Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, May 03, 1888, Page 2, Image 2

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    ELSDN. Ill
i m
lotlaimsr House
In Cass County for
uperior Makes and Styles,
Lowest Possible Prices
BOYS -A-itro
Ties, Collars, Etc.,
n HQ
W, iliU U!
Plaftsmouth, Pleb
Wc have received our Spring and Summer Goods and take
pleasure in showing our handsome line ot
Dress Goods, "White Goods,
Dress Trimmings, Jerseys,
8 V
Ars Csaaplote.
We also carry a full line
ce C Iter.
- m
li'SE OF-
u 1 m
U iliUU
swa n m b
Hosierv, Ribbons, Laces, Etc.
gkegUttsmouth gjetlhj Sortie!
Pabllshers & Proprietors.
la Bbllied etery events except Sunday
a4 Weekly ery Thursday ii-.orniug. Re-is-
tere xl tne uosiooice. riausirioiuu. .m:ui.,i i
ro-Us matter. Ottice corner of Vine and
flit itrf ets. .
fflKUl FO DAI1.V.
Ose copy en year la Kdrasice, by mall. ...58 oo
en cy ier ruontii. ny earner w
Oat copy per week, y carrier, 15
See opy one year, in advance ,
a copy six uiontns. In advance...
.$1 r
The Republican elector of the State of
Nebraska are requested to tend delegatus
from the several countifes, to meet in con
vention, at tha city of Omaha, Tuesday,
May 15, 1S8, at 8 o'clock p. m., far tlie
purpose of electing ieur delegates to the
National Republican Convention, which
meet in Chicago June 19, 18S8.
The several counties are entitled to re
presentation as follows, being based upon
the vote cast for Hon. Samuel Maxwell,
supremo Judge, in 18S7, giving one del-egate-atdarge
to each county, and one
for each 150 votes and major fraction
thereoff :
14 -II fi!lSO!l !)
"ijjoluison 8
liKe:iiLty 8
... 2:Keyal'alia 6
.. . 8 Keith
l!ox PuttG 4'Kuox
... . 7
15 ow n
y Lancaster..
Kutfaio 14 Lincoln .
Hutler i l.oKan
Hurt 'J Loup
Cans ltij.Mailisnn ...
Cedar OjMci'lu'rson
riiue 6 Merrick
Cherry SNanct
Cheyenne iiKfiii:iiia
Oi.iy 11 Nuckolls
Colf;ix 7 Otoe
Cuming 7 I'awnee ..
Cunter 1" Hericius ..
Dakota 6i Tierce.
7'1'olk C
Dawson 8;l'latte in
lixon f i'lielits 7
Dod::e 1 ''icliardson lj
Douulas a. Kcd YlHo..
IHlrxiy 4;S;iline I.J
Fillmore. lO-.ariiy f,
Frnnmiu 7 Saunders
Frontier lo!Sev;ml lo
F urn .is f
Oarfteld 3
(iotijier f
(Jraiit 1
Sioux 2
tanton 4
Thayer 7
ireeley 4iTiioinas
nan ii v aney
Hamilton 10 Vasliingtou K
Harlan 8' Wayne 5
Ilavei 4j Webster 0
Hitchcock 6 Wheeler 3
Holt 1 4t !: 11
Howard 7 lTnorp. territory 1
It is recommended that no proxies be
admitted to tho convention, except such
as are held by persons residing in the
counties from tne proxies aro given.
Geokge D. JIeiklejohn,
Walt. M. Seelev, Chairman.
The republican electors of Cas3 county
are hereby called to muet ia their respec
tive ward and precincts on Saturday,
April 2Sth, 1838, for the purpose of
electing delegates to meet iu conven
tion at Weeping "Water, Nob , on May 5,
1S83, at 1 o'clock p. m. f. r the purpose
of electing sixteen delegates to the re
publican Btkte convention which meets
in Omaha, May 15, 1SS8. The wards
and precincts are entitled to the fo!low-
ing aumber of delegate:
Tipton 7 Greenwood 5
Salt Crek Stove Creek 9
Elmw.iod 8 South Bend C
Weeuiiiif Water Center 7
Louisville 9 Avoea 7
lMattsnnuth Tree... 7 Liln-ity ?
' City m Ward 7 lock BluJf? 9
" ' 2nd " 9 Mt. Tieasaut 1;
Srd 13 Eight Mile Uroye 7
" 4th " li
l. S. S ir.xiKsox, M. D. Folk,
Hec'y, rii'iii.
Piimarias will be held in the various
vards and prscincU on the 33th of April
it the following places:
Tipton at Eagl 7:30, Greenwood at
Cornish school house 7:30, Stove Creek
it Elmwood village 7:30, Elmwood at
Center school house 7:i0, South Bond at
South Bend 7:80, "Weeping Water at Un
ion Hall 3 p. m , Center at Manley 3 p.
n., LouUville Fitzgerald's hall 3 p. hi.,
Avoca at Hutchin's School house 2 p. m.
It. Pleasant at Gilmore's School house
1 p. m., Eight Mil Grove at lleil's
School house 3 p. m., Liberty at Holden's
School house 3 )). m, Rock Bluffs at
Herger Pcheol house 4 p. m.. Plattsmouth
precinct at Taylor's School house 3 p. m..
PlatUniouth City 1st ward couuty judge's
oince 1 to 7 p. m., 2nd ward at 2nd ward
achool house 1 to 7 p. m., 3d ward at
Sullivan' office 1 to 7 p. m., 4th ward at
Rockwood Hall 1 to 7 p. m.
Tie republican electors of the First
Congressional district of the state of Ne
braska aro requested to tend delegates
from the several counties to meet in con
vantioa at the city of Ashland, Thursday
May 10 1888, at 8 o'clock p. m., for the
purpoae of electing two delegates to the
national reputlicau convention whicli
meets ia Chicago. June 19, 13S8.
The sarcral counties are entitled to
r-preaeutatien a fellow, being based
upon the veto cast for Hon. 3amuel
Maxwell for Judge in 1S37, giving one
delegate at large to eaeh county and one
for "each 130 votts and major fraction
c.iss ..." 13
Ioi:!;vs 7 1
1 aric itt-r E5
Otae 12
f awnei S
Hichard-on, 12
i-trpy 8
tauoiers 11
:emaha 9
It is rtcommended that no proxies be
admitted to the couvontion except such
as are-held by persons residing in the
counties from which the proxies are
given. D. G. COURTXAY, Chairman.
T. D. COBBEY, Secretary.
Lincoln, Neb., April 12, 1883.
Several of our exthangi? throughout
this congressional district a"o favorably
mentioning Mr. Coniiell,' f f)ouglas
countyt a republican candidate far the
positien filled by Mr. MeShanc. The
nnanhnous conclesioii being, that there
is n ustj trying t elect a republican iu
this district with it C,000 republican
majrity unless we take an Omaha man.
Ever sine the republican party of Doug
las county disbanded in fayer of Charlie
Brown as against Judge Weaver in 1884,
the chairman of the republican state cen
tral committee being then a resident of
Doujla county and at the head of the
Omaha Rejtublican and a silent approver
of that treason, we have recognized the
fact that no matter wh the man might
be if, nominated outiido of that papu
lous county he was in danger of defeat.
Still, with Tu:: IIehald this contempta
ble local treason has no weight, if it
means republicanism of that stripe, we
have no respect nor love for it; and, an
Omaha congressman on such a platform
would man juet as much to us, as if he
was a democrat as if he was an, Omaha,
republican for local purposes only. If
Douglas county is to name th congress
man let them name r. democrat and let
the balance of tho district gs down with
tho knowledge that if defeated they have
not been beycetted. We have heard tha
charges rung on the assertion that "There
is no use nominating any man outside of
Douglas county" until we are tired f it.
We have no doubt but there is much
truth in the assertion, yet, we don't rare
about swallawing that kind of medicine.
We presume it makes yery httl differ
ence to Omaha whether that locality gets
McShane or Council and if it is reduced
down to Eirnply a matter en which Doug
las ceunty and Omaha are alona to bo
consulted, we confess we hrive mighty
little interest in it. Wedeu'tknow whsre
Mr. Cornell stood during the past two
congressional contests yet, we have no
recollection of any one voting for a re
publican c;!ndidiite up the re during tho
memorable cntcs-t:;. It w:is, simply, a
knowledge of such a state of political
sffairs is that eosnty that caused repub
licans throughout the distric t to throw
their votes away in ISS'4 and 1830 and
ve are afraid Kuch will bs the case ayuin.
The democratic newspapers of the east
announce with a ridiculous assumption
of bravado that a part of their campaign
this year will be directed to the capture
of the United States senate. As the case
now stands, with Mr. Barbour, of Virgin
ia, elected to succeed Mr. Riddlebergor,
and supposing that there are no other
changes, the next senate will be a tie.
With a democratic vice president that
party will control the upper house of
congress; hut the democrats don't pro
pose to be satisfied with this. They are
hoping to capture the legislature of Ore
gon, which is to be elected in June, and
choose the successor to Senator Dolph,
whole term expires next March. Michi
gan is another state to which the demo
crats are looking with hopes born of Post
master General Dickenson. The enly
state in which they believe it possible for
them to loose a senator is New Jersey,
and on that contingency aro speculating
anxiously. Sme recent movements in
that state prove that the administration
is trying to conciliate Senator McPherson
to unite the democratic factious.
Our democratic friends are almost cer
tainly doomed to disappointment. There
is a much greater probability that the re
publicans will gain control of ths lower
house than the democrats will secure a
majoiity iu the senate. Gnzette-Journal.
Captain II. E. Palmek, cf Platts
mouth, is receiving favorable mention
for delegate at large from this st&te to
the national republican convention. The
captain is well qualiiiod for the position
and would prove an honest and capable
delegate. Yi'e have no doubt but the
old soldiers and republicans generally cf
this county would be glad to see hiaa
chosen. Tccumseh Chieftain.
A democr iTic club at Kansas City has
just determined to go in a uninformed
body to the national convention at St.
Louis. They will wear linen dusters,
white plug hats and a red cane. Th?
news item does'nt so state, but the nat
ural inference is they will also wear red
noses. In November they will all be
blue. Fremont Tribune.
fc.li1 " .9mUM IW ill . P H
The Mexicans are congratulating them
selves upon the fict that thtir S:crttary
ff State, Seuor Mr.nVtd has gained a
pronounced advantage over our Secretary
Bayard in the correspondence concerning
the Cutting indemnity case: but thn a
uinu needn't be much of a diplomatist in
order to get the advantage of Mr. Bay
ard. Globe Democrat.
... 1
The Hkkai.ii lias rdwaynziafoulv f av- 1
ured every feasible hi-tne for the im
provement and building up of tho city,
and ban generally met with a heart' sup
port of our businessmen.
WG were compelled during last year at
times, to make uncomplimentary notices
of some members of the city council, for
the reason that some of them were ulilict-
cd with tnlHrgcd ideas of their own im
portance, and at times would vety indif
ferently treat tho petitions of the tax
payers, but our city legislature, since last
year, has been vastly improved, and Tun
IIekai.D hopes the wants of tho people
will not be misunderstood.
Our people have a proposition that is
both feasible ami fair for the building of
a pontoon bridge across the river before
them, which The IIeuai.jj believes should
be accepted without delay.
The rich farm lands lying within seven
or eight miles of this city on the east side
of the river would lie immediately trib
utary to our town, while a great deal of
trade would bo drawn from further
points. The price of hay and several
other firm products would be greatly
The. re is not a housekeeper in Platts
mouth but pays almost every clay for
butter, eggs, chickens, apples or potatoes,
or some ether vegetable, ft higher price
than would be paid if we could get the
produce from the east side of the river
Quite n number of Pacific Junction peo
ple come here to trade at the present
time, buying our better class of dry goods
and groceries.
We believe the advantages to be gain
eel from the water power furnished will
be well worth considering. Mr. Stewart
has over 15.000 deposited right now in
our city banks, but he cla' he is not
here for his health, and t our way of
Ihinking Mr. Stewart, to make the bridge
ti success for himself financially, must
depend on something else bfsieles the
travel; he miiot know what lie is about
and to a great extent be depending on
the ranting of tho power which lie will
As an advertisement alone, two thous
and dolla-a a year is far less than either
Hastings, Beatrice or Grand Island have
expended. We realize wo have not got
tli- live neoiile they have trot in tlnwe
towns, but wff think we have seme sufii
eiently w ide-aw 'tike to see tli great ad
vantages to be derived f: via the si curing
of the bridge.
By all mean we say let us have the
No, of course not, farmers! Protiet 'cii
does yen no good whatever, ace ording
to Mr. Mills rtnd Mr. Cleveland. It is
simply a blind, you k::ow, the tariff im
posed on your products, a blind, engin
eered by t lie bloody millionaires that ar'
eating you up. II' co the Mill-; bill
abolishes all tariffs on the products of
the farm. That is, not all, exactly, he
has, owing to his dislike of the south
and his depire to see the agi ieulturi.-ts of
that section go to smash, left all their
products highly protected in his bill.
There is rice for instance. It -rvill he
protected in a horn, you know sinee
protection does not protect, you' know
with a hundred per cent tariff. Sugar
will also be well protected to the ruin,
you know, of the sugar planters, with
about sixty per cnt. Oranges and lem
ons and all those things will b j well
protected. This is, brethern, because Mr.
Mil's is an enemy to the farmer of the
south and wants to jntnp on him.
But he loves you, northern farmers
Mr. Mills de3- and hence he relieves
you of that odious tariff on wool and
grain and meats and all those things you
raise, because he loves you. Blesf el be
the frienel of the northern farmer anel the
enemy of the southern farmer, brethern.
His name is Mills, you know. Mills is
your frtnd. The other men who op
pose the great and good ?-Iills are not
your friends. Do not forget that, breth
ren. lie is from Texas he wants to relieve
you of the bloody surplus. It is a pity
that he hates the southern farmer so
much that he will not a finger to
relieve them of their surplus. But we
are not to blame for that, brethren. We
will take the good fortune Mr. Mills arel
the gods bring us without asking any
questions, anel scou we will hav no sur
plus to curse us, nothing, brotheru, but
the blessing of debts anel mortgages.
This country is being ruined by the sur
plus. Paste this iu your hat and elo not for
get to remember Mr. Mills in your
orisons. He is a good nan. And Mr.
Cleveland is a good man. They wish to
riel the northern farmer of his burden
some surplus. Lincoln Journal.
The Mexican government I143 appro
priated mon-'-y for tin raurvey cf the
national boundary line between
. ; e x ico.
The delay in eur government making a
similar apprcpriatie:i fura like purpo-.r:
is reprehensible in the extreme. There
are indtvieluuls really living in the Unit
ed States that claim residence in 3Itxico
anil thus avoid the payment of tixes.
Let the line be run and the demarcation
of the two countries be established be
yond preadventure. Arizona Citizen.
'-. it.l! O r.1:sll!g, 1 1. ., ,
juiy .1 1,:;,.,; ; , put 1 hat article of food
en tha free: lift will- bo met by them
with gfnend elisfavor. To give our
readers soma idea cf the great quantity
of foreign potatoes which aro now pour
ing into this (untry, notwithstanding
the high tariff on the iu, which is all that
nor,' prevents disastrous results anel hold
up the price, we clip from the New Yrk
Tribune the following: "Tho large re
ceipts of foreign petatoes In t last few
days will sugg est to the reader at first
that the possibility f a scarcity from tho
snow blockade was quickly removed.
But it suggests even moro than that to
the farmers, lo whem it is palpable that
if potatoes an. put on the the free list, as
the "D irk Lantern" bill provides, tlnre
is net the least hope for them to attempt
to "grow" potatoes for tho market. G.
S. Palmer, one ol tho largest elealers in
vegetables, said yesterelay.
"The receipts of foreign potatoes con
tinue to be simply enormous, eno steamer
bringing 21,320 barrels; and notwith
standing it is late in tho season when a
falling eiff should bo expected. During
a recent week the receipts of foreign po
tatoes ut this market were 72,384 barrels,
against 2S,9i barrels for the correspond
ing wcik in 1 537. Taking into consid
eration that last year w had u full crop
in this country, the present influx of tho
foreign article is to large; and fthoulel
the tariff of 43 cents a barrel be removed,
making it possible to sell tho foroign
product at so much less than tho prises
which it hart commanded ranging from
SI. 25 to $2.20 a barrel the effect upon
our farmers anel dealers woulel be disas
trous. "In the event of a full crop in the
Unit eel States, prices must naturally go
lower; and theu can our farmers,
who now have to ttruggle harder than
any other class of mere ixistenco, afford
to raise potatoes upon high-priced lands
and at the present wages paid to farm
hands? This is a problem which Con
gress will find eliflicultto swlv if it at
tempts its solution."
The New Orleans Times-Democrat sees
in the discussion of the Dakota bill eyi
uenee th:.t the Republicans "intend to
hoist the bloody fhirt again for the com
ing campaign." It is unable to see "any
connection whatever between the South
and Dfdeota."
That is bi.e aeiie the T i in 1 -t-Democrat is
wilfully blind. Dakota has been kept
out of the Union for lo ! these many
years by the vetes of tho solid South,
and Republicans who protest, no matter
how ihiidly, aro aecuscel of waving tho
blooely shirt.
If the time'ever was when that buga
boo disturbed Republican nerves it is
long past. The party w ill make its fight
on 1 he real issues, and Dakota is one of
them. Not one sufficient reason that can
be advanced why South Dakeita is not
now a Slate of the Union. It has been
kept out of its right by the South be
cause its admission would increase the
Republican strength in the Senate by
two votes. Every Democratic paper in
'he North knows this to be a fact, but
not one of tliem has the courage to say
.-0. Republic an.
Yc plead for the children as well as
fur the parents; and thsyshould be edu
cated in the most practical and easiest
way. They should have the best teach
ers the youngest, especially, need the
best. It is a radical mistake to place
them in the hands of inexperience. We
should begin right anel adopt the most
approved methods.
Of one thing we are convinced. Our
instruction is too bookish, too arbitarary,
too stiff, too imperious. It presumes too
much, and takes too much for tiranteel.
It should btj more oral, and verbal ques
tioning and explanations ought to be
more in vogue in the school-room. A
reform is needed in this respect. Let the
: ttenticn of teachers be called to this
fact, and let them be more pecified and
generally reminded of the true art ef
teaching. Then we may look for more
effective and rapid advancement, as well
as more permanent result among the
vouth of our land. Nstional Yiew.
Evertbo-ov rx-i h ard of the work ef
the W. C. T. U., but not about tho
World's Woman's Christian Temperance
Union, now an established organization,
and every day more sod more perfecting
its pl vi of bindi.ig the women ef the
world in a solumn compact against the
s don. Mrt. Hannah Whitall Smith, the
Ogakor Evangelist of Philadelphia, who
i- the American Secretary of this wonder
ful orm:zation. tells all about its history
m 1 plans in The Woman's Magazine
far April. Send 10 cents for a copy,
which will include a back number also,
to the publisher, Frank E. Housh & Co.,
Brattlt-boro, Yt.
The idea of Plattsmouth refusing to
vote bonus for building a bridge i3 in
perfect keeping with the former history
of the town. The Herald had been led
to belir-ve that we had outgrown some
of our backwoods ideas, but it seems not.