Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, June 14, 1888, Page 7, Image 7
FLATT6MOUTU WEEK:iA l;r;i.,y. mUKSDAV, JUNK 14, 1S8S. A STEAM & R SUNK. Tho Ccnoral Terry Hits a Pier and Coes Down. Omaha, Jiiih; 11. Twelve years ago 'this Fifth infantry, regular troops, were stationed at Fort Leavenworth. That was during tlio Custer campaign in the lilack Mills ugain.-t "Sitting Hull'' und his warriors, unil the regiment, ly orders, whs forced to the front. They went by the same f.teaini is in which they landed yesterday for a few hours in Omaha to "tdock up" with provisions. A limit si x o'clock the usual scrunching of whistles were heard, and soon alter the tit cm wheelers Helena and (General Terry lied up at the foot of Douglas St 1 7 sun-liurned frontier soldiers, includ ing oflieers and musicians, were on hoard of the two steamers accompanied by the wives and daughters of the oliieers. When tie: two boats landed it was evi dent that the men desired to land, but it was out of the (piestion at that lime, but later providence interfered, and their wishes were gratified. Oflieers from the headquarters who were on hand to meet the new comers were informed of the ar rival by Lieutenant J. M. T. I'artcllo, who was the first to come ashore. Ho stated that the party had, through the means of a field glass, sighted a flag at half mast and it occurred to them that (leni'iid Sheridan had died. When the lieutenant was informed that the emblem of death was in respect to the memory of a departed Fnion Pacific railroad ofiiciul, and was displayed from the quarters of the road ins "ad of the government, Par tello by voice communicated to the com mander Colonel (Jeorge Gibson, who in turn notified his command, who immedi ately sent up a cheer of thanks which was re-echoed by the throng ashore who had ga.iercd. The band struck up a lively, inspiring air, and as tho sun set in the west the hawsers were cut and the boats floated towards Kansas City. They were A destined to reach that village on time, however, and it will be many days before the General Terry again floats. The Helena ran under the Union Paci fic bridge all right, but when the General Terry was passing under the second span the strong current swung her sidewise against one of the old piers standing in the river, tearing a hole in her side some eight rei t long and six feet high, which filled In r with water so that she sank in about seven minutes from the time she struck. As soon as the accident occurred Pilot Mackey signalled his engineer to 'go ahead" and ran her within a few feet of the shore, so that she grounded, as it w ere, in about eight feet of water. At the time of the accident all was in confusion, the ladies aud children scream ing while the men was for the time panic stricken and it was with difliculty that a few of the oflieers who retained their wonted coolness could control them. As soon as the boat grounded the gangplank was thrown out and the Helena notified by whistle that the General Terry was in distress. She steamed back and in the meantime the latter boat had been tied to the shore and all hands at once set to unload her. The ladies were taken to the hotels and made comfortable. The loss is estimated at $2",000, of which a great portion consists of proper ty belonging to the oflieers and families. Trunks containing elegant dresses and jewel boxes of silverware, etc., were lost while all the furniture was greatly dam aged. On board the sunken steamer were companies D, F, G and A. The four compauies and the band number about 475 men, and are destined to points in Texas. The Rat-sfication Meeting- Saturday the democrats distributed hand bills over the city for a grand rat-i-fication meeting of the nomination of Cleveland and Thnrman, to be held in Ivockwood hall, Saturday eyening. Promptly at eight o'clock the 13. fc M. band inarched down the street and then marched up again, and arrived at the hall with four men in the procession. The muting was called to order by selecting Mr. F. F. White as chairman. Mr. Wright, of Glenwood, la., was in troduced and made a set speech of an hour, after which Mr. Mat. Goring fol lowed, using almost the same time. The meeting was not a howling success as a ratification. There were probably 123 men in the hall, a large sprinkling of prominent republicans and about a dozen ladies, the latter leaving when the meet ing was about half through. C. W, Sherman, J. G. Gilmorc with the chair man occupied the platform. The first speaker stated most emphatically that the democratic party was a party of free trade, andthe second speaker that the platform did not mean absolute free trade but a gent-e reduction. As usual the democrats had to straddle. The lull was handsomely decorated with bandanas everywhere and with two pictures of Cleveland almost hid with bandanas constituted the dt rorations. Tim speakers as usual in their theme of discour-f, both dwilt on the fact that the tail would win regardless of the l ead. Send your jub work to the Herald office. UoarcJ of Trade Resolutions. The following resolutions were passed by the Hoard of Trade nt a meeting held by them a short time ago condemning the Journal, which khous how high that celebrated organ of journalism is held in the estimation of the Foard of Trade anil citizens generally : Whkkkas, Observation since the exis tence of the Plattsmouth Journal has convinced us of its hearing 11 strong com munistic tint, and W 11 Kit k as. Said Journal has grossly misrepresented the members of the Platts mouth Hoard of Trade and the citizens in general, by assuming in its columns to speak the sentiments of the people of the city in regard to the late unpleasantness with the 15. it M. R. H. Co. and a portion of their employes, and Wiikkkam, We were not called upon by either of the two parties in this conflict, therefore be it JirS'tfrrif, that we condem the course pursued by said Journal in its various kinds of uncalled for abuses against the B. 6c M. It. II. .'o. And be it further lli solncd. That said Journal is hereby requested to discontinue the misrepresen tations of the people of this community. Rtsolceif, That a copy of these resolu tions be ordered published in the Platts mouth Daily Hf.hai.h. The above resolutions were introduced at the regular meet ing of the Plattsmouth Board of Trade, May S. 1S8S, ami passed unanimously nt the regular meeting, June r, 1888. We clip the following from the Lin coln Journal which will no doubt prove of valuable interest to some of our readers: "The discussion eonceminx the tariff ques tion is becoming quite romantic, and some of the arguments are as interesting as de tective stories. The following, from a democratic paper, describing the return to his cottage of a down trodden labor ing man, is a sample: "lie carries in his hand a tin dinner pail taxed 4. per cent, and greets his wife with a cherry smile as she looks at him through the window pane taxed (0 per cent, from which slu' has drawn aside the curtains taxed 40 per cent." The story might be continued in definitely. He strokes the head of the family dog which is taxed 100 per cent, and sees that the chain which holds it, and which is taxed 40 per cent, is secure ly fastened. Then he says to his wife in a voice which is taxed (71 per cent: "Is the supper which is taxed SO per cent ready She answers with a smile taxed SO per cent and flashes out some cod fish balls taxed 7(5 percent. "How," he asks, "are the children who are taxed 93 per cent?" The wife answers in a low, husky whisper, taxed 48 per cent: "Mr Doolit tle, who is taxed 3 per cent, will propose marriage this evening to our daughter Jennie, who is taxed 7 per cent." The night wears on. Mr. Doolittle arrives. He takes Jennie's beautiful white hand in his, and as the moon, which is taxed 50 per cent, sheds its silvery beams upon her golden hair, taxed 03 per cent, he murmurs: "My darling, my darling, al though you are taxed 43 per cent, will you marry meT' A blush, taxed SO per cent, suffuses her cheeks. "George,'1 she says, "my heart, which is taxed 38 per cent, is j ours." Then follows a delicious silence, taxed 17 percent. The nightin gale, taxed 71 per cent, sends up his thrilling song; the southern breeze, taxed 88 per cent, wafts the perfume of delic ious Mowers to them. But George, rising from his knees, which were taxed 07 per cent, and brushing the dust from his trowsers, taxed 3!) per cent, exclaims: Now I am happy my darling!" When they were married they were taxed 200 per cent." Tabor College Commencement. Sunday, June 24. Baccalaureate ser mon, 10:30 a. m.; missionary address, 7:30 p. m. Monday, June SM. Senior preparatory class exercises, 7:45 p. m. Tuesday, June 26. Annual meeting of trustee, 9 a. m.; conservatory of music, 2:30 p. m.; address of Prof. L.F. Parker, of Iowa City, 7:45 p. m. Wednesday, June 27. Graduating ex ercises, 10 a. m.; faculty reception, 2 p. in.: alumni reunion, 5 p. m.; annual con cert, 8 p. ni All are invited. Wm. M. Brooks, President. Talior, Iowa, June 12, 1883. Strawberry Crkam Cake. Make a yery light cake from six eggs, and bake it in three jelly cake tins. While it is baking and cooling, cover a quarter box of gelatine with a half cup of cold water and soak a half hour. Whip one pint of cream, and put it in a tin or granite pan; stand this pan in another coutain cracked ice. Add to the cream a half cup of powdered sugar and a teaspoon fal of vanilla sugar. 6tir the gelitine over boiling water until it dissolves, add it to the cream and stir at once, and con tinue stirring until the cream begins t- thicken When the cakes are cold put I over one a thick layer of this cream; then I stand strawberries evenly all over it; put j on another Uyct-of the cake; cover it with cream and berries, and so continue, having the top layer cream berries. Serve very cold. Mrs. Borer, in June Table Talk To whom it may concern: The Dem ocratic national committee hereby gives notice that any organ of the Democracy which is caught printing the ticket in this manner : The Red Band d Cleveland, will be disiilined within an inch of his life. WOMAN AND HOME. PATHETIC STORY OF A HEAD AND BROKEN WHITENED HEART. Good Women Who I'rrach Too Murli. Immortal Youth Mothers a AVu j:merb One of Italy' MIloi) A Girl unci Her Tralulii": .Slaugr Sotn. One of tho most pathetic fctories I have ever heard was tohl to me by my friend, tho J udge, in connection with tho beautifully carved oak furniture of his library. Ixjiig years ago there was a beautiful and wealthy and re fined woman living in a stately homo on street, in this city. Every room in her hand some house was tK?autifuily furnished; hut the library, with its carved oaken .wonders, was her favorite of alL In that room she sat as u young wife under tho shadow of the tall bookcase and read, or dreamed tho long winter eveniiigx away with her husband, who was a brilliant young lawyer. Into that room as a proud young mother she brought her first baby and rocked him i:i tho stately, curiously curved, high backed i ocking chair, and when the little fellow was old enough to play at riding she sat him on the hacks of the carved oaken grifltns that held up the legs of the big round table. A large family of babies were rocked in that stately, high backed rocking chair, rodo astrido or side ways on the oaken griffins and grew up among the carved wooden wonders of that room to bo lovely women and honorcJjlo men. Oh, thoso woro happy times for tho happy wife and mother! Ixing, bright, happy, use ful, prosperous years, aa full of joys and comforts as the wooden life of tho room was full of carved flowers, leaves and ferns. Ah, if only the happy years would stay with us! If wo could only keep our husbands, our children and our homes! Would there Lo any need of another heaven Alas! for tho happy wife and motrrr. She had spent tho liest and tho brightest years of her lifo in that library, and old ago carno and found her there, with bowed head and broken heart, childless and ft widow, poor and blind. Death had taken all he could from her and debt claimed all that was left. Ah, that last desolate night in tho old library, with its carved oaken wonders! The sorrowful good-by to all tho dear, old familiar things. Tho agonizing prayer for strength sobbed out, with her poor old gray head buried in the cushions of tho stately high backed rocking chair in which she had rocked so many babies! Ah, God! to le childless and a widow, poor and old and blind! Tho poor old mistros3 was led out of the back door the next day, and the auctioneer came in at the front. There was a big sale, and friend the Judge bought tho library furniture. A year afterward thcro was a ring at his door bell, and a feeble old lady led by a servant was ushered into tho hall. To his gentle greeting she replied: "I am Mrs. . I used to own the carved oaken furniture you have in your library. My hus band bought it for mo in Paris. I loved it next to him and my children. I am stone blind und 1 cannot see it, but will you please lead me around the room and let me feel it." And my friend, the jude, you may be sure, led her tenderly aud gently, as ho might have led his own mother, into the library, with its carvel oaken wonders that had once been her very own. Ah, how plainly I can see that picture of my gentle, courteous friend leading his old, blind guest around the room, not to see, but only to feel the wooden treasures of her past life. He lead her first to the quaintly carved bookcase, and sho put up her hands and felt every leaf and bud and flower within her reach, patiently and tenderly cud with a smilo of happy recollection upon her face. Then she asked to be led to the round table, and stooping down she tenderly patted each of the oaken griffins on which her little girls and boys had rodo, and sobbed out: "Be good to them, J udge, bo good to them for my children's sake." And then sho put out her trembling, empty old hands in search of the stately high backed rocking chair in which she had rocked so many babies, so many littlo warm, rosy babies.. Find ing it, sho seated herself one more within the embrace of its familiar arms, aud lifting her sightless eyes, streaming with tears, tc heaven, she cried out: "Oh, my lost darl ings, come back to your mother, your poor, blind, helpless old mother." But I cannot toll you any more; I cannot bear it. Ah, God! to be childless and a widow, old and poor and blind! But, thank God, she was not so many days longer. She had come to say good-by to tLo last tie she had on earth, her furnituro friends, the beautiful, carved oaken wonders of her happy past life, aud having felt them, she folded her empty hands and closed her sightless eyes, to open them in that beautiful world where her husband and children waited for her, and whose wonders are not carved in wood. Pearl Rivers in Now Orleans Pica yune. Learn Not To Preach. There is a lesson lying in wait for the good woman in the conduct of tho bad woman. Good women preach too much. Bad women do not. And it is sad to note how often tho bad woman gets devotion and 3i that the good woman is dying for. As a natural result of this observation ii may bo said in conclusion: Women must learn not to preach. They must learn that while men have hearts as soft as their own, they carry them between shells as an oyster docs his whole incorporation, and that shell closes as surely upon a sermon as tha other kind does on a stick. We all know how women are bound to marry men that they d not really approve of. Some women do thia out of an evangelical, missionary spirit; others do so for lack of anything more an gelic Tho ones who marry the last man, th? only man, are apt to get along better iu rt f ormatory work than tha missionaries, "Why f Because they preach less. A worthy example of this reformatory principle of non-preachment now adorna New York society. A very pretty, clever woman was asked by a man about town tj marry him. 5he was a girl who had never had but & scant snpply of those aids to matrix mony which surround a rich girl, and sb.iv had never had an offer that was so eligible from a worldly point of view. She summed the situation up and accepted him. When asked her reasons by a man who wa3 a closer confidant than any woman could have been to her curious nature, she put her summing up in words: "That man has run his race. I believe he is a clear minded man, and that L"d has seen enough of bad women and gaylifa to appreciate a decent wife and a tempting home. Ha drinks more or less, I know; br.t It is custom more than habit. I know he Is tho soul of honor in business, and I do net believe that auy man who lives up to his con tracts in a business way is going to break 3 contract with the woman he love. He lovfs Bio; I am fond of him, and I am going to l a wife to be envied by every mother's girl who is trotting off dona np in rose color with beardless boys who have all their 'fun yet to cqme." Sho married him three years ago. and she laid out a time table that was worthy of an 8ho promi.1 t.."i-i If fU o tl:iii;:a: To bo iioii-deuioiintrativo at hreakfist ; to bright and jolly at dinner; to bo 1 !:;; e!'d babyish :d't-r dinner; not to hav tho !:r.t s piabl le, ami never to preach ut, but lit the thitigs he did Experience has taii ;ht every clever "inm tho alue of tin o lir.-,t four rvsolves, bi: l.i-r interpretation of the preaching rl ui o v.-e; unique. Her treatment of lhe!riiii:ii;: .p . tion was this: S!io didn't say 'tva-t u ii !. !, or horrid, or brutal. She simply Ian :.'i--d at liien who liked to hae their tn, it hi t. -;:) nasty m tho morning, and who dMn'l kaow it was as pleasant f r a woman t kin; 11 rice clean man as it. was f r 11 man to 1: is.-; a iv et motithed v.o:,u;i. To this v..t:! I no-. mil again add a w i le cy.l worrier l inta man could find it a 1 asure to m.i!:e hi'ii x.-lf fix-l dizzy i nd ill just for tho s :ko (7 sayin-j idiotic things at ni;J:t, and fe.ii::0- i'A ur. i disagreeable iu the morning. What was t he rc-u!t.- mm was so 1 lever and amiable about it that the man nevi 10 . gave her th credit of thinking him miythir.g but J xr fee tion. lie loved her a::d was '.id of her, a.lcl he 1. new e!)o-.i;;ii i f the t ;.:. of this wiek.'d world t : be anxioii-i to be 1 he one. r.i:.;i in it t her. Tiio ri-snlt, frieii-l.-, !ii".t this man i ; the ieo-,t "nip-.-rai e man .l. n v r Stopped thi i si'l; of being a l'-oi,;biLie:i;o;.; that be k wears by t'.ie goodi"--s of that lever Wiftf of his, ;;n 1 that she i i one of t!.e ,;;,,. pict wonte:i who ever had the sense lo:.;.prv ciato happiness when she found it. IY.uiI; I. Co lie's. Immortal Youth, Not Mlddlo f;e. There is not much fun in being r. niu! Iio aged women, look at it. in any way yo i 1 Tho morning of one's 1 lys is fresh an i il,;-.vy rmd t hero is in ihe-'i'-.ljle swe-'-., ; tvry in tho bh.;.;.-s tiuj,ht; but how mercilessly th" mid-lav sun light up tho rugged road that is traveled by the mid !!-. ng an 1 , lll'e i ! e (..i's i' i's. iged woman. The rose tinbs of inorni evening :;io not for her. She loo-is at u hard, common sense way, and si. som;; things by t heir wrong names. 'J she calls s-jiitiuieiit sentimentality, e.i: l a thusiasiit gush, and l,-,vo foolishness, ;:';.; ten derness weakness, und t ho doesn't s--em lo bo interested hi iniieh outside of her hoi?: ami neighborhood and favorito philau; i::v -pi.: bobby. Her opinion of this maud .tile cri t eneo i-; summed up in 1:i 1 eheerlesi v. ords, "Iifo is a constant chore." Tho reason why it is a great mistake, ever to lie m'lldlo e.ged is sdiown in t ho finc-di to told of a so-called elderly gentleman end a thoughtless youth. "You j;re old. l-'a: her William," tho young man said. "No,'' re plied tho other, meditatively; "no, I am not old." "Why,". said tho boy in astonishment, "your face is wrinkled, your back ij bent, you walk with a end, in fact, I know you to ha nearly 80." The oilier flawed at his trembling hands and feeble kneej. "ly body is old," said he, "but that is only tho house that I live in; I a:il not old." The house he lived in! That was nil his liody was to him, and within its poor decay ing wall dwelt a divine occupant, dowered with immortal youth. 1 hegiriishauecjations of some mature matrons deceive no one, and are euro to waken pity or contempt i;i l!rj observe r. Instead of aliVeling the nppear ciicb of youth why not ritain the h-pirit of yomh, which is full of unseili .hne-, and gladuess, and hope, and lofty endeavor Crows' feet near the eyes are not to be dreaded so much as a hard, middle aged looic in tho eyes themselves. Wrinkle; abou 1 h' mouth cannot l.vgi n to In us d:-;::gi er,bio as a discontented middle :;ged droop in the cor ner.; of it, and a, faded complexion is a bless ing compared with tho expressions of a l'ae? which conveys no higher intelligence to your luind t han that life is a constant chore. Cor. Toronto Clobo. ?.Iol tiers r.s Wae Ka filers. For years the world has been on a moral crusade against tho employment of children in mines aud factories, whilo tho far greater evils that result from tho mothers going o;:t is wage earners havo attracted compara tively littlo attention. Labor, within cor tain limits, is good for the child, giving i; a wholesome moral discipline and training for tho business by which it is to cam its liveli hood; but when a married woman Iris to neglect her natural duties for tho n -.pon.d-bilities that properly belong to the ot r m., it is timo for huinauliy lo protest in tho name of her offspring. No one individual can fulfill satisfactorily the double, or, I should saj-, tho triple fune. tion of bearing and rearing children and providing for their maintenance. I am st la boring woman myself, and have mot with some success as a bread winner, and I l:iku that the conditions of performing this fun.-?-tion satisfactorily arc quite incompatible with thoso arduous and important duties which make such heavy demands upon every conscientious mother, especially an.c;-. - t! 3 poor. In the homes of the very po--r th-ro are no hired servants to keep tho houscho! : machinery running smoothly whilo tho i::is tress is awr. The wife of the lal wring rnr.n is frequently cook, nurse, housemaid, la-.m-dress, all in one, aud if sho must go o. tasa bread winner beside", what is to jircve;:'; tho domestic engine from running ofT the trck and getting it self hopelessly ditched? Of tho two evils, if both are evils, I r.m persuaded that it is better that tho child should go out to labor than tho mo: her. Liberty, uncurbed by the cheek rein of pa rental restraint, ia a more than doitbtful blessing, for the loss of which the child thr.t takes its mother's place in tho shop or mill i:; more than compensated by the adva::tao of having her care et home. Eiia F. Andrews in Popular Science Monthly, A C;rl and ITcr Training:. TVhethc-r a girl will bavo the gifts of, whether she will hava a luio, stuooth complexion, straight limbs, shapely figure and good carriage, depend.-? oa her mother's care from infancy. Whether she is t 1 0 plump aud short or tall, whether sho is to ! a gypsy or a creamy brunette, a ir-.L'kled, thin faced chit cr a well touched Lloudo is also measurably under control. Ilc-r 'for bears'" must be taken into consideration in training. If her family are stoeky, not over tall, and she follows tho type, train hor for height and longer contours by sending hc-r to a dry, mountain lvgion, if possible, end ac custom hc-r early to exercises for supplenoe.-:, letting her live out" of doors, but not setting her to close work or hard tramps. Sh3 should dance, ride horseback c-r tricycle, or drive; eat venison, kid, game and dry meat;;, with watery vegetables liko radishes, tuf nips, cabbage silad, cucumbers and inc-lous. i.-iee Sho should sleep files, in a very airy j rootn, keeping tho limbs fctraigct, not going j to sleep curled up with the knees half way to her chin. Pulley exercises, swinging by tho j hands, long, smooth strokings rjal gentle, 1 firm pulling of the limbs daily tend to length of limb and increase of stature, it k?pt up 1 year after year, 'ho stroking with lo:-,; smooth sweeps and gentle pressure from nock down the length of the spine and from Lip to heel, nightly, b7 tha hand of mother cr ; trcsty nurse, is one of tho greatest tneoar-j agements to growth and symmetry a yean 3 thing can know. A tbect or shawl thrown round the bexly, ooen behind, with a clasp pin or two, allows tho stroking with ease end j entire modesty. Always rub downward, j f:evcr up, t le.igtln a u iiinb. When a girl -roivs pl'.mip, e:.'.( 1 ing her Is best I. ot to mcddl" with iiatuio rashly, a:t a ro- ! ilii'-i ion ol tat in such a ease has 1 f t epileptic ! to. s in:. p-ad. Th ill hhoubl leave K h . .1, an 1 t.;l.n to iini-io and pilot, kleudy : work. ;-d.lrley 1 fare's Letter. O.10 of' M Issions. On" of the blessed mi-sions of thrsebaby i.-ltors to our hotnes j. t,, keep us from being too tidy, I'm there is such it t hir.g us being too I id V by half in t he keeping of one's house. My wife waa 11 slave to the broom and dish rag for the four long years preceding tho birlhof our I r t baby. Now wo have two lioy s, four and two j cars of age, and she Wi ll, she '"lets things g '' in a manner gives tho boys and 1110 great satisfaction. Things are no longer "just so." The cur tains do iiol hang "exact ly s i ;" t h" rugs nro s-.'iiictim e curled tip or "Hopped dean over;" hairs lie Minim ly 0:1 tle-ir backs for an hour at 11 timo in the sitting loom; there aro streaks made by lnoNt lit tie lingers on panes of gl.'.ss once spot Ii v; and unblei nisi as crys tal; tie! books and ornaments 011 the t-iblo are a'l "I u.miMi .1 up ;'' t lie papers in t he rack are ml fold 1 rvo.iy und sipaari ly, but seem to ha ve 1 ecu to -ed i a "im -st any way ;" there ere blocks and railroad engines and stilf legged hor s and : idler men and women from Noah's ark scattered around cwry w here; the table cover is a : ry ; t he ot tomans bottom i ide up, and things in a b psy turvey condition generally. My wile often says that the room "looks a v. f ul," and she spends a good ileal of timo "civanirg up" at. night w hen tho two liitlo enemies of law and order nro iu t heir liillo bods. Hut they "muss it all up" in fifteen ,,.,f 1 :. , r !. ;, l' II'-. .un liiteilui 1 . t 1 ,..,i.i... iuni pl'llll- ness in housekeeping. 1 have read a gn at many th ones n the subject of teaching chil dren to be orderly, "like little ladies and gen tlemen." but I have always found surh chil dren rather si ill' and prim, und not tho rol licking, childish, freely happy youngsters i want my little boys (1 I.. whilo they aro still my little boys. Zeuii.s liane in Good House keeping. A Hint lo l.iitlo i;ir!s. C.'rls r-vldoiu fall into habits of profanity; but from lack of proper restraint at home, too often indulge in speech and actions which are fr.r from hulyliko or reliued, and not many years ago would not have been toler ated in good society. Hut of late, at home, making or rceciv ing calls, on tin-streets or in the cars, tliis loud, boisterous, free and easy behavior is painfully noticeable. If reeu iu little girls, w ho ! hou'.d be a i s weet and gent lo as the birds or flowers, 01:0 cannot avoid thinking that their mothers have not guarded their jewels as they nro iu duty bound to do when such priceless treasures uro committed to their charge. If our little girls greet their brothers and sisters, ami jx rhaps even their parents, boisterously; if, instead of 'Coo l morning," they cry "Halloo, papal" or "Halloo, mamma!" and call to playmates in the street iu tho same rough manner, who will be surprised if this stylo follows them iw th. y grow ii)) ami toe ear as young ladies.' Mrs. Henry Ward Ueeoher's Letter. IIen!Ci Itiiils Concerning Heat. Warm applioat i-::.-; p issess n high degree of utility in various painful and iuilaiiiiiiatory afi'ect ion; of th-j abdominal organs. Dry heat is a very import mt remedy in sudden and al'trming depressions of tin system, with feebleness of the heart's notion, and coldness of the surface; also in toothache, earache, neuralgia and chrome rheumatism. Dry heat may 1; applied to any part by means of woolen cloths, bags of salt or bran, tad irons, bri L.s, etc., heated to tho proper P-mpera-tiu-e; bottles of hot wafer fsee that tho corks ill tightly); have them well wrapped eons uot to burn tho patient. Apply moist heat by poultices, ilannels wrung from hot water and well covered, or a bag of hop.; dipped i.: hot water. Elizabeth Snyder, M. D., i;i Good Housekeeping. To bo a good nurse when her children are sick, to understand how to ileal with convul sions, dinrrie.ea, infantile ehol -ra, or the many d; ;i urbam-es which often make infancy a miser;.!. !e experience, is not the greatest ti' for the mot 'mr, but to bo so truly mistress of herself and children, and so thor oughly c itiversant w it !i tho laws of health Lhafc bhe can prevent di-ease. Wives cling longer than husbands to nil the gentle, give-Ions little courtesies that were never forgotten i:i tho haleycii days of tls ir courtship, but they, to 1, forget at times ?,ome of tin' little things that ciado them so chana h.g ia the eyi ; or To.:i or John or WiiL 'iVk.- slioalila't wo sav- "1 beg your pardon," or "E-veu-w me and "Thank vou" to each i:ei well as to other men an 1 w "Oil let! A medleal writer rer-ommen-ls the eating of yon :ie;, raw onions by i-hildivn thrc-y or four times a week, and of 1m ailed and ro:u-.te'i onioni. he;i they et too strong to be eaten raw. Another writer says that ''durin r un healthy season, whe.i Uiphtheria. and liho co:ii-:sious diseases prevail, onions ought to Lo eaten i:i the spring of tho year at leubfc once a week."' luotbcrj who do their own hotisevr orl: nei-1 to he very careful ot over doi::-;, of getting over heate 1, of ex;io--In;4 th-j arms in wii.ter v.-hen l.a:iyii:j out clothes, "-."ever nurse- y.v.r child when r.ngry or es..- ciully nervous; wait until you more inlet. Tho crying for food wid not do it is much hai'm u. im proper food. Don't ho k-d into tho belief that trua chol era infantum is simply produced, bv !;umtnor hor.t Dir.turbiuj; food, such as unrir-a or overripe fruits, decayed food of any descritv tio::, or taiik -which is impure or slightly turned, ere tLo principal causes. Exereiso care iu regard tj theio and prevent tho dis, A littlo self -denial on thejiart of thin'fPsiaj; mothei', tho exorcise of watchful care oa thu part of one who is forced to bring hc-r child up l.y bottle, will do more to carry it wifely through the possible dangers of dentition, than thi attendance of the doctor. V.'! hc:i 111.'. 0?; is used in cooking it is a great improvement to boil and skini it Lc-for-j u-ir.g. The rave, rathrr unpleasant taste of tho v-Of epulitii. cf '..lolas-ies :j much im proved by this process. e uro tho water is at boilisg potnc l.-e- p-utting iuto it t'.u vegetables to be fc cook I. It it is coIJ or lukewarm, tho fresh- -ss and flavor will soak out into tuo water. ; -I-iko starch with soapy water and you will fin-1 it a pleasure to do tip your starched L'-''t'- It prevet.ts the iron from Hickine; ; makes a glojsy surtaea. i ror infest fcealih tho rpquiremcnts ar? ab- . solute regularity of life, the u:n ost simplicity j in nutrition, fresh air, cluanliniaa. j v j A polished Coor cau be kept hx-king nice ; Ly wipicg it over v. itii a cloth ud with ! milk. ' j ! Cart iron stoves and ironware should Lo i heated raJually theCrst time they are useU. Horse Sheets keep horses smooth, clean and ready for driving. The owner of this horse spends an hour a day cJeaniiur, him rather than buy a Horse Sheet. 5A Ironside Sheet The Strongest Horse Sheet made. 5a Lap Dusters Fait Colon; will wuh. 5a Horse Sheets Are inJa up strong. rA Horse Covers Will Wbi-jj UWt oil. 5A Fly Net-. Ate tli ltett and Etrougt. Don't fjet stuck with poor I lorse Sheets. If your dealer don't have 5 a Irori-ide3 Sheet3 ash hini to order .some for yon. Cirj yi i,;!iO I 1 - , l.y V.'. i. Avm ii S0NS.J Appointed tD tlio Prison Congress. 1, 1 ul...-, Xd., dune 1 I. - (lovi rnor 'J'hayer to-lay aiifiinteil ( . Koof, ut the daily .''' Jmiiiml, as a 1 leoaty to represent XIra-ka nt the iritieiial )ii:o:i :: 'iiciation and prison congress which lnei Is at l'.o-lon, Mass., July 14. Mr. IJoot 1 ; dm ael i ve win k in joni nali'Jiii, will possi-ss ece!!eid qualities Cor work in the ioi:oiess st'id will 1 cpn sent N chras- kii in tin able 111 inner. - - Slipped Through tho Bar?. A..M(ioe, I a., June 1.'. Anna I,. Ilowcr, a feiiiale t onviel, made her es eaie fioni the p- iiitenl iary hen; last niht hy f-a'Aino oil' an iron bar over her win dow in the top tier of ci IN ami letting Ik rse f ih) wn by lu'-ans of bed clothes, then climbing tip a rope ami sealing the" wall. Slie was sent Iroin Cellar liipids lor eighteen y. ar.s for iiinnler in the sec ond ilcoroe, she having assist (t a limn in killi'i'C her h u bind, with v.liom she af terwards rail away. She had M tved live cai ;. Slip isMIn; til s-t female that has ever escajiC'l. liadly tlurt at Base Ball. Ovki.ami. NCli., .luiif; 1'.'. W hile the Oakland ;:iil f.oait elnbs were playing hase ieill yistctilay afterno-ui nine miles southwest. Dr. Will-, of Hooper, ran against Charles Henipsted trikin him with his knee 111 the knocked him senseless Dr. Moore was ialh.4 him seriously hint. li the town and his famil !i,iphraoi)i and for some time, and pronounced was removed to physician, for- nierly of Omaha, was tcifoji.-iphed for this eveniiiLT. also Dr. McLaughlin, of 'J'ekii mah, who tiitived la'-t evi!)i:i. It is believed the diaphragm is rnptuml. II is suffcriii iintohl aoony when not under oplii it d caiiiiot liv; l:;..!'V hours. II'.; has a w i ( : eniiloyeil :is i id one child and has been :1m; wip- r hero for tho past six weeks, c oming here from Omaha. Chautauqua Trdk ct Coatrlca lh;.Ti:i -it, Neb., .Juii'; 11. At a nieet iit r;f the board of trade tonight Stl.oOO was donated to :i syndicate owning thirty-live acres of land skirting the liver south of town, to nid them 211 starting an in r-.state Cliautiiuou-i, tliesyn-dic.-dc primii.-ing to erect buildings nt once efjti.d to tho; at (,'rite, ar.;l to hold an assembly next August. Tho mor.ey voti d 11 m s fr tn the :(,( ': i ;i a it i-ing futl.'l. as t he syr.dh at!; do euar nn'ee to tnaii t -n a j c;i;,anat fi-s'inbly, it i.- ;ii s h.r ao!.',- as t.( v.hetl , the mon ey will Ii; lo: throtiiir.;-. Some think ths trn tii.d ini) sin-.ll. i.,:r t hiit we are too n-a: Crete, v. hich :lr. : dy has a -well -eseiblisln -d Chau'nufptia. Hut few ware at the iiicetinix and neat ly half of those present refrained from voting, claiming that the matter should l.'ccei: ;.s-d more thoroughly. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castona. 11 1 vTiien Eaby -was sick, ire gave her Castoria. XVbc-n slie -wa3 a Child, the cried for CastorLa, VThe-n she becamo 11133, she clunj to Caetoria, When she Lad Children, ihe jave them Cast orl. . ............ ---j i