Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, May 10, 1888, Page 6, Image 6

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i'LAlTiMOCTU V.'EKaLi riw.t xiiUlttlDAY At AY 10, 18;S.
ItT. Dr. Talmaxa Eipoondi m Familiar
Text with Characteristic Clearness and
Originality A False and Malicious Ke
' port Concerning the Doctor Denounced.
Brooklyn, May C The Rev. T. De
Witt Talmage, D. D., told the congrega
tion at' the tabernacle today that a ma
licious falsehood had gone through the
country, saying that at a rocent meeting
of the officers of the Thirteenth regiment
at his house ho had set before them four
kinda of wine. lie eaid: "I will pay
$1,000 to any charitable Institution if it
can be proved that one drop of wine or
any other intoxicating liquor was offered
in my house that evening. The twenty
Ove gentlemen present may be called
upon for testimony. Any three respect
able clergymen or lawyers or detectives
may bo selected : they also to decide
what charity shall have the money. I
ask the newspapers all over the land,
which have been misled by the false
hood, to correct it."
The opening hymn of the service be
gins: Salvation ! O, the Joyful sound,
;c Ti pleasure to our eara
Dr. Talmage announced as the subject
of the sermon, "Loss and Gain," and hia
text was: "What shall it profit a man, if
he shall gain the whole world, and lose
his own 60UH"1 Mark viii, 86.
I am accustomed, Sabbath by Sabbath,
Co stand before an audi en co of bargain
makers. There may be men in. all occu
pations sitting before me, yet the vast
majority of them, I arxrvery well aware,
are engaged from Monday morning to
Saturday night in the store. In many of
the families of my congregation, across
the breakfast table and the tea table, are
discussed questions of loss and gain.
You are every day asking yourself:
What is the value of this? -What is the
Value of that?" You would not think of
giving something of greater value for
that which is of lesser value. You would
cot think of selling that which cost
you $10 for $5. If you had a prop
erty that was worth $15,000 you would
not 6ell it for $4,000. You are intelligent
in all matters of bargain making. Are
you as wise in tho things that pertain to
the matters of the soul 1 Christ adapted
liia instructions to the circumstances of
those to whom he 6pok. JWhen he
talked to fishermen, he spoke of the Gos
pel net. When he talked to the farmers,
lie said: "A sower went forth to sow."
"When he talked to the shepherds, he told
the parable of the lost sheep. And am I
not right when speaking this morning to
an audience made up of bargain makers
that I address them in the words of my
text, asking: "What 6hall it profit a
man, if he shall gain the whole world, and
lose his own soul?"
I propose, as far as possible, to esti
mate and compare the value of two prop
erties. First, I have to say that the world is a
very grand property. The flower3 are
God's thoughts in bloom. Its rocks are
God's thoughts in stone. Its dewdrops
are God's thoughts in pearL This world
is God's child a wayward child indeed;
it lias wandered off through the heavens.
But about 1,883 year? ago, one Christmas
night, God sent out a sister world to call
that wanderer back, and it hung over
Bethlehem only long enough to get the
promise of the wanderer's return, and
now that lost world, with soft feet of
light, :omes treading back through the
Leaver.3. The hills, how beautiful they
billow up, the edgo of the wave
white with the foam of crocuses!
How beautiful the rainbow, the
arched bridge on which heaven
and earth come and talk to each other in
tears, after the storm is overl How
nimble the feet of the lamp lighters that
in a few minutes set all dome of the
night ablaze with brackets of fire I How
bright the oar of the saffron cloud that
rows across tho deep sea of heaven!
IIow beautiful the spring, with bridai
blossoms in her hair I I wonder who it
is that beats time on a June morning for
the bird orchestra. How gently the
harebell tolls its fragrance on the air!
There may be grander worlds, swarthier
worlds, larger worlds than this; but I
think that this is a most exquisite world
a mignonette on the bosom of im
mensity! "Oh," you say, "take my
eoull give me that world I I am willing
to take it in exchange. I am ready now
for the bargain. It is so beautiful a
world, so sweet a world, so grand a
But let us look more minutely into the
value of this world. You will not buy
property unless you can get a good titlo
to it. After you have looked at the
property and found out that it suits you,
you 6end an attorney to the public office,
and ho examines the book of deeds, and
the book of mortgages, and tho book of
judgments, and the book of hens, and he
decides whether the title is good before
you will have anything to do with it.
There might be a splendid property, and
in every way exactly suited to your want ;
but if you cannot get a good title you
will not take it. Now, I am here this
morning to say that it is impossible to get
a good title to tins world. If I settle
down upon it, in the very year I so
Betlle down upon it as a perma
nent possession I may be driven
away from it. Ay, in five minutes
after I give up my soul for the world I
may have to part with the world; and
what kind of a title do you call that?
There is only one way in which I can
hold an earthly possession, and that is
through the senses. All beautiful sights
through the eye, but -the eye may be
blotted out; all captivating sounds
through the ear, but my ear may be
deafened ; all lusciousness of fruits and
-viands through my taste, but my taste
may be destroyed; all appreciation of
culture and of art through my mind, but
I may lose my mind. What -a frail
hold, then, I . have upon any earthly pos
session! In courts of law, if you want to get a
man off a property, you must serve upon
him a writ of ejectment, . giving him a
certain time to vacate the premises; but
when Death comes to us and serves a
writ of ejectment, he does not give us
. m m ,'nrr T la cire
one second or iorewiun-
-Off of this place 1 You have no right
longer m ine A " j
out: "I gave you ;ivv,vvi i
for that property;" the plea would bo of
no avail. We might say: "We have a
waranteo deed for that property;" the
plea would bo of no avail. We might
say: "We have a lien on that store
house;" that would do us no good.
Death is blind, and he cannot Bee a seal,
and cannot read an indenture. So that,
Grst and last, I want to tell you that
when you propose that I give up my soul
for tho world, you cannot give me the
(lrst item of title.
Having examined the title of a prop
rty, your next question is about in
uranco. You would not be silly enough
,o buy a large ware house that could not
ossibly bo insured. You would not have
mything to do with such a property,
low, I ask you what assurance can you
,ive mo that this world is not going to
e burned up? Absolutely none. Geolo
cidts tell us that it is already on fire; that
ho heart of tho world is one great
iving coal; that it is just like a
riip on fire at sea, the flames
ot bursting out because the hatches
re kept down. And yet you propose to
aim off on me, in return for my soul,
. world for which, in the flrnt place, you
ive no title, and in the second place, for
A-hich you can give no insurance. "Oh,"
von say, "the water of the oceans will
xoHh over all the land and put out the
lire." Oh no. There are inflammable
elements in tho water, hydrogen and
oxygen. Call off the hydrogen, and
then tho Atlantic and the 1'acinc oceans
would blaze like heaps of shavings. You
rant me to take this world, for which
vou can frive 110 ixssible insurance.
Astromors have swept their telescopes
through the sky. and have found out
;!:r:t there have been thirteen worlds, in
tho List two centuries, that have disap
peared. At firt they looked just like
other worlds. Then they got deeply red;
then they were on fire. Then they got
ishcii, showing they wcro burned down.
Then they disani -eared, showing that even
the ashes were scattered. And if the
eoloist he right in his prophecy, then
our world i3 to go in tho same way. And
yet you want me to exchange my soul
tor it. All. no; it is a worM that is
hurning now. Suppose you brought an
insurance agent 'to look at your projierty
for the purjioso of giving 3011 a policy
upon it, and while ho stood in front of
the house he should sav: "That house L$
n fire now in the basement," you could
not get any insurance upon it. Yet 3'ou
talk alout this world as though it were a
safe investment, as though you could get
some insurance upon it, when down in
the basement it is on fire.
I remark, also, that this world is a
property, with which everybody who has
taken it as a possession ha3 had trouble.
Now I know a large reach of land that
is not built on. I ask what is the mat
ter, and they reply that everybody who
has had anything to do with that property
trot into trouble about it. it is just so
with this world; everybody that has had
anything to do with it, as a possession,
has been in perplexity. IIow was it
with Lord Byron? Did he not sell his
immortal 60ul for the purpose of getting
the world? Was he satisfied with the
possession? Alas 1 alas 1 the poem graph
ically describes his case when it says:
Drank every cup of Joy,
Heard every trump of fame;
Drank early, deeply drank, "rr"' draughts which common millions might
have quenched.
Then died of thirst because there was no more to
Oh, yes, ho had trouble with it; and so
did Napolean. After conquering nations
by the force of the sword, he lies down
to die, his entire possession the military
boots that he insisted on having upon hit
feet while he was dying. So it has been
with men who had better ambition.
Thackeray, one of the most genial and
lovable souls, after e had won the ap
plause of all intelligent lands through his
wonderful genius, sits down in a restau
rant in Paris, looks to the other end of
the room, ....a wonders whose that for
lorn and wretched face is; rising up after
a while, he find:; that it is Thackeray in
the mirror. Oh, yes, this world is a
cheat. Talk about a man gaining the
world I Who ever owned a hemisphere?
Who ever gained a continent? Who
ever owned Asia? Who ever gained a
city? Who ever owned Brooklyn? Talk
about gaining the world 1 No man ever
gained it, or the hundred-thousandth part
of it. You are demanding that I sell my
soul, not for the vorld, but for a frag
ment of it. Here is a man who has had
a large estate for forty or fifty years. He
lies down to die. You 6ay: "That man
U worth millions and millions of dollars.
Is he? You call up a surveyor, with his
compass and chains, and you say: "There
is a property extending threo miles in one
direction, and three miles in another
direction." Is that the way to measure
that man's property? No! You do not
want any surveyor, with his com
pass and chains. That is not the
way you want to measure that man's
property now. It is an undertaker that
you need, who will come and put his
linger in his vest pocket and take out a
tape line, and he will measure five feet
nine inches one way and two feet and si
half the other way. That is the man's
property. Oh, no, 1 forgot; not so much
as that, for he does not own even the
place in which he lies in the cemetery.
The deed to that belongs to the executors
and the heirs. Oh, what a property you
propose to give me for my soul I If you
sell a bill of goods, you go into the
counting room and say to your partner1
"Do you think that man is good for this
bill? Can he give proper security? Will
he meet this payment?"
Now, when you are offered this world
as a possession, I want you to test the
matter. I do not want you to go into
this bargain blindly. I want you to ask
about the title, about the insurance,
about whether men have ever had any
trouble with it, about whether you can
keep it. about whether you can get all,
or the 10,000th, or 100,000th part of it.
There is the world now. I shall say
no more about it. Make up your mind
for yourself, as I shall, before God, have
to make up my mind for myself, about
the value of this world. IJcannot afford
to make a mistake for my soul, and you
cannot afford to make a mistake for your
Now, let us look at tha other property
tho souL We cannot make a bargain
without seeing the comparative value.
The soul 1 How shall I estimate the value
cf it? Well, by its exquisite organiza
tion. It is the most wonderful piece of
mechanism evei put together. Ma
chinery is of value in proportion as it is
mighty and silent at tho came time. You
look at the engine and tho machinery in
the Philadelphia mint, and, as you see it
performing its wonderful work, you will
be surprised to find how "silently it goes.
Machinery that roars and tears soon
destroys itself; but 6ilent machinery
is often most effective. Now, so it is
with the soul of man, with all its tre
mendous faculties it moves in silence.
Judgment, without any racket, lifting
its scales; memory, without any noise,
bringing down all its treasures; conscience
taking its judgment seat without any ex
citement; the understanding and the will
all doing their work. Velocity, ma jest,
might; but silence silence. You listen
at the door of your heart. You can hear
no sound. The soul is all quiet. It is co
delicate an instrument that no human
liand can touch it. You break a lione.
and with splinters and bandages the
surgeon sets it; the cyo becomes Inflamed,
the apothecary's wash cools it; but a soul
off the track, unbalanced, no human
power can readjust it. With one sweep
of its wing it circles the universe and
ovcrvaults the throne of God. Why, In
the hour of death the soul is so mighty,
it throws aside the body as though it
were a toy. It drives back medical skill
as impotent. It breaks through the
circle of loved ones who stand around tho
dying coucIl With one leap, it springs
beyond star and moon and sun, and
cliaams of immensity. Oh, it is a soul
superior to all material things! No fire
can consume it; no floods can drown it; no
rocks can crush it; no walls can im
pede it; no time can exhaust it. It wants
no bridge on which to cross a cliastn. It
wants no plummet with which to sound a
depth. A soul so mighty, so swift, so
silent, must be a priceless soul.
I calculate the value of tho soul, also,
by its capacity for happiness. IIow much
joy it can get in this world out of friend
ships, out of books, out of clouds, out
of tho sea, out of flowers, out of
ten thousand tilings; and yet all tho joy
it has here docs not test its capacity.
You in a concert hefore the curtain
hoists, and you hear the instruments pre
paring tho 6harp snap of the broken
string, the scraping of the bow across the
viol. "There is no music in that," 3-0:1
say. It is only getting ready for the
music. And all the enjoyment of the
sov.l in this world, the enjoyment we
think is real enjoyment, is only prepara
tive; it is only anticipative; it is only the
first stages of the thing; it is only the
entrance, the beginning of that which
shall be the orchestral harmonies and
splendors of the redeemed.
You cannot test the full power of the
soul for happiness in this world. IIow
much. power the soul has here to find en
joyment in friendships! but, oh, the
grander friendships for the soul in the
skies! How sweet the flowers here I but
how much sweeter they will be there! 1
do not think that when flowers die on
earth they die forever. I think that the
fragrance of the flowers is the spirit
being wafted away into glory. God says
there are palm trees in heaven and fruits
in heaven. If so, why not tho spirits of
the dead flowers? In the 6unny valleys
of heaven, shall not the marigold creep?
On the hills of heaven, will not the
amaranth bloom? On the amethystine
walls of heaven, will not the jasmine
climb? "My beloved is come down in
his garden to gather lilies." No flowers
in heaven? Where, then, do they get
their garlands for the brows of the
Christ is glorious to our souls now, but
how much grander our appreciation after
a while! . A conqueror comes back after
the battle. He has been fighting for us.
He comes upon the platform. He has
one arm in a sling, and the ocner arm
holds a crutch. As he mounts the plat
form, oh, the enthusiasm of the audi
ence l They say: "That man fought for
us, and imperiled his 'if 9 for ,' anJ
how wild the huzza that folio ts huzza'
When the Lord Jss'is Christ shall it last
stand out before the multitudes of ;he re
deemed of heaven and we meet him .'ace
to face, and feel that he was wounded in
the head, and wounded ir. the lands, and
wounded in the feet and wounded in the
side for us, methinks w? will be over
whelmed. We will sit some time gazing
in silence, until soma leader amidst .he
white robed choir shall lift the baton f
light, and give the signal that it Is time
to wake the song of jubilee; and all
heaven will then break forth into: "Ho
sanna! Hosannal Hosanna! Worthy is
the Lamb that is slain "
I calculate further the value of the
soul by the price that has been paid for
it. In St. Petersburg there is a diamond
that the government paid $200,000 for
"Well," you eay, "it must have been
very valuable, or the government would
not have paid $200,000 for it." I want
to see what my 60ul is worth, and what
your soul is worth, by seeing what has
been paid for it. For that immortal soul,
the richest blood that was ever shed, the
deepest groan that was ever uttered, all
the griefs of earth compressed into one
tear, all the sufferings of earth gathered
into one rapier of pain and struck through
his holy heart. Does it not imply tre
mendous value?
I argue also the value of the soul
from the home that has been fitted up
for it in the future. One would have
thought a street of adamant would have
done. No; it is a street of gold. One
would have thought that a wall of gran
ite would have done. No; it is the flame
of 6ardonyx mingling with the green of
emerald. One would have thought that
an occasional doxology would have done.
No; it is a perpetual song. If the ages
of heaven marched in a straight line,
some day the last regiment, perhaps,
might pass out of sight; but no, the ages
of heaven do not march in a straight
line, but in a circle around about the
throne of God; forever, forever, tramp,
tramp! A soul bo bought,' so equipped,
so provided for, must be a priceless soul,
a majestic soul, a tremendous soul.
Now, you have seen the two properties
the world, the souL One perishable,
the other immortal. One unsatisfying,
the other capable of ever increasing
felicity. Will you trade? WTill you
trade even? Remember, it is the oidy
investment you can make. If a man
sell a bill of goods worth $5,000, and he
i3 cheated out of it, he may get $5,000
somewhere ebe; but a man who invests
his soul invests alL Losing that, he
lose3 all. Saving that, he saves all In
the light of my text, it seems to mo as if
you were this-morning offering your soul
to the highest bidder; and I hear you
eay; "What is bid for it, my deathless
spirit? What Is bid foT it?" Satan savsi
'I'll bid tho world." You say: ito
gonel that is no equivalent. Sell my
eoul for tho world? No! Begone!" Hut
there is some one eLo in the audience
not so wise as that. lie says: "What
Li bid for my immortal soul?" Satan
Kays: "I'll bid' tho world." "The world:
Going at that, going at that, going
Gonel" Gone forever!
What is the thing of prearot pnc
The whole eiej.Uou round'
That which was lost iu i'arailinw.
That which in Christ Ik rouu t
Then let us (father round tho cross.
That knowledge to obtaiu:
Not by the soul's eternal loss.
Dul everla--Un Rain.
Well, there are a treat many people in
the house who say: "I will not sell uiy
soul, for the world. I find tho world
is an unsatisfying portion." What
then, will you do with your soul? Some
one whisper here: "I will give my soul
to Christ." Will you? That ia the
wisest resolution you ever made. Will
you give it to Christ? When? To-mnr
row? No; now. I congratulate you r
you have come to such a decision. Oh.
if this morning the eternal Spirit of God
would come down upon this audience
and show you the vanity of this world,
and the immense Importance of Christ's
religion, and the infinite value of your own
immortal souls, what a bouse this wouM
lel what an hour this would be! what ;i
moment this would be! Do you know
that Christ has bought your 60ul? Do
you know that ho has paid an infin
price for it? Do you know that he 1
worthy of it? Will you give it to lui'.
1 was reading of a sailor who had just
got ashore, and was telling about his last
experience at sea. lie said: "The last
time I crossed the ocean wo had a ter
rific time. After we had been out three
or four days tho machinery got disar
ranged and the steam began to escape
and the captain, gathering the people
and the crow 0:1 deck, said: 'Unless some
one shall go down and shut off that
steam, and arrange that machinery at
the peril of his life, we must all bo de
stroyed.' lie was not willing to go down
himself. No one seemed willing to go.
The passengers gathered at one end of
the steamer waiting for their fate. The
captain said: 'I give 3-ou a last warn
ing. If there is no one hero willing to
imperil his life and go down and fix
that machinery, we must all be lost.' A
plain tailor said: 'I'll go, sir;' and he
wrapped himself in a coarse piece of can
pas and went down, and was gone but a
few moments when the escaping steam
stopped, and the machinery was cor
rected. The captain cried out to the
passengers: 'All saved! Let us go down
below and see what has become of the
poor fellow.' They went down. There
he lay dead. " Vicarious suffering! Died
for all! Oh, do you suppose that those
people on the ship ever forgot, ever can
forget that poor fellow? "No!" they
say; "it was through his sacrifice that I
got ashore." The time came when our
whole race must die unless some one
should endure torture and sorrow and
shame. Who shall come to the rescue?
Shall it be one of the seraphim? Not one.
Shall it be one of the cherubim? Not
one. Shall it bo an inhabitant
of some pure and unfallen world?
Not one. Then Christ said: "Lo'
I come to do thy will O God;" and he
went down through the dark stairs of our
sin. and wretchedness, and misery, and
woe. and he stopped the peril, and he
died, that you and I might be free. Oh.
the lovel oh, the endurance! oh. the hor
rors of the sacrifice Shall not our souls
this morning go out toward him. saying
' Lord Jesus Christ, take my soul. Thou
irt vorthy to have it. Thou hast died
r.o sava it.''
God help you this morning rightly
cipher out --.his sum in Gospel arithmetic:
'What shall it profit a man, if he shall
gain the whold world, and lose hia own
A Railroad Barman.
The English are incessant Id :heir ?n
deavors to open a trade route from India
to China. One of the preliminary rteps
jo reach this object ia the establishnien ,
of a railroad from the valley of chr
Brahmaputra co the upper part of the
Irawadi, by which means they expect to
strengthen "lieu- position in Burmah. The
region to be traversed is extremely
mountainous, and the road will have x
cross the Patkoi mountains Recently
311 expedition has been sent out to ascer
tain the feasibility of building the road,
)f which Messrs Michell and Necdham
were in charge They found that the
Patkoi range, which was formerly con
sidered an insurmountable barrier for the
trade between Assani and Burtnah, can
be crossed on a number of passes not ex
ceeding 2,500 feet in height. They suc
ceeded in crossing it 011 one of these
passes with five elephants, and 6tate that
a road can be built without great diffi
culties. Thus the recent reports of Col
qhoun and Woocithorpe are confirmed.
At the present time the trade between
China and Burmah is carried on by cara
vans consisting of from 200 to 2,000 ani
mals, which cross the range during tho
dry season, i. e.. between the months cf
November and May. They cross the ter
ritory of the Kacluns, who exact heavy
payments from them; nevertheless the
caravans are subject to frequent attacks.
and must be protected by an escort of
armed men. Science.
A Crab Catching Ape.
''That's a lone fisherman," 6aid a bird
dealer as he pointed to a Java ape. "It
is the best crab catcher known.
"IIow does he manage to get the
"Catches him with his taiL He is the
only kind cf ape that has a long taiL
VY lien it sees a crab the ape backs up to
the hole where the crab has disappeared,
thrusts his tail into it and awaits events.
Tho crab, feeling somewhat angry at the
intrusion, nabs the tail, the ape leaps
forward, and before the crab can say
'Jack Robinson it finds itself on dry
land with 8,000 miles of terra firma
under the ape, who soon chews up the
crab and then tackles the next hole on its
list." New York Telegram.
Use of the Trawl.
The incessant use of the trawl has de
pleted the fisheries on the east coast of
England to such an extent that the fish
ermen are hi distress, and the govern
ment is urged to place restrictions on this
mode of fishing. Chicago Herald.
ill (SIS IP
nn n n rno
Nervous Prostration, Msrvo-is Ilcsdacli?, Ui. 'i;.:..cii V I 1,y jm fi- wn.n.-il r.iul Limine: it
Neuralgia, Nervous Wetkncc i, fc.tcmn.ii '
and Liver Diseases. Rheumatism. Ijv..- ".'i :co f l.t '. Void hf UmwMa.
pcpsia, and all allectioM of tho Kidnvy:. VViLLG, RICHARDSON fit CO, Prop'g
Choice Lo's in South Park.
21 lot8 in Thompson's addition; 40 lots in Town'iiid's ndditio-s; I.t 10 h!ock
138; lot .5 l.lock J4; lot 1 hlock (J; lot ( block ICi; lot 11 block 111; lot K lire k (il ;
lots in Young aud flujs' addition; lotn in PhIii:h's addition; Jots iu Ilt:LV d
dition; improved projierty of nil description and in nil parts of tbe litytn Vffj
ttrinp; a new and dethahle residence in South I'mk, can ho houyht on monthly pay
ments. Before purchasing elsewhere, call mid see if we tui.iiot Miil Toubetter.
X2 J. 1ST 3D 53 a .
acres of improved ground north of the city lii.iits; " nuts of v iii,d adjoin
ing South Park; 2 acres of ground udjoining South I'mk; 1.. sictcs of ftioui.d ad
joining South Pink; i.'0 acres near South I'mk: Ffc. 1-J, T. 10, H. 1'.', Can Co.
price $1,800, if sold seon; mv I sr. 8, T. R K. 10, Cits Co., pric e $?,(. 0: n valua
ble improved stock farm in Merrick Co., Neb., ICO acres find en reas( nal le iima.
Consult your htt interest by insuring in the I 'ho nix, ILirtfi id er -.ltiin cm
panics, ubut which there is no rpiestioii n to the h;h l in 1 and fair tlwaling.
To hn aio Polioiks The present ytar bids fa'r t br a ris'rot;t one freiu l&uia
dors and wind ytornis. This is fore fdinuov d by the number of -toum we hay al
raady had the n. oat destructive one o far this year having occurred fit Jit. Ver
non, 111., whore a larje uunibar of budding's were dfbtroyail or damn ed. The ex
emption from tornadoes l;:st year i'eiiilr (lit ir oceiinviu -r mare probable in 1N8S.
Call at our fiice and yet a Tornado I'oliey. Unimproved land for vftle nr exchange.
Wi ndham & Dav-i es,
x Tsurm GOT
Early Ohio and Early Rcee Seed Potatoes.
All kinds of Garden Geeda.
California Evaporated Pears, Peaches, Gold
Drop Plums, Raspberries, Blackberries, Cher
ries, Apples, and French Dried Prunes.
A Large Assortment of Canned Fruits and
Vege tsbl es .
K B, Bli m T T.
I 91 C
a u n n. 8.
Carriages for Pleasure and hort Drives
Always Tept Slody.
Cor. 4thand Vi- e - lactEsnonth..
--: : v
Pre9"ivation f natu' -l tet!i a i-ccialty.
Ceeth extracted without pain t,y ue of Laufjliiutj
All work warranted. Trices reasonable.
Notice of Probate of Will.
In the of the last will and testament of Jhn
In.l oi.l T-f .I!! E
on '.IP of ' la'.lf in- uth, in s- i-i c'.. ;nf. ri.
,ri. and for 1 tci f nnnti is!t. t:o. wit'
wlil ai.nxd to W. C SUowaKer.
By order of the Couit.
7-3w. County utige.
W. O. Keefi-r keq the largest lin- of
Harness ever kept in Ckfc? Connrv, at rock
bottom prices.
- Now i yonr clianrc if toi.: -'.
irood watch s -j rid us thirty sul.'sC.Ui..ri .
Iu Couutv Cour. C'a! county N-br:'fka
Notice i- lipreby fcivei. lint on the 18th day
ofvav A. l. 1?, at ibe "-unty .Indue' o en
in Plattsmcvtb. "as -ufiy. N l-rasK'- t on
o'cloi k ':i tb- ;-ft in en. the f l'" i: K ii'a'i- r
w li l,f beard an.1 rcn-uitr.-d : 1 - ajiplifa
lon of M. ' . 'ifl-aids i " " l' !" P" ' ,:
' Ml'i-rt -i-
I'm xk'h (rr tuti'in-ui' vi I 1-Jr.rvft Tolili
inner 1 tJ i. uM-t lnusf ( li-r-y hih
'.', t in .w.i vitii.-ftn i,iv i liiniiluiitii, ti
jit-ilily vui'tfl ull HiwyuiiB cli.orilwrn.
V (f n E4 s u en at i g in
rr-t.M (njit CimwifKri I'tirilfd (Iia
VV JJ M '! it out tiio !-t ,!, hit-it
am VS' t li.-iuni.tiHi, 1. till. I r, Kirt-. tin, 1,1'xnl-
In rik 11 1( i l '.':i!.-i I'm In nil !i v i mniit.i.ti. 1 L i a
tilu t; iiii I im ty lur i.U' uiui;tii.iii.
I'Mvr'n i i i.i hv t o .if'ii vrfii (ly ir.i-ti.7v
tlii) r iiinl i. -i in " I 1 1 1 1 r! I.i i, It t,. 'Hum
riira.ivii I'-iwr, t-i iitliii.i-ii WiUi it iit-rvi
ti::i- !..;.'-' i iij icii.cily Uv lt
kuinry I'-mii'l:. iiit.1.
J t! ': ("-i.i l v Onv rorND rtrciiirtl:inii tho
n 'i.iin .i. una .-'iii'i tin- ii i-vi-h t r iii
if '1 tuv . i.-.m.;. Vlii- u why u tmv t.u
tin; tit-nffn t I 111 iflt-MM.
M-U Ulli
J Ai- ' i ( ' 1 1 i ; C. 'i ih n-i 1 1 11'. t ri f.i'lmr.
lie. it in I . i ..I . v i;iVliM I L.-VHIiil Irltlil r:i I
net t.t (if, i.:, ;. J i-ii lai iiy i iii,-ly lui.
iiUUL.LAUlJit. VI',
t i? & u L &.
ya:te II
c s u -t - - - J
ran calz sv
F rebate Notice.
In the tiiHtt'-r of ' i i- i of .loliu Nah
! i..- c t: : v.: : of a,. - v.-.:
N'' : r- ! t .-. -: . !:.! . ;ary Nh nil
Tboiisas I (; i .. i. i r o i )- (.ttai
oi 1 In s.i d John ' ; li of rt-stxed. inadv n
. plication or final o 'l l'in-i t . nd ibut dsid
chu Is fl f r hoai int.' inv ( i;ii-i- a 1'iaMs
roouth. d th- a !: of ?-Tu'" A. I).. ISA, at '0
o'c i c- P o .. o- 'ii'd i'av ; st iclj I nic ?.r:d
fi a1 : ro' i . rv u-d it ay be -iezt '
i :i - :': -t; ' . C ',: k-.
' ' ' - LI., t" 'X gf.
H'at SDiOU h. t-nl 2Tib l--8. Jw
Yi: ."; i t hih k;n.'; of audit 1 t
i n- k :
6-3 si vie:.
- fcl.-SV Incfwcia cholc.3 brands, rw a
j;fjsv Hop of all In I !. n3li SSV
hK&vL Chines Ten ChM?3
mi-lit cry