- 4 rtflJKSjJA V MAY 17, lSsS. 1'LMt toALO D Til WEE tLU if rtisxvA I Get the Ellost for Your ioney. -Ve have j)urcli:iel our- STOCK AT A BIG CUT During the two months stay of our Air. Charlie Mayer in N. V., and buying for our Plattsniouth, Lincoln and Jloldree, stored we have the precedence over eomt-editor.s for tlie following reasons: "We buy from N. Y. manufacturers direct; we bliy our Underwear, Hosiery, etc., direct from the Mills; we pay cash and ask no favors; our goods were shipped on cut rates at one fourth the usual cost, these are the reasons why we Undersell Our Compeditors because we own our goods for less money than they do. Should you Avant anything in a fir.st class for yourself and NOBBY HAT, NECKWEAR FURNISHING GOODS jISTID SHOES, or anything appertain to MENS' BOYS' WEiifl Call on us, we give you what you pay lor No Misrepresentations. S. &z CD. ZLVE .A. :E3 IR, T"WO DOORS "WEST OF Pi O, Ed 1(9 -Extend a cordial invitation to all LINK :-: OF :-: GOODS For the spring and summer trade. We take pride in showing a handsome line of Dress Goods, White Goods, Hamburg and Swiss Embroideries, Buttons, Dress Trimming, S hawls Jerseys Hosiery, 2-libboxis, Etc. a rip.9s-cr.ASs line- DRY :: Are you aware that w e carry a complete line of MENS, LADIES and CHILDRENS SHOES. We carry as large a stock as is carried in the city to which we 1NVITK - YOUR - ATTENTION. It will pay you to look through our line of Glass and Queensware, Dianor and Ch-aasabor Sots. We have a large and well selected stock of Plain - and - Decorated - "Ware, Of the best French and English make?. 7JXT children, or a to come and look through their GOODS. ghe Qlattsnumth igrthlg SpaM KNOTTS BEOS., Publishers & Proprietors. CITY BRIEFS. From Wednesday's Dally. -Mt. Pleasant precinct id the second one reported to the county cleik by the assessor. The book was brought in to ny. Fred llawland had the misfortune to have the end of one of his fiDgers cut off yesterday while at work in the JJ. & M. shops. The Hand of Hope meets Thursday afternoon at four o'clock in the 51. E. church. All members are requested to be present. The Nebraska State Dental Associa tion convened at Grand Island yesterday. A large attendance was had and a gen eral good time experienced. --An entertainment will be given in Koekwood hall on Friday night of tiiis week for the benefit of the Presbyterian sunday school library. The small admis sion fee of 10 cents will be charged at the door and all are cordially invited to come and help the Sunday school. The April term of the districe court of this county, adjourned yesterday. It has been a long term and an immense amount of business was transacted dur ing the term. The entire docket was cleared of all cases ready for trial and the attorneys of Plattsniouth can now rest until September. Another runaway happened last night about 7 o'clock. This time it was a one horse rig. The man was thrown out of the buggy but not serirously in jured. The horse relieved himself of the buggy nn the corner of Third and Main streets bounded away down the street and was seen no more by ye reporter. The divine injunction is, if a man smite your right cheek, give him also a chance at the left. Far from obeying the teaching it appears that a large por tion of humanity are diligently to ef fectively return the one planted on the right Idlia (Col.) Sentinel. Well, that may be the injunction there, but here if a fellow smites you on the right cheek you smite him over the head if you can find him. The bids on the sewer bonds were opened yesterday at noon and it was found that Spitzer & Co., of Toledo, doing business for a firm in Boston, had the highest bid and were therefore awarded the bonds. The bonds were sold at a premium of .82 per cent mak ing a total of $40,328 for the bonds. This shows that the people of the cast have confidence in our city and are will ing to take her paper at a premium. J. A. Conner is breaking twenty five hundred acres of ground north of Col umbus in the township farm, he has plans drawn by an architect of this city for twenty houses twenty-four feet "by thirty, and and one-half stories high, for his tenants. This is a good chance for renters for next year to move en this fall, and backset the land so it will be ready for spring crops. Parties who wish to rt'Rt apply to J. A. Connor Plattsniouth, Nebraska. One of Mr. Weckbach's teani3 got frightened at a freight train yesterday afternoon, became unmanageable and ran away. There were two boys in the wagon but one jumped out bruising his right leg slightly, the other remaining in the wagon was not injured. The team ran against a freight train then jumped in a cattle guard and stopped. They were slightly pealed up but beyond this no damage was done to the team. It was a lucky escape all around and can only be attributed to luck that boys team and all were not badly injured or killed. John Kennedy was arrested for an assault on Anton Vitoush with intent to commit murder. The preliminary trial was held yesterday in police court with Attorneys Beeson and Clark on the part of the state and A. N. Sullivan on the defense. Seyeral witnesses were examin ed on each side and after the plea of the attorneys was submitted to the court who asked to have until 10 o'clock today to make his decision. On as-enibling of court this morning the court finds that there is uot ptoballe pause for binding defendant over to district covt and therefore case is dismissed. The Party of Equal Rights met in convention io Pas Moines, la., yesterday to nominate a candidate iur president and vice-president of the United States. Arrangements hud been made for the delegates who were unable to attend to send ballots by mail. The convention proceeded to count the ballots thus re ceived a$,d found Belva A. Lockwood, of Washington, I). C.. was the choice for president and Alfred II. Lowe, pf Phila delphia, for vice-president. The con vention adopted a platform favoring woman suffrage, pensions for all needy soldiers And sailor, & tariff -villi free sugar and lumber and to repeal ihs tax on whisky and tobacc o, and unrestricted immigration. Tbs pujjve&tion then nd jourrre'd sine d'nf, The county clerk today examined the a?sessment made by 0. N. La Rut in Liberty precinc t and found it just and correct in every particular, an occurrence which seldom happens, especial! y the first time. The open air concert on 4th street last night was well attended, but we having just had a full bach of almanac jokes and not desiring an electric belt, concluded that the best place for us was in our cosy little bed and gave our room to those who had a better car than we for such thing?. The M. E. social last night at the K. of P. hall was a success in every way. The first tiling on the program was a song by the M. E. choir, followed by a declamation by Miss Kittic Russell which was well delivered. Miss Witten then read a piece in a way that showed that she had a tine voice for elocution. Miss Anna Sullivan spoke the revised editkn of Maud Millie;, in a way that was quite pleasing. Miss May Russell read a piece and Mrs. Martin and Mutz sans a duet uls.) Mr. W. A. D. i nick sang a solo. After the program ice cream and cake were seryed and a social time was had generally. A half dozen or more were playing the organ and singing durhig the evening. Froio Tuesday's Daily. J. C. Barclay, of Omaha, is in the city on business. Mr. Burgress and Mayor F. M. Richey went to Omaha today. C. C Parmele went to Weeping Water on business this morning. lion. Samuel Maxwell of Fremont was in the city yesterday on business. Mrs. Chas. Thorp, of Schuyler, is visit ing in the city with Mrs. Ballinger. Mrs. Henry Eikenbiry and Mrs. A. W. White went to Omaha this morning. "Will Borgstreper of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, is in the city on business today. II. C. Ritchie went to Omaha last night, to be in attendance at the Republi can Convention today. Rev. Mrs. Alexander left yesterday evening on the flyer for a two week's visit with relatives and friends in Illinois. G. X. LaRucand A. M. Rose, of Liberty Precinct, were in the city this morning and went to Omaha to attend the state convention. Steamboat "Katie Pease" made her first trip of the season to Plattsmouth Yesterday. She sailed back down the river this morning. The second annual meeting of St. Andrews Brotherhood meets in Omaha today and Plattsniouth sent three dele gates whose names we were unable to learn. Chits. Prey was arrested and brought before justice couit for shoot ing Mr. Shcrbut's dog while the little girl was holding it in the yard. The cae was continued until Saturday. J. W. Johnson, A. B. Todd, A. N. Sullivan, John Becker, Henry Eikenbary, E. R. Todd, D. A. Campbell, W. II. New ell and R. B. Windham, are in Omaha today to attend the republican state con vention to nominate delegates to the na tional convention. G. X. La Rue of Liberty precinct, is the first of the assessors of Cass county to complete his work of assessing and return his book to the county clerk. Mr. La Rue brought his book in this morn ing as he was on his way to attend the republican convention at Omaha. Chas. Kinzer was arrested last night on complaint of Patrick Dougan for as sault on Tom McCarty Saturday iu John Blake's saloon. The case was brought before Justice Stiles and was continued over until this morning at 9 o'clock. The case was brought up this morning and Kinzer was sentenced to 30 days in city jail. What might have proved a serious accident happened last evening. Three men on their way to Grand Island at tempted to cross the Plutte River bridge ahead of the K. C. train, they had been in Plrttsmouth and got a little to much "tangle foot,'' and in their hurry to get across the bridge two of them fell off in to the water. They were rescued by the night watchman and started on their way rejoicing. From Monday' Daily, Ed, Parrott, car checker, has a new assistant. Its a bouncing boy born May 13. No thanks, we don't smoke. The Bellcvue Enterprise is improv ing every issue and is a real newsy sheet and is worth double its subscription price. County Judge Russell today solem nized the vows that made one, Mr. Rob ert Mitchell aud Miss Mary A. Rivett, of Liucoln. May their pathway through life be as bright and sunny as today. At the State Pharmaceutical associa tion last week, Mr. O. P. Smith of our city was appointed a member of the ex ecutive cdmmittee, a deserving reedghi-1 tion of Mr. Smith's ability and interest in the association. The appointment could not have been better. The county Clerk received a wolf scalp yesterday through the mail. The Clerk says he believes the dead should bury their dead and not send it here for him to do. But it is a good thing the postmaster is a democrat for if he had not been used to smelling the dead demo cratic party for so long ho never eoulcl have handled that wolf sculp without suffocation. The Young Men's Christian Associa tion held a very interesting inectintr yes terday afternoon at the Presbyterian church. Tiieir subject "Manly Christian ity" is one in which all young men should take a deep interest. lo ho a man should be the aim of all and thepj is nothing that aids so much to be a man as Christianity. Then every one who would be a manly man should fed an in terest in the subject of manly Christianity The April term of the district court of Cass county, will probably close today or tomorrow, a very large amount of work has been disposed of and many im portant cases tried and decied. The time seems to have come when litigants xho have causes Jn court law have a speedy determination of their differences. District court convenes on Monday next in Lancaster county where Judge Chapman goes to set with Judge Field, and work until June when he goes to Otee aounty to hold the June term of that court, so that the only breathing spell the Judge gets come in the warm mouths of July and August. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. J. D. Snowdcn, of Detroit, is in the city today. W, S. Paynter, of Omaha, is in the city to-day. H. T. Gray of Kansas City, is in the city on busine&s. W. T. Allen of Ashland, is in thci city on business today. Jas. Snowdcn, of Wahoo, is in the city today on business. W. Robinson, of Lincoln, is doing business in the city today. M. W. Cavanaugh, Kansas City, is do ing business in the city today. M. J. Cowgill and S. II. Danison, of Omaha, are in the city on business today. Gen. Supt. Calvert of Lincoln was in the city yesterday looking after the in terests of the B. & M. Mrs. Chas. Tharp, of Schuyler, who has been yisitlng the past few days with Mrs. Ballinger, returned home this morn ing. Milton N. Griffith, who has been one of the Journal employes for two years past went to Council Bluffs today win-re lie intends to work. The family of Mr. UHem arrived this morning from Ohio. Al ter a sepera ion of fifteen' months the family is once morc uuited. Mr. Ullem is a carpenter, hav ing worked at the trade here since last fall, and during that time has won many friends who will gladly welcome tin family to our city. Three Crove As we have learned that "Reporter' has banished this country for the far west and expects to remain all summer "Dennis," his substitute, has faded to fur nish you with any items since his depar turc, we thought we would send a few and see if they would be fit for publicn tion, if so we may write again in the near future. Owing to the backward spring but few a mcrs have completed their corn plant ing, r or the past three weeks this local ity has been visited by an almost daily rain. Those that were up early enough tiiis morning witnessed a htravy frost. At the present writim- there is a good prospect for fruit. Can't say how it will l)o- wlun it reaches maturity. There has been quite a number ol newsy items gone unpublished of late that would have been interesting at the time but as we suppose your readers will not care about reading stale news we will not say anything about them. Lncle John Allison is erecting a neat little house on his north 80. J. G. Royal and C, Tracy doing the work, the same to be occupied by Hiram McDonald and family. Wm. Gravy has put an addition to hi house this spring and has been improving his place some in the way of setting out fruit and evergreen trees, tc. John Tigner went out with Geo. Hen- drick's herd returning on Tuesday last. He reports a hard tune on the herders en countering severe hardships amid rain. thunder and lightning. During his ab sence lie had a call killed by lightning. Our school is in progress with a good ly number of pupil, conducted by Miss Luc-lla loung. Miss Libbie Hesser is teaching in the Kenosilia district. Bub Carroll who has been quite sick during the past winter is slowly recover ing, he being able to ride out now and take some exercise. Ed. Young returned to this locality last week from the west. He reports times good there. Well Mr. Editor and readers you will have to excuse us from writing any more this time. We may come again about the nest new moon or there about?. Yours Truly, Dkase. Taken up by Dave Sampson, of Rock Bluffs precinct, Cass county, Nebraska. on the 22 day of April 1683: One bay mare with white face, right fore foot and both hind feet white: also, a bay horse colt and a bay two-year old stud colt. with white star in foreheact. c $10,000 private funds to loan on farms at straight eight pVi cent. . 9vf4 V.. wise? The Journal. From Wednesday ' Daily. The Jniti ual Is sick again. I I It sick, but yesterday a raging f came it and in its frantic ravin cd a few ill-becoming remarks Thk Hicham.. ri'l . 1 1 r i iiu euy ordered a lew earn for the council, of Thk IIkiiai ter of $2, probably, without suiting tiie joui hm cm mo ii Al l' II - .1 1. . ine ioiiowiug was uic result, ta tin ir report of the council meeting 'ast night: "The members of the ci.unc il then gazed on a specimen of the ' bhu U smithV skill :m d f rom the ollice of the- ' Orgaiietle" on Vine street, which was iu the form of a card, supposed to contain the names of the city c ciitieil. It should be framed alongside the pic ture of the "log cabin 'way back in Ken tucky." A ftwof its errors are ns follows; "Shipinan" reads "Salisbury," "('. O'Con nor" reads "C. C. Connor" and "C. O'Conoor." They were determined to have the name right. Dr. John Black's name is placed on the "Board of Health'' where it don't belong, and .1 W. John son, F. Gordcr and W. II. Newell of tim Board of Public Works, are not men tioned at all. In addition then are twelve punctuation mm ks omitted. Tin; council decided not to pay for such a botched specimen of printing." The cards were printed as they were ordered with the c xce ption cd two nanu s in which a couple of typographical er rors had been over-looked. The; punc tuation marks tho "reel rag organ" has reference to were omitted intentionally. We do not really believe the man with the big he;' .1 in the rat cellar could im prove on it any by giving information as to where such iinctuation marks should be placed. The very "rag" that criticised our work comes out full of er rors and instead of presenting such n thing before the; public as a w "tospnpi r, they should print across the face of it with the largest wood-le tter they hayu in their shop, "proof sheet" anel commit it to the waste basket if they have onej of their own. The name "C. C. Connor" as they have it is not printed that way, ami if the "blear-eyed tub" which was tolled up to the council chamber on wheels, would wipe the cob-webs out of his eyes, he could probably sec a little furthe r than the prominent feature on the front part of the pumpkin w hich is plac ed on his shoulders as an excuse; for a head. The pond, just where "Stink Creek" empties into the sewer is fast fill ing up with cat fish and suckers, and it is rumored w hen the city and Board of Trade make their r.ext improvements, they will wash the filth from that corner to the sewer below where it belongs. The only possible chance we can sec for them to cseope would be to call theShat Inck fund to I he- rescue v. hie-h they had buried in the epiick-sanel for along time, but we hope such w ill not be the case fe;r it can le used in a more- be netie ial w ay. For a sample of the Jon runl's woik we would like to distribute the city oieli nances, but as they cannot secure; them on account of C. O. D. marks for bind ing, we will le oUigeel to rest contented aud let the people see for themselves if that opportunity is alTorde-d them. They seem to forget that Tin-: IIki.aj.o has al ways lent them a bclping hand when they would run short of paper, simply because we wish to kce-p the "rag" Hy ing, because suc h opposition could do us less harm than anything which couid take its place. SAME OLD (WNS. An excited Canadian stat'sman warns the United States that "we may hear the 'lerp voices of Britifch cannon" Heard 'em before, sonny, and can show you a lot of thc-m that we took at Yorktown, New Orleans, and ether places. San Francisco Alta. Sunken eyes, a pallid complexion, and disfiguring eruptions, indicate; that there is some-thing wrong within. Expel the lurking foe to health, by purifying the blood with Ayer's Sarsnparilla. Cures Erysipelas, Ec zema, Salt-Rheum, Pimples and Blotches. A Missouri Pacific Wreck. Nebraska City, Neb., May 1C. A Missouri Pacific construction train was wreckeel near Union, nine miles nejrth of this city, last night. The entire- train left the track and went down an embank ment, the engine" running nearly fifty yards on the ties and tearing up tho track before fallin-j- ev r. The ae; ide nt was caused by the rails spreading. No one was hurt. All tiains run over the Dunbar branch last night. We have no hesitation in recommend ing Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Re-uewe-r as h sure c ure for dandruff, and to restore the natural cclor of the hair. Noted down Eider. Puck. There is no danger to human life more to be dreaded than that which arises from vivitated blood. Dyspepsia, rheu matism, headache, and general debility, all result from it, and are cured by the use of Ayer's Sursapanlla. Take it this month. Six bottles, . Probate Notice. In the matter of tli estate of Jol.n le-F. Hagcmei. dcea-nl. in the Couutj t ouit or C'as C'ouniy. Neli-n-ka. Notice is he?relv eivpn. That J.ecrnel B. Brown, aelin'ni-trator of the estate ef the sail iolin McK. Hairood. den-eased, tian nia'Je anli- oat ion for final settlement, and tliat saij caii-e is set foi hftirinp at my flioe t Hlaiti-ni' uth. on the 2uci day of Jane, A. 1). is-' 3. ft l') o'cloftt. a. rn. of eaI-1 day ; at wh'th tune and place, at persons luteresteu u;ay uepresenr nun t-xannuf -aid account. C Kcsski.l. 9-3 County Judirs. Plattsmouth, May H. is. I