nxxUltHnA V, MAY 3, UtS. Banaoeaefli BIHBE-. A LETTER To F. M. Rlchey, Mayor of the City of Plattsmouth. The following amusiag letter has been received by our Honored Mayor, P. M. Iiichey. It is from Aften, Iowa, his old home and u signed by many of liia old friends, the best citizens of Afton. "We have persuaded hi in to publish it. To the lion. Franc It Marion lllcHru, Mayor of I'lntUnuiuth, ii'iose honored varne in frayrant with lUvolulioiiary Swtrt Polatoe. Most Glokious Sin: "Time makes' all things' oven." Thero are BCTeral per sons in Nebraska, somewhere upon its blizzard-swept plains, who laft the sa cred soil of Iowa by moonlight years ago, leaving divers debts upon our ledg ers that are a demonstration of the max immattock worda with which we com mence this communication, because they are on the Bafe and merciful side of the "statute of limitations." .But thi wu not our intended uplication of the words. It is a Bide-show not under the main can vass. They rather allude to the fact that the sow that was wawhed clean over board two years ago, that was baptised in the muddy waters of defeat, that wna dragged through the '"Slouch of Des pond," that caused friends heaviness of heart, unguUh of mind, and lamentations loud and deep; that clothed them with sack-cloth and ashes; that caused them to deliver up the key to the gate of your city, expiesbivoly clothed in tha habiii mcnts of mourning, after ull triiln, and tribulations, and -fiery fur naces, and lion's dens, is again grazing in groen pastures, resting on flowery beds of ease and downy pillows ditto, nailing en smooth waters, clothed with official robes, armed with official power, High Mayer and Grand Cocka lorum of the Gate City of Nebraska, with all its honors, emoluments, opportunities and other refreshments, etcetera. Etce tera means "covers everything." We receive the key. We have hung it up in a conspicuous place so that a way faring man, though he be a fool, can read. We have issued a mandate that daily for a period of six months. Bill Cullison, Bill Staggs, Tom Little and other distinguished and venereal friends of your earlier days shall bow before it on banded knees in commemoration of the exalted position you have attained. Wishing that you may jump from one glory to another, until you ascend the highest pinnacle of fame, there to roost through all the ages of eternity, we sub scribe ourselves joyfully, congratulatory and with a booming Halleluiah yo'-r old time fr'ends, with our seal of grent joy attached. S. Ragent, M. V. Asley, T. II. Weeler, J. E. Cherry, I. N. Epper son, R. B. Kelley, W. S. Camp. J. Gadd. A. W. Enoch, P. C. Winter, A. W. Pen shaw. C. M. Bird, J. F. Sapp, Wm. M. Rakura. Joshua Keating, Will D. Christy M. D. Ph. D., It. Truman, T. II. Epper son, Benj. Hubbell, Theo. F. Shunk, Truman Swaine, D. W. Sapp. P. S. Let no humanity go to spilin. Boss. Bess's Cherry Cough Syrup. Is the only medicine that acts directly on the Lungs, Blood and BowcTs, it re lieves a coueh instantlv and in time effects a permanent cure. Sold by O. P Smith & Co., druggists. j23,3mo,d-w. DEMOCRATIC INEFFICIENCY. We have had so many eamplos of un becility and lack of ability to properly manage govermental affiairs by the dem ocratic party, that the mention of new and complete evidence of that fact, might bo considered almost a chestnut. Yesterday, we were called upon to note the fact that Mexico, which is considered only a semicivilized country at best, was far ahead of the Ujiited Stales in the matter of postal facilities for the exchange of mails. The niaiairemcnt on the part of tho United States government is shamefully careless and inefficient, our only hope lies in the fact that there will be a change for the better this fall by the election of a republican president. $300 Reward. We will pay the above reward for any case of liver complaint, dyspepsia, sick headache, indigestion, constipation or costiveness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with They are purely vegetable, and never fail to crive satisfaction. Larsre boxes containing 30 sugar coated pills, 25c. For sale by all druggists. Beware o counterfeits and imitations. The genu- ine manufactured only by John O. Well & Co., 862 W. Madison St. Chicago, Its Sold byW. .J Warrick. To Whom It May Concrn. Notice Is herebv riven that the underaif r,d will make application to the city council of Flatismouih at its 9rt regular meeting n April 18SS. io wit: On the sell day of spirt month for a license or permit to sell malt, tor tious and vinous Manors for the yea.- enJ:rg May 1st 1SS9 for medicinal. mechanical, ciu m- lcal ana SLCiamenui u-poses ai my juci-r ui business on east 'A of lot w M-ck 28 ity riattsmoutii, Cass Couii-y. slate Nebraska. 2m3 W ll J. Wabaick. Up in Maine there lives a spirited young school mistress, who being poor In thia world's goods, a short time was content to sport a lover who ot very rich himself though he given to speculation in a small way. Fhow his trood will he invested a ago, was was To few dollars a few years ago in a township or two of.cheap California desert and made a deed of the same to his inamorata. The boom came and the lady sold her land for $136,000. Then she sent the sack to the younjf man. She was not willing to marry a mere fortune hunter, she sai.!. She suspected that the young man lovtd ber for her wealth only. Lincoln Joar-uaL MIND. IN CHILDHOOD. A MYSTERY WHICH IS BEYOND ORDINARY PHILOSOPHY. Leading C'tilldltih Characteristics Sensi tiveness to Impressions A period of Croat Mental Activity Father and Mother Astonishing Question. luo lata IJronson Alcott bad many un wholesome Mens that made him offensively eccentric, but his reverence for children did a groat deal to redoem his character in shaplnir the character of his daughter, to whom Le imparted it. Ilor best work and ber bust is probably the Lest of its kind is the result of reverent study of child charac ter. Tho subject demands reverence, for it is a true saying of tho Romans that the preatost reverence is the due of children. The mind in childhood is a riddle a mystery beyond all our philosophy. Wo can no moro tell when or where it Logins than when or where it will end. Tho new lom, sentient being stares with wHo open eyes on an un known world. It is an utter stranger, in a strange country, among a multitude of Etraniro things and straairo people. It is scarcely doubtful that it begins to learn; tliat its education begins; that the mind in it begins to develop when tho first ray of light strikes it3 new ly opened eyes. The develop ment then is rapid. Kvory object around it; every word spoken; every gesture becomes a part of its education. The very tones of the voice, high or low, gentle or harsh, make impressions on tho childish mind that are never to bo effaced. Of all the childish characteristics the most impressive is wonder wonder at everthing; at the trees and ilowers, at the clouds, the sun, tho moon and the stars; and at the liv ing creatures under tnem. (jmiuren, sup posed to 13 too 3'oung to reason, will spend hours in wondering at tho enigmas of nature; m rorming tueories ana attempting to ac count for things. Thoy ask innumerable questions, or rather they will, if they are en couraged oy rignt answers. A. frjut answer will not satisfy a child, but it may and it nearly always does discourage further ques tions. 1 oung children cannot understand flippancy; they have no idea of humor or of double meaning. Everything is truth for them until they have learned that lies exist, and even then they aro very slow in learning that what seems to be untrue may be all the truth we have on any subject. If any ques tion they may ask on a subject which is of tho doepost significance to them is treated as it commonplace and answered lightly or flip pant!', they drew back as from a blow. The mind in childhood is sensitive to all impressions peculiarly sensitive to lack of application or to ridicule. It demands sym- patny as well as Knowledge. 1 ficro is no commonplace for it. Its world is new, strange and awe inspiring, full of wonders. Everything is sublime to it. The religious sense of awe and wonder is keen and active. A child will wonder why the sun rises, why tho trees put on their leaves in spring, why tho birds build nests, why night comes after day. It does not discriminate between sub jects whero all seem of equal importance. its mma is growing as tne nana or the race grow. Its mental infancy has many points of resemblance t J tho mental infancy of tho race. It is deeply religious, full of the faith that is the complement of wondor. This faith, this awe, aro a part of its reason, and during its waking hours its reason is inces santly active. It is constantly called into play by the new impressions it constantly receives, and so it nearly alwaj's happens that a child is given its final direction in life during its period of greatest mental activity before it is 8 years old. . Fathers generally know almost nothing of their children because of lack of sympathy with them. The masculiuo mind iu the full grown man is nearly always commonplace. It cannot reach the level of tho mind of childhood, to which there are no common places. Tne mother's mind is nearest to that of the child, and on tho mother its education most depends. She succeeds in the measure of her sympathy with it. If she shares ita wondering awe of the many mysteries of the world, and feels the sublime as inherently and unconsciously as the child does; if the world and lifo have not ceased to be awf u to her, she succeeds in the largest measure. If slie has reduced everj-thing to common place she will drive the reason of childhood into commonplaeeuess, from which thero will bo no after escape for it. Tho astonishing questions which children ask questions which not infrequently go right to the bottom of tho whole mystery of things aro not mere accidents. They are the result of the keen insight of the reason of childhood that goes straight for the truth. They may have cost hours, days, weeks of pondering and thought. It is a mistake to answer them lightly; it is a crime to answer them flippantly;. for the keenness of tho childish reason is easily blunted, its capacity for truth easily lost. To retain the mind of childhood through, life is a happiness that falls to few the few great genuises. In one way or another tho childish reason is lost; the childish faculty of faith, of awe, of appreciation of truth, is blunted in most who live beyond 12 years. We even lose the memory of what we were and so despise the reason of childhood. "Women retain it most frequently, and they can, therefore, better understand and sym pathize with their children. St. Louis Re publican. Xapoleon at St. Helena. The Listener, years ago, knew a sea cap tain, one of that fine typo of knights of tho sea that has become extinct along with the American carrying trade, who had seen Napoleon at St. Helena. Tho old captain he was then a young captain had made in effectual attempts during a prolonged stay at the island to seo the captive, but in vain. The English authorities, who with very good reason suspected Americans of being and will ing, if not prepared, to spirit Napoleon away, resolutely denied the captain any oppor tunity to visit Long wood But Yankee preseveranco is not easily baf fled. The captain in his rambles had discov ered a point of view commanding Napoleon's favorite promenade. There, securely en sconced with his trusty and powerful ship's glass, bo marked down Napoleon. The glass was so powerful that Napoleon's every mo tion as be talked with an attendant was clearly to bo discerned. Once Napoleon turned his face full toward the captain, and the face of the great man was for an instant set in the telescope as a miniature, and tho wonderful eyes looked full into those of tho Yankee captain. Tho latter described them as beautiful hazel eyes, deep and pathetic, rather than penetrating. They were tho eyes of tho world conqueror conquered. Boston Transcript "listener." Mexicaft Railroad History. - The Mexican exhibits at the Paris exposi tion will be a work of several volumes in English, French, Spanish and German, giv ing the railroad history of Mexico. It will contain an account of each road, number of miles, cost, principal stations, character of country opened up, etc. Chicago Herald. AN INDEPENDENT CAREER. Odd Secret of Power Webster on "In spiration Law of Sucre. Every one, in beginning his independent career, Las to consult two things; (1) his natural ambition; (2) his ability. Now, ho may bavo considerable taste in noma direc tion, but bo unable to got the drill and prac tice necessary to eminence in that line. "I should like myself to write for the press," wrote a gentleman to me. "I inclose a sam ple." I eaid to him to succeed in becoming a versatilo writer, able to tell tersely what you have to say, and then to bavo enough to say that ieoplo care to read, requires daily prac tice in composition from the time one is 13 years old, and it needs at least twenty years of keen, careful study in the way of mind furnishing. It is often said that Roscoo Conkling's power over a crowd of listeners is incompre hensible. I know that ho was incomprehen sible to me until I watched and found the secret of bis power. He is naturally gifted to sway the multitude; but thia is not alL He has. through all his career, seduously practiced self restraint. Nothing will induce him to waste his power on the scuffle of de bate. He never speaks until he is prepared, and then be swings tho hammer of Thor. "Webster followed tho same course, and was never a debater unprepared. Some one said that his great 8cech against Uayue was an instance of unstudied power. "It is not so," said Webster. "I prepared that speech in the main years before for another occasion. It so happened that debate never took place. I had my notes in a pigeon bole, and when Hayno made his attack upon mo and upon New England I was already posted, and only had to take down my notes and refresh my memory. If ho had tried to mako a speech to fit my notes ho could not bavo hit it bet ter. No man is inspired I never was." Probably men of tho Webster type never are inspired in a better way than to mako good preparation. To make a good editor one must begin at tho bottom and climb. Dickens said of novel writing: "I do not bo lieve it possible that any natural or improved ability can claim immunity from tho com panionship of the steady, plain, bard work ing qualities. I never put ono band only to my work, but my whole self, and I never de preciate tho work." I have an acquaintance of some genius who considers it essential to assert that bo throws off bis work spontane ously, without severe labor. His boasting is silly; but, fortunately for bim, he does work assiduously, and his work is to the point. M. Maurice, M. D., in Globe-Democrat. Old Persian Wine Jars. I arrived in Persia in the middle of tho grape season, and shortly after reaching Te heran became an interested spectator of tho process of making wine thero. The house in which I spent tho winter belonged to Mr. N , a member of the Persian telegraph department. It was a native built houso, with a square court yard in tho center. Quo of the first things that awakened my curios ity was three huge earthenware jars standing in a row on ono side of tho compound. They were jars that stood a3 high as a man's shoulder, and bellied out much in tho shapo of slender barrels. Each vessel held about thirty-five gallons. "What aro they for to hold rain water?" was the natural query that suggested itself to mo. "No," said N , "they aro wine jars, reg ular old Persian wine jars, that wero in uso 2,000 years ago." "But not these samo jars 2,000 years?" "No, not exactly; but thoso three jars have probably bad wino fermented in them every season for the last 100 years." He then went on to explain further about the jars. The Persians believe that these wino jars improve with age, just as the wine itself does, and that better wino can bo made in old jars than in new ones. A wino jar 100 years old is worth several times more than a new ono, not because of any value attached to its antiquity in the abstract, but because it is a thoroughly seasoned vessel. Good wine, they say, cannot be mado in new jars; the older the jars the better the wine. Tho Mohammedan injunction against the making and drinking of intoxicants has bad the effect of making sad hypocrites of three fourths of the upper class of Persians. Even tho mollahs and seyuds get drunk in secret, but openly they not only do not indulge, but tliey proiess to regard those who do so with abhorrence. When the wine making season arrives there is as much wire pulling and diplomacy employed among tho Persians to mako wine on the quiet, without incurring a scandal, as there is here in a political cam paign. Thomas Stevens in New York Sun. Flour Dast Dangerous. The Milling World reminds millers of the oft proved fact that flour dust is a danger ously explosive material. Beware, says tho editor, of lights thrust or carried into bins or rooms filled with dust laden air. A week ago, he adds, I was startled as well as amused on entering a friend's mill to seo the latest "cub" going around with an uncovered light, doing some investigation on "his own hook." As he thrust the light into a very dusty place, which his boyish curiosity suggested to him to explore, he was whistling in that pe culiar foghorn tone peculiar to and possiblo to nobody but a half grown boy tho popular old tune, "I want to be an angeL" As his whistle rose keen and triumphant above the whirr and rattle of the mill machines I al most expected to witness tho answering of his whistled prayer by an explosion of dust that would at onco convert him into tho angel ho professed to wish to be. Having put tho foreman on his track, I felt safer to stay inside that building until my business was transacted. In bow many cases is the wild, fresh, careless, untutored "cub" tho real cause of "mysterious" fires and explo sions? He is often as dangerous as a dyna mite bomb or a fire brand. Scientific American. Superstition of Sporting Men. A superstition among sporting men there are still a few of that ilk in Chicago, though tne rants nave been greatly decimated under the vigorous anti-gambling crusade of tho authorities is that it brings bad luck to rido in a street car alone. A conductor tells a story that a gambler took passage on bis car and happened to be the sole passenger. Ho was in a great hurry to get down town, but hesitated as he looked at the vacant interior of tho car. Finally a happy idea seemed to strike him and his face brightened. Fishing a dime from his pocket, he handed it to the conductor. "Here," he said, "take two out of that." The conductor looked at him won deringly. "That's all right," ho said; "it's you who are riding with ma I can't plav a lone hand, for I wouldn't have any luck lor a week." Then he explained bis superstition. and was happy when the conductor ran? ur for two fares. Chicago Tribune. A Formidable Fish. Thero is found in the streams of California wTiat is called the dog or bull salmon. These ,h possess formidable weapons in their teeth, which on the lower jaw have a strong and backward curve, capable of inflicting : severe wounds by tearing the flesh of an an- '. tagonist. It is said they do not hesitate to : j attack horses fording a stream, and often i succeed in cutting ugly wounds on their leers. I -Boston Budget. b i The Republican For 1888. Tho presidential campaign of 1888 promises to be fought out with great vig or in all the Northern States of the Un ion, and iu some of the Southern States as well. Fortunately for the Republican party, tho great issue fcaa baen made up in ad vauce of the opening of the canvass, so that it may be discussed intelligently. The President of the United States, as the leader of tho Democratic party, has announced himself ia favor of maintain- in'' the internal taxes, and of then reduc ing the revenues roui imports to a poiut which shall make the whole merely sum- cient to meet the current expanses of the government. The democratic press and a majority of the democratic members in congress have announced their accept ance of thia platform. The republican partv, on the other hand, stands squarely upon the platform which it has occupied for more than a quarter of a century that of protection to American industries; to which is ad ded the unrestricted right of suffrage and an honevt count of ballots caat. The issue thua made up, the parties are preparing for tho fray. All over the country the republicans are organizin: They aro enthusiastic, earnest, and will make an egprrsalve and a hot fight, and are confident of success. The xieinLijiican i what it name im plies, A r.ErUULICAN NEWSPAPER. It will do the bt work, it knows how for ita party. It will advocate the prin ciples in which it believes with all the f jrco of which it is capable-. In short, it intends to do its full share in the work of returning the republican party to pow er in tho nation. But it will be fair in its fiht, and democrats will have no cause to complain at its methods. It will have full reports of tho proceedings of the conventions of both partus, na tional and state, prepared without bias and will present both aides. In short it wll mako a complete record of kthe can vass. Its news columns will be non-par tisan; its editorial columns straight re publican. AS A GENERAL NEWSPAPER, The Republican naver sleepa. Its col umns are breezy, while trustworthy. It prints every morning all the news of the previous day from all parts of the w orld. It labors early and late for the best in terests of Omaha, Nebraska and the ureat west. The subscription price list of The Re- jrublican as follows: Daily per vcar 10 00 Daily (y carrier in Omaha or Council Kluffs per week) 15 c Weekly (per year) $ 1 00 Iu all its editions 1 he Kebiibliaan u the cheapest paper iu the went. The campaign will extf-nd over a period of more than seven mouths, but as we are specially desirous that The Rtpublican shall find its way into the home of every familv in the irreut Northwest wo make this special, offer: THE WEEKLY HBPBICAN From April 1 to December 1, 18S8: In clubs of 50, 50 cents for nine months; in fluba of 25. fiO cents for nina months: in clubs of 10. 70 cents for nine months. A corps of active correspondents will be employed in all parts of tho state to keen us informed of the nrosreSS of the canvass in Nebraska. Tho price of subscription barely covers the cost of white paper, 'lhc daily and weeklv Jlemihlicon will be better and more complete in avery department than eyer before. It will be a paper of and for thfl neonle and the people's interests will be maintained without fear or favor. SPECIAL FEATCEE8 will be added from time to time. Send in your clubs as well aa individul sub seriDtions no as to commence early in April and reap tho full benefit of thia lib eral offer. We want an atcive canvasr for the Weeklv at everv postoffice in Ne braska. The Republican Co., Omaha, Nab. English Spavin Liniment removea all Hard, Soft or Calloused lumps and Bloni'shes from horses, Blood Hpavin, Curbs. Snlints. Sweenev. Stifles. Sp ains P'uk Eye, Coughs and. etc. 8a ve by use of one boitle. Every bo. lie wa i anted hv F. G. Fr.ckb & Co., D.UKg-S"-, Plaitsmouth, Neb. He Probably Suicided- Plainview, Neb., April 26. Charles Hawk, a farmer living about four miles from this place, died this morning about S o'clock, of violent convulsions. The doctors in attendance pronounced it strychnine poisoning. He probably sui cided and an inquest will be held to morrow. An Explanation. What is this "nervous trouble" with which so many seem now to be afflicted? If you will remember a few years ago the word Malaria was comparatively known, today it is as common as word in the English language, yet un any this word covers only the meaning of another word used by our forefathers in times past. So it ia used with nervous diseases, as they and Malaria are intended to cover what our grandfathers called Biliousness, and all are caused by troubles that arise from a diseased condition of the Liver which in performing its functions finding it cannot dispose of the bile through the ordinary channel is compelled to pass it off through the svstem causing nervous troubles, Malaria, Bilious Fever, etc. You who are suffering can well appreci ate a cure. We recommend Green's Au gust Flower. Its cures are marvelous. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Baby vu aJok, we favo her Caatoria. When aha was a Child, she cried for Costorl. When aha became Kiss, she clung to Costoiia, When aba had Children, aha cava them Caotorle. Druoknntorth Liquor Habit Po tivoly Curd by Adminitring Dr. Hair)' Golden t Spoifio. it tan -bo given in a cup or conoe or tea without the knowledge of tho person taking it;" ia absolutely harmlceo and will ! effect a permanent and apoedy cure. whether tho patient ia a moderate drink er or an alcoholic wreck. Thou ands of drunkards have been made temperate men who have taken Golden Specific in their eoffeo without their knowledge, and to-day believe they quit drinking of their own free will. IT NEVER FAIL8. Tho jstem onee impregnated with the Speci fic it becomes an utter impossibility for the liqnor appetite to exist. For full particular!, address GOLDEN SPECIFIC CO., 1S5 Race St., Cincinnati, O. 33-ly A Soldier's Frightful Death- Four Gibson, I. T., April 20. A sol dier named James White met with a frightful death today. Ho had started on the lawn to lariat Col. Ceppenjer'a horae, when the borne became frightened and jnmped suddenly, and the stake at the cud of the rope, which the soldier held in his band, was jerked through hia body, killing him almost intanllv. White lived in Arkansas, but belonged to Company C, 18th Infantry, at thispoat. The Business Booming. Probably no one thing has caused such a general revival of business at F. G. Fricke fc Co.'s drug store as their giving away to their customers of so many free trial bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Their trade is simply enormous in this verv valuable article from the fact that it always cures and never disappoints. Coughs, Colds, Asth ma, Bronchitis, Croup, and all throat and lung diseases quickly cured. You can test :i before buying by getting a trial boule free, large size $1. Every bottle warranted. 3 A Battle with Desperadoes! Albuqukrqdb, N. M., April 20. Two deputy sheriffs of Socorro county, who have been on the trial of Joe Atkins and Frank Porter for tho last two days, came up with them near San Jose, this county, yesterday afternoon, when a regular pitch ed battle ensued, in which Porter was killed and Atkins captured. The prison er and tha body of the dead man wer brought to Albuquerque this morning. These men have been known for a long time past as desperate characters. BraUe Up. You are feeling depressed, your appe tite is poor, you are bothered with head ache, you are figity. nervous, and gener ally out of sorts, and want to bract up. Brace up, but not with stimulants, spriug medicines, or bitters, which have for their basis very cheap, bad whisky, and whic h stimulate you for an hour, and tken leave you in worse condition than before. What you want is an alterative that will purii'y your blood, start healthy action of Liver and Kidneys, restore your vitality, and give renewed health and strength. Such a medicine you will find in Electric Bitters, and onlv 50 cents a bottle at F. G. Fricke & Co.'s drug store. 3 Bond Tenders Accepted. "Washington, April 2G. The secretary of the treasury has accepted the tenders of bonds. The total amount is f 1,840, - 000, made up as follows: Registered 4's, $300,000 at 125, $00,000 125, $50,000 at 12o; registered 4jts, $-200,000 at 107j; $400,000 at 107. i Sr-a Wonders exist In thou- -ands of forms, but are s'T ipafcsea iy tne mareia oi in vention. Those who are in need of profitable work that can be done while living at home should at ne seed tiieir aaarps to iiaiici tA n . rorwanii. Maine, anil receive free full infui ma- tion how either, eex, of all apes, can earn from 5 to $2S per day and upwards wheiey t-r Uiey live, xou are started lre ; capital not needed S -me have made over $50 iu one day at this worK. All necked. profits are liirie and sure for every Industrious person, many have made ana are now maKing several Hundred Collar per month It is phst foranvoneto maket.i anu upwaras peraay. wnou willing to work rutnersex, younjr or old : capital not needed : we start yen, Everything new. No special ability required, you, reader, can do it as well ae any one. Write to us at once for full par- j ucuiars wnicu we man iree. Aaaress ntlrtson & Co., Portland, Ma.no. nvention ha r the v r e vol-itlonl, ed orld during the ait nan e"ntury. ot least amo"K the wonders of iuvntive oroereM is a method and eyiem of wrk that can be performed all over the country without separating tho woikera iroin their homes. Phv liberal : anyjone can do the work either sex. youns or old ; n- special ability re quired. Capital not needed ; you are started freo. Cut this out ana return to us and we will send van free, vornethine of creat importune jiDd value to you, that will start you in business whicii will urine vou in more money neni away than anything else in the world. Giaud outfit free. Address True & Co.. Augusta, M. List ot Letters. Remaining unclaimed, in the Postoffice at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, April 25, 18S8, for the week ending April 14, 1888: Creedan. Johnie Campbell. Edward B. Cook. James A. Hr.lderman. J W Mc;ee, John Kamey, Wtsely B Spiers. Thomas Slir.BlofT, J W Taj lr, L K. Catrle, Mrs Atlanta Js'everman, John Martin, Mrs r.i.a Kevnolds. I ll Stow, Mn Ida (J Souers, rank J Sullivan. Jno L Watson, Frank K (2) Persons calling for any of the above letters will please say "advertised." J. N. Wise. P. M. Begg's Cherry Cough Syrup, . Ia warranted for all that the label calls for, so if it doe9 not relieve your cough you can call at our store and the money will be refunded to you. It acts fcimul- taneously on all parts of the system, thereby leaving no bad results. O. P. Smith & Co., Druggists. j23-3nid!tw IT Tl Tl T""1 I I I I fill UJjljl f a 1 Kewarded are thee who I I I If r"Hd tnis nd then act ; I k I W ,hy wiiI find honorable III D emplaymmt that will I not take them from their W I En I homea and families. The i. i ... i f r groruur-.jt when ln 1 J..-uiii;itLsai or Neuralgia. The ( ; , il iirupiy awful. No torture in ti ; fineicnt times was more painful thnn these twin diseases. Hut oughtn't a man to bo hlanied if, having llheu mutism or Neuralgia, ho wont uho Uh-lo-pho-roa, when it has cured thousands who have suffered In tho same way ? It baa cured hundrud-i after physicians have pronounced them mcurahlc. "Tho skill ff fi p!iyloln conlj M euremoof lUmumnf mm wliicli b1 xtllaxl Iu ttiR hum, nnr.k ni houidor". tv InUinM win til iMun that li) u aim iinMt Bill 1 li Una dime of Atlililiorf r mi rwlinf. anil the ililrd enallni Die to alrop f.irfoiir ami a half Uourn without wakiiitf. 1 otitiiiil il !ik. anil am now wll." Kkv. H. II. TROYfclt. Nr Alhaiiy, InJ. 0"Scn1 o rents fir the U'liutiful colored ''o ture, " Moorish Maiden." THEATHLQPHQRQS CO. 112 Wall St. N.Y. fllf (I m Growers Hands. v rs fJW cr-nrl nnnn snntiratinn M PiEE.theirnwiiIu?jai) Catalogue ofoOteggwioW fARMS GARDEN IMPLEMENTS a REQUISITE? FoUTHE If Ckv&p.dcM? arenof fddinyoiir Tcwj crVillaqeyid tc uffsr Catalog AB-aiyaitNDCO.Linyd. new york- SEEDSMEN: 47&49 CDHTLAKDT ST. MM UUHtS WrltHE Alt tLbt iAILS. BestCoiitrh Hyrup. ThhIps k1. in umo. Mom iiyunuviHifl. I boliovo Piso's Curo for Consumption Baved my life. A. II. Dowkll, Editor Enquirer, Eden ton, N. C, April 23, 1887. tt -12- 3S TP The best Coufrh Medi cine is Piso's Cure fob; Consumption. Children tako it without objection. By all druggists. 25c. CURES WHEfiE ALL ELSE f AILS. Best (Jou;h Syrup. ThsU-u frood. Uso In tmi". Mrl1 tiv lriiL'c'iH. Wmm "AIR BAL8AKI ; .:KJiKon win D:iin'i the hair. - )ToD;iyi iir.irUhti.ili -itl W . a. . ncvrr rails ia Hector (J ray Hair to its Yoyihfi.1 Color. CureseoKln.llw.osf.i.an,) hjUrftUUurfl PACKER'S C!ftC2RTOKIO laviJuablfc for Couflia, Colds, In ward Poln, Kxliatstajak, FOR CALE BY M. B. MURPHY & COMPANY, To the Republicans of Nebraska. Tht Republican is deiirous of reaching eyery republican voter of Nebraska dur ing the ensuing presidential campaign. To that end we appeal to our friend in every precinct to get up tlubs for both th! Daily and Weekly. This will bo a plendid opportunity to spread straight republiraniKm before the people. We want a "rustler" in every community. Roll in the mamrs. Begs's Blocd Puriflor and Blood Maker. No remedy in the world has gained the popularity that this medicine has, as a hold on family medicine. No one should be without it. It has no calomel crquininein its composition, consequent Jjno bad effects can arise from it. We ! keep a full supply at all times. O. P. Smith Co. Druggist. j25-omodiw 0i ria m Mil Use Hp I. u f. ( I O El ST PPlHPEQC TEA jk PRiKCSas TEA 3 "V . rJgX lneludocr.olcobrari.l8, ltvp. iJf&.eHwvepert!y. s.!so a comblna-w S H&-'(& Chlneso Tea Chsj'e. M. B. Murphy &, Co. pavs butter. cash for 5 3 i