Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, May 17, 1888, Image 1

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    ': I - " - - - . J - , "-SJ?' " - f -p Til . ,
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$2.00 ANNUM.
f I f
f I
y ( royal ntzsii y N3
Absolutely Pure.
TliN powder i. over vane". Amaivpl of pur
1 ty , (tin-nut ii and wholesoniencss. Mure eco
nomical limn Hi,- oitliictry kinds, anil c ann fit be
Hitlil in coinpi't ii ion wit li the multitude of low
teM, liii t weight alum or phosphate powders.
roiu 1 1 y 111 o tl.l. IXIVA, ijAKiMI I'OWUKB
C.o.,lf:i v .ill S . ?. "ork. 3UI
I' n.-ine. i ,
I'oiii--' .1.1
iM.;l!i tli.
1', .M. UICMEY
W K Fox
Famkh Pattkhson, jh.
liVl'.ON t'l.AKK
- A Maikilx
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LUii:iCli:iRMI, IT tt.'IU, y CA,,Mi;l(V
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"l I K. A SlIlP.M.VN
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Con I'c'oNNon.
i 1 i,i v Johns n,i;i
I V! U'lllii.J KliKlXlmtllKH
I I) 11 lIWVKSWollTH
GOL'Y oirriciiiis.
li.y.nty rvuHrcr, -
Depu'v I'll lie,
iiecoi.'ler oi IVeds
lleptl'.V l'..'M"il
Clerk it Hi-tuoi Court,
Sn,t. !! Pub. Sell ml.
County Ju iite.
I). A. Cam ritHLL
TlUM. l'Ol.I.OCK
Wll. l'OOL
.!' n M Lk.yda
W. C. Showautkk
A. Madolk
All. KM 15KKfN
Mav.vahii Spixk
A. F.. Toti. - l'lattsmouth
Loin !" .i.iv., Ch'in., Veepins Wnter
A. U. Dl bso.v, - - - Euiiwood
liiviG soGiivrns.
i SS l.OUU" No. nr., 1 o. O. F. Meets
vevery Tnei-d:v evening of each week. All
transi.-nt li Huts :ue l-ecpecllully Invited to
A O I'.. !(.; evfiy alternate Friday in
e.ieh I'lMinVh in the Masonic 11. ill. i.iitliig lieis ire i viicJ to attend.
miMO L)!)C. IC X'. 81. A, O. L'.W Meets
everv -t!'.riiao 1' i iday eveuinii at lv. of 1
h.tll Transient l)r-!h-r are respectfully in
vit ! ) aUi' i.l M.H aii.Mastei- V orkaiali ;
K S 1'- iMw r.ii-tv.iaa ; i'"i;uik UroAii. uver-i-eer;
1 U tiu.le; ;eoii;e Ilousworth.
KeeoV-ler; U. .1. .I.ilinsnii. Financier; Vall.
Smith, KiT.'ivfr; .M. !alriht. Fast M. W. ;
Jaelv Hauuheriy, li.s tie liuaiil.
. . W-! 4-M! v MOHF.ltN WOODMEN
......i.. i'utu .1 t ,1,1 f.mrt h Mon.
r..?1 .. .' . i - ii All ansient
t-roliu-r are requested M meet with us. L. .A.
Noweo Veneiabl.; Consul ; i. K, -f.
Worthy VUviser ; 1, R. Smith, Ex-Ranker ; W.
C. Nv'mVtts, Cterk.
IJLTrsMi)i;i ll l.ODi'.E NO. S, A. O. V. W.
. iJ(,t cv-r- alternate Friday eveninp; at
l'ockivi:! h ill :tt oVloc All transient broth
ers i're l 's- clt'ii'.'y inviti-d to attend. L.
1 iisou, M. W. ; F. Royd. Foreman : S. C.
'":'!,,::,,,r.:(; ; lx ona'd An lern. Overseer.
.IcCaiJlHJE POST 43 C. A. R.
,1. VV. ,t,i:txs:is
. ...I'o'.mander.
t S i -v i -s
F V. i'.A f'.-
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ir.NIJV 1 llKK.iiT.
Maui'; Iijv
CH Kt.KS F i:i
An lii v Kky. -.1
Ao.n; ;) -.15 K'JAX.
.Senior Vi.'rti "
luutor '
llioerof the iay.
. Serjrt Major.
.(Quarter M;itor Serjtt.
L. C. (Lifts....
I'o.l i iiapiain
in r at.ird iv fvenia
f U r
J a', S 't'lli:-: S. ttor.ey t Law. ifilce
"ov't l etc- Wi'i'i-'. ;"t're, iioi'tb side of
M in S'.-t.Vt "la an, I th street?.
a vun-.iAN, Lawver. Fitzgerald's
JL' '- I'l i t-imeith. Nclna-ka. I'rompt
and eaic; attei.t i ; i to a ue :iei:.l law pmetlce
t V. si III A N . Attorney at Law. Will
A, pive pi .iticnlio:. to a 1 btielnes n-
- ;-;ed t. .i. OJlice la L'uion Rlock, East
1 t.'i,itj. FUttsir-onth. Nel.
V rs.iTMl r.t'oiuton toll Bus:a-8 Entrust
to my care.
Title Evimitied. Ahstarcts Compiled, In
surance W'riiten. v eal Estate Sold.
Retter I'aoiUties for maklni; Farm Loati? than
Any O t licrr Ageactr.
K. D. W IXDHAM. JO a S A. DAVlF.f,
Notary rul!'te. Xotury Public
ttornoys - at - Law.
OGlce over R.iult of Cuei County.
PLATrsMocrn, - - Nebuaska.
Xow is-yotir chance to jiet a watch,
I. tin" us 1.1 yearly cash subsorihers to
the iAti.Y Ilr.KALP, anil have a good
Egan, Thurs'.on, Heist and Norval
Are the Brilliant Men Selected
to Represent Nebraska.
A Mooting of Harmony and Great
There were 071 delegates in the conven
tion at Omaha last night from all parts of
the statu aud a most enthusiastic meeting
wa9 had, and after some discussion and
the different delegates were put in nomi
nation the vote was t.iken which was as
Adams county led off by casting 4
votrn fr Thurston, 7 for Ktn, 14 for
Heist, 3 for Hoggs, 14 for Norval and 14
for Palmer. Antelope and Arthur fell in
by casting their entire vote for Thurston,
Llgan, Heist and Norval. Blaino county
gave the first three named and Boggs it
entire count. Cheyenne followed suit
except that Noryal got the last 11 votes
iustead of Boggs. Douglas county cast
38 votes for Thurston. ? for Egan, 22
for Heist, $ for Bogg9, bt for Norval, a
for Palmer and 17 for Martman. Gage
gave Thurston 18, Boggs 1, and Egan,
Norval and Palmer 19 each. Hall cast
II forThuifcton, 11 for Egan, 11 for Heist,
and 1 1 for Palmer. Lancaster gave
Thurston 20, Egan 2.1, Heist 1, Boggs G,
Norval 22, Palmer 5, and Hartman 2.
At the conclusion of the vote the secre
tary of the convention asked for a little
time to compile the figures, and while
waiting Colonel W. P. Hepburn, of Iowa,
made a speech in which he reviewed with
alarm the course the democratic party
was taking in regard to protection, rail
road monopolies and trusts, and pointed
with pridd to the brilliant record the re
publican party had succc-eded in piling
up a grand aud glorious record. Tha
republican party hail increased the wealth
of the nation from $14,000,000,000, in
18G0 to $48,000,000,000 in 1830. He
severely criticised all reformers and
said he did not believe in reforms any
way. The secretary then announced the vote
as follows:
Egan ij94
Norval , . , . 5Q8
Thurston '. 449
Heist 399
Palmer 291
Boggs I 270
Hartmui 150
Amid tremendous cheering Mr. Thurs
ton came on the platform and thanked
the convention for the honor conferred
upon him in electing him for the second
time a delegate to the national conven
tion. His heart beat in sympathy with
the republicans of the state and nation,
and his only hope was that the national
convention would be deliberate in it ac
tion and would nominate James G. Blaine
great applause, vrho was honestiy clect
ed'in 1S34. With a promise to honestly
represent th-3 party in the convention, Mr.
Thurston closed, and was followed by
Mr. Egan, who promised to vote for a
man whom the party would not be
ashamed of.
Judge Norval made a short speech, in
whic h he pledged his hearty support to
the ticket.
The chair asked thnt the convention
excuse the non-appearance of Judge
Heist, who was unabie to attend, and
then announced the report of the com
mittee oa resolutiens. Mr. Irwin of
Douglas then read
We, the representatives of the republi
can party oi the state of Nebraska, in
convention assemblycd, do hereby con
demn aud a'raign the democratic party
and its administration of public affairs
for its failure to keep the promises it
III ide in its platform and by its leaders
of the campaign of 18S4; for denying to
the people of Dakota the right of state
hood: for its failure to reduce the sur
plus by reduction of taxes and proper
and necessary expenditures of public im
provements; for the effort it is now mak
ing to tear clown the American system of
protection, fostered and built up by the
republican party around the farm anel
factories of America,
As the luiiiness of the country now de
mands revision the republican party,
alive to the demands of every material
int ret, will see to it that such revision
shall be made at the earliest practical
day. We condemn the action of the
democratic majority ju congress, that
after repeated pledges of tanir. rerorn),
it h is utterly Tailed, while iaiug lrge
majority in the house of representatives
where tariff bills must originate to bring
about such reform which must come from
the patty that has ever been fhe freptl qf
the American laborc-F and producer.
We denounce the Mills bill as an at
tempt to force free trade upon the farms
and manufactories snd worklngmen. of
the north while giving protection to the
sii 2a r and cotton planter of the south.
Under democratic administration great
corporations have formed trusts, and no
attempt has been mide ly the democrney
in power to check their growth. We
condemn President Cleveland in the use
he has made of the veto power and in
ordering the return of the rebel flags,
thereby disgracing an office that ha been
honored by Washington and sanctified
by the blood of Lincoln.
We pledge ourselves to place in con
trol of the nation men who will carry
out the great mission of the republican
party a free ballot ami a fair count.
Protection to each citizen everywhere,
at home and abroad.
Protection to manufacturers and far
mers, that this nation may keep her pro
per place as the grandest nation amidst
the nations and the ages.
The enactment of such laws ns will
destroy trusts and prevent corporations
from controlling the commerce of this
The enforcement of the civil service
The enactment of such laws as will
compel corporations to listen to the voice
of labor and submit to arbitration any
cliff rence of opinion, to the end that
labor, while ever careful of propoity
rights, aud holding no sympathy with
those who would with the communist
divide, or with the anarchist destroy, re
asserts its determination that the great
railway corporations of this state which
hold relation of closest interests to t lie
people shall be the fairly paid servants
of the state and not its masters. The
work of legislative contrgl in the state
and nation shall contirti until all cause
for complaint of exorbitant rates and un
just discrimination in favor of individ
uals or localities shall cease to exit,
Assuming the responsibility which fairly
belongs to it uf having originated all
legislation lookiug to railroad control
and the creation of those tribunals aud
commissions which have been enabled to
grapple with eorporate power, the repub
lican party will see to it that by all need
ed enlargements of power these commis
sions, national and state, shall be armed
for battle and victory. While favoring
such change in the constitution of this
state as will permit the railroad commis
sioners to be elected by the people, it
hereby voices its confidence in the exist
ing board of transportation, and com
mends its efforts ta obtain for Nebraska
the same tariff of rates for freight and
carriage of passengers as is accorded
neighboring states similarly circum
stanced. It is grossly unjust and a griev
ous wrong that Nebraska should pay
more for the transportation of her pro
ducts and the carriage of her supplies
then her neighbors, Iowa, Minnesota and
Dakota, and the republicans of this state,
with its 300Q miles of easily constructed
0.nd cheaply maintained lines of railroad,
will not cease their efforts until all
wrongs be righted.
We renew our pledge made in the
platform of the last state republican con
vention in the following words:
Sympathy for the wronged and op
pressed ef every land is avowed, and at
this crisis in the affairs of the people of
Ireland, hearty encouragement is ex
pressed to them in their struggle for lib
erty and self government.
Liberal ptnsions to disabled and needy
veterans of the uniou army are recom
mended to congress; but jobbery .and
favoritism, such as were exposed by
President Cleveland's veto measures are
emphatically condemned.
For the best interests of all the people
of the United States, and their more har
monious comentiug into a fraternal nation
sectional issues and the keeping alive of
the hatreds of the late civil war arc rep
rehended and denounced.
A motion was then made by a delegate
from Cass that Messrs. Palmer, Boggs,
Hartman and Likes, the latter of Hayes
county, be elected alternantes by accla
mation, which was carried..
Delegate Gurlev, of Douglas, arose in
his seat and kicked against the proceed
ing and was supported by Judge Hascall,
but both were promptly "squelched" by
the chair.
After an announcement by the secre
tary to the effect that all desirous of at
tending the Chicago convention should
meet at the Millard at 10;30 this morn
ing to make arrangements, the conven
tion adjourned sine die.
A better set of delegates could not be
had anywhere and they g uninstructcd
but favor the Plumed Knights.
Clerks from St Louis
Palestine, Tex., May 15. Thirty
clerks of the International and Great
Northern headquarters force arriyed here
frqm St. Loviis last night anil are row
engaged at their posta in the general of
fice buildiag. Some apprehension has
been felt on the part of citizens that the
change of the road headquarters from
Ht, Louis to Palestine was only a tem
porary move by Mr. Gould to effect some
design of his own in connection with
the settlement of the present differences
between himelf and other systems, but
the belief is now pretty well settled that
the chance to be permanent- The change
Will tidd greatly tci .he financial status of
Palestine, bringing, it is expected, a
large increase in the shop force as well
as in that of the general office
The Tangier Trouble Settled.
Washington, P. C, May 16.-r-Actiug
Secretary Rives received ft cablegram
from Uuited States Consul Lewis, at
Tangier, this morning, saying that all
questions of disagreement between Mo
rocco and the United States had lecn
settled and that he had gained all the
points contended for.
d:dn't mind the bite.
An Old t Lap in ArUaiotu Who Wuin't
Afraid of Hydrophobic.
A Georgia man, uiiilo standing in front of
a blacksmith's shop, was bitten by a ilo.
"Gracious alivel" exclaimed the blueksinitli,
"run home and pray for the salvation of your
01U, for your body is lost,"
"How suf the old fellow aked as Le
rubbed the place where the dog had bitten
"Why, that dog i3 mad Look how he
foauis nt the inoutli. That's the Uoy the
neighbors have Leen looking fori"
A puir of smoke came from the Lushes near
by, the "bang'' of a gnu waa heard and the
dog fell dead in the rouil.
"Neighbors beeu lookin' fur him, eh!" s:id
the old fellow who bad been bitten. "Wall,
I ain't been lookin' fur him, but it 'pears
sorter liko he's been lookin' fur me."
"Ktm to a doctor, man."
"Is'o, 1 kuin't airord it. I hired one la t
spring to cure tho chills on my daughter
Nan, an' I thought it would break me boda
tiously up.a-iri 1 got him paM. .Nan, 3 0a
know, married Abe Slater shortly alter
ward, an' 1 says to Abe, s'l, 'Alx', ym
ouglitor pay a part f t l it !:-'!!
chill billf' nyi hu. ' vv y .Nan's," s i. 'Uii,'
says he, '1 didn't marry the chills too. 1
only married Nau, tin' I nachually expected
the chills not tor cut no ligger in the transac
tion.' An', sir, Abo ho never would pay a
cent on that chill bill, but putty soon 'long
couie the yaller ager, creepin' down the big
road. Wall, suh, it hopped a-struddle uv ole
Abe au' ri.l him putty nigh ter death."
"But that uin't got nothing to do with that
mud dog. You'll be a dead man iu U-ss'u
nine days."
"Wall, I'll wait an' see, an' ef w hut you
say comes trtio, w'y I'll own up. I ain't no
fcan' ter dispute alter the lacks have dun gone
agiu 1110. Tnin't tha tor way with Abe,
though. He'll argy vi hen ho knows he ain't
got no show I like ter seo a rran stick up
fur whut he leliovos, but then when a feller
finds bo's wrong, w'y he jest nachully ought
ter cave. Wall, good mawnin'. I've got a
boss trade on ban' over yander cross tho
branch an' I believe I'll fix it up be to the
feller gits outen tho notion." Arkansaw
Traveler. ,
Lifo in a Russian Prison.
A Russian jiny oHicer wlu was con
demned to "kartoga" for an assault com
mitted in a moment of excitoment, and w ho
was pardoned by the czar after several years'
detention, describes the Onega prison, where
he was confined, as follows:
"For smoking and minor offenses of that
sort, a prisoner could be made to kneel Tor
two hours on the bare, frozen frig. The
next punishment for tfa same minor offense
was the black hole the 'karzer' the warm
one and the cold one, underground, w ith a
temperature ut. freezing joint. In both
prisoners slept on the stones, and the term of
durance depended on the wilt of the director.
Several were kept there for a fortnight, after
which they were literally dragged out into
daylight and then dismissed to the laud
where pain and suffering are not. During
the four years of my confinement the aver
age mortality in the prison was 30 per cent,
per annum. It must not be thought, that
those on whom penalties of this kind were in
flicted were hardened desperadoes. Wo in
curred them if we saved a morsel of bread
from dinner for the supper, or if a match
was found on a prisoner. Tho 'desperate
characters' were treated after another fiish
ion. One, far instance, was kept for nine
mouths in solitary confinement in one of the
dark cells, and came out blind and insane.
"In the evening the director went his
rounds, and usuaily began hie favorite occu
pationflogging. A very narrow bench was
brought out, and soon the place resounded
with shrieks, while the director looked on
and counted the lashes, smoking a cigar.
Ths birch rods were of exceptional size, and
when not in use they were kept immersed ii
water so as to make them more pliant. Aft.
the tenth lash tho shrieking ceased, and
nothing was heard but groans. Flogging
was usually applied in batches, to five, ten
men, or more, and when the torture was
over a great pool of blood would remain to
mark the spot. After every such scene we
had two or three: days of comparative peace
the flogging had a soothing influence 011 the
director's nerves. Soon, however, he would
become himself again. When he was drunk
and his leSt mustacho w-as drooping and
limp, or when lie went out shooting and
came home with an empty bag, we knew
that the same evening tho rod would he set
nt work." Michael llalkoff in Chicago
Why CiiiU Eat Candy.
"American girls eat more candy than the
girls of any other nation," anid an observing
traveler recently to a reporter. "They com
mence on New Year's day and then continue
until New Year's eve. Always candy; some
times because it is a birthday, sometimes be
cause they meet a friend, sometimes because
it was sent to them. They have as many ex
cuses for eating candy as a man has for
drinking whisky."
"Don't foreign girls eat candy"
"Jh, yes; and they are U-aming very fast
to foXow the example of the fair sex on this
Eide of the w-ater. In this country the Yan
kee girls w ere the first to start the fashion,
or habit, as it should be more properly called,
and from the east it has spread all over the
Country. Now I think tbs western girls can
bold their own against all comers. In En
rope Germans, Italians and Spaniards are
great eaters of pralines, chocolates a la
creme, sugared almonds and crystallized
fruits. French women eat fondants, and
there a man, when he escorts a lady to the
theatre, must cars with him a packet of
doueeui-s. In EngUind candy eating started
with sucking caramels or nibbling cremes.
&qw the wcH to do Briton eats sweets with
(lis wine after dinner. They are fond p
fondants, nougat, candied mandarins or
tangerines and other kinds. Butter Scotch,
barley sugar and chocolate are the ordinary,
pvery day candies. Soldiers suck almond
rock while doing sentry duty, the pchoemaii
pn his beat usually has a bud's eye or brandy
ball in his mouth, and the British tar chews
an American caramel instead of the quid of
pigtail that used to distend his swarthy
cheek in the good old days of England's
"wooden walls.' " New York aud Ex
nress. A French savant. SL de Bee, says mat the
nosa is losing it3 fouctioa among civilise!
people. When the sense of aruelj vanishes
tbe uose will have to gd.'toa.
We earnestly request iill'ofour friends
indebted to us to call at once and settle
accounts due. We have f .ustaini d h avy
loss by the destruction of our L'r.-mch
House at Fairmont, Nib., by fire nnd now
that we need money to meet our obliga
tions, we hope tin re will not he in
among our friends who would refuse to
call promptly at this particular time and
adjust accounts.
Trusting this will receive v kind
consideration and prompt :dlciirtn, we
remain, Yours Truly,
Will make the reason
oad?.ys and Tuesdays at Hcmo,
one mile e;it of Eight Mile Grove.
Wednesday to Saturday in -Plattsmoirfch.
At Loni KhroclTs stable at the foot of Main Street.
S U : l K ' BOY
Ls a Dark-Day Facer, 15 A hands high, weighing 1,200 pounds. II is
close, compact form and noted reputation for endurance and speedy
j.roginv have justly earned for him the reputation, and encomium trom
tiie Editor of the "-Sphut of the Tvrf" that he is one of the Best Sires
ot the age. II i3 record is 2:20, and has paced trial miles in 2:10.
His colts, Little Buhy, 2:27i, and J. W. Jluey, 2:2lj, with more to
follow in the charmed circle this summer, is certainly a oreat showing,
and affords the public in this vicinity a grand opportunity to get
valuable horses at low prices. His service ol $15.00, with $3.00 added
if not paid till after loaling, or 20 to insure colt to stand, is only the
price of a good ordinary horse, while horses of Sfiakki: Boy's blood
lines receive trom $100.00 to 300.00 in other localities. Horses of
this kind, if not wanted for sporting purposes, can do more general
work' on a farm, on account of their extra nerve power, than unwealdy
draft horses, and can g-S town or to meeting in one half the time, .
and time is money. Owners ot fine mares have a rare chance now for
one ot the cheapest horses in the United States. Embrace the oppor-
ToIbLnnL Clemmons.
'Painless SantistG.
Tre nyly Per.tit- in the West controllng thi
New "System f Extracting !nt I'iiilm; 1 eesh
witln ui l':dn. 'ur smaetlietic is tie
lir. 1y fiee froiu
Harmless - To All
Tee'li etiiio:-;l ;vnd xilifiriil teeth inserted
in M day f liesi-et! . 1 he prr-erv.iticiaof the
i.;!i tti'th anpeiial.'y.
Hie v-ry fluent Office in t'nion Week, over
The Ci'izei JS-ti.k,
- - l tt - - iTe"sr.i;i
We vviil t'-Vt h fe'i.X-er watch, that is
warranted by the jewelry men of this
city, to a.ny nr,e vho, brings us 13 yearly
1 c.ab sulx-mlttri tu the Daily Hf.b i.u.
a E r-
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of an execution isnd by W. ('.
si owalter. Clerk of tiie Uistrict Court iu and
for f'ass County. Nebraska, and to me ilirec'ed,
I w ill on the Wn day of June. a. V. In., at 1
o'clock . 1.1. of said day. pt the nouth door of
the court hcuse in the city of flatt-rno nth, m
!-;t!I county, fell t iiib!ir auction, th follow -iii
lt real e--':-.te to-wi; : Lo number three cj
atui lot number four i O !n !' ek t imilicr I liiny
nine :::, in Voun l- Hay' addition to the
l'i:y of flal!!:. C&s" Coitutv, Nebraska.
a- the valise are described on the record jilat r,l
t-Ai addition to ;-n;d eirv. together with all the
aiTHirtenanceif tliei-i:nto belonging, or iii a?.y
v. ie a K-ertjtbiire;. The saute beintr levied .t
o:i vint as the property of Annie K. Hr-
lil. Christian . Ileroid and Wei! Jc '( .
I lefeniliiits ; to satisly ;t judgment of Snid
t' recovered by W. S. feck lirotbers fc Co.,
I bituiitrs. atHii;st -aid leir4-".la.ts.
f'iattsiuouth. Neb, Mav ?o. A. I. IS.
' .. C. I IliK.MtAlV.
Rherilf C'as County ef.
; Hy Pa, id Miller. Deputv. -.".
Now is vcmr thanee if vou wish a
j good watch send us thirty subsc-rilicr til
: the IT tat alij.
I If you want a good f-Wtvr warefi,
send us :i0 suWribers t'V- WtEKLV