Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, June 21, 1888, Image 4

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J'LA'I'LVMOUTll WKEivii a rtrtt.t, -triUltsDAY JUKE SI, 18s8.
Ad Apron rnlgiI Especially for Ihilry
mon, but YVlilcli, with Slight Alteration,
ISecomcs 1111 Admirable I'rotrctlon in
the Milling SImmI and Stable.
In tho annexed cuts aro Illustrated a
new dairy apron and pattern for muking
tho fiauio, which fire described and recom
inendod by V. II. Liynch in his manual
on "JJairy Practice." "
In ri. 1 U shown tho apron as it ap
pears when worn for general dairy work.
J-'ir;. presents the pattern of said apron.
This pattern will also serve as a pfiiido to
an equally convenient milking apron.
The pattern shows one-half the apron.
When a milking or stable apron is desired
the front is divided across the middle, say
near the dotted lines. For the lower part
a wider piece of cloth may ho used, which
may be gathered into folds. This will
give it a larger skirt, so that it will cover
the knees while the milking pail Is held
between them. For a dairy apron the
front is made in a single piece. Two but
tons are sewed on tho front of tho apron,
to which a clean towel may be fastened
for use in wiping the hands a frequent
necessity in doing dairy work. (See Fig.
1 ) The strings for tying the apron are
attached one at each point at the back
(A). In tying cross the strings at the
back, bring them to the front and there
tie them. If preferred they may be made
of suHieient length to reach again around
the person and bo tied behind.
The peculiar merit of this style of apron
is the complete manner In which it pro
tects tlio body and arms of the person and
the ease with which it is put on and off.
There are no buttons to be buttoned. It
can be made in an hour or two by almost
anybody who can use a needle, and will
cost for material from thirty to sixty
cents for cheap calico or heavy cotton.
If farmers, as well as dciiymen, will
hare some of these aprons made for them
selves, they will soon become favorite
articles of use. On special days, when tho
farmer has on his holiday clothes, such in
apron would be especially useful, for it
would prevent spoiling his clothes shon d
he happen not to make a complete change
of dreiiS. In any case by its use the or
dinary clothes of stable workers will be
saved and be kept cleaner for wear
throughout the day at general work, and
especially for carrying milk into the dairy.
Jt is one of those simple expedients which
may be adopted by the farmer as a prac
tical and easy means of securing, in a
measure, a like result to that attained, at
the expenso of greater pains, by the
makers of fancy brands of butter.
Feed Ins Young Chickens.
For the first twenty-four hoiir3 after
hatching no feeding is necessary, the
chief want of the little brood being ma
ternal heat, and tho more quiet and less
disturbed the hen can be kept the stronger
the chicks will become and the less dan
ger there will bo to them in their weak
fetato from the feet of the mother.
In about thirty-six hours after the first
chirping is heard, some of them will make
their appearance on the outside of the
nest, as if curious to learn into what kind
of a world they have entered and how they
are to mako a living in it.
As soon s the hen is removed from the
nest to the coop, give a little food, con
sisting of fine oatmeal, or bread soaked in
milk, which is continued three or four
davs, with an occasional hard boiled egg,
which is then gradually changed to any
variety suitable to their age, until they
are able to eat cracked com, wheat and
other whole grains, when the labor of
feeding will be greatly reduced. A little
rueal and finely chopped vegetables will be
useful occasionally, especially a3 long as
they are kept in limited quarters,
Several Valuable Insecticides.
Among the best insecticides is pyre
thrum, which, does not require to be eaten,
but kills by coming in contact with the
insects and is safely and easily applied in
all cases where it may be useful, for it is
quite harmless except to insect life. For
fowls that are troubled with vermin dust
It into the feathers. It is very useful in
killing cabbage worms and the slugs and
insect pests that infest rose and currant
bushes. Kerosene emulsions may be made
with one quart of soft soap to eight quarts
of boiling hot water, well stirred together,
when for safety tho kettle should be taken
r-w. d.n'flra nnd one nint of kero-
suy i i uui uu - -
seno oil and one pint of sour milk be
added, and all wea mut-u up nuu uf
churnin"- or using a small hand pump.
This makes a quite useful wash for trees
infested with borers and any kind of in
sects Towdered white hellebore is also
specially effective on currant worms and
rose slues Unlike pyrcthrum, it is poi
Bonoutfnd care should be taken not to
tprinkle it on fruits that are to be eaten.
liVS green is the standard remedy for
the potato beetle.
mm wW4 vMA
Different Opinion Kxpresned on a Sub
ject of General Interest.
It Is not an easy matter to lay down
general rules in regard to tho application
of manures that will bo wise In all cases.
Opinions differ somewhat as to tho
economy of spreading farm yard manure
upon the surfaces of fields or lawns in
late autumn or early winter. Circum
stances alter cases here as elsewhere. It
m-ems, however, reasonable to maintain
that wiuter top dressing should bo re
stricted to level fields; for both rain and
snow must sweep manure from frozen
hillsides tie for its constituents have had
any fair chance to soak into tho ground.
There aro advocates bot h at home and
abroad of the practice of carting out fresh
manure from tho barn yard as fast as it
Is made and spreading it directly on the
liohl.s. Tho chief gain in such practice is
doubtless the saving of labor.
The spreading of short manure upon
grass in the spring, or In the autumn even,
is no doubt commendable in many situa
tions as a means of maintaining tho same.
A chief objection to tho system of sur
face spre ading, which applies particularly
to light leaching soils, is that tho non
soluble portions of the manure, as they
Ho on the ground, are liable to dry out to
a peat like substance that is not specially
useful to the growing crop.
However manure may be applied, it is
of importance to secure its equable distri
bution in tho soil. In a general way, it
may bo said that horse droppings and
manure from sheep pens should bo applied
by preference to cold clayey loams, or to
moist soils rich in humus. These hot
manures tend to warm and enliven the
laud. On tho other hand, tho slowly
fermenting cow manure is preferred for
warm light soils. On light sandy soils it
will bo found a good plan when using
liorso manure to mix it with some slow
sort, as cow or swino manure.
Comb Honey In (Small I'ackiigc?.
In Gleanings in l?oo Culture is described
tho plan of a Michigan apiarian fy which
ho gets two small packages of comb honey
that have proven very popular in his mar
ket. A seven-eighths board la selected just
long enough to slip inside of a Laugstroth
frame. Then with a jack plane, set coarse,
he scoops otf the shavings. Tho shavings
of course roll up, but he tumbles them
into a pail of water, and when they get
well soaked, they aro straightened out,
piled up and dried. This gives thin strips
of veneer, and cheaper than 30U can im
agine, lie then fixes a board as in the
second engraving. The Langstroth frame
is slipped over this board.
These little blocks are made by gluing
a three-eighths board on top of a seven
eighths board, as you see. Now, with a
circular saw, cut grooves clear through
tho thin board tmtil the saw strikes the
thick one. These grooves are of such a
width that three of tho afore mentioned
strips of veneer will drop into each
groove, the strips running lengthwise of
the frame. When this is done, three
short pieces of veneer aro dropped into
the grooves crosswise. But to make
these bits of wood stay in place when the
frame is pulled up, a little glue is put
into each corner with a camel's hair
brush. You want to bo careful, so the
glue will not run in too far, and stick to
tho form. Before you put in tho glue,
however, drop some little squares of foun
dation into each little section. The glue
should just catch each corner of the foun
dation. When the whole thing is dry,
lift it off and hang it in the hive. When
the little sections are full and sealed over,
take frame and all to the grocer; slip off
the outside, and show him that he can
separate the squares into long strips.
With a sharp knife he can now cut them
up into little cakes as wanted. If a cus
tomer wants two, four, six or eight, let
him have them all in a slice, to save
handling so many loose pieces.
Of Interest to Bee Keepers.
The query recently sent out to authori
ties on bee culture by "Gleaning in Bee
Culture" "Do you prefer the entrance
at the end of the frame? Why?" elicited
quite a number of replies including plain
"yes" and "no," and several answers to
the effect that it makes no difference. In
a word, a consideration of all the replies
justifies tho conclusion that it does not
mako any difference about tho amount of
honey stored, whether the bees go into
tho hives sidewlse or endwise. But so
far as aiding the bees in houseeleauing,
expelling intruders, etc., is concerned, the
endwise door appears to offer tho best
facilities. It also seems as if an entrance
tho full width of tho hive, with the combs
running endwise, must offer tho bees bet
ter facilities for perfect ventilation.
Fact 'Worth Knowing:.
A good forco pump, with which the
orchardist may apply insecticides early in
the season and thus prevent loss from in
sects, is one of the requisites of the re
munerative fruit farm.
In March, 1887, the enactment of a na
tional law provided for the establishment
of an agricultural experiment station in
each state and territory, and appropriated
to each state and territory tiie sum of
$15,000 annually for this purpose. The
bill providing for these stations was in
troduced into congre ss by W. II. Hatch,
of Missouri.
Southern cow peas, so 1 valued in the
southern states as a renovator of the soil,
while they will not ripen their seeds in
tho northern states, will make a heavy
crop of vines of great value for turning
under as a green manure.
Procuring new seed often for most farm
crops, and preferably such as has grown
further north than where planted, has
frequently been advised, and so eminent
an authority as II. J3. Alvord asserts that
the advantages of doing so have been re
cognized by most men of experience.
Poultry will not thrive in a wet or damp
Excellent results are claimed for tho
dry method of feeding chickens, i. e., be
ginning with boiled egg and bread
crumbs, changing his diet in a few days
to oatmeal, tine cracked corn and fine
cracked wheat, afterwards substituting
whole grain.
Several rich deposits have been discov
ered in the old water course beds of
southern Florida that promise to supply
the state with, phosphates for home consumption.
r.nrk of Treasure Seeker at Atlantic
City I'll 1 1 1 n t; the Seauhore Saiul Through
a Sieve. Shovelful by (shovelful Tbe
Articles Found.
"What In the name of common sense are
yon doing"
Tlio long gray haired and long white
bearded old man thus addressed straightened
up a much ns a buck bent with the weight
of three wore years and ten would permit.
He rapped the largo coarse sieve in his lean
and "iiu burned hand against one of the
hundrcls of piles that support the bath
houses iind other structures on the fine,
smooth beach. Out fell pieces of clam shells
and oyster shells, a rusty nail, and n large
handful of coarse gravel, which tho old man
a moment tiefore had been turning over care
fully with his fingers and looking at intently
through his silver bowed spectacles. He
looked up at bis questioner, rolled the quid
of tobacco bulgiog out one of his cheeks into
the other, threw down the sieve on tho pile
of sifted sand, took the shovel leaning against
the pile, and prepared to thrust it into the
hole hulf full of water that lie had dug on
the seaward side of the pile. Then, and not
till then, did he deign to reply.
"Siftin' sand," came from the lips, and the
tobacco juice that trickled geutly down on
his old shiny waistcoat the wind blow
ing upon his ragged coat exposed to view.
"So I see; but what are you sifting for"
"Little uv evrything," was tho laconic and
unenltghtening reply.
"Do you find muchf
"Wall, no; not so very much. These ere
piles has been dug to death. Thar ain't a
man in Atlantic City with an hour hangin'
on his hands but what comes down here aud
digs round these ere piles. It's a mighty
lucky feller that finds much of anything
nowadays. I've been diggin' hero about all
the forenoon, and I ha'n't found a durn
thing that's wuth keeping 'ceptin' this "ero I
don't know what 'tis. I never seed one
afore. It looks like some kind uv a coin.
P'rhaps you can tell."
Ho drew forth with solemn deliberation a
calfskin pocketbook, black with dirt and use,
and pulled out a piece of brown paper care
fully folded up. Ho unwrapped it and held
out in his trembling hand a small, round
copper colored coin about the size of a silver
three cent piece, only a little thicker. I took
it in my fingers and read on one side: "2
"Oh, that's a small German coin. It isn't
worth much, but it's quite interesting."
I handed it to one of a group of several
ladies that had been attracted to us. The
coin passed through the dainty gloved fingers
of each of the ladies. Their enthusiastic ex
clamations aud endless questions delighted
the old man. It made his eyes glitter, the
saliva to run faster and his tongue more
"Is this what you find by digging here?"
"Not all I find. I told you that we find
everything, and so we do coins, china
dolls, nails, spectacles, ej'eglasses, gold and
silver chains, gold rings and brass rings
At this point the old man, who had taken
his shovel in hand again ;id had set it deep
in the hole, was stopped in his sentenco by
the great exertion required to lift up the
shovel, held down by the suction of the
water and its burden of sand. lie did not
resume his seutence. He turned his whole
attention and strength to the work before
him. He finally got the shovel out of the
water and emptied its contents into the sieve.
Repetitions of the operation soon filled the
sieve, which ho lifted up and began to shake
with what strength a long life of hard work
and disappointment had left him. The fine
sand fell out and left refuse such as I had be
fore noticed. Placing one side of the sieve
m the little pile of sand, ho ran his Angers
through it carefully, picking up between his
thumb and forefinger any particle that prom
ised to be something of value and bringing it
closer to his eyes, to make sure that he was
not throwing away anything that he should
keep. Just as he was about to give up th
search and empty the sieve, his fingers
snatched quickly at a glittering piece of gold
that lay half buried among the baser mate
rials. "And watch charms," exclaimed tho old
man with glee, holding up a rouud piece of
jewelry, in tho center of which was a small
"Well, that isn't so bad," he added, stoop
ing over to wash the sand olE in the water.
"That ought to bo worth $3, and it isn't every
old codger like mo as can mako S3 in two
hours. If this were new it would bring $5
or $t, but seein' it's been worn and lost, 1
don't exjHjet to get as much for it as I would
if it had come out of the jewelry store bran'
"You're not having such bad luck, after
"Xo, not today. But I tell you, young
man, since this business was taken up by
everybody that could handle a shovel, it
ain't what it used to be," he said, with a sigh.
"When I first cum here And begun digging,
I had great luck. I didn't hav' ter do much
of anything else to get a liviu'. I've found
a good iuauv pieces of money, silver and
gold," he continued, taking oif his old slouch
hat, which let the wind blow his white locks
over his wrinkled forehead. He turned up
tho leather band and drew out a piece of
greasy brown paper. He unfolded it as
though it were of priceless value, and laying
it out in the palm of his hand placed tho
watch charm in it, and folding it as neatly
as his palsiixl fingers would permit, he drew
forth his calfskin pocketbook and put his
latest find in with tho two pfenning piece.
The departure of the good old times seemed
to have made tho old digger doubly careful of
his treasures, and ho guarded them against
loss with a vigilance that increased with
their insignificance.
"I've found more gold and silver dollars
than any other coin; some of them have
been pocket pieces, I suppose. But I've
found a good many old eagles and half
eagles. Onco I found a leather strap filled
with Spauish gold coins. I think it must
have belonged to some Spanish sailor, or
somebody el.e who had been shipwrecked.
You know we have shipwrecks off the coast
here sometimes. The sand bars hereabouts
are dangerous in bad weather, and you can't
allers see the lighthouse over thar," he said,
pointing to tho Absccom light not far away.
"I've never heard of the wreck of any Span
ish vessel, but I suppose there must have
been one, or else this belt full of eoins would
never come ashore hero. It had been in the
water for some time, for the leather was rotten
and would barely hiuig together. There were
a good many of them; I took 'em over to
riiel'delphy and sold 'em. How much did 1
git fur 'em? Five hundred dollars. That's a
good deal of inoney, and I ort to have bought
fivo of them ere lots here. I could have
bought two of them then for the $500. To
day they'd bo worth $4,000. But I didn't
buy thorn, and I ha'n't got tho money now.
It's all gone, aud me and u;y old woman
ha'u't got but mighty little to keep us outen
iho HXr houxs.' Atlantic City Cor. h'ew
York Sun.
Worth Knowing.
Mr. W. II. Morgan, merchant, Luke
City, Via.., was taken with a severe Cold,
attended with a difdressing Cough and
running into consumption in its first
stages. He tried many oeallcd popular
eolith remedies and steadily grexr worse.
Was reduced in neli, had dirlirultT in
breathing and ws unable to sleep. Fin
ally tried Dr. King'n New Discovery for
Consumption and found immediate relief,
and after lining; about a half dozen bot
tles found himself well and lias had no
ret urn of the disease. No other remedy
can fdmw so jjnnid a record of cures, ai
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump
tion Guaranteed to do just what is dunn
ed for it. Trial bottle free at V. !.
Fricke & Co's Drug Store. 4
Rain Storm at Kearney.
KiiAitNKY, Neb., June 14. Last night
one of the heaviest rainstorms that lias
visited this section for a long time, gave
the country an unusual bath. So much
water entered into the canal that it over
sowed the tail race and covered a consid
erable portion of the southern part of the
city. Many private cellars, as well as a
few in the business blocks, are filled with
water. The amount of damage at this
time cannot be estimated, but it is quite
large. It did considerable damage to
houses which the Kearney Land and In
vestment company were building.
Renews Her Youth.
Mrs. Phoebe Chesley, Petrson, Clay
Co., Iowa, tells the following remarkable
story, the truth of which is vouched for
by the residents of the town: "I am 7:
years old; have been troubled with kid
ney complaint and lameness for many
years: could not dress myself without
hell). Now I am free from all pain and
soreness, and am able to do all my own
housework. I owe my thanks to Klcc
tric Bitters for having renewed my youth,
aud removed completely all disease and
pain." Try a bottle, 50c. aud $1. at F.
G. Frickie fc Co. 'a drugstore. 4
Board of Transportation,
Lincoln, Neb., June 14. The state
board of transportation held an important
session today, and adopted a resolution
requiring the secretaries and clerk to keep
oniee open during office hours every day
in the week. On the freight rate question
they adopted the ratios on which they
propose to build a schedule of rates. Tak"
ing 100 as a basis of first-class rates, on
other classes they arc fixed at the follow
ing per cents: Second, 85; third 00 2-31.
fourth, 50; fifth, 40. A. 40; B, 5; C,
:!0; D, 25; E, 20. June 28 is the time
set for hearing, when a schedule based
on the above ratios will be considered.
Bucklen's Arnica salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt, rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and postive
ly cures piles, or no pay required. It is
guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction,
or money refunded. Price 25 cents per
box. For sale by F. G. Fricke it Co.
Riotous Alabama Miners.
Birmingham, Ala., June 14. The little
mining town of "Warrior, twenty-three
miles from this city, lias been in n state
of wild excitement in anticipation of sev
eral bloody murders, if not a general riot.
It seems that the negro miners have be
come enraged at some'of the Avhite mine
bosses, and today went gunning for tliem,
threatening to exterminate the whole lot.
The mine bosses and their friends prepar
ed for a desperate resistance, and for a
time a general fight was expected. A
special from there tonight says no one has
been killed, but tronble is expected before
SSOO Reward.
We will pay the above reward for any
case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick
headache, indigestion, constipation or
costiveness we cannot cure with
West's Vegetable Liyer Pills, when the
directions are strictly complied with.
They aro purely vegetable, and never
fail to give satisfaction. Large boxes
:ontaining CO sugar coated pills, 25c.
For sale by all druggists. Beware of
counterfeits and imitations. The genu
ine manufactured only by John O. Well
& Co., 8(52 W. .Madison St. Chicago. Its
Sold by W. J. Warrick.
Ail For Fifty Cents
LAS Vkgas, N. M., June 15. A diffi
cult' arose between the Mac-key brothers,
John Milburn and two Tcxans named
Green and Owens over 50 cents discrep
ancy in a settlement of a sale of cattle.
Winchester rifles and revolvers were
brought into play and sixteen shots fired,
Owens was killed aud Green mortally
wounded. Milburn Mac-key had his left
eye shot out and John Mackey has a hole
through his left arm. Milburn is under
Itch, Prairie Mange, tnd Scratches of
every kind cured in 30 minutes by Wool
ford's Sanitary Lotion. A sure cure and
perfectly harmless. Warranted by F O
Fricke & Co. druggist, Plattsmouth
Begg's Blood Purifier and Blood
No remedy in the world has gained
the popularity that this medicine has, as
hold on family medicine. No one
should be without it. It has no calomel
c i quinine in its composition, consequent
ly no bad effects can arise from it We
keep a full supply at all times. O. P.
Smith Co. Druggist. j2o-3mod&w
Drunkenness or the Liquor M bit Potl
tively Cured by Administering
Dr. Haines' Golden
Speci fie.
It can bo given in a c up of coffee or
tea without tho knowledge of the person
taking it; is absolutely harmless and will
effect a permanent and speedy cure,
whether ihc patient is a moderate drink
er or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of
drunkards hare been mad temperate
men who have taken Golden Specific in
thuir coffee without their know ledge, and
to-day believe tljoy qnit drinking of tin ir
own free will. ITNEVKIE FAILS. The
system once impregnated with the Speci
fic it becomes an utter impossibility for
the liquor appetita t exist. For full
particulars, address GOLDEN SPECIFIC
CO., 1S5 Itace st., Cincinnati, O. ly
Another Victim of tho Riot.
Caicago, June 14. Tho Hay market of
May, 1 8S5, has claimed another yictini.
Police Officer Timothy Sullivan, one of
the detail on that memorable night, who
received a bullet in the thigh, died to
night of blood-poisoning.
Stata of Ohio, City of Toledo, )
Lucas county, ss. (
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is
the senior partner of the firm of F. J.
Cheney & Co., doing business in the city
Toledo, County and state aforesaid, and
that said linn will pay the sum of ONE
IIUNDUKD DOLLAI'S for each and
eycry case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by tho use of Hall's Catahhii
Sworn to before ine and subscribed in
my presence, this (ith day of December,
A. D. '80. A. W. GLEASON,
(Se;d) Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal h
and acts directly upon the blond a in.
mucus surfaces of the system. Send for
testimonials, free. F. J. Chkniiy & Co.,
Toledo, Ohio
rt7"Sold by Druggists, 75 cents.
Down With all on Board.
Lccknow, Out., June 11. Stephen
Martin, living on the lake shore near
Kingsbridge, found a bottle on the beach
on Sunday hi3t. Inside was a piece of
bark signed by Captain McDunn and say
ing the schooner Tiffin, of Iiay City,
Mich., went down with all hands thirteen
miles from Goodrich. There was no date
on the bark.
An Explanation.
What is this "nervous trouble" with
which so many seem now to be aillictcd ( If
you will remember a few years ago the
word Malaria was comparatively un
known, today it is as common as any
word in the English language, yet this
word covers only the nunning of another
word used by our forefathers in times
past. So it is used with nervous diseases,
as they and Malaria are intended to cover
what our grandfathers called Biliousness,
and all are caused bv troubles that arise
from a diseased condition of the Liver
which in performing its functions finding
it cannot dispose of the bile through the
ordinary channel is compelled to pass it
off through the svstcm causing nervous
troubles, Malaria, Bilious Fever, etc
You who are suffering can well apprcci
ate a cure. We recommend Green' An
gust Flower. Its cures are marvelous.
Drowned While Bathing'.
Linwood, Neb., June 15. W. M.
Thompson, working for James Blair about
eight miles west of here, was drowned in
the Platte river today while bathing.
English Spivin Liniment removes all
Hard, Soft or Calloused lumps and
Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin,
Curbs. Splints, Sweeney, Stifles. Sprains,
Pink Eye, Coughs and, otc. Save $50
by use of one bottle. Every bottle war
runted by F. G. Fhk kk cc Co..
Druggists, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Petty Burglars at Columbus.
Columbus, Neb,. June 15. A band of
petty burglars passed through the city
last evening breaking into a number of
business houses and taking $13 from a
drawer in the office of Shrocder Bros.
On, you haven't any kidney disease,
eh? But are from time to time troubled
with backache, bladder troub
les, rheumatism, neuralgia,
headaches, nervousness, In
digestion, numbness, dizzi
ness, malaria, chil.s and
fever, ague, boi's, carcun
cles, abcesses, paralysis,
dyspepsia, impotency, swol
le:. ankles, and joints, ni
your wife has female troubles-
Don't you know that these diseases would
almost never prevail if your kidneys were
naturally active and kept the blood clean?
is the only scientific blood purifier, and
that is the reason why it not only cures
known kidney disease, but also 93 per
cent, of all other diseases which come
from Unsuspected Kidney dis
order. Try it today. Delays are very
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
VThen Baby wm ick, -we tve her Castoria.
When she vas a Child, iha cried for Castoria,
Wbcj she became Miss, aha clung to Castoria,
When she had Children, she save them Castoria
tiont-Htly admit that they can't euro
Ikheiiiiiatisni ami Neuralgia. Other
say they can hut don't. Ath-lo-plt.i-ro.s
Bays nothing but cum.
That's w Heoret of iu kucci-hm.
Years of trial have proved it to bo
a quick, ", Hire cure.
(' N H S. .f. 3. w7
In my own f ntmly AI lid ImriM wiim um'1
a laxt n-Mort, tln iint r UnWnv mll. r.i.1
from rlK-iiituiijxiii for ,vitri im.l liiiYiiiif
1m'!! lifNil.xl lor tli" tlmnnMj ly ililf. n iit
I'liyhirliiiix in till" Htulo mill "M;i,.;i. Inl.
fi-ttrf mtbont i'V;ii ti'iujiorury nlml,
ITM)ii my n'oiiitiii-ftiliitloii Kcon-M f if iii.
i lmvouwil tin r.iinly with dm hanio
nwultH cIuiukxI fur It. t:. II. ih.
Diilniqiu-. Town Jnn. X lxwn.
Athloplinron Jut roinlrti-lvriir-l mi of
tii-rvoii.-i In n.luclii'. hihI 1 ti'i l lliuiiklul for
all tho jfood It u:m ilonc inn.
Mrn. Liii im: Ciiriinr.
44"ScUil fi cents for the iM ftiitiful roloro'l ilc
tur " .Moorili Malih ii."
THE A THL 0PH0R0S CO. 112 Wall St. N. Y.
VTJ '"'
Iio8t:in:h syrni. tumi-h ir'od. Ceo fr'1
in Hum. Holii nv (lriii-jHix. r- T .
I bolievo Piso'a Curo
for Consumption savod
my lifo. A. It. Dowkli,,
Editor Enquirer. Edon
ton, N. C, April 23, 137.
Tho nt:sr C 'oiili Medi
cine is I'iso's Citkk ion
Con.m j m PT I o N . Children
tako it without objection.
liy all druggists. -5c.
1PARK'S CWJCEf? TOWIO without cIhMt.
A rfliti iiieliuiiiiil co i;i pound Uiat cm cm h IikhhII eivr full.
HoKfUR-d tJit worst casi'sof Cmitfh.Wfuk Luri, Mhma,
JridlvcKtion, Jntvnrrl I'ainrt, Exhatintion. J n uJum)I fur
KiMMimiUlMm, Kcmalft Weakm-M, end all pttiiir rind ti
crtlcrs of the Btoiuach and teovvl. 60u. ot XJi ueirfta.
The pnfl, surest and fst curf for Corn, bunions,
Stops all tin. Knamv comfort to ihn f .t. iNcw' Ituin
U curt, lit cent ti lrufcvirttf- lliaeoX dc Co., S, i .
Wanted at onco, a responsible parly of
good address to represent
liy Hon. Thus. E. IIix.i-, Author of IIii.i.'s
Mam'i;i, of Social and liu-siiKs
Eon i is, in
An excellent, opportunity to weenie a unr l
posit urn and Miiki' Money, Kales can lie lii.nlo
on the Installment I'l.ui when li-i-iied. AU
dreHB for terms and particulars.
Standard Book Co.,
Publishers 10:: State St., Chica-jo, ' III
h;i s r c vo,it jonicd
the world l iirinir t he
p;iM twin crnliny.
j ! ndi-is of inv i.livfl
! itoj eH is a mi t Mod
i'iii leas i amie'Li I lie
iiud t-yM'-m of werlc
I hat can he pr-i-forti-cd all vcr I In? country
without senaiatiiij the "oiker limn their
home. Fa y I iheral ; a nyoni; can do the v 01 k
ei- ifv nex. y ouiisi or old ; n 1 P'-eial a hi I it y re
iiiied. ('metal not needed; you aro stalled
li re, ( ut Ill's ut ami i e t urn to us ai d v e will
send you free, somet hin of ureal iinpoi t;inc
and valuo to on. t hat w ill shti t you In huslnes
hieh will lirini; you in more moiif j liuht
aw.-iv I ha u a i Hi in;' else ill the -. i Id. ai:U
ouliit 1'iee. Afldiess ') i'.:u Co.. Auu.sla, Ma,
Vl.'ew aided are t Iitiff;
red this and Ihen ac
m ! he v ill Iind hornuat
act :
e m p I oyuient that ill
nol take l hem from t h-ir
lioicc" and fannlii'M. 'I ho
profits, are Iar;'; bin sure
for every lndiislriou" pcrMm , many have mail
and hip now makintr several hundred dollars
per month. Itiseasy for anyone to inak .",
and upwards per day. v. ho is v. iWUm to work
l-iliicr sex, yoiiii; or ol i ; ..aplfa! not needed
v o start, ye-.i, i. fe-,-yt , j,,,, vf, ,,,.,.;.,;
ability iviinred. you, re-'d,-r. can do it as well
one. Write to us at lor full i.-.r.
tieu'.ars which wo mail Ireo. Aihliv si;......,
Co., foi tland, .Maim.'.
Se. WomWs exist in thoii--amls
oi Imiii-, hut arc k- r
,iassed hy tho marvel ol in
vention. Tliose ;lr(. j,,
need of liloll'ahlo work Mmi
can be done while liviiwr at
home should :it on ....a
t In. il- uii.ln to.- I 1 1 . 1 ! . . i ' J .
I oitl.ind, iainc. and receive tree fnll inf.,i ma-
ioii now- eilher, k-s. of all ajies, can earn lroui
i- to .''." ner dav and nows.ra ,. i, ....... . i
live. Von are started lice : capital not needed
mo have made over s.',n hi .. ..t i.;..
work. Alt mci: eil.
State of V..1.I-K.L '...., '
r, " ' "- "MOM v. If)
County Court of Cas County. Nehra-ka
Not!!'.". IM lilTI-Lv otvi.t. . .. .1 !. ' .
of June. 1-x ut in. 1 1 on i t't , , !
forenoon, at t he t.tVu-a of 1 1, i-, ,
....... .., .,1-,,11-K in
- ....... .. ........ linn,) no "i
said ci.uti'y. the foiiowmy matter w ill he i?i
and consul erect :
- ... , . nii. ii
appoint men t 4,1 n m. If ;, u : , :
the verified r.cTirio.i of M, t i.. .
. . , ... iiiiiiiiiijj s i 'ia
lnaUe, ol Hancock Coiintv, St. ito i.f Ohio
leued to he iiihiImIIv i,....' .
. ......... .n.vii.jjr.cui in nave
charge and management of her proper) v
June 4. IhjsJs. (' I.'..,--
2";! County .Midi:
Estray Notice.
fine vearliH-' heifer, iomh oi
Taken ut. by me about Mav Mth. on 'tiiv
I remise, the nw Mr of the i-erof sec on iaL'
1.', twp. in Cass County, Nebraska. 'J he'ov.ner
can have the same hy p roving proi erty and
IiaiiJ ioi whs au other e.pem.en nece.
Silrv- (iKO. N. JIai.khtv
Legal Notice
Johnson I'.ros., Plaint iff, vs. T. S Corbet t Tic.
.v.u.i, oi-, i in nun i;i.
T. .S. C'orbett will take notice thr.r r.n ft.,. oi,i i.
day of April. lss, C. Itussell, .liid-e of ' t-,-n
county. Nebraska, is-ued an Order of Attach
ment for the sum of in an action pennine;
before him, w herein .Johnson llios is i'hiintilt
and T. .S. Coibett defendant : that property of
the Defendant conistiiii; of hod and bedd'ni"
dishes, hiuoothin Irons, and other household
tood. ha- been attached under a!d order
Said cause was continued to the l.'0lli day of
June, 1. 10 o'clock a. ni.
Johnson IIeos , I'laintift.
AVc have completed arrangements
whereby we will print a new piece of
music each week in our Weekly IIekalu,
commencing with June 21.
ft 1
T iimmMi rill
uJ Cost Cout;ii Syrup. Tii-k-h Komi. Use rj2
E3 Intini". Solil l.v (Iria-i'l-tM.
Help Wanted I