Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, June 07, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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itzrehuu. jmJ;i)AV, JUNES!, 1SS'.
liccorutlon Day Observed Wltn Ap-
proprla o Ceremonies In the
City of Plattsmouth.
A Larrjro Crowd Assembled to Pay
Tribute to tho Fallon Heroes of
tho Late War-
How tho Day Was Observe d
Flu'a Tliio-... I .l 1 v.
It !in Iii-cii ii lon while since huch u
yr.-.iul iiml cnlliii-ia-tie throng of people
were ;;iihcrnl lo'llur in this city on
Mi'.li it t';i;!h(l occ-imoii us yesterday,
l.'aily in tin; morning the sleeper was
arouse 1 by tin; sound of moving feet on
the niivcim nt which told that sorm-thiii"
iii-iie th in usual wus to take, place on
thai l;iy. Tin; people lictrsn to arrive
from Hi c. ntry at an early hour and !y
J:iinn our street-; were- throned with poo
,!. e:i.-,.r to asr-ist in the rxcrrfee of the
d iy. At half p.-ot one o'clock they all
were reminded that the exeicises were
alxiiit to lie-in by an appropriate pit ce of
mu-ie l.y I Ik M. A: M. Hand at the c omer
of l:ii; and Third streets. The members
ot the !. A. H. formed in procession on
lh "ciuer of Main and Fourth street, fol
lowed by the ceator of the day, Hon. J
1!. Slrwd;', and the rnaj'ur and city coniv
cil. following these in their order came
the 15. iV M. Iiaii.l. Jirotherhoods of En
iineers, 1'ir. iik n and Switchmen, ICnihts
of Labor, Ancient Order of United Work-
. . . I 1 1 r 1 1 c i I i i
men, ami uu icnows, loiiowetl oy a
lare procession of teams, street cars and
pi d.-.-.ti iaus. All marched to the ceme
tery to the .step of appropriate music.
It was a ;rand procession and the ob
server fromKe liih school hill was
struck with amazement to see how such
n vast procession could moye alon with
such little confusion. On reaching the
cemetery the precession gathered round
the stand which had been prepared for
the occasion and the exercises were open
ed by a song, "Tcntinj; on the Old Camp
Ground," by the (Slee ("lub, followed witli
prayer by It .v. Alexander and a short
address by Commander Johnson. "De
parted Comrades" was next rendered by
the I J. it 31. Hand, after which the C. A.
,U. detachments performed their work of
decorating and strewing (lowers over the
graves of the departed heroes. On the
return of the detachments an invocation
was read by Capt. Curtis followed by
reading names of these whose graves had
been .-tiewn with flowers. The 1. it ISl.
nanu next piaycu a cnrge wineii was
followed by the gathering together of
.the W. II. C ufter which the sontr,
America, was sung by the Glee Club.
Commander Johnson then introduced
the orator of the da', Hon. J. I. Strode.
who d- livered an excellent address well
suited to the occasion in la usual pleas
ing manner, followed by a song from
th" Glee Club closing the exercises at the
The a.?''1"' nn,t 'n ac ',e exer
cises, were list.""iei t( a l,lrrte. earnest
and appreciative aiu.,;ince' f tlle nulri!c
we deire to speak faith:"11'- We a,e a lover of music but hnv.. lever huCD
facturers liade unci commerce occupy the
thoughts and ncrgieg of u peaceful
country that was twenty-seven years ago
riven from center to circumference.
He reminded the old soldiers present
of the fact thut they were growing old
mid that this memorial day, the most
c herished by them of all the holidays of
each year, marked another milestone in
the calender of their past. He ave a
vivid desciiption of the thoughts that
went trooping through the minds of
those who Haw active service, who hud
been upon bloodv fields of battle iiother Ami bn-th the flowpiV fair repose.
' " ' in Uieir IraKraiit. heaiti they are nhul today
(;'"" iui kmiuv an over iiie country lit I -""unriu iny. eie ihuhciii rote
J I WiO .. I . .i...i i.i
, - .-I . r . .. I " 111 IIIIIILI J I IM-ll INIHI1II
py ti.eir tribute of love to the memory '' tn iu in n the inmh
of deceased c omrades. We come, he Alike of the blue aiut the gray.
said, todav to nflv th,.,. ..f ,-,..w.,.f ...... o ....... AUltKX. Ill Judy,-
due to patriotism, valor and heroism.
Where Soldiers Sleep.
Ajcahi in the no a'nws, o'er hillsi.lo nnl tden.
'1 lie sei-t wl'U tleweiv hke an aimy slainl
Ami they sri-iii to lisirn. ttioxi iniimte men,
As they mv: y in I lie breeze
'N'eal Ii t lie it ii g tri es,
To a biiKlfl bluwu in fan ylamt.
Tli I- morn, whi n the fair encampment woke,
K.teh flower bent low lit tiny head
In grave salute ; for the oitln neto
Wlilsprreil ft those
W hom In culm reio(
We honor u the iiatimi's dead.
llrin-r wreaths fr-.m the uihiwoi-d shadovvHd't.
I'resll tilt from Hie ii:aii.i's r- 1 1 1 1 1 y wavs ;
l or tin y kmi- l ne trav-r v. here n ldiers sleep.
1 II 1lll illMl 41111 III,
1' ven it v Mid ii'omi,
Throuli atl the summer days.
"With the budding spring time, when
primroses are in bloom, nnd violets per
fume the dell; when song birds warbl
their sweetest notcg, and all nature is re
splendent with gold. With hearts made
truer by our surroundings and filled with
gratitude for all tie; blessing that h ive
come to us, and to the nation, and offer
Tho Decision Made Yesterday, and
atommitto Aopolnted--0;her
Nkw York, May HO. At tlr; session
of the general Methodist conference to
day the following resolutions were
The new rule of tho pastorial service
ill ftivt'r Mil ivi' i mTiiAuirm. . . .in..i. ii...iii .....i: i .. .
fin i wi in- i ii. I -ii. in dk; ;i'jjiieu as loiiows: At the s
v e bring not uranite moniuments and slon '' "nun il conference next fol
state v columns t har nwf n,l r.r.,.i.!,. iois general coniereiue, a preacii-
but the tender bb.ww r h"'1" Vla lM'"tcil to ,t charge which
' He lias not served tor the three years pr
that sneak reverent v nf inimn I..I ;t " .t: i ... . J 1
.j. n..nuH, niia ue cominucn tnereatter in
ii.r.. i.i . ,i ... . i-.i i .
i a eiaiui uniay ne saui, "ly the saiu cnarije lor five years, iiml pastor
graves of thoso who died to make men ow 8t'rV'?; u charge which he has not
free, by the graves of those who pos- at'rvetl for hl preceding in pn s-
sesessed tu, ,.l , : f.ut V" . inuel through
in tne lull term ol rive years. in all other
me lace ot scorn ami contempt, of those cases the rule of five years in ten shall b
w no preferred to die a noble deuth lather smciiy ppnel
n.rt., i: ; ii i f , ... I nri. a a.
man uve an ignouie nte, wno liated 1 MU icpuri. on temporal economy, pro
crime and slavery, and would build on viding for the better cure of supeianuat-
labor's lioly altar the smoke of forge and e" ministers, was read
furnace; who hated fetters for the weak Rev. D. P. Kidder was made honorary
and would give them a flag that means secretary of the board of education
protection at home, abroad and on every Omaha was selected as the place of
sea. meetinc ot the next ceneral conference
lie spoke of the great struo-cle in this antl a comnttec f seven appointed to
world for riches and olace. and saidther- confer Wlth the Omaha church.
was more life, reli.rion t.ietir n,l iv,. 11 was "eciueti that dunnff the months
B , - - - j 6vi-
ness m one moment of charity and sacri
fice for the good of the oppressed and
suffering, than in a million years of greed
for :in. He said the men whose graves
we decorate today were real uhibin.
j of October or November, 1890, an elec
tion shall be held in the various churches
throughout the union, that each member
of 21 years of age shall be given an oath
reletiye to the admission of women as lav
Sheidan As;am Attacked by
Heatt Troubles, and Kast
Apparently All Hopo Abandoned
--Additional Medical Advice
Wammn-.ton, May :. A bull, till is
sued alter o'clock I Ids i.ioiiiin- .vr.
since t ! a! ii mi:, (,,-eui n nee i.,;i,,l in
the bulletin i-.-ued at 1:1.", a. in.. G , :i j
id Sheridan hus rlovly ivcov r, ;1 imhh;
his prostration, has nnvn ea-ier mi 1 Lis j stronger. lie has slept well di;iii' !
the last th ce hours. !
At 1(1 o'clock this in iroin:; (J n i d '
Sin ridaii was re)oit, d to be r.-tie:'
ipliellv. and Culoie 1 KcHo, win- c. n:
to the door, s-iid there had lie n no ns ,- 1
tei i d eliaru-e i :i his con litinii sie.. I ';
morniu bulletin was is.-ued.
A bulletin issued at l.-'O savs t!
since the earlv iiioniin" l.nh. iir. th
has been no m n Led change in G. :i
Shci Man's condition p.'sii.i;
shnle of ii;ip; ov. Ill' lit. If,- h.i, r
pjietly without piin ami pre:--- !.
sel f as fe line; well.
e'::h) - i his ju-t been a-;-: Uim :
General Sheridan l -i ' '
of hcait trouble this u It moon, bu', i
stated, he is resting easier now. I),-.
S. liincoln has been called in fit-
and is now in consultation with t!.
er doctors.
V.'amu.noton, ?.Lay "1. Tie- I(!:;a i
letiu says Sheridan liad another , ,
tack this afternoon. He recovered .
imperfectly, fin I h;s condition c.-,u,
greatest apprehensi, .;i. At the i ..
of Dr. O'Ueilly, Dr. Pepper. pr,l,
c-linical medicine and of t!:
veiity of Pennsylvania, has been
graphed for, and will arrive here
4 o clock tomorrow morning. At
General Sheridan's condition was
:: iFUBKlTUBll
Vol' Mlol I.I) CAM. ON
it'tc ;t
hull; ni l'iccut
slock of ( i oods :x lid Ktiir
"j T ,'. !' ;Mr . r : r
. ft
.i. .i .i.
counli: l A 1 ; AM; : L i 11
1 V
l'I.A'1'l S.Mtl '1 II, NI. Id! ASK' A
1 I
'.'A'! o.S.N ll.iT.
t -
"V'. .M A H'l I'l-t.
i-i h-vf-'i t'-::..iw I'v-v .K:A' h If
i. km. i i.s in 'i i :n and i:ggs.
a jr A . v.. J a
"V I
Tin: I IKS
Sunsr Cured 1,1
cut" own I!i;iKI
f o VsTKKS. in i ;.!(! bull,, at
(.-i.-'j ?;. ins, i-2 C c n j
'i !..' In si hlVlM
. te,.-
1 1 ::
11 W Jj 7S:SM Jrh
able to produce any ourselves
consequence thereof have turned o
iid in
s jives into a kind of a musical critic, and
we i.eiieye we are utterimr nothing more
loan fa-ts when we -ay that the mils
i ... i ......
i.iei-.nn u-si.-nwy was equal, it not
sujierior. to any we have ever heard or.
Mich occasions. The sons " Tenting or
tlie old C uiii) Crround " nnd " America,'"
by the G'.ce Club, were the most soul-siir:iii4-
mu-io have ever listened to,
a:ei the Plattsmouth Glee Club have tin
voie. s to render such muic in a mannc
all tiie r.obh-r feeiinirs of ni.:,-
f! aba
also deserves snen:-.
i m mil! r in which 1 ':
-r ; rt of the i erei -. -;is
v; ry a;; iropriaie
:a a m-iiinvr solicit di
o-'i!5i mber ,,f th.. b.-.n;
ei' i "-ii- tt-ry being 1
n .r
ded to
lock to
whi il ! !:
h id bei :.
the vc: v
t.:e city m reversed order to
y cam , all feeline- thst the dn
.-!- nt very pleasantly and ii
ap; rcpriatif manner of '.ayin
tribute to the departed soldiers of tin
late war. V.'e are gl.ul to seo so much
interest manifested ia this direction. It
shows that our people are a grateful peo
ple, grateful for the blessings which they
nre permitted to enjoy, and to those
-whose sacrifice gave them tho privilege
if living under a government of free
A synopsis of the speech delivered at
graves of our departed heroes by
lie spoke of the pathos about the ob
servance of memorid day, and of its
meaning. Of the bitter feeling of loyal
nun toward those in rebellion against the
government during the progress of the
v. ir; but ?aid that kindly memory had
with pity made dim and shadowy the
record of treason and wrong.
lleautiful homes, our fields of corn,
cotton and grain he said now stau.l on
.the ground that had b-en strewn with
corps and watered with blood; school
houses had taken the place of the slave
pan and human auctiou block. 3Ianu-
thropists nnd patriots. -Their honor delSates. t;,e result to be sent to the an
scorned to compromise with death. Thev ,lu;u n"-rence n l!V.)l
saw their duty and as cpjickly did it. lie T.,,e rema5nler of the session was taken
saicUhese soldiers livin"- and dead have U1 ,n a,scusslon ot tlic rtT' t about uni-
made our lla to mean more than it ever '""""J 01 puinic worsnip
did before Tf
" "j I Brave Boy Burglars
- . ii is uic euiuieiu ui cijnai i rioni nciay uauy
nsrhts to all. It siinifies education Another bur?larv was commbt,.,! in
for every child high or low, rich or the city last night. This time it bein
poor, white or black. It has made the Speck's saloon burglarized by Tomie Lee
school house the fortress of our notional "n! a boy named Robinson. About two
hope. It lnts opened the field of enter- o'clock last night a policeman Frve was
prise to every man. The people he said making his regular round he stopped to
were the kings of this country and the talk for a few minutes w ith the nbdit
ballot their scepter and that the stability clerk at the Kiddle house. He had been
of the republic depends upon our action there but a short time whe he noticed a
and conduct. The government will be dim light in the saloon across the street.
stable and pure just as w e make it. Its Calling the attention of the clerk to the
laws will be good or bad as the people lio,'t they both began to watch and soon
elect. They w ill be enforced or disre- s'V the light aguin. At this juncture the
garded ns we determine. A government policeman slipped across the street to th
can be made and kept pure only by good saloon door just in time to see another
laws well enforced and administered, match lighted and through the door he
Jle said the war of the rebellion was sw Tommy Lee. The policeman went
brought about by a failure on the part of to the door and knocked and called the
the American people to fully appreciate name of the proprietor, thinking that he
til? duties of citizenship. They permit- must be in there with the boy. The
ted to gyov up in the nation, fostered match quickly went out and all was still
. 1 . .1.4 l.n Ip. 1.. loMll. .l...... M.. ........ 4... It. 1. .
u.'.ui protectee, uy tts it), no institution annu i.uiik io tue policeman s
,1, ' itift'Jp of men and Woujeq aijd their C;l- Hs then went to the back door and
chattel"-"" tfhhlerf to sale upon the auction knocked and called for the proprietor
l,iri- out no answer came. lie then noticed
lie spoke Un,5tr,7 of t'iC A"1? ff tI)at al1 the doors mshI windows were se-lecoratino-in
meT f the private I Gsrcjy fastened and concluded that there
oidiers whose graves "'erff unknown.
'I- p;id a just tribute, to th. J1 vo:n-
n of the n;th r.yd eschilly to vV'm-?n
f the relief corps,
lie admonished the young people to
id carefully the history of four years
' s-icrifiee. nd to noespt the legacy
ieh tir-ir f-it'ii rt b:-,ii-at!i -d
ni. When the last faint; lias been
iv n ovt.r the jrrave of tic- last v eteran
i:- move the line, nnd the last dorl is
epe.i upon his frigid breftnt the young
; le of this 'ej.eration will
of the s icred tru.-.t
meuiory of thes-
oyal 'ea.;.
Vh.-n was a child Im father
t imiiiear led Isim to the altar of Mars
. i.. reon lay the body of a human victim
' u the opposite side of the altar were
lannibal's wife and maidens; at his side
ote chil l. Placing the little .Sogers of
1 1 mnibtl on the yet quivering flesh of
the victim, the stern carthageniaji said:
Hannibal, son of Ilamilicar, swear by
tiiis consecrated blood and in the presence
could be no uarm m waiting till mornini;
so he went away. This upmjinij he cane
down nnd in formed the propriet.-r ivh ,t
he had seer) and ttvy bee.-m to 1 t k
laf'JUnd to see what yas wrong. Thev
wtT1 10 titf: humey .Irawer and fuud ii
emjitv. 'wiifeisinii frye then stai 'ed out
1 to hunt for the u7.v- a"'r ""i i!:-U !i to
where he lived lie t.?& tint he had :-.
been home last night
'We haye met the Enemy and
Downed Them."
Our home nine and the Nonpareils of
Omaha played a one-sided game eter-
d".y. The features of the game.wer.; the
heavy hitting of the home team, and the
battery work of T. I. ami J Patterson.
The score :
Plattsmouth .) 1 2 0 4 1 C, 17
Otraha 0 0 :i 0 0 :J 0 0 c,
llatteries Plattsmouth, T. .M. and
James Patterson; Nonpar, ils, Shauv.han
and Li-ton.
Our boys tiid some ;ood playing and
won for themselves laurels which will
not soon be forgotten. "We are glad to
see so much interest manifested in their
work by the citizens t,f our city, fur. as
we have said before, a good k.: ball
club is the best ad vertisn.ent u city can
have and we are coniiduit that i!ie,,e
wno Have contributed to the sticctis of
our base ball club will be well paid for
their sacrifice. Encourage the boys and
we will soon have a ball club that can
play v ith any of them.
Will Keep enii- t;!
u it
:ei a ai..l eelii p'e' e M cel.
n n
?. 5 rv c
k 5
I UiliJS
,Fpf!3 i "l.Z'i T)
mi 1
fUn Hi n
J 2 I $ s f
a 8
Cass County.
Alumni Banquet.
From Fri.tav's Daily.
The Alumni association of the Hih
School give a banquet at the Iliddle
house jiarlors la.t night which proved t..
be one of the grand things of the season
I ne exercises com-i.-ted of
toasts as follow:
Address nf weje-me, Ii. p. Livings!
Jr.; rej!..:i.-e, V. L. runmiiii.-; i.i
hood." Mi:-s M.t'id F.ixm:
lie ;i!so
jmrtitrc Cr.Itiv
J'iows, Ilnrt'ew
Mol ine AVao-ijiis.
II:irruvs an. I VI,
ejsipcr W'.-ib. v.
I'latt-nw.;,;; or
li t-; tli'" l ilt-et s'; -i i.f innc-liiin't v
Oi'S, !!'.;;!. o : i I n 1 Minuc;;!.. oil's
lli'- ('.!(!. rate-. 1 I.i.-lc
i ; i i ' .
ui' ai-o i;a-. : V;
'iiniM's and Mowerti
tni'l ! i ill ; i iiuiticr itini
"S ill !ii
lb'" :
I .i 1
' i C
o 'is
to J-V-'O.OO;
!-arieli lionse at
l-loi-(; volt Lily, cill.fcr at
M?:s.i!;i Is mat
a!. 1 Ir.,!u
dav, Y,' j
.i. li. jj-.'i
to ii;.' di.:
:h t..'.ie i
Criiy i.ivii;:
i To:,!o;-roM
.1 1
A .
:l: ;
He .'"''ii V.Oi-lt
of this
itX ali V J V.vJ
of that dread God. of battle on whose
Itar it smokes, that you -will never love,
nor make peace with any Roman blood.
Should fortune, friends and weapons
fail you, you still live and die the inex
orable enemy of Home.
As he paused the clear tones of a child
ish voice answering "I swear" rose upon
a stillness so deep that the low crackling
of the flames that fed the altar fires was
d:stinetly heard. Hannibal was but nine
years old. but he sacredly kept his oath.
I would, said the speaker, impose no
such ceremony upon my youn" frieuds
Here today, but let mo iust as solemnly
charge you never to countenance any
movement that looks to or has for its ob
ject the dismemberment of the union, the
destruction of the crancWt free govern
ment ever instituted among men. Pre-
j serve in your hearts a memory of the de-
lenuers or tne union, as vernal as the
evergreens that cast their shadows upon
tlie graves ia tlu3 cemetery.
1 -i'T.e 1
. l
Robinson's and found that net; tier i" th" 1 " ' '
...-., k...i i - i i....: i.- 1 rc't'nc
u.iu eievrii ut ii'ooe. ciuini me tiiuio. i
Then in w.iii.innir nil!. fr l?!.;Canll...r ! t' tl lii: 'hcif th
l.l.h l V:
r l ! i i : i r !
: untie-'
1 1
if ii
; i Hi- s -.-tst.
htfn !': ;;-t e,-;.
s :;t. A:t r a
oci.i; ; ci c!
...... , r
I: Ik- to .!.
started out to hunt the boys and met them
by the postohiee. On examination they
found the money divided up between
the boy? which was turned over to the
policeman and the boys were taken to
jail. On arriving there it was found that
the boys had taken quite a number of ci
gars which they had hid in different
places. They told where they were hid
and they then went and got them. The
burglars cleaned out the money drawer
which contained about $3 and took about
30 cigars. It was a pretty slick scheme,
Hi bil- f r t ,i i ... it n 1 1 i'u!
so well know how to i-r
vox WizmMmmtiMA
it seems that the boys had hid themselves
in the saloon last night before they had
closed up, behind some whisky barrels
and when the saloon was closed, the pro
prietors gone, they were left free to ram
age the saloon, which it seems they im
mediately proceeded to do, and had It
not been for the lighting of the match
and the policeman knowing the boy, they
would perhaps escaped without being de
tected. Aa itjs they will, perhaps, bo
sent where tbey will have a rbance to
i?rr.pi-N G ::?;. Y. X. ::
we can e o h prolong nit: life if we i
the s:cr.t thereof. V7S:at IS : : '- "i
SiCrOt? If you soak a s;;onice i:i oil.
tiie sponge will have in it all the pr . nihil
ities of the oil. So every org-i:i i:i tLe
body contains all the peculiarities of tli-
blood. If the kidneys, the ciit; blood
purifiers, do uot clean the blood of th..
waste of the sytem. then the vari-.-u- ..
gaua will give out and you h .e !
rheumatism, malaria, hond-l
aches, ague.chi lsand fever j
impaten -.y, bladder disenss j
lame back, neuralgia, rser-l
vousness, bad eyes, stomach
troubles, boils, carbuncles, j
abscesses, apoplexy, pafa?y- j
jS and in women female troy-i
bles. The secret of good health lh n j
lies in kcej'ji the ki'li-ris trr-U. If you ;
don't, you can't cure any of the :.!- i
diseases. They may not suspect ir. but
eight persons out ot every ten h ive stone
form of kidney derangement. The (.ni-.-scientinc
blood purifier ii the f in;oe-
winch not only cures kidney diseas
22, 24, 20, 23, 30 k 32 Laks Street,"
Ike Importing Draft
A- -r .. tri-j fj. .... .
Im onn,thin K.f i ! ut lc 7i"'' 1 U r-J OUmt.s wine!, r-al-
t.u.Ui) ,uaU ""S-"5ily come from unsuspected kidacv di
a saloon
Furs-bred French Draft (Percheron or Merman)
:lji : aiwua welcome. Cul'. xnvl oiir hu.-.n or r.-nJ for catalosx
t .
I ii
i i