xJlUJtJsJlAV ilAx a, 1 et the Eost for Your -We have purchased our- STOCK AT A BIG CUT During the two months stay of our Mr. Charlie Mayer in N. Y., and buying lor our Plattsmouth, Lincoln and Iloldrege, stores we have the precedence over compeditor.s for the following reasons: We buy from N. V. manufacturers direct; we buy our Underwear, Hosiery, etc., direct from the Mills; we pay cash and ask no favors; our goods were shipped on cut rates at one fourth the usual cost, ,hese are the reasons why we Undersell Our Com peel iters because we own our goods ior less money than they do. Should you want anything in a first class for yourself and children, or a NOBBY HAT, NECKWEAR FURNISHING G-OODS A-2nTID SHCO30S. or an thing apptrtaing to MENS' OF! BOYS' WEAfl Call on us, we give you what you pay for No Misrepresentations. TWO DOORS -Extend a cordial invitation to all i IS? I3! Lb LINK :-: OF :-: GOODS . For the spring and summer trade. We take pride in showing a handsome line of Dress Goods, White Goods, Hamburg and Swiss Embroideries, Buttons, Dress Trimming, Shawls Jerseys Hosiery, rtibtbons Etc. -A FIRSS-CLAS8 LINE- Are you aware that we carry a complete line of WENS, LADIES and CHILDRENS SHOES. "Wc carry as large a stock as is carried in the city to which we INVITE - YOUR - ATTENTION. It will pay you to look through our line of Glass and Queensware, Dinner and Chamber Sots. We have a large anJ well selected stock of Plain - and - Decorated - Ware, Of the best French and English makes. 5- loney. "WEST OF O, to come and look through their- She ghttxnwuth gfcchfo jtrald KNOTTB BBOS., PblLher & Proprietors. CITY BRIEFS. From Wednesday's Daily. "Wonder if the fat -man with the straight haadled sjoon was satisfied to -cream enough, last night. The watches we give as premiums we bought X)f our iewelry men of this city and are warranted first class. The subject for the prayer meeting at the Presbyterian church next Monday nisjht will le "True Kepentance." The jury was dismissed this merning fre-ra the district court as there will be no more cases requiring their services. Now is your chance to get a watch, bring us 15 yearly cash subscribers to the Daily Herald, and have a good watch. Miss Anna Murphy was made a pres ent of a verv urfcttv wreath formed of apple blossoms, by one of her pupils yes terday. All members of tho Band of Hope are requested to meet at ths regular meeting, Thursday afternoon at four o'clock in the Methodist church. One of our town fishermen made a a boast vesterdav to some of tho bovs that he had caught two hundred fish on one hook and line. "We-ndcr how. The teachers of the different school are making preparations for the cxamin ationg which will take place fchortly be fore the close of the schools for the sum mer vacation. J. AV. Sage id building an addition, 12x24. to his house on Sixth street. lie will also build on the top of the old house and put on a square roof over the whole building. Fred Ebingcr lost $65 bet wen Bau master's store and K. Doyey's residence The finder will be liberally rewarded should he return the money to J. It. Cox's hardware store or to thin office. Tho city ordinances which were re vised by the council and printed by the Journal Co., which are now the only ordinances tho city is governed by at present, remain secuuteu in the rear sanctum of the express for the last two or three weeks marked C. O. D. "We learn that Mr. Clark who is at present the proprietor of the nrt gallery at the rear f Mr. Carruth's jewelry store, is dissatisfied with the amount of busi ness the Plattsmouth peeple have afford ed him, and he ii making preparations at present to leava the city. He has leased the gallery to Mr. Cutler, his present em ployer, who will run tho business on his own hook. Patronize him. The case- of the State vs. Gering & Co., was brought up in court yesterday before Judge Chapman. Gering was fund guilty of selling liquor to Charley Ellis without a permit. Ramsey & Ger ing were for the defense, and A. Becson for the prosecution. The jury remained out only srshort time when they brought in a verdict against Gering & Co. The judge has not" yet assesed the fine, which, in a case the nature of this one cannot be less than $100 and not more than $500. The fallowing was clipped freni the Omaha Republican of today: "Chica go, May 1. It has been reported tonight that the great strike on the C., B. & Q railroad has betn declared off. The statement is that at a meeting of leaders here today it was decided that the strike was lost and that the general grievance committee ehou-d J; convened without delay to formally make euch declaration. Before Chief Arthur left for Cleveland tonight he was asked abouP the report, but he detiihrd to talk." . We are happy to say in behalf of the young ladies of the Young Ladies' jje!it;cr ltoom, that their social last eve ning at'the K. of l- ual1 "Ut every ex pectation both financially aiut 1lly. Tile most satisfaction was expressed last night on the arrangements made for the social and the orderly manner in which it was conducted. Almost invariably at sociables in this city, where a program of musical selections or readings are to be rendered, people are seated around in a confused manner, and when a person wishes to address their audience, a large number are sitting with their backs to them and talking away loud enough to drown the speaker's utterances, and it is also very disagreeable to singers, who are obliged to strain their voices to make people confident of their presence. This was not so last night, as the seats were arranged in good shape so that it proved more satisfactory to oil. Miss Eva Sherman officiated in the chair, and an nounced in the early part of the evening before any part was taken in any games' r refreshments served, that the enter tainment would commence. Solos by Misses Anna Murphy, Gertie Kcrney and Mr. W. A. Derrick were well rendered, Miss Paul and Mrs. Campbell sang a duett which was much appreciated by alL Recitations were given by Misses Lulu Simpson, Eva Sherman, and little Allie Burn, and ' Mr. John Hartigan, which were much appreciated. -The young ladies cleared about $23. Fnyn-Tuesday's l.tily. It. B. Windham and J.- S. Mathews are in Omaha today. Mr. J.S.'ltouse,f Greenwood, is iu the city visiting his daughter, Mrs. J. S. Mathews. Mrs. E. P. Itockwood has returned home from her visit to tho New England States. Mr. Irvin Armstrong aud wife, of CVcston, is in the city visiting his brother Mr. A. Armstrong. The quarterly seryices which were to be held in the M. E. church on Sunday last, were postponed until Suuday the Cth. Wm. Alhin, a boy sixteen years of nge was brought befere Judge Rusell today and was sentenced to the reform school. Dr. Salisbury is fixing up hi. -4 oflicc in good shape. He is papering and clcnuing house and the room has a bright er appearance than it had n few days - . ago. Notice is given in the advertise ment of F. Herrmann & Co.. on this page ef Tim Hkkai.'j, that a dissolution of partnership will take place about the 1st of June, of 'thai firm! ' Weber u Brckenfiehl, saloon ke( p eis, dissolved partnership yesterday. Prckeiifield will discontinue in that line et ousiuess, and wtoer will lake lit liusuess in his own 'hands. The case of the Connecticut Savin-' Bank vs. Samuel Schlottman, et. al. wn before the district court yesterday, but owing to the non-appearance of their prominent witnesses, the cato continued until Monday. A new musical swciety et voung people has lately been organized. It is a singing society, and was nrst named a glee -club, but it appears tho Dutch ele ment was too strong and it consequent l v assumes tha name now of Saengerbund. J lie saloon ot i'eter Alumm was closed last evening, he having disposed of the business about the 5th of March. Posession will be taken immediately and the saloon will be opened again as soon as arrangements are made with parties to take charge. A pleasant surprise was made for Miss Kiltie ITartigan last Saturday even inir in the way of a party. About twen ty-one of her young friends were organ ized into a body, and after all arrange ments were made they started for the residence of M. A. Hartigan, whore they remained until a late hoar, all participat ing in the usual amusements. -A tramp was arrested this morning about 11 o'clock by city niarshail Malick. and taken-to the cooler. The man insist ed on entering a house on Fifth street where he was refused entrance. Tin- woman to whom he made threats when she would net admit him, sent for Ma lick, who immediately returned with the boy and arrested hiin. He is now in jail. The ladies of St. Luke's Guild held their social last evening at Mr. Leonard' art gallery. A large number of young and old were present, and all expressed themselves as having upent an enjeyablc evening. Refreshments were served after all had thoroughly enjoyed the-different rames indulged in. The social was a O CD success both socialiy and financially, and the ladies wish to thank Mr. Leonard heartily for his mark of generosity in donating to thcia the pleasant rooms which proved to be so favorable for tlto occasion. " Richard" Rivet t left yesterday morn ing for Lincoln, where he intends" to move his familv and reside iu the future. We are sorry to see Dick take his depart ure frsia his old honvj, Plattsmouth, but we hope he may be successiul in his new adventure. The members f the Glee Club will ever remember him as a jovial fellow and tiie fun he has made for them but he can never be forgiven by a cer tain one of tho members who suffered considerable agony on account of his - '"lit resting on a prominent feature of his one night while the club was away from heme. From Monday'a Daily, " Last Saturday evening a small party ;t;mntfl trlr,,! wnrfl nrpftpnt unci a good time .was the' result. The Glee Club rendered a few selections which were enjoyed by all present. Following is a list of the delegates c.,tni.l.iT 4-n tlio TJerinhhrnn CICl Lt-'.i t.'tllUiMuj v.., "'1 ; I County Convention to be held at Weep- :iir. -r- -.ti. from F.bd.t Mile lil" 11 nici. . ii- t " ' , Grove: Sam Barker, J. II Becker, C. J. Mavfield. C. Ilennins?, Lewis Schuc-ider, Lewi Barker, j. Xeverraan. The case of Maud Emery was brought ur in court asrain this morninj' before Jude Chapman, who gave a decision that the nuisance must bs abated; that Miss Emtry must quit keeping a house of ill-fame or be compelled to leave the city. No fine was assessed, Miss Emery payiug t .e costs of prosecution. --"VVe understand that Charles Tettee, who. a number of years ago served his time in the IIkrald office as a printer, is making arrangements at his new home in , Ogdcn, Utah ,yaud weekly paper; Frem wh '' rfA'arley, lis.has always-been a Z qs us young man, and the peopit. vv7 of PlatUaiouth join in heartily J 1 KM : a 1. 1 in wi.Iung Tor Jum every v os.si- lle success in his new field of labor. Several coV which have been nl lowed to run at large around the eiiy of late, have put uu end to their freedom and fun iuce Saturday, as they have an gered tha force of school teachers of the high school. After all the troubh' they have gone to already this season in' im proving their grounds, we do not won der at it at all, and we hope they may set; that the law is enforced. The cows ere ated hayoc upon the ground.- yesuruay, ruining a number of the cedar of "Teachers Avnue." and n number of other trees which were set out a few day ag-. It the law can not be enforced to protect their grounds, they propose to arm themselves and resort to lyneh law A change has been nitidis on the II. & M. division of the ('., J. A: Q. by the pro motion of several of tiieir men -vvithiu the- last few days and which will tak'i ef fect tomorrow. May lt. Mr. D. Hawks- worth, 'master mechanic, has been pro moled to Superintendent Motive Power, car department, headquarter Platrs moth; E. S. Greusel, promoted from foreman of the machine shops to Master Mechanic, headquarters at Plattsmouth; J. C. Salisbury, promoted to Master Me chanic of the northern division, head quarters Lincoln; A. 15. Pine, Muter Mechanic, southern division, headquar ter at Wymore; A. B. Archibald, Master Mechanic of the wcbtern tli vision, head quarters at MeCook. A certain young lady of this city narrowly escaped a terrible deuth yester day morning while in the act of starting a fire in a steve with the dangerous kind ling, coal oil. Nearly every day ac counts are seen in different paper of people who die a horrible death in this very way, yet, every day do people who read of those accidents continue to use this dangerous fluid in tho same. way. Fortunately, thu young lady of whom we speak was standing at a considerable distance from the tove, at the time1 of the explosion, r.o th:;t she escaped serious injury, yet not without a mark to remind her again. The once raven bangs are somewhat shorter and schorched, and the eye-brows are still there, yet not so prom-' iufiit, but still, after all her lo.-s, the young lady considers herself quite for tunate. We trust people here may take warning before another accident may oc cur in this way. From KaturdayV Iai.'y. Judge Applegatc, of Tecumsah, who has been presiding over the court litre for a number of days in the absence of Judge Chapman, returned home last eve ning, Judge Chapman having arrive:!. The Greenwood Leader of this week says that next week will be its last isue in Greenwood as it will then emigrate to to pastures new. Mr. Keithley, the pro prietor, ii a good printer and he has made the Ltarfcr a good paper, and we are sorry to lose him from our exchanges livery once in a while in .passing up and down the streets, we hear a crowd of men uing a great deal of profane lang uage, regardU -ns'ot who is naming or There is a law against profane language ind if the law was inforced and some of you men and boys arrested and fined you would feel very cheap. Richard Rivett, a member of the Glee Club, and a popular ycung man iu the city, has made up his mind to leave Plattsmouth next Monday. He will move to Lincoln from here where tie will tart in the butcher business. The boys of the Glee Club have promised to sere nade Dick if he will cut off a slice of Porter House steak for the champion "pie-biter" who is always hungry. V are sorry to see him go, but wish him succcs It is said that a young man named Kaiser, who li ves near this city, adver tised for a v.i'e in a matrinional journal some time a so. He received a re, iy to the advertisement and went to s.-cur tt.. i 1.,.- 1 ,o with lam on ins rirst trip, out it a that on 1.5 second trip, which h-j too.i nr foli. sprnicil the rrize. II' vftS o.n jn town with his wife since th--ir return. Never forget to be a gen'd -m in, it costs no more than to be uirg'.-ntlcm inly. If VOu pass'a lady on the street raise your hat Tf n r-r a lady ill need. ClOii I iHii to i tJ offer her your aMance, you n?s the will .;n n--ver be forgotten bv her, ana consciousness of having done right: ' ' : " - - ry - - amply repay you. It these men wno stood in front of a saloon yesterday had fol lowed this advice, instead of making in- descent remarks about ladic-s as they cross ed the streets and laughed at a l.vly as i - l - . . . .. 4 , .. . . n . . . i i f SilC was CllIlU'lULJ in-o ;i j. o iii " ''n""! would of added very materially to their geutlemanly qualifications. -The judges and clerks in the Third ward, were sworn in today iu a peculiar manner, un tlie opening 01 me pun, one of the prominent ward workers, en tering the room said: "Gentlemen, have von been sworui"' On receiving a nega tive reply said, "you will please hold up y- - v.. adi.;:,.: . . . ;.. .jiwath: " V ,. aoh :n;..y i. ., ..r th..t you have Ut-Vi tak n part im any primary election wit a ono A. N. O'SuHivan and one M. B. O'Murphy to the dttriment ot the Amer ican people, mid that you know nothing of A. N. O'Sull: van's new piimary ward bex." "Gettknicn, you are qualified." This certainly insuivs a fuir election at the primaries to day in the bloody Third ward. A very pleasant surprise was given Mr. Fred Gorder last evening at his home. In the early part of the evening he was nbsi nt from the hou.-e, but when every thing wan anangtd he was sent for and the scheme worked like a charm. It wan a big surprise to Mr. G order. lie did not dream that a birthday party was in More for him last night, as today is his fiftieth birthday, but for some remans better known to the people who got up the party, they desired to carry out their plans la.'t night. About fcixty people were present and a most enjoyable even ing waa pi nt, and the crowd did not disperse until the t-niull hours of tho morning. A number of very handsome; presents were given, ns follows: A gold pen and hohlr, silver cup nnd saucer, arm chair, bread plate, Swiss broom hold er, and other articles. The fcuiJlowcr social which was held at the opera house last evening was at-uc-crss in every way. Owing to tho disa gi ueablo nij4,ht, a great number, no doubt, remained at home, who would have put in appearance had every tiling been fayor able and added much mole life to tho ullair, but as it was, considering all, tho event was a very enjoyable one to all present. A large number of artificial suntlowcrs were neatly arranged in tho center of the n om which made u splen did appearance, showing up above every thing tlse. Refieshnitnts were served in abundance, and'ice cream, the first of tho season, w as partaken of freely. Th pro gram of music-, though not lengthy, was an enjoyable one. Miss Paul, Mrs. Wag-m-r, Mrs. Mergers, Miss Johnson and Miss Gas favored tho audience with a number of selections on the piano, which were much appreciated by all. The zither duets, which were well rendered by Mrs. ( lurk and Mrs. McPherson, denerve special mention, as they were loudly encored. Miss Waterman and Mrs. Wagner gave ft violin and piano se'ection and were well applauded. Mrs. Windham sang a solo and was assisted iu the chorous by the doubb: quartette. Miss Paul and Mr. J. 1. Pollock favored the audience with a duet and Mr. Pollock and Mr. W. A. Derrick each sang koIoh. The receipts amounted to over 80.00 and the ladies of the Presbyterian church were well sat isfied in everyway. A Frightful Skin Disease. Suf.'orlnES Intense. Head Nearly Raw. Body Covered with Sores. Cured by the Cuticura Remedies. Menu Stkvknh & JiHUNKU, Monroe, N . O. llKiit Sins : Alxnit two months ao, on your reeoiuinriidalioii, I houlit a liottle of ('a'ieura Itesolvfiiit. one lox (Jut'eura .Salve, ami om cake ot ( utieiira !oap. for my aon, a;.'.--cl thirteen eai, w lio lias lieen afllicteil with ecenia for a loi.fi lime, ami I am pleaded to any i lint I I. cleave the remedies liae cured him. Ills taillei nigs wen; intense, hin bead belief eariy raw. hie ears lieinj; none except the i -. e, and his body was covered with sores. H is coiniit ion was frightful to beheld. The sores have now ail disappeared, hi.t skin In he:, It by, f yen bright, cheerful In disposition, and i woruiMK ev-eiy day. My ne Khl-ois are v.iiues-e-s to ibis remarkable cure, ami tb doubling oaes are reouest 'd to call or write me. or any of my neighbors. WM. H. S'l KI'HKNSOX Wiue'iester P. O., Union Co., N. C. MoMioE. N. C, Oct. 29, 188T. 1'i:k I'otti:i: I)j:l; ami Cjik.micai. (Jo. : ; :m nK.-.n.s, : Mr. Win. H. Mrphenson, of this county, brought bis son to town today to b t us nee him, and to Khow ui what Cuticura l.'emedies had done for him. This is the cafe referred to i!i -.ur b tter to yu noqio time ago. 1 o bx.k at tie; boy now one wouid n ppoe that the re had never been anything the matter with him sci ins to be in perfi ct health. We have wr,tten and herewith ene use w hat nis father ln.s to say aliout the matter, wrote it Just as he chelated. We are rel:iii (jiilte a. fj'iaritlty of Cuticura, !'e'i:cclies and hear n hiiiir but praise for them. We re,:;. id the C uticura i:emedie the he, i-i ;be n-aiket, ai:d shall do all we can to promote llicir Kule. Voum 'Irulv. s: KVKNs & j:i;1;nkr, JJi iiL'ui.sts and l'liarinae-lsts. (iy,! ( fit So C'L"! o i c iiiternal!: i if i n ii: serotula. i: . tbe erp-.,r skin cure, aud C.'vti r prepared fr eu it, externally, and a litX'LVEvr. the new blood pur tier, v. lire si po.it !v earn for every form nl Woo-l uisea'es from pimple te Sob evcrvwiirie. l riee, CCTICt'RA, V)H. : :-oa i'. 2"c .- Uks, u.vkm . i 1. rrepared by the i'"i rut Uklu a.no CiiKMiCAL Co., Huston, .Mass, Send for "How to Cnn! skin I)iseaei!." CI ! ;v; -s, .'0 iiiuitiatioiis, a ikI J 00 testimonial. P' Tvl i''i Mack-heads, red. rough, chapped LJlA (d! ' SJv in l:re Veil : I'd l-v C 1 ri It --it A OA l". The liistjesi-iiitr ene'-ze, eceeze, sneeze, the aeri !, watery d.sii.:r;res from tho eyes itnd nose t!io paiofal iiill'iinma'Jon extending to the l!:rut, the Mvi-ilii, ef the ir.uceus Ilnliig, e ia-.i.!' elioxi-.K sM:sati :ri, cou"h. jlntrinc n.- i : s in tlie bead and -p!ittiii headacbe, h.r.v f.'.:i'.:!Iar tbeseVynijitcins are to thoUBaads wVt : litfer Jieliodieai! y f;ei:i liead Colds er in llaei.za, ai.d w ho live la ignorance of the fact taat a sii.b- appli :at:on ( f Ha ror.b'i Kabi cai. Cl::.". i-oic CAiAii.m wiil afToiU iasiaa-.-oi:s reib' f, tL-s iieattn. ;.t i:i cases cf i-iinpte catanh y ves bat a feir.t idea ':f w hat this remedy will eo iii the c-l.i -.i.-.ie f'Taiv. where the breathing K iih-'ructe'l iy ci:ek nz. putrid macou ac eutieii :;!o!;s. t he heat i:ir a.'leeted. smell and t -.-re ;'!. e. throat tileei; ted ailll ilT'CktriP COUSll .'i-i l i.tiiy fa-tei.i- a iis-if t'p jti the debilitated. r'.v-ti-M. Tberj it - th t tie: iiiarvellous ftira- tlVU li'i-M-r ot SA Sp.idl S KAOIeAL. CtftK m:-'.:! -sft n r.-iief. t'u: It i- sapid, eif !; ln- te.neous and (rrateful b-L' ns In;m the li-t aoplie.tioD. radical, permanent, economical. sai-i. SANKorto's II nifAL Cure consist of ne b i:t ie of t be It a Die i. C it h k, one box Catak- HHAl, SOLVENT and all IMI'K'IVKII I.1HJ1LFR ; price, fi. I'on ku Dtfi; t Cmeiimical Co, iJOSTOA. PAINS and WEAKNESSES OF l'EMALE3 x5h. Inftant'v relieved by the Cuticura Anti-Pain Plaster, a ie, mci t v 3;.trreeaPie, iiistalilttiieouB aid ltifalli-T;---5- bl pain-kiliing plaster, especially f" '-r-,: adapted tn idieve Female i'aioa aad T- Weakiiesses. Warranted vantly ea- i trior to all other plasters, and tie mnit per fect Antidote to i'al i. Inflammation and We Uiie-s yet compounded. At all druirjrisM. 2". cents ; five f r ?l.t0; or, postage free, 'ef l'oiruI)iit' a.nu Cuekival (Jo , boston, Mass.