iu town Monday. The school board engaged three ' of their teachers for the ensuing year today. Prof. J. A. Sutton will remain another year; Miss Agatha Tucker of Plattas mouth, was engaged to teach the 1st in termediate; and lietta Powell of Iowa, to teach the primary. One more teacher yet to be hired. Miss M. Peterson has purchased the property of Mr. Thos. Lillis, Mr- Lillis is going to move his family to Portland, Oregon. wlierJ he says he can get some work for himself and his boys. Mr. Therdore Kennon, better known as "Big Alex," was arrested by the city marshrtll Wednesday for beating his wife and after lying in the cooler for two or three days received bail to the amount of SoOO for his appearance in court. The 4tli passed off very quietly and no body has any complaints to offer. The B. & M. band did great credit to them selves; so also did Messrs. Keister and Root. The Glee Club furnished the best vocal music we have been permitted to hear for some time, it was simply im mense. The declaration was read in a very pleasing manner by Prof. Sutton. John Ossenkop ships a car load of hogs today. There will be meeting on Thursday night in Fitzgerald's hall for the purpose of organising a Republican club. Alex Mcintosh will be present, and we hope Mr. Wooley of Weeping Water. Every republican is requested to be present. Miss Mary Dewitt is at Ashland this week visiting Prof. King's family. II. P. Loucks is greatly improving the appearance of his barber shop by putting in a new front. Engineer Holiday who was one of the B. & M. strikers went to New Mexico and run an engine there for a short time but has returned. lie says it is too hot down there for him. Miss Floranoe Qlover is the guest of Miss Helen Stander. Miss Minnie Angel is visiting her rela tives in towu for.a few weeks. Mr. Wm. Bruigenan was at Omaha Saturday. Let every rcad?r of the Herald re member that the uniformity of text book will be discussed at Louisville Ji:ly 28, every one should be interested in this great question. Work for uniformity. Improvements will be begun on the school house this week. A partition is to be put through the upper room and the north side seated. The house of Mr. Brodene, near the B. & M. depot, caught fire last week and only by judicious means was it saved from being totally consumed. Mrs. Hall of the Pacific hotel is very poorly. Mrs. W. Cutforth is now visiting friends at Weeping Water. Mr. II. Pankenin has sold over twenty five Deering binders this summer. Smike. Council Meeting. The council met Monday evening in regular session, the following members being present: Mayor Richey, Clerk Fox, Shipman, Jones, Salitbury, Murphy, Mc Callau, Dutton, O'Connor. The following claims were allowed: Peter Merges, rent 10 00 Skinner & Ritchie, abstracting.. 5 00 I. Peailman 9 00 Bvron Clark, services 02 50 Henry Boeck, desk 18 00 J. W. Johnson, salary 1 50 00 W. K. Fox, salary 73 00 J. S. McCoy, police service 50 00 J. J. Cain, same. 28 00 James Grace, same 22 00 G. II. Poisall.same 3 00 L. E. Skinner, same 3 00 J. C. Coffman, same 14 00 Gas Company, gas 100 00 W. II. Malick, salary for June. . 50 00 John Fitzpatrick, same 45 00 Henry Cooper, burying dog.... 50 W. II. Malick, kiliingand bury ing dog 1 50 Richcv Bros., lumber 217 20 E. II. Lambson V 00 R. Johnson, labor 10 50 M. W. Morgan, labor 32 50 O. W. Poisall, labor 19 50 J. Hock, labor on streets 11 25 State Journal Co., printing 5 00 The claim of the Plattsmouth Water company, which amounted to $1 10.74, for drinking fountains erected pa the streets, was not allowed, the claim not being in accordance with the city ordi nance, the water company haying agreed to furnisi the water if the city would erect the fountains. A petition which was signed by sixteen tax-payers of the Second Ward was read as follows : To the Hon. "Mayor and City Council : Gentlemen : We, the undersigned res idents and free-holders, do petition your honorable body to have the water main on Elm street extended west from its present terminus three blocks, then south one block, then west one block. It is greatly needed and would reacji a pnuv bcr of consuni,er: The fire and water co" t. . , ..suttee, to whom was rcfoi-i''- '. . t.ie petition, examined the same and recommended the prayer of the petition to be granted. The petition was allowed by the council, the Mayor voting to decide. It was moved by Mr. Murphy tha-- the water main on Main street be extended three blocks. The motioD was put and carried by the vote of the Mayor. The chairman of the streets, alleys and bridges committee was instructed to look after a sidewalk on the east side of Rock street, which is at present in bad repair. I. II. Dunn was appointed by the May or as chief of police, but as n two-thirds vote of tho council in his favor was not made, he could not be appointed. The following was the vote : Yeas Salisbury, Shipman, Dutton, Murphy. Nays Jones, McCallan, O'Connor. McCoy was tLen appointed by the Mayor, and the following is the vote: Yeas Murphy, Salisbury. Nays Shipman, Dutton, Jones, Mc Callan, iTConnor. On motion the council adjourned. Blatxe will be here in a day or so and then how the virtuous donioeracy will squirm and how the English press will howl. It is wonderful what a grin the aver age Indianian wears over his countenance these days. It is like unto a hoosier sun beam Hurrah for Harrison! is what it means. The Journal last evening resorted to a flat lie touching Col. P. Hepburn and backed it up by the word of a man that is not worth a Iastjyears bird's nest with bottom knocked out of it. Be careful Charles, or Col. Hepburn may tell the people here what your record was in low a. When Cleveland Coes Marching Home. (Tuue,"When Johnny comes marching b ome.") When (Jrover goes marching home again, Hurrah, hurrah : We'll give him a hearty good-by then. Hurrah, hurrah The East will cheer, the We-t will shout, when free trade rulers are all turned out. And we'll down free traile When Orovtr goes marching home. We'll ring the bells and shout with glee. Hurrah, hurrah : When from his Surplus" we are free. Hurrah, hurrah Then loyal men and soldiers say. They'll oounce him on (-lection day. And we'll down free trade When Crovergoes marching home. Get ready for the jubilee. Hurrah, hurrah : We'll sweep the 'and from sea to sea. Hurrah, hurrah Proteetion ranks will never yield. They'll meet the foe on every field, And we'll down free trade When Grover goes inarching home. Mugwump may dance to Cleveland's bray. Hurrah, hinrah : For bogus reform has had its day. Hurrah, hurrah And when the voters all turn out. The tariff tinkers we'll put to rout. And we'll down free trade When Grover goes marching home. ON THE SHORE. Jea.se, O stormy wind, thy walllnj! Cea-'-e thy roarlnp, restless seal All night long thy billows beating, I Jko strong souls In agony. On tha tempest, landward sweeping. Sailor voices como to me. And I see a close reefed vessel Tossing on an angry sea. Long I watched her In the offlng. Till the nl-ht shut down the day Sleepless watchers still are waiting For their kindred long away: Peering through the stormy darkness, With their weary, anxious eyes. Watching, waiting, hoping, fearing, While the waters higher riao. Cease, O cease, thou roaring ocean I Hear you not my bitter cry? O'er my loved your waters rolling. In your sunless caves they lie. And my eyes o'erflow with weeping When 1 hear those billows moan. Oh, the hearts that thou hast broken. Only to their God are known. A. E. Porter. How She Found II tin Out. "I say, old fellow," said Blakely, meeting his friend Harry D. on tho street, "I saw you and Edith pass each other yestenliv wirhtvit a sign of recoiitiuu. 1 tvji.,1. ou nao engaged P "I thought so, too," said Harry with a deep sigh; "but that's oft." "How's thatf "Well, it's all owing to these infernal fashions some of tho women wear now hat, coat, vest, collar and shirt front, for all the world like thoso worn by tho male sex. They'll mako a raid on our pantaloons next." "I don't quite understand explain." "Well, you see, I quietly entered Bob Greenbag's law office about dusk ouo evening last week, and saw Bob sitting behind a desk with his back toward ma I stealthily ap proached, gave him a vigorous and familiar slap on the shoulder and cried: '1 have come for you, old man! You must go with me down to Hatchloy's. Lot of gay girls wi". La there that pretty little blon,d& you were mashed on in the ballet at the Blank theatre ni;4 J'lu going for tho plump variety singer tho one 1 had out to lunch tho othor night, when wo all got a little uproarious, you kuow. Como, what d'ye say? Is it n go? and I tilted his hat down ovpr his eyes, and that set tled ifc.'' VHow settled itf Did Bob givo you. away to his cousin Edith?" "Naw. It waan t Boh at aiL 1 " charming Edith herself. - "as tu0 made, masouiims - ' - ---I in a tailor toija en- - -uit: aud tho Arctic look . o me as sho swept out of the oflice without a word told me that my matrimonial hopes in that quarter were everlastingly blasted. Well, so long." Drake's Magazine. Mine. I: is tori's Stage Face. Another great artist who devoted much time to disguising her faca was Mmo. Ris tori, whose singular features allowed her to assume, with extraordinary success, an idealized likeness of tho heroic and historical personages whose parts sha generally acted. Nothing could exceed tho minute euro and delicacy with which she worked to make herself strikingly like Mary Stuart, for in stance. 8eated in front of a looking glass, with all her boxes of powders and pastes and her brushes systematically arranged on tho toilet table, she would literally copy upon her own face all the lines which she saw in a fine pic ture of Mary Stuart which was placed close by her. Her most striking "make up," however, wa3 that of Elizabeth. Sho had purchased at great expense, when in England, several excellent original pictures of Queen Bess, taken at various periods of her life, and also a great number of engravings, and when she played Giacometti's tragedy sho had all her pictures with her, and between tho acts, with surprisine rapidity, painted according to them, so that the spectators saw her grow old from act to act, and in the last scene, in which she died, her reproduction on her own faco and figure of the ravages of remorsi was quito appalling. New York Journal. t .il'SIK Ml ;l.-..'-t;i'i;o .:-. It.: I"! li-v vr c:.; !' t eni-.fi .- ully .;;:! i t-;:;t'M.r.".- l.citt : :,:!.;! Tho vie! a:v ;. .i- ' i -i - v- ' iii(-;'iihf ii(j'.:u:-s to e : v.-'n-.i i.wo ovc. '.oad'-d tli'i st-:-.:cua v.-.iU . jr i"o.. H-'i'A. cr.se.-. of Mi:i.-.-i'-'ko '.o ..-.:. w:.fti tii mod HZ lias not hi. .v:t thi. LiWS of heal-.'.!. It, is v.-t-ii, ti;. i- fdiv, 1' : everv oae to take proper pnw.u. ioa-; a:ini.-t all l islis. Tho elotliiHg t-houMbi! light, and tlint worn lif-xt t'..e b-xty should bo t-f s-O'si. inaU rial capabl-s of readily absorb: i he pe:-s; ra tion. Wool is probably to b: piviVrwi. ujm it should bo pare that is, u.iiii;x---tl v.-ii.'a cotton. For tho head duriu;; very warm woaihcr nothing is bolter than a straw hat, for not only is it of light w..-!;;!ir, b:;f, if prop erly made, free passage of air romid the Lead takes place. Tho so called ranama liars, which are so closely voveu that they will hold water, aiv tho worso pos-.ib!u coverings for tho head i:i summer. It is a remarkable fact that sunstrokes are very seldom met with among pers- m who ex pose themselves to tho full heat of tho sun in the country or outaide of the limits of large cities. They wcro very infrequent in the army during the late civil war, although tho men were often subjected for many days at a time to the most inte-we solar heat, aud this, too, while engaged in lighting, or in making long marches, or in field work of various kinds. Although often serving be fore tho war with troops on the plains, where the rays of the sun fall upon t he body unob structed by even a tree or a bui.h, I do not recollect to have seen a siugla case of sun stroke. Dr. William A. Hammond iu New York World. The Young Husband's .Share. "Oh, yes," remarked Ketchlj-, in a self satisfied way, "Lulu and I will start out in married life under very favorable circum stances. Her mother gives us a neat little home, her father furnishes it and her Uncle De Long has stocked one of the neatest stables in the cit-. Besides Lulu has a snug income in her own name." "What part do you fur nishT "Well, principally the naine prin tipally the name." Tid Bits. The unhappiest Americans in all Europe are those who cannot come borne. In order to carve out a fortune, one must be sharp. The Epoch. SHAKER BOY! "Will make the f-eauon Mondays and Tuesdays at Homo, one mile cast of WcdxiGcdo.y to Saturday in Plattsmouth. At Louis Khroeirn stuhlo at the loot of .Main Strict. s a k Is a Dark-liar Pacer, 15 hands hih, weighing 1,200 pounds. His close, compact lorm and noted reputation for endurance and speedy proginy have justly earned for him the reputation, and encomium irom the Editor of the "Spirit of the Turf" that he is one of the Uest Sires ot the age. His record is 2:2;, and has paced trial miles in 2:16. His colts, Little JJaby, 2:27 h, and J. huvy, 2:21 , with more to follow in the charmed circle this summer, is ct rtalnlv ..rfe.t Jinu-i.wf and atiords the public, in this vicinity a or,iml opportunity to get ....i....... ,. ... ... j ' . v i .-. iii M'tvice tit JiIo.UU, wit li 2. (JO added if not paid till after foaling, or S20 to insure colt to stand, is only the price of a good ordinary iiote. while horses of Siiakmc Hoy's blood lines receive 1i-.hu $109.00 to .Jo0.0o in other localities. Horses of this kind, if not wanted for sportino purposes, can do more general work on a farm, on account of their extra nerve power, than unwealdy draft horses, and can go to town or to meeting in one-hall the time, and time is money. Owners of fine mares have a rare chance now for one of the cheapest horses in the United States. Embrace the onpor nnity. 11 r (SUCCKSSOK TO Will keep constantly on hand G. Drugs and ledicies, Paints, Oils IDIETTG-G-IST'S STJHSTIDIES. PUR E L IQUORS. HI2 M E?i b U El 1 B II St LINCOLN, - iiu'onTEi. Pure-bred French Draft (Percheron or Norman) AND ENGLISH SHIRE HORSES. Visitors alwais wl-Il-uiuii. Call unJ see our horses or tvni for catalotru TO OUR DEMOCUATIC RE A DERS. Why aiut yon in fayor of the rcjiubli can national platform which declare! against the internal revenue tax on tobac co and alcliohol used in the arts and manufactures; It sccmo to the IIkkai.ij you ought to stand with us on this plank. It is a war tax and your party from Grand-Pa Thurman to baby bouncer Grover, opposed it as unconstitutional at the time it was enacted. The republican party justified it only as a war measure. It is a burden on cyery farmer who "rows a bushel of corn, wheat, barley or tobac co. Free alchohol in the arts and manu factures would, vastly, benefit our chemi cal industries and cheapen almost every artical in which alcohol goes. Don't yon know that more than half of the spirits manufactured are used in the art.? and manufactures '. Or do you think that alchohol is manufactured solely for a beverage i If you take the latter view of the question, then, why aint you in favor of the republican plank ? Put this co nundrum to some of the small born politi cans of your party who are harping on this so-called free whisky plank in the republican platform wont you '. Gentle men as familiar with the article, as some of these embryo statesmen seem to be, can perhaps giva a reason why this plank in the straight out platform made at Chicago by the party of progress is not all rijrht. It. B. WINDHAM, Notary Public. John a. Ha vik.-i. Notary Public. YVlS'mf.tM A IIAVIKM, attorneys - at - Hi aw. Office over Ili.k ef Ca-s County. Plattsmouth, - - .Nebraska. Eight Mile (J rove. r n o r J. M. KOl'.KUl S.) a full and complete Hock of j.iiie IFT HORSE 510. n si NEBRASKA. mm - ; LEGAL. In the District feurt of Cass County. Ne braska, Willis K. Whitney, .'laii.t in, vh. Alary K Whitney, Defendant. Mary K. "Whitney, defendant, will takenotife t!iat ou tile '2i)'U flay of Mared, !, Hie Tlain tifT herein, Wil'is K. Whitney. Iil-il i pr-tiliou iu the District Court of Cu County. Nebraska, a.'aiust the xaiil Mary K. Whitney, the object and prayer of which" are to oblain a divoiee from you on the ground that you luivn wilfully abandoned plain i itf. and been uilfuly absent from bin berl and hourd for mote than two years next iircceeding the -'Oth day of March, A. If., lxf-s. You are leiiuiied to answer s;iil petition on or before the -)h dav of Auunst, A . i.. 1KS8. Wilms i: Whitnkv. By II. I . Tit a vi s, his Atlormy. 4-17 July li', lss. Sheriff's Sale. l;v ii tue of an order of sale icijed by W. C Miouiiltcr, e!erk of th" district court, within and for Can County, Neiiraka, and to me. directed, I will o i the.lM h day of August A. If. l-s. at 2 o'clock . m . of --aid day at 'he south door of the court house iu I'ia! Isinoiitli. Cass County, Nebraska, in said co-mtv, sell at public auction, the follow iuur real estate to wit : Lot No. thn-e :u and No. four (i in bl ek No. thirty-nine f.-r) in Youii-i .v.- Hays' addition to th city of rialtmiouth, Cass County. Nebraska as the ain are decribed on the recorded plat of aid addition to caid city together with the prvliepies and a;iiurtences thereunto belong ing or in anywise appertaining. The same b inil levied upon and taken as the property of Annie K. Ilerobl. Christaiii ;. Hero'.d and Isaac Weil : Co .defendant" ; t. satisfv a judg- i s of said court recovered bv W. "s. Peek. liior. & Co., plain! ills, soraiust said defendants. 1'lattMiiouth, Neb., July t:th. A. I. l,W. J. C. Kl KKSBARV, sheriil Cass County, Neb, By David Miller, Deputy. Xo Lunch IJctween mai A prominent physician nml surgeon oneo said to me of his three chiMrea v. ho wero then well grown youths, ami the picture of health: "We never allo-ved our children to lunch lxit'.vee:i meals, and they are all good eaters; v. e never allowed them tea and colfee, and they are all good i-k-cpers." All thosa same chil Iron have since graduated from col leges ami are holding high positions today in the professional world, robust and of excel lent habits, though inheriting a frail consti tution from a mother who dioj young. Good Housekeeping. Neither freckles nor tan are destroyers ol beauty, and so no girl need worrj much aliout them. rniA r o fin