PLAJTriMOUTfl WEEJLL.1 iXatxrtiji, -nlDKSJlAY MAY 3, 188. THE P0;awju BRIDGE. Mr- S. N. Stwart Tells the People the Advantages of a Pontoon Brldse Facts Concerning Plattsmouth's Welfare. Pontoon Bridges and Water Power Editor of The Hf.rai.d: I hnvo ltr.n assuming Hint the bonds were a matter of course.They having been unanimotulj recommended by the heavy tax-payers and other who attended tho board of trade meetings, it was natural to assume that nearly eyery one else wouM vote for them. But the opponents of a bridge have been getting in their work until many citizens have received erroneous impressions. The bonds are for the man or company that will put in a bridge for lowest tolls. I offer to reduce tolls to one-third pres ent rates. Some one else may offer still better when you advertise, but not likely. There are pontoon bridges at Prairie du Cliien and Heed's Landing, upper Missis sippi, upon which estimates can be based. If the bonds were for a bridge without toll reductions the opposition might have an argument, though even in that case it would pay tho town. But the fact is that tolls are to be reduced lower than any one expected. People say the ferry receipts are $1,500 to $2,000 per year, and that a bridge would treble them and tak $ 8,000 a year, forgetting that trebled receipts mean nothing but $2,000 to the bridge company, for they reduce to one-third present rates. But trebled receipts mean much for Plattsmouth. Nearly all who use the ferry now are transients. The farmers on tho other side rarely cross. WATER POWER. "We do not expect tolls and $2,000 a year bonus to pay a bridge, for the decay of a nontoou bruise is rapid. We ex pect to make our profit on water power, And this would be worth more to Platts mouth than a bridge. A bridge is a base on which to place apparatus to transmit power to factories on shore. By adver tising extensively we expect to induce manufacturers to come and take power at one-half to one-fourth cost of steam Hundreds of mills and factories in Eu rope are now run by power taken from the current without the construction of dams. Some keep the ice cut away; some use steam during the two or three coldest months. The river being unusu ally narrow at the B. & M. bridge, and the shores protected from cuttinsr, it is one of the best points on the rivor to ob tain nower. The Missouri is ons of the s. best, if not the very best, power river in the world. Rapid current and plenty of water nearlv all the vear. for when the rains are done the sun pressing the breasts of the mountains makes tlieiu yield to the 3Iissouri their milk-white snow. The time will come when scores of ci ties will produce their light, pump their water and operate their factories by its water power. At a fall water can be used but once. Curreut can be used over and over by wheels being placed tandem, because in a large river the current, forced by the whole stream, quickly regains its normal Telocity and is ready to work again. Water power is steady night and day, without engineer, fireman or danger of explosion. Hence low insurance. "We do not appreciate the rolling river because it is so near and has been there so long. Had it commenced flowing but today, we would hasten to harness it. The running stream is an endless driving belt, reeled out by Nature from tho hol low of her hand. Current motors placed in gear with it revolve till worn away. They enslave the giant of the raging river chain him to their tasks and make of him a patient drudge, as long as waters flow. He works days without murmur, nights without sleep and Sundays with out sin, with Nature for hie only driver. There is talk about the great profits I would make from the bridge and water power. Let those who thus talk come in and take stock when the company is formed and thus get the profit them selves. I duut want to eat the world up; J. nave constantly sum mat i am willing to sell the stock at par, and be satisfied with my profit on building. I shall charge the compajy $20,000 for a bridge. My profit as constructor and in ventor will be three or four thous and dollars, but on a work of risk like this, any engineer or constructor will say that a man sould have a whiskey profit 100 I don't believe you can get an other engineer in this country to put in a bridge here for less than $30,000. FLKHTV OF MEN. Seme say there are plenty of men ready to start enterprises on bonus. Are there really so many? How many have you had this year? And is this a good year for them? Well, when they come along and offer to enhance your real es tate value $150,000 and bring 3,500" more people here to trade, my advice would be to cloic with them a? fut as they come. If you get ten for one l.t them make all they can out of it. In any case give , their propositions cmi; (ecus consideration, keep down spite, ami ask them to call again. Bridge builders and boat builders in St. Louis and elsewhere have been writ ten to, but I was 'the ' only one who would make any offer at all. HEAL B9TATE PURCHASES. I took options on certain real estate for selection. All was relinquished except Dashner $350. V. 8. White $375, H. Johnson $700. Total $1,435. This will be enhanced by a bridge. As I stated from the beginning, I bought this to of fer to the Bridge company at cost, as an additional inducement for them to take stock. While I am willing to hold all the stock, I would rather not, a3 I reside so far away. This disposes of the exon erations concerning my large purchases, and the wealth I was to gather out of real estate aloae, and of the argument that I am bound to build the bridge even without a bonus, in order to enhance my realty. ADVANTAGES OF BIIDGH. Those who have examined tho subject believ that a bridge to Iowa will help Plattsmouth more than any one thiii" that ever happeacd to her, except the B, & M. railway and shops. The board of trade was unanimous. A bridge with one-third present toll to bring people from Iowa means at least a few more clerks in storc3 here, more blacksmith's, shoemakers and other workmen. These need houses, and if a bridge only brought the trade of one half the 2,800 people in the two town ships opposite, it would enhance real es tate values at the very least five per cent. That is to say, the man who now asks $900 for his lot would then ask $950. The probability is he would ask $1150. But say $950; that trifling enhancement means a total of $150,000 in Platts mouth a good return for $10,000 in a bridge. iiur. mis is only one or the gains. When the rich lands opposite are linked to Plattsmouth they will help keep down the price of wood, hay, chickens, eggs, butter, etc. The effect may not be great, but it will be something, aid an advan tage to ever y citizen of Plattsmouth. The tax-payer owning a $300 lot pays only twenty cents a year to the bridge (principal and interest), and for five years only, when the bridge is expected to be self-sustaining. He will get his money back over and over in many ways. A brjdge will be a strong inducement to a packing house to establish here, be cause they can then get hogs from both sides, and it will induce farmers on the other side to put their corn iuto hogs and drive them to Plattsmouth. A bridge will encourage progressive men and stimulate other improvements which it would occupy too much spats to discuss now. I have perhaps said enough to show how plain a tale will overthrow the arguments of those worthy citizens who have liyed here thirty years without abridge, and feel that they can still get along as well without one. We speak of two townships opposite Plattsmouth, but the two boyond citizens of Glenwood and Pacific Junction, and farmers will of course trade here more or less, for it is a long established fact that people prefer to w trade at the largest town within reach. They find larger assortments and either get or imagine, tno matter which.) lower prices. Many people opposite Platts mouth go clear to Council Bluffs. A bridge means much more than is ap parent at fir3t thought. The bridge company will adver ise it thirty miles around, with hand bills to farmers and signs on roads. They will give a grand opening, permitting everybody and emp ty wagons to cross free, to get acquainted with Plattsmouth people and examine the low prices Plattsmouth merchants will offer on goods. The pity will give them a big dinner and Mr. F- 6, 1Tbit? nd J will jointly give every Iowa child a half pound of candy. This is serious and business. I pledge myself to it for myself and Mr. White. We are pushers, and when we put $17, 000 into a bridge, we leave nothin un done that will draw traffic to it. If Plattsmouth merchants don't sell goods as low as Council Bluffs we'll put ia a mammoth stock and do it ourselves. And when Pacific Junction and Glen- wood pays as much for grain as Platts mouth I will forfeit claim to the bonds if I dont permit grain crossed free. And it would be to my interest to do so in order to win the farmer's affection and keep him in the habit of coming here. And if ha don't get more for his grain here we'll see to it that the money he receives for it shall buy more here than at Glenwood or Pacific Junction. It almost knocked me down (the as tonishment of it) when I wss informed that some intelligent citizens opposed the bridge. ah orroRTtr- capital gone (good bye John), engineer ing reputation injured, steamboatmen and ferrymen clapping hands and con servatives all hands 'round jubilant and rampant. COST OF A BRIDGE. Some of your citizens have figured on the cost and think it will be less than estimate. Let them put in a bid, or let tne city build it and pay me a I air sum for my inventions and supenntendance. I will make any reasonable arrangement. and you need not pay me a dollar till tho bridge has stood the floods. But to estimating cost it would bo well to include all the parts boats, chains, couplings, hinges,' windlasses, iron rail ings, cribs, piles, flexible gangways, dykes on 6horo to tho hight of 1881 flood, elides, putting in place &e. But if I could wave my hand and make a bridge rise out of the flood with out any cost whatever, you ought to bo willing to pay $10,000 for something worth $150,000 to your town. What a strange creature is man I Never satisfied- Offer to pave the city free and many would oppose you. X MOKE BEAUTIFUL ISTAKCK OP COM 8BKVATIBU. was never seen than has been just shown right here on the subject of strcet-aam- ing. 1 did not intend to introduce tins in this country till next year, but seeing you and Nebraska City so sadly in need of system, (haying no name-signs upon your streets,) I was impelled to offer it In Nebraska City it was adopted without a dissenting voice, and with many thanks. Hwre it has been opposed as if it were job. it is a simple thing. I here is nothing smart about it, A child could have invented it, but it is a great ad van tage to a town in many ways which I would tire you in mentioning. As to a bridge, when we consider all the points it is astounding that there there should be any question about sub mitting the matter to the people, and astounding to what extent some underes timatc the importance of a bridge. THE PEOPLE WILL VOTE IT. Some claim the people will not vote it Giye them a chance and if they don't rise up and strike a blow for their town will pay post of elepjion. As I have to wait two or turee months tor the remov al of the transfer boats at Nebraska City, I would rather put in a bridge here now than any other time. It may bo many years before I can make you another bid Hie world is wide and Plattsmouth is but a speck (a pretty speck) upon its sur face. Hundreds of citie3 arc anxious for bridges, and I will show you letters from mayors and boards of trade offering to pay our fares and expenses to and from their cities, just to talk it over. DISADVANTAGES OF A FESIIY. Always more or less delay in crossin and can't cross after dark. Farmers fear then). Liable to fire, explosion and snagging. (Two at least have been sunk right here. one steam ferry and one scow.) Often unlawfully manned by ncompetent and unlicensed persons. Compelled to charge high rates. A ferry large enough to accommodate the morn ing and evening trade in the busy season is too large to pay at other seasons. Ilenee small ferries are used, and crossers must in the bu sy season wait h,onr3 or days for their turn. In the dullest season can't afford to keep up steam, and crossers of ten wait hours for stosm; or if river be falling or rising may wait half a day for ferryman to prepare a new landing. Far mer may cross, then on attempting re turn find ferry wind-bound or undergo ing repair, uence tne tarmer curses tne ferry its high rates and its poor service, and we see wood and hay selling $3 high er here than on the other shore, for tne river rolls between. There is not a housekeeper in Platts mouth hut pays almost every day for vegetables, butter, eggs, chickens or something, at least a little higher price than he would need pay, if the farmers opposite could get at you, yet men will argue agafnst a bridge for mere love of argument. The ferryman talks of running to Main street. Why don't he do it? Because in high water the current is too swift, and in low water the sand-bar gets its back uPi It would be far better for flattamoutn to give $2,000 a year and get low tolls than to have the bndge run at present rates of toll without any bonus. S. N. Stewart. Bueklen's Arnica naive. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt, rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and postive ly cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. 51-ly. PLATTSMOUTH is offered NITT to try a bridge and water power at far less cost than any citizen ever conjec tured. If it is a failure the city loses the Missouri and river-men, (including Mr. .Peterson), say if we dace our pon toons on the bosom of th-j mad Missouri th'j ill hurl us u thethore and throw our pontoous at us. How sad that will be when she shakes ua from her name State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas county, ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm ef F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the city Toledo, County and state aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and eyery case of Catarrh that cannot be. cured by the uso of Hall's Catarrh Ccke. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this btu day ot .December, A. D. 'S6. A. W. GLEASON, (Seal) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly upon the blood and mucus surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. ISy-Sold by Druggists, 72 cents Itch, Prairie Mange, .nd Scratches of every kind cured in 30 minutes by Wool ford's Sanitary Lotion. A ture cure and perfectly harmless. Warranted by F G Fricke & Co. druggist, Plattsmouth Patterson; supper, Henry lerold, T. C. Clifford and b. 0. Smith; and the finance committee, consisting of Hon. F. M. Richey, T. E. White and Wm. Neville, were requested to at once proceed to raise funds to assist in making the ce e bration a success equal to that of last year, invitations will be issued to ail the surrounding cities, and Plattsmouth will again have paid for a good adver tisement. A full meeting of the fire de partment will be called fcr Monday, April 80, at the council chamber, at which time the detail and line of March and program will all be arranged. Let everyone give a helping hand to .xe boys n their undertaking. The Odd Fellows at Crete. Crete, Neb., April 20.- The celebra tion of the anniversaryef the establish ment of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows was a irrand success. The city was tilled with strangers and brethern of tho order from early morning. There was a constant string of people coming and e?oing to and from the assembly grounds during the greater portion of the day. The city has a holiday appearance, many of the stores and dwelling hcuses throughout the city being beaatiiuiiv nd tastefully decorated with flags ;sd bunting. There was between wx and seven hundred persons in the line of to-? procession, which marched through the principal streets headed by Prof. Vaote'a cornet band. By order of Mayer Hiiir, all of the streets were thoroughly cle nti. The different lodges in the county w.r represented by over five hur.d ed .lum bers. On behalf of the people of t'nle and Crete lodge, x-Govi-rnur Dawei v.-. corned the bretheru in a fvw well cl-o words, after which W. H. Woodv d. of Lincoln, delivered a brilliant acl-lirs-t lasting over an hour. Ia the evenir.-' ? grand ball was givtn at Baud's i -v-i-j house which proved asocial and fiua:.s.::d succss. Our Fire Department. The Plattsmouth Fire Dpartuieut last j year selected from among their num!er a running team, and named the same tho 'Neville Running team." This team took part in the tournament held at Kearney, Neb., and by their ttlicitat work and good conduct while at said tournament won for themselves tho ad miration of the State Association, and convinced many people of the State of Nebraska that there was a city somewhere in said Statu by the name of Piattsmouih. The boys tell a story like this: That one Kearney uiuu saiet to his neighbor. "Where did those Neville boys come from?" and received the reply, ' Platts mouth, " whereupon he said, ' Oil, yes, I know, that is home where between Omaha and St. Louis." And the beys, feeling that the reputation of as good a town as there was in the wtst whs lost unless something was done, and done quickly, commenced to tell whore Platts mouth was, and in fact there seemed to be a strife which one of them could earn the name of ''Eli" first; and before they came home they succeeded in establish ing, not only the exact location ot 1 latts meuth, but also the number and nature of the residents; and so well was tho snme done that when the Association se lected a place to hold their annual con vention, littsmouth was the choice, and the convention, when assembled, was the largest one ever held in the Stat. Enrh and eyery man that cuing ham v?cut home feeling that Plattsmouth was a good, live town to come to, and as Mr. Dibble, of York, expressed it, "I have been through here several times, but only saw one street, and did not believe you had much of a town, but it is a good town and a large one." This was the opinion that was prevalent with them all. And we ventare to say that of all the money expended laat year in advertising the city, that doing the most good and yield ing the best results was the money fur nished the fire laddies for the two pur poses named. And as appeared in last evening's Herald the boys are on haad again this year, and have already started the ball in motion by announcing that they will commemorate the last year's celebration, then held the fifth day of May by holding a celebration up on the eleventh day of of May this year, and that on said day the entire Fire De partment will turn out in parade, and with races between the several teams for prize, and that they will conclude the day with a grand dnnce the proceeds to be given to the "Neville Running Team," to be used by them to assist in defraying expenses at the next Tournament, which is to br held in Beatrice. We would aek and deem )uch request proper, that each and every one of our citizens will help the boys ;a their project and make the same a perfect success. As an advertisement tins w;Il be worth many dollars. To Plattsmouth it is " the constant dropping that wears away the steae." In the past it was tha old fogyism and pull backism that has always kept Plattsmouth at a stand still, j Let her drop." The fire bovs will do 1 ihelr part tp pull forward. Firemen's Parade end Ball- From Thursday's Daily. The committee appointed by the fiVc department to make arrangements in re gar$ to. the second annual celebration of the opening of our new water svstm. met last night at the council chamber. It waa decided to hold the celebration Thursday, May 10th, and the ball at the opera house in the evening. The admis sion tickets to the floor are placed at $1 and to the gallery 25 cts., the same as last year, &nd by tne way tsie tire boys net ted about $140 by their ball last year, and we hope our citizens will respond liberally in the way of purchasing tickets when the boys approach them this year. Committees were appointed on print ing, J. O JNeil, Uuy Livingston and Jae. FURNITURE EMPORIUM. -FOi; ALL CLASSES OF- LLM Hi FUBNITUKE O eU VOLT SHOULD CALL ON Where a magnificent i IS O IE C 3C' Goods ami Fir stock of i i net's anouiHi. UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING A SPECIALTY HENRY BOECK, COKNEU MAIN AND SIXTH PLATTS MOUTH, NK15HASKTA. Jonathan Hatt. J . V. .Ma urn is. J4 Ll'-A f k U ai m Q PORK PACKERS and ui:ai,i;iw is liUTTKU AND KCCS. i Vis 117 A I. THE BEST THE MARKET AFFOI1D.S ALWAYS OX HAND. Sugar Cured Meats, Hams. Bacon, Lard, &c, &o of our own make. The best brands of OYSTERS, in cans and bulk, at AV HOLES ALE AND RETAIL. jE5JSJi OAT bX-h IT" l"RlbKL& l;0 (SUCCESSOR TO J. M. KOI5EKV3) Will Kei constantly on hand a full and complete Drugs and Medicines, Hock of p-Je Paints, Oils AVall Paper atil DRIJG-G-IST'S PUR E I IQUORS. a Full Line TJ-ZLTIDZRIIES. imi I iilliiw ' mm i ii I' 1 1 in wmi w m ii mi m ill I tm?sarMM3imBBeimam' aetZTW mJeKzi mLxJ Wi Vk tii. W rtzxJ jJxxori mw W nSrioof Anrriniilfi Uiuuoi ngiiuui to VS i n 110 o or ytjQIUIj In Cass County. lie lery, such as: New Do- also has the latest styles ot machine parture Cultivators, Buck eye and Minneapolis Binders and Mowera Plows, Harrows and the celebrated Lister and Drill; Shuttler and Moline "Wagons. lie also has cultivators from $10.00 up to $20.00; Harrows and Plows in samo proportion. He lias a branch house at "Weeping "Water. Be sure and call on Fred before yon buy, either at Plattsmouth or "Weeping "Water. I'latiKiiiouiIi sand Weeping Water, ebraaka. The ,hportin8 Draft Horse Oo. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. A i f0 ''' py "Jii lilPORTEita OP Pure-bred French Draft (Percheron or Norman) AND ENGLISH SHIRE HORSES. Visitor alwaj g weloome. Call am! tec our borsoa or agnd for caUUoqn IMPORTERS JOBBERS HARDWARE $ eQ -'"-- .t-::-7 y J.!rf C7TLIST, 7ACZL5 k SPC3IEI3 1 22 24, 26, 2Sj SO & 32 L&9 Street.