Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, June 21, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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"M"111 11 11 1 1 t1iri"
By JOIIANN and JOSEF STRAUSS, as played by the Gilmorc Orchestras.
Transcribed by - - - CARLSIDUS, Op. 122.
Tempo (i Polka .
ild lilt.
pia moderato.
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The A. O. U. W. Picnic a Crand
iuccess-The Street Cars to
the Grounds Loaded Down.
The Plattsmouth Ball Boys Beaten
By One ScoreA Good Came.
From 'J hursday'a Daily.
Considerable excitement and amuse
ment was the result of yesterday's sports.
Early in the morning, crowds were seen
making preparations for t lie day, some
having their baskets, tilled with good
things, at the place appointed for meet
ing before going to the picric grounds,
some walking around the streets to see
what others were doing, and a large num
ber making their way for the ground
which was to be Uie place for the day's
amusements. The uncommonly heavy
rain of the night before had worked the
streets and road to the ground into an
enormous mud puddle which discouraged
some for the day, but others waded
through and came to the front in
good style. The Bohemian band f ur
nished music to the citizens all the fore
noon, invigorating the fun loving people
to their sense of duty and encouraged
them to rustle their friends out who had
not thought of the day as one of amuse
ment. A few spo:ts accompanied the base
ball boys from Council Bluffs who came
in on the 10.:50 train, and altogether
swelled the crowd to an immense merry
making throng. The base ball boys were
all full of life with great anticipations
on each side for victory. The Council
Bluffs team probably thought two pic
nics were in store for them and did not
let thoughts of defeat worry them much.
At least, we should judge so from the
outlandish yelps which were so frequent
ly heard from some of their number when
they found that they were obliged to
play ball to carry away the gate receipts
instead of so easily walking away as they
had at first anticipated.
The street cars after eleven o'clock
wer.3 crowded to their utmost capacity,
and many took to livery stables and
hired rigs, thinking it the most favorable
opportunity of securing comfort and con
venience. The street car men report it a
better paying day than last decoration.
After all had secured transportation, and
reached the ground in safety, there was
a good time followed as the result. A
little dissatisfaction was noticeable on
each tide as the crowd divided, some
wishing to see the base ball match and
others desiring to participate with the
picnicers. However, the crowd was di
vided about equally.
The people who loved their baskets
best remained outside and indulged in
the games usual at picnics, and all report
ed having had a very pleasant day in
that way. Refreshment stands had been
erected on the grounds, so the spend
thrifts for the day had a chance to grat
ify their desires in that way, while the
admirei'3 of the ball tossers proceeded to
the ball grounds to witness the much
talked of game. The players acquitted
themselves, as far as playing, in profes
sional style, but those who paid to see
the game did not expect to have so much
gibberish thrown in gratis. The game
could not have been much more exciting,
as the score through the entire game was
aboat a tie and each side worked nobly
for victory. About five hundred people
witnessed the game and all claimed to
have received full yalue of their monej'.
From the seventh to the end of the
twelfth inning the score stood five to
five, and in the twelvth the Council
Bluffs team wedged in a run, causing
considerable excitement.
Our boys, although they were defeated
j,esterda3,t feel quite satisfied over as
much success on their part and have a
desire to meet the Bluffers aain. They
were making inquiries about certain
players of the Plattsmouth nine, ask
ing if they all lived in the city.
Yes, the boys are all here to
stay, and should the Council Bluffs
team ever turn up here agaiu or send
for the team here, they will always find
them right here and ever ready to give
them as strong, if not a stronger tussle
than they did yesterday. "We admit that
they were champions in two ways yester
day. If any of our boys would attempt
to talk and make as much noise with as
little sense to it as their third base man
did yesterday, the town would surely
run them into the Missouri River, but as
this was their first visit to the city, and
not wishing to condemn the whole club
on account of the perpetual jaw-motion
which was held upon the third corner of
the diamond, the spectatorrlet them off
easy, but if some of the people present
who had a gun near by thought they had
any chance of hitting the man in any
other place than the trap door that swung
from ear to ear, sc that it might take ef
fect, they might have fired, but they all
could see at a glance that each shot
would be lost by firing into such a cav
ity. This man, it is said, lias a national
reputation as a loud talker, and we think
he is worthy of it. If he was not report
ed by the press wherever he played he
could send the report liimsilf. Both
nines met after the game and everything
went off smooth. They are all the best
of friends now, and even the umpire, who
resides in this city, and the automatic
man who played third, are the best of
friends, if neither of them know anything
about the game. The boys are all ccn
tlemen and all reported that they were
never treated better anywhere than a
Plattsmouth yesterday by our base ball
The following is the score :
Plattsmouth . . .0 0 1 0 0 8 1 0 0 0 0 05
Council Bluffs. 0 1 0 0 1 3 0 0 000 1-0
Base hits Plattsmouth, 0; Council
Bluffs, 10. Errors Plattsmouth, 11;
Council Bluffs, 4. Umpire Chambers.
The following levy upon the dollar
valuation of the assessed value of t h 3
city of Plattsmouth during the
year commencing on the first Monday in
August next, was adopted by the council:
B. & M. R. R. funding bonds, three mills;
high school bonds.four and one-half mills;
Kearton bonds, one and one half mills:
hydrant rental, six mills; street grading
and bridging, five mills; intersection
paving, one mill; storm water sewer
bonds, four mills; fire and water fund,
one mill and gas fund, two mills.
From Friday's Daily.
Last night at the Grand opera house,
Omaha, during the Gilmore concert, a
young lady and gentleman entered and
took seats immediately in front of two
gentlemen from here, without noticing
them, or perhaps never expecting to see
any one from this centre of industry.
Nothing was said to them by either of
the two gentlemen for some time, and
they were apparently enjoying the sights
to be seen on the stage to their utnvst
appreciation and content by looking
through a pair of opera glasses, until one
of the geutlemen of whom we spoke,
reached out his hand and exclaimed in a
gruff voice: ' Give me them opera glas
ses, please!"' T'ie shock struck kind ot
sudden on the young lady's nerves, caus
ing her to exhibit signs of an excited na
ture. "When she looked around and saw
two of her Plattcmouth friends, she look
ed though she wished to say, " what are
you doing here? "
Written for Tit k Hkkai.d.
And I !iie;l uie to i It-.'.surf one vf iiris.iino dav,
A bi ilit Hror mi oar Ii I M'.-k'il t rilmt tu l.itj :
Iuent. fuid I (-onie, let in' tell what I've seen.
As we rolled o'er lint i, 'mid its lieanties
We It-ft Hie ir.ij.nty Msouii, at a wonderful
f ridge ;
And we dusliod liiro' the hills, by many flow
er deck Yi ridtie.
On by the VUitte. near o'er liaieciii'j tretM.
Wliere onrt links' wave their hears to the
On Hie rock ballast mad v. e "speed to the West,
Kuril I be;, i;t ii HI eonntl y !od Mil ely h;ts blest.
The Aleadow Lark siiif.s. bile Hie tanner ami
b y
Throw up the eiii th and whir-tie for joy.
lint tarry not hero, the eni;i:-e doth say.
Kpstless find tireless she speed. on the way
To the hind of the antelo; e and Ith.j' snn.
Where the Indians have fought and fell, one
by one.
As the sun finks to rest o'er the beautiful land
Jt brings forth the wonders of nature's n.:u
Whil he 1'nys dart toward Heaven we see and
A land thai, is green turn beautious ylil,
And the swift mo in earn follow the sua in It
Hit: lit.
The mountains stand forth at the elo'.c of
the nibt.
To describe such a vnst. mcli a wonderful lot.
Hie power ol description, laniiae favors
me not.
Those sombre blue tower up to the sky.
To nssend to the crest seems lolly lo try ;
Bright colored flower keep company witii vou.
Till we wander so hijdt we are chilled thro'
and thro".
For you must know in this wonderful land
Snow bulls and flowers tr hand in hand.
Hail t" 1 he hief the Hurlimiton Koufe.
hoe uraiid enternrise lias Pro't u- abmit !
Back homeward we ro.w it h w t ful turned eye
To the mountains that point to the rosy hued
skies ;
The beautiful scenes we are loth to denart.
The s lei duis presented dear to our
I!ut necf-ssitv i" a law we. all must obey.
Tho' mem'ry will cling to w hat w i-een cu
the wav.
Long live the O ! and if" beautiful scenes.
Its loveliness now is within every ones means.
Sheriff Eikenbary was confronted a
few days ago by an important kind of a
fellow who made strenuous efforts lo
pass himself as a detective from Chicago,
saying that he had followed a man for
some time and had just succeded in cap
tuiing him. lie tried to make Mr. Eiken-.
bary believe that lie had his man secured
somewhere near the city and wanted him
to assist h'm by lending him money to
take hi. man back to Chicago. The sher
iff only made a brief reply. I not
know .what it was ho sai I, but what.-ver,
his stay afterwards was about as brief as
the reply, and tiie last seen of him he was
trying to juke up a scheme to make his
way easy for U$ return trip, lie has not
been seen since, and no accounts have
been heard of either him or his prisoner.
Which May Interest Those Who
Propose to be Way Up in This
Put the reverse lever as far north as
possible, and place the engine in the back
t-hop, if the lead opening in full gear is
to be mote or less than a 1-1 ft inch, ad
vance the forward truck till the point on
the connecting rod is some distance away
from the turn table. Throw the reverse
lever in the tank, roll the driving wheels
north, enough to take up the crown
sheet, then roll them back to the forward
truck, move the back-up eccentric till the
steam chest cover conies off and stiikes
the same spot that it did for the forward
motion. It will be noted here that the
boiler, cw catcher, steam gauge and lazy
cock occupies the same position for fore
and back motion as when the engine is
on the road. Get the reverse lever in the
north notch again and jack the w heels up
until the sand box leaks. Now tram the
throttle kver again and if the smoke
stac k remains the same as when Robert
Stephenson improved it, that part is till
right. It is also a good plan to go over
the work again and set the valves a sec
ond time to prove their correctness, but
it is not likely that the lead opening fit
the back end will be right on first trial.
Instead of having the correct le d. the
valve will probably lap over the cow
catcher, being what workmen call a
blind. This indicates that the main rod
is too long; we shorted the rod till the
eagle on the headlight hollars, and on
turning the engine to the forwardcenter
aain we tiud that wc have there lost the
valve, but our change has adjusted its
movement po that on each coster the fire
door is jie-t hepinning to open. Advance
the eccentric to i;ive one end 1-10 lead
will now have the same effect upon the
air brake, and assuming that the back
motion has been subjected to a similar
treatment with like results, the steamirg
capacity on both sides is right. This
proofs must now be repented on the
other side, that is if you are not called
upon at this time to go in the back yard
and tile old scrap.
Hilde brand-Moo re.
Pawxke City, Nib.. June 15. B. V.
Ilildel.rand. editor of the Pawnee 1'rtss,
and Miss .Minna Moore were married at
10.-:0 this morning at the bride's resi They left on the afternoon
train for Denver and will be gone about
one woek.
Another Victim.
" In the spring a young man's thoughts
turn to love," is an old saying which is
familiar to us all. It is certainly a reality,
as a large number of our Plattsmouth
boys have thought seriously over this
mattter. A few of them have remained
at home and loved the Plait-mouth girls
with all their might, but apparently, they
are not till of them contented with tho
belles here, and some have branched out
in di lb-rent directions seeking for the girl
of their heart, and some have returned to
fulfil old contracts which have been
standing awaiting the great day when the
final knot should be tied. "Without ex
perience, we cannot give our opinion as
to the rationality of such a move, but as
it is the custom, and a great many appar
ently made happy by it, we would ael vise
the continuance of it for that reason. A
young man with whom a great many of
you have had the pleasure of an acejaint
mce, however, lias not doubted the
rationality of marriage, and possessed of
i bright smile the other evening, after a
promise of a return in the near future to
our city, took the liver f.nd started on a
journey for New York, lie did not state
whether he intendeel to find her in the
city or take a survey of the state for her,
but as his return was threatened shortly,
it is not expected lie will spend much
time in the search. Mr. E. L. Rucfisthe
gentleman we have reference to. and as he
was quite particular about giving reasons
for his departure, to "give him away,"
affords us great satisfaction. "We are
looking for his return with pleasure,
thinking we will have a good citizen
when lie returns and settles down in our
midst. Boys arid old bachelors, you will
soon be left in the shade unless you are.
possessed of the nerve which will gfc you
through the trying moments. Brace your
selves and come to the- front as the rest
of them of late, but whatever you do,
remain at home and court the Platts
mouth guls. they arc worthy of your at
tention. Even the owls which howl at
night give good advice to a young man
who has not fully made up his mind on
th:s matter and we give the following
few lines as an illustration :
A solemn owl sat on h 'rcc,
Ami looked s uje as wise call be,
A ni as be blinked w in, trieat round eye
lie scexieil to see with great surprise '
What woeful ignoianc- is found
W here rrear.- f learning so abound
And as be bPnked io to grave he giev
And softly sighed, Tu-uoo, to-woo." "
Said I, " firm (I owl, deny m not.
But th nk of my iiiihapi-y lot.
Tell one Joy whim I may li:iv :
W hu h me from bmelv grief'ma save,
a e!l me. I may. the proper way
To trn life's winter Into May ;
What are the means 1 ask or you""
The owl replied, "Jo-woo, to-o."